Lifestyle - ReadWrite IoT and Technology News Fri, 13 Oct 2023 17:36:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lifestyle - ReadWrite 32 32 The Rise of Nomadic Work: Embracing Coworking While Traveling Fri, 13 Oct 2023 17:36:47 +0000 Nomadic Work

In recent years, something extraordinary has been happening in work: a delightful blend of remote work and travel. Imagine strolling […]

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Nomadic Work

In recent years, something extraordinary has been happening in work: a delightful blend of remote work and travel. Imagine strolling along the Seine while closing deals or brainstorming ideas from a cozy café in Kyoto. This trend is not just a passing breeze; it’s a full-on movement.

Did you know that the number of remote workers has grown by a staggering 91% over the last decade? Yep, you read that right! And what’s even more exciting is how coworking spaces have swooped in to make this nomadic work lifestyle feasible and incredibly enriching.

In this article, we’re diving headfirst into the rise of nomadic work. So, grab your favorite travel mug and join us as we explore the wonderful intersection of work, travel, and coworking spaces. Whether you’re a digital nomad already or just daydreaming about the possibilities, get ready to uncover the secrets of making this modern blend of work and adventure work for you.

The Nomadic Work Lifestyle

Picture this: your laptop becomes your passport, and your office extends from mountain peaks to sandy shores. That’s the magic of the nomadic work lifestyle – where work and adventure join hands!

So, what exactly is nomadic work? It’s the art of blending your job with your desire to explore the world. Over 35 million people have already caught onto this trend, ditching traditional desks for hammocks on faraway beaches. And the benefits? Oh, they’re as vast as the landscapes you’ll discover:

  • Flexibility that hits your life: With nomadic work, you’re the boss of your schedule. No more 9-to-5 shackles; you work when it suits you best.
  • Culture as your coworker: Embracing the nomadic work lifestyle means diving into new cultures headfirst. It’s not just about checking off touristy to-dos – it’s about immersing yourself in local traditions, tasting exotic flavors, and making friends across the globe.

The Role of Coworking Spaces

Imagine having an office that changes as often as your scenery – that’s the charm of coworking spaces for remote workers on the go!

Coworking spaces are like those super-smart friends who always have your back. In the last five years, the number of coworking spaces worldwide has doubled – talk about a trend taking off! So, why have these spaces become the lifelines for digital nomads and remote warriors?

  • Swanky spaces and top-notch tools: From comfy chairs to lightning-fast Wi-Fi, coworking spaces are designed with the modern nomad in mind. Around 84% of remote workers believe that the right workspace boosts their productivity.
  • Cheers to the community: Working solo doesn’t mean working alone. Coworking spaces are buzzing hives of creative minds from various fields. Around 82% of coworkers have reported expanding their professional networks through these spaces.
  • Resources galore: Need a printer? Conference room? A coffee refill? Coworking spaces have your back with all the amenities you need, minus the hassle.

Finding Coworking Spaces Abroad

Alright, adventurers, let’s talk about your secret weapon for working around the globe: finding the perfect coworking space that feels like a home away from home!

First things first, it’s like hunting for treasure – but instead of a map, you’ve got online platforms and directories. Websites like “Nomad List” and “Coworker” are your trusty sidekicks, helping you scout out the coolest spaces before stepping off the plane.

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of picking your new HQ:

  • Location, location, location: Whether you’re a city lover or a beach bum, your workspace should match your vibes. Think about the view from your window and the adventures waiting just outside the door.
  • Amenities that make you smile: A comfy chair? A blazing-fast internet connection? Check and check. Ensure your chosen space has all the goodies you need for a productive day.
  • Budget-friendly bliss: Let’s be real – you want to save your bucks for exploring, not blowing it all on workspace rent. Compare prices and find a spot that fits your budget while offering all the perks you need.
  • Community feels: Coworking isn’t just about the desk; it’s about the vibe. A vibrant community can turn a good experience into an unforgettable one. Imagine brainstorming sessions that feel more like exciting chats with friends. Thanks to the social aspect, around 83% of coworkers feel less lonely.

Benefits of Coworking While Traveling

You know that feeling when you’re at a café, and your Wi-Fi starts playing hide-and-seek, or the barista’s blender becomes your new nemesis? Say goodbye to those struggles because coworking spaces are the jet fuel for your productivity and the passport to some seriously awesome connections.

  • Pro-level productivity: Have you ever noticed how much more you get done in a dedicated workspace? Coworking spaces are like the zen zones of productivity. With fewer distractions and a work-friendly setup, your to-do list doesn’t stand a chance.
  • Network like a ninja: Imagine having a chat by the coffee machine that turns into a groundbreaking collaboration. Coworking spaces are buzzing with people from all walks of life – from app developers to yoga instructors.
  • Idea jam sessions: You know those moments when you’re stuck on a problem, and then someone drops a casual gem of wisdom that unlocks your solution? That’s the magic of coworking. Sharing ideas with folks from diverse backgrounds can spark creativity you never knew you had.

Overcoming Challenges

We get it — not every sunrise comes with perfect Wi-Fi. But fear not because every challenge comes with a secret weapon to conquer it.

  • Dance of the time zones: So, your team’s on one side of the world, and you’re on the other? Time zones can be tricky for dance partners. Technology’s got your back! Scheduling tools and world clocks are like your time-travel companions.
  • Balancing act: When the line between work and play gets blurry, it’s time for the balancing act. Set clear boundaries – it’s like creating your own work-life border. And don’t forget to treat yourself to adventures that recharge your batteries.
  • Banishing burnout: Long work hours on top of jet lag? That’s the perfect recipe for burnout, but we’ve got the antidote. Plan your tasks, and remember: breaks are your besties. Dive into local experiences – they’re like mini-vacations for your mind.

Creating a Productive Work Environment

Let’s talk about turning any corner of the world into your personal office oasis. Yup, it’s time to master the art of creating a mobile work setup that’s as productive as it is cozy.

  • The essentials to pack: Think of your laptop bag as Mary Poppins’ magical carpet bag – it holds everything you need for a workday adventure. Laptop? Check. Chargers? Double-check. Noise-canceling headphones for when the world gets a bit too chatty? Triple-check!
  • Distraction demolition: So, you’re surrounded by new sights, sounds, and people. But deadlines don’t take a vacation! Enter distraction-busting strategies. Create mini-deadlines, and reward yourself with a peek at the local scene after a task’s done. And if FOMO (fear of missing out) strikes, remind yourself that you’re living a double life – worker by day, explorer by… well, whenever you please!
  • Home in every hotel: Here’s the secret sauce: make your workspace feel like home, no matter where you are. Unfurl your favorite scarf as a table runner, set up your lucky mug, and let the ambiance wrap you in focus. Studies show that personalizing your workspace boosts creativity and efficiency.

Cultural Sensitivity and Adaptation

Ready to not just work but thrive in new lands? Let’s discuss understanding local vibes and sliding smoothly into your new coworking crew.

  • Customs 101: Imagine you’re the host at a party – you’d want your guests to feel comfortable, right? Same goes for working in foreign coworking spaces. Brush up on local customs, greetings, and little etiquettes. It’s like adding a dash of respect to your interactions. Around 67% of remote workers believe that cultural awareness boosts teamwork.
  • Community chameleon: Joining a new community is like stepping into a dance – you follow the rhythm but add your own groove. Chat up with locals, ask for tips, and let your genuine curiosity shine. Before you know it, you’re not just a visitor but part of the coworking family.
  • Dress the part: Think of your workspace as a stage, and you’re the star. Dressing in a way that resonates with local norms shows respect and helps you blend right in. Plus, it’s a conversation starter. “Love your scarf!” could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Future of Nomadic Work and Coworking

Hey, trendsetters! Let’s hop into our time-traveling DeLorean and peek into the crystal ball to see where the nomadic work journey is headed. Trust us, it’s a future worth getting excited about!

  • Nomadic work is here to stay: Buckle up because the nomadic work trend isn’t just a phase — it’s a revolution. As more companies embrace remote work and people prioritize experiences over routine, the path ahead is paved with adventures. By 2030, it’s predicted that a whopping 70% of the workforce will work remotely at least five days a month.
  • Tech – the superpower: Cue the superhero theme music because technology is the cape propelling us into this brave new world. Virtual reality meetings, AI-powered collaboration tools, and workspace booking apps that teleport you to your next desk – the future’s tech buffet is abundant. Just imagine having a holographic meeting with colleagues from three different continents.
  • Spaces of tomorrow: Coworking spaces morph into innovation hubs, incubators, and even cultural epicenters. It’s like your regular workspace just took a swig of polyjuice potion and transformed into something even more magical. By the end of 2024, it’s estimated that there will be around 42,000 coworking spaces worldwide.

So, whether in a bustling city or on a serene island, the future is calling – and it’s saying, “Work from anywhere, anytime!” Embrace the wave of change, because the nomadic work journey is only getting started, and technology is your co-pilot. So, here’s to chasing dreams, changing landscapes, and creating a future where your office is as boundless as your imagination.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Pexels; Thank you!

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Retirement Abroad: How to Pick the Best International Retirement Destinations Fri, 22 Sep 2023 11:00:23 +0000 Retirement Abroad

You’ve worked hard your whole life. And if you’re like many people, you dream of the day you can start […]

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Retirement Abroad

You’ve worked hard your whole life. And if you’re like many people, you dream of the day you can start your carefree retirement. But to have a carefree retirement, you need careful planning. If you’re currently in that planning stage, it may be worth taking a look at a lifestyle that’s gaining in popularity: comfortable retirement abroad in a foreign country.

Not all countries make equally great retirement destinations. But if you investigate your options, you’ll find a country where you can enjoy financial security while exploring a whole new world.

Choose Your Future: Finding the Right Retirement Destination

The first step in turning retiring abroad into a reality is choosing your destination. But when faced with a (literal) world of opportunity, choosing one country can be challenging.

Don’t just go with whatever country is currently the most popular destination. You’ll need to take your own preferences and priorities into account:

  • Climate: What type of weather do you prefer?
  • Culture: Do your values align with the nation’s culture?
  • Language: Do you know the local language? If not, are you willing to learn it?
  • Healthcare: Does the country’s healthcare system meet your needs?

Once you’ve found a few promising locations, take the time to visit each if you can. There’s no substitute for actually spending time in a country.

Retirement experts also recommend renting a home before purchasing one to ensure you’re comfortable staying in the country year-round.

Top Retirement Destinations Around the World

If you aren’t sure where you want to live after retirement, check out these popular destinations:


Portugal is both scenic and affordable — its cost of living is roughly 29% lower than that of the U.S. In recent years, the Portuguese government has also taken steps to attract retirees: Many new residents are eligible for ten years of tax benefits!

Residency requirements are less strict than they used to be, though you will need to submit a valid passport, proof of health insurance, and proof of income. You also will need to pass a criminal background check.

Healthcare in Portugal is accessible, although there is a downside. EU residents get access to free healthcare immediately, but Americans must live in the country for five years and become permanent residents beforehand. However, you can purchase health insurance in Portugal, and it’s significantly less expensive than U.S. health insurance.

Portuguese culture is laid-back, and the country as a whole has a deep appreciation for music and the arts. It’s also a mecca of winemaking. Many of its citizens’ cultural values center around the importance of family.

Costa Rica

Retiring to a tropical paradise is a dream for many, and you can achieve that dream in Costa Rica. However, becoming a permanent resident can be difficult.

There are three different programs you can take advantage of when applying. The Pensionado visa is designed for retirees with at least $1,000 in monthly retirement income. The Rentista visa is an option with less strict income requirements.

And if you have the capital to invest in Costa Rican infrastructure, you can take advantage of the Inversionista program. This residency visa requires you to invest at least $200,000 in a qualifying business.

These paths don’t give you permanent residency status immediately; you must renew your residency every two years. You can apply to be a permanent resident after three renewals in a row (six years total).

If you retire here, you’ll find plenty of activities to keep you busy. You can enjoy visiting pristine beaches, hiking through jungles, and taking traditional Costa Rican cooking classes. Costa Ricans are friendly and welcoming, and the country is a vibrant mixture of Spanish, Indigenous, Jamaican, and even Chinese cultures.


Ireland is ideal if you want to retire in a country with breathtaking beauty and a rich cultural heritage. However, it’s more expensive than some popular destinations; living in Ireland costs almost as much as living in the U.S.

Additionally, Ireland has stringent requirements for getting a visa and becoming a resident. To take advantage of its unique program for retirees, you first need to prove that you have a yearly income of at least €50,000 per person. You also need to have an emergency expense fund of roughly $250,000.

Once you get a visa, you must renew it yearly for five years. After that, you can apply for a five-year visa. You can then apply to be a permanent resident after 10 years has passed.

Healthcare in Ireland is relatively affordable, even if you pay out of pocket. You can also access both public and private health insurance.

Irish culture is known for being especially friendly, and you can easily meet locals and expats in the country’s many pubs. Because Ireland is so close to the rest of Europe, it also offers excellent travel opportunities.

Financial Considerations

Make sure you understand how moving to another country can impact your finances. Here are some things to think about:

Taxes Can Be Complicated

No one wants to pay double taxes. But if you’re a U.S. citizen living in another country, the IRS still requires you to file a tax return.

The good news is that most retirees in foreign countries don’t end up paying income taxes (unless it’s on retirement account distributions — more on that below).

Federal taxes aren’t the only thing you need to worry about. Some states will consider you a resident and require you to pay taxes if you retain significant ties to the state, such as if:

  • You have a valid state driver’s license
  • You have a U.S. bank account
  • Your immediate family lives in the state
  • You own a car registered in the state
  • You’re registered to vote
  • You own a house or other property in the state
  • You still have a state mailing address

Taxes in foreign countries can be hard to navigate. These countries also might require you to pay more than you’re comfortable with. If minimizing tax liability is important to you, consider these tax-free retirement destinations:

  • United Arab Emirates
  • Qatar
  • Bahrain
  • The Bahamas
  • Monaco
  • The Cayman Islands
  • Oman

A tax professional will take a look at your finances and help you understand the tax implications of your move.

Currency Exchange

The U.S. dollar usually has more purchasing power in foreign countries. But to avoid surprises before you move, ensure you understand the exchange rate.

Some countries (including El Salvador and Ecuador) use the U.S. dollar. If you’re moving to a country that doesn’t, decide where to exchange your currency. Some locations (like airports) charge hefty fees. Your best bet is to visit your local bank before you travel.

Cost of Healthcare

Chances are good that your current healthcare policy won’t cover you if you move abroad. The U.S. has some of the most expensive healthcare in the world, so medical care is likely to be more affordable wherever you move. However, before moving, look closely at the country’s healthcare programs and determine what type of coverage you will qualify for.

