Application - ReadWrite IoT and Technology News Fri, 20 Oct 2023 22:38:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Application - ReadWrite 32 32 How Tech Sprawl Actually Slows Digital Transformation Fri, 20 Oct 2023 21:00:31 +0000 Tech Sprawl Slows you down

Think about the last software program you purchased for your employees. You may have needed only one or two of […]

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Tech Sprawl Slows you down

Think about the last software program you purchased for your employees. You may have needed only one or two of its features, so you kept the previous program that your employees used before as well. After that was implemented, you noticed that a few essential features of your business’s analytics software don’t work with the new software. As a result, you purchased a data and analytics add-on specifically for the latest software. To complicate matters even more, your BI team must keep using the previous data tool since it offers features the new one does not.

If that situation sounds chaotic, that’s because it is. Tech sprawl is a real problem. Tech sprawl can be defined as the process where companies overload different, overlapping software programs, cloud applications, or technology products in order to fill a gap. Companies end up having one, two, or three of every type of software imaginable, using each one only for one or two features.

The negative impact of tech sprawl

Eighty percent of IT leaders believe that tech sprawl is one of companies’ biggest problems. ( The following adverse effects stemming from the phenomenon are examples of how it slows down digital transformation. Learn what they are and how to avoid falling victim to tech sprawl.

  1. Tech sprawl is expensive. Purchasing numerous programs or products to use one or two features from each one isn’t only impractical but also costs money. The licensing fees can quickly add up, and new tech tools are generally pretty pricey. Many times, the software a company purchases becomes buried under newer programs and is easily forgotten. An estimated 40 billion dollars a year is spent on unused software. When businesses seek to cut costs, they inadvertently inundate themselves with more debt by purchasing too many technology-related products.
  2. Tech sprawl is risky. When companies use too many programs in their workflow processes, they leave private data vulnerable to cyber-attacks. It can be impossible to track and secure every single program employees use. As employees incorporate new cloud-based programs into their workflows, their IT department must learn new security measures for those applications. As tech sprawl grows, the average IT department simply cannot handle the high demand. This leaves many unprotected files at risk for data breaches.
  3. Tech sprawl leads to siloed data. Siloed data is a major problem in companies that use various programs in their operations. Since not all software programs “speak” to each other, employees must learn how to use different applications and save login details for each one. When this problem arises in a contact center, agents could find themselves trying to access a program they accidentally uninstalled or forgot the password. This can lead to very unhappy customers if this type of scenario occurs while on the phone with an agent.
  4. Tech sprawl hinders good communication within the company. Many software applications allow users to easily communicate with one another by simply tagging them within the app and relaying the message they wish to send. Problems could arise when the recipient does not use that program and fails to get a notification. Sometimes, they haven’t learned how to use it. In other instances, employees may send each other files that can only be opened with a program that the recipients do not have. This can become a more significant problem if several employees use different programs and run into the aforementioned scenarios daily. Messages get lost, employees become confused, and frustration builds up as simple projects take too long to execute.


One platform changes everything

Now that so many companies offer work-from-home options or have converted to 100% remote, tech sprawl is a problem that they definitely want to avoid. Transforming your contact center into a fully digital one is much easier when all agents need is one program to work.

Implementing a unified and customizable omnichannel cloud platform ( is a cloud based) in your contact center’s workflows is exactly how companies avoid falling into the tech sprawl trap. An omnichannel platform brings all the central components of a contact center’s operations under one roof. The RoI numbers speak for themselves: companies saw a 229% return on their investments after eliminating wasteful programs and using the platform.

Unlike other hosted programs, a cloud-based platform employs top cybersecurity talent to ensure customer data is safe and secure from cyberattacks. They also boast several certifications, such as PCI DSS and (AICPA) SOC 2.

Since the platform houses all the tools an agent needs to do their job, the extra software programs or cloud applications aren’t necessary anymore. Those additional cybersecurity risks are eliminated because all your operations stem from one highly secured platform.

Siloed data is no longer a problem once companies switch over to an omnichannel platform. The platform provides everything a contact center needs, from analytics to quality management and sales support to agent performance tools. Agents do not have to worry about navigating different programs; everything will be easily accessible in one place.

Watch your company’s productivity increase as communication improves. A cloud-based platform offers personalized notifications for users. All communication can be done through the platform that everybody has access to. Since it provides major departments of a contact center with all they need to do their jobs, the concern over communicating through various different programs is eliminated.

Tech sprawl is undoubtedly a problem now that most companies have moved to cloud-based solutions. With some due diligence and the use of one omnichannel platform, wasteful programs and overspending are much better controlled. Your contact center will benefit as your agents provide a positive experience for your customers with the help of a cloud-based omnichannel platform.

Featured Image Credit: Aleksandar Pasaric; Pexels; Thank you!

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How does ERP Helps to improve Business Operations? Fri, 29 Sep 2023 12:00:01 +0000

In the contemporary digital landscape, businesses concept intricate provocations that demand efficient and streamlined operations. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems […]

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In the contemporary digital landscape, businesses concept intricate provocations that demand efficient and streamlined operations. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have emerged as a game-changer, revolutionizing the way organizations manage their processes, data, and resources. By integrating diverse functions into a unified system, ERP plays a pivotal role in improving business operations, driving productivity, and fostering growth.

Nowadays, ERP performs a supreme vocation in evolving to address the changing needs of businesses and keep up with technological advancements leverage cloud computing, mobile technologies, advanced analytics, integration with emerging technologies, collaboration features, and enhanced security to meet the evolving needs of businesses and enable efficient, data-driven operations.

In this blog, we seek into the transformative power of ERP and its ramification on organizations.

Revolutionize Business: Embrace the Power of ERP: 

Embracing the power of ERP can revolutionize your business by streamlining operations, enabling data-driven decision-making, enhancing collaboration, improving customer experience, optimizing resource management, ensuring compliance, and providing a competitive advantage. ERP is a transformative tool that empowers organizations to achieve growth, innovation, and success in the modern business landscape.

In the ever-changing and fiercely competitive business landscape of today, embracing the transformative capabilities of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is crucial. By adopting ERP, organizations can unlock a plethora of benefits, attaining real-time insights and revolutionizing their operations.

1. Streamlined Processes for Operational Excellence: 

Efficient business processes are the foundation of operational excellence. ERP plays a pivotal role in streamlining processes across departments, eliminating redundancies, and improving overall efficiency. By automating repetitive tasks, standardizing workflows, and centralizing information, ERP simplifies operations and saves valuable time and resources.

  • Integration of Functions: ERP integrates various business functions such as finance, sales, manufacturing, and supply chain management. This integration eliminates silos, ensures smooth information flow, and promotes cross-functional collaboration.
  • Automation and Efficiency: ERP automates manual and repetitive tasks, reducing errors and saving valuable time. By streamlining workflows, organizations achieve operational efficiency, optimize resource utilization, and minimize costs.

2. Centralized Data Management for Informed Decision-Making:

Organizations often struggle with data scattered across disparate systems and departments. This decentralized approach hampers collaboration, creates data inconsistencies, and inhibits efficient decision-making. Centralized data management is the key to overcoming these challenges. This enables organizations to make informed, proactive, and strategic decisions that drive business success in today’s fast-paced and data-centric environment.

  • Unified Data Repository: ERP provides a centralized database that consolidates data from different departments. This centralization eliminates data inconsistencies, enhances data accuracy, and enables real-time access to critical information.
  • Reporting and Analytics: ERP’s reporting and analytics capabilities offer valuable insights into business performance. By analysing key performance indicators (KPIs) and trends, organizations gain actionable intelligence for informed decision-making and strategic planning.

3. Collaboration and Communication:

Collaboration and communication form the backbone of successful teamwork and efficient business operations. By breaking down silos and enabling effective information sharing, organizations can enhance productivity, accelerate decision-making, and foster a culture of innovation.

  • Improved Collaboration: ERP fosters collaboration by providing a unified platform for employees to share information, collaborate on projects, and streamline workflows. Enhanced collaboration strengthens interdepartmental coordination and teamwork.
  • Efficient Communication: With ERP, employees have access to real-time, accurate information, enabling effective communication and prompt decision-making.

4. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Integration:

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, with integrated best Customer Relationship Management (CRM) functionalities, provide organizations with a powerful tool such as Microsoft dynamic 365 to enhance customer engagement, improve satisfaction, and drive business growth. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of CRM integration within ERP and how it helps organizations build and maintain successful customer relationships.

  • Personalized Customer Service: ERP with integrated CRM functionalities allows organizations to manage customer interactions, preferences, and purchase history. This data-driven approach enables personalized customer service, enhances customer satisfaction, and strengthens customer relationships.
  • Streamlined Sales Processes: ERP simplifies the sales cycle by automating order management, tracking customer interactions, and streamlining sales operations. This results in faster order fulfilment, improved sales efficiency, and increased customer loyalty.

5. Supply Chain Optimization:

An optimized supply chain ensures efficient resource allocation, minimizes costs, reduces lead times, and enhances customer satisfaction. By optimizing supply chain operations, organizations can effectively manage inventory, logistics, and production, leading to improved efficiency and profitability.

  • Efficient Inventory Management: ERP streamlines inventory control, demand planning, and procurement processes. Real-time visibility into inventory levels and demand enables organizations to optimize inventory, minimize stockouts, and reduce carrying costs.
  • Enhanced Supply Chain Visibility: ERP provides end-to-end visibility into the supply chain, enabling proactive management of logistics, production, and distribution. Organizations can respond quickly to changes, improve lead times, and meet customer demands effectively.

6. Compliance and Risk Management:

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems play a crucial role in enabling organizations to navigate compliance challenges and mitigate risks effectively. Compliance with regulations, standards, and internal policies is essential for organizations to maintain trust, avoid legal repercussions, and protect their reputation. Effective risk management is equally critical in identifying and mitigating potential threats that could impact an organization’s operations, financial stability, or data security.

  • Regulatory Compliance: ERP systems include built-in controls and workflows that ensure compliance with industry regulations and financial reporting standards. This reduces the risk of non-compliance, penalties, and reputational damage.
  • Risk Mitigation: ERP aids in risk management by identifying potential risks, enhancing data security, and enabling proactive risk mitigation strategies. Organizations can monitor and manage risks efficiently within a centralized system.

Final Thoughts:

ERP is the catalyst that unlocks success in ever changing and fiercely competitive business arena. It empowers organizations to optimize operations, utilize resources efficiently, deliver exceptional customer experiences, and adapt to the ever-changing market dynamics. By embracing ERP, organizations position themselves as leaders, equipped with the tools and capabilities to thrive in the digital era. z

The transformative power of ERP propels organizations towards operational excellence and ensures they stay ahead of the curve in the relentless pursuit of success. Embracing ERP is not just a strategic move; it is the cornerstone of success in the digital era, setting organizations on a path of continuous growth, resilience, and unparalleled achievements.

So, take the leap and harness the transformative power of ERP. Witness the evolution of your business operations and embark on a journey towards unparalleled success!

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Unlocking the Power of Financial Data: How Data Annotation Enhance Decision-Making Thu, 21 Sep 2023 15:00:05 +0000

The need for accurate and actionable information is becoming more and more important for financial businesses in today’s data-driven environment. […]

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The need for accurate and actionable information is becoming more and more important for financial businesses in today’s data-driven environment. The sheer volume and complexity of financial data, however, can pose significant challenges. It is possible to annotate and label data using a variety of services. Financial data can provide valuable insights, minimize risks, and assist businesses in making informed decisions by obtaining structured, annotated, and labeled data. This article explores the significance of using financial data annotation and labeling services to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes is the purpose of this article.

Assuring the accuracy and consistency of data

There can be inconsistencies and errors in financial data, resulting in flawed decisions. Data annotation and labeling are essential for ensuring accuracy and consistency. This service analyzes and labels financial data points such as transactions, trends, and investment portfolios to ensure data integrity and reduce ambiguity. In order to make informed business decisions, you must have reliable and consistent data. The risk of inaccurate or incomplete information being presented to clients will be reduced as a result. Therefore, it becomes obligatory to seek the help of professional financial data annotation and labeling services providers.

Increasing the ability to interpret and analyze data

It can be difficult and overwhelming to interpret raw financial data. Annotations and labeling can facilitate the analysis and interpretation of data by providing context and categorization. The financial data annotation and labeling services will provide certain details about the type of transaction, the sector classification, the level of risk, and the characteristics of the client in accordance with the annotation. Business owners can better understand market dynamics and operations by improving their understanding of data interpretation. The information provided by this resource can be used by businesses to make strategic decisions, optimize their investment portfolios, and identify new growth opportunities.

Complying with regulatory requirements

Businesses operating in the financial sector must comply with financial regulations. Regulatory compliance can be achieved by identifying sensitive data, such as personally identifiable information (PII), transactional data, and fraud indicators, in an accurate manner through data annotation and labeling services. It is important that financial organizations label their data correctly in order to implement robust data privacy measures, to comply with regulatory requirements, and to minimize the risk of non-compliance. This results in the protection of sensitive data as well as the building of trust within the industry and among customers.

Assessing and managing risks more effectively

In order to make informed financial decisions, risk assessment and management are essential. By providing granular and structured data, data annotation and labeling services greatly contribute to this process. Data points can be tagged with risk indicators, historical trends, and market conditions to provide businesses with a comprehensive view of their risk exposure. As a result, they can accurately assess and quantify risks, develop risk mitigation strategies, and make informed decisions regarding protecting their assets and investments. Financial businesses can benefit from better managing risks by minimizing losses, maximizing returns, and navigating market fluctuations more effectively. Thus, the role of financial data annotation and labeling services is huge.

Machine learning and predictive analytics enabled

The financial sector is undergoing a transformation due to predictive analytics and machine learning algorithms. In order for them to be effective, they must be trained on high-quality labeled data. Annotation and labeling services are crucial for preparing labeled datasets for accurate predictions and insights. These services allow financial businesses to develop robust predictive models by annotating historical data, market variables, and other relevant factors. A number of functions can be achieved using this technology, including predicting market trends, detecting anomalies, identifying investment opportunities, automating decision-making processes, and improving operational efficiency.

Assisting in the preparation of financial reports and audits

Transparency and compliance require accurate financial reporting and auditing. In order to prepare reliable financial reports and facilitate auditing processes, data annotation and labeling services are beneficial to financial businesses. These services ensure the accuracy and integrity of financial data by annotating it with appropriate labels and categorizing it. This facilitates a seamless analysis of financial data, the evaluation of performance, and compliance with regulatory requirements. A properly labeled financial report can help financial business owners instill confidence in their investors, shareholders, and regulators and foster strong relationships with them.

Integrating and collaborating with data in a more efficient manner

It is not uncommon for financial businesses to operate with data from a variety of sources, including internal systems, third-party providers, and data from external markets. As a result of data annotation and labeling services, data integration and collaboration across these diverse sources can be streamlined. Data can be analyzed and shared more effectively if it is annotated and labeled consistently. Collaboration between different teams and departments is facilitated, cross-functional insights are promoted, and effective decision-making is enabled through data-driven decision-making.

Innovating and adapting

The ability to innovate and adapt is a key component to staying competitive in today’s fast-paced financial environment. As a result of annotations and labels being applied to data, advanced analytical models, algorithms, and tools can be developed based on structured and annotated data. As a result of this approach, financial organizations are able to identify emerging trends, identify new patterns, as well as adjust their strategies as necessary. In order to gain a competitive advantage and capitalize on emerging opportunities, businesses are turning to innovative technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Finally, a few thoughts.

When it comes to making financial decisions, accurate and reliable data is of utmost importance. By leveraging data annotation and labeling services, financial businesses can maximize the value of their data. By ensuring accuracy and consistency, providing predictive analytics, and facilitating regulatory compliance, they play a critical role in unlocking the potential of financial data. It is possible to improve the decision-making process of a financial company through the implementation of data annotations and labeling services, resulting in better-informed decisions, reduced risks, increased operational efficiency, and keeping up with the ever-changing world of finance through the implementation of these services. Using labeled data, you can make better and more successful financial decisions.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Pexels; Thank you!

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Enhancing UI/UX for Unforgettable Mobile Experiences Sun, 17 Sep 2023 16:00:50 +0000 Unforgettable Mobile Experiences

Have you ever stumbled upon a mobile app that seemed to enchant you? An app that drew you in, reacted […]

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Unforgettable Mobile Experiences

Have you ever stumbled upon a mobile app that seemed to enchant you? An app that drew you in, reacted naturally to your touch, and seemed to anticipate precisely what you were looking for?

If the thought of how such a fascinating experience comes into being has ever crossed your mind, then you’ve found your way to the perfect place. Welcome to the enthralling universe of Flutter Magic.

Imagine this scenario: you open an app, and everything feels perfect. The hues, shifts, and interactions are like the app comprehends your desires before you’ve formulated them. This isn’t a coincidence; it’s the byproduct of meticulous design, fine adjustment, and a sprinkle of something special.

Within the Mobile App Development sphere, developers are granted a peculiar kind of magical instrument, allowing them to conjure these memorable mobile encounters. In a recent survey conducted by Statista, 46% of developers reported using Flutter.

From elegant animations to smooth performances, Flutter introduces boundless opportunities to bewitch its audience. But what is Flutter Magic, and how does it turn a regular app into a work of art? That’s the exact question we will delve into in this blog.

An In-Depth Look

Flutter is an open-source toolset for UI development, masterminded by Google. It’s employed to craft apps for many platforms, such as Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Linux, and even the web.

The standout trait of a mobile app is its capacity to open the codebase of an app in a singular language (Dart) and render it across varied platforms. This one-of-a-kind capability is pivotal in Mobile App Development, as it eases the coding endeavor and sustains a uniform ambiance across different platforms.

With a structure built on widgets, apps offer a vast scope for flexibility and personalization, becoming a favored tool for developers striving to create distinct and lively designs. The amalgamation of a grand collection of ready-made widgets and the potential to fabricate custom ones uncover infinite prospects for creative expression and inventive design.

The ‘Magic’ Within a Mobile App

The magical essence of a mobile app lies in how it revamps the procedure of designing UI/UX for mobile apps. Here’s why it’s deemed ‘magical’:

  • Real-time Development: Thanks to a ‘hot reload’ trait, developers can promptly perceive the impact of the newest modification. This immediate feedback facilitates swift cycles and promotes toying with various UI elements. It eradicates the tiresome compile-wait-observe process, rendering the development swifter and more cohesive.
  • Harmonious Experience Across Platforms: A common obstacle in mobile app creation is preserving a harmonious appearance and sensation across diverse platforms. Android has a market share of 70.9%, far ahead of iOS’s 28.36%. Methodology ensures that the UI functions consistently, irrespective of whether it’s displayed on Android or iOS. This congruous experience is a vital component of an app, making the development more efficient and elevating the entire user engagement.
  • Customizable and Artistic UI: You want a widget catalog, and the freedom to generate custom widgets ensures that developers can realize their artistic vision unrestrictedly. This tremendous degree of customization leads to more captivating and aesthetically pleasing apps, adding to the magic that characterizes the user’s interaction.
  • Performance Edge: Make or find an app that translates into native code and ensures that the apps run without a hitch, offering a flawless user encounter. This performance edge and the simplicity of creation contribute to the magical sensation of crafting and engaging with applications.
  • Community and Ecosystem: The vibrant community of Flutter developers and the expanding ecosystem of extensions and tools further magnify the magic. The ongoing input from the community leads to a treasury of resources that assist developers at each phase of Flutter Mobile App Development.

The Strengths of UI/UX Development: A Closer Look

  • Accelerated Development

We like Flutter’s ‘hot reload’ feature, which has emerged as a revolutionary tool. It lets developers instantly visualize the effects of recent alterations, thereby hastening the development and nurturing inventiveness.

Changes to the code materialize within moments without forfeiting the existing state of the app. It’s almost like wizardry in the development field, boosting creative minds and cutting down on debugging hours.

  • Vivid and Adaptable User Interface

Find a framework with a generous library of pre-fashioned widgets, abiding by design doctrines such as Material Design and Cupertino. Be it a basic button or an elaborate animation, the architectural blueprint of widgets provides developers the capability to fashion highly customizable, responsive, and engaging UI components.

  • Performance Comparable to Native Apps

With its widgets covering all crucial platform distinctions like scrolling, navigation, icons, and fonts, ensuring peak performance by compiling native code. Users are thus treated to a smooth, delay-free interaction that mirrors the experience of native applications.

  • Uniformity Across Platforms

According to the StackOverflow Developers Survey, Flutter is one of the top 10 most efficient frameworks. Ensuring your app can present a consistent appearance across different platforms without demanding extra labor from developers.

The identical codebase functions on Android, iOS, and even web platforms. This uniformity across platforms simplifies code maintenance and guarantees a cohesive experience for users on any device.

  • Smooth Integration of Animations

From basic tween-based animations to intricate transitions facilitating the crafting of spirited and responsive UI components that naturally react to user inputs, thus elevating the user’s enjoyment.

  • Accessibility and Global Outreach

Ensure apps are operable by a broader populace, irrespective of physical capabilities. Furthermore, having backing for localization and internationalization helps developers forge apps that resonate with worldwide audiences. This inclusive approach stands as a defining merit.

  • Handling Rich Media

Handling various media forms, from images to videos and custom illustrations. Strong support for asset variations, image caching, and tailored shaders signifies that developers can design visually opulent applications that distinguish themselves. This intricate control over media amplifies the sensory allure of applications, increasing user engagement.

  • Flexible Architectural Design

Permit developers to effortlessly incorporate customized functionality and third-party add-ons, from fusing native code to employing platform-specific SDKs.

  • A Vibrant Community and Comprehensive Documentation

Regardless of expertise level, community support, tutorials, how-to guides, and thorough API documents guarantee that assistance is continually accessible.

  • Robust Testing Mechanism

From individual unit tests to widget tests and integration examinations, offer tools to ensure every application facet can be meticulously scrutinized, thus guaranteeing quality and dependability.

Unleashing the Magic for Unmatched UI/UX Design

Embracing a deep and nuanced understanding of several vital elements builds a compelling user experience.

Here’s a closer look at these aspects:

  • Master the Widgets

Povide a broad spectrum of ready-made widgets while offering the freedom to create bespoke ones, making it a potent tool for crafting UIs.

Widgets are versatile and recyclable and constitute the app’s interface building blocks. Comprehending the widget tree and its interaction dynamics is pivotal to unlocking Flutter’s extraordinary UI potential.

  • Maximize Customization

Craft unforgettable user experiences. Be it a custom color palette, distinctive animations, or intricate layout, flexible design systems will grant  precise dominion over each screen pixel. This customization level stretches to developing brand-specific experiences that resonate with the target audience.

  • Animating Your Ideas

What’s a canvas without life? Animations infuse energy into static UI.  Developers can transform mundane transitions into captivating animated graphics. Use playful interactions lead to more lively and appealing applications.

  • Designing with Adaptability

Developers can weave designs that cater to various devices and orientations and a responsive layout, an app’s visual appeal remains consistent across different screens, enhancing the overall user experience.

  • Optimizing for Performance

The heartbeat of UI/UX is performance. Flutter’s powerful engine supports high-speed rendering, ensuring smooth animations and quick response times. By focusing on performance tuning, developers not only elevate user satisfaction but also contribute to the overall triumph of the app.

  • Crafting Seamless Navigation

An app’s navigation system acts like its compass, guiding users effortlessly through different parts. Use versatile navigation options—including stacks, tabs, and drawers—allow for an intuitive and engaging journey through the application.

  • Enhancing Interaction with Feedback

Feedback is the language that apps use to converse with users. Through visual signs, tactile sensations, and other interactive cues you can enable developers to craft applications that validate and guide users, enriching engagement.

  • Opening Doors with Accessibility

Creating an app isn’t just about beauty; it’s about inclusivity. Accessibility features ensure that app’s visual elegance is available to all users, regardless of disabilities.

  • Building Trust through Security and Privacy

Though not directly tied to UI/UX, security and privacy are pillars of trust. By adhering to top-notch security protocols in your Mobile App Development, you protect sensitive user data, reinforcing confidence in your application.

  • Shaping with User Testing and Feedback

Who better to guide the design than the users themselves? Involving users in testing and collecting feedback is a strategic move in refining UI/UX to align with their expectations. This continuous cycle of feedback and improvement is pivotal in sculpting a design that resonates with the intended audience.

Create Unforgettable Mobile Experiences

  • Crafting Visual Splendors

With its expansive assortment of design instruments and widgets you can authorize developers to produce magnificent visuals that don’t just meet the eye but also harmonize with brand ethos.

This encompasses the competency to tailor themes, introduce exquisite typography, and compose elaborate animations that effortlessly traverse various displays.

  • Boosting User Involvement through Interaction

Interaction plays a crucial role in forging unforgettable mobile encounters. Mold responsive and user-focused designs that respond to touch, gestures, and additional interactions. Active engagement forges a bond between the user and the application, culminating in increased user retention.

  • Assuring Uniformity Across Platforms

Guarantee that users enjoy a consistent top-tier experience, irrespective of the device in use. Develop a process and maintains the application’s enchantment consistently across the board.

  • Breathing Life through Animations

Animations transcend mere visual charm; they serve functional purposes and engage users in various ways. Use a framework’s ample animation library to equip developers to produce vivacious interfaces that resonate and adapt to user conduct. Such dynamic interplay adds a nuanced layer to the experience, retaining user interest.

  • Shaping Individualized Experiences

The art of personalization is central to sculpting memorable experiences.

  • Centering on Usability and User-Driven Design

Usability stands as the cornerstone of any indelible mobile encounter. Advocate a user-driven design perspective where the user’s necessities and anticipations guide design choices.

This philosophy incorporates instinctive navigation, pronounced call-to-action triggers, and a user-friendly layout. Concentrating on usability guarantees the app’s aesthetic allure is complemented by its practical effectiveness.

  • Realizing Accessibility for a Wider Reach

Accessibility extends the app’s reach to the broadest audience, encompassing those with disabilities. Use voice-over support and high-contrast visuals, foster the creation of inclusive designs. This ideology enlarges the user base and signifies a dedication to fairness and inclusiveness.

  • Fusing Advanced Technologies

Facilitates the integration of avant-garde technologies like AR/VR, AI, and IoT. By exploiting these technologies, developers can craft futuristic experiences that astonish users while offering distinctive functionalities that distinguish the app.


