Gilad Maayan, Author at ReadWrite IoT and Technology News Thu, 19 Oct 2023 19:51:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Gilad Maayan, Author at ReadWrite 32 32 Why Your Business Needs Cloud Cost Management and 5 Tips for Success Thu, 19 Oct 2023 23:33:07 +0000 Cloud Cost Management

Here’s a question for you. What Is Cloud Cost Management? Cloud cost management is the process of controlling and optimizing […]

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Cloud Cost Management

Here’s a question for you. What Is Cloud Cost Management?

Cloud cost management is the process of controlling and optimizing the costs associated with cloud computing. It’s about understanding your cloud spend, identifying inefficiencies, and implementing strategies to reduce unnecessary expenditure. This process requires a keen understanding of the cloud environment, its pricing models, and the ability to monitor usage and costs continually.

The first step in cloud cost management is gaining visibility into your cloud usage and spend. This involves collecting data on all your cloud resources, understanding your spending on each, and scrutinizing any anomalies or unexpected costs (see scitechdaily dot com slash using artificial intelligence to find anomalies). This visibility is crucial for identifying inefficiencies and areas where costs can be reduced.

The second step is optimization. This involves analyzing the data collected in the first step, identifying inefficiencies, and implementing strategies to address them. Optimization might involve rightsizing (adjusting your resource use to match your actual needs), identifying and eliminating idle resources, or other techniques.

Cloud cost management is a continuous process (see spot dot io, 9 free cloud cost management tools)  that should be part of your regular operations and can result in substantial cost savings and operational efficiencies. Read on to understand the significance of cloud computing in modern businesses and get five tips that can help you improve cost management in a cloud environment.

The Growing Importance of Cloud Computing in Modern Businesses

Cloud computing has become ubiquitous in modern businesses, revolutionizing how we store, process, and share data. The benefits are numerous: scalability, flexibility, and the ability to access resources from anywhere, just to name a few.

Several factors have driven the adoption of cloud computing in businesses. First, the flexibility and scalability offered by the cloud allow businesses to scale their IT resources up or down as needed, making it an ideal solution for businesses with fluctuating demand.

Secondly, the cloud has opened up new possibilities for remote work. With cloud-based applications and data storage, employees can access the resources they need from anywhere, enabling businesses to tap into a global talent pool and allowing employees to work from wherever suits them best.

However, alongside these benefits, the rise of cloud computing has brought new challenges. One of the most significant is managing the costs associated with cloud computing. This is where effective cloud cost management comes in.

The Importance of Cloud Cost Management

Financial Implications

cloud cost management has significant financial implications for businesses. Without effective management, cloud costs can quickly spiral out of control. This is particularly true in a pay-as-you-go model, where costs are based on usage. Without careful oversight, businesses can find themselves paying for resources they don’t need or aren’t using.

Furthermore, cloud cost management can lead to significant savings. By identifying inefficiencies and reducing unnecessary expenditure, businesses can significantly reduce their cloud spend. These savings can then be reinvested in other business areas, driving further growth and innovation.

Business Agility

Effective cloud cost management also contributes to business agility. By understanding your cloud spend and having a strategy in place to control and optimize it, you can respond more quickly to changes in business demand.

For example, if your business experiences a sudden increase in demand, you need to be able to scale up your cloud resources quickly. But if your cloud costs are already high, this could be a financial strain. Effective cloud cost management helps ensure you have the financial flexibility to respond to these changes quickly.

Avoiding Wastage

Cloud cost management is also crucial for avoiding wastage. In a cloud environment, it’s easy for resources to be left idle or underused, leading to unnecessary expenditure.

For instance, you might be paying for storage space that you’re not using or for computing power that’s far beyond your actual needs. With effective cloud cost management, you can identify these areas of wastage and reduce or eliminate them.

Governance and Compliance

Finally, cloud cost management plays a vital role in governance and compliance. By monitoring your cloud usage and spend, you can ensure you’re complying with any relevant regulations and policies.

For instance, you might need to demonstrate that you’re using your resources efficiently or that you’re not overspending on IT. Cloud cost management gives you the data you need to demonstrate this compliance.

5 Tips for Successful Cloud Cost Management

Here are a few ways your business can manage cloud costs more effectively.

1. Regular Monitoring and Analysis

The first tip for successful cloud cost management is regular monitoring and analysis. This process ensures you have a real-time understanding of your cloud usage and costs, enabling you to make data-driven decisions.