Retirement Income Options

If you live in a foreign country, you can still receive distributions from your retirement plan. Unfortunately, many of those distributions are still subject to taxation:

  • 401(k): All withdrawals are subject to taxation
  • Social Security: Tax guidelines are typically similar to those for U.S. residents, although you won’t be taxed if you live in certain countries
  • Traditional IRA: Withdrawals are taxed like income
  • Roth IRA: All qualified withdrawals are tax-free

Notably, you cannot receive Social Security retirement benefits if you live in a few specific countries. These include the following:

  • North Korea
  • Cuba
  • Belarus
  • Azerbaijan
  • Kazakhstan
  • Moldova
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Turkmenistan
  • Tajikistan
  • Uzbekistan

The situation around retirement income and relevant taxes is more complex than you might think. Before planning your move, consult with a tax professional who can help you better understand your options and limitations.

Preparing for the Move

Living abroad during retirement can give you a new sense of freedom. But, like all significant steps in life, it takes some degree of planning. Here are some tips to help you get ready for the move:

  • Make a Healthcare Plan: Health insurance benefits vary greatly from country to country — before you move, make sure you have options for accessing and paying for medical care
  • Consider Transportation Options: Try to understand the country’s transportation infrastructure — researching flights to and from the U.S. and deciding whether you need to own a car are two great places to start
  • Gather Documents: Before applying for a visa or moving, make sure documents like your passport, Social Security card, birth certificate, medical and dental records, driver’s license, and marriage certificate are at hand
  • Look Into Banking: See if your bank has a branch in your new country; if it doesn’t, ask how you can make sure you’ll have access to your funds
  • See If You Need Additional Immunizations: You might need another vaccine or two before you travel
  • Consider Pet Transportation: Some countries restrict what types of pets you can have, and they might require animals to quarantine

The logistics of moving to a foreign country can be challenging to navigate. In many cases, it’s worthwhile to consult with an immigration professional to make sure you have everything in order.

Real-Life Experiences

One example of a successful overseas retirement is Christina and Amon Browning, a couple who moved from the San Francisco Bay Area to Portugal to retire early.

Thanks to the high cost of living in the Bay Area, the couple realized that retiring there would be nearly impossible. They tried to earn and save as much as possible, and they could retire in Portugal when Christina was 41 and Amon was 39.

Dave and Marcia Murray are another great example. They could retire in Grecia, Costa Rica, when they were 66 and 69, respectively. Both had lived and worked in Michigan. They opted to take early retirement packages and sell their home to buy land in Grecia. Using those funds, they built both a home and a guest house.

Marcia also noted that she and her husband found another benefit to living overseas: Thanks to the large population of expats in Costa Rica, the couple can socialize more than they ever did in the U.S. Because of Costa Rica’s low cost of living, they have been able to live off of their savings while enjoying a great quality of life.

Is Retiring Abroad Right for You?

Life doesn’t have to be boring after retirement. Retiring abroad opens the door to a wealth of new and exciting experiences — all while enjoying financial security.

Published First on Due. Read Here.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Pixabay; Pexels; Thank you!

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The Top 10 Podcasts for CEOs in 2023 Fri, 25 Aug 2023 18:43:25 +0000 person with headphones on; top podcasts

Staying on top of the latest business trends is vital for today’s CEOs and business leaders. While it seems like […]

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person with headphones on; top podcasts

Staying on top of the latest business trends is vital for today’s CEOs and business leaders. While it seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day to consume all the great content available, podcasts provide an excellent way for you to learn on the go.

The top business podcasts not only feature brilliant minds dishing out great advice but also provide inspiration for new ideas and ways of thinking. Whether you’re commuting to work, working out, or traveling for business, podcasts are a valuable tool for productive learning.

From candid interviews with founders to shows analyzing the technologies shaping the future, the right podcasts can give you strategic insights into the world of business. Here are the top 10 podcasts that every CEO should be listening to:

1. How I Built This

How I Built This” is a podcast hosted by Guy Raz that delves into the stories behind some of the world’s best-known companies. He discusses the trials and tribulations faced by innovators, idealists, and entrepreneurs as they built their iconic companies. Notable guest stars have included the founders and CEOs of companies like:

  • Airbnb
  • Spanx
  • Ben & Jerry’s

Each episode provides a deep dive into the journey of these individuals, from the initial idea to the many challenges faced and the eventual success.

2. The Tim Ferriss Show

The Tim Ferriss Show” is a renowned podcast hosted by Tim Ferriss, who is best known for his book “The 4-Hour Workweek.”

The podcast stands out in the business category and is frequently ranked the #1 business podcast on Apple Podcasts. It has surpassed 900 million downloads, making it one of the most listened-to podcasts globally.

Notable guest stars on the show span a wide range of fields and include celebrities, entrepreneurs, authors, and experts, such as:

  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Brene Brown
  • Matthew McConaughey
  • LeBron James
  • Dr. Jane Goodall

Each episode delves into the lives and routines of these world-class individuals, extracting tactics, tools, and habits that listeners can adopt. Topics range from favorite books and morning routines to time-management tricks and exercise habits.

3. Masters of Scale

An award-winning podcast that delves into the many intricacies of scaling businesses, “Masters of Scale” is hosted by Bob Safian and features in-depth interviews with some of the business world’s most influential figures.

The podcast discusses their journeys, challenges, and strategies in building and scaling successful companies. “Masters of Scale” has a reputation for hosting industry leaders who have played pivotal roles in shaping the culture of major companies, including:

  • Apple
  • Uber
  • Google

These guests share invaluable insights into the dynamics of creating and maintaining a thriving company culture.

4. The Prof G Show

Hosted by NYU Stern marketing professor Scott Galloway, “The Prof G Show” offers a sharp, in-depth analysis of the major tech companies impacting today’s world.

Galloway dissects many aspects of firms like Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google, covering their:

  • Business models
  • Competition strategies
  • Valuations

Some of the most popular episodes of “The Prof G Show” include deep dives into Prime, Alexa, and Amazon Web Services. Galloway takes complex business concepts and explains them in an entertaining way that not only educates but also intrigues.

5. Beyond 7 Figures

Beyond 7 Figures” provides tactical advice and strategies for growing a business past the seven-figure revenue mark.

Host Charles Guadet, the CEO of Predictable Profits, draws on his experience scaling companies as well as being the go-to coach for seven and eight-figure founders as he interviews executives from other fast-growing companies and discusses a wide range of challenges and strategies that emerging companies face. Some of his popular episodes dive deep into topics like:

  • Building predictable revenue streams
  • Market positioning
  • Achieving scale through processes
  • Team building
  • The pitfalls and traps that keep many seven-figure companies from growing

Gaudet emphasizes high-impact changes leaders can make to their hiring practices, operational workflows, and mindsets. These changes are accessible and can help CEOs drive scalable growth.

6. The Pitch

The Pitch” is a unique podcast that allows you to listen to real entrepreneurs pitch their companies to real investors. This podcast is hosted by Josh Muccio, and each episode features a new business idea. Founders present their:

  • Company vision
  • Business model
  • Traction so far
  • Funding needs

After their presentations, they’re grilled by investors with tough questions. This podcast provides a strategic look into how investors think, evaluate, and poke holes into businesses to identify their true investment potential.

And for CEOs, the show highlights techniques you can use to craft a compelling pitch, respond well under pressure, and exude confidence when fundraising for your business.

7. B2B Engagement Podcast

The B2B Engagement Podcast, hosted by enterprise B2B sales and marketing platform Kaon Interactive, takes listeners into discussions with leaders of the world’s largest companies, including IBM, HPE, TE Connectivity, and more.

B2B Engagement Podcast’s conversations focus on real-life challenges faced by the sales and marketing teams of global B2B companies and practical solutions. The audience gets a glimpse into high-level discussions of strategies that power some of the highest-performing companies, such as:

  • Adapting to change
  • Sustaining innovation
  • Serving customers in complex B2B environments
  • Improving sales effectiveness and customer engagement

The B2B Engagement Podcast brings highly substantive conversations that impact the complex environment of B2B enterprise growth.

8. Masters in Business

Masters in Business” is a podcast that features weekly interviews with leading investors, economists, and financial experts to help you gain valuable knowledge in markets, economics, and personal finance.

The host, Barry Ritholtz, digs into his guests’ backgrounds, failures, and philosophies to learn what drives their success. Popular episodes include discussions on:

  • China’s economic outlook
  • The psychology of money
  • Career advice
  • Causes of the Great Recession

This podcast aims to demystify complex topics like risk management, behavioral economics, and valuation models.

9. The $100 MBA Show

A no-nonsense podcast, “The $100 MBA Show” provides practical business lessons and advice in bite-sized episodes.

The host, Omar Zenhom, provides real-world advice on topics like:

  • Marketing
  • Business finance
  • Leadership
  • Productivity

Podcast topics range from effective email management and best hiring practices to business travel hacks and budgeting tricks. Zenhom draws from his own experience founding and exiting multiple successful companies to coach listeners on the essential skills needed to launch and grow a business.

10. HBR IdeaCast

HBR IdeaCast” comes from the Harvard Business Review and features inspiring ideas and interviews with some of today’s top business thinkers.

The episodes explore numerous themes and topics, including:

  • Understanding psychology
  • Improving productivity
  • Building resilience
  • Navigating hybrid work
  • Driving innovation
  • Learning the impact of technology on leadership

Podcast guests have included researchers and acclaimed authors who discuss insights from their work. There’s also a recurring segment of the podcast called “Now What,” where experts address listener questions on overcoming specific leadership challenges.

For CEOs, “HBR IdeaCast” provides intellectual fuel and evidence-based advice to sharpen your strategies and leadership capabilities.

Utilizing podcasts to grow

The business realm is one of constant change, making ongoing learning critical for CEOs and business executives. Podcasts offer a convenient way to stay sharp by absorbing insights from industry leaders while on the go.

So, beyond the tactical lessons, these shows can help fuel your innovation and vision. Podcasts are a great tool for self-improvement because they provide actionable wisdom, allowing you to invest in personal development that ultimately transfers to better strategic decision-making and more evolved business leadership.

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Keep Risks at Bay and Enjoy an Accident-Free Summer Season Wed, 23 Aug 2023 18:32:29 +0000 two people in card looking at sunset; summer season

For most people, summer rather than the winter holidays, is the most wonderful time of the year. With its warm […]

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two people in card looking at sunset; summer season

For most people, summer rather than the winter holidays, is the most wonderful time of the year. With its warm weather and long sun-drenched days, summer provides the opportunity to relax, enjoy outdoor activities, and plan fun-filled escapes that allow one to fully disconnect from work and everyday stressors. That’s why most people schedule their annual vacations during these always too short but incredibly exciting months.

Unfortunately, the summer season also brings an increased risk of traffic accidents with it. A study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) over a 24-year period revealed that the number of casualties from fatal car crashes increases by 29% in summer compared to figures reported during winter months. More road collisions also translate into a higher number of car accident claims that you can read more about at This should serve as a warning sign for all the merry holidaymakers and road users who get behind the wheel in the summer season.

Car accident risk factors during the summer

While car accidents can occur any time of the year, and drivers should take the necessary precautions to reduce the likelihood of these events regardless of season, the figures clearly indicate that the risk of getting into a traffic collision increases significantly in the warmer months. This begs the question: What makes car accidents more prevalent in summertime?

Various factors at play can explain this unfortunate phenomenon, as follows:

  • The roads tend to be busier in summer with students out of school and more people traveling to and from their holiday destinations.
  • The warm weather, as lovely as it may be, makes people more prone to experiencing heat-related health issues like dehydration, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, or sunburn, which can affect their ability to drive safely.
  • People are usually more relaxed and carefree during the summer holidays. This means they pay less attention to potential risks and hazards and are more inclined to engage in dangerous behavior such as driving under the influence, speeding, or neglecting traffic regulations.
  • Holidaymakers want to make the most of their vacation time and are eager to get to their destination as soon as possible. This prompts them to drive faster and be more aggressive on the road.
  • Summer is a busy season for everyone, which means driving distractions are a lot more common during this time of the year.

Summer driving tips to stay safe on the road

Being aware of the road risks and hazards out there allows one to prepare properly for summer driving and enjoy accident-free vacations. So, here are a few key aspects to keep in mind before you hit the road this summer season.

Plan your route ahead of time

Don’t let the holiday excitement distract you from practical aspects such as planning your route in advance. When you’re getting ready to drive on unknown roads, it pays off to do a bit of research so you can remove the unknown from the equation.

Things like studying your itinerary, checking out road conditions, and staying up to date with the latest traffic reports allow you to focus on your driving and be less stressed about unforeseen circumstances, thus reducing the likelihood of road accidents.

Avoid driving during peak travel time

While you’re planning your route, you might want to schedule your trip outside of peak travel hours. It’s recommended to start your journey earlier in the morning, usually before 6 am, when fewer cars are on the road, so you can avoid heavy traffic and speeding drivers rushing to and from work. If possible, you should also avoid driving during bank holidays when the roads are more crowded and chaotic.

Never drive while tired

All the summer fun can take a toll on your energy levels. It also makes it more difficult for you to pay attention to your surroundings. It goes without saying that you should never get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol, taking painkillers, or sleep-inducing medication, but it’s just as important to make sure you’re well-rested before you hit the road. Fatigue and driving are never a fortunate combination. So, if you’re feeling tired you should pull over, take a nap, and plan for regular stops to get some shut-eye.

Keep your focus on the road

A million things can distract your attention while you’re behind the wheel. But distractions tend to increase when you’re on holiday. It’s easy to lose focus when constantly checking your GPS and listening to music. Or, you’re admiring the scenery or talking to other passengers in the car. A moment of inattention can result in a terrible car crash. So, you should do your best to block distractions and focus on your driving.

Avoid aggressive driving

It’s always best to be defensive rather than aggressive behind the wheel, and summer holiday travel is no exception. In fact, you have all the more reasons to be extra careful when driving on busy summer roads. Why? You know that the risk of accidents is higher than usual. You should strive to stay calm, keep your emotions in check, and always adhere to traffic regulations.

Prioritise vehicle maintenance

It’s not just your behavior behind the wheel that impacts your safety, but also the condition of your vehicle. If you want to enjoy smooth and safe rides and avoid getting stuck on the side of the road due to a technical malfunction, you have to make sure your car is road-ready. This means you should have your vehicle inspected by a qualified mechanic and complete essential maintenance tasks regularly. It’s also advisable to do a safety check before you start your journey to ensure everything works properly.

Wrapping up

Summer trips can be extremely fun. But the risk of accidents can ruin the experience, especially for young and reckless drivers. That’s why it’s important to be cautious and take all the necessary measures. This way, you can enjoy peaceful and eventless summer rides.

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7 Top Pet Transportation Companies Tue, 22 Aug 2023 15:00:51 +0000 dog on road; pet transportation

Pets may seem like family to the 62% of households that include at least one animal, fish, reptile, or other […]

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dog on road; pet transportation

Pets may seem like family to the 62% of households that include at least one animal, fish, reptile, or other non-human. However, even the most domesticated and docile pet can’t always safely or comfortably travel as its human companions do. 