From its extensive widget library and profound customization features to its robust animation abilities and focus on inclusiveness — we like the Mobile App Development, Flutter that provides an all-encompassing toolkit for developing visually enticing, highly interactive, and exceptionally uniform applications across multiple platforms.

The framework expedites the development journey and encourages designers and developers to explore the frontiers of creativity.

It presents an opportunity to embroider enchantment into our digital landscapes. As enterprises and developers continue to tap into this. We can eagerly anticipate a future replete with more compelling, aesthetically appealing, and memorable mobile experiences.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Plann; Pexels; Thank you!

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Long-term vs. short-term crypto investment strategies Wed, 12 Jul 2023 17:35:13 +0000 Financial Market Life Cycle

The cryptocurrency market has witnessed tremendous growth and volatility, attracting seasoned investors and newcomers alike. With the potential for significant […]

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Financial Market Life Cycle

The cryptocurrency market has witnessed tremendous growth and volatility, attracting seasoned investors and newcomers alike. With the potential for significant returns, developing effective investment strategies that align with one’s goals and risk tolerance becomes crucial. 

See Also: Eight Strategies to Run an Online Business

This article delves into comparing long-term and short-term crypto investment strategies, exploring their characteristics, advantages, risks, and factors to consider when choosing between them.

Understanding Long-term Crypto Investment Strategy

Long-term crypto investment involves holding digital assets for an extended period, typically spanning years. This approach capitalizes on the potential for substantial returns over time, despite short-term market fluctuations. 


The long-term investment provides opportunities for diversification and effective risk management. Popular long-term investment approaches include the buy-and-hold strategy, where investors purchase cryptocurrencies and hold them for an extended period, and dollar-cost averaging, where fixed amounts are invested at regular intervals to mitigate the impact of short-term market volatility. 


Portfolio rebalancing allows investors to adjust their holdings periodically to maintain their desired asset allocation. You can also do this work using just a tesler app. This automated app is safer and more reliable to use. 

Exploring Short-term Crypto Investment Strategy

Short-term crypto investment involves capitalizing on the market’s volatility to make quick profits. Traders who adopt this approach aim to take advantage of rapid price fluctuations, often within hours or days. Short-term investments can generate substantial returns quickly, attracting those looking for immediate gains. 


This strategy comes with increased exposure to market risks due to the unpredictable nature of price movements. Common short-term investment approaches include day trading, where traders enter and exit positions within a single day, swing trading, which involves taking advantage of short-term price swings over a few days, and scalping, a high-frequency trading technique aiming to profit from minor price changes within minutes or seconds.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Investment Strategy

When deciding between long-term and short-term crypto investment strategies, several factors should be considered. Risk tolerance and investment goals are vital in determining the most suitable approach. Long-term investment strategies are well-suited for those with higher risk tolerance and long-term financial goals, such as retirement planning or wealth accumulation. 


On the other hand, short-term strategies require more active involvement and may be more suitable for individuals comfortable with higher levels of risk and seeking quick profits. The time commitment and availability of investors should be considered, as short-term strategies often require constant market monitoring and swift decision-making. 


Market analysis skills and technical expertise are crucial for short-term strategies, while long-term strategies necessitate more patience and a focus on fundamental analysis. Investors must consider regulatory considerations and legal compliance to ensure adherence to applicable laws and regulations in their jurisdictions.

Case Studies: Long-term vs. Short-term Crypto Investment

Let’s examine two case studies to better understand the implications of long-term and short-term crypto investment strategies. In the case of long-term investment, Bitcoin has demonstrated significant growth over the years. Despite experiencing occasional price corrections, the overall trend has been positive, with Bitcoin becoming a mainstream investment asset. 


Long-term Bitcoin holders have benefited from substantial returns, albeit with potential drawbacks such as enduring extended market downturns.


In contrast, short-term investment in altcoins presents a different dynamic. Altcoins, or alternative cryptocurrencies, often exhibit higher volatility than established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Traders who engage in short-term strategies can capitalize on the price volatility of these altcoins. This approach requires in-depth research, market analysis, and swift decision-making to take advantage of short-term price movements. 

Combining Strategies: Hybrid Approaches

In some cases, investors may opt for hybrid approaches that combine elements of both long-term and short-term strategies. One such approach is the core-satellite strategy, where a significant portion of the portfolio is allocated to long-term holdings (core). In contrast, a smaller portion is allocated to more active trading or short-term investments (satellite). 


Another hybrid approach involves trend following, combining long-term holdings with short-term trading based on market trends. These hybrid strategies offer a balance between long-term stability and potential short-term gains.

What are the best strategies for beginners or experts? 

When it comes to crypto investment strategies, one of the key decisions to make is whether to focus on long-term or short-term investments. Beginners may find long-term investing more suitable due to its passive nature, while experienced traders may opt for short-term strategies to capitalize on market volatility. 


Long-term strategies in the crypto market involve buying and holding assets for an extended period, usually years. This approach is often favored by beginners as it requires less active management and allows them to ride out market volatility. Here are some key points to consider for long-term investing:


  1. Research and due diligence: It’s crucial to conduct thorough research on the crypto projects you plan to invest in. Look for projects with strong fundamentals, a competent team, and real-world utility. Understanding the technology and long-term potential of a cryptocurrency can help you make informed investment decisions.


  1. Dollar-cost averaging: This strategy involves investing a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, regardless of the asset’s price. By consistently purchasing cryptocurrencies over time, you can reduce the impact of short-term price fluctuations and benefit from the potential long-term growth of the market.


  1. HODL mentality: The term “HODL” (Hold On for Dear Life) has become synonymous with long-term crypto investing. It implies resisting the temptation to react to short-term price movements and holding onto your investments through market cycles. This approach requires patience and a belief in the long-term potential of cryptocurrencies.


On the other hand, short-term investment strategies involve actively buying and selling cryptocurrencies to take advantage of short-term price movements. This approach requires a higher level of involvement and market understanding. Here are some considerations for short-term investing:


  1. Technical analysis: Short-term traders often rely on technical analysis to identify patterns and trends in price charts. They use indicators, charts, and other tools to make predictions about future price movements. Developing a solid understanding of technical analysis can be beneficial for short-term trading strategies.


  1. Setting clear goals and limits: Define your investment goals and establish specific entry and exit points for your trades. Short-term trading requires discipline, as emotional decision-making can lead to poor outcomes. Implementing stop-loss orders to limit potential losses and take-profit orders to secure gains is essential.


  1. Staying updated: In the fast-paced crypto market, staying informed about news, regulatory developments, and market trends is crucial. Being aware of events that could impact prices allows you to make timely decisions and react to market changes.


Choosing between long-term and short-term crypto investment strategies requires careful consideration of individual goals, risk tolerance, and market conditions. Long-term strategies offer the potential for substantial returns and reduced exposure to short-term volatility, while short-term strategies present opportunities for quick profits but with higher risks. 


Combining elements of both approaches through hybrid strategies can provide a balanced investment approach. Ultimately, investors should continuously evaluate their investment strategies in the dynamic crypto market, considering their circumstances, to optimize their chances of success.

The post Long-term vs. short-term crypto investment strategies appeared first on ReadWrite.

Identifying Potential Entry And Exit Points In Crypto Trading Mon, 10 Jul 2023 19:38:28 +0000 Despite awesome planning and tech, you can still find yourself struggling for wins. One natural response is to turn to newer marketing books.

Cryptocurrency trading has gained immense popularity in recent years, with traders looking to capitalize on the volatile nature of digital […]

The post Identifying Potential Entry And Exit Points In Crypto Trading appeared first on ReadWrite.

Despite awesome planning and tech, you can still find yourself struggling for wins. One natural response is to turn to newer marketing books.

Cryptocurrency trading has gained immense popularity in recent years, with traders looking to capitalize on the volatile nature of digital assets. One crucial aspect of successful crypto trading is identifying potential entry and exit points. 

See also: Has Trading Cryptocurrencies Reaching an Tipping Point

By understanding when to enter a trade and when to exit it, traders can maximize their profits and minimize their losses. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on identifying these crucial points in crypto trading.

Understanding Entry Points

Entry points refer to the optimal moments to initiate a trade in a particular cryptocurrency. Several factors come into play when identifying entry points because of the ethereum code. This is an automated app that helps you understand all the hidden markets of cryptocurrencies and most safer for trading and collecting points. 


Technical analysis indicators, such as support and resistance levels, moving averages, and candlestick patterns, provide valuable insights into potential entry points. 


These indicators help traders gauge the strength and direction of price movements, enabling them to make informed decisions.

Technical Analysis Indicators for Entry Points

Support and resistance levels are key technical analysis tools that help identify entry points. Support levels represent price levels where demand is strong enough to prevent further price declines, while resistance levels indicate price levels where selling pressure increases.


Moving averages are another essential technical indicator for identifying entry points. Moving averages smooth out price data and provide a clearer picture of the underlying trend. Traders often use the crossover of different moving averages or the interaction between price and moving averages to determine entry points. 


For example, a golden cross, where a shorter-term moving average crosses above a longer-term moving average, is considered a bullish entry signal.

Fundamental Analysis for Entry Points

While technical analysis is valuable, fundamental analysis is equally important when identifying entry points. Staying informed about the latest news and project updates related to a cryptocurrency is crucial for making informed trading decisions. 


News can significantly impact the market, causing sudden price movements. Traders must evaluate the credibility and relevance of the information before considering it as a potential entry point.

Market Sentiment and Trend Analysis for Entry Points

Market sentiment plays a vital role in crypto trading. Traders often follow market trends and sentiment indicators to identify potential entry points. Identifying the prevailing trend, whether it’s an uptrend, downtrend, or sideways market, can help traders determine the appropriate entry strategy. 


Tools like trendlines, moving averages, and indicators like the Relative Strength Index (RSI) can assist in trend analysis.

Identifying Exit Points

Exit points refer to the opportune moments to close a trade and secure profits or minimize losses. When determining exit points, traders must consider risk management and set profit targets. 


Establishing realistic profit targets based on risk-reward ratios ensures traders maintain a disciplined approach to trading. Stop-loss and trailing stop orders are effective tools for managing exits, as they automatically trigger an exit when prices reach predefined levels.

Risks of misidentification or misunderstanding of potential entry and exit points 

Non-identifying or misunderstanding potential entry and exit points in crypto trading can expose traders to several risks. The ability to accurately determine when to enter or exit a trade is crucial for maximizing profits and minimizing losses. Here are some risks associated with not properly identifying or misunderstanding entry and exit points in crypto trading:


  1. Missed opportunities: Failing to identify the right entry point can result in missed opportunities for profitable trades. Crypto markets are highly volatile, and prices can change rapidly. If traders enter a trade too late or at an unfavorable price, they may not fully capture the potential gains that could have been achieved with better timing.


  1. Increased losses: On the other hand, misunderstanding exit points can lead to increased losses. If traders hold onto a losing position for too long, hoping for a reversal, they risk further price declines and potentially significant losses. Setting clear stop-loss orders and adhering to them is essential to limit potential losses and protect capital.


  1. Emotional decision-making: Misunderstanding entry and exit points can lead to emotional decision-making, which is often driven by fear or greed. Emotional trading can result in impulsive actions, such as panic-selling during market downturns or FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) buying at the peak of a price rally. These actions are often detrimental to profitability and can lead to significant losses.


  1. Lack of discipline: Properly identifying entry and exit points requires discipline and adherence to a trading strategy. Traders who lack discipline may be tempted to deviate from their predefined plan, leading to suboptimal decisions. Consistency and following a well-defined trading strategy can help mitigate the risks associated with emotional and undisciplined trading.


  1. False signals and market noise: Crypto markets can be subject to significant price fluctuations, which can result in false signals and market noise. Traders who misunderstand potential entry and exit points may fall prey to these false signals, leading to poor trading decisions. It’s important to use multiple indicators and tools to confirm signals and avoid making trading decisions based on unreliable information.


  1. Overtrading: Non-identifying or misunderstanding entry and exit points can also contribute to overtrading. Overtrading occurs when traders excessively buy and sell assets, often driven by impulsive decision-making. Frequent trading can lead to increased transaction costs, higher exposure to market volatility, and reduced overall profitability.


  1. Lack of risk management: Traders who fail to identify suitable entry and exit points may also overlook risk management measures such as setting stop-loss orders, calculating position sizes based on risk tolerance, and implementing a diversified portfolio. This lack of risk management can expose traders to excessive losses and increased vulnerability to market fluctuations.


To mitigate these risks, it is important for crypto traders to develop a well-defined trading plan that includes clear entry and exit criteria, risk management strategies, and adherence to a disciplined approach. Implementing thorough research, technical analysis, and using reliable indicators can help improve the accuracy of identifying entry and exit points. 


Identifying potential entry and exit points is essential for successful crypto trading. Traders can identify entry points by utilizing technical analysis indicators, such as support and resistance levels, moving averages, and candlestick patterns. 


Fundamental analysis, including staying informed about news and project updates, and analyzing market sentiment and trends, further enhances the accuracy of entry and exit decisions. Implementing risk management strategies and setting profit targets are crucial for maintaining a disciplined approach to trading. 


With practice and refinement of entry and exit strategies, traders can increase their chances of success in the dynamic world of crypto trading.

The post Identifying Potential Entry And Exit Points In Crypto Trading appeared first on ReadWrite.

Kajabi: Features, Pricing, Alternatives Tue, 13 Jun 2023 19:00:24 +0000 kajabi features pricing and alternatives

Welcome to the “Ultimate Guide to Kajabi,” your one-stop resource for unlocking the full potential of this powerful all-in-one platform […]

The post Kajabi: Features, Pricing, Alternatives appeared first on ReadWrite.

kajabi features pricing and alternatives

Welcome to the “Ultimate Guide to Kajabi,” your one-stop resource for unlocking the full potential of this powerful all-in-one platform for online businesses. With the rise of e-commerce and digital entrepreneurship, Kajabi has quickly emerged as a top contender in the market, providing a comprehensive suite of tools designed to help businesses sell, market, and conduct their courses, memberships, and coaching programs with ease.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into the world of Kajabi, exploring its features, benefits, and customization options while also sharing valuable tips and insights on how to make the most of this incredible platform. Whether you are a new Kajabi user seeking foundational knowledge or a seasoned pro looking to optimize your online business, this ultimate guide is here to help you achieve success. So, buckle up and prepare to embark on a journey with us through the ins and outs of Kajabi, as we unveil the secrets to mastering this versatile platform and revolutionizing your online business. Let’s get started!

Featured Partner

on Kajabi's website

  • Free Version: 14-day Free Trial

  • Starting Price: $149 / monthly

  • Integrations: Zapier, Mailchimp, ClickFunnels, Google Analytics, Stripe, PayPal

What is the Kajabi

Kajabi is a comprehensive all-in-one platform that allows users to create, market, and sell online courses, memberships, and digital products. The platform offers features such as website building, blogging, email marketing, and automation tools, making it easy for creators to manage their online businesses. Kajabi is popular among entrepreneurs, experts, and influencers looking to monetize their skills and knowledge.

Main Takeaways

  1. Kajabi is an all-in-one platform that allows users to create, market, and sell online courses and membership sites.
  2. It offers a wide range of tools and features for building an effective online business, including website building, course creation, email marketing, analytics, and more.
  3. The platform has a user-friendly interface with responsive customer support, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs alike.

You may want to use Kajabi to…

Kajabi is an all-in-one platform that allows users to create, market, and sell online courses, memberships, and other digital products. Here are some different example use-cases for Kajabi:

Online Course Creation: An instructor, subject matter expert, or coach creates and sells online courses to teach their skills or knowledge. They can leverage Kajabi’s course builder to create engaging multimedia lessons, quizzes, and downloadable resources.

Kajabi all-in-one course creation, online course, crm

Membership Site: A content creator establishes an exclusive membership site with premium content and resources that are not accessible to the general public. Members pay a monthly fee to access videos, articles, and interactive forums within the platform.

Webinars and Live Events: Businesses or individuals host live webinars or virtual events using Kajabi\’s built-in webinar tools. These events can be used to teach skills, offer training, or promote products and services, with the ability to monetize the event through ticket sales or upsells.

Digital Product Sales: An author or entrepreneur uses Kajabi to sell e-books, templates, guides, or other digital products. The platform\’s shopping cart and payment processing make it seamless for users to purchase the products.

Coaching and Consulting: Coaches and consultants can use Kajabi to launch and sell consulting services or coaching packages. They can schedule and manage appointment bookings, securely process payments and create personalized client portals.

Marketing and Sales Funnels: Businesses use Kajabi’s marketing tools to build targeted email campaigns, create landing pages, and design sales funnels that promote their products and services, driving leads and increasing conversions.

Community Building: Organizations can create and engage an online community using Kajabi’s website builder and social features. By enabling discussions, sharing resources, and hosting events or webinars, Kajabi fosters an environment for building loyal and engaged communities.

Corporate Training: Companies use Kajabi to create customized training programs for their employees. These can include courses on professional development, compliance requirements, or skill development, with progress tracking and assessments to ensure employees are engaged and learning effectively.In summary, Kajabi is a versatile platform that caters to various industries, allowing businesses and individuals to create, market, and sell digital products and services in an integrated online environment.

Featured Partner

on Kajabi's website

  • Free Version: 14-day Free Trial

  • Starting Price: $149 / monthly

  • Integrations: Zapier, Mailchimp, ClickFunnels, Google Analytics, Stripe, PayPal

Features of Kajabi

Kajabi is an all-in-one online course and membership site platform designed to help course creators, educators, and business owners to build, market, and sell their digital products. It offers a comprehensive solution for creating online courses and membership sites, as well as marketing and selling these digital products.

Kajabi all-in-one course creation, online course, crm

Some of the main features of Kajabi include:

Course and content creation: Kajabi provides a variety of tools for users to create and customize their courses or membership content. Course creators can easily upload and manage various types of content such as written, audio, and video files, and organize them into modules and lessons. The platform also supports quizzes, surveys, and assessments, helping to enhance the learning experience for users.

Website and landing page builder: Kajabi offers a range of customizable templates to build and design professional-looking websites and landing pages. The platform’s intuitive drag-and-drop website builder allows users to easily create and modify their online presence without any coding or design skills required. Features such as built-in blogging and SEO optimization further assist users in improving their brand visibility and reach.

Marketing tools and automation: Kajabi is equipped with a suite of advanced marketing tools, including email marketing, automations, and an integrated CRM. Users can design and execute highly targeted marketing campaigns, segmenting their audience based on behavior, preferences, or profile information. The platform’s marketing automations enable scheduling and triggering of various actions, such as sending emails, promoting offers, or enrolling students, based on specific user actions or events.

Sales and eCommerce: The platform simplifies the process of selling digital products through customizable pricing options, payment gateways, and checkout pages. Users can create different types of offers, such as one-time purchases, subscriptions, or payment plans. Kajabi also provides analytics and reporting to help course creators track their sales, revenue, and student progress.

Community and engagement tools: Kajabi enables users to build and nurture their online communities through features such as discussion boards, polls, and comment sections within the course portal. This encourages interaction and collaboration among students and helps to foster a sense of community and support.

Integrations: Kajabi offers integrations with various third-party platforms and tools, such as Google Analytics, Facebook Pixels, and various email marketing services. Users can also leverage the Kajabi API for custom integrations to extend the platform\’s functionality further.

Overall, Kajabi provides a comprehensive solution for course creators, offering tools and features that cover all aspects of building, marketing, selling, and managing online courses or membership sites. With its user-friendly interface and robust feature set, Kajabi simplifies the process of turning expertise into a thriving online education business.

Pros and Cons of Kajabi


Comprehensive platform: Kajabi offers a wide range of features and tools, including course creation, website building, email marketing, payment processing, and analytics. This eliminates the need for multiple separate software platforms, streamlining the process of launching and managing your online business.

User-friendly interface: Kajabi’s intuitive dashboard and interface make it easy for users of all skill levels to create and manage their digital products. This means you can focus on creating high-quality content for your customers without worrying about technical details.

Customizable templates: Kajabi provides an extensive library of customizable templates for course content, websites, landing pages, and emails. This allows users to create a unique and professional look and feel for their business without requiring extensive design skills.

Integrations: Kajabi integrates with numerous third-party tools and applications, such as Stripe, PayPal, Mailchimp, Zapier, and Google Analytics, making it easy to connect your existing tools and extend the platform’s functionality.

Customer support: Kajabi offers responsive and helpful customer support through live chat, email, and a comprehensive knowledge base. In addition, they provide a variety of tutorials, webinars, and video courses to help users make the most of the platform.

All-in-one pricing: With a single monthly or annual fee, Kajabi customers receive access to all the features and tools needed to run their online business. This can make it more cost-effective compared to cobbling together multiple solutions.

Kajabi all-in-one course creation, online course, crm


Cost: Kajabi’s pricing plans can be a higher financial investment compared to other platforms, particularly for beginners or small businesses on a tight budget.

Limited customization options: While Kajabi does offer customizable templates, users might find their design capabilities limited compared to other platforms like WordPress. This can be a drawback for those who need more advanced design or coding options.

No native mobile app building: Kajabi does not currently offer the ability to build app-based courses or memberships, which some businesses may require for their strategies.

Limited assessment tools: While Kajabi supports quizzes and surveys, its assessment capabilities are limited compared to specialized learning management systems. This may not be ideal for users who require advanced assessment or accreditation features.

Restricted lower-tier plans: Some features, like access to the affiliate program and advanced automations, are only available on higher-tier pricing plans. This can limit the capabilities of users on the Basic or Growth plans.

In conclusion, Kajabi is a comprehensive all-in-one platform that is well suited for users looking for a simple, streamlined platform for creating and managing digital products. While it may not offer the advanced customization or assessment options found in some other platforms, its ease of use and strong customer support make it an attractive option for many businesses. However, its pricing plans may be a drawback for those with limited budgets.

How to setup the Kajabi

Kajabi is an all-in-one platform for creating, marketing, and selling online courses, membership sites, and other digital products. It offers numerous tools to help you create a successful online business.


Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up Kajabi:

1. Sign up for Kajabi:

First, head over to and sign up for an account. They offer a free trial, so you can try out the platform without any commitment. Choose a plan that suits your needs and complete the registration process, including providing your email address, password, and billing information.

2. Customize your website:

After signing up, you’ll be directed to the Kajabi Dashboard. Begin by customizing your website. Go to the “Website” tab in the dashboard, and click on “Manage Themes” to start customizing your site’s appearance. Choose a theme that resonates with your brand, and customize the theme’s settings to your preferences such as colors, fonts, logos, and more.

3. Set up your domain:

To use a custom domain for your Kajabi website, go to the “Settings” tab in the dashboard, and click “Domain.” Follow the steps to either purchase a new domain through Kajabi or connect your existing domain to your Kajabi site.

4. Create your first product:

A “product” in Kajabi is your digital offering, such as an online course or a membership site. To create your first product, navigate to the “Products” tab in your dashboard, and click “New Product.” Choose a product template that matches your needs, and start building your content by adding sections, categories, and lessons.

5. Set up payment and pricing:

Once your product is created, you\’ll need to set up the pricing options and payment methods. Go to the “Offers” tab in the dashboard, and then click “New Offer.” Select the product(s) you’d like to include in the offer, set the pricing, and choose your preferred payment gateway (e.g., Stripe or PayPal). Provide any necessary information for the payment gateway, and click “Save.”

6. Create marketing tools:

Kajabi offers a variety of marketing tools, including sales funnels, email marketing, and landing pages. To start creating these elements, go to the “Marketing” tab on your dashboard and follow the prompts to build a landing page, set up email campaigns, or create a sales pipeline.

7. Set up automations:

Automations in Kajabi help save time and streamline your processes. To set up automations, go to the “Automations” tab in your dashboard, and click “New Automation.” Create a trigger event (e.g., a user purchases your product), then choose an action for Kajabi to take when the trigger occurs (e.g., grant access to the purchased product).

8. Launch your website:

Once you’ve completed the above steps, you’re ready to launch your Kajabi website. Navigate back to the “Website” section in your Kajabi dashboard, and click “Publish” to make your site live.Remember, Kajabi offers a wealth of resources and tutorials to help you succeed, so if you ever feel stuck or unsure about a step, don’t hesitate to explore their help center for more guidance. Happy creating!

Featured Partner

on Kajabi's website

  • Free Version: 14-day Free Trial

  • Starting Price: $149 / monthly

  • Integrations: Zapier, Mailchimp, ClickFunnels, Google Analytics, Stripe, PayPal

Main Alternatives to Kajabi


Teachable Logo

Teachable is a popular all-in-one platform for creating, marketing, and selling online courses. Like Kajabi, Teachable also offers a wide range of features to help course creators design, market, and run their online courses. However, Teachable focuses more on ease-of-use, making it a great option for beginners who may not have as much technical expertise. Teachable’s pricing is also more competitive compared to Kajabi, making it a more affordable option for those starting in the online course industry. However, Kajabi offers more advanced marketing options and stronger community features, giving course creators more tools to market their courses and foster a community around their content.

See our comparison: Kajabi Versus Teachable 



Thinkific is another all-in-one platform for creating and selling online courses that competes with Kajabi. Both platforms offer course creators an array of features for designing, marketing, and managing their courses. Thinkific stands out for its versatility in customizing course content, allowing creators to design unique and engaging learning experiences for their students. Additionally, Thinkific offers a free plan, making it more accessible for beginners or budget-conscious course creators. However, Kajabi has a more robust set of marketing features and integrations, giving it an edge for those looking to grow their course business through advanced marketing strategies.

See our comparison: Kajabi Versus Thinkific 


LearnWorlds home page

LearnWorlds is a powerful online course platform that compares to Kajabi in terms of offering an end-to-end solution for creating, marketing, and selling courses. One key difference between the two platforms is that LearnWorlds focuses more heavily on the interactive and social learning aspects, offering features like built-in social networks, interactive video functionality, and advanced quiz tools. This focus on interactivity can lead to more engaged students and higher course completion rates. However, Kajabi has a more comprehensive marketing toolset and seamless third-party integrations, which give course creators more options when promoting their courses and expanding their reach.

See our comparison: Kajabi Versus Learnworlds 

Pricing of the Kajabi

Kajabi is an all-in-one online platform that allows you to create, market, and sell your digital products, courses, and memberships.