Monitoring and analysis should be an ongoing activity, not something you do only at the end of the billing cycle. Regular monitoring allows you to spot trends, identify issues, and take remedial actions before costs spiral out of control. You can use cloud-native tools like Amazon CloudWatch or third-party tools such as for this purpose.

Additionally, analyzing your cloud usage data can provide invaluable insights. For instance, you can identify underutilized resources, detect anomalies that indicate potential security threats, and better understand how your cloud costs are distributed across different services and regions. By making data-driven decisions, you can optimize your cloud spending effectively.

2. Rightsize Cloud Resources

The second tip for successful cloud cost management is to rightsize your cloud resources. Rightsizing involves adjusting your cloud resources to match the demand, ensuring you are not overprovisioning or underprovisioning.

Overprovisioning leads to wasted resources and inflated costs, while underprovisioning can result in poor performance and customer dissatisfaction. Therefore, it’s crucial to strike the right balance. You need to continuously monitor your resource utilization and adjust your resource allocation based on your business needs.

Rightsizing is not a one-time activity. As your business evolves, so do your cloud needs. Therefore, you must periodically review your resource allocation to ensure it aligns with your current requirements. Automation can be a great ally in this task, with tools like AWS Auto Scaling enabling you to adjust your resource allocation dynamically based on real-time demand.

3. Implement Budgets and Spending Alerts

Implementing budgets and spending alerts is the third tip for successful cloud cost management. A budget gives you a clear picture of how much you intend to spend on cloud services while spending alerts notify you when your spending exceeds a predefined threshold.

By implementing budgets, you can control your cloud costs proactively rather than reacting to cost overruns after they occur. It’s also a good practice to allocate budgets for different departments or projects so you can track and control costs at a granular level.

Spending alerts, on the other hand, provide a safety net. They alert you in real-time when your spending exceeds a certain limit, allowing you to take immediate action. You can configure spending alerts for different services, regions, or tags, providing you with detailed visibility into your cloud spending.

4. Optimize Storage and Data Transfer Costs

Optimizing your storage and data transfer costs is the fourth tip for successful cloud cost management. These costs can significantly add up if not managed properly, especially as your cloud usage grows.

You need to choose the right storage class for your data. For instance, if you have infrequently accessed data, you can use a lower-cost storage class like Amazon S3 Glacier. Additionally, you should delete unused or outdated data to free up storage space.

For data transfer, you need to be mindful of the costs associated with transferring data in and out of the cloud. For instance, you can reduce data transfer costs by minimizing the amount of data transferred across regions or out of the cloud. You can also leverage content delivery networks (CDNs) to cache data closer to your users, reducing data transfer costs and improving user experience.

5. Providing Training on Cost-Saving Practices and Tools

The fifth and final tip for successful cloud cost management is to provide training on cost-saving practices and tools. While the previous tips focus on what you as an organization can do, this tip emphasizes the importance of individual actions.

Everyone in your organization who uses the cloud should be aware of the cost implications of their actions. They need to understand how their usage affects the overall cloud costs and what they can do to minimize these costs. This can be achieved through regular training and awareness sessions.

Additionally, they should be familiar with the tools available for cloud cost management. This includes cloud-native and third-party tools that can help them monitor, analyze, control, and optimize cloud costs. By equipping your team with the right knowledge and tools, you can foster a cost-conscious culture in your organization.

Cloud cost management can be complex, but it can be done effectively with the right approach and tools. By regularly monitoring and analyzing your cloud usage, rightsizing your resources, implementing budgets and spending alerts, optimizing storage and data transfer costs, and providing training on cost-saving practices and tools, you can gain control over your cloud costs and maximize the value of your cloud investments.

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Lateral Movement: What Every Business Should Know Wed, 27 Sep 2023 12:00:22 +0000 overcoming security concern with ai

Lateral movement is a term that has become increasingly prominent within cybersecurity circles, but is largely unknown to a general […]

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overcoming security concern with ai

Lateral movement is a term that has become increasingly prominent within cybersecurity circles, but is largely unknown to a general business audience. However, as we’ll show in this article, business leaders and IT professionals must understand this term and its implications for their organization.

What exactly is lateral movement? Simply put, lateral movement refers to the methods cybercriminals use to navigate through a network, moving from one system to another in search of valuable data or assets. They do this after gaining initial access, often through phishing or other deception-based tactics, with the ultimate goal of escalating their privileges and maintaining a persistent presence within the compromised environment.