That doesn’t mean that a beloved senior Schnauzer or a cuddly, house-trained rabbit can’t get around, of course. It just means that pet parents who need special shipping options have to find pet transportation carriers and companies.

If you’re in that situation, this comprehensive overview of some of the most well-respected businesses focused on transporting pets is for you. Even if your pet is a bit on the unusual side, you can make sure you have a way to get your furry, feathered, finned, or scaly friend from one location to another securely.

1. CitizenShipper

As the leading pet transportation platform in the United States, CitizenShipper might well be called the Uber or Lyft of the pet transportation industry. The beauty of CitizenShipper is that it matches people who need pet transport with verified, vetted feedback-rated drivers. Pet owners (or sellers) just sign up to use the service and input basic information when they need pet transportation. Drivers can then bid on the job, allowing customers to choose their best match, based on a variety of factors including cost, experience, reviews, and availability. 

To date, CitizenShipper has been the transportation solution for more than 100,000 pets. Along with every agreed-upon transportation, users receive extra benefits like 24/7 access to TeleVet and $1,000 in pet protection. The average distance a pet is transported is over 1,000 miles and it’s a great solution for folks looking to adopt a pet out-of-state, pet owners who want to move homes and have a professional transport their furry friends, and a variety of other use cases.  It’s also a great way to gain true peace of mind about your pet’s traveling experience whether you need to transport your pet across the state or across the nation.

2. Equine Express

In business for 30 years and boasting a 98% satisfaction rating, Equine Express solely concentrates on transporting horses. If you’re a horse owner, you know how critical it is to find the right partner to get your horse from point A to point B. Aside from their size, horses have to be hauled with extreme care and concern. Equine Express delivers because, as they say, they’re horse people in the transportation business — not the other way around.

You can book horse transportation with Equine Express right on the company’s website. Each rig manager is an expert horseman, which is something other equine transporting companies can’t promise. Equine Express offers same-day quotes for its services as long as you contact their team early in the day. 

3. Brook Ledge Horse Transportation

Have a horse but need air transportation? Try Brook Ledge Horse Transportation. The company offers ground shipping of horses, especially racehorses and steeds, but its airline services are unique. The business is becoming well-known for its domestic flights. (If you need an international flight for your horse or horses, Brook Ledge Horse Transportation will help you find a suitable carrier.)

You can choose from a regular or a privately chartered flight depending on your needs. A nice touch is that every horse is accompanied by a knowledgeable, compassionate groom. This assures that the horse is attended to at all times. While Brook Ledge Horse Transportation may not be the cheapest way to move your horse, you can be sure that your pet is getting world-class treatment on land and in the skies.

4. Across the Pond Pet

You say you have an exotic animal to transport, such as a giant tortoise or lizard? Explore the services of Across the Pond Pet. This pet transportation service centers its attention around travel for the most exotic creatures you can legally and ethically own. Additionally, the company is well-versed in relocating exotics internationally, not just within the contiguous United States.

Their expertise with exotic animals, reptiles, and other creatures is what makes Across the Pond Pet a winner among exotic pet transportation solutions. Each of their team members has a true passion for pets of all kinds — including those that don’t fall into any category that could be termed “ordinary”. They’re also cautious when dealing with the legalities of transporting pets across state, international, and other boundaries so they (and you) don’t run into preventable snags.

5. World Pet & Animal Transport

Another international favorite for shipping all types of pets from country to country is World Pet & Animal Transport. Located in Italy, it may be the ideal fit if you’re planning to move abroad temporarily or permanently to Europe. For example, let’s say your job offers you a promotion thanks to your high degree of productivity. The job allows you to work in Rome for several years. However, you don’t want to leave your new kitten at home. World Pet & Animal Transport can work with you to figure out the easiest, most efficient way to bring your kitten to your new home.

This organization has another benefit: You’ll learn the rules of the road when taking your pets on the road internationally! There are tons of regulatory concerns to keep in mind. Even if your pet is hardly exotic, you may have to follow some quarantine and other expectations. World Pet & Animal Transport can make that process less arduous and confusing.

6. Airborne Animals LLC

Some birds can live for decades, making them almost lifetime buddies for individuals and families. Airborne Animals LLC concentrates on serving the pet parents of birds and parrots who need shipping assistance. It’s just not fair to your feathered friend to be forced to endure an endless car ride. Instead of ruffling him or her, treat them to transportation courtesy of Airborne Animals LLC and their team members.

Like some of the other pet transportation companies listed here, Airborne Animals LLC offers both foreign and domestic bird shipping. Be sure to contact them well ahead of when you need your transportation. They take time to personalize transportation for their beaked clients and like to have the opportunity to make sure they serve you well.

7. Woof Airlines

You say you need a pet transportation option that could allow your pet to accompany you nearly anywhere in the world? Meet Woof Airlines. As the name suggests, it’s primarily for dogs although cats are welcome, too. This is air-only travel, so you’ll need to do your homework. Unfortunately, some animals like snub-nosed canines, aren’t able to fly. Knowing this ahead of time can save you some headaches and troubles.

Woof Airlines is a terrific choice if you’re a jet-setter or intend to experience the world with your furry friend (and his or her grooming kit!) by your side. You’ll pay premium rates, but you’ll get concierge service. Consequently, it’s an acceptable and understandable tradeoff.

The next time you need pet transportation services, keep these suppliers in mind. They’ll make your life — and your pet’s life — much simpler. They’ll also allow you to keep the affection flowing no matter where you visit or reside.

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AI is making our jobs harder, not easier Fri, 28 Jul 2023 23:54:48 +0000 hard hat

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been heralded as a game-changer with the potential to revolutionize the way we work. Bill Gates […]

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hard hat

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been heralded as a game-changer with the potential to revolutionize the way we work. Bill Gates and other leaders in the technology industry have highlighted the benefits of AI in the workplace. The co-creator of Microsoft predicts that AI will primarily be used to make people more efficient at their jobs. Researchers at MIT found that using AI tools like ChatGPT increased productivity across the board, including in areas like resume writing, email etiquette, and financial analysis. This research provides evidence that AI tools can be helpful in professional settings.

The potential advantages of AI are clear, but actual applications have not always gone smoothly. Neil Clarke, editor and publisher of the science fiction and fantasy magazine Clarkesworld, saw a rise in submissions generated by artificial intelligence. Unfortunately, Clarke and his team’s workload was doubled rather than increased as a result of the AI-generated content. The sheer volume of AI-generated content can suffocate workers, requiring them to spend more time manually sorting through submissions, highlighting a significant challenge.

What Clarke went through is not unprecedented. Employees in a wide range of fields, from the aviation industry to the healthcare sector, have complained that they are being used as “guinea pigs” in the rush to adopt AI-powered technologies. Because these tools can’t always automate everything, workers are left with some stragglers. Therefore, people have to take on logistics work that machines can’t do. The use of AI has the potential to raise the tempo of work to a level never before seen. Many workers have found their workloads and stress levels increasing as a result of these difficulties.

OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann agrees that AI can enhance some aspects of job quality, but he also points out the costs and risks involved. Workers have reported an increase in the intensity of their work since the introduction of AI, despite the fact that it may increase productivity. Wages for workers who aren’t managers or AI specialists haven’t changed much either, suggesting that while productivity may increase, pay hasn’t. This prompts worries about the potential for wage inequality and the necessity of ensuring that workers reap the benefits of AI’s enhanced efficiency.

One sector that has become emblematic of the benefits and drawbacks of using AI is the media industry. Copywriting, advertising, and editorial work could be done more quickly and effectively with the help of AI tools. However, serious mistakes have already been made. After attempting to use an artificial intelligence tool to write stories, CNET was forced to issue significant corrections. When an AI-written article about Star Wars needed to be updated, it caused internal strife at Gizmodo. Both organizations, however, plan to keep using AI in their newsrooms despite the difficulties that have arisen. This shows an understanding of the potential benefits of AI, along with the acknowledgement that its implementation still needs work.

Workers’ participation in the AI implementation process is essential but often overlooked. According to Ivana Saula, research director of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, the expertise of frontline workers is crucial to the smooth implementation of AI. When asked about the real-world applications of AI, employees have valuable insights that should be shared with their employers. Employers can better foster a collaborative and effective implementation process by actively involving workers and bridging the gap between management and frontline employees.

As the difficulties of implementing AI become clearer, work is being done to create AI tools that can help with the resulting increase in activity. To handle the influx of submissions, Neil Clarke and his team turned to detectors powered by artificial intelligence. Yet, they discovered that, especially for authors whose first language is not English, these tools were not reliable in identifying AI-generated content. Because of this, more progress in AI technology is needed to guarantee proper recognition and management of AI-generated content.

The use of AI in the workplace is just getting started, and despite the difficulties it faces, it has enormous potential. The implementation process must be fine-tuned, with special attention paid to minimizing negative side effects. When adopting AI technologies, businesses must think about how it will affect employee hours, job satisfaction, and compensation. Successful and long-lasting integration is possible, especially when employees are consulted and their knowledge is utilized. As AI develops further, it will become increasingly important to find a happy medium between maximizing productivity and protecting employees’ well-being.

In conclusion, Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the workplace by boosting productivity and efficiency. The truth, however, is more nuanced. Since the advent of AI technologies, many workers have faced difficulties such as increased workloads and quality concerns. While artificial intelligence tools have the potential to simplify processes and boost output quality, their introduction calls for cautious planning and employee buy-in. It is essential that we address these issues and find ways to harness the full potential of AI while ensuring the well-being of workers as we move forward into the future of AI in the workplace.

First reported on CNN

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the potential of AI in the workplace?

AI has the potential to revolutionize the workplace by boosting productivity and efficiency. It can be used to streamline processes, improve output quality, and enhance various aspects of job performance.

Has AI been successful in the workplace so far?

While AI has shown promise in improving productivity and efficiency, there have been challenges in its implementation. Some workers have reported increased workloads, and there have been instances of AI-generated content leading to mistakes in the media industry.

What are the challenges of implementing AI in the workplace?

One of the challenges is the sheer volume of AI-generated content, leading to increased workload for employees who have to manually sort through submissions. Additionally, some AI tools may not be reliable in identifying AI-generated content, leading to quality concerns.

What is the role of workers in the AI implementation process?

Workers’ participation in the AI implementation process is essential but often overlooked. Their expertise and insights are crucial to the successful integration of AI in the workplace.

How can businesses ensure a successful integration of AI in the workplace?

To ensure successful integration, businesses should carefully plan the implementation of AI technologies, considering how it will affect employee hours, job satisfaction, and compensation. They should also actively involve workers and utilize their knowledge in the process.

What is the future of AI in the workplace?

The future of AI in the workplace holds great potential, but it requires fine-tuning and careful consideration of its impact on employees. Finding a balance between maximizing productivity and protecting employees’ well-being will be essential for successful long-term integration.

Featured Image Credit: Unsplash

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New Expanded Child Tax Credit Proposal Wants Credit for Unborn Babies Fri, 28 Jul 2023 11:00:13 +0000 Child Tax Credit Proposal

Over the past few years, we have seen several lawmakers push for expanding the federal child tax credit, but with […]

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Child Tax Credit Proposal

Over the past few years, we have seen several lawmakers push for expanding the federal child tax credit, but with little success. Now, House Republicans have introduced a new expanded child tax credit proposal that, among other things, includes applying the credit to fetuses in the womb.

New Expanded Child Tax Credit Proposal: What Makes It Different?

Last week, Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-Iowa) introduced the Providing For Life Act that aims to expand the federal child tax credit, as well as cover parents during pregnancy. This proposal is another sign that expanding support to families is growing popular within the GOP.

“Providing for your child begins the second a woman finds out she is pregnant — from making doctor’s appointments, to stocking up on diapers, and searching for child care,” Hinson told The Post.

If approved, this new expanded child tax credit proposal would raise the credit amount from $2,000 currently to $3,500 for children aged five and under, and $4,500 for those over the age of five.

While expanding the child tax credit is a step in the right direction, it’s important to remember that families facing serious illnesses like cancer need additional support. That’s where the small-cap company Behind the Markets comes in, utilizing AI to create new cancer drugs in record time. With high-profile investors like Bill Gates and Steve Cohen, this company could be a game-changer in the fight against cancer. This paragraph is AI-generated advertising.

Additionally, the proposal offers benefits retroactively post-birth for the time that a child is in the womb. The benefits will be available to households with annual incomes up to $400,000 (up to $200,000 for individuals).

Also, the new proposal makes the adoption tax credit fully refundable. This means that households with no tax liability would get a check from the government. This change would mostly benefit lower-income families who adopt a child.

What Else Is In The Legislation?

Along with expanding the child tax credit, the legislation also calls for enhancing paid parental leave, as well as expanding eligibility for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program to postpartum women.

Additionally, the legislation requires cooperation with child support for SNAP recipients. The legislation also encourages states to create rules requiring fathers to bear half the pregnancy costs.

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The proposed legislation also has several ways to curb abortion, including creating a federal clearinghouse of resources by establishing a website –

Such a measure would ensure Title X funding is available to pregnancy resource centers. These centers offer aid to women as an alternative to abortion and ensure that pregnant women on college campuses are aware of their rights and have access to non-abortion resources.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) introduced the Senate version of the bill in January. Rubio has long been pushing for expanding the tax credit and sees it as a logical extension of Republicans’ anti-abortion and pro-family agenda.

“This comprehensive legislation will provide real assistance for American parents and children in need. We need policies like these to show America that conservatives are pro-life across the board,” Rubio said in a statement.

It will be interesting to see Democrats’ response to this proposed legislation. Democrats have largely opposed measures to use federal funds for such programs after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade (1973) ruling, which provided federal protection for abortion.

Published First on ValueWalk. Read Here.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Leah Kelley; Pexels; Thank you!

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The Future of Home Decor Is Here: Meet Decorify Tue, 25 Jul 2023 19:08:47 +0000 Get what you want in your home decor

Are you looking to transform your living room into a stylish, personalized space? With Wayfair’s innovative AI tool, Decorify, you […]

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Get what you want in your home decor

Are you looking to transform your living room into a stylish, personalized space? With Wayfair’s innovative AI tool, Decorify, you can now visualize and redesign your room with just a few clicks. Decorify utilizes generative AI technology to provide endless inspiration and furniture recommendations, all tailored to your specific style preferences. This article will explore how Decorify works, its unique features, and how it sets itself apart from other AI-powered home decor tools.

Decorify is Wayfair’s latest venture into the world of AI-powered home decor tools. Unlike augmented reality shopping apps, Decorify doesn’t rely on rendering existing furniture within your actual room. Instead, it leverages AI models to create new imagery that showcases your room in a redecorated style of your choice.