Kajabi offers three main pricing plans: Basic, Growth, and Pro.

kajabi pricing

Basic Plan:

Priced at $149 per month (billed annually) or $199 per month (billed monthly), the Basic plan offers:

  • Up to 3 products
  • Up to 3 pipelines (marketing funnels)
  • Unlimited landing pages
  • Unlimited marketing emails
  • 10,000 contacts
  • 1,000 active members
  • 1 website
  • 1 admin user
  • Kajabi branding on the website.

Growth Plan:

Priced at $199 per month (billed annually) or $299 per month (billed monthly), the Growth plan includes:

  • Up to 15 products
  • Up to 15 pipelines
  • Unlimited landing pages
  • Unlimited marketing emails
  • 25,000 contacts
  • 10,000 active members
  • 1 website
  • Up to 10 admin users
  • No Kajabi branding
  • Advanced automations and integrations.

Pro Plan:

Priced at $399 per month (billed annually) or $499 per month (billed monthly), the Pro plan offers:

  • Up to 100 products
  • Up to 100 pipelines
  • Unlimited landing pages
  • Unlimited marketing emails
  • Up to 100,000 contacts
  • 20,000 active members
  • Up to 3 websites
  • Up to 25 admin users
  • No Kajabi branding
  • Advanced automations and integrations
  • Code editor for customizing the website.

Comparing with competitors:

Teachable: Teachable offers three pricing plans: Basic ($39/month), Professional ($119/month), and Business ($299/month). While Teachable may be more affordable, it lacks some of Kajabi’s advanced marketing features. Teachable focuses more on course creation and may require additional third-party tools for marketing and email automation.

Thinkific: Thinkific’s pricing plans include Free, Basic ($49/month), Pro ($99/month), and Premier ($499/month). While Thinkific\’s pricing appears more affordable, it also lacks some of Kajabi’s all-in-one functionality. Thinkific primarily focuses on online course creation and delivery, while Kajabi offers robust marketing features and sales funnel management.

Kartra: Kartra’s pricing plans range from Starter ($99/month), Silver ($199/month), Gold ($299/month), to Platinum ($499/month) with varying levels of features and scalability. While Kartra’s pricing is somewhat comparable to Kajabi, Kartra leans more heavily on its marketing automation capabilities.

In summary, Kajabi’s pricing may be relatively higher than some competitors, but it offers a comprehensive all-in-one marketing solution. While competitors like Teachable and Thinkific offer more affordable options for course building, they may require additional tools for marketing purposes. Kajabi’s platform is suitable for those looking for a complete solution to create, market, and sell digital products, courses, and memberships.

Featured Partner

on Kajabi's website

  • Free Version: 14-day Free Trial

  • Starting Price: $149 / monthly

  • Integrations: Zapier, Mailchimp, ClickFunnels, Google Analytics, Stripe, PayPal

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is Kajabi?

A: Kajabi is an all-in-one online platform that allows you to create, market, and sell digital products and online courses. It provides a wide range of tools and features such as website building, course creation, email marketing, and analytics to help businesses grow and generate revenue.

Q2: How much does Kajabi cost?

A: Kajabi offers three pricing plans: Basic, Growth, and Pro. The Basic plan starts at $149 per month, the Growth plan at $199 per month, and the Pro plan at $399 per month. Each plan features different capabilities and limits depending on the needs of your business.

Q3: Can I try Kajabi for free?

A: Yes, Kajabi offers a 14-day free trial for new users. During this period, you can access all features and tools to test the platform and decide if it meets your business requirements.

Q4: Does Kajabi provide website hosting?

A: Yes, Kajabi offers secure and reliable website hosting as part of its platform. All the website\’s content, courses, and files are hosted on Kajabi\’s servers, eliminating the need for external hosting services.

Q5: Can I integrate Kajabi with other platforms?

A: Yes, Kajabi offers a variety of integration options with other popular services such as Zapier, Mailchimp, ClickFunnels, Google Analytics, and more. Additionally, Kajabi has a built-in integration with popular payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe.

Q6: What kind of customer support does Kajabi offer?

A: Kajabi provides customer support in various forms, including email support, a comprehensive Help Center with articles and tutorials, the Kajabi Community, and live chat support for users on the Growth and Pro plans.

Q7: Can I sell physical products on Kajabi?

A: Although Kajabi primarily focuses on digital products and online courses, you can also sell physical products by creating product offers in the platform. However, you\’ll need to handle product fulfillment and shipping externally.

Q8: Are there any transaction fees when selling on Kajabi?

A: Kajabi does not charge any transaction fees for any of its pricing plans. The only fees you’ll need to consider are the standard processing fees charged by your chosen payment gateway (e.g., PayPal or Stripe).

Q9: Is Kajabi mobile-friendly?

A: Yes, Kajabi’s website builder is designed to create responsive websites that automatically adjust to different screen sizes and devices. Additionally, Kajabi offers a mobile app that enables your customers to access and consume your content on the go.

Q10: Can I create a membership site using Kajabi?

A: Yes, Kajabi allows you to create membership sites where users can access exclusive content and courses based on their subscription level. You can set up recurring payments, create custom content for different membership levels, and manage member access with ease.

Kajabi: All-in-one business management software


The Ultimate Guide to Kajabi has provided an in-depth look into the powerful platform that is Kajabi. We have explored its extensive features, including website creation, online courses, and membership site management, as well as its marketing tools and integrations that set it apart from other platforms in the market.

Aspiring entrepreneurs, educators, and content creators aiming to launch and scale their online business can leverage the guidance provided in this guide to maximize the potential of Kajabi. With its user-friendly interface, customizable templates, and a strong support ecosystem, Kajabi truly delivers a one-stop solution for creating, marketing, and selling digital products.

Implementing the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, users can build a thriving online business and significantly impact the lives of their audience. Make the most of this Ultimate Guide to Kajabi and embark on a successful and fulfilling journey in the world of online entrepreneurship.

Discover more Kajabi comparisons:

The post Kajabi: Features, Pricing, Alternatives appeared first on ReadWrite.

Best Developer Tools of 2023 Wed, 31 May 2023 18:00:36 +0000 Best Developer Tools

As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, software development has become more complex and demanding than ever before. […]

The post Best Developer Tools of 2023 appeared first on ReadWrite.

Best Developer Tools

As technology continues to advance at an unprecedented pace, software development has become more complex and demanding than ever before. In this dynamic landscape, developers rely on a wide array of tools and technologies to streamline their workflows, enhance productivity, and deliver high-quality software solutions. With the arrival of 2023, a new generation of developer tools has emerged, offering innovative features and capabilities that promise to shape the future of software development. In this article, we explore and showcase the best developer tools of 2023, carefully curated to provide developers with the means to overcome challenges, accelerate development cycles, and create exceptional digital experiences. From code editors and integrated development environments (IDEs) to testing frameworks and collaboration platforms, this comprehensive guide highlights the tools that are set to revolutionize the way software is developed and deployed in the coming years.

Review Process

The selections in this list of best developer tools of 2023 have been made based on their popularity, versatility, and the value they bring to software development processes. These tools have proven to be essential in empowering developers, optimizing efficiency, and improving the overall development experience. Each tool offers unique features and capabilities that address the diverse needs of developers across different domains and technologies.

The selection criteria also considered the level of innovation and advancements introduced by these tools in the year 2023. Many of the tools on the list have evolved significantly to adapt to the changing landscape of software development, incorporating cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and containerization.

Furthermore, these tools have demonstrated their ability to enhance collaboration among development teams, enabling seamless communication, streamlined workflows, and efficient project management. They have also shown their effectiveness in improving code quality, automating repetitive tasks, and increasing productivity.

It is important to note that the selections in this list are subjective and may vary based on specific development requirements and preferences. However, they serve as a valuable resource for developers seeking to stay updated with the latest and most impactful tools available in 2023, empowering them to deliver high-quality software solutions and drive innovation in their respective fields.

Best Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

Visual Studio Code

visual studio code

Rating: 5 out of 5

Visual Studio code developed by Microsoft, is an exceptional source code editor that has garnered widespread acclaim among developers worldwide. This lightweight yet powerful cross-platform tool supports an array of programming languages and provides outstanding features such as debugging, intelligent code completion, syntax highlighting, and integrated terminal. With its open-source nature, versatile extension ecosystem, and excellent version-control integration, Visual Studio Code establishes itself as an essential asset in a developer’s toolkit, catering to various project needs.


Visual Studio Code’s most impressive features will have you hooked! To begin with, the IntelliSense feature revolutionizes coding by providing smart completions based on function definitions, variable types, and module exports, minimizing errors while increasing productivity. The built-in Git support streamlines code versioning and collaboration with ease, while the versatile extensions marketplace ensures that you will find plugins tailored to your specific development needs. Furthermore, the customizable nature of Visual Studio Code allows users to tweak it according to their preferences, enhancing the entire coding experience. Exploring the fantastic world of Visual Studio Code is truly a joy, and its remarkable features undoubtedly elevate developers to new heights in their coding journey.

IntelliJ Idea


Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

IntelliJ IDEA is a versatile and powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDE) designed to enhance the productivity of software developers by providing them with an extensive set of advanced features addressing almost all aspects of software development. Developed and maintained by JetBrains, IntelliJ IDEA supports multiple programming languages, including Java, Kotlin, Groovy, and Scala, making it a preferred choice among developers for building robust and maintainable code. Its intelligent code completion, on-the-fly code analysis, effortless navigation between files and methods, efficient refactoring capabilities, and seamless integration with popular version control systems and build automation tools cater to a wide audience from individual developers to large teams.


Now let’s dive into some of the coolest features that set IntelliJ IDEA apart from the competition! One of the most impressive features this IDE has to offer is the smart auto-completion that predicts and suggests the code you’re likely to type next, making coding lightning-fast and more fun! Another game-changing feature is the flawless integration with top frameworks such as Spring, Hibernate, and Java EE, making it incredibly easy to create powerful and scalable web applications. Furthermore, IntelliJ IDEA has inbuilt support for popular version control systems like Git, Mercurial, and SVN, allowing seamless collaboration among team members to manage their code efficiently. With all these fantastic features, IntelliJ IDEA is undeniably the ultimate weapon in any developer’s arsenal!



Rating: 4.8/5.

PyCharm is an integrated development environment (IDE) specifically designed to bolster the efficiency and ease of Python programming. Developed by JetBrains, this robust and versatile platform seamlessly integrates with numerous Python frameworks such as Django, Flask, and Pyramid. Additionally, PyCharm supports web development technologies including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, making it an indispensable tool for an extensive range of developers. With its automated code refactoring, syntax highlighting, and seamless version control integration, PyCharm exemplifies an intuitive and user-friendly environment, consistently delivering exemplary results.


The coolest features of PyCharm are simply astounding! Jetbrains has gone above and beyond by implementing intelligent code completion, which suggests the most appropriate code snippets based on user input. Moreover, the graphic debugger allows you to visualize your program execution flow in real-time, enabling quick identification and rectification of errors. The built-in terminal saves valuable time by providing command line access without ever leaving the IDE. With remote development capabilities and database tools, PyCharm makes it delightfully simple to collaborate with team members and manage database systems. It is no wonder that PyCharm remains an indispensable asset for Python programmers!



Rating:  4.5 out of 5.

Eclipse is a widely-used, open-source integrated development environment (IDE) that offers a vast array of features catering to software developers across various programming languages such as Java, Python, PHP, and many more. It provides seamless support for code editing, debugging, and testing by offering a comprehensive toolset and a highly-customizable interface. In addition to its well-documented extensibility through the use of plugins, Eclipse is supported by a strong community that contributes to its continuous development and ensures that up-to-date tools are readily available within the platform.


Eclipse boasts numerous cool features that make it a brilliant choice for software development! With a quick and robust built-in refactoring tool, adjusting your code has never been easier. The autocomplete and content-assist features help to ramp up your productivity by simplifying the coding process and drastically reducing the time spent on repetitive tasks. Eclipse’s powerful debugging tools make it a breeze to identify and troubleshoot issues in your code, allowing you to step through and visualize the process as you navigate the code. Moreover, its impressive support for team collaboration and version control systems like Git will have your entire team interacting seamlessly on projects. Eclipse has surely revolutionized the software development space!

Visual Studio

visual studio

Rating of 4.5 out of 5.

Visual Studio is an outstanding integrated development environment (IDE) developed by Microsoft, known for its versatility and user-friendly interface. It offers support for numerous programming languages such as C++, C#, VB.NET, Python, and more, making it a must-have tool for developers in different fields. Its top-notch features, such as IntelliSense, Team Foundation Server, and Visual Studio Live Share, enable developers to write and manage code efficiently and collaboratively. Overall, Visual Studio provides a comprehensive and powerful environment for building, debugging, and deploying applications.


Now, let’s dive into the coolest features of Visual Studio! The software’s IntelliSense feature is truly revolutionary – it makes coding a breeze by offering code completion suggestions, parameter information, and quick info, helping you write accurate and efficient code faster. Moreover, Visual Studio provides seamless integration with Azure DevOps, allowing you to manage your development projects through agile practices, continuous integration, and delivery capabilities. And let’s not forget about Visual Studio Live Share – an amazing feature for real-time collaborative coding with your peers. With this tool, you can simply share your project with other developers, allowing them to edit the code as they see fit while maintaining secure access control. Visual Studio truly shines in making the entire development process more efficient and collaborative!



Rating: 4/5.

Atom is a versatile and user-friendly text editor designed for developers seeking a powerful yet easy-to-navigate code editor. Developed by GitHub, Atom offers a clean interface and is highly customizable, ensuring a seamless coding experience for both beginners and experienced users. The software supports a multitude of major programming languages, auto-completion features, and syntax highlighting, making it a reliable choice for any coding project. With its built-in support for Git and GitHub, collaboration becomes a breeze.


You’ll absolutely love Atom’s coolest features! The hackability factor sets it apart, offering countless extensions and packages that can elevate your coding experience to the next level. It allows you to add new functionalities such as snippets, color schemes, and real-time collaboration – the possibilities are truly endless! Thanks to the “Teletype” package, you can work on a project in real-time with other developers, revolutionizing the way teamwork happens in coding. Atom’s built-in package manager makes it a breeze to search, install, and manage updates for all these fantastic add-ons. Plus, the intuitive multiple-pane system lets you work on different sections of your code simultaneously, maximizing your productivity and efficiency. What’s not to love about Atom?

Sublime Text


Rating: 4.5/5

Sublime Text is an efficient and versatile cross-platform text and source code editor that caters to developers, writers, and creators alike. Known for its lightning-fast performance, Sublime Text offers an elegant and user-friendly interface designed to handle large documents with ease. This versatile tool supports multiple programming languages and boasts of a robust set of features such as syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and Goto Definition. Sublime Text’s extensibility and customization through its rich package ecosystem is a significant boon for users looking for a personalized and enhanced editing experience.


One can’t help but feel enthusiastic about Sublime Text’s coolest features! Imagine harnessing the power of advanced shortcuts provided by the unique “Goto Anything” functionality – with just a few keystrokes, you can instantly navigate to the desired files, symbols, or lines within your code, boosting productivity like never before. What’s more, the brilliant “Multiple Selections” feature allows you to edit multiple instances simultaneously, leaving the tedious process of repetitive editing to the dust. The extensibility through its Package Control system is a cherry on top — just think of all the community-created plugins and themes waiting to be explored! It’s hard not to get excited about these awe-inspiring features that make Sublime Text a cut above the rest.



Rating: 4.5/5.

Vim is a highly customizable and powerful text editor that has been a staple in the programming world for decades. Developed by Bram Moolenaar, Vim is known for its efficiency, speed, and extensive features, which has made it a popular choice among developers, programmers, and system administrators alike. Boasting a vast plugin ecosystem and robust scripting capabilities, Vim caters to users who prefer keyboard shortcuts and commands over the traditional point-and-click interface, allowing them to work quickly and effortlessly. Although Vim has a steep learning curve, once mastered, this versatile tool suits a wide range of tasks and environments, from simple note-taking to complex programming.


Vim’s coolest features lie in its abiilty to transform a user’s text-editing experience into a truly efficient and streamlined one! One of its most beloved features is the powerful command mode, which enables users to perform various editing tasks without having to rely on a mouse. Vim takes innovation to the next level with its extensive plugin ecosystem, enabling users to extend and tailor its functionality to their unique needs. The incredible search-and-replace functionality enhances productivity further, allowing users to manipulate text in complex ways with just a few keystrokes. And let’s not forget Vim’s ubiquity, available by default on most Unix-based systems, making it accessible to everyone! For those willing to invest the time into learning its intricacies, Vim offers an unparalleled text-editing experience!

Jupyter Notebook

juptyter notebook

Rating: 4.8/5

Jupyter Notebook is an innovative, open-source web application that allows users to create and share documents containing live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text. The tool, predominantly used in data science, scientific computing, and machine learning, seamlessly integrates data cleaning, transformation, analysis, and visualization. Employing a variety of programming languages such as Python, Julia, and R, Jupyter Notebook has become an essential tool for researchers, analysts, data scientists, and educators globally. Its user-friendly interface, wide array of supported languages, and flexibility in handling various data types have made it a powerful and popular tool in the modern computational ecosystem.


Jupyter Notebook’s coolest features, without a doubt, are its versatile capabilities and the interactive way in which users can engage with their code. The inline code execution allows users to run specific code blocks independently and on-the-fly, which is incredibly convenient for debugging and experimentation. Additionally, the support for rich media outputs, such as graphs, tables, and images, renders the presentation of complex data captivating and boosts its educational value. These dynamic features enable users to weave an engaging story through their calculations, visualizations, and written explanations, bringing the notebook format to life. Furthermore, the vast number of Jupyter Notebook’s plugins and extensions lets users tailor their experience to their unique requirements. It’s a gamechanger for anyone working in the world of data science and coding!

Best Version Control Systems


github logo

Rating: 5/5.

GitHub is an exceptional web-based platform that provides version control and source code management (SCM) functionality using the powerful Git system. This tool, primarily designed for developers and software teams, allows effortless collaboration and efficient management of code repositories. Offering features such as issue tracking, pull requests, and seamless integration with numerous third-party tools and services, GitHub stands as an indispensable resource for projects of any scale, ranging from open-source communities to large enterprises.

One of the coolest features of GitHub is its absolutely user-friendly interface, which makes it extremely simple and enjoyable for developers to share, collaborate and contribute to projects across diverse domains. Whether you are a veteran programmer or a newcomer, the platform ensures maximum efficiency with features such as code review, branching, and merging capabilities, which dramatically streamline the development process. What’s more, the integrated CI/CD pipelines allow for continuous delivery of software, ensuring that your code is always in a releasable state and improving overall development productivity. Furthermore, with GitHub Pages, you can easily create and host your very own website directly from your repositories, which is ideal for project documentation and personal portfolios. GitHub truly revolutionizes the way we collaborate on and manage software projects, taking the development experience to a whole new level!



Rating 5/5

Git is a powerful, open-source version control system, designed to handle small to very large projects with great speed and efficiency. Developed by Linus Torvalds in 2005, Git has become the de facto standard for distributed version control, offering essential features such as branching, merging, and conflict resolution. Git boasts a robust and reliable ecosystem that has been widely adopted across the software development industry, maximizing productivity and collaboration among teams of all sizes. Overall, Git earns a solid 5 out of 5 for its outstanding performance and vital role in modern software development processes.


Now, get ready to be amazed by Git’s coolest features! First and foremost is its incredible branching abilities, allowing users to create, manage, and merge multiple branches seamlessly – perfect for speeding up development and experimenting with new features. Collaboration soars with Git’s distributed nature, empowering developers to work offline and maintain their own local repositories before pushing changes to a central repository. And of course, let’s not forget Git’s extraordinary capacity for tracking changes and handling conflicts, giving developers the confidence to collaborate without the fear of losing vital work. Trust me, Git’s arsenal of incredible features will make your development experience a breeze!



Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Bitbucket is a remarkable web-based version control platform that allows software development teams to collaborate effectively using either Git or Mercurial repositories. Developed by Atlassian, this powerful tool offers numerous features such as code branch management, pull request, continuous integration, and deployment pipelines, all within a user-friendly interface. It seamlessly integrates with popular tools like Jira and Trello, which can make every aspect of a project management smooth and centralized. Bitbucket’s built-in security features help keep your code guarded against vulnerabilities and hackers, giving you peace of mind about the safety of your work. Considering its extensive functionality and feature-rich ecosystem, I would rate Bitbucket.


When it comes to Bitbucket’s fantastic features, there are a few that stand out and make it the go-to choice for many developers. The coolest feature is the seamless integration with Jira and Trello, allowing for streamlined collaboration between team members by automating tasks such as project management, issue tracking, and progress monitoring. Moreover, Bitbucket Pipelines empowers teams with continuous integration and continuous deployment capabilities, making it easier than ever to visualize and optimize each step in the software delivery process. Furthermore, Bitbucket’s comprehensive security features, such as IP whitelisting and two-step verification, ensure that your projects stay secure and in the right hands. These cutting-edge features make Bitbucket an excellent choice for developers looking to optimize their workflow and enhance project collaboration.


Best Containerization and Orchestration




Docker is a revolutionary open-source platform that has significantly impacted the software development and deployment landscape. This tool provides a streamlined and efficient solution to containerization by allowing developers to bundle applications and their dependencies in an isolated environment, known as a container, which ensures consistent performance and compatibility across various systems. Leveraging a client-server architecture and an extensive repository of pre-built images, Docker simplifies the process of managing, distributing, and scaling applications. As an expert reviewer, I would confidently rate Docker a 5 out of 5 for its profound ability to tackle prevailing software development challenges and facilitate seamless deployment.


Diving into Docker’s coolest features, the enthusiasm is palpable! One exceptional aspect of Docker is its ability to support microservices architecture, allowing developers to break down their applications into smaller, modular components, boosting flexibility and easier management. Additionally, Docker Hub is a mind-blowing treasure trove packed with an extensive library of pre-built images, empowering developers to save time and find the right tool for their needs without breaking a sweat. Lastly, Docker’s lightweight and fast performance is the cherry on top, significantly reducing the overhead and resource consumption traditionally associated with virtual machines. It’s no wonder that Docker has become a quintessential tool in the development and DevOps community – it’s a game-changer!



Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that automates deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. Developed by Google, Kubernetes has become the industry-standard solution tailored to help software developers manage the complex process of deploying and running microservices across various environments. This powerful platform allows users to manage their container-based infrastructure with ease, ensuring high levels of service reliability, fault-tolerance, and scalability. Thanks to its vibrant community and extensive documentation, Kubernetes continuously evolves, meeting the growing demands of modern software development practices.


Kubernetes comes packed with numerous cool features that make it a game-changer for developers and DevOps professionals! One of the most impressive features is its autoscaling capability, allowing it to automatically adjust the number of running instances based on the real-time demand and resource utilization. Furthermore, Kubernetes has built-in self-healing mechanisms that automatically detect and replace failed container instances, ensuring continuous service availability. With an extensive ecosystem of plugins and integrations, organizations can extend their infrastructure even further to cover virtually any scenario imaginable! Kubernetes is undeniably an incredibly flexible and robust platform that dramatically simplifies the container management experience, empowering developers to focus on building quality applications!


Best Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)



Rating: 4.5/5

Jenkins is an open-source automation server that provides developers with a robust platform for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD). This powerful tool streamlines the development process by automating build, test, and deployment tasks, ensuring a reliable and efficient production workflow. With its extensive library of plugins and integrations, Jenkins supports a wide range of programming languages and tools, making it an indispensable resource for teams of all sizes. Its user-friendly interface and strong community support further establish Jenkins as a go-to solution for software development automation.


The coolest features of Jenkins are undoubtedly its extensibility and adaptability! With over a thousand plugins available, you can customize Jenkins to fit your project’s specific needs, whether it’s integrating with your favorite version control system or automating notifications for your team. Setting up Jenkins pipelines lets you create sophisticated workflows that include parallel processes, error handling, and much more, enhancing both the speed and stability of your releases. Plus, the thriving Jenkins community ensures that you’ll always have access to the latest innovations and best practices in CI/CD, allowing you to focus on crafting top-notch software while Jenkins takes care of the automation magic behind the scenes!



Rating:4.5 out of 5.

CircleCI is a powerful continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform that streamlines the software development process. It automates the building, testing, and deployment of applications, allowing development teams to release high-quality software efficiently. With its compatibility with various languages, platforms, and applications, CircleCI offers a flexible and scalable solution to organizations of all sizes. The integration of commonly used developer tools makes it even easier for teams to seamlessly transition to an automated workflow.


Now, let me share with you some of the coolest features of CircleCI that indeed make it stand out! First, the platform’s container-based architecture and support for reusable configuration syntax make it easy to mirror and reproduce the build environment, ensuring consistency across the pipeline. Next, the parallelism feature enables the tool to automatically allocate resources and distribute tasks, vastly reducing build times and accelerating application delivery. Moreover, CircleCI’s robust integration with popular version-control systems such as GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket offers seamless collaboration, while its Orb Registry provides shared packages to streamline configuration and simplify processes. Overall, CircleCI helps developers achieve a highly efficient and reliable CI/CD process!

Travis CI


Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Travis CI is a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) service that automatically builds, tests, and deploys software projects hosted on GitHub and Bitbucket. With it, developers can focus on writing code and improving their projects, while Travis CI takes the responsibility of quality assurance and software deployment. Travis CI is highly configurable, supporting several languages and platforms, integrating with various third-party tools, services, and computing environments like Docker, and providing a comprehensive API for custom integrations. The ease of setup and collaborative capabilities make it a powerful solution for teams to streamline their development workflow and deliver reliable software quickly.


Travis CI boasts a plethora of cutting-edge features that make it an indispensable tool for modern developers! Its coolest feature has to be the ability to spin up virtual machines (VMs) and containers for project builds, ensuring that each build runs in a clean and isolated environment, mimicking real-world deployment as closely as possible. Additionally, the matrix feature enables developers to define various environment configurations in the configuration file, allowing simultaneous testing against multiple versions of languages and libraries with ease. With the aid of Travis CI’s caching mechanism, build times are significantly reduced, increasing productivity and decreasing wait times. And the cherry on top? Travis CI’s seamless integration with popular communication platforms like Slack and email notifications keeps the entire team posted on build statuses, promoting swift collaboration and rapid troubleshooting.