The danger of lateral movement lies in its stealthy nature. Cybercriminals can silently infiltrate a network, moving laterally undetected, and gradually gain more influence and control. They can then exploit their newfound control to cause extensive damage, whether it be stealing sensitive information, disrupting business operations, or deploying ransomware.

The most significant aspect of lateral movement is that it exposes the weakest link in your security chain. For example, if even one employee workstation has a weak password, and an attacker manages to compromise it, they can use lateral movement to reach your CRM or ERP system and compromise that as well. So a small, seemingly inconsequential attack can turn into a catastrophe.

Lateral movement is a key component in advanced persistent threats (APTs) and is often used in large-scale data breaches. This is why understanding lateral movement is crucial for businesses looking to protect their digital assets and maintain their reputations in an increasingly cyber-aware world.

Why Are Businesses Vulnerable to Lateral Movement?

Increasingly Complex and Interconnected IT Environment

We are living in an era of digital transformation. Businesses across all sectors are increasingly relying on complex and interconnected IT infrastructures to support their operations and drive growth. This interconnectivity, while beneficial for collaboration and efficiency, also presents an expanded surface area for potential cyber-attacks.

The complexity of these networks can make it challenging to monitor and manage security effectively. In many cases, once an attacker gains access to one component of the network, they can easily traverse through the interconnected systems undetected. This is the essence of lateral movement, making it a significant threat to modern businesses.

The Challenge of Internal Network Monitoring

Monitoring internal network activity is a daunting task for many businesses. The sheer volume of data generated within a typical corporate network can be overwhelming, making it difficult to identify potentially malicious activity amidst the noise of legitimate traffic.

Moreover, many traditional security solutions are focused on preventing external threats and may overlook suspicious activity occurring within the network. This lack of internal visibility can allow cybercriminals to move laterally without detection, escalating their privileges and compromising critical systems.

Insufficient Segmentation and Access Controls

Segmentation means dividing a network into separate, isolated sub-networks. In an ideally segmented network, systems and resources are separated into distinct zones, with strict access controls regulating traffic between these zones.

However, in many businesses, internal segmentation is often overlooked or poorly implemented. This can allow an attacker who has infiltrated one area of the network to easily move to others. Furthermore, inadequate access controls can enable cybercriminals to escalate their privileges and access sensitive resources, exacerbating the potential damage caused by a breach.

How Lateral Movement Works: Common Threat Vectors

Credential Theft

The first threat vector we’ll examine is credential theft. Credential theft is a dangerous and popular method used to facilitate lateral movement within a network. Once inside, attackers may target administrative accounts or users with elevated privileges to gain access to sensitive information and control over critical systems.

The process often begins with a successful phishing attack, where an unsuspecting user is tricked into revealing their login details. Once the attacker has these credentials, they can authenticate themselves within the network and begin to move laterally. They may also seek to escalate their privileges, often by exploiting system vulnerabilities, to access even more sensitive information.

Credential theft isn’t just limited to passwords. Attackers may also steal digital certificates, SSH keys, and other forms of authentication tokens. These can then be used to impersonate legitimate users or services within the network, further facilitating lateral movement. Because these attacks often mimic legitimate user behavior, they can be difficult to detect without the right monitoring and security tools in place.

Remote Execution Tools

Another common means of facilitating lateral movement is through the use of remote execution tools. These tools allow attackers to execute commands or deploy malware on remote systems within the network.

One popular method is through the use of PowerShell, a powerful scripting language and shell framework used by Windows administrators for task automation and configuration management. PowerShell scripts can be used to execute commands on remote systems, gather information, and even deploy malware. Because PowerShell is a legitimate tool used by administrators, its use by attackers can often go unnoticed.

The danger with remote execution tools is that they allow attackers to reach systems that would otherwise be inaccessible. They can also be used to automate the lateral movement process, allowing attackers to quickly and efficiently move through a network.

Application and Service Exploitation

The third threat vector we’ll look at is application and service exploitation. This involves the abuse of legitimate applications and services to facilitate lateral movement.

For instance, an attacker might exploit a vulnerability in a web application to gain initial access to a network. From there, they might seek out other vulnerable applications or services to exploit, allowing them to move laterally within the network.

This type of attack is particularly dangerous because it can often bypass traditional security measures. Firewalls and intrusion detection systems may not pick up on this type of activity because it appears to be legitimate traffic.

In addition to exploiting vulnerabilities, attackers may also abuse legitimate features of applications and services to facilitate lateral movement. For example, they might use the remote desktop protocol (RDP) to move from one system to another, or they might use the file transfer capabilities of an FTP server to move malware or stolen data within the network.