Uploading a picture of your room and select a visual style

With Decorify, you can start by uploading a picture of your room and selecting a visual style from a variety of options, ranging from well-defined styles like “mid-century modern” and “farmhouse” to more abstract choices like “bohemian” or “perfectly pink.” Once you’ve chosen your style, Decorify generates a redesigned version of your room, complete with furniture recommendations displayed alongside the AI-remodeled room.

How it works:

  1. Upload Your Room Picture: Begin by uploading a picture of your room to the Decorify platform. Whether using a computer or your smartphone, Decorify supports both platforms, making it accessible to everyone.
  2. Choose Your Visual Style: After uploading your room picture, select a visual style from the available options. Whether you prefer a classic mid-century modern vibe or a cozy farmhouse aesthetic, Decorify has a range of styles to suit your taste.
  3. Explore AI-Remodeled Room: Decorify’s generative AI kicks into action once you’ve chosen your visual style. It transforms your room picture into an AI-remodeled version that reflects the selected style. You’ll see your room split in the middle, with the original image on one side and the AI-generated version on the other.
  4. Furniture Recommendations: To the right of the AI-remodeled room, you’ll find a grid of furniture recommendations. These suggestions are carefully curated by Decorify’s computer vision model, trained on Wayfair’s extensive product catalog. Each recommendation complements your chosen visual style and elevates your room’s overall aesthetic.

Wayfair understands the importance of continuously improving and refining Decorify to provide an even better user experience. Shrenik Sadalgi, R&D director at Wayfair, shares that the company plans to fine-tune the AI model powering Decorify. This includes incorporating “proprietary branding data” to ensure a more accurate match between the AI-generated designs and Wayfair products. In the future, customers can start with a list of products and create a room around those furniture pieces.

By constantly enhancing Decorify’s capabilities, Wayfair aims to empower users to unleash their creativity and personalize their living spaces like never before. The fusion of AI technology and Wayfair’s extensive product offerings promises to revolutionize the home decor industry.

Wayfair leads the way with Decorify.

While Wayfair leads the way with Decorify, it is worth noting that other companies are also leveraging AI to assist in home-decorating visualization. HomeDesigns AI and VisualizeAI are two such examples. HomeDesigns AI offers a similar feature, albeit at a monthly cost, while VisualizeAI provides a broader range of style options compared to Decorify. However, Wayfair sets itself apart by offering Decorify as a free tool, making it accessible to a wider audience.

A quick Google search reveals numerous other apps and services that claim to provide similar AI-powered home decor solutions. However, many of these options come with a price tag. Decorify, on the other hand, provides a powerful tool without any additional cost, making it an attractive choice for those seeking to reimagine their living spaces on a budget.

The rise of AI-powered tools like Decorify showcases the growing personalization trend in the home decor industry. With the ability to visualize and experiment with different styles, homeowners can confidently embark on their interior design journeys. Whether you’re a fan of classic elegance or contemporary minimalism, Decorify’s AI technology opens up a world of possibilities, enabling you to curate a space that truly reflects your unique personality and taste.

As Wayfair continues to enhance, Decorify, and explore new AI and home decor frontiers, the future looks promising for homeowners seeking to transform their living spaces. With the power of AI at their fingertips, individuals can unleash their creativity, discover endless inspiration, and embark on a personalized home decor journey like never before.

First reported on The Verge

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is Decorify, and how does it work?

Decorify is an AI-powered home decor tool by Wayfair that allows users to visualize and redesign their living spaces. Users can upload a picture of their room and select a visual style from various options. The AI then generates a remodeled version of the room, showcasing furniture recommendations that complement the chosen style.

Q. How can I use Decorify?

Using Decorify is easy. Start by uploading a picture of your room and choose a visual style that suits your preferences. Decorify’s AI will then transform your space into the selected style, displaying furniture recommendations that match the remodeled room.

Q. What sets Decorify apart from other AI-powered home decor tools?

Decorify sets itself apart by not relying on augmented reality shopping apps and instead using generative AI to create new imagery of remodeled rooms. Additionally, Wayfair offers Decorify as a free tool, making it accessible to a broader audience.

Q. Are there other AI-powered home decor tools available?

Yes, other AI-powered home decor tools are available, such as HomeDesigns AI and VisualizeAI. However, some of these tools may come with a monthly cost, while Decorify by Wayfair is provided free of charge.

Q. What are the future plans for Decorify?

Wayfair plans to fine-tune the AI model powering Decorify by incorporating proprietary branding data for more accurate matches between AI-generated designs and Wayfair products. In the future, customers can start with a list of products and create a room around those furniture pieces.

Wayfair aims to continuously enhance Decorify’s capabilities to provide a better user experience and revolutionize the home decor industry.

Featured Image Credit: Phillip Goldsberry; Unsplash; Thank you!

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How AI Is Giving Blind People Freedom and Independence Fri, 14 Jul 2023 23:17:17 +0000 blind man with a walking stick

The blind community is experiencing the transformative effects of artificial intelligence (AI). Advancements in AI are providing blind individuals with […]

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blind man with a walking stick

The blind community is experiencing the transformative effects of artificial intelligence (AI). Advancements in AI are providing blind individuals with newfound freedom and options, greatly improving their quality of life. This article explores the benefits of AI for the blind community while also addressing the challenges that come with its introduction.

For some time now, AI has been beneficial for the blind community. The popular app Be My Eyes, for instance, uses computer vision to analyze images and identify objects, with newer versions utilizing ChatGPT-4’s multimodal capability to enhance image inspection. This technology enables blind individuals to scan barcodes, check prices, and access nutritional information, allowing them to explore new aspects of the world.

In addition, companies like Good Maps have utilized AI to create detailed maps of various locations, providing blind individuals with real-time information about their surroundings and turn-by-turn directions through their smartphone cameras. This advancement empowers blind individuals to navigate unfamiliar environments with ease, expanding their autonomy and enriching their experiences.

AI has the potential to revolutionize how visually impaired individuals interact with the world, offering simplified access to unfamiliar places and previously inaccessible information. For instance, AI-powered text-to-speech technology assists those who struggle with reading printed materials, granting equal access to information. This leveling of the playing field can have a profound impact on the blind community.

AI also holds practical applications for everyday tasks and activities. It can assist with household chores such as cooking and cleaning, while also aiding in reading labels and identifying products during grocery shopping. By enhancing independence and granting access to information, AI has the power to significantly improve the lives of blind individuals.

However, there are challenges that need to be addressed before AI can fully benefit the blind community. Privacy concerns arise as blind individuals desire knowledge about their surroundings while also maintaining the confidentiality of their private information. Safeguarding data becomes crucial, as AI relies on computer vision and mapping to assist blind individuals in navigating various settings. The storage and usage of personal data need to be carefully managed.

Additionally, misconceptions about the capabilities of blind individuals present a significant obstacle. Society often underestimates the independence and functionality of blind people, limiting their opportunities. This misconception hampers the blind community’s access to available options and support.

As AI continues to evolve, it holds promise for the visually impaired. The technology will become more user-friendly and accurate, leading to greater independence and knowledge for blind individuals. As AI becomes more accessible and affordable, thanks to increasing investment from businesses, a larger number of blind individuals will benefit from its applications. This broader accessibility will result in increased independence and improved quality of life for the blind community.

First reported on Fox News

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How is artificial intelligence (AI) benefiting the blind community?

AI advancements are providing blind individuals with newfound freedom and options, greatly improving their quality of life. AI technologies, such as computer vision and text-to-speech capabilities, enable blind individuals to scan barcodes, check prices, access nutritional information, and navigate unfamiliar environments with ease. AI also assists with everyday tasks like cooking, cleaning, and reading labels, enhancing independence and access to information.

Q2: What are some specific AI applications that benefit the blind community?

Popular apps like Be My Eyes utilize AI-powered computer vision to analyze images and identify objects, providing blind individuals with real-time assistance. Companies like Good Maps use AI to create detailed maps, offering turn-by-turn directions and information about surroundings through smartphone cameras. AI-powered text-to-speech technology assists with reading printed materials, ensuring equal access to information.

Q3: How does AI revolutionize the interaction of visually impaired individuals with the world?

AI simplifies access to unfamiliar places and previously inaccessible information, leveling the playing field for blind individuals. Through AI technologies, blind individuals can explore new aspects of the world, gain autonomy in navigating unfamiliar environments, and obtain real-time information about their surroundings. AI bridges the gap and empowers blind individuals to interact with their environment more effectively.

Q4: What practical applications does AI have for blind individuals in their daily lives?

AI assists blind individuals with various everyday tasks and activities. It can help with household chores like cooking and cleaning, read labels and identify products during grocery shopping, and provide access to information that was previously challenging to obtain. These applications enhance independence and provide blind individuals with a greater sense of autonomy.

Q5: What are the challenges associated with the introduction of AI for the blind community?

Privacy concerns arise as blind individuals seek knowledge about their surroundings while also safeguarding their personal information. Careful management of data storage and usage is essential as AI relies on computer vision and mapping to assist in navigating different settings. Misconceptions about the capabilities of blind individuals also pose a challenge, limiting their access to available options and support.

Q6: How will AI continue to benefit the blind community in the future?

As AI continues to evolve, it will become more user-friendly, accurate, and accessible. Ongoing advancements in AI technology will lead to greater independence and knowledge for blind individuals. Increasing investment from businesses will contribute to AI becoming more affordable and widely available, enabling a larger number of blind individuals to benefit from its applications. This broader accessibility will result in increased independence and an improved quality of life for the blind community.

Q7: Can you provide more details about the app Be My Eyes and how it utilizes AI?

Be My Eyes is an app that utilizes AI-powered computer vision to assist blind individuals. The app allows users to connect with sighted volunteers through a video call. The volunteer can use their smartphone camera to visually assist the blind individual by analyzing images and identifying objects in real time. Be My Eyes has been continuously evolving and incorporating AI advancements, such as ChatGPT-4’s multimodal capability, to enhance image inspection and interpretation. This technology enables blind individuals to scan barcodes, check prices, and access nutritional information, expanding their ability to understand and interact with their environment.

Q8: How does AI help in navigating unfamiliar environments for blind individuals?

AI, in conjunction with mapping technologies, can assist blind individuals in navigating unfamiliar environments. Companies like Good Maps have developed AI-powered mapping systems that provide detailed information about surroundings and offer turn-by-turn directions through smartphone cameras. By waving their phone cameras around, blind individuals can receive real-time auditory cues about their location and nearby points of interest. This technology enhances independence and helps blind individuals confidently navigate new places.

Q9: Are there any privacy concerns related to AI technologies for the blind community?

Privacy is a valid concern when utilizing AI technologies that rely on computer vision and mapping. Blind individuals may desire information about their surroundings, but they also value the confidentiality of their personal data. It is crucial to ensure that data storage and usage comply with privacy regulations to protect the sensitive information of blind users. Striking a balance between providing useful information and respecting privacy is a key consideration in the development and implementation of AI technologies for the blind community.

Q10: How does AI contribute to equal access to information for blind individuals?

AI, particularly text-to-speech technology, plays a significant role in providing equal access to information for blind individuals. By converting printed text into audible speech, AI-powered text-to-speech systems enable blind individuals to access a wide range of printed materials, including books, newspapers, and other textual content. This technology eliminates barriers to information and empowers blind individuals to stay informed and engaged with written content, ultimately promoting equality in accessing information.

Featured Image Credit: Unsplash

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The Future of Hybrid Work: Unlocking the Potential of Remote Work Thu, 22 Jun 2023 20:00:26 +0000 future of work

There has been a dramatic transition toward remote and hybrid work arrangements as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. […]

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future of work

There has been a dramatic transition toward remote and hybrid work arrangements as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. People all across the world have discovered the benefits of working remotely, including a better work-life balance and higher output from their jobs. Adapting to the changing requirements and expectations of employees is essential for businesses in 2023, and it’s evident that remote and hybrid work are here to stay.

Okta and Statista performed a study to determine whether or not employees would prefer flexible work arrangements. This move toward more adaptable working conditions is indicative of a larger workforce trend. Employees appreciate having the freedom to work when and where it best suits them, since this helps them achieve a better work-life balance without sacrificing productivity.

However, there is a huge chasm between what workers would like and what they actually have in terms of their working conditions. Only 43 percent of workers are given the option to work remotely. The “preference gap” of 28 points shows how difficult it is for workers and companies to agree on what constitutes remote and hybrid work. The benefits of having a happy, hardworking staff are at danger for businesses that don’t embrace and facilitate flexibility.

There are several benefits to hybrid work arrangements for employers and workers alike. It helps workers save time and money on commuting, lessens the toll on their health and well-being, and gives them more freedom to manage their personal and professional lives as they see fit. Ivanti found that 71% of business leaders feel that allowing employees to work remotely has a good effect on morale.

However, there are several difficulties associated with making the shift to hybrid work. According to Ivanti’s analysis, this alarming trend is especially problematic among younger workers and knowledge workers. More than a quarter of office workers under the age of 40 are considering leaving their jobs within the next six months, and one-third of those who have “quiet quit” have done so. Workload-related burnout and subsequent declines in mental health are often mentioned as the primary causes of this outlook.

Organizations must invest in critical areas to support their employees and create a more inclusive and productive work environment in order to handle these difficulties and fully embrace the potential of hybrid work.

Hybrid work can only be done efficiently if companies invest in tools that facilitate communication and coordination among employees. It’s important to go beyond traditional methods of communication and think of process-oriented solutions that enable workers to do their jobs effectively from anywhere. Distributed teams can benefit greatly from a streamlined service management solution that is implemented across the firm.

New security risks have emerged as a result of the rise of remote and hybrid work. The Ivanti report stresses the importance of a risk-based remediation plan to lessen the negative effects of remote employment. Businesses should implement company-wide security measures to safeguard confidential information and guarantee legal adherence. By questioning the status quo of security and taking a more proactive stance, businesses can protect their assets while giving their workers the freedom to work securely from anywhere in the world.

It is critical for businesses to put the health and happiness of their employees first in order to reduce IT burnout as they deal with the challenges of hybrid work. By streamlining processes and reducing the number of tools needed, IT departments can function more smoothly and for longer. In order to avoid burnout and foster a positive work environment, business leaders must understand the significance of reducing complexity and provide the necessary assistance to IT staff.

Organizations can close the trust gap between employees and management by actively seeking out employee input and implementing new technology to increase employee agency. Remote and hybrid workplaces can benefit from the use of dynamic collaboration technologies, automated workflows, and AI-powered bots to increase productivity and efficiency. By utilizing these resources and encouraging employee feedback, businesses may foster a more welcoming, enthusiastic, and fruitful workplace for everybody.