Best API Development and Testing


Postman | Speechify

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Postman is an outstanding and versatile API development and testing tool, designed to streamline the process of API collaboration among developers, testers, and product managers. As a comprehensive platform, Postman allows users to design, simulate, and debug RESTful APIs for various stages of the software development life cycle. With its intuitive interface and powerful suite of features, this tool greatly simplifies tasks such as API documentation, automated testing, and monitoring, ultimately making API development faster and more efficient.


Enthusiastically speaking, Postman packs a punch with its cutting-edge features that truly revolutionize API development! One of its coolest features has to be the ability to perform variable scope chaining, which allows developers to establish hierarchical environments and effortlessly manage API development across multiple stages. Postman’s mock server is another game-changer, enabling users to mimic the API response without actually invoking backend services – a major time-saver! And let’s not forget Collections – a fantastic way to bundle and share complete API specifications, test cases, and scripts with your team, all available through its robust library! As you explore deeper into the vast world of Postman, you’ll be mesmerized by how it can take your API development experience to new heights!



Rating: 4.5/5

Swagger is a comprehensive and widely adopted API (Application Programming Interface) tool that simplifies the process of designing, building, documenting, and consuming Web APIs. It offers robust tooling and adheres to the OpenAPI specification, making it an ideal solution for organizations and developers who aim to streamline their API workflows. When leveraging Swagger, compatibility concerns are minimized, and the platform makes it easy for users to collaborate on API development.


Get ready to be dazzled by Swagger’s coolest features: automatic generation of interactive API documentation and client libraries, making life considerably easier for developers! Utilizing Swagger’s interactive UI, developers can quickly test, troubleshoot, and explore APIs without leaving the tool, making the overall development process more efficient. Moreover, the platform’s code generation capabilities help in creating client libraries, server stubs, and API documentation in a snap, giving developers more time to focus on the actual logic and functionality. So go on, embrace the exceptional power of Swagger, and elevate your API projects to new heights!

Best Project Management and Issue Tracking



Rating: 4.5/5.

Jira, a widely recognized project management and issue tracking software, is developed by Atlassian and has been extensively utilized by businesses and agile teams to plan, track, and release high-quality software products. Built with versatility and flexibility in mind, Jira caters to organizations of different sizes and sectors by offering a plethora of functionalities such as customizable workflows, insightful reporting, and seamless integration with other tools and platforms. Jira excels in facilitating communication, promoting collaboration, and providing visibility into project progress, making it an indispensable asset to modern teams.


One of Jira’s coolest features is undeniably the power it provides in customizing workflows! This unparalleled flexibility allows teams to tailor their workflow processes based on their unique requirements, making sure that every stage in the development cycle is addressed, optimized, and consistently monitored. Also, with its fantastic reporting capabilities, Jira makes it a breeze for teams to access insightful data visualizations, helping them make better-informed decisions and efficiently allocate resources. Furthermore, Jira’s extensive third-party integrations not only streamline cross-functional coordination, but also enable teams to easily link their preferred tools for maximum collaboration and productivity. It’s no wonder Jira has become the go-to choice for so many successful organizations!


notion logo

Rating: 4.5/5

Notion is a highly versatile and powerful productivity tool that effectively merges note-taking, task management, and database creation in an all-in-one platform. The software is well-designed with simplicity at its core, which enables users to conveniently collaborate in real-time, manage projects, and create visually appealing documents catering to different preferences and work styles. Notion has been widely acclaimed for its flexibility, user-friendliness, and seamless integration with other essential applications, making it a compelling option for individuals, teams, and businesses looking to streamline their digital workspace.


Now, let’s talk about Notion’s coolest features! One thing that makes Notion stand out is its ‘blocks’ system – allowing users to compose pages with the ability to mix and match content types effortlessly. From simple text blocks to multimedia or even databases, the possibilities are endless! You can create custom templates to further boost your productivity and ensure consistency throughout your workspace. Plus, its powerful integration capabilities allow you to connect with tools like Google Calendar, Evernote, and Trello, making it even easier to keep all your essential information at your fingertips. Additionally, the collaborative features like in-line page comments, mentions, and real-time editing enable seamless communication, fostering a productive and organized work environment for you and your team. So go ahead, dive into the world of Notion, and unlock your full productivity potential!

Best Cloud Infrastructure and Deployment

AWS CloudFormation

aws cloud

Rating:4.5 out of 5.

AWS CloudFormation is a powerful infrastructure-as-code service offered by Amazon Web Services that enables users to model, provision, and manage resources in a safe and predictable manner. With CloudFormation, developers and system administrators can easily define templates, which describe the AWS resources needed to run their applications, and create stacks from these templates. This allows for the efficient management of resources, versioning, and reuse of the infrastructure. AWS CloudFormation also supports integrating with the AWS Management Console, CLI, and SDKs, enabling users to access it with ease. Overall, I would rate AWS CloudFormation a 4.5 out of 5 for its automation capabilities, integrations, and developer-friendly features.


One of the coolest features of AWS CloudFormation is its support for customizable, reusable templates that are written using JSON or YAML. These templates can define resources, properties, and dependencies, providing a clear blueprint of the infrastructure. Additionally, AWS CloudFormation automatically manages the provisioning of resources in the specified order, ensuring that the dependencies are properly managed without manual intervention! Another exciting feature is the ability to integrate with AWS Developer Tools and other AWS services such as Elastic Beanstalk, AWS OpsWorks Stacks, and Amazon RDS, allowing you to leverage multiple services to create the perfect infrastructure for your applications. From continuous delivery to disaster recovery and monitoring, AWS CloudFormation has you covered, making it an indispensable tool for any cloud-focused team.



Rating 4.7 out of 5.

Heroku is a cloud-based Platform as a Service (PaaS) that simplifies the process of building, deploying, and managing applications. It supports various programming languages such as Ruby, Java, Node.js, Python, PHP, and Scala, providing versatility for developers with different skill sets. Heroku seamlessly integrates with popular version control systems like Git, making it easy to deploy code and manage changes. The platform also offers a wide range of add-ons for extending functionality, catering to diverse applications’ needs. Additionally, Heroku’s robust infrastructure delivers excellent performance and reliability, making it a popular choice among developers and enterprises alike.


One of the coolest features of Heroku is its Dyno system. It allows you to scale your application horizontally or vertically with ease and ensures optimal resource allocation and efficient load balancing. This feature is fundamental for applications experiencing high traffic or requiring rapid scaling. Another standout feature is the Heroku Add-ons Marketplace, which offers an extensive selection of add-ons that can be attached to your application in minutes. This includes everything from data storage solutions and monitoring tools to third-party API integrations, giving developers unprecedented flexibility in customizing their applications! The ease of deployment and feature-rich ecosystem truly makes Heroku a game-changer in the development world.



Rated 4.5 out of 5,

Netlify is a powerful and innovative platform designed for developers to build, deploy, and manage web applications and websites with ease. This robust tool integrates seamlessly with various static site generators, headless CMS options, and supports continuous deployment from popular repositories like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. Offering features such as serverless functions and free SSL certificates, Netlify is a versatile solution for a wide range of users from small businesses to large enterprises. Netlify successfully caters to modern web development needs, ensuring both efficiency and scalability for web projects.


Get ready to be blown away by Netlify’s coolest features! The platform’s frictionless deployment process, powered by Continuous Deployment (CD), gives you ultimate control over your website updates, streamlining your workflow, and eliminating bottlenecks. With serverless functions, you get to enjoy the perks of a zero-infrastructure setup while enhancing your web application with powerful event-driven backends. And that’s not all; Netlify’s ultra-fast global CDN distributes your content across the world, ensuring lightning-fast load times and unparalleled user experiences. Brace for your productivity levels to soar, as Netlify revolutionizes how you handle your web projects.

AWS Lambda


Rating: 4.5/5

AWS Lambda is a highly versatile and powerful serverless computing service offered by Amazon Web Services, that enables developers to run their code without having to manage any backend infrastructure. With its event-driven, scalable architecture, AWS Lambda allows users to execute their code in response to various triggers, such as changes to data in Amazon S3 or DynamoDB, modifications in API Gateway, or custom events from applications or other AWS services. This makes Lambda an ideal platform for a wide range of use cases, from data processing to real-time file processing, while ensuring optimal efficiency and cost-effectiveness by only charging for the actual compute time consumed during execution.


AWS Lambda is packed with innovative and cool features that will make any developer excited! One of the most appealing aspects is its automatic scaling, which ensures that the service will seamlessly adapt to your application’s requirements, handling the heaviest workloads with ease. Thanks to its integration with other AWS services, Lambda can act as the glue that brings your whole application together, all without managing a single server. But perhaps the coolest feature is its support for a multitude of programming languages and runtimes, including Python, Node.js, Go, and .NET Core, empowering developers to work in the language they feel most comfortable with while leveraging all the advantages offered by AWS Lambda. Try it and be amazed by the wonders of serverless computing!



Rating: 4.8/5

Firebase is a versatile and feature-rich platform developed by Google that enables developers to build, manage, and scale web and mobile applications with ease. This robust tool provides various services such as real-time database, authentication, cloud storage, hosting, and machine learning capabilities to empower developers and enhance their productivity. The platform boasts an intuitive interface and seamless integration with popular frameworks such as Android, iOS, and Web, making it an essential choice for modern app development. It is a powerful and reliable solution for businesses and developers, but some users might prefer more cost predictability with their usage.


Now, let’s talk about some of the coolest features that Firebase offers! First up is the Real-time Database, which allows developers to sync and store data instantly across devices, ensuring a seamless and engaging user experience. With Firestore, the powerful and scalable NoSQL cloud database, you can easily manage and synchronize data in real-time, enabling smooth collaboration functionalities. The Cloud Functions make it incredibly easy to write serverless code, allowing developers to focus on what matters most – creating high-quality app experiences. And let’s not forget the Firebase Authentication, which provides a secure and hassle-free way of managing user sign-ins, supporting various authentication providers such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, and more. These incredible features are just scratching the surface of what Firebase can deliver, making it an essential tool for ambitious and successful app developers!

Best Configuration Management and Automation


What is Ansible? A Tool to Automate Parts of Your Job

Rating 4.8/5

Ansible is a powerful open-source automation tool that streamlines and simplifies complex IT tasks such as application deployment, configuration management, and orchestration. Utilizing an agentless architecture, Ansible enables efficient and rapid infrastructure management through easy-to-write, human-readable YAML scripts known as playbooks. With its robust assortment of built-in modules and extensive cross-platform compatibility. Ansible offers a versatile and intuitive solution for IT professionals looking to automate repetitive tasks and scale their infrastructure with minimal hassle.


Now, let’s talk about some of Ansible’s coolest features! First of all, the fact that it’s agentless makes deployment a breeze since there’s no need to install any additional software on the remote nodes. Its idempotent and declarative nature ensures that playbooks achieve the desired end state every time they are executed, making automation reliable and consistent. With more than a thousand pre-built modules, Ansible’s library empowers users to automate virtually any task, from managing cloud resources to controlling network devices. Moreover, Ansible’s ability to work with both push and pull models gives users the flexibility to choose the approach that best suits their workflows. To top it all off, Ansible Galaxy, a rich community hub, provides access to countless roles and playbooks contributed by experts, which can be readily integrated into your projects.



Rating: 4.6/5

Puppet is a powerful, open-source configuration management and automation tool that enables IT administrators and developers to effectively manage their infrastructure. Utilizing a declarative, model-driven language, Puppet empowers users to define the desired state of their systems, which are then automatically enforced and maintained by the tool. As a robust and flexible solution, Puppet supports a wide range of platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS, making it an ideal choice for managing complex, heterogeneous environments. Is has versatility, ease of use, and ability to save time by automating repetitive tasks.


The coolest features of Puppet truly reflects its prowess in leveraging automation to make our lives easier! For starters, Puppet’s idempotent resource model ensures consistency across your infrastructure, so no matter how many times the state is applied, you always achieve the same result. Even more impressive is its powerful reporting feature, providing unparalleled visibility into the system state with detailed graphs and actionable insights. Puppet is immensely scalable – capable of managing thousands of nodes effortlessly. Moreover, code and data separation in Puppet enables users to streamline their work and reuse modules to accelerate new projects. Simply put, Puppet’s coolest features set the bar high in the world of configuration management and automation!


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Rating: 4.8/5

Vagrant is an open-source software product designed to simplify the process of creating and managing virtual development environments. With its portable, easy-to-configure, and reproducible platform, it removes the hassle of manually setting up development environments, thus greatly improving the overall development workflow. Vagrant supports a wide variety of platforms, including VirtualBox, VMware, Hyper-V, and more, while seamlessly integrating with popular configuration management tools such as Chef, Puppet, and Ansible. Overall, Vagrant deserves a solid 4.5 out of 5 rating for its ability to streamline the process of orchestrating virtual machines and empowering developers to focus on writing quality code efficiently.


The coolest features of Vagrant garner enthusiasm for any developer who has faced the challenges of environment setup and management. One such feature is the Vagrantfile, which serves as the single source of truth for the entire environment configuration, enabling users to share and replicate the environment with ease. Vagrant’s synced folder functionality sets it apart from other tools by synchronizing local files and directories to the virtual machines, offering the convenience of working with local editors and tools. Additionally, Vagrant’s provider and provisioner plugins allow developers to further customize their environments by extending support for various virtualization solutions and configuration management systems, creating a tailored development experience. With all these amazing features, Vagrant undoubtedly stands as a game-changer in the world of software development.


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Rating: 5 out of 5.

Terraform is an exceptional open-source Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool developed by HashiCorp that empowers users to manage and provision their cloud infrastructure through a declarative, code-based approach. With its ability to support various cloud providers, such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, Terraform allows users to seamlessly configure and deploy resources across multiple platforms while maintaining a consistent workflow. By offering an intuitive language called HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), Terraform provides a straightforward method to define infrastructure and ensures that configuration files are human-readable and machine-friendly. In addition, it utilizes a versioning mechanism to track changes and efficiently manage update processes.


With Terraform, your cloud infrastructure management experience is about to be redefined! Its coolest feature is undoubtedly the ability to support multi-cloud deployments. Gone are the days of juggling and maintaining multiple tools for different cloud providers! Terraform’s provider plug-ins enable users to work with various platforms seamlessly, bringing your infrastructure to a whole new level of interoperability. Additionally, the state management capabilities ensure that you have full control over your infrastructure’s lifecycle, automatically tracking changes, updates, and dependencies. Furthermore, the modularity of Terraform allows you to maintain your infrastructure code with ease, making it simple to reuse and share configurations across teams. Get ready to elevate your cloud game with Terraform!

Best Build and Dependency Management

Apache Maven


Rating: 5/5

Apache Maven is an incredibly powerful project management tool that streamlines the build process and eases the management of software projects throughout their entire lifecycle. Widely used in the development of Java and other Java Virtual Machine (JVM) based languages, this versatile tool automates the project build process by establishing an efficient and standardized compilation, testing, packaging, and deployment flow. Its plug-in-based architecture and comprehensive repository for libraries and modules enable seamless integration with other tools and project management software.


Now, let’s talk about Apache Maven’s coolest features that make it the go-to choice for developers across the globe! One incredibly handy aspect is its project object model (POM), which allows for consistent dependency management and configurations across all projects. Thanks to Maven, you can forget about version chaos and dependency hell! Moreover, Maven’s incremental build feature significantly optimizes the development process by updating only the relevant portions of a project when changes are made. Finally, Maven’s extensive ecosystem of plugins and integrations ensures that you can tailor the tool to your specific project management needs, making your development journey smoother and way more efficient!



Rating: 4.5/5

Gradle is a versatile and powerful open-source build automation tool that is designed to handle the demands of modern software development projects. Its unique and customizable Domain Specific Language (DSL) is based on the Groovy and Kotlin languages, which empower developers to create high-quality build scripts with improved readability and flexibility. Gradle has rapidly gained popularity among developers as it has outperformed other build tools such as Apache Maven and Ant in terms of speed, efficiency, and scalability. Gradle supports multi-project builds and allows for continuous integration, making it the preferred choice for various platforms, including Android app development and Java-based projects.


The coolest features of Gradle lie in its unparalleled performance and customization capabilities. With its innovative build cache and powerful dependency management, Gradle can significantly cut down build times and enhance productivity. The incremental builds feature further speeds up the process by reusing output from previous builds. Gradle’s DSL allows for tailor-made scripting, resulting in less code and cleaner build logic. Additionally, its plugin support and extensibility are outstanding, enabling seamless integration with a wide range of tools, version control systems, and languages. Overall, Gradle’s impressive features make it an essential and delightful addition to any developer’s toolkit!



Rating: 5/5

npm, or Node Package Manager, is a widely used and essential tool for JavaScript developers, automating and simplifying the process of managing and sharing various libraries and modules. As the default package manager for the Node.js runtime environment, it provides a robust platform for developers to easily discover, download, and deploy required dependencies and packages for their applications, significantly reducing the time and effort spent on manual package management. Its extensive registry boasts over a million reusable packages, fueling the rapid growth of open-source projects, collaborations, and global knowledge sharing among the developer community.


One of npm’s coolest features has to be its ability to manage multiple versions of the same package efficiently, allowing developers to work with different versions seamlessly to meet specific project requirements. Additionally, npm’s CLI interface is incredibly user-friendly, making it a breeze to install, update, and manage packages with just a few commands. Furthermore, npm’s innovative package-lock functionality ensures dependency version consistency across multiple environments, enforcing reproducible builds and minimizing risks associated with varying dependencies. All these features bundled together make npm an indispensable tool for every JavaScript developer, streamlining package management while fostering a vibrant and ever-growing ecosystem of shared resources.


Best Testing and Quality Assurance



Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Selenium is a powerful open-source web testing tool that allows quality assurance professionals and developers to automate browser actions, ensuring the functionality and performance of web applications. With support for multiple programming languages such as Python, Java, C#, and Ruby, Selenium empowers users with the ability to create robust test scripts that can be integrated with popular testing frameworks like JUnit and TestNG. Offering both Selenium WebDriver and Selenium IDE as core components, the tool boasts unparalleled flexibility in terms of execution environments and test-scenario complexities.


Selenium’s coolest features are most definitely the WebDriver and its unparalleled support for multiple browsers! With the power of the WebDriver, you can effortlessly automate the interactions of your web applications across various browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. This means you can seamlessly validate your application’s compatibility and overall user experience on multiple platforms. Additionally, the Selenium Grid stands out as a brilliant feature, allowing users to run parallel test cases in different environments, significantly reducing overall test execution time. The possibilities are endless with Selenium’s open-source nature, making it a go-to solution for web automation!



Rating: 5/5

Cypress is a next-generation, cutting-edge end-to-end testing framework designed specifically for modern web applications. This powerful, robust, and efficient tool packs extensive testing capabilities, enabling developers to ensure their applications are working as intended across numerous user scenarios. Cypress aims to make testing simple and enjoyable, and is intuitively built to cater to the needs of both newcomers to testing and seasoned experts alike. It offers features such as real-time reloading during development, automatic waiting to reduce flakiness, debugging directly from familiar tools, and seamless integration with Continuous Integration systems.


Now, let’s dive into some of the coolest features that make Cypress genuinely exciting! One standout feature is the Time-Travelling Debugger, which lets you see exactly how your application is performing at every stage of the test. It allows developers to simply hover over commands in the test runner and instantly observe every DOM snapshot, so debugging becomes a breeze! Another fantastic element is the Network Traffic Control, giving you complete command over your app’s network behavior during tests. You can stub responses, delay requests, or even modify existing network responses all without modifying your server code. With these impressive and innovative features, Cypress is shaping up to be the go-to tool for test-driven web application development!



Rating: 4.5/5

SonarQube is an impressive open-source platform designed to streamline and enhance the process of code review and software quality analysis. With an array of support for over 27 programming languages, this versatile tool aids developers in identifying bugs, vulnerabilities, and technical debt to improve the overall performance and reliability of applications. Primarily focusing on Continuous Inspection, SonarQube empowers teams to implement robust and efficient coding practices, ensuring the produced software complies with various industry standards and maintainability guidelines.


The coolest features of SonarQube are truly groundbreaking and make it an indispensable resource for developers striving for top-quality code! One such feature is its Water Leak methodology, which frames the approach to code quality management, emphasizing the importance of addressing new issues before they become deeply entrenched in the codebase. It’s like tackling a water leak in a house – fix it early to prevent catastrophic damage! Another brilliant feature is the integration with popular IDEs and continuous integration platforms, catering to developers to receive instantaneous feedback, all while they’re coding their next masterpiece. SonarQube’s comprehensive and user-friendly dashboard does an extraordinary job of showcasing all required metrics, allowing for efficient risk assessment and raising the bar for excellent coding standards.

Best Collaboration and Communication


Rated 4.6 out of 5

Slack is a dynamic collaboration and communication tool designed to streamline teamwork and enhance productivity. It offers a user-friendly platform for teams to communicate, share files, and manage projects efficiently. By integrating various third-party applications, Slack serves as a comprehensive hub for all work-related matters. It offers multiple communication channels, facilitating open discussions and private messages, furthering team collaboration and organization. Slack is an invaluable tool that has proven vital to businesses and organizations across various industries.


The coolest features of Slack have transformed the way we work, making collaboration more engaging than ever before! Its powerful search functionality allows you to quickly locate messages, documents, or files with ease, saving precious time. The audio and video calling feature enables face-to-face communication, bringing remote teams closer together. Additionally, Slack’s seamless integrations with popular apps such as Google Drive, Trello, and Zapier create a unified workspace, making it a breeze to juggle multiple tasks and stay on top of the game. Get ready to supercharge your team’s productivity with Slack’s amazing features!

Best Design and Collaboration


zeplin logo

Rating: 4.5/5

Zeplin is a robust collaboration tool designed explicitly for UI/UX designers and front-end developers, streamlining their workflow and enhancing overall productivity. Bridging the gap between design and development, Zeplin enables designers to quickly and efficiently generate style guides, assets, and CSS codes, while providing developers with up-to-date specifications and resources. Acting as a single source of truth for team collaboration, Zeplin seamlessly integrates with popular design tools such as Sketch, Figma, Photoshop, and Adobe XD, simplifying the hand-off process and ensuring design consistency across projects.


One of Zeplin’s coolest features is undoubtedly its ability to automatically generate tailored style guides that adapt to your project’s colors, fonts, and components. Imagine the excitement of having all your design elements meticulously organized and effortlessly accessible! Zeplin takes collaboration to the next level by providing real-time updates and version control for your designs, making sure everyone is always on the same page. Gone are the days when designers and developers would exchange notes via lengthy email threads or obscure spreadsheets. Zeplin’s integrations with tools like Slack and Jira keep team members in the loop and foster a more interactive and dynamic workflow. Get ready to revolutionize your design process with Zeplin, the ultimate game-changer for design and development collaboration!

Best Artifact Management



Rating: 4.5/5
Artifactory, developed by JFrog, is an industry-leading universal binary repository manager designed to manage, organize, and control artifacts throughout the software development lifecycle. This powerful and robust tool offers support for major packaging formats such as Maven, Gradle, NPM, Docker, and more. With its comprehensive set of enterprise-grade features, Artifactory streamlines the entire software delivery pipeline by facilitating collaboration amongst development and operations teams, improving productivity, and ensuring real-time traceability of artifacts. Overall, I would rate Artifactory a solid 5 out of 5 for its broad compatibility, seamless integration capabilities, and role in enhancing software development workflows.


As for Artifactory’s coolest features, the ones that get me truly excited are its space and time-saving Artifact Deduplication, its super-intuitive User Interface, and the flexible permission controls. The Artifact Deduplication feature allows users to save massive amounts of storage space by ensuring there are no repetitive or redundant files. This not only optimizes storage resources but also significantly reduces build times – talk about efficiency! Additionally, the user interface is sleek and easy to navigate, making it a breeze for teams to find, track, and manage their artifacts. Lastly, the granular permission controls provide teams the flexibility to implement a finely-tuned accessibility structure to ensure enhanced security and workflow efficiency. Artifactory’s well-rounded suite of features make it an essential component of modern software development ecosystems!

Best Mobile Development



Rating: 5/5

Xcode is an exceptional integrated development environment (IDE) that comes power-packed with all the essential tools required to create awe-inspiring apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV. The software boasts an intuitive, user-friendly interface, and is exclusively designed keeping macOS and iOS developers in mind. With the swift programming language, an efficient in-built code editor, Git repository support, powerful debugging tools, loads of templates, and seamless integration with other Apple frameworks, Xcode is undoubtedly an important tool for developers who want to make a mark in the realm of Apple devices.


Diving deeper into Xcode’s incredible features, one can’t help but marvel at its out-of-the-box support for SwiftUI. This incredible framework enables developers to create stunning user interfaces with absolute ease by offering a simple, declarative syntax. Moreover, the live previews make the development experience exceptionally smooth, as you witness your code’s instant translation into real-time app interfaces. Another standout feature is the powerful debugging tools that Xcode provides, such as the LLDB debugger and Instruments app, which help developers to effectively monitor the performance of their apps and fix issues in a jiffy. Xcode breathes new life into app development, taking it to unparalleled heights, all while keeping it simple and enjoyable!


fastlane automation

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Fastlane is an incredibly useful open-source automation tool that streamlines the often-tedious processes involved in app development and deployment. Designed to save developers valuable time and effort, Fastlane simplifies tasks such as app screenshots, code signing, and release management, allowing for seamless integration with existing workflows. Compatible with iOS, Android, and other platforms, Fastlane is an essential tool for app developers seeking a more efficient, cohesive, and enjoyable development experience.


The coolest features of Fastlane are undoubtedly its ability to automate countless tasks and the extensive collection of built-in actions that come bundled with it. Imagine never having to worry about manually generating and uploading hundreds of screenshots to the app store! Fastlane’s ‘screengrab’ and ‘snapshot’ features make it a breeze, capturing and storing images across multiple languages and devices in a fraction of the time. Additionally, the ‘match’ feature ensures seamless code signing, allowing developers to forget about provisioning profile nightmares and focus on what truly matters: creating amazing apps. With Fastlane, the possibilities are limitless, and your projects can reach new heights of efficiency and productivity.