Session Hijacking

Session hijacking is another common method used to facilitate lateral movement. This involves the interception and abuse of network sessions to gain unauthorized access to systems and data.

A typical scenario might involve an attacker who has gained access to a network sniffing the network traffic to identify active sessions. Once they’ve identified a session, they can then attempt to hijack it, either by injecting malicious data into the session or by taking over the session entirely.

Session hijacking can be particularly difficult to detect because it often involves the abuse of legitimate sessions. Unless the hijacked session exhibits unusual behavior, it may go unnoticed by network security tools.

Insider Threats

The final threat vector we’ll discuss is insider threats. This involves the abuse of authorized access by someone within the organization to facilitate lateral movement.

Insider threats can take many forms. It might involve a disgruntled employee seeking to cause harm, or it might involve an employee who has been tricked or coerced into aiding an attacker.

One of the reasons insider threats are so dangerous is because they often involve users with legitimate access to systems and data. This can make it more difficult to detect and prevent insider threats, especially if the user is careful to avoid raising any red flags.

Lateral Movement: Prevention and Mitigation Strategies

Here are a few steps businesses can take to prevent the threat of lateral movement, and avoid minor attacks from escalating into major breaches.

1. Implementing Strong Access Controls and User Privileges

One of the most effective ways to prevent lateral movement is by implementing strong access controls and user privileges. This involves carefully managing who has access to what information and systems within your network, as well as what they are allowed to do with that access. This not only reduces the likelihood of an attacker gaining access in the first place, but also limits the damage they can do if they do manage to breach your defenses.

This strategy requires you to have a good understanding of your network and the roles of the people who use it. You should know who needs access to what, and why. With this information, you can then set up controls that give each user the access they need to do their job, and nothing more. This principle is known as ‘least privilege,’ and it’s a fundamental part of good cybersecurity.

2. Implementing Network Segmentation

Another effective strategy for preventing lateral movement is internal network segmentation. This involves dividing your network into separate segments, each of which is strongly isolated from the others. This means that even if a hacker manages to infiltrate one segment of your network, they won’t automatically have access to the others.

Network segmentation can be achieved in various ways, such as through the use of firewalls, Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs), or other network devices. The key is to ensure that each segment is effectively isolated from the others, preventing any unauthorized movement between them.

3. Regular Patching and Updates

Keeping your systems and software up to date is another crucial strategy for preventing lateral movement. This is because many cyberattacks exploit known vulnerabilities in outdated software. By regularly patching and updating your systems, you can ensure that these vulnerabilities are fixed, making it much harder for an attacker to gain access.

This strategy requires a proactive approach to system maintenance. You need to stay informed about any new patches or updates that are released for your software and implement them as soon as possible. This can be a time-consuming task, but it’s well worth the effort when you consider the potential cost of a successful cyberattack.

4. Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is another effective tool in the fight against lateral movement. MFA requires users to provide two or more pieces of evidence to confirm their identity before they can access a system. This could be something they know (like a password), something they have (like a physical token), or something they are (like a fingerprint).

By requiring multiple pieces of evidence, MFA makes it much harder for a hacker to gain access to your systems. Even if they manage to steal or guess one piece of evidence (like a password), they will still be unable to gain access without the others. This significantly reduces the risk of lateral movement within your network.

5. Behavioral Analytics and Anomaly Detection

Finally, behavioral analytics and anomaly detection can also play a key role in preventing lateral movement. These techniques involve monitoring the activity on your network and looking for anything unusual. This could be anything from an unexpected login attempt to a sudden spike in network traffic.

By detecting these anomalies, you can potentially spot a cyberattack in its early stages, before any significant damage has been done. This gives you the chance to respond quickly and effectively, minimizing the impact of the attack and preventing further lateral movement within your network.


In conclusion, while lateral movement is a significant threat to cybersecurity, there are many strategies that can be used to prevent and mitigate it. By implementing strong access controls, segmenting your network, keeping your systems updated, using multi-factor authentication, and monitoring for anomalies, you can significantly reduce the risk of lateral movement within your network. However, it’s important to remember that no single strategy is foolproof. The most effective approach is to use a combination of strategies, creating a robust, multi-layered defense against cyber threats.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Thank you!