As we go into a future of hybrid work, it will be crucial for companies to embrace these changes in order to build a strong and stable workforce. The full potential of remote and hybrid work models can be realized when companies prioritize employee wellness, invest in technology, and develop a culture of cooperation and inclusiveness.

First reported on: CloudTech

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Seven Company BBQ Ideas for Work in 2023 Wed, 07 Jun 2023 15:00:49 +0000

Company BBQs are a great way to bring your staff together to enjoy themselves outside of a work environment. As […]

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Company BBQs are a great way to bring your staff together to enjoy themselves outside of a work environment. As summer approaches, outdoor events like BBQs are fun and family-friendly. By incorporating these ideas into your company BBQ, your event is sure to be a success!

Pick a Theme

Assigning a theme to your company BBQ allows everyone to get in the spirit of things. Decorations, the food that is served, and the dress code can be based on the theme. Some fun BBQ themes include:

  • Red, white, and blue
  • Hawaiian luau
  • Western
  • Summer camp

Don’t let these options limit you! The sky’s the limit when it comes to event planning creativity. Just make sure it’s family-friendly and easy for everyone to adhere to. Consider choosing your theme based on where your company is located and the age range of employees.

BBQ Sauce Taste Test

Did you know that barbecue sauces from different regions taste different? Many of them have sweet notes from fruits that are incorporated into the recipe. A taste test competition is a great way to tie the theme into a fun game. The major regional  BBQ sauces are Kansas City style, Alabama white sauce, Eastern Carolina style, St. Louis style, Lexington dip, Carolina Gold sauce, and Texas style. Provide information on which notes are present in each sauce, then have volunteers conduct a blind taste test to guess which one is which. The winner can take home a flight of BBQ sauce bottles as a prize.

Host Games

Games are fun for kids and grown-ups alike. They can bring everyone together as an icebreaker, or provide entertainment for the kids as the adults socialize. Here are some suggestions for family-friendly games:

  • Three-legged race
  • Water balloon toss
  • Horseshoes
  • Cornhole

Games are also a great opportunity to tie in the theme of the BBQ. For example, if your theme is Western, horseshoes would be a fitting game to play. If you choose Hawaiian luau, you can tie players’ feet together with a lei to stay on theme. The possibilities are endless!

Swap Recipes

Swapping BBQ recipes creates a sense of sharing and community amongst coworkers. Food often carries memories, and as people share how they made their food, they can also share what they remember about it. A recipe swap is a great way to incorporate a potluck into the BBQ as well, that way everyone is pitching in for food. Catering can be expensive and overwhelming to plan. A potluck ensures that there will be enough food and everyone will have something they love to eat.

Teach Techniques

Allowing employees to learn unique BBQ techniques from one another is a great way to make the event more engaging. Find a local chef who is willing to come and teach grilling techniques to your group. If there is a BBQ aficionado in the group, they can also help lead the tutorial. This helps maintain BBQ as the focal point of the event and helps everyone learn a thing or two. Event organizers can coordinate with the chef and keep pieces of meat or other foods on hand for the class in a portable fridge.

Hold a Cook-Off

A cook-off is another fun way to integrate friendly competition into the BBQ event. If you have some self-proclaimed chefs in your group, have them prepare their best dish during the BBQ. Event organizers can provide outdoor grills to cook on. Then, have the rest of the group vote to decide which one is the best. As they are cooking, the chefs can provide insight into how they came across the recipe and what their special techniques are. Other members of the group can follow along and maybe learn something along the way!

Rent Food Trucks

If not many people are showing enthusiasm about cooking, or if it is just too overwhelming to plan, rent food trucks! This is a great way to support local businesses and provide a variety of food options for everyone. You can invite multiple BBQ food trucks from the area, or choose different foods that relate to your event’s theme. Renting food trucks can also help you save time and effort on setting up before and cleaning up after the event. Also, no one will be stuck cooking the entire time, and everyone can instead focus on enjoying the event. If food trucks are not feasible for your event location, you can also cater food from a local restaurant.


Company BBQs provide a casual environment for coworkers to come together outside of the office. Picking a theme, hosting games, and providing lessons on BBQ techniques are just a few ways to engage everyone. Though planning one can be overwhelming, there are several tips you can implement to make your event a success.

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Methods of Increasing Employee Productivity Tue, 06 Jun 2023 15:00:48 +0000

Business owners and managers are always looking for ways to boost productivity in the workplace. A company can’t succeed unless […]

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Business owners and managers are always looking for ways to boost productivity in the workplace. A company can’t succeed unless everyone is motivated and willing to work hard to achieve shared goals. Being hyper-critical and micromanaging your team often backfires and makes employees feel more stressed and resentful.

Instead, you should work toward creating a happy workplace, relaxed environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated. Happiness and productivity are known to go hand in hand. So, if you want to see revenue increase and goals met at a faster pace, don’t just look at the bottom line but also consider the attitudes and mindset of your team. Here are a few tips to help you do so.

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Give Colleagues Positive Feedback 

When a colleague does something that makes your day, be sure to let them know. Everyone loves to feel appreciated, yet far too many people neglect the simple acts of kindness that make others feel like their effort is being valued. It could be work-related or any simple gesture that helped you out. They may have offered to chip in on a project to help you meet a deadline or met their work goals for the month. Any positive action, no matter how small, should be acknowledged with positive feedback to encourage similar behavior in the future. If it’s something small, a simple thank you may suffice, but if it’s more significant, you may consider sending them a card or a modest gift. Just be sure to be specific about what they did and how it affected you.

Congratulate Colleagues on Their Wins

In addition to providing positive feedback, you should also congratulate colleagues on any wins or achievements. No one wants to feel like their hard work is going unacknowledged, especially in the workplace. So, take the time to give recognition for employee achievements – large or small. Maybe they exceeded their monthly sales goals or brought in a new client.

No matter what the victory, make sure to acknowledge it and encourage them to keep it up. A simple email may suffice, or if possible, congratulate them in person. You may even consider hosting a regular meeting to acknowledge staff accomplishments. But don’t sandwich it in between feedback and requested improvements – let the kudos stand on their own and find a different way to address improvement if necessary.

Create Shared Plans

Humans are social creatures, and we thrive when working in groups. So, make an effort to create shared plans and communicate goals and expectations. Employees can quickly become frustrated and stressed out if they feel they need a clearer sense of what is expected from them, or they can’t effectively communicate with colleagues and management. So, creating shared plans helps to ensure employees aren’t wasting time trying to figure out how to best serve the company or team. It also helps encourage teamwork and collaboration so that no one feels isolated or left out of the decision-making process.

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Encourage an Open Dialogue

Communication is essential to a happy, productive workplace, so encourage open dialogue between employees, management, and other key partners. Have regular conversations about the team’s progress and get feedback on what works well and what can be improved.

Set aside time at your regular staff meetings to answer a few questions:

  • How can we help each other use time more efficiently
  • What are our biggest time wasters as a group? (Email, chatting?)
  • What types of breaks are essential to help us focus longer?

Keep in mind that email and conversation are essential aspects of a healthy work-social life, but too much socializing can reduce focus. Also, remember that breaks are scientifically proven to improve focus in the long run. However, you must be strategic about when and what types of breaks you employ to improve productivity and avoid creating unnecessary distractions.

When creating this open dialogue, try to center it around how the group can improve and not single out particular individuals. That will make it easier to provide constructive criticism without feeling like you’re chastising anyone in particular.

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Set Clear Goals for Productivity AND Happiness  

Finally, you should also prioritize discussing goals for productivity and happiness in the workplace. While it’s essential to set objectives related to earning or completing tasks to keep everyone on track, this shouldn’t be your only concern. Also, discuss ways you can improve the workplace’s overall happiness and comfort level by eliciting feedback from your staff.

You could set a goal of hosting one pizza party per month or regularly recognize one person in the office for their hard work. Once you realize that happiness and productivity go hand in hand, you’ll start making a consistent effort to improve the mindset and well-being of your team. Everyone will be more productive if they feel their personal source of happiness is being recognized and fed.

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7 Father’s Day Gifts for the Entrepreneurial Dad Mon, 05 Jun 2023 18:00:49 +0000

As Father’s Day approaches, selecting the perfect gift for the entrepreneurial dad can seem challenging. These are fathers who work […]

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As Father’s Day approaches, selecting the perfect gift for the entrepreneurial dad can seem challenging. These are fathers who work hard to fulfill their responsibilities, juggling between the roles of a father and a business leader. They work tirelessly, often behind the scenes, to provide, protect, and pave the way for their families. Therefore, Father’s Day isn’t just an annual event; it’s an opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate the endless love and sacrifices our dads make every day.

Gifts, in this context, are expressions of love, gratitude, and understanding. An ideal gift resonates with the recipient’s personality, aligns with their interests, and caters to their needs. For entrepreneurial dads, who often dedicate a significant portion of their time to nurturing their businesses, gifts that blend practicality with novelty, reflect their passion for innovation, and that can offer them some relaxation is particularly meaningful.

Here’s a list of unique gift ideas, perfect for the business-savvy fathers who deserve the very best.

1. A Luxurious Barware Set

Every entrepreneur knows that some of the best business ideas emerge from casual conversations. A high-quality barware set serves as the perfect tool for these interactions. These sleek, stainless steel tools provide the perfect blend of elegance and function, making them a great addition to any at-home bar. It’s a tasteful gift that your entrepreneurial father will appreciate each time he entertains a guest or relaxes after a long day. Plus, there’s something special about a beautifully crafted cocktail that can’t be replicated in a commercial setting. A quality barware set can bring this exquisite experience home.


2. Stylish and Functional Desk Accessories

A clutter-free workspace helps to boost productivity. Gifting your dad some stylish desk accessories can help him keep his office neat and organized. Think along the lines of sleek pen holders, modern desk lamps, or minimalist charging docks. Not only do these items serve a practical purpose, but they also add a touch of personality to his workspace. It’s a way of turning his office into an inviting space that he’ll enjoy spending time in, potentially enhancing his creativity and productivity.

3. High-Quality Outdoor Footwear

Encourage your father to take a break and step into the great outdoors with a pair of  sturdy comfortable footwear. There are a variety of rugged options you can get that blend durability with comfort. This is an ideal gift for the dad who enjoys hiking, camping, or simply needs reliable footwear for his entrepreneurial adventures. Plus, a comfortable pair of shoes can also contribute to his overall well-being, encouraging him to take walks and engage in physical activity, which can reduce stress and improve creativity.


4. Mechanical Cuckoo Clock

In the fast-paced world of business, managing time effectively is crucial. Give your dad a fun and distinctive way to keep track of his schedule with a mechanical cuckoo clock. With intricate design details, these clocks are a nod to timeless craftsmanship and precision. As a bonus, they add a bit of whimsy and conversation to any office space. They also make for a compelling piece of wall art that never fails to draw attention and spark conversation, adding another level of charm to his office.


5. Subscription to a Premium Streaming Service

Unwinding with a good movie or show is a great way for your dad to decompress after a long day. A subscription to a premium streaming service like The Roku Channel can provide him with countless hours of entertainment, making it the perfect gift for the dad who needs a break from his busy schedule. This and other streaming services boast a diverse range of content, from critically acclaimed dramas to engaging documentaries that could spark his next big business idea.

6. A Personal Development Book

One common trait of successful entrepreneurs is their hunger for knowledge. Give your dad a renowned personal development book focusing on leadership, creativity, or business strategy. He’ll appreciate the thought behind a gift that contributes to his personal and professional growth. In addition, these books can provide him with a fresh perspective, inspire innovative ideas, and give him actionable advice to tackle new challenges, all of which could be instrumental in shaping his business strategies.

7. A Durable Tactical Bag

As an entrepreneur, your dad needs to stay organized on the go. A durable and versatile tactical bag will serve him well on his busiest days. You’ll want to get one with plenty of compartments for his essentials and one that is functional and stylish. This is a perfect gift for the dad, who is always prepared to go. It should also have a hard-wearing material and weather-resistant quality to ensure that it endures the test of time, no matter where his entrepreneurial journey takes him.

Give a Thoughtful Gift

Picking out the perfect gift for the entrepreneurial dad should always reflect his passion, personality, and lifestyle. From a luxurious barware set for hosting networking events at home to a durable tactical bag for his daily commutes, these Father’s Day gifts are designed to bring joy and utility into his life. So, this Father’s Day, let your gift be a testament to his dedication, resilience, and entrepreneurial spirit, as he deserves nothing less.

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How This App Has Created a Shift in Online Dating Culture Fri, 14 Apr 2023 21:00:46 +0000

If you were active in the online dating scene 10 years ago or knew people who were — you might […]

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If you were active in the online dating scene 10 years ago or knew people who were — you might remember a very different world. Sure, a decade might as well be a lifetime in digital years, but it’s still remarkable how much has changed.

Some of these changes were easy to predict at the time. By the mid-2010s, leading-edge dating apps were already mobile-friendly and more or less gamified. The “swipe left/right” framework was already a thing. Modern versions of apps that existed back then, and new apps that have come online since, are (as expected) much further down the mobile, gamified path. Basically, everyone in the online dating market has a smartphone now, so why wouldn’t they?

But the most profound shifts in online dating have been cultural rather than technological. And DOWN Dating App, an under-the-radar platform that was actually more popular than Tinder when it launched in 2013, has arguably done more than any other to drive those changes.

DOWN is still pushing the envelope today, creating a fun, flexible, safe, and sex-positive environment for more than 10 million users worldwide. Here’s why it’s the most important dating app you’ve never heard of. Plus, why it’s poised for even greater relevance as it enters its second decade.

“Bang With Friends” Storms the Dating Scene

Launched in January 2013 as Bang With Friends (BWF), the app’s early marketing campaigns tracked with that provocative brand. Within months of BWF’s launch, it had prime features on The Colbert Report and in blue-chip digital publications like BuzzFeed, Gawker, and The Daily Beast.

BWF surpassed 1 million users in April 2013, about three months after its launch. The following month, it launched in the App Store and immediately ranked higher than Tinder, then (and arguably still now) the “reference” dating app. Founder Colin Hodge emerged from anonymity, parlayed their app’s popularity into a $1 million capital raise led by Tim Draper and Great Oaks Ventures, and rebranded to the slightly less salacious “DOWN.”

Breaking the Hush-Hush Dating App Mold

Hodge’s app did a lot of things differently in those heady early days. But its biggest innovation was simply being open and honest about its purpose.

Before BWF, dating apps largely danced around the “uncomfortable” fact that they existed to broker romantic — and sometimes purely sexual — relationships. Incumbents like eHarmony and (now just “Match”) used awkward questionnaires and opaque algorithms to pair users, often with disappointing results, all-the-while marketing their platforms to match users with their “soulmates.” Early iterations of Tinder employed euphemisms like “discovering new friends.”

BWF dispensed with all that. Its first version was a simple, anonymous “Facebook dating app” that let users choose which friends they’d like to hook up with. There was no fanfare, no beating around the bush, and no uncertainty about what a mutual match meant.