Best State Management (Front-end)



Rating: 4.5/5

Redux is an innovative and powerful state management tool designed primarily for JavaScript applications. As an open-source library, it allows developers to maintain application state in a more predictable and structured manner, particularly valuable when working on larger-scale projects. Rooted in the principles of Flux architecture and functional programming, Redux facilitates unidirectional data flow, which simplifies debugging and testing. Through its minimalistic API, efficient middleware integration, and compatibility with various libraries such as React, Redux offers a robust and flexible approach to managing application state.


Undoubtedly, Redux boasts some incredibly cool features that make it stand out from other state management tools. One of its most impressive aspects is the time-traveling debugger, which enables developers to jump back and forth between different stages of the application state. This incredibly powerful capability allows for swift identification and rectification of bugs, optimizing the overall development process. Additionally, middleware in Redux permits users to extend the capabilities of the library even further, accommodating custom needs and preferences. Redux also implements an immutable state, which fosters highly maintainable code and plays a pivotal role in reducing the likelihood of errors cropping up. It’s no wonder that Redux continues to be a popular choice among developers for delivering high-quality, reliable applications.

Best Code Formatting and Styling



Rating: 5/5

Prettier is a highly efficient and powerful code formatter that integrates seamlessly with various programming languages and frameworks. It is specifically designed to enhance developers’ experience and produce clean, consistent, and well-organized code across multiple projects. Prettier effortlessly eliminates syntax discrepancies, improves readability, and streamlines collaboration between team members, making it an essential tool in the modern software development landscape.


Now, let’s talk about the coolest features of Prettier that make it truly stand out! First and foremost, its automated code formatting capabilities are absolutely fantastic, enabling developers to save loads of time that would be otherwise spent on manual code alignment and styling. Additionally, its seamless integration with popular code editors such as Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Atom ensures a smooth workflow without having to change your favorite development environment. And lastly, its extensible plugin system allows you to customize the tool according to your coding preferences and needs, keeping you in full control while also benefiting from Prettier’s incredible code beautification. All in all, Prettier is an indispensable tool that every developer should have in their arsenal.

Best Monitoring and Observability



Rating: 4.5/5

Datadog is a comprehensive cloud-based monitoring and analytics platform that streamlines the process of collecting, visualizing, and alerting on metrics, traces, and logs from various applications, services, and infrastructure components. This powerful software brings together data from servers, databases, containers, and third-party services, enabling organizations to overcome the challenges of effectively monitoring modern, dynamic, distributed systems. Datadog offers easy-to-use dashboards, an efficient query language, and a wide range of configurable alerts, which significantly improves visibility across the digital ecosystem—ultimately enhancing operational efficiency.


As for Datadog’s coolest features, I cannot help but marvel at its robust integrations with over 400 technologies! It effortlessly connects to numerous services and platforms, making it an incredibly versatile and flexible monitoring solution. The customizable drag-and-drop dashboard widgets and intuitive user interface make data visualization appealing and straightforward. Datadog’s advanced anomaly detection and intelligent alerting not only save time but also help identify crucial insights that could impact the systems. Furthermore, its distributed request tracing functionality and APM capabilities ensure that developers can pinpoint performance bottlenecks and optimize application performance. Overall, Datadog’s rich feature set and fantastic user experience make it one of the most compelling players in the monitoring and analytics space.


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Rating: 4.5/5

Grafana is a powerful open-source data visualization tool that enables users to create interactive and dynamic dashboards for monitoring and analyzing a multitude of data sources in real time. It provides an exceptional user experience with its beautiful graphing capabilities, intuitive query language, and seamless integration with various data sources like Elasticsearch, Prometheus, Graphite, InfluxDB, and more. With its customizable and extensible nature, Grafana has garnered significant popularity among DevOps and IT specialists who rely on it for real-time monitoring of systems, applications, and infrastructure.


Now, let’s dive into some of Grafana’s coolest features! One of the standout aspects of this tool is its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, allowing users to easily create and customize intricate visualizations with minimal effort. Another exciting feature is the ability to create and share powerful alert triggers, ensuring that teams stay informed and proactive in addressing any performance issues. For those who seek advanced customization, Grafana also offers an easy-to-learn scripting language, promoting limitless creativity in visual representations. Finally, Grafana’s integration with external plugins and flexible API further expands its capabilities, continually pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of data visualization and monitoring!


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Rating: 4.5/5

Prometheus is a powerful and feature-rich open-source monitoring system and time-series database, widely adopted in the IT industry for its efficient and reliable performance in monitoring complex applications and infrastructures. Built on a multi-dimensional data model with flexible query language, Prometheus is designed to natively support Kubernetes and other cloud-native platforms. With its superior scalability, extensive metric collection, and advanced alerting features, Prometheus has become an essential tool for modern DevOps teams to ensure optimum health and performance of their application stack.

The coolest features of Prometheus are its highly expressive query language, PromQL, and seamless integration with various service discovery mechanisms. With PromQL, you have the ability to extract, aggregate, and transform vast quantities of metric data intuitively, enabling you to dig deep and spot trends or potential issues that could wreak havoc on your systems. Furthermore, its seamless support for Kubernetes and other service discovery integrations ensure that Prometheus can automatically discover and track new services when they come online, granting DevOps teams full visibility and control over their dynamic environments. You can’t help but be enthusiastic about all that Prometheus has to offer in helping you build a resilient and high-performance computing ecosystem!

Best Message Queue and Streaming Platform

Apache Kafka

apache kafka

Rating: 4.5/5

Apache Kafka is a widely-used, open-source, distributed event streaming platform that can handle massive amounts of data in real-time. Designed by the engineers at LinkedIn, and later donated to the Apache Software Foundation, this tool has become a go-to choice for many enterprises to build scalable, fault-tolerant, and highly available data pipelines. Kafka enables organizations to process, analyze and store data, and also integrates easily with other stream-processing applications. Architecture-wise, Kafka delivers strong durability and a low-latency performance by utilizing a publish-subscribe model with a distributed, partitioned, and replicated commit log service.


When it comes to the coolest features of Apache Kafka, there’s no denying its impressive scalability and durability. As a distributed system, Kafka can easily scale out across numerous servers, allowing organizations to handle petabytes of data effortlessly. Additionally, the tool’s built-in fault tolerance ensures that the system will not lose data even in cases of hardware failures. Kafka’s flexible data streams mean you can accommodate a wide variety of data types and sources, making it a versatile solution. Lastly, its impressive performance sets it apart from other streaming platforms – with Kafka, you can enjoy lightning-fast data processing without significant latency. It’s no wonder Apache Kafka has become an essential tool in the world of large-scale, data-driven applications!

Best Databases



Rating: 5/5

Redis, short for Remote Dictionary Server, is a high-performance, open-source, in-memory data structure store that efficiently supports various types of data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets, bitmaps, and more. It is primarily used as a database, cache, and message broker due to its blazing-fast speed and ability to handle millions of requests per second, resulting in minimal latency and high throughput. Given its multifaceted capabilities, Redis has been widely adopted by numerous organizations across various industries for distributed caching, real-time analytics, session storage, and message queuing. Considering its exceptional performance, flexibility, and extensive use-cases.


Now, let’s dive into some of the coolest features that make Redis stand out! First up, its powerful Pub/Sub system enables lightning-fast real-time messaging and information sharing, taking distributed applications to a whole new level. Moreover, Redis’ support for persistence ensures that you don’t lose your data when the server restarts, allowing you to serialize your dataset to disk at regular intervals or through the append-only file method. Additionally, Redis features high availability and automatic partitioning with Redis Cluster, allowing your application to scale beautifully and remain operational even during system failures. Overall, Redis’ fantastic feature set, coupled with its unparalleled performance, makes it an essential tool in the world of data storage and processing!



Rating: 5/5

SQLite is an exceptional, self-contained, serverless, and zero-configuration SQL database engine, widely recognized for its remarkable performance, ease of use, and extensive compatibility. Being a C library, SQLite provides a robust platform that enables developers to create, manage, and store structured data efficiently using the de facto SQL syntax. Due to its small footprint and seamless integration into a myriad of software applications, SQLite has become an industry favorite for mobile, IoT, and desktop applications, delivering an unparalleled user experience without requiring substantial resources.


Now, let’s dive into some of the coolest features that make SQLite an unbeatable choice! Firstly, its serverless, self-contained architecture truly stands out; no set-up or administration needed, it’s ready out-of-the-box! Its transactional nature ensures that even during system crashes or application failures, your data remains intact and undamaged. Another fantastic feature is that SQLite can work effortlessly in cross-platform environments, since it supports several file formats and programming languages, making it a tremendous asset for developers. Lastly, its efficiency allows it to perform at an exceptional speed, significantly reducing processing time compared to traditional database systems. SQLite truly shines as a lightweight powerhouse, deserving of your attention!

Big Data Processing

Apache Spark


Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Apache Spark is a powerful open-source distributed computing system designed to process large volumes of data rapidly by leveraging cluster-computing capabilities. Developed in response to the limitations of the Hadoop MapReduce computing model, Spark has become an essential tool in the big data ecosystem, enabling faster and more efficient data processing for various applications such as machine learning, graph processing, and interactive analytics. Its user-friendly APIs in Python, Java, Scala, and SQL, along with strong support for data streaming and in-memory processing, have made Spark a valuable solution for businesses and researchers looking to harness the power of big data.


One of the coolest features of Apache Spark is its ability to perform lightning-fast in-memory data processing, which significantly accelerates iterative algorithms and interactive data mining tasks! The built-in libraries, including MLlib for machine learning and GraphX for graph processing, empower users with advanced analytics capabilities right from the start. Additionally, Spark Streaming allows for real-time data processing by incorporating high-speed streaming data to be seamlessly combined with historical data, unlocking endless possibilities for data-driven decision making and real-time insights. Its compatibility with Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Apache HBase, and Amazon S3 brings remarkable versatility and scalability. Embrace the power and flexibility of Apache Spark and watch your big data processing speed soar to new heights!


The year 2023 has witnessed a remarkable surge in innovative developer tools that are reshaping the landscape of software development. With an emphasis on efficiency, collaboration, and automation, these tools have proven to be invaluable assets for developers, empowering them to overcome challenges, boost productivity, and deliver exceptional software solutions. From AI-driven code generation and refactoring tools to cloud-based development platforms, the best developer tools of 2023 have redefined the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of software development. As we look ahead, it is clear that these tools will continue to evolve and adapt, keeping developers at the forefront of technological advancements and paving the way for a future of even greater possibilities in the world of software development.

The post Best Developer Tools of 2023 appeared first on ReadWrite.

4 Reasons to Ditch Aging IT and Embrace Application Modernization Mon, 15 May 2023 21:00:42 +0000 Ditch Aging IT

As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, businesses must constantly update and improve their software systems to stay […]

The post 4 Reasons to Ditch Aging IT and Embrace Application Modernization appeared first on ReadWrite.

Ditch Aging IT

As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, businesses must constantly update and improve their software systems to stay competitive. However, the process of updating and releasing new software can be difficult and time-consuming, especially if the existing software is bloated, monolithic, and tightly coupled with other components.

This lag creates technical debt that can slow down operations and put a company at a disadvantage compared to its competitors. Southwest Airlines is a notable example; the company was cited for losing $800 million due to aging IT infrastructure during its headline-grabbing December 2022 meltdown.

Avoid Lagging Behind

Technology has reached a point where the ability of AI to make connections has sky-rocketed, which is what we’re seeing now with ChatGPT. AI can absorb incredible amounts of information that any single human couldn’t hope to process or retain. In just a few seconds, it can recall and apply that knowledge.

Technology is changing rapidly from a usability standpoint, making it critical to keep up-to-date to avoid lagging behind.

One solution to this problem is application modernization—but what does application modernization mean? In the simplest of terms, application modernization is the practice of transforming old, existing applications and technology stacks into leaner components that are easier to update and deploy.

Why Modernize Applications?

The benefits of application modernization are numerous, but let’s focus on the main four.

1. Modernization to recapture knowledge

Modernization lets organizations capture (or recapture, rather) knowledge about the application, including its value to the company and its role in its portfolio.

2. Modernization to revisit process definitions

Modernization provides an opportunity to revisit business process definitions and identify areas where introducing efficiencies through process, integration, and automation can lead to cost savings and improved operations.

3. Modernization to leverage lower-cost architectures and tech skills

Modernization enables companies to leverage lower-cost architectures and ensure that the tech skills required to support the application remain a commodity.

4. Modernization to advance technology and employ generative AI and GPT solutions

By enhancing the application with advanced technology like AI, automation, and machine learning, companies can increase their value and stay ahead of the competition. Employing generative AI solutions, like ChatGPT, is just the beginning.

The Process of Modernizing Applications

When it comes to reaping the benefits of application modernization, it’s important to be clear about strategies and objectives and to define principles to guide decision-making. Gaining buy-in from stakeholders by articulating a complete view of the value proposition is crucial. For large initiatives, a target technology stack should also be defined, along with a governance structure, to ensure that it can be updated, changed, and improved.

It’s also essential to prioritize modernization opportunities based on business impact and value and to roadmap implementations and executions to promote a culture of continuous improvement.

Organizations can benefit from employing cross-skilled teams with experience in implementing modern applications, creative design, and the most up-to-date technological advancements.

Prioritizing the Different Pieces

Other important parts of the modernization process include identifying stakeholders or SMEs, determining the value of your current apps, and recognizing the functionality that needs to be preserved. Areas for application improvement can be identified across different viewpoints, such as process, data, integration, user experience, security, and infrastructure.

These requirements can then be populated into a backlog and prioritized based on ROI, risk assessment, and Minimum Viable Product. Once the enterprise target architecture is finalized, it can be employed, gaps can be identified, and architecture work or product development can be commissioned.

Challenges to Application Modernization

Ultimately, the best approach to application modernization will depend on the unique needs and circumstances of each organization. By taking the time to understand the problem, situation, and goals, companies can find the right path forward in modernizing their applications.

Making changes in an organization is often a challenging process; there are always roadblocks and other issues that arise along the way. One impediment that a lot of businesses face is resource availability.

Many companies struggle with finding and keeping the resources they need to maintain their existing systems while implementing change.

Another is losing key application knowledge and technical documentation when employees retire or leave the company, making modernization efforts more difficult.

Even More Challenges

Uncertainty about the scope of modernization is another challenge. Technology is ever-changing, which can create situations where organizations don’t know what they don’t know, leading to “paralysis analysis” and fear of making a bad choice. A lack of a digital strategy or effective way to score or prioritize opportunities can also hinder progress.

Another challenge is the lack of solution accelerators and frameworks. Rewriting a legacy app from scratch can also be an expensive proposition, and an organization may not have the necessary budget for that.

The Sooner, The Better

Despite these challenges, organizations can successfully navigate the path to application modernization with the correct approach. Implementing the right strategies makes it possible to modernize applications in a cost-effective and timely manner while still maintaining the value and integrity of the existing system.

Don’t ask yourself what it would cost to implement new tech; ask yourself what it would cost to miss the opportunity entirely. With fascinating and impactful new tech emerging every day, you can’t afford to wait.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Christopher Gower; Unsplash; Thank you!

The post 4 Reasons to Ditch Aging IT and Embrace Application Modernization appeared first on ReadWrite.

Top 7 Programming Languages To Develop Native Android Apps Wed, 12 Apr 2023 18:00:41 +0000 Programming Languages

We spend our lives on our smartphones for purposes like communicating with our near and dear ones, researching different items, […]

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Programming Languages

We spend our lives on our smartphones for purposes like communicating with our near and dear ones, researching different items, binge-watching, etc. This has led to the use of smartphones growing to a huge extent. Research suggests that the number of smartphone users globally is 6.65 billion.

So what is the reason that makes us rely on these devices and apps, so to speak? The answer to this is the provision of sensory experiences. This is why businesses channel their efforts on the task of utilizing the best techniques during the development of these solutions so that the engagement level remains at the top.

While talking about the aspect, there are two platforms where developers usually build an app. One is Android, while the other is iOS.

In the article, I will discuss the element of Android app development, explaining the significance of a programming language in this, followed by giving you a list of the best languages to build native Android applications.

About the Android Platform

Google released Android in 2008. A mobile operating system, Samsung, and Sony have leveraged their advantages to the maximum. This was due to the support the platform rendered to devices like smartphones and tablets. The work from the Android Platform has led to the Operating System having over 2.8 billion active users.

This number suggests why developers are channeling their efforts toward developing a native Android app.

Understanding the Concept of Native Android App Development

Native Android app development includes the aspect of creating an app that is tailored in sync with the features present in the Android platform or devices like smartphones or tablets. This ensures that users receive a seamless experience in terms of visuals and performance.

To ascertain that these aspects become easily achievable, it is a must to use the best programming languages.

7 Best Programming Languages Perfect for Android Apps Development

There are many languages that developers recommend when they embark on the journey of creating an Android app. You can discover below some of the most utilized languages for Android development.

1. Java

Java is a computer coding language whose release was done by Sun Microsystems in the 1990s. Subsequently, it got acquired by Oracle and has since then built its name as a multi-purpose coding language that helps developers to develop Android apps for services like games alongside building tools.

It also has a diverse range of features that makes it the developers’ favorite.

  • Enables developers with the concept of OOPS, also known as Object Oriented Programming to allow them to create reusable codes.
  • It gives access to open-source libraries to allow the app development cost to go down and the procedure to get accelerated.
  • It is easy to learn due to the presence of English punctuation, which most developers are familiar with, followed by containing angle brackets in the generics to make coding easy to read.

2. Kotlin

60% of developers recommend Kotlin next when they build an Android app. This is due to the support it provides them to boost their productivity, followed by ensuring that the code is safe from incidents like crashes. Additionally, it is packed with features like structured concurrency to make network calls and database updates easy to perform. This is followed by including nullability within the type system to ensure NullPointer Exceptions get avoided in the best possible manner.

Here are some other constituents present in the programming language that make it perfect for this task.

  • Due to interoperability support with Java as a result of supporting Java libraries and tools, it helps developers in compiling an Android project in the two languages with swiftness.
  • Helps the development experts in writing an equivalent of the Java code simplistically, requiring lesser code.
  • It makes it easy to determine the predict the constituents of the resulting list through the provision of collection filtering.

3. Dart

Developed by Google in 2011, Dart has earned its name as an object-oriented client-optimized programming language that makes web and mobile app development seamless across different platforms. Particularly when it comes to building a native Android app, the language streamlines this task greatly due to its aid to developers in converting the Dart code into a native code. The language especially renders aid to developers in UI development by enabling them with features like hot-reload so that changes are easy to view as they occur.

Compiled with the below-mentioned elements make, Dart perfect for developing an app for the Android platform.

  • Possessing a syntax similar to Java, C#, etc., it is easy to learn.
  • Code compilation happens at an accelerated pace due to the support it renders to the two kinds of compilation processes like AOT (Ahead of Time) and JIT (Just-in-Time).
  • Has a large community of developers. Therefore, it ensures any problems that the development experts face during coding are easily resolved.

4. C#

Microsoft developed C# as an object-oriented programming language that simplifies app management and accelerates the development pace. It is particularly known for supporting in the task of developing mobile apps, desktop apps, cloud-based services, enterprise software, and games.

Coming to the task of developing Android apps, as a result of containing an android SDK (software development kit), C# helps in streamlining coding-related tasks to a great extent. This is followed by possessing the features listed below.

  • Shareable code across multiple platforms.
  • Garbage collection tool to prevent chances of memory leaks.
  • Android SDK to enable developers to code comfortably using C3.

5. Python

Known as an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level language containing dynamic semantics, Python accelerates the Android app development time. Alongside this, it also contains third-party tools to allow the conversion of Python apps into Android packages to take place conveniently. However, if we have to cite a con related to the language when used for developing Android apps, it is mostly the prospect of consuming excessive memory.

Nevertheless, containing the Kivy library ensures that developers can create these apps at a reasonably faster pace. Alternatively, it comes pre-loaded with the features such as:

  • Code that is easy to read, thereby making app design and software update an easy process.
  • Comprehensive libraries that enable developers to include functions within the app during the later stages of development mitigate the requirement to add code separately.
  • Test-driven development to accelerate the app development pace, streamline the task of prototype creation, and, most importantly, make it easy for developers to assess the design of an app, ensuring its user-friendly nature.

6. Lua

Though not too popular, Lua is nevertheless a good alternative in terms of programming languages for developing a native Android app. Through the partnership with the Corona SDK, it enables development experts with a range of features to streamline this task (native Android app development).

Alternatively, Lua contains the following features listed below by us that have allowed it also to become a favorite among developers.

  • Simple and well-documented API to ensure robust integration with code written in other languages.
  • Meta-mechanisms to make class implementation and inheritance streamlined.
  • Software is free and open-source, thereby ensuring developers need not spend anything to purchase it. A simple download is all it takes for developers to start using it.

7. JavaScript

JavaScript is popular among developers for its versatility. Due to the support it provides them in creating rich user interfaces at accelerated paces; JavaScript has become a language developers suggest for Android app development.

Especially due to containing the frameworks like React Native and Flutter, for instance, developers get the necessary features for building an Android app with utmost ease. I have listed down the properties it contains that particularly allow it to maintain its prominence among development experts.

  • A single code base makes it easy for developers to create multiple platforms. This ensures that it becomes convenient to make the services reach the maximum target audience.
  • Universal front-end to rewrite server-side code for back-end tasks and identify the performance of the server side.
  • Open-source to ensure a rich mobile UI is easy to create from decorative components.

Conquer Android Like a Champion

Want to build an app that helps you conquer the world of Android like a champion? With there being many apps already in the market, there is no specific language you need to reserve when you perform Android app development. You need to be adept in all of them and, based on business objectives and client preferences, make the appropriate choice. As they say, the right decision taken at the right time is key to success. Know these languages and expand your skill sets to achieve growth like never before.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Pexels; Thank you!

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10 Must-Have Capabilities in a Business Push-To-Talk App Fri, 10 Mar 2023 16:00:03 +0000 Business Push-To-Talk App

The widespread adoption of smartphones and associated connectivity–Wi-Fi among business users is leading organizations to adopt push-to-talk (PTT) technology. Instead […]

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Business Push-To-Talk App

The widespread adoption of smartphones and associated connectivity–Wi-Fi among business users is leading organizations to adopt push-to-talk (PTT) technology. Instead of an employee using multiple devices–walkie-talkie or LMR device–companies are considering using PTT to provide voice and data communication on a single mobile device.

However, PTT offerings in the market today remain fragmented, with mainly simple apps for consumers that want a walkie-talkie experience. Such consumer-grade apps lack the security and reliability that professionals need to carry out uninterrupted work.

Businesses should look for professional Push-to-Talk apps that are platform agnostic and easily integrate with older LMR systems. Before companies decide to adopt PTT for professional situations, here’s a list of must-have features to check to get an app that delivers the employees’ needs.

What to check for in a professional Push-to-Talk app

A professional push-to-talk app (nuovoteam dotcom) does much more than consumer-grade walkie-talkie apps. Keep in mind the following features and capabilities that meet professional requirements.

  1. Immediate Call Initiation: High-performance Push-to-Talk apps can deliver sub-second call set-up and latency to ensure instantaneous communication. With PTT apps, users can select a user or a group and press the PTT button to speak. Once the speaker releases the button, their voice message gets delivered instantly and broadcast on the receiver’s smartphone.
  2. Queuing: PTT allows speaking to be one-to-one or one-to-many and is almost immediate (no need to wait for a dial tone or connect to a call). The conversation is like a walkie-talkie – only one person talks at a time, but professional PTT apps have a queuing feature that lets users easily queue for a turn to speak. There can be an option where a hierarchy of speakers in critical control positions can override a conversation.
  3. Multimedia communication: A push-to-talk app has to do more than allow users to talk instantly. A professional PTT app allows users to easily and securely send text and documents, rich media like videos, and data-heavy information in real-time and at the push of a button.
  4. Management dashboard: Administrators need to control every aspect of hundreds of devices, including security, updates, governance, reporting, etc. A PTT app should offer companies a management console that enables administrators to manage devices, including tracking devices and preventative maintenance.
  5. SOS alert: In many industries, PTT is not implemented to make a financial return on investment or enhanced productivity, which frequently underpins the demand for PTT apps. In certain industries, such as mining, oil, and gas, PTT is often aimed at mission-critical environments where the safety of the employees is paramount. A professional PTT app, such as Nuovoteam, provides emergency alerts for emergencies. Users can initiate a 10-second PTT call followed by a pinpoint of the user’s location.
  6. Support current radio communication: Companies are unlikely to stop using LMR (Local Mobile Radio) systems anytime soon. They are beneficial both as primary and secondary options for emergency communication. Plus, businesses may have invested too much in putting it on the shelf. Enterprise-grade PTT apps should be able to let smartphone devices communicate with radio communications.
  7. Location tracking: The PTT app should include geolocation tracking of multiple mobile devices with navigation capabilities. For instance, in mining operations, the teams working on-site can be enabled with location tracking so that individuals working on the field can be kept safe in the field and don’t accidentally walk or drive into danger.
  8. End-to-end encryption: Radio communications can be frequently monitored by third parties via scanners but often present poor encryption. With a strong PTT app, all communication, voice or data, can be encrypted to the highest standards. To keep PTT communications private, NuovoTeam’s 128-bit encrypted communication delivers secure information exchange.
  9. Work with existing radios: A practical PPT app allows people carrying smartphones to communicate with radio-carrying teams. Smartphones with a PTT app can support connection with established LMR groups for easy, yet controlled communication.
  10. Corporate directory integration: Looking for contact details of employees belonging to diverse verticals can be a time-consuming affair. PTT app can access the organization’s corporate directory, and sync the phonebook and contact list so that workers don’t have to waste time looking for relevant contact information.

Push-to-talk App Benefits

  • No infrastructure is needed. Companies don’t need to purchase, operate, and maintain any infrastructure. This removes all the day-to-day responsibilities of owning and maintaining infrastructure, thereby reducing operating costs.
  • Cost control. A smartphone equipped with an enterprise-grade PTT app can easily replace expensive and single-purpose walkie-talkies. Organizations can realize real cost savings by investing in readily available consumer-based smartphones instead of obtaining dedicated Land Mobile Radios (LMRs)
  • Global coverage. PTT apps integrated with smartphones use 4G cellular or Wi-Fi broadband connectivity, which walkie-talkies cannot offer. Internet connectivity does not deteriorate the quality of voice messages or restrict any additional feature of the PTT app that can limit its capability.
  • Streamlined communication. Administrators can consolidate all employees into the PTT and create separate groups specific to departments or locations to avoid miscommunication. In addition to secure communication, PTT apps allow any number of virtual channels and as many groups as required, including the ability to create dynamic call groups.

