Alex williams

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Is the EcoPOD the World’s Greenest Data Center?

Is the EcoPOD the World’s Greenest Data Center?

HP introduced a new modular data center at HP Discover this week that resembles a double wide mobile home with a cooling system that the company says has 95% better efficiency than the monolithic data centers built over the past 20 years.

The cooling system for the HP EcoPOD is designed to adapt to IT loads and outside conditions. For the most…

Why webOS is a Challenge to iOS and Android in the Business World

Why webOS is a Challenge to iOS and Android in the Business World

webOS is the heart of how HP will compete against far more established competitors in the mobile marketplace, especially in the enterprise, where it may have its best chance of success against Apple iOS and Google Android.

At the opening keynote yesterday for HP Discover, CEO Leo Apotheker said the TouchPad is designed with the enterprise in mind…

White Paper: The On-ramp to the Cloud and the Road to Get There

White Paper: The On-ramp to the Cloud and the Road to Get There

Virtualization is an on ramp to the cloud. But the road to the on ramp is one that organizations are still learning to traverse.

The modern IT organization will get there. The investments in virtualization are being made and they are not expected to slow down.

This white paper from Trend MIcro explores the role of information security that…

White Paper: Making the Convincing Argument for Virtualization

White Paper: Making the Convincing Argument for Virtualization

What do you need to do to build a case for virtualization? It can be a cultural shift for a company to adopt virtualization. It requires different skill sets and an approach that turns a data center into a network that optimizes an infrastructure according to the principles of a shared infrastructure.

The Small Business and the Cloud [Infographic]

The Small Business and the Cloud [Infographic]

The small business owner is in that phase right now in which they are asking the young store clerk about all this cloud stuff.

It may be surprising but they are also asking about virtualization. Businesses are starting to understand that they can leapfrog into a new competitive world by using virtualization to use multiple operating systems and…

A CDN-Style Service for APIs

A CDN-Style Service for APIs

A content delivery network (CDN) is fine for distributing the data from a Web page but the advent of a new programming interface will help create a new method for pushing data to the edge of the network.

The first signs of this new network is coming from companies that are creating a new wave of API services for better distributing the billions…

Rackspace and Citrix: Virtualization for Smartphones and Tablets

Rackspace and Citrix: Virtualization for Smartphones and Tablets

Rackspace is offering a hosted desktop virtualization service with Citrix that provides a way to virtualize all those tablets and smartphones that people are bringing to work.

It also takes the burden off the enterprise, which is having considerable difficulty figuring out how to bring together the multiple parties that are needed to offer a…

The War on Sharing [Infographic]

The War on Sharing [Infographic]

The war that the record labels is waging to protect its copyrighted music is mistakenly believed to only concern services that explicitly allow you to share music.

That’s not so true anymore. The RIAA is broadening its scope. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Its new targets are services such as, the subject of a subpoena this week…

Poll: Does Cloud Computing Change the Role of the CIO?

Poll: Does Cloud Computing Change the Role of the CIO?

The software companies that have risen to power in the past 40 years are talking more about the cloud. That has to be a factor of the business market and the interest on behalf of top IT executives, the ones who have in large part commanded the budgets for large-scale solutions projects.

According to a study by IBM, 60% of Global CIOs are now…

White Paper: Scaling Desktop Virtualization

White Paper: Scaling Desktop Virtualization

Desktop virtualization is a hot topic throughout the virtualization industry. Organizations view desktop virtualization as a way to control costs and use limited resources to manage large-scale desktop infrastructures while increasing security and deployment efficiency. NetApp, VMware, Cisco, Fujitsu, and Wyse joined forces to create an…

White Paper: Saving Your Servers from Disaster

White Paper: Saving Your Servers from Disaster

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the key features of virtualization — specifically VMware virtualization solutions — that help defend your datacenter against disaster. Virtualization offers hardware independence — a huge time saver in recovering from a disaster. In addition to this core capability, virtualization provides several…

History of the Network [Infographic]

History of the Network [Infographic]

The history of the network is a story about communications. In the late 19th century, the railroads began connecting cities and towns throughout the world. Today, the global digital network gives news definitions to space and time.

In this new space, we are entering the realm of the virtual. The virtual network is becoming the standard that…

Live Blog: In-Memory Sees its Day and We Need it More Than Ever

Live Blog: In-Memory Sees its Day and We Need it More Than Ever

I am sitting among the SAP influencers at SAP SapphireNow, all excited about what we have been waiting for this week and that’s the keynote featuring executive board member Vishal Sikka and SAP Founder Dr. Hasso Plattner.

It’s a time to reflect on the network. Millions of people are online with data growing exponentially. But the latency issue is…

SAP Calls Itself an Innovation Company and Compares Itself to Apple

SAP Calls Itself an Innovation Company and Compares Itself to Apple

The day started with a big band sound. Max Weinberg and his band played and SAP’s CO-CEO Bill McDermott took the stage. He looked great – suave and smooth. He pointed to Max and his band. “Mighty Max!,” he said. He told Max that what he loves about him is his passion, that he was in the moment – a thinly veiled reference to the real-time…