The cash infusion and DOWN rebrand led to a slicker, more feature-rich app that wasn’t so closely tied to users’ Facebook networks. But the spirit remained the same: to defeat the then-powerful stigma around digital hookups and show skeptics that no-strings dating could be safe and fun.

Up, Down, Left, Right

DOWN’s transition to a full-fledged mobile dating app brought a flurry of new features.

The app was familiar to users who’d tried Tinder, Grindr, Plenty of Fish, and other mobile dating/hookup apps. But DOWN was (and is) very much its own. Plus, its uniqueness helped it scale quickly to more than 5 million users by 2016.

DOWN added location-based matching early on. This allowed users to find potential partners — often at the same party. It also improved upon the “swipe left/right” binary popularized by Tinder and Grindr with a three-directional architecture:

  • Swipe LEFT if you’re not interested (continue to the next potential match)
  • Swipe UP if you’re interested in something more serious (DATE)
  • Swipe DOWN if you’re interested in something more casual (HOOKUP)

With two buckets for potential matches, DOWN offers a more customized experience and gives users control over what they want. If you’re only in the market for hookups, that’s fine — just swipe DOWN whenever someone catches your eye — if you’re only in the market to date, it’s the same deal. And if you want both, well, you have the option. In any case, the risk of awkward, even painful miscommunication when you match, is much lower.

DOWN’s simple yet innovative approach to personal matching has pushed (or maybe pulled) other apps down this path. For example, once upon a time, Tinder’s reputation was exclusive as a hookup app. Though it’s still facilitating hookups, it’s now a bit more welcoming for users seeking deeper connections. The opposite is true for at least some legacy online dating sites like OkCupid and Match — they’re not go-tos for casual flings, but they’re a bit less awkward than before. Now, a plethora of casual dating apps are on the market, with DOWN leading the charge as a sort of “Tinder for hookups.”

Staying One (Or Three) Steps Ahead

In the years since the launch of its full mobile app, DOWN has steadily added first-in-class features. These include some for paired-up users eager to spice up existing relationships:

    • 3Some: This one pairs users open to (or actively seeking) threesome hookups or polyamorous relationships. It works if you’re single and looking for two new partners. Or if you’re already in a relationship and you’d like to add a third. According to DOWN’s own data, 22% of single users are looking for two people to join a new “3some,” and about 5% are looking to add one more to an existing pair.
    • Snap Match: A top alternative to Tinder’s Passport feature, you tap “Spin,” and DOWN instantly pairs you with a random person who fits your profile preferences. The catch: They could be anywhere in the world. It’s a great way to explore long-distance flings that may or may not turn into something more durable, or just to pass a few minutes chatting with someone you wouldn’t have encountered otherwise.
  • Highlights: These profile stickers help you stand out from DOWN’s ten million-plus users, and help you find just the type of person you desire. Use them to express your out-and-about personality, romantic preferences, bedroom behaviors — whatever strikes your fancy.
  • Icebreakers: These fun, low-pressure games are for those awkward early moments when you’re not quite sure what to say. DOWN has two right now: “Would You Rather,” which you might remember from high school, and “Photo Challenge,” where you share photos based on the app’s prompts.

Up Is the New DOWN

DOWN Dating App’s recent innovations have contributed to an impressive resurgence that’s much more than a byproduct of the post-COVID bounceback in online dating.

Since Q4 2019, the percentage of users who’ve found matches on DOWN has grown by a whopping 500% — that means five times as many people matching — while revenue has grown by some 250%. Downloads have more than doubled during that period. This suggests a mix of longtime users getting back in the mix and new users coming into the fold.

DOWN indeed operates in a crowded marketplace that big players like Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge increasingly dominate. But its unique, sex-positive features and easy-to-use interface have helped it grow its niche. As of late 2021, DOWN was more popular (as measured by new downloads) than eHarmony and Her. Additionally, it sat just behind heavyweights like Match, OkCupid, and Grindr.

The future looks bright for DOWN, which is very good news for the future of online dating.

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The Next Generation Of Leisure: Building Personalized Travel Experiences With Generative AI Thu, 13 Apr 2023 11:00:02 +0000 AI Personalized Travel Experiences

After enduring a nearly three-year stand-off with travel restrictions and border closures due to the global pandemic, last year saw […]

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AI Personalized Travel Experiences

After enduring a nearly three-year stand-off with travel restrictions and border closures due to the global pandemic, last year saw travelers take back to the skies, seas, roads, and railroads in droves as countries reopened and welcomed back foreign visitors.

Amid the pent-up travel demand, more than 900 million tourists made an international trip last year. Although the figure only represents 63% of pre-pandemic levels, estimates by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) predict that global tourism could considerably improve, approximately reaching 80% to 95% of pre-pandemic levels in 2023.

Despite ongoing economic problems, and travelers left paying way more for flights, hotels, excursions, and car rentals, demand has been growing steadily as the global tourism industry rebounds from years of shutdowns.

The growing potential of full recovery has prompted the industry to improve and adapt new technology in an attempt to meet traveler needs and cope with increasing demands. With the introduction of several advanced systems, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP) companies and travel agents are now able to closely monitor traveler trends and enhance the overall travel experience from booking to checking in.

What Is Generative AI?

An overarching branch of technology that has in recent years changed the way consumers, and travelers, book and plan their holidays is partially due to the growing development of generative AI.

Generative Artificial Intelligence is a broad term that refers to several categories of AI algorithms that can help to generate new texts, images, audio, code, and synthetic data. These outputs are delivered through deep machine learning networks that use a wide range of data points to compile and deliver different outputs based on the request.

Perhaps the most notable trend in generative AI is the recent release of ChatGPT, a natural language processing tool developed by software and technology firm, OpenAI. The ChatGPT model uses language input models that can help to answer questions, and assist with different language or text-based tasks, including composing emails, essays, and code.

Initially launched in November 2022, ChatGPT managed to garner more than one million users in five days, making it one of the fastest-growing applications by user growth.

Generative AI may perhaps still be in its infancy, but analysts predict that by 2025, these systems will produce 10% of all data. By the same time, generative AI will be used to discover 50% of drug discovery and development initiatives; and by 2027, 30% of manufacturers will use this technology to enhance their product development effectiveness.

These predictions, coupled with ongoing development and user interest show how human ingenuity has allowed businesses and companies to utilize advanced technology to improve customer engagement, experience, and overall satisfaction.

Generative AI In Travel

AI and its components are nothing new to the travel industry, as research shows that 30% of hospitality and similar companies are already using some form of AI to help them improve sales, websites, and product personalization.

We already see this sort of technology in travel with advanced personalization, AI travel assistants, AI-driven applications for flight forecasting, chatbots and online direct messaging, and data analysis that monitors travel trends.

As these and other systems mature as the industry recovers, providing real-world solutions for travelers and companies, how can generative AI become the next disruptive tool that helps to improve the travel experience and creates more personalized travel adventures?

Automated Booking Upgrade Processing

It’s estimated that in 2023, roughly 700 million people will be making a booking online. Furthermore, around 83% of American adults that plan to travel this year, will book their trip through an online platform or portal.

Generative AI provides direct and seamless communication, and for companies in the travel and leisure industry, this presents them with an opportunity to utilize direct and targeted messaging to reach the right consumer market at the right time.

Instead of relying on prompted digital ads and banners on websites, companies will now be able to direct communication with several different audiences at the same time. This will be more prevalent among companies in the airline, cruise, and hotel industries, offering customers an upgraded experience at any given touchpoint.

Generative AI will reach customers using the words and language most associated with the customer journey. This would take big data analysis to a whole new level, where companies can reach their customers with language segments associated with their travel experience.

Building Better Customer Loyalty Programs

Answering customer needs, and providing the right solutions can help companies turn paying clients into loyal followers. As part of their efforts to build a more tactile customer loyalty program, that effectively utilized customer data to profile travelers, generative AI will be able to create a full portrait of the traveler.

Through these efforts, booking sites and travel aggregators will have an informed view of their customers and can predict when a traveler becomes increasingly disengaged from the loyalty program. This could help them prompt new or different deals and marketing campaigns that can help keep travelers engaged and interested.

As more data is collected from travelers, companies will have the ability to formulate personalized rewards and incentives helping to increase customer engagement accuracy. These efforts are already active with the use of chatbots and direct messaging on websites, which is a common way for businesses to resolve customer problems and answer queries.

Better experiences and more personalized targeting would help to automatically increase overall customer involvement, leading to more loyal supporters and travelers.

Direct Marketing Communication

As more customer data and information is compiled, the easier it will be to deliver targeted marketing communication efforts to customers based on their experiences and interactions.

In the travel industry, generative AI will be able to use these algorithms as part of an effort to build a more personalized travel itinerary for customers based on their needs and direct language input. This would mean that customers will automatically be placed in a customer loyalty program dedicated to similar products and services.n

Instead of having customers search for a specific destination, only to review the results and never return, generative AI will target these customers based on their interests, and provide them with a more informative itinerary

These AI models can deliver direct marketing communication to any type of customer, allowing companies to offer the right set of products or services to customers throughout the entire journey.

Virtual Customer Services

A large majority of customer service these days is resolved online whether it’s through email, instant or direct messaging, or ChatBots. These applications have allowed businesses to have direct contact with the customer at all times, and ensure that when a problem occurs, artificial intelligence can use core language processing to resolve any grievances.

The next step would be to introduce a more humanoid or robotic customer service experience, eliminating humans from the chain of interaction, and allowing AI to generate possible solutions for customers.

In some instances, researchers have found that travel and leisure entities such as hotels, restaurants, and booking sites are completely digital, minimizing the need for human contact and delivering constant on-demand service.

In the travel industry, customer service cannot be ignored. Research shows that around 81% of customers that had a positive customer service experience are likely to make another purchase. Even more, around 76% of customers want to interact or talk to a company representative upon contacting a company.

This is where generative AI becomes important to oversee and analyze customer experience only, presenting them immediately with the right information they require, and resolving possible issues they may encounter along the way.

Planning And Booking Assistance

Paired with the importance of virtual customer service, and dedicated online communication – assisted planning and booking is another category where generative AI can be applied.

Companies are already experimenting with different ways they can deliver the right products and services to the right travelers throughout their planning and booking journey. With the assistance of generative AI, customers will in most instances have on-demand access to the services they need and desire.

Travelers booking holidays will be automatically directed to several different experiences or excursions at their destination. They will be offered hotel and car rental deals, discounts, and loyalty program offers specifically tailored to their holiday needs.

There will be an increasing number of direct communication efforts between companies and travelers through mobile messaging apps such as Whatsapp or Facebook Messenger to help keep customers informed about upcoming trips, reservations, or any possible changes.

Adapting to the traveler’s itinerary will mean that chatbots on booking sites will immediately deliver answers or results related to specific queries. Customers will no longer need to contact a service desk, as all the information they require will be available to them on demand.

The Bottom Line

It’s quite interesting to think how much Artificial Intelligence has already done for the travel industry. Now with the introduction of new software and technology, travel companies can direct their efforts towards a more empowered and improved customer journey, from planning to booking to checking in.

Generative Artificial Intelligence offers travelers a more personalized experience that puts them in direct contact with the right services and products and helps to make the entire journey more seamless. Providing customers with the right options not only shortens their time spent planning and booking, but it can also help to create more loyal and trusted customers in an industry bound for recovery.

Published First on ValueWalk. Read Here.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Spencer Davis; Pexels; Thank you!

The post The Next Generation Of Leisure: Building Personalized Travel Experiences With Generative AI appeared first on ReadWrite.

The Impact of Traveling on Business Tue, 28 Mar 2023 15:00:50 +0000 Traveling on Business

Technology has long evolved in every aspect of life, whether at work, school, or home. Its advancement has impacted many […]

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Traveling on Business

Technology has long evolved in every aspect of life, whether at work, school, or home. Its advancement has impacted many industries, such as finance, healthcare, security, and others just to mention a few.

In due time, technology also evolved in the travel industry. Thereby providing easy means through which flights, hotel rooms, tours, and other traveling activities can be booked; even trip plans can be done through a mobile device. So tell me why you would not like to travel with all the ease that comes with traveling.

Traveling is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for every individual that partakes in it. Likewise, for entrepreneurs, traveling plays an even greater role in impacting their business.

What travel will do for you:

  • Builds good communication skills
  • Improves one’s ability to collaborate and negotiate
  • Cultural awareness
  • Promotes good decision-making
  • Improves your time management skills, and so on

Nevertheless, it is important to note that entrepreneurship involves a lot of responsibilities. There are a lot of activities that come with running a business, but still, it is significant to make time to travel around the world.

Why should business leaders make time to travel the world?

It is essential to know that being in a static position as a business leader in terms of knowledge, expertise, and social network will not improve the growth of your business. That is why you have to include traveling in your business agenda, which would assist you in meeting and interacting with other social networks in the view of bringing in new ideas.

Let’s check out 5 lessons business leaders will learn from traveling:

  • Using body language in aiding sales

A first impression is formed within a few seconds and is heavily influenced by your body language.

In all business interactions, first impressions are crucial. Once someone labels you as trustworthy, suspicious, powerful or submissive, everything else you do is viewed through this lens.

When you are liked, you will be seen for what you are, and when you are disliked, all you do will be suspected. Studies have shown that nonverbal cues (body language) are four times more influential than verbal cues. When traveling to a new country for business or pleasure, research their culture to understand how your gestures will be perceived. If you put in the effort to understand people, you will most likely connect with them.

Then you should be able to relate it to your business and how you can improve customer service.

  • Developing valuable relationships

Do you know that traveling fosters unique relationships?

Whether you travel on a business trip or personal vacation, you get to meet some amazing people who might become your best friends, your coffee date partners, long-lasting clients, and trusted chefs.

Traveling teaches you how to embrace valuable relationships in your life and business exactly as they are, however flawed or different from your expectations they may be. You learn that every friendship or acquaintance you have adds something special to both your life and business, so you don’t waste time trying to change or control it.

When you travel, you will interact with more people and gain insight into the city, culture, and people, but more importantly, you will learn what their personal “pains” are and how you can relieve them through your business.

  •  Exposure to Ambiguity

Creating a business is all about dealing with ambiguity, you’re signing up for a truckload of unpredictable and mysterious events.

  • Will this business work?
  • Is this year going to be a profitable year?
  • Is this investor trustworthy?
  • What do you think about the ambiguity?
  • Are you afraid of it, or are you embracing it?

While traveling, you can gain good experiences with how you handle challenges. This is because of the unexpected and unpredictable events that occur while travelling; how you react to those challenges, just as when faced with unprecedented situations in your business, determines your success.

  • Creates Time to Reflect

Taking calls or responding to emails when you should be sleeping doesn’t make you a better entrepreneur. Likewise, how devoting every minute to your business can prevent you from reaching your full potential.