Wrapping Up

Uninterrupted and instant communication is important in time-sensitive situations that occur in industries such as logistics, manufacturing, and public safety. Instant feedback is crucial. Devices that can go beyond simple walkie-talkie communication enable businesses to drive security and safety for their employees.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Thank you!

The post 10 Must-Have Capabilities in a Business Push-To-Talk App appeared first on ReadWrite.

Everything You Need to Know to Invest Wisely in the Cloud Tue, 07 Mar 2023 19:00:54 +0000 Invest Wisely in the Cloud

If you’re looking to upgrade your data management system to the cloud in the near future, you’re not alone. Companies […]

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Invest Wisely in the Cloud

If you’re looking to upgrade your data management system to the cloud in the near future, you’re not alone. Companies worldwide spent nearly $84 billion on cloud storage technology in 2022, a substantial increase from the $70 billion spent in 2021. Total spending is expected to increase to over $375 billion by 2029, representing a paradigm shift in off-site data storage for businesses of all sizes across the globe.

The Serious Impact of Cloud on Business Operations

Moving data to the cloud has a serious impact on how a business operates. Ninety-four percent of company leaders report better security resulting from their cloud migration. Others note the greater efficiency offered by having data operations available remotely in our increasingly virtual world.

However, it’s important to note that a cloud transformation doesn’t inherently bring cost savings, and some business owners are already wise to this challenge. Executives and managers list managing cloud spending as a primary concern, and estimates suggest that about one third of cloud spending goes to waste.

With the potential for pitfalls clearer than ever, leadership teams must ensure their cloud migrations are set up for success from day one. This requires being educated about the different types of systems that are marketed as cloud software. It also requires understanding the company’s needs for scalability.

Understand the Newness of Cloud Technology

Part of the challenge stems from the relative newness of cloud technology. Even experienced IT staff may not fully comprehend the differences between single-tenant and multi-tenant cloud systems, or what it means to be “cloud-hosted” vs. “cloud-based.”

Yet understanding how these two types of technology operate is crucial. Both for eliminating waste, maintaining costs, and ensuring investment in digital cloud transformation becomes a long-term, sustainable endeavor.

The Problem With Single-Tenant, Cloud-Hosted Systems

Not all cloud systems are built equally. A single-tenant cloud-hosted system, for example, is no more than a legacy system that is backed up on the cloud. In other words, these systems are typically in-office servers that offer few advantages beyond allowing data to be accessed remotely.

For some companies, this may be enough. Simply having remote access to data can facilitate remote work in the short term, and be effective for companies that aren’t dealing with large amounts of data and don’t need to scale over time. Yet single-tenant systems can become very expensive over time, and often don’t account well for long-term growth.

What to do When Cost is a Key Concern

When cost is a key concern, single-tenant systems come up short. Co-locaters and ETLs are required to get these servers up and running, creating a substantial upfront cost and additional maintenance charges later on.

These types of servers also aren’t scalable by nature. Software has to be uploaded one server at a time, creating challenging latency issues and hindering innovation. Essentially, single-tenant systems have the same limitations as legacy on-site systems.

Scalability is a primary concern when it comes to implementing a single-tenant cloud system. Because these servers must be replaced every few years, each one becomes an additional cost as operations expand. Companies that don’t include this reality in cost analyses may see a lower-than-expected ROI.

Too often, business leaders minimize their need for scalability, but where there’s data, there’s always a need to scale. This failure to plan ahead has played a large part in 74% of companies moving their applications back on-site after attempting a cloud migration.

Choosing the right cloud software requires company leaders to plan ahead and be honest about the potential for future growth.

User Access

Single-tenant systems necessitate that users access each server one-by-one to retrieve vital data for basic day-to-day operations. This a tedious method of accessing information that only worsens as more single-tenant servers are added.

That’s not to say that cloud-hosted systems don’t have their uses. Companies like Walmart or Microsoft may opt for single-tenant systems precisely because they resemble their legacy on-site systems.

These companies have the size and resources to functionally create their own cloud, continually adding more servers as needed. However, their business model won’t be replicable for most companies — especially as more and more tech will be built on multi-tenant infrastructures.

Improving With Multi-Tenant, Cloud-Based Systems

For companies that want to save money over the long-term, multi-tenant systems are more functional than their single-tenant counterparts. If we think of single-tenant systems as a community of single-family houses, multi-tenant systems are more akin to condominiums.

With single-tenant systems, everyone needs a key to access each individual “house.” Each new addition represents a significant increase in both money and time, as well as resources. In contrast, multi-tenant systems give users access to the entire building. Each floor can be customized to the scaling needs of the organization.

Maintenance With a Multi-Tenant Cloud System

Maintenance for a multi-tenant system also requires less time and human capital than accessing each individual single-tenant server one-by-one. It’s the equivalent of having an on-site maintenance person in a high-rise building — versus having to contract a maintenance worker for each home in a neighborhood.

Long-term costs are lower; users spend far less time pinging IT for the regular maintenance required with single-tenant systems. Staff who would otherwise be handling ongoing maintenance and technical support issues are now available to work on more creative and complex work.

Perhaps best of all, updates are applied seamlessly and immediately, with no time required by single tenant-systems to maintain security and compliance.

Successful Cloud Migrations

Moving the bulk of an operation’s data to the cloud is no small task, but the right choice of system can make a difference. While single-tenant migrations are complicated by ongoing costs and frequent needs for system updates, the ongoing cost savings provided by multi-tenant systems make the upfront expense of user training comparatively minimal.

With successful cloud migrations on a multi-tenant system, users can take advantage of a single customizable dashboard that offers insight into all applications available. This avoids the need to switch between applications, thus saving time and increasing productivity. What’s more, a smaller team can handle more of the work, as fewer IT staff members are needed to maintain multiple single-tenant servers.

The benefits of a potential cloud migration don’t necessarily mean the process will succeed. Executive buy-in is essential to ensuring that a cloud migration runs smoothly and stays on-target, without resulting in the sort of scaling back we’ve seen recently with some company’s unsuccessful migrations.

But, with cloud-based multi-tenant systems, the achievable benefits of higher productivity and lower costs can act as a lodestar. It can give leadership a path forward and a reason for implementing the migration in the first place.

Leadership Success

Securing buy-in from leadership also requires that teams understand cloud migration as a long-term strategy. As companies grow and expand, they both create and utilize more and more data.

This, under a single-tenant strategy, would represent more spending on servers and their required maintenance. With multi-tenant systems, this expansion presents less of a cost burden than an opportunity to scale.

What About Hardware Costs, Customization, and Flexibility?

For businesses that are more focused on hardware costs, customization, and flexibility, multi-tenant systems offer one overarching benefit: Data access. These firms can do more with data available to staff from any location — without the need to manually request access from multiple different instances across an ever-increasing number of single-tenant systems.

When the focus is on maintaining scalable costs for a long-term solution, cloud-based migrations with multi-tenant systems provide the infrastructure needed for a customizable future.

In short, business leaders should keep a few essential considerations in mind when shopping for cloud software:

  1. Cost to implement: A single-tenant system may advertise a lower upfront cost, but when data transfers, maintenance, and time costs for staff are included, the expenses add up. A multi-tenant system offers better scalability, so it’s essential to consider your company’s growing data needs over time.
  2. Time to migrate: While successful data migration isn’t wholly defined by speed, the sooner staff have a customizable, integrated dashboard with a multi-tenant system, the better.
  3. Data access: Identify company priorities for data access. Often, remote access, security, and scalability isn’t the only benefit of this type of digital transformation. Moving data from outdated systems into new technology that offers more accessibility can be a major asset for various aspects of company work-flow. Identifying all the intended benefits of migration, including accessibility, is a key move for success. It will help leaders determine the best software for their needs.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Ivan Babydov; Pexels; Thank you!

The post Everything You Need to Know to Invest Wisely in the Cloud appeared first on ReadWrite.

Top 10 Node JS Development Companies Sun, 05 Feb 2023 16:00:12 +0000 Node JS Development Companies

Node JS is a well-known technological trend in developing websites and mobile applications. It is helpful and practical for developing […]

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Node JS Development Companies

Node JS is a well-known technological trend in developing websites and mobile applications. It is helpful and practical for developing various web applications. As a result, every business owner is keen to use this technology to build their web & mobile applications.

Are you trying to use Node JS to create an application? But you may need help choosing a Node JS development company.

Let’s look at the top Node JS development companies to look for developers to create a revolutionary application.

We’ll discuss some essential criteria for choosing the best one from leading Node JS development companies.

Before moving to that, let’s first clarify why Developers prefer Node JS.

Top Node JS development companies

To identify the top 10 Node JS development companies, we compare the company website, client testimonials, portfolio, level of experience, and service offerings.

By analyzing this data, you can learn more about the prospects you like and determine whether they meet your needs.

You can narrow down the choices with information about client testimonials and particular industries they have experience.

1. eSparkBiz


Established in: 2010

Employees: 50 to 250

Hourly rate: $15 – $25/hr

Locations: Ahmadabad, India

eSparkBiz, a CMMI level 3 and ISO 9001:2008 accredited company, has made a name for itself as a top provider of software and web development solutions.

With more than 200 skilled and motivated software engineers and more than 12 years of service, they have delivered 1000+ successful projects to clients worldwide.

The one-stop shop for all your technology requirements, eSparkBiz handles all your demands from project conception to development, in-depth testing, and service after the deal.

In addition to employing cutting-edge tools and technology, they also use an agile software development methodology to provide our valued clients with the best solutions possible.

Also, they provide various hiring procedures if you want to work with our devoted group of developers.

Hire Node JS developers from eSparkBiz if you’re looking for a business that can offer you best-in-class assistance while redesigning your client engagement strategy.


  • Mobile Application Development (Android & iOS)
  • Custom Software Development
  • IoT App Development
  • SaaS Product Development
  • Web App Development
  • E-commerce Development
  • Enterprise Solution
  • Custom Solution
  • MVP Development

2. NetGuru


Established in: 2008

Employees: 11 to 50

Hourly rate: From $50/hr

Locations: Poznan, Poland

It is a reputable Node JS development company that creates cutting-edge digital products for small businesses, global corporations, and enormous endeavors. It has already helped significant firms with product design and software development services.

The company was proud of its important work in modernizing how people do their banking, enjoy music, rent bikes, and learn foreign languages. In the fields above, it has produced fantastic solutions.


  • Web application development
  • Product design
  • UX design, branding
  • Machine learning
  • Digital transformation

3. Neoteric


Established in: 2005

Employees: 1 to 10

Hourly rate: From $50/hr

Locations: Gdansk, Poland

Neoteric is one of the top Node JS development companies dedicated to innovation. From the start of your project creation until the final testing, the organization guarantees exceptional support and customer care through innovation.

Its primary goal is to achieve success in each application development process. Neoteric gives the highest performance and thrives as a dependable software outsourcing company, from developing new products to recovering current software applications by integrating modern technology.

As a tech partner to its clients, its Node JS app development teams generate ideas, test products, and provide successful outcomes that meet clients’ expectations.


  • Web app development
  • SaaS development
  • Robotics process automation
  • Product design
  • AI development

4. Praxent


Established in: 2000

Employees: 11 to 50

Hourly rate: <$50/hr

Locations: Austin, TX

A leading provider of Node JS development services, Praxent is an expert in design, engineering, and execution. It collaborates with financial services organizations throughout the whole lifecycle of its products.

From the Go-to-Market strategy down to staff augmentation on particular projects or products as they scale up in usage, it can assist you in navigating the entire process from beginning to end!

Because there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer in this area, the company offers adaptable solutions to help its clients expand directly and shortly. This includes offering Product Implementation & Extensions, Integrations Services, and whatever else your team may need assistance with in this area.


  • Custom software development
  • UX/UI design,
  • FinTech design
  • Software modernization

5. Intellectsoft


Established in: 2007

Employees: 51 to 250

Hourly rate: $25 – $50/hr

Locations: USA, UK

Intellectsoft aims to help businesses speed up the adoption of new technologies, sort through the complex problems that often arise during the digital revolution, and manage continuing innovation.

The company’s services portfolio includes system integration, complete lifecycle maintenance of proprietary software products and applications, and strategic IT consulting.

Whether a consumer-focused app or a revolutionary enterprise-class solution, the business manages the entire process from conception to delivery and offers continuous support via its IS360 framework.

For digital start-ups, small and medium-sized organizations, and major enterprises, Intellectsoft has three distinct offerings. Each customer cluster is different regarding needs, scale, budget, and legacy architecture.

The business has been assisting hundreds of clients from various industries and hi-tech sectors with their technology stacks on the road to complete digital transformation for more than ten years.


  • Mobile App Development
  • Software Development
  • App Designing (UI/UX)
  • Web Designing (UI/UX)
  • Web Development
  • Bot Development

6. SoftTeco


Established on: 2008

Employees: 251 to 1000

Hourly rate: $26 – $50/hr

Locations: Lithuania, Poland

SoftTeco offers clients specialized custom software solutions and services from dedicated development teams in various industries.

Since 2008, the business has grown to over 500 people and established branches in Poland, Bulgaria, Lithuania, and Ukraine, solidifying its position as a well-known international business.

SoftTeco provides a range of services to its clients, including UX/UI design, machine learning, data science, and web and mobile development. They deliver dedicated development team services to promptly and effectively meet our client’s software needs.

Their business fully manages the development process and its management, ensuring we are consistently in sync with the client’s vision and goals. They do this by creating a well-rounded team of professionals.

SoftTeco’s primary source of strength is our team, which is made up of brilliant and distinctive experts. With more than 300 clients globally, SoftTeco offers expert services to clients in the USA, Europe, and Canada.

With numerous cutting-edge technologies and more than 300 projects completed in various fields, SoftTeco consistently upholds the highest standards for quality and transparency.


  • Mobile App Development
  • Software Development
  • Web Development
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • E-Commerce Development

7. TatvaSoft


Established in: 2001

Employees: 251 to 1000

Hourly rate: < $25/hr

Locations: India, USA

TatvaSoft is a multinational company skilled at providing excellent IT solutions in web and mobile IT improvement services. Their professional staff and broad domain expertise offer business-focused digital solutions.

TatvaSoft has established its presence on several continents by providing customized software development services to important industry categories.

It is a Microsoft Gold Partner, CMMi Level 3, and ISO 27001 accredited company.

They have 900+ software professionals in our talent pool who are proficient in various platforms and technologies, including Microsoft.NET, Java, PHP, Node, React, Angular, Mobile Apps, and eCommerce.

With operations in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and India, they have established a global presence after 20 years in the sector.

More than 1800 sizable projects, spanning from SMEs to Fortune 500 companies, have been successfully handled by them.

TatvaSoft offers the expertise to provide clients with a superior experience because it is skilled at comprehending business difficulties.


  • Mobile App Development
  • Software Development
  • Web Development
  • E-Commerce Development

8. Dot Com Infoway

Dot Com Infoway

Established in: 2000

Employees: 51 to 250

Hourly rate: < $25/hr

Locations: India, USA

Dot Com Infoway is skilled at creating apps for several operating systems, including Android, iOS, and Windows. They also design high-performance enterprise apps to help organizations run more efficiently and optimize their supply chains.

Also, they take great satisfaction in creating highly customized apps with a rapid turnaround and reasonable prices.

By creating exceptional, industry-focused IoT apps with the quickest turnaround times possible, they assist you in turning your ideas into reality.

DCI made their professional team to help you create Blockchains, with security and transparency as their top priorities. By creating blockchain technology for your company, which will eventually give you simple and secure records of transactions, they offer an accurate and thorough client experience.


  • Mobile App Development
  • Software Development
  • Web Development
  • E-Commerce Development
  • Blockchain Technology

9. Crest Coder

Crest Coder

Established in: 2017

Employees: 11 to 50

Hourly rate: < $25/hr

Location: India

Crest Coder doesn’t just write a few lines of code. They create software to solve significant challenges. Crest Coder are specialize in mobile and web application development, which has recently risen to the top of the information and technology sector.

They regard flexibility as highly as tenacity in a field where technology advances quickly. Their consulting strategy works best when combined with a solutions-focused mindset because it produces high levels of customer satisfaction.


  • Mobile App Development
  • Software Development
  • Web Development
  • E-Commerce Development

10. Unified Infotech

Unified Infotech 

Established in: 2010

Employees: 1 to 10

Hourly rate: From $50/hr

Locations: New York, USA & India

It is one of the top distinguished Node JS app development companies that offers its clients business-oriented solutions and helps them completely rethink their business strategies.

It is a dependable partner for SMEs, startups, and companies looking to use contemporary technology to communicate with their clients.

Incorporating cutting-edge technology and solutions helps its clients accelerate their business efficiency.

The company utilizes careful planning, design thinking, and the most current technology integration methods as an inventive Node JS developer in India. Additionally, it has produced 150+ applications that have been successfully launched.


  • Mobile app development,
  • Web app development,
  • Web design,
  • Enterprise& start-up consulting services

How did Node JS become so popular?

The adoption of Node JS is a significant trend that will improve software development. Its undeniable range of advantages makes it popular among developers worldwide.

Here are some of them.


Using the C++-based V8 JavaScript engine from Google, developers can take advantage of the intuitive features. With Node JS, the application becomes lighter and more responsive than ever.

Full-Stack JS

Node JS is one of the leading full-stack technologies for delivering both client-side and server-side applications. As a result, you won’t need to worry about hiring different teams for front-end and back-end development.


Node JS is single-threaded, event-driven and provides caching functionality to store data for upcoming operations. These qualities contribute to effectively handling numerous concurrent requests and have a favorable effect on application speed.

Node Package Manager (NPM)

Node JS has built-in support for Node Package Manager (NPM), which facilitates efficient code sharing. This application makes it simple for developers to deploy and update code.


A non-blocking event loop system that supports the platform provides complete flexibility and scalability to develop your preferred apps. You have sufficient space to do your Node JS back-end development tasks more quickly without sacrificing quality.

Open-Source Community

Node JS is an open-source framework that makes collaboration easier for skilled developers worldwide. Its sizable and vibrant community is constantly changing to keep up with recent technological advances and consumer expectations.

Additionally, Node JS may use to create sophisticated Single Page Applications (SPAs) and real-time collaborative applications. It is a preferred method for providing real-time chat applications and streaming solutions. It provides all the assistance required to introduce effective IoT-based services and products.

How do choose the best Node JS development company?

You can explore all of the services above when you collaborate with the ideal Node JS web development business. To accomplish that, you must carefully comprehend and adhere to the methods listed below.

Define the business requirements

Clearly defining your business requirements is the first and most crucial step when selecting a Node JS development company. The main goals you hope to achieve should be crystal clear to you.

Consider the real world and how you want your product to relate to your customer base. Before beginning the project, create a list of the desired outcomes.

Shortlist suitable companies

After outlining your business requirements, you should concentrate on selecting Node Js development companies that exactly fit your expectations.

Ensure the outsourcing companies you contact to explain the required advantages meet the requirements and have expertise in offering the superior Node JS web development services described above. Simply put, the businesses must be capable of comprehending your goal and the foundation you want to establish.

Examine the project portfolio

After narrowing down your list of potential partners, you must carefully examine each firm’s project portfolio and overall industry experience. View the previous projects and how they contributed to their success.

Check over the clientele they have had throughout the years, and be sure to do so. Request work examples from them and then look through the knowledge of their current and ongoing projects.

Analyze technical expertise

Verifying the technical expertise is the next thing to consider. You must evaluate how the businesses adhere to the most recent Node JS development trends and technology.

Verify their level of expertise to see if they can assist you in utilizing the serverless architecture.

Your choice of Node JS development firm should have experience working with IoT-related devices. They should be well-versed in microservices architecture and how to build online and mobile applications for businesses that meet industry standards.

Check Reviews and Ratings

The next step is to look into the company’s reputation in the industry after you have confirmed the skills. You should read through the testimonials and rankings placed on the websites of the businesses, well-known third-party websites, and other social media platforms.

Additionally, you might request that others in your professional network discuss their interactions with the companies (if any).

Comprehend the Company Culture

You must evaluate the company’s culture and organizational structure to provide Node JS web development services. Recognize the processes they use for software development. Project management, coordination, and communication are prioritized in this step to prevent complications caused by the time zone difference.

Look at the tools and platforms they employ for performing communication and data management tasks. See if they can implement the necessary security controls to protect data that is essential to your organization.

 Discuss the project requirements

With all the procedures listed above, you have undoubtedly chosen a business that can assist you in getting the outcomes you want. It is crucial to thoroughly discuss removing unwanted traits and concentrating on the main competencies.

This phase entails communicating all pertinent details about the product roadmap to your chosen Node JS development business and your project needs.

Get started

You will be prepared to begin your app development project with a reputable Node JS development partner once you follow the letter’s instructions.

To protect the privacy of your application idea and safeguard proprietary company information, you must additionally sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). Lastly, you must confirm that you are the sole owner of the project code and have all necessary intellectual property rights.


You made the proper choice if you’ve already decided to use Node JS for your app development project. However, working with the correct Node JS development company is essential if you want to benefit fully from this cross-platform technology. With this, you’ll be able to meet user needs effectively and build apps of the highest caliber.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Thank you!

The post Top 10 Node JS Development Companies appeared first on ReadWrite.

Fintech Mobile App Development: How to Find the Best Company? Wed, 25 Jan 2023 23:07:12 +0000 Fintech Mobile App Development

Fintech, or financial technology, is the latest and most adaptive technology used to automate and digitize the financial industry. Financial […]

The post Fintech Mobile App Development: How to Find the Best Company? appeared first on ReadWrite.

Fintech Mobile App Development

Fintech, or financial technology, is the latest and most adaptive technology used to automate and digitize the financial industry. Financial technology is helping business individuals, corporates, and large and small-scale companies to resolve their financial issues in an easy and smooth way. It is helping people in managing their financial engagements and functions.

The sole purpose of fintech apps is payment management and checking banking status; a large number of users use these apps. Fintech refers to economic innovation. As everyone knows, the world is taking a huge shift toward digitalization and automation; it is not wrong to say that fintech is playing a big role in that shift by introducing new business processes.

Extensive use of Big data, Blockchain, and cloud computing are proof of the importance of Financial technology in today’s world.

Disruptive technologies like Blockchain are changing the whole process of business and banking. Those days are near when banks will be shut down, and people will completely shift to digital currencies and online banking because they are providing ease and are hassle-free for the users.

Data is the biggest asset you can have nowadays, and integrating technology with it will act as a driving force. Fintech is changing the psychology of the financial industry and bringing a big revolution to it.

First, it is important to understand how FinTech functions — then we will discuss the best companies to consult for Fintech mobile app development.

What Services Do FinTech Apps Offer?

There is no doubt that FinTech is changing the business world and bringing innovation to it. Since everyone is using these apps for any financial purpose. The number of FinTech app users is increasing rapidly — there is a need for more FinTech apps, and they are in demand. If you want to develop a FinTech app, you must know what services and functions your app should be offering to the customers.

Easy Availability

Firstly, your app should be available to everyone. You need to place your app on the Google play store or apple store, so it will be easily available and easy to download for your users.

Create an Account

Every user should be able to create their account with unique credentials for the safety and security of the data as it is all about monetary issues, so you should take extra care of your client’s security.

Online Payments

Our application can perform mobile payments without any dependency on geographical location or timings. It is all about upgrading to intelligence and providing ease and comfort to your customers.

Adding Blockchain Technology

Adding Blockchain technology will be a cherry on the top for your application as businesses are shifting towards digital currency. Blockchain promotes innovation in financial services and is successful in winning the trust of business individuals by providing security and safety of data.

Feature Necessary in a FinTech App

Low-profit margin

Low-profit margins are one of the important characteristics of fintech companies. In the platform business model, the user scale of the platform must reach a certain threshold to trigger a network effect of sufficient strength to attract new users to join. Under the positive cycle of the network effect, the user is eager to achieve endogenously and sustained high-speed growth so that the entire platform can operate and maintain itself.

High innovation

Fintech companies have inherited Internet companies ’ “death if they don’t innovate” in their genes. Their low-profit margins and asset-light characteristics also objectively create an easy-to-innovate soil for them.

Edge-cutting technologies and concepts to the financial field for experimentation, trial and error, rapid product iteration, and eagerness to launch disruptive innovative projects, which have gone beyond the financial market and product-level ” financial innovation ” under traditional financial semantics.

Scale up

Fintech companies generally have a low starting threshold and need to unreservedly exert network effects to gain the ability to grow rapidly, and because of the innovative technologies they use, their business scale grows explosively without having to pay the corresponding costs, but their costs are decreasing. , further promoting its rapid growth.

Ease of compliance

High innovation gives fintech companies the technological advantage of rapidly scaling up, but their assets are light, and their ability to resist risks is weak. How to balance innovation benefits and compliance costs is what fintech companies must face.

Obviously, meeting compliance requirements through technological innovation, facilitating supervision, and reducing the cost of legal compliance and risk management is the best choice for fintech companies.

There should be technical advantages to facilitate regulatory compliance, and this technology can also marginally reduce the cost of compliance management.

Companies to Choose for Developing FinTech Apps

Nowadays, there are several companies providing mobile app development services by following different Mobile app development processes. In this article, you will have a list of five of the best mobile app development companies.

1.    Retrocube


Retrocube is a well-known company for providing phenomenal mobile app development services. It is an award-winning company and is famous for its quality services. Their unique problem-solving approach and skilled team is what makes them different from other companies that provide services for the same niche. Their customer representative will guide you through the whole process.

Reasons Why You Should Choose Retrocube

  • Excellent customer service.
  • Team of self-motivated and skilled developers.
  • Offer every type of mobile app development services such as native apps, hybrid apps, and Web apps.
  • Deliver exactly what you want.
  • Quality Assurance and multiple testing.
  • Satisfied customers all around the world.
  • Offer a free consultation.