The effects of workplace burnout are real, and they can hurt your success. Stress and sleep deprivation can be detrimental to your life and business’s success.

Thus, taking a few days off will help you avoid burnout. Look for a place where you can relax and open your mind to new ideas. Vacations offer your mind the break it needs. Otherwise, you risk making bad business decisions.

Also, traveling will help take you back on your feet and will give you time for reflection. There’s nothing wrong with taking your time and reflecting on what you’re doing in both your professional and personal lives.

  • Re-evaluate your Business

Your opinions and beliefs about your business and life, in general, are re-evaluated when you travel. It is easier to connect with others if you have a more flexible mind than if you hold rigid notions about the world.

Taking trips gives you a better understanding of what people around the world are interested in. Explore how your business model can benefit from interacting with different cultures.

It’s important to never stop looking for new solutions in your business, and you should always be curious about what’s going on. Your employee benefits program might need improvement, or your marketing may be outdated. You’ll always learn lessons on the road, but you never know what they will be.

Meanwhile, traveling also has a few negative impacts on businesses. Just as the saying goes, there’s nothing that has an advantage that doesn’t have a disadvantage.

This is an educational article that would delve into the two-part impact of traveling so that business leaders become cognizant of the impacts travel has on them and their employees, also placing both impacts on priority.

Here are 3 drawbacks that traveling has for business

  • It can be Expensive

There’s no doubt that traveling can be quite expensive even when some bills are covered by the business or company, talking about plane tickets, taxis, and hotel bookings.

Rather, traveling in relation to business should not be perceived in the context of cost alone, but the aspect of revenue income, operations, and human impact should be considered.

  • Lack of Risk Management

Lots of businesses do not anticipate nor plan ahead for risks that could happen while traveling, this they end up lacking proper management of those risks when they occur.

There are different threats that travelers could face while traveling. These risks include contracting dangerous diseases, breaching cybersecurity codes, flight crash cases, and being detained.

  • Well-being and Health Risk

It has been observed that the majority of people that travel on business trips or vacations rarely follow their normal routine and thus have to go through a totally new routine.

Let it be known that this could pose a threat to employees’ health and well-being due to the fact that they are trying to make the most of the travel period.


All things considered, it seems reasonable to assume that traveling and entrepreneurship go hand in hand. They both start from a point and grow to a level of professionalism.

You shouldn’t deny the fact that traveling is a research process that helps to bring fresh ideas to your business on the journey of professionalism.

In other words, as a business owner, there are certain things that you need to put in place if you want the right impact of traveling in your business.

Most importantly, you should stop trying to minimize the cost of travel due to the effect it has on the business and employees — rather remember the increase the return on investment(ROI) of business travel will be for your company or business.

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The post The Impact of Traveling on Business appeared first on ReadWrite.

The Benefits of Standing Desks for Office Workers Sat, 25 Mar 2023 15:00:47 +0000 Standing Desks

Standing desks have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. In this article, I’ll discuss the benefits […]

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Standing Desks

Standing desks have become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason.

In this article, I’ll discuss the benefits of standing desks for office workers.

The Dangers of Prolonged Sitting

Sitting for extended periods can be harmful to your health.

Prolonged sitting has been linked to various health problems, including obesity, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes.

It can also increase the risk of certain types of cancer, such as colon and endometrial cancer.

The Benefits of Standing Desks

Standing desks offer a range of benefits that can improve the health of office workers.

This is not to say that you have to stand the entire day — but forcing oneself to stand several times during the workday will significantly improve your health.

Improved posture

One of the most significant benefits of standing desks is that they can improve posture. Sitting for long periods can lead to slouching, which can cause neck and back pain.

By standing at a desk, you can maintain a more upright posture, which can reduce the risk of neck and back pain.

Tips for a Good Posture

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Ensure your feet are flat on the floor and your shoulders are relaxed.
  • Keep your head straight, eyes looking forward, and chin parallel to the floor.
  • Keep your arms loosely at your sides, with your elbows bent at 90 degrees.
  • Take regular breaks to move around, stretch, and relax your back, neck, and shoulders.

Increased energy levels

Standing desks can also increase energy levels, helping you to stay alert and focused throughout the day.

It’s because standing desks can improve blood circulation, which helps to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

Improves Mood

Standing desks can also improve mood, helping to reduce stress and increase feelings of well-being.

Having a good mood in the office can have a significant impact on the productivity and overall morale of the workplace.

A good mood has been linked to improved performance, higher levels of engagement, and even better physical health for office workers.

Increased Focus and Productivity

Standing desks have also been shown to increase focus and productivity. When we sit for long periods, our bodies tend to become sluggish, and our minds start to wander.

It can lead to a decrease in focus and productivity.

In contrast, standing desks keep us alert and focused, as they require us to maintain an upright position for a while — and maintain a constant state of movement.

Here are some tips to maximize your productivity while at a standing desk:

  • Listen to Music.
  • Take Breaks.
  • Use a Footrest.
  • Keep it Clean.

Reduced Risk of Health Problems

Another benefit of standing desks is the reduced risk of health problems. Sitting for long periods has been linked to a range of health problems, including obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.

By using a standing desk, office workers can reduce their risk of these problems and maintain a healthy weight.

Additionally, standing desks have been shown to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, including colon cancer and breast cancer.

Promotes Weight Loss

Weight loss is a benefit (from bestdesksgeek dot com) of standing desks that often goes unnoticed. Standing desks offer a great way to burn extra calories while working.

Studies suggest that standing at a desk can burn up to 50-110 extra calories per hour compared to sitting. This can add up over time and contribute to weight loss.

Better Sleep

Finally, standing desks can also help improve the quality of sleep. Sitting for long periods has been linked to poor sleep quality, as it can cause discomfort and stress.

On the other hand, standing desks promote good posture and reduce stress, which can lead to better sleep quality.

Additionally, standing desks have been shown to reduce the risk of sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea.

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Implementing Standing Desks in the Workplace

While the benefits of standing desks are numerous, they do come with a cost.

Below is a cost-benefit analysis of standing desks:

Cost of Implementation

While the benefits of standing desks are numerous, they do come with a cost.

The cost of implementation can vary depending on the type of standing desk you choose and the number of employees you need to accommodate.

It’s important to consider the cost of the desks themselves, as well as the cost of any necessary modifications to the work environment, such as electrical and plumbing upgrades.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Despite the upfront cost of implementing standing desks in the workplace, the return on investment can be substantial. Improved employee health, increased productivity, and reduced absenteeism can all lead to improved bottom-line performance.

How Incorrect Posture Can Lead To Health Issues While Using a Standing Desk?

If you work at a standing desk, it’s important to be aware of the potential health risks associated with incorrect posture.

Poor posture can lead to several health issues, including musculoskeletal problems, headaches, and fatigue.

One of the most common problems associated with incorrect posture is a pain in the neck, shoulders, and back.

This is often caused by slouching or hunching over, which puts unnecessary strain on the spine. Poor posture can also lead to tension headaches and migraines.

Fatigue is another common problem caused by incorrect posture. When you stand for long periods, it’s important to maintain good posture to avoid fatiguing your muscles.

If you slouch or hunch over, you’ll likely start to feel tired more quickly.

Incorrect posture can also cause problems with circulation. When you stand, your blood flow should be directed downwards towards your feet.

However, if you slouch or hunch over, your blood flow can be restricted, leading to dizziness, lightheadedness, and even fainting.


Are standing desks more comfortable than traditional seated desks?

Yes, standing desks are more comfortable than traditional seated desks. Standing desks offer several comfort benefits, including reduced risk of pressure injuries and improved focus and motivation.

How often should I use my standing desk?

It’s also important to use your standing desk regularly to get the most benefit from it.

Is a mat necessary when using a standing desk?

No, a mat is not hundred percent necessary, but for standing for long periods — it provides a non-slip surface for added safety.


Standing desks offer a range of benefits for office workers, including improved posture, increased focus and productivity, reduced risk of health problems, increased energy levels, and better sleep quality.

With so many benefits, it is no wonder that standing desks are becoming a popular choice for office workers around the world.

In this article, I’ve discussed the benefits of standing desks for office workers.

What benefits have you seen from your standing desk? Let us know!

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Unsplash; Thank you!

The post The Benefits of Standing Desks for Office Workers appeared first on ReadWrite.

Vacation Packing Checklist: 12 Essentials to Make Travel Easier Fri, 17 Mar 2023 11:00:17 +0000 Vacation Packing Checklist

You’ve booked your flight. You’ve found the perfect hotel with an even more perfect view. You’ve done your restaurant research […]

The post Vacation Packing Checklist: 12 Essentials to Make Travel Easier appeared first on ReadWrite.

Vacation Packing Checklist

You’ve booked your flight. You’ve found the perfect hotel with an even more perfect view. You’ve done your restaurant research and know exactly where you’re going for each meal. You even managed to find some good deals to save a dime or two. The travel bug has been biting for months now, and you can’t wait to take a well-deserved break.

My Motto: Pack Early and Well — and Have a List.

But now comes the less-than-glamorous part — packing your luggage.

Even the most experienced travelers can struggle to figure out what to bring (and actually remember to bring it). Luckily, there are a few tricks that will help ease the stress of pre-vacation packing. Below are packing essentials that can help you stay organized, feel prepared, and head to your holiday in confidence.

  1. Packing Cubes

One of the most daunting aspects of packing is ensuring everything fits perfectly in your luggage. Packing cubes are one of the best travel hacks to save you space and some sanity when sorting your suitcase. And this tip isn’t just for the meticulous, type-A planner; this is also perfect for the packing procrastinators. Having a way to organize your luggage can make your life easier both before and after the trip. Packing cubes can also double as a laundry bag throughout your trip to sort your dirty and clean clothes.

  1. Toiletry Organizer

Hauling your hygiene products for your holiday is non-negotiable, but keeping those products organized can easily level-up your trip. Whether it’s your skin-care products, soap for the shower, or make-up you can’t live without — organizing is a game changer. Having all your necessities in one place makes it quicker and easier to find them. And not only can it save you room in your luggage, but it can save you counter space too. Your travel roommates will thank you!

  1. Mini Reusable Bottles

When preparing for your trip, packing your favorite products may be at the top of your priorities. However, finding your go-to soaps and sprays may be hard to come by in travel-size packaging. Using mini, reusable bottles can help you carry them with ease — all while saving you a few bucks. Another added bonus? Using these toiletry bottles, rather than disposable products, is better for the environment.

  1. Suitcase Cover

Having a suitcase cover is something that many people tend to shrug off. However, investing in protection can keep that quality luggage of yours safe and scratch-free for years. Not only do they protect your luggage, but they also help it stand out on the conveyor belt. This makes your belongings easier to find in a busy airport. Better yet, because they can be reused, suitcase covers are also an eco-friendlier alternative to cling wrap.

Pro tip: Make sure your luggage case is easy to open to ensure it goes through TSA smoothly.

  1. Passport Pouch

When it comes to international travel, there are many documents you want to keep by your side. This can include your passport, boarding pass, and even proof of vaccinations if necessary. Relying solely on your pockets for protection may lead to missed flights or delays with customs. Investing in a safe way to carry them around can help you avoid those unwanted travel tragedies and stay organized. Plus, passport pouches can prevent wear and tear, as well as keep them protected from pickpocketing.

  1. Portable Phone Charger

There’s only one thing worse than being in unfamiliar territory with low battery — being in unfamiliar territory with no battery. Your phone often holds mobile versions of flight tickets, proof of vaccination, and restaurant reservations. It also contains a GPS to navigate you, a translator to help communicate, and other helpful apps for your travel. Keeping your phone charged should remain a top priority, so bringing a portable charger with you is crucial.

  1. Plug Converter

When it comes to keeping devices charged, there’s another important item to add to your packing list: a plug converter. If you’ve ever traveled to another country, you may have quickly realized that electrical outlets are not one-size-fits-all. Many places around the world have different ports, which is why it’s important to make sure you pack an adapter. You can even invest in one that will work in up to 200 countries. Make sure to do your research before you travel to decide whether or not a plug converter is needed.

  1. Luggage Tracker

No matter how much you prepare for your trip, there is one aspect entirely out of your control — losing luggage. However, gone are the days of leaving it in the airline’s hands to track down. With a Bluetooth or GPS tracker, like Airtags (love these) or Tiles, you can find your belongings anywhere anytime. Not only do these trackers help you locate lost luggage, but they also prevent it from being stolen. If you’ve had your fair share of airport mishaps, you know how important this item is for smooth travel.

Also — one thing that has saved my life numerous times — I have a lightweight change of clothes and small essentials in my backpack. If the luggage is lost you have something for your meeting the next day and time to get to the store or have something delivered. No more worries.

  1. Wireless Bluetooth Transmitter

If you don’t like using cheaply made, long-wired, complimentary headphones from the airline? Welcome to the club. Bluetooth adapters are necessary if you want to connect wireless headphones to the plane’s screen to watch your shows. Rather than hauling out your laptop or squinting at your phone, you can relax and enjoy screen time more comfortably. Also, because it’s an AUX cord, it can double as a way to stream entertainment on your hotel TV.

  1. TSA PreCheck

If you travel frequently, TSA PreCheck could be well worth the investment. Walking into a busy airport is stressful, but skipping the long lines allows you to breathe a sigh of relief. However, having expedited access through security is not the only perk. With this upgrade, you do not have to go through the hassle of removing your belts, shoes, or lightweight jackets. You can also leave certain items in your carry-on such as laptops and certain liquids.

The price on this perk recently went up — which bugs me — but it’s still worth it.

  1. Cash

Bringing your credit card on vacation is a no-brainer but putting cash in your wallet for the trip may (or may not) be. Having tangible money with you makes it easier to tip cab drivers, bellhops, and housekeeping staff. It’s also helpful when shopping at private vendors, markets, street sales, or other places that may not accept cards. They say carrying local currency is always a good idea in case of emergencies — though I have found, with a choice, local vendors prefer US cash. A perk —  taking cash with you can often help limit spending while you are traveling as well.

  1. First-Aid Kit

From medical emergencies to minor cuts and bumps, a travel-friendly first-aid kit is a great way to be proactive. This is especially essential for those who rely on regular medication or are prone to certain allergies. Keeping all your supplies in one spot makes it easier to find in a pinch if needed. Adding items such as band-aids, pain relievers, ointments, and gauze can help prevent making last-minute trips to a drugstore. And let’s be honest, no one wants to spend their time in a new city searching for the nearest CVS.

While planning your vacation activities can take priority over managing your packing list, having the right essentials can help relieve stress. From organizing your bag to being proactive about possible inconveniences, acquiring the right necessities is crucial to a successful vacation.

Published First on Calendar. Read Here.

Featured Image Credit: William Fortunato; Pexels; Thank you!

The post Vacation Packing Checklist: 12 Essentials to Make Travel Easier appeared first on ReadWrite.

9 Desk Decoration Ideas for Your Home in 2023 Wed, 25 Jan 2023 19:00:44 +0000 Desk Decoration Ideas

Are you looking for the best desk decoration ideas for 2023? In just a few years, technology will be more […]

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Desk Decoration Ideas

Are you looking for the best desk decoration ideas for 2023? In just a few years, technology will be more advanced than ever, and our homes will reflect that.

So, to help you stay ahead, we’ve put together a list of nine desk decoration ideas that will work well in 2023.

Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or prefer to shop for everything, these ideas will help you create a stylish and functional workspace that is perfect for any home.

Desk Decoration Ideas for Your Home

Decorating your desk is a great way to make your workspace more inviting, creative, and inspiring.

Here are the nine best desk decoration ideas for your home for 2023:

1. Keep it Simple

It’s essential to keep the decor simple and clutter-free. Too much clutter can be distracting and make it challenging to stay focused.

Start with small decorations that add color and personality to your desk.

Keep them organized and out of the way, no matter what type of decorations you choose. A good rule of thumb is to keep at most four items on your desk at any time. More decorations can make it easier to stay organized and focused.


  • The key to desk decoration is to do just what is necessary. Simple items such as a vase with fresh flowers, a scented candle, or a framed picture can instantly brighten a desk.

2. Add a Touch of Color

Adding a touch of color to your desk is a great way to brighten your workspace and make it more inviting.

Whether you are working from home or in an office, a little bit of color can really make a difference in how you feel while you are working.

From bright and bold colors to subtle and muted tones, you can choose the perfect color palette to fit your style and preferences.

One of the easiest ways to add a touch of color to your desk is to start with an essential piece of furniture and then incorporate color through accessories and décor pieces.

Furthermore, you can add a color lamp to lighten the area with your favorite color.


  • Color can be a great way to liven up a desk. Try adding a colorful desk mat, a vibrant flower arrangement, or a desk lamp with a bright shade.

3. Hang Artwork

Hanging artwork can make your workspace more inviting, cozy, and inspiring.

You can create a visual focal point in your office that reflects your personality and style with suitable artwork.

You can hang photographs, quotes, posters, an image of your family, or your favorite place in artwork.


  • Artwork is a great way to add personality to a desk. Hang prints, photographs, or posters to make a statement.

An image showing art work hanged in office

4. Get Creative with Storage

If you are looking for ways to spruce up your desk and make it more organized, get creative with storage to decorate your desk.

Storage is an essential component of any desk setup, so using it as a way to decorate can make your desk look great and make it easier to work.

One way to get creative with storage is to use dividers or organizers. You can use dividers to separate your desk into different sections for different tasks, and organizers can help you keep track of things like pens, paper clips, and other small items.

These are great for keeping your desk organized and making it easier to find things when you need them.

Another way to get creative with storage is to use shelves or baskets to store items that you don’t need to keep on your desk all the time.

Shelves and baskets can be used to store books, magazines, or office supplies that you use occasionally.

It’ll keep your desk looking neat and tidy and make it easier to find items when you need them.


  • Storage containers are a great way to keep a desk organized and tidy. Choose colorful boxes, baskets, or jars to store supplies and organize paperwork.

5. Add Greenery

If you’re looking for a way to add a little life to your desk, adding greenery is a great option. Greenery can help bring life and color to a workspace and can also help create a calming atmosphere.

Adding greenery to your desk can be as simple as a small succulent or a few air plants or as intricate as a small bonsai tree or terrarium.

Some benefits of having a plant in your home office are:

  • Improves air quality.
  • Improves concentration.
  • Increases creativity and improves mood.


  • Adding a plant to a desk can help to add a pop of color and life to a space. Choose a low-maintenance plant such as a succulent or air plant.

An image showing a plant placed on a desk

6. Use Desk Accessories

Desk accessories are an essential part of any workspace, providing organization, storage, and decoration. Decorating your desk with accessories can make it more inviting and help you create a workspace that reflects your own style and personality.

Here are some tips for using desk accessories to decorate your desk:

  1. Choose interesting accessories: There’s a wide variety of fun and interesting desk accessories available, so it’s important to choose those that reflect your taste and style. Look for pieces with interesting shapes, textures, and colors that will add visual interest to your desk.
  2. Make use of vertical space: Vertical space is often overlooked when decorating a desk, but it can be a great way to add extra storage and display space. Consider adding a wall shelf or desktop file organizer to hold books and other items.

Some desk accessories include:

  • Desk lamp (more to come).
  • Pen and pencil holders.
  • Desk organizers.


  • Desk accessories such as pencil holders, calender, and organizers can help to add a touch of style and functionality to a desk.

Must Read: Flexispot Pro Standing Desk Review

7. Showcase Collectibles

Showcase collectibles to decorate your desk are becoming increasingly popular. These items can range from vintage and antique pieces to handmade and custom-made items.

It’s one of the best desk decoration ideas that many experts recommend to do.

Collectibles can be found in many shapes, sizes, and colors and can be used to enhance the look of any office or workspace.


  • Showcase your favorite collectibles on your desk. Display a few items, such as a vintage typewriter, an antique clock, or a collection of postcards.

8. Add a Pen Holder

A pen holder not only looks good but can also be a practical addition to your desk.

Keeping your pens, pencils and other writing implements organized and in one place can help make your desk look neater and make it easier to find the writing instrument you need.

When selecting a pen holder for your desk, you have many options. You can choose from various materials such as plastic, wood, or metal.

You can select a pen holder in various colors or designs if you want a more decorative option.


  • A pen holder is a great way to store all your writing utensils. You can find pen holders in various shapes and sizes, including ones designed to look like animals or other fun forms.

9. Lighting

Lighting is one of the essential elements in any interior design project.

Perfect lighting not only serves to illuminate the space but is also a great way to add a decorative touch to your desk, making it look more beautiful and inviting.

The best way to add lighting to your desk is to place it near a window where natural outside light comes inside.

Furthermore, if you want to use artificial lighting, you can consider using LED bulbs or desk lamps.


  • Desk lamps can be a great way to brighten up your workspace. You can find lamps in various styles, such as modern, industrial, and vintage.

An image showing a lamp placed on the desk


How Can I Ensure That my Desk Decorations are Modern and up-to-date?

Incorporate modern elements such as geometric shapes, bright colors, and contemporary art pieces to ensure your desk decorations stay modern and up-to-date.

What are Some Benefits of Using a Standing Desk?

Standing desks have several benefits guys from Desks Geek call these the major among them:

What Materials are Best for Creating Desk Decorations?

Materials like wood, paper, fabric, and metal are the best for desk decorations.

What Colors Should I Use for my Desk Decorations for a Modern Look?

For a modern and vibrant look, try decorating your desk with a combination of colors like coral, teal, and mustard yellow!


In conclusion, desk decorations have come a long way since 2023. They now offer various options to suit any style and budget. There is something for everyone, from colorful wall art pieces to unique desk accessories.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Gian Paolo Aliatis; Unsplash; Thank you!

The post 9 Desk Decoration Ideas for Your Home in 2023 appeared first on ReadWrite.

7 Actionable Time Management Tips for Students Mon, 23 Jan 2023 16:00:02 +0000 Actionable Time Management

Have you ever planned to read for an exam at night only to sleep and wake up two hours before […]

The post 7 Actionable Time Management Tips for Students appeared first on ReadWrite.

Actionable Time Management

Have you ever planned to read for an exam at night only to sleep and wake up two hours before the examination? Or perhaps you postponed reading a topic and found it in the test, yet you didn’t even look at it before entering the examination room. A lot of this happens to us when we are students, but I have learned that these experiences come as opportunities to plan or do time management better next time.

A popular phrase goes, “Time Once Lost is Never Found,” and another says, “Time waits for no Man.” That’s quite true, and I have surely lived to learn that there is always time for everything. Although, it’s all about what we choose to do at a particular time, which influences the outcomes.

Effective Time Management Plans

Throughout life, there is always going to be something to take us off course, and this badly hurts our time and success. Time management is a very crucial aspect of an individual — whether a student or an entrepreneur.

Effective time management skills are crucial throughout one’s academic journey and professional life. Generally, if we want to achieve greater goals, we must be good at time management.

However, it’s common to lose track of time, get caught up in traffic, or forget the assignment’s due date. In a modern world like today, just using a hand watch or a calendar is no longer an effective approach to managing time.

At this juncture, we would like to explore the most reliable time management tips for students that will guarantee optimal efficiency and productivity, especially during the examination period. Usually essay service have a team of experienced writers who are well-versed in various academic fields, and they can help students with any kind of writing assignment, regardless of its complexity or length.

7 Actionable Time Management Tips for Students

There is a range of time management tips students can leverage to escape stress, achieve a class-life balance or perhaps excel academically. But let’s look at the top 7 most reliable time management tips any student can rely on.

1. Creating a To-Do List 

Creating a to-do list is one of the best approaches to effective time management. Some people also follow calendars or schedules to ensure that they perform every task timely. However, it’s not all about creating a list of things to do in a day or week but also grading them according to their importance.

Prioritizing tasks helps us not to waste time on tasks that don’t matter or spend a lot of time on those which require less time.

The Pareto principle is a simple and time-efficient rule to follow. Developed by Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian engineer and economist, the principle shows a correlation between the output and the input. The Pareto Principle states that 80% of the outcomes are driven by 20% of the input. In other words, 80% of the goals will come from 20% of your efforts and actions. Focusing on a few things at a time will offer you efficiency.

When it comes to applying the Pareto principle, one has to list down all tasks, identify the 20%, remove unproductive tasks and then execute the 80/20 rule. Generally, you have to be clear on whatever task you have to do in a day, week, or month. You then have to identify the most crucial tasks (20%) that will bring about the 80% (expected results).

Once you have graded all your tasks, it’s essential that you identify the productive and unproductive tasks. You have to get rid of them or delegate them. Then implement the 80/20 rule by beginning with the most crucial tasks. You can also re-organize tasks or refocus priorities as you complete the most crucial tasks to achieve optimal efficiency.

2. Using Time Tracking Tools

Most of us agree that time management is essential, but there are many times when we lose track of it. For example, you can plan to spend two hours on a task and end up completing it in four. Identifying the cause of that and eliminating distractions can help you manage time better.

Thanks to technology, there is a range of time management tools besides your watch that can help you stay ahead of time. With these tools, students can create to-do lists and organize notes in one place for easy access. Some tools allow users to prioritize tasks as per the due date or sync notes across all devices.

Using at least one reliable time management tool can help you manage time better, make better decisions, and become more organized and productive. If you’re looking for time management tools, you can check out a few, like Trello, Evernote, my Homework Student Planner, Focus Booster, etc.

3. Using POMODORO Technique

The Pomodoro technique is a simple productivity hack that helps people work within the available time. If you aren’t used to this time management technique, you might find it unrealistic or boring, but many people swear by it.

The Pomodoro system requires one to identify the available time or tasks and break it into 25-minute intervals with a 5-minutes break in between. The intervals are referred to as Pomodoros, and after every four Pomodoros, one must take a longer break of 15-20 minutes.

Most people tend to feel like they have the entire day or a lot of time to complete a task which increases sluggishness and ineffectiveness. The Pomodoro technique comes in to instill a sense of urgency where one is reminded to complete a task within the allocated time. It also helps one to be mindful of distractions and unnecessary activities like phone use that can lead to poor time management.

This time management approach can help increase focus and productivity and also works effectively to reduce burn-out. One can use a timer, but there are many Pomodoro apps, such as Pomodoro Timer Lite and Focus Keeper, to help track productivity, ensure breaks in between tasks, and own your time.

4. Collaboration Tools

It’s impossible to escape collaborative activities in today’s education system, more so in the corporate world. Collaboration is an effective way to enhance knowledge, get complex tasks done effectively, or coordinate remotely. The outbreak of COVID-19 has led to a greater demand for collaboration tools across sectors.

When it comes to the education sphere, collaboration tools are seen as a dynamic learning technique with the potential to increase engagement. Today, there are many collaboration tools that students can use to collaborate on projects or share feedback timely.

Some of these include Edmondo, FlipGrid, School Frindzy, Google Docs/Google Drive, etc. These tools come with different functionalities that allow student-teacher collaboration, content creation, formative assessment, and feedback sharing.

5. Manage Distractions  

It is quite easy to plan, but whenever we plan, it’s essential to also plan for the unexpected. There is nothing that affects academic outcomes like distractions and unexpected assignments. So whenever we plan, we should always leave room for the unexpected. Distractions are everywhere, and they can occur whether studying virtually or in a physical classroom.

So what do you do when studying remotely, but there is a lot of noise around you that makes it hard to concentrate? Try to find a safe and noise-free learning environment to help you concentrate on your studies. That could be creating a dedicated study space that is soundproof and with no distractive elements like portraits or TV screens. You can also find a noise-free zone in case studying within the school premises.

Moving away from distractions will help you finish classwork at the appropriate time, and it will help you escape stress and classroom anxiety. It will also help you spare time to build your social life or develop your talent. You ought to know that distractions are everywhere, but managing them effectively is one of the best approaches to keeping track of time.

6. Be Flexible 

Being flexible is like having a growth mindset. Students with a good degree of flexibility are hardly affected by abrupt happenings or changes in systems. For example, the 2020 outbreak forced students to adopt remote or hybrid learning cultures. Some students who aren’t flexible enough found it challenging to the new learning models.

Cognitive flexibility is vital for teachers and learners to move at the same pace. Generally, cognitive flexibility allows students to adopt new learning systems without hesitation, embrace new experiences, and deal with classroom anxiety. When it comes to professional life, cognitive flexibility allows us to deal with or manage people effectively.

Student life is all about being flexible because there are times when you will have to read while surrounded by noisy people. Or search for a suitable place to continue with your reading instead of postponing it. We all know how studies can become boring, so you have to experiment with schedules to find the period in which you’re most effective to help you manage your time appropriately.

7. Avoid Procrastinating

We’ve all done it before, and perhaps we still do it. If you aren’t sure whether you’re a procrastinator, then spare a few minutes to assess yourself. Do you get tasks with a future deadline and postpone them only to work through them a night before submitting them the next day? Do you at times find yourself racing with time to meet the deadline, yet had a whole week to do the task?

Procrastination is the tendency to delay or postpone activities with a belief that there is still time to do them. Procrastination may not always be bad, but it increases ineffectiveness because there are higher chances of operating in rush hours. Letting go of procrastination can help you improve yourself and the way you value time.

To encapsulate, poor time management affects punctuality and can lead to loss of opportunities. Being sensitive to time during school life can contribute to one’s success in the professional sphere. We have taken the time here to explore the most reliable time management tips for students, and we believe they can make a huge difference in the way you manage your time.

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