2.    The Distance

the distance

Distance is also one of the big IT companies. They provide excellent services for mobile app development. You can always keep The Distance on your list to get your FinTech app development services. They provide good services at a budget-friendly cost.

Reasons Why You Should Choose The Distance

  • Offer mobile app development services for every niche
  • Good customer services
  • Budget-friendly packages

3.    Sonin


Sonin is a very good choice for getting your FinTech application developed. They are providing services to customers all around the world. Their customers are satisfied with their services.

Reasons Why You Should Choose Sonin

  • Highly skilled team.
  • Professional customer services.
  • Adapt to the changes throughout the development process.

4.    Emizentech


Emizentech is a very well-known company with over 2000+ satisfied customers all around the globe. They provide good services, and they make sure to deliver the end product that meets their customer’s requirements.

Reasons Why You Should Choose Emizentech

  • Experienced team
  • Good customer services
  • Deliver good product

5.    Groovy Web


Groovy web is a young and developing company, but it does not mean they any way compromise on the quality of the product. They use modern technologies to develop apps according to their customer’s needs.

Reasons Why You Should Choose Groovy Web

  • Have a skilled team for every niche.
  • Guide their customers on each level.
  • Collaborate with the customer on every step.


If you are thinking of developing a FinTech Application, this is the best time to execute your idea and make sure to put innovation into it. Today, the FinTech industry is boosting, and there is a huge chance for you to get benefit from it. But, for that, you need to get services from the best company which can provide you with an excellent app development service.

Hopefully, this article helped you to opt for the best company for your product that will stand out in the market in front of your competitors.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Thank you!

The post Fintech Mobile App Development: How to Find the Best Company? appeared first on ReadWrite.

Top 10 Innovations in Mobile Application Development Sat, 24 Dec 2022 16:01:00 +0000 Innovations in Mobile

These days, we can’t imagine our lives without our mobile phones. The use of mobile apps has increased over the […]

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Innovations in Mobile

These days, we can’t imagine our lives without our mobile phones. The use of mobile apps has increased over the last decade and sped up after the pandemic. According to Statista, there were 7 billion mobile users around the globe in 2021. And it is predicted that this number will grow as people can access technology more easily these days.

Developers are continuously trying hard to create more advancements as the world has moved to mobile-first digital services. Now, each and every industry looks to integrate the latest mobile application development innovations into their business and expand their business to reach the optimum targeted audience.

Let’s see how mobile apps are redefining businesses and what mobile app advancements are in trend in 2023!

How Mobile Applications Are Transforming Businesses

Nowadays, the smartphone is the thing that unlocks digital media success. Basically, it changes operating models, business models, and marketplaces wonderfully. According to Statista, mobile app market revenue is predicted to reach $469 billion by 2022.

Mobile phones provide user-friendly services for both business and personal uses. With the advancement of different technologies, multi-camera support, and quicker, multithreaded processors, businesses have started to depend on mobile applications.

Moreover, users choose Android and iOS-based marketplaces nowadays. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a common theme seen in the mobile app marketplace. It makes workflows more seamless.

Mobile applications help businesses enhance their client service. For example, you can retain more clients and increase loyalty by offering your clients a feasible way of accessing data about your products or services, scheduling appointments, or tracking their order status.

Furthermore, mobile apps let you cross-sell and upsell your products or services by giving clients pertinent details and offers when needed. So another significant benefit of mobile app development is that you can gather essential client information.

You get to know about your clients’ choices and requirements by tracking their use of your app. This information will further help enhance your marketing strategy and better promote your products or services.

Now that you know how mobile apps are transforming different businesses, let’s discuss the latest innovations in the mobile app development sector!

10 Major Innovations in Mobile Application Development

Although many new innovations in mobile app development are evolving this year, we chose these ten major ones after conducting a comprehensive, fact-based study.

1. Mobile Wallets

Mobile wallets like Samsung Pay, PhonePe, Google Pay, and Apple Pay are in vogue. According to the latest report, mobile wallet transactions are predicted to reach $13.98 billion in 2022. Hence, we expect the mobile wallet market to double this year.

Smartphone users are gradually choosing mobile transactions. Moreover, they are dependent on app functions for payments on connected wearables. Therefore, every mobile app will have to depend on a mobile wallet in the coming years.

Wallet integration must be an essential feature of app development in 2022. This is because we expect that mobile wallet transactions will increase considerably in the future.

2. Beacon Technology

According to Statista, there were more than 230 billion mobile app users in 2021, which is predicted to increase in the future. Since many people use apps daily, businesses desperately seek to create their own apps. However, it isn’t easy to know where to begin, as there are many options available.

Beacon technology is one of the most innovative technologies in mobile app development. It enables businesses to convey essential notifications and messages to clients depending on locations. For instance, a retail shop can use this technology to notify nearby clients about the latest deals and discounts.

Beacon technology is a vital tool. Businesses that can reap its benefits are expected to be in a strong position in the future. As per the Statista report, the beacon technology market is growing at a compound annual development rate of 59.8%. The predicted market value will reach $56.6 billion by 2026.

3. Predictive Analytics

It is another innovation in the mobile app development sector. By supporting technology for data mining, artificial intelligence, and modeling, predictive analytics can predict events using data. Netflix has been one of the tech giants supporting predictive analytics for years.

Predictive analytics is being applied at a more mainstream level this year for many mobile applications. The main reason is to improve an app’s UI/UX. In addition, OTT and eCommerce platforms leverage it because they use current client data to provide information about their preferences, dislikes, habits, etc. Moreover, this technology helps tailor product recommendations.

Predictive analytics can help organizations benefit from customer data to measure their activities, identify notifications with a great response to tailor the user experience, and recognize pages with the lowest client retention rate.

A statistical report says that 80% of clients can purchase from an online shop that customizes their experience using predictive analytics. Moreover, this technology has helped many online platforms increase their sales by 35%.

4. Super Apps

The approach of one app and one purpose has been changed for mobile app development companies. Now organizations are moving from single-purpose apps to multi-purpose apps. Such applications are known as “Super apps.”

We have seen how Facebook has expanded beyond being a social network. Currently, it provides marketplaces where you can sell or purchase products. Likewise, now you can make payments and pay bills from Amazon aside from online shopping.

Since everybody looks for convenience, super apps are one of the best innovations in the mobile app development industry that we must look forward to this year.

5. P2P Mobile Apps

P2P mobile apps are another innovation in the mobile app development industry. As per eMarketer’s prediction, the projected value of P2P mobile payment transactions will reach $612.23 billion by 2023. Therefore, there is enormous scope for these apps.

P2P mobile apps are becoming popular among individuals and businesses due to their convenience. Buyers can pay fast, and sellers can get paid directly into their accounts. The types of P2P mobile apps that you can see this year are:

  • Cryptocurrency wallets
  • Social hubs with in-built payment features
  • P2P applications that include banks as payment parties
  • Self-reliant providers that are providing their payment systems
  • Mobile operating systems with in-built payment systems, such as Google Pay, Samsung Pay, Apple Pay, etc.

6. Instant Apps

You may have seen the arrival of instant apps a few years ago. However, you will see an increase in the use and development of Android Instant Apps this year. Android Studio enables developers to create instant apps to enhance their app discovery. Therefore, users can just click on the “try now” button to try the app without installing it.

Due to their size restriction, instant applications will not be a complete app version. However, we expect that these restrictions could change in the future.

Since app users expect a better experience, allowing them to try an app without even installing it is a great approach. If you are building Android apps this year, you must have an instant version.

7. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Last year, AI (Artificial Intelligence) brought many exciting things. We have seen the fantastic success of FaceApp and MyHeritageApp. The realistic animations of these apps brought them ground-breaking success.

Apart from these apps, we found Google introducing new features to Google Maps that use AI to boost the user experience. Live View is one feature that provides users with AR navigation in huge indoor areas. Google also uses artificial intelligence to recommend less carbon-intensive paths for reduced fuel consumption by optimizing directions.

Both AI and ML (Machine Learning) have been one of the topmost innovations for some years. But these technologies are going to see a rise this year and beyond.

Since they provide many perks to help businesses enhance their operations and better serve their clients, businesses must include AI and ML in their mobile app development plans for this year and beyond.

8. 5G Technology

5G technology is one of the latest innovations in the mobile app development sector. This wireless network is highly popular in all industries. 5G is the rise of excellent connectivity practices that provide mobile apps with some valuable features and purposes without hampering their functionalities. Using this technology properly enhances your app development process.

This next-gen wireless technology provides 100 times faster speed than 4G LTE. Therefore, it brings some great possibilities for the app development sector. Also, 5G enables businesses to create more engaging AR and VR experiences, provide clients with real-time data and analytics, and build new efficacy in their functions.

Since 5G technology is becoming more popular this year, we expect to see more transformative and innovative 5G-enabled apps. Therefore, keeping updated on this latest technology trend will be more critical for businesses that need to progress this year and ahead.

9. Wearables

Wearable technology has been a trend for many years. We cannot call it a breakthrough, as we have already seen fitness bands, trackers, and smartwatches. However, wearables are going to get more possibilities for achievement this year.

The constant growth of wearables shows that this innovation will change the way of mobile application development. For example, Apple declared something great about the app and wearable integration at WWDC 2019.

WatchOS 6 has brought the App Store to the Apple Watch. As a result, independent applications are being developed, particularly for these gadgets. This has opened a great scope for content creators and app resellers.

This year, we expect to see more mobile applications built with wearables. Users will get the scope to download many apps straight from their smartwatches, fitness bands, or trackers.

10. Blockchain Technology

During the boom of cryptocurrency, we came to know about blockchain technology. However, now this technology has emerged a lot, and you can apply it in several areas. It is developing significantly, and we can predict it will generate $20 billion in revenue by 2024.

Blockchain has an essential role in mobile app development. Decentralized applications are in demand these days. There are more than 80 million blockchain wallet users, and mobile wallets are the most popular.

We can also see the use of blockchain technology in currency converters for securing digital identity, tracking digital assets, and keeping track of loyalty programs.

This innovation is becoming more popular with anti-piracy software, tools to moderate elections, BaaS (Blockchain as a Service) platforms, and intelligent contracts in 2022 and beyond. Also, we can use this technology in mobile payment and mobile commerce applications to prevent fraud.

Future of Mobile App Development

Technological advancements are continuously evolving and hitting the shelves every year. An extensive array of technologies like AI, ML, 5G, AR, VR, Wearables, Beacon, IoT, Blockchain, Super Apps, Instant Apps, etc., is revolutionizing the mobile app development industry. Moreover, they are bringing plenty of new stipulations for app developers.

Therefore, keeping up with the latest mobile app development innovations is necessary to deliver feature-rich, innovative apps. It is rather essential for a successful mobile app launch. Also, search for a reliable mobile app development partner to make your app idea real.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Thank you!

The post Top 10 Innovations in Mobile Application Development appeared first on ReadWrite.

Photoshop vs. Slazzer: Which Works Best for Removing Backgrounds? Mon, 28 Nov 2022 21:40:03 +0000 Photoshop vs. Slazzer

Are you frequently called upon to remove backgrounds from a source image but aren’t sure whether to pay for Photoshop […]

The post Photoshop vs. Slazzer: Which Works Best for Removing Backgrounds? appeared first on ReadWrite.

Photoshop vs. Slazzer

Are you frequently called upon to remove backgrounds from a source image but aren’t sure whether to pay for Photoshop or use something else? If so, read on. Slazzer offers an alternative that may help you reach a conclusion.

Removing backgrounds from source images is something that many content creators or designers rely upon as they create or edit their work. Consequently, to create compelling imagery, designers need to remove backgrounds and add extra elements. However, doing this often isn’t as easy as it seems. That is to say; it can be very time-consuming.

Challenging the ‘Industry Standard’

Adobe Photoshop is a widely known photo editing software that features a comprehensive photo editing package. It is useful for graphic design professionals.

However, most people don’t use even half the features that come with the package.

Even with its depth of features, it still can be ridiculously hard to remove backgrounds. Moving into this space, Slazzer provides an inexpensive alternative for background removal.

Enter Slazzer

Slazzer offers an instantaneous background remover. Instead of hassling back and forth with Photoshop, the only thing users need to do is drag and drop an image. Done! It really is as easy as that.

Skeptics can give it a shot by trying it out for free by visiting the Slazzer homepage.

Since Slazzer is an AI-powered editing tool, it uses advanced computer vision algorithms. The application is able to quickly remove backgrounds from just about any image. In addition, users can replace a background with a fine degree of detailing in just a few seconds.

To see for yourself what Photoshop and Slazzer offer, here’s a breakdown of application usability, pricing structures, and features using an in-depth comparison.

User Interaction and Experience

Assuming you know even a little bit about Photoshop, you might wonder if it’s worth the expense to use it for one specific task, such as background removal. Maybe utilizing a dedicated application created specifically for that purpose for that would be much simpler?

In this niche, how does Slazzer measure up?

For one, the image background removal interface on Slazzer is straightforward. Drag and drop an image into the application. Sit back and wait for artificial intelligence (AI) to do the rest. That’s it.

With Photoshop, users have a wide range of tools and settings, from quick alterations using the Quick Selection Tool to precise adjustments. Photoshop features a lot to unpack…and a lot to get used to.

For instance, erasing a backdrop freehand requires the use of numerous edge, masking, brush, and eraser tools. This level of complexity may seem daunting and even frustrating to a novice user who only truly needs one tool.

Background Removal Options

Many businesses regularly must rely upon various methods to remove backgrounds. Some are costly in terms of staff time.

Professional photographers may take thousands of photos in a single photoshoot. These may all require an easier process than manually removing the background using Photoshop.


How does Slazzer stack up against Photoshop in this regard?


  • Features numerous tools. Anyone can remove backgrounds, and even process multiple images at the same time using the Bulk Background Remover.
  • The Rest API allows users to integrate Slazzer into an app website or system by adding a few lines of code.
  • The Desktop App can bulk process thousands of images sequentially on any Mac, Windows, or Linux device.
  • Plugins are available directly within Photoshop, Figma, Sketch, and WordPress.
  • Infinity Offline software provides unlimited image cutouts — megapixel quality and file size — on your desktop, offline.
  • On-premises deployment provides encrypted executable files on any cloud server in the world.


  • Has no distinctive feature specific to background removal.
  • The “Magic Wand” tool allows users to quickly remove objects.
    • However, due to the spectrum of color, it’s almost impossible to remove entire backgrounds.
  • Photoshop also does not have any Rest API function to integrate into any website or app.

Many Issues Can Be Resolved via Slazzer’s Plugin


The Slazzer plugin for Photoshop offers the ability to work at super speed, in your comfort zone, Likewise, it does this at a rate you’ve likely never seen before.

No more tedious and boring work trying to remove image backgrounds. In the same vein, no more paying for unnecessary tools. Slazzer removes image backgrounds in seconds.

Pricing Comparison

For many, price is one of the most important aspects of choosing an image-manipulation tool. Consequently, by offering flexible pricing plans, Slazzer can meet the specific needs of different environments.

What do the different subscription and/or price options look like? There are some significant differences many will appreciate.

  • Slazzer offers flexible subscription and top-up models. With Photoshop, a monthly subscription is the only option.
  • Slazzer offers tiered pricing based on desired functionalities. (See the Slazzer Infinity pricing model below.) But let’s first do a side-by-side comparison.

Table 1: Photoshop vs. Slazzer

Slazzer Photoshop
Free Plan ✅

  •  Two (2) free credits with unlimited free previews on
  • API access and apps for Windows/Mac/Linux.
  • Photoshop extension.
  • Refer friends and earn free credits.
Free Plan ❌

  • There’s no free plan with Photoshop.
  • You can, however, trial it for free for seven days.
Subscriptions ✅

Various subscription options. There is a credit-based model which gives you the flexibility to pay for what you need and change to your necessity.

  • From 100 credits a month to 50,000.
  • Pricing starts from $13 USD and goes up to $1999 USD.
  • Ten-Day Money Back Guarantee
Subscriptions ✅

  • Photoshop works on a subscription model of $20.99 per month.


API Solution ✅

  • A Rest API solution that integrates into your app, website, or system with just a few lines of code.
API Solution ❌

  • Photoshop does not support this functionality.
Pay-as-you-go ✅

One of the most popular methods of payment. The top-up model or pay-as-you-go lets you pay for the amounts of credit you use.

  • From 10 credits to 12,000.
  • Starting at $6 (0.6 cents per image) to $1,300 (0.1 cents per image).
Pay-as-you-go ❌

  • There is no pay-as-you-go model for Photoshop.

Making an Informed Choice

So which should you choose? It all depends on your specific needs and everyday usage.

Now that we’ve covered a general overview of the two applications let’s dial in our focus on the common task of removing image backgrounds. Choosing the right application will depend on your current workflow, specifically how often you need this specific capability.

One of the nicer features of Slazzer is that it does not force this either/or dynamic. It can be used within Photoshop without ever leaving the application.

  • The Slazzer Top Up pricing plans offer a convenient way to perform a one-time background-removal job without committing to an ongoing subscription. Slazzer offers plans that start at 10 credits per month, assuming you need ongoing capabilities.
  • They also allow users to roll over any unused credits, up to six (6). This eliminates the worry of paying monthly subscription fees for services you don’t use.

Addressing Various Real-World Scenarios

  1. You might be thinking: “I don’t know much about photo editing, nor do I want to. I just need the background removed.” In this case, Slazzer fits the bill.
  2. “I want to remove the background of an image and plan to use another tool — not Photoshop — to create a social media post.” Again, Slazzer is the economical choice.
  3. “I’m a professional photographer, and I need to quickly remove a background so I can move on to other tasks.” In this instance, use Photoshop with the Slazzer plugin.

Customized Solutions

The folks at Slazzer are able to customize their product to respond to specific requirements.

Are you called upon to process more than 100,000 images per year? Slazzer provides an Enterprise Sales team that can put together individualized quotes.

Image Support for Various Media Formats

  • Users can upload any image in JPG, JPEG, or PNG format.
  • Slazzer supports a file size of up to 12MB and a 25-megapixel resolution.
  • If the image resolution is larger than 25 megapixels — e.g., 6250×4000 pixels or any other aspect ratio — that image is automatically resized to Slazzer’s maximum resolution.
  • Photos must have a primary subject that is clearly positioned in the foreground.
    For example, most images of products, people, cars, animals, and other objects work seamlessly.

How Adobe Express Compares to Slazzer

Even though Photoshop does not favorably compare to Slazzer in terms of ease of drag-and-drop background removal, Adobe recently released a new application called “Adobe Express.”

Does Express offer a more favorable comparison to Slazzer? Let’s take a look.

Table 2: Slazzer vs. Adobe Express

Slazzer Adobe Express
Drag and Drop ✅

Supports drag and drop function, but also has much more.


Drag and Drop ✅

Supports drag and drop function.

Free Plan ✅

Two free credits with unlimited free previews on

–   API access and apps for Windows/Mac/Linux. Photoshop extension. Refer friends and earn free credits.

Free Plan ✅

–   Start with free plan.

–   Includes all the core features below so you can start making content. Continue using it for as long as you want at no cost.

–   2GB of storage.

Multiple Features for Background Removal ✅

Slazzer has many services and features all dedicated to making the process of background removal both fast and effective.

Multiple Features for Background Removal ❌

No dedicated alternative features for background removal.

Mobile App ✅

Features a mobile app on Android.

–   Quickly and easily remove the background from photos on your mobile device by launching the background remover Slazzer mobile app.

Mobile App ✅

Features a mobile app on iOS.

–   App dedicated to more than background removal. A designer tool. Turn your edited image into different template designs.


API Solution ✅

A Rest API solution that Integrates into your app, website, or system with just a few lines of code.

API Solution ❌

Adobe Express does not support this functionality.

Overall, both Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Express offer many positive image manipulation features. True, Adobe Express offers an attractive alternative to purchasing full-blown Photoshop, but it still does not compete with Slazzer in terms of ease of background removal.

Adobe Express can be thought of more as “Canva for editing, with some added tools.” Additionally, Photoshop and Adobe express do not have the Rest API tool offered by Slazzer.

Accuracy of Results: Slazzer vs. Photoshop vs. Adobe Express

The strength of Slazzer lies in its AI, which is dedicated to identifying different elements in an image. From people, products, animals, cars, graphics, and real estate, the Visual AI is tailored to detect these objects and remove backgrounds accordingly. AI engineering makes the tool powerful for this specific task.

When determining which tool is best for removing image backgrounds, Slazzer holds the competitive edge. Photoshop does not have a specific background removal tool. Adobe Express does, but the feature is fairly limited by comparison.


Slazzer Infinity

Many users don’t want to work with an API and the technical aspects involved with installation. In response, Slazzer is launching an API-free application. This new dedicated background removal tool will be limited to desktop applications.

Slazzer Infinity will be the first-ever desktop application for background removal, specifically instant and infinite removals. Infinity features the ability to remove image backgrounds automatically and offline with no manual intervention required. Users don’t even need an internet connection. There are no technical/API requirements.

Powered by AI and automation, users can start a free trial period of Slazzer for all their business needs. During the free trial, Slazzer Infinity places a watermark is placed on each image. (After purchase, watermarking is removed, and the app is tailored to your specific needs.) The final cost of the Infinity app will depend on individual requirements.

The Slazzer Infinity application is available for Windows, Mac, or Linux desktop computers. After download, Slazzer will prompt you to select an input and output folder. After that, the app will work automatically 24/7 to process images sequentially, without interruption.

Contact the Slazzer sales team if interested in a custom quote.


Photoshop Plugin

  • When you click install, a new menu will open, Window → Extensions → Remove Background.
  • This button will then be available anytime you need it during your design process.
  • When you click on the background removal button, all images are processed through the Slazzer API.
  • You will need an active API key and an internet connection to use the plugin.

Photoshop Extension

  • In Adobe Exchange, click the Free button to install the Slazzer plugin.
  • Make sure you have the Creative Cloud Desktop App installed, version 4.6 or above.
  • Installation will take a few seconds. There is no progress bar. However, you should receive a message once installation is complete.
  • If installing from Adobe Exchange does not work, you can also install Slazzer manually using the Anastasiy’s Extension Manager.
  • Download the plugin and use it in Photoshop.
  • Check the Slazzer website for easy drag-and-drop accessibility.




With Slazzer, background removal is their only game. That’s the only market need they are attempting to answer. Given that specific need, expect the company to grow and potentially become the go-to background removal platform.

Photo editing and content creation will only become more important in an increasingly digital age. Slazzer seeks to make it as easy and accessible as possible.


The post Photoshop vs. Slazzer: Which Works Best for Removing Backgrounds? appeared first on ReadWrite.

How Software Solves the Modern-World Problems Fri, 22 Jul 2022 15:00:55 +0000 Software Solves Problems

As Hackernoon reports, “Over the past few years, software has transferred all-important life processes to the digital environment, which helps […]

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Software Solves Problems

As Hackernoon reports, “Over the past few years, software has transferred all-important life processes to the digital environment, which helps to solve problems in various industries efficiently and quickly.”

Most developers don’t just think about writing code but try to create practical applications to help people, animals, and the planet. To understand how digital technology has changed our lives, it is necessary to become familiar with real-world problems being solved with software.

Software that Solves People’s Problems

The IT industry is becoming more and more in demand, and app usage is growing every day without forecasts of slowing down in the future. According to Statista, there are over 6.3 billion smartphone users worldwide. In the app stores, you can find an application for almost any need:

  • sports and nutrition;
  • health and spiritual development;
  • counting finance and online banks;
  • taxi service and delivery;
  • booking tickets, hotels, restaurants, etc.

They made a real revolution in the world and helped people separate time from routine tasks and do more valuable things. However, there is a special section of applications that solves serious problems for people. They positively influence our health and help monitor the body efficiently.

Software for Doctor Online Visiting

With the onset of a pandemic that has changed almost the world’s way of life, many services have moved online. Medical services were no exception; they offered patients two options for assistance: consultation with a doctor via audio or video communication and answering questions by specialists in chat or undergoing remote diagnostics using special devices (for example, measuring and controlling heartbeat).

Software for Online Psychological Therapy

It often happens that a solution in a difficult psychological situation is not always possible to find on your own, you do not want to discuss it with friends, and there is no time for a psychotherapist, and sometimes even money. To help a person cope with such problems, companies annually develop and improve virtual helper: applications that provide support and assistance. Conforming to MarketWatch, the top 20 mental health apps in the US were downloaded by 4 million users for the first time in April 2020. An online specialist will help relieve stress, sort out a relationship with a partner, find a common language with a child, and much more. For example, Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant, will call the rescue service if it recognizes a suicidal orientation in a question.

The application My Pocket Therapist brings together therapists from all over the UK and allows them to consult patients online.

It is a very convenient platform that helps you find the right therapist, make an appointment and conduct a video session in real-time. Patients can book sessions, pay, and leave reviews. Doctors create profiles, schedule appointments and receive payments with no effort.

Of course, apps won’t replace going to the hospital, making medical services more accessible. They can also relieve patient flows during a pandemic, screening out people with minimal symptoms. However, for services to truly help people, they must be functional, convenient, secure, and contain legal information.

Software for People with Disabilities

Simple actions such as talking on the smartphone, going downstairs, or even determining the expiration date of groceries in a store can become difficult for people with disabilities. However, some of these problems can be successfully dealt with using an app:

  1. Roger Voice. It is software that deaf people can use to talk to their interlocutors on smartphones. This app uses speech recognition technology to convert voice to text so deaf people can read what the other person is telling them.
  2. HearYouNow. With this application, deaf and hard-of-hearing users can adjust the sound according to their situation: public places, meetings, etc. To do this, they need to connect headphones to the smartphone, through which sound is supplied with appropriate settings to optimize the background or foreground. Developed by a Dutch hearing aid manufacturer, the app is intended for people who can use hearing aids but are not ready for it.
  3. Be My Eyes. It is a crowdsourcing application that, using video chat, connects blind people and volunteers who are ready to help them in various everyday situations, for example, checking the expiration date of products or crossing the street.
  4. Look At Me. The app developed by Samsung helps children with autism to socialize successfully. The app teaches them to make eye contact, recognize emotions, remember faces, and better express their feelings through game interaction.

Developers are constantly coming up with new software to help those in need. With these applications, anyone can feel like a full-fledged unit of society and not feel different.

Software for Online Workout

Most people know that workout is good for their health, but only a tiny fraction follows the doctors’ recommendations. In today’s world, you don’t have to go to a gym in bad weather – you can use apps on your phone. With the best trainers and personalized technology, a workout at home can be as effective as at the gym. The app store has strength training and cardio options, crossfit and stretching programs, yoga, meditation, and more.

For example, Nike has created an app that contains over 180 exercises from coaches in these categories. At Nike Training, anyone “can create a 4-week fitness program based on their personal goals. Whether you want to get lean or get stronger, you can choose your preferences, add your level of experience, and Nike Training takes care of the rest, choosing from a variety of workouts that fit.” You can train with your weight at home or with additional equipment in the gym.

But Seven has become a real discovery among healthy software. If you have seven minutes a day to do fitness anywhere without requiring any equipment, this app will help you see the first results. With research-based workouts, Seven is designed to get the most out of it in no time. “The 7-minute workout is a high-intensity interval training program. In total, you do 12 exercises, each for 30 seconds, with a break of 10 seconds. Activities include push-ups, triceps lifts, squats, and crunches. Just choose a goal: get in shape, lose weight or get strong and you can start.”

Software for Diets and Nutrition Improvement

As digital services spread to all segments of the population, the need for nutrition control applications has emerged. These mobile nutrition apps help you track your diet and manage food intolerance to boost energy, avoid mood swings and keep your day on track.

FatSecret is one of the most popular calorie counters for iOS and Android. This software is highly functional. The app has food and diet diaries, a diet calendar, Apple Watch integration, Apple Health, Google Fit, Samsung Health, a barcode scanner, reports, and the ability to set goals.

If you want to customize your food, then YAZIO software is a great solution. YAZIO offers customized plans for losing weight or building muscle. Standard functions are food diary, nutritional value calculator, and barcode scanner. The app evaluates the diet, allows you to add new goodies, and monitors proteins and fats.

Software for Delivery

It happens that, for various reasons, a person cannot leave the house and buy the necessary goods. It could be due to illness, busy schedule, or physical ability. In such moments, either close people or digital technologies can help. Food delivery software is popular right now. Fundera forecasts that delivery and online ordering will make $32 billion by 2024.

If you decide to spend time at home today, Glovo will save you. “It is a Spanish startup that delivers groceries, medicine, meals, and more within an hour from restaurants, cafes, shops, markets, and online stores.”

The service stands out from several sizable European delivery services because it offers to bring any small item on demand. The order can be made in the application or on the website. The Glovo platform connects three parties: the user, the business (shops, restaurants, etc.), and independent couriers. The application takes a commission from the cost of goods from partners and a delivery fee from users.

Nowadays, the delivery of goods by drones is gaining popularity. Most companies currently use drones with six or more propellers. The shipping container is placed in a compartment at the bottom of the drone or attached directly to the aircraft itself. The client receives the package by taking it from the drone compartment that has descended to the ground.

Amazon was one of the first to try drones delivering their packages. In December 2016, Amazon Prime Air successfully delivered the package to Cambridge — and as reported in June 2022, Amazon is doing delivery home testing in California.

Why Software Makes Life Easier

Modern software development aims to benefit people and save their time. To get to the doctor, you do not need to wait in line – you can contact them by phone. You don’t have to cook a lot of food because it can be ordered in the app with delivery. You also don’t need to go to the gym: do your workout at home by playing the video. Modern digital solutions allow everyone to live a fulfilling life even in isolation.

If you intend to create your own software, do not forget to implement functions that will be highly appreciated by the inhabitants of your country or even the planet. Thanks to this, you will increase awareness, attract users and tell the whole world about the product.

Image Credit: Photo by Mikhail Nilov; Pexels; Thank you!

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5 Ultimate AI applications in Sports Industry Tue, 07 Jun 2022 15:00:46 +0000 AI applications in Sports

With Artificial Intelligence developments knocking on almost every possible door there is, it’s not possible for the sports industry to […]

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AI applications in Sports

With Artificial Intelligence developments knocking on almost every possible door there is, it’s not possible for the sports industry to be isolated from this major breakthrough.

Artificial Intelligence has tapped into all aspects of our lives in a way that it’s the most normal concept to expect in any industry now.

Who would’ve thought that an industry traditionally considered the farthest from the ‘physical activity” aspect of sports would leverage such great benefits to the domain covering everything from post-game analysis to in-game activity to the fan experience?

Data science and artificial intelligence in sports analytics have become commonplace. And, given the significant impact that technological precision has had on sports, there is no hesitation that it will continue to flourish in this industry.

5 Ultimate AI applications in Sports Industry


What are the Stats Showing About Global Artificial Intelligence?

According to Acumen Research and Consulting, the Global Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Sports Market is predicted to develop at a CAGR of over 32.8 percent, reaching a market value of around US$ 3,555.9 Million, between 2020 and 2027.

While statistics and quantitative analysis have long been important in sports, artificial intelligence is having a big impact on how games are planned, played, and watched.

This trend may be seen in baseball, tennis, soccer, football, basketball, Formula 1, and a variety of other sports. While sporting organizations have mounds of raw data, and more is always being added, this data may now be used to improve the value of their organization in all areas, from ticket sales to player injury prevention.

Let’s dive into the ultimate AI applications in the sports industry and see how Artificial Intelligence is paving the way.

  • Coaching and Training

With AI coming into the picture, there’s no longer a need for coaches and trainers to depend solely on their subject matter expertise and experience. They can align their strategies and plans to improve player performance and make better match-day arrangements with the help of various metrics.

Coaches’ strategic decisions, from prior to, through, and following the game, are guided by AI platforms that measure a forward pass, a penalty kick, DRS in cricket, and a variety of other activities in many sports using wearable sensors, high-speed cameras, and real-time footage.


Coaches insights

Coaches can acquire insights into their teams’ strengths and weaknesses using data and graphics on any given day with ML-based algorithms, allowing them to make tactical and strategy modifications to exploit their opponent’s playing patterns and shortcomings.

Coaches may build stronger training regimens for their teams using this data-driven study of players and when it comes to establishing regimens for athletes, playing tactics, performance analysis and forecast modeling have an even bigger impact.

Player scouting and preparing players for competitions are also facilitated with AI algorithms.


  • Media: Broadcasting, Streaming, and Journalism

Artificial intelligence appears to be on the verge of revolutionizing the sports narrative. In addition to changing the world of sports for coaches and athletes, AI has had a big impact on how fans experience sports. NLP, Machine Learning, and Deep

Learning algorithms can be used to automate a variety of video-making tasks, including camera shooting and zooming in on crucial field actions, and automatically select the best camera viewpoint to display on viewers’ screens, provide subtitles for live events in many languages based on the viewer’s location, and enable broadcasters to monetize their content through commercials.

AI-powered systems are also being integrated into content development for sports journalism.

With thousands of sports events happening on a regular basis, AI bots are currently being utilized to produce accurate match reports that explain crucial events, provide statistics and data, and keep the reader engaged by maintaining the quintessential emotion.

AI is currently being utilized in sports marketing to make videos of matches or event highlights. If done manually, this operation might take a long time and involve a lot of effort.

The media can minimize their time to market by utilizing an AI-based method to determine the top highlights from a match.


  • Player Performance

Thanks to Artificial Intelligence, player performance is now more advanced than ever before. Computer vision, for example, is used to track and analyze human motion.

According to a report Artificial Intelligence in Sports Market: 2019 – 2024 published on, individual and team performance in sports will improve by an average of 17% and 28%, respectively.

This holds true for all sports, including football, tennis, cricket, and golf. Basketball players’ abilities are evaluated using Computer Vision and Machine Learning via apps like HomeCourt, which provides them with a proper platform to improve.

The cameras are collecting data, and the spatial-temporal trajectories for all players will be the end outcome. These player trajectories provide significant information about a player’s ability and performance to a sports expert.

The recording of the performance indicators is not only dependable but it also aids the players in specifying where they have the greatest potential to excel and where they still need to grow.

  • Fitness, Health, and Safety

It is common knowledge that artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the healthcare industry in a variety of ways, of which, the sports industry is also reaping the benefits.

AI’s incredible predictive and diagnostic skills may also be used in sports, where physical health and fitness are of utmost priority.

Ensure the health and fitness

In order to ensure the health and fitness of their players, teams are increasingly adopting technical technologies in player healthcare. Wearable technology is being employed to monitor their players’ movements and physical metrics during practice in order to maintain track of their general health.

On a regular basis, players are put through physical tests that use artificial intelligence to track a variety of health variables and player actions in order to analyze their fitness and even detect early signs of musculoskeletal or cardiovascular issues or even stress-related injuries.

This can assist athletic organizations’ medical personnel in maintaining their athletes’ fitness and keeping them injury-free. AI technologies are used to analyze the stream of data received by the wearable devices in real-time to spot signals that players are developing.

This allows sports teams to keep their most important assets in top shape during long seasons of competition.


  • Player Scouting and Recruitment

In the sports industry, artificial intelligence can be used to evaluate the performance of potential recruits. Sports teams are increasingly employing individual performance data as a gauge of players’ fitness and potential.

Before opting to invest in a player, various technologies powered by artificial intelligence, big data, and machine learning can help maintain track of his or her performance and past statistics (passes made, runs, goals scored, and so on) to estimate their future potential.

In essence, Machine Learning algorithms “assess players’ talents and overall potential and rank them in various categories” based on aggregated data. Teams can also utilize computer vision to identify specific traits that assist predict future success and to track players’ movements and body alignment.

It can also be used to assess player market values so that the best offers can be made when recruiting new talent. This can also benefit athletes, as the use of artificial intelligence-based technologies lowers preference during recruiting and aids in the discovery of latent talent, especially in places where a particular sport is not widely played.

Final Words

Other than the ones mentioned above, there are more use cases of AI in the sports industry like ticketing, refereeing, enhancement of fan experience, and match predictions among others that are transforming the industry at every step.

Artificial intelligence is affecting practically every professional sport, and it is already affecting amateur athletes as well. Given the importance of AI in sports, it will be imprudent to ignore its potential in winning games, better coaches and players, managing operations, and growing, serving and keeping fans.

New AI technology will continue to deliver meager benefits at best and bring an improved spectator experience. With our 7+ years of extensive experience in delivering computer vision, machine learning, and NLP services, Algoscale assists businesses in choosing the correct platform, developing applications, integrating cameras, and streamlining processes by integrating with other systems to gain valuable insights and improving business decision-making.

Also Read: Growth Of AI As A Service (AIaaS) Market

Image Credit: Inner article photos provided by the Author; Thank you!

Top Image Credit: Photo by Patrick Case; Pexels; Thank you!

The post 5 Ultimate AI applications in Sports Industry appeared first on ReadWrite.

10 Best Apps for CXO (2022 Edition) Mon, 23 May 2022 22:27:04 +0000 Best Apps for CXO

Whether you are an entrepreneur, CEO, or any other c-suite position holder of a company, employee management, workflow, and customer […]

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Best Apps for CXO

Whether you are an entrepreneur, CEO, or any other c-suite position holder of a company, employee management, workflow, and customer engagement is essential for business growth. Unfortunately, sometimes it becomes challenging to put everything in a box. Right?

Luckily, with the technological advancements, mobile devices now include useful mobile apps and software to handle such problems effectively. Once the executives and managers know how to resolve issues, no one can hinder their businesses to flourish among the competitors.

The secret to those solutions is right here. Here is a list of the 10 best mobile apps, comprehensively explained with features and benefits to help you out during messy situations. Definitely, after analyzing each application carefully, you can emulate success. So, spare some time and have a look!

  • Expensify

Expensify is one of the best tools that help business owners to manage their expenses effectively. Since managing and handling funds are vital for firms, effective management is the top priority here. 

Unfortunately, giving access to everyone is not safe, especially, when it comes to financial management. It is no surprise that trusting someone can cause significant damage to the long-term progress of companies. To get rid of such issues, the rising boom of Expensify is making it easier for firms to monitor their financial spending with no fear of security breaches.


  • Incorporates advanced and progressive tax tracking systems.
  • Conversion of multiple currencies.
  • Monitoring of billable materials.
  • Controls the maintenance of timesheets.
  • Offer various designs and templates for projects.


  • The app includes a multi-level workflow system that enables companies to customize according to the organizational structure.
  • It saves time and effort by automatically syncing accounting systems.
  • One-click receipt scanning immediately captures all details in a single report.
  • Detects duplicate receipts promptly and verifies each transaction carefully to keep the users safe from financial scams.
  • Slack

In terms of productivity, performance, effective communication, and organizational culture, Slack is perfect for all kinds of businesses. It is a widely-used communication application that enables correspondence with each other in a company.

One of the app’s best features is the flexibility to group talks into several channels to keep them informed and well-organized. That is why it has become a successful app and a symbol for instant chatting.


  • Cloud-based mobile apps.
  • Availability of quick notes.
  • Offers theme personalization.
  • Provides easy global access.
  • Promotes transparency and inclusivity.


  • Slack has completely changed the way firms interact by connecting individuals together to work as one united team.
  • You may get the instant information you need, regardless of your location and time zone.
  • Each individual in an organization has the access to shared information so that all team members can participate in the discussions.
  •  It works on all devices, whether it is Android or iOS, allowing you to find and access your team.
  • Allows executives to manage projects more quickly without having to worry about email and meeting schedules.
  • Trello

Trello is gaining rapid popularity among business executives since the app is perfect for collaborative and well-organized visual work. It allows teams to brainstorm ideas, plan, and work on a project collectively.

The app includes Kanban boards that visually delight companies because it can store plenty of information on its server. The app also informs team members about the work progress and who is the responsible individual for each task. It is particularly beneficial for large companies, with mass employees that require access to specific lists or cards.


  •  User-friendly.
  • Cloud-based platform.
  •  Automate and organize tasks flawlessly.
  • Offers unlimited power-ups.
  • Provides flexible layouts.


  • Organize and manages your team’s toughest projects simply and easily.
  • With the help of calendar power-ups, executives and managers can incorporate deadlines and comments about the projects and tasks.
  • Benefits in breaking larger tasks into smaller ones.
  • Arrange blog posts and articles on the site notes.
  • Enables time tracking to record the performance of each team member.
  • Skedulo

Skedulo is another amazing company management application that provides effective on-demand scheduling based on insights from real-time businesses. Managing your desk can be complicated at times, and your customers are not aware of your situation.

However, with the help of Skedulo, executives can easily manage and analyze their workforce through mobile apps. Simply put everything in front of you and integrate Skedulo with your firm’s tech stack to work smartly.


  • Easy customization.
  • Efficient in managing the workforce.
  • Automate schedules.
  • Data encryption via cloud-based access.
  • Higher productivity.


  • This app is used by both Android and iOS users; therefore, executives can easily schedule their business activities. In fact, it saves scheduling time by about 48 percent.
  •  It also gives field workers the ability to manage their own schedules.
  • Easily captures and stores data for record-keeping.
  • Resolves issues faster by understanding productivity.
  • The app generates proper invoices with a quick response time due to a simpler and automated data collection tool.
  • Todoist

This application allows business officials to organize and prioritize all activities and projects without any hassle. Todoist is a simple application getting fame due to its effectiveness in the corporate world.

This competitive edge of Todolist is a large number of plugins and apps available for browsers, emails, mobile devices, desktops, and laptops.


  • Track the number of logins
  • Automate backup
  •  Synchronizes real-time data
  •  Shareable and collaborative
  •  Users can be easily added and removed.


  • Prepares everything with clear, actionable steps that the entire team can comprehend.
  • The app allows the uploading capacity of up to 100 megabytes (MBs) of data.
  • Maintains a snapshot of pending, assigned, and completed tasks to track down the progress of team members.
  • Break down massive projects into smaller, easier-to-manage activities.
  • Significantly reduces the time of emailing, meetings, and group chats.
  • Mind Jet, Mind Manager

Coming up with creative ideas is an important part of a CEO’s job since it helps workers to be innovative and creative with viable solutions. One of the requirements for custom productivity app development is to create an app that enables creative expression.

As a CEO, Mindjet is exactly what you need to utilize during meetings, talks, and brainstorming sessions. You may make a visual representation of your thoughts and show it when necessary. This application exemplifies the notion of mind mapping as a tool for brainstorming.


  •  Adds clarity to projects and tasks.
  • Boost productivity through brainstorming.
  •  Quick searching and file tagging.
  •  Sync with Dropbox.
  • Incorporate markers and icons effortlessly.


  • Users can visualize information such as photos, links, and notes by using mind maps.
  • Mind Jet includes budget estimates and equations. Also, for the project deadlines, Gantt charts are given to guide the team about the due dates.
  • It stores all of your data, for example, images, notes, reports, and links safely in one place.
  •  Allows to communicate and share work with the team on a single project.
  • Easily breaks complicated ideas into simple and easier ones.
  • Evernote

Evernote is your go-to app for writing notes having 250 million current global users. Whether you need to write an idea for your business or the thoughts racing into your mind at night, Evernote is always there for you.

This award-winning software assists you in synchronizing your data across all of your devices. Free and premium copies of the application are available, allowing users to try out particular features before subscribing to the paid version for more.


  •  Productivity tools.
  •  Incorporates Optical Character Recognition Technology.
  • Easily customizable.
  • Sync devices automatically.
  • Automated reminders for your tasks and projects.


  • You can easily download the app on desktop and mobile devices.
  • Managers and executives can share their thoughts with other team members.
  • The app allows you to attach pictures along with a note.
  • Grants permission to add voice memos and audios right with the note.
  • By using Evernote, you can track your time, for example, you were doing before 15 or 30 mins.
  • Air Table

Air Table is becoming the most used application by executives. It is a wonderful alternative to shared Google Sheets that tracks and manages business and personnel information. Not just this, but it can also be used for research and project sprints.

The app works in the same way as a spreadsheet does, with rows and columns, and allows for relational database dynamics. Similarly, the system serves as a central hub for ideas, initiatives, material, and records. Users may access data and move it from one database to another while maintaining data integrity.


  • Simple to use interface
  • Customizable features
  • Customer support
  • Allows third party integration
  • Database functionalities.


  • A user’s access can be restricted to read-only or they can be granted the ability to update or create new databases.
  •  The use of drag-and-drop tools makes organizing rows and columns simple for the users.
  •  Allows you to use the Gantt chart to line up with the project milestones.
  • Effective for market initiatives.
  • A flexible database design is to handle your most complicated and unique processes.
  • Hootsuite

Hootsuite is a platform that allows businesses to schedule posts and campaigns across all social media networks. After you have planned and scheduled your social media posts, view them all in one place in a single calendar.

It is extremely useful for synchronizing your campaigns and organizing your social media channels by viewing them in the big picture. It can also increase the team’s performance and productivity.


  • Manages various channels at a time.
  • Analyze your results.
  • Schedule multiple posts.
  • Quick reporting.
  • Effective customer service.


  • For executives and marketers, it saves time and effort in social media marketing.
  • Easy monitoring of different networks in a single dashboard.
  • Useful analytical features enhance social media performances.
  • Hootsuite allows users to assign tasks and projects to the team members.
  • Enables sharing content and tagging.
  • GoToMeeting

The GoToMeeting mobile apps provide the flexibility and dependability you need to take your business to the heights of global success. The platform understands the value of interaction whether it is a business-critical meeting or just a casual met-up.

It is the most popular mobile meeting app on the iOS marketplace today, with over 2.5 million downloads and a user rating of 4.5 stars. So, what are you waiting for? There is no need to signup, you can join the sessions for free, without any hassle.


  • HD quality video calls.
  • Simple and quick access.
  • Unbeatable uptime.
  • No need for downloading.
  • Meeting Locks.


  • Authorize the control of the presentation to other guests so they can see presentations, mockups, reports, etc.
  • With a single tap, you can see all of your scheduled meetings.
  • Notify about meetings ahead of time.
  • Allows conversion with specific participants or the entire group.
  • Helps in brainstorming ideas together with all team members.

Wrapping Up

For better assistance, get in touch with the top mobile development company, whenever it’s suitable for you. Share your thoughts and tell them how you feel about the trendy mobile applications. Once you are completely satisfied accomplish your business goals with them.

The post 10 Best Apps for CXO (2022 Edition) appeared first on ReadWrite.

No-Code: A “Not So Secret Weapon” for Acing Digital Transformation 2.0 Fri, 22 Apr 2022 15:01:02 +0000 No-code digital transformation

As per McKinsey, 70% of digital transformation projects fail to meet their objectives. This is a concerning statistic, especially given […]

The post No-Code: A “Not So Secret Weapon” for Acing Digital Transformation 2.0 appeared first on ReadWrite.

No-code digital transformation

As per McKinsey, 70% of digital transformation projects fail to meet their objectives. This is a concerning statistic, especially given enterprise transformation’s global frenzy, regardless of size or revenue. After a near-successful pilot initiative, the main challenge is scaling digital innovations.

The IT industry has been caught off guard by digital Darwinism, with technology evolving at a rate far faster than businesses can keep up. It’s time to build a new ecosystem based on focused technology leadership, innovative building blocks, and steadfast digital maturity to realize your long-term digital vision. It’s essential to lay out the different stages of digital transformation and figure out where your company is right now.

This is the essence of digital transformation 2.0. It requires a fundamentally transformed workforce. There is a need to focus on empowering employees at the frontlines of business. Organizations need to have a holistic approach towards innovation and foster a DIY culture across different departments.

Often business users want to innovate, but they don’t understand the idea of innovation or how to structure it. It’s high time we looked into achieving large-scale innovation and formalizing a process for training our workforce to build certain applications independently and without any extensive IT involvement.

How can no-code accelerate digital transformation 2.0

Given the difficulty most businesses have in finding the right tech talent, they must look for new ways to meet the demands of digital transformation. No-code aids in developing digital solutions by making building solutions easier and reducing the time and resources required. Regardless of technical skill, anyone can create apps and thus contribute to the digital transformation’s acceleration.

i) Acceleration with visual development

No-code platforms reduce the time to build new applications by 90% (from well over six months to under four weeks). Drag-and-drop functionality allows both developers and non-developers to create enterprise applications on the go. The ability to quickly build functional prototypes of potential solutions and test them is a crucial feature of no-code platforms.

No-code tools empower business users familiar with and knowledgeable about operational challenges. They can build working prototypes using drag-and-drop interfaces, pre-configured connections to data sources and APIs, and built-in security. Most low-code app development projects are delivered with little to no coding because much of the boilerplate is already removed.

Component reusability is another benefit of using low-code tools and a catalogue of pre-built components and pre-configured modules. Using standard user interface components like menu bars, buttons, form sections, and so on, a user can leverage pre-built UI components and combine them into a full-fledged application.

ii) Democratization of application development

According to Gartner, the demand for business-related applications is five times higher than the available IT capacity.

As a result, one of the most significant roadblocks to digital transformation is a lack of talent. Companies can enable teams to produce high digital solutions for daily operation while still achieving IT security regulations and tackling cybersecurity concerns by transforming many semi-technical employees into citizen developers.

No-code allows you to create applications, websites, workflows, and automation recipes using a simple user interface. Backend integrations are supported by some of the more refined low-code platforms, allowing users to connect their digital solutions to multiple data sources and create unified web portals.

As a result, citizen developers can aid in the Acceleration of business value in addition to increasing development resources. While they create business apps, the IT department can handle the more complicated digital issues.

iii) Enhancement of scalability

Many businesses have massive project backlogs costing billions of dollars in lost revenue. As they can’t find the right talent to address business opportunities quickly enough, or they can’t give them priority over other tasks because they can’t find it. Low-code can help your development team get more done less time, reducing backlogs. No-code development turns pre-built UI components, integrations, and custom logic into visual building blocks that are simple to copy and paste.

Thanks to ready connections to multiple data sources, users can easily connect to data from various business functions and scale the application.

A no-code approach reduces the time and effort required to scale and maintain apps across an entire company or millions of users. In minutes, the developer can build something once and deploy it everywhere. Thanks to easy cloud deployment, extending the application from one geographic location to another is simple.

iv) Improvement in application lifecycle management

The main goal is to create applications that are adaptable to enhancements, cost-effective, quick to develop, and less complex to maintain. No-code development speeds up application delivery by allowing users to deploy apps with just a few clicks instead of relying on DevOps or engineering teams.

All stages of the application life cycle, including development, deployment, monitoring, maintenance, and updates, can be performed in real-time from a single point, ensuring security, compliance, and version control, depending on the platform.

The ability to quickly change what has already been developed to ensure that the app continues to serve the purpose required by the business is critical during the software maintenance phase.

v) Expansion of enterprise functionality

There is more to digital transformation than an organization’s ability to convert its existing services, competencies, and processes into digital assets. It also expands its functionalities by integrating no-code, low-code, or hand-coded applications with valuable third-party solutions.

Modern No-Code platforms facilitate the seamless integration of current systems with legacy technologies and enable easy configuration of APIs using plug-in components. They can graphically represent all key software components—including third-party integrations—in a visual UI that can be configured with ease.

These third-party integrations can enable enterprises to:

  • Not miss out on vital solutions in the market
  • Enhance operational efficiency
  • Derive the best out of legacy systems

vi) Reduction in time-to-market of Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Launching your MVP (an early stage but a viable version of your product) is an intelligent way to validate your business model and keep yourself on the right digital transformation track. Before the full-fledged release, you can gather ongoing feedback from customers and external stakeholders. MVPs help gain deeper insights into the end user’s experience and develop a shared understanding of what works and what doesn’t. It can provide insights into positioning the product competitively and use the resources prudently.

It takes a lot of time, commitment and resources to traditional code, even the most basic iteration of a product – that includes creating a wireframe – a basic mockup image displaying the software interface elements.

No-code platforms are tailor-made to build a functional MVP, with a shorter software development life cycle (SDLC) and better time-to-value. With no code, you can divert your focus from technical hassles to user experience and go-to-market strategies. Moreover, you can nimbly respond to stakeholders’ feedback by customizing your solution on the go.


Many people are more digitally oriented. We refer to them as “digital natives” on occasion. They’ve grown up with technology, but they don’t want to work in the field. They want to work in the marketing department. They want to work in operations or sales and believe that technology can help them improve their operations. They believe they can automate more, make something more data-centric, and add the appropriate dashboards to help people make better decisions.

To achieve the goals of digital transformation 2.0, encouraging such individuals and adapting to technology like no-code are the correct steps in that direction.

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