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Continuous Delivery in 2024: 7 Trends to Watch Mon, 25 Sep 2023 14:00:10 +0000 Continuous Delivery

Continuous delivery (CD) is an essential software development practice involving frequent, automated deployment of software changes to production environments. It […]

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Continuous Delivery

Continuous delivery (CD) is an essential software development practice involving frequent, automated deployment of software changes to production environments. It is a methodology that extensively uses test automation, seeking to make the release of new features and bug fixes a routine activity and reducing the risk and time involved in software delivery. The goal of CD is to enable a constant flow of changes into production via an automated software production line.

Essentially, the CD is about automation and monitoring. It’s about removing manual bottlenecks in the software delivery process and making sure that if something goes wrong, the team knows about it immediately. The aim is to make software releases boring and non-eventful, allowing software teams to focus on what really matters: delivering value to the customer.

Why Is It Important to Stay Updated With CD Trends?

In the rapidly changing world of software development, staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in Continuous Delivery is critical. Here are a few reasons why you should learn about and adopt the latest Continuous Delivery technology and practices.

Make Software Release Cycles Even Faster

The core purpose of Continuous Delivery is to speed up software release cycles, making them more efficient and reliable. As new tools and practices emerge, these cycles can be completed even quicker, delivering features and bug fixes to customers more rapidly. Staying updated with the latest trends ensures your organization can leverage new techniques and technologies to keep this cycle as streamlined as possible.

Achieve Competitive Advantage

A slow release cycle can be a critical disadvantage in today’s fast-paced software development environment. Companies that are agile and can quickly respond to customer needs are often the ones that succeed. Adopting the latest Continuous Delivery practices and technologies can give you a substantial edge over competitors who are slower to adapt.

Adapt to Technological Shifts

Technological advancements can introduce both new opportunities and challenges. Being informed about trends in Continuous Delivery can prepare you for changes in associated technologies, such as containerization, serverless computing, or advancements in AI and machine learning. This helps your organization adapt more smoothly to the changing technological landscape, mitigating risks and leveraging new opportunities.

Continuous Delivery Trends to Watch For in 2024

The world of software development is perpetually evolving, and Continuous Delivery is no exception. In the next few years, we’re likely to see several significant trends emerge that will reshape the landscape of Continuous Delivery. Let’s delve into these trends.

1. AI-Driven CD Pipelines

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to permeate various sectors, it is also set to overhaul the CD pipeline. AI-driven CD pipelines can predict potential issues, identify bottlenecks, and suggest solutions even before developers become aware of them. This proactivity will drastically reduce the time spent on troubleshooting and debugging, accelerating the deployment process.

Furthermore, AI can automate many routine tasks in the CD pipeline, such as code reviews, testing, and environment setup. This will free developers to focus on more complex tasks, fostering innovation and efficiency. AI is poised to play a pivotal role in the evolution of Continuous Delivery in 2024.

2. Shift to “Everything as Code”

Another key trend to observe is the shift towards “Everything as Code.” This concept pertains to managing all aspects of the software delivery process, including infrastructure, configuration, security, and even data, in a codified manner. This transition is expected to streamline the software development process and foster better collaboration among development, operations, and security teams.

By treating everything as code, teams can leverage version control systems to manage changes, audit trails, and rollback capabilities. This approach will also facilitate automation and ensure consistency across different environments.

3. Comprehensive Security Integration

Security can no longer be an afterthought in the software delivery process. With the increasing prevalence of cyber threats, there is a growing emphasis on integrating security measures within the CD pipeline. This practice, often called DevSecOps, ensures that security is considered at every software development and deployment stage.

In the coming years, we can expect to see more sophisticated and comprehensive security integration in CD pipelines. This will entail automated security checks, vulnerability scanning, and threat modeling as part of the deployment process. Such measures will bolster applications’ security and foster a culture of security within development teams.

4. Enhanced Monitoring and Observability

Monitoring and observability are essential facets of Continuous Delivery. They provide insights into the performance of applications and the health of the CD pipeline. As we move towards 2024, we can anticipate significant enhancements in this area.

Advanced monitoring tools will offer real-time visibility into the CD pipeline, enabling teams to identify and rectify issues promptly. Moreover, these tools will provide granular insights into application performance, user behavior, and system health. On the other hand, improved observability will facilitate a better understanding of the system’s internal state based on its external outputs.

5. Sustainability and Green CI/CD Practices

Growing environmental concerns have led to a shift towards sustainability in various sectors and software development is no exception. Green CI/CD practices, which aim to reduce the environmental impact of software delivery processes, are likely to gain traction in the coming years.

These practices may include energy-efficient coding, carbon-neutral hosting, and using renewable energy in data centers. By adopting such practices, organizations can reduce their carbon footprint and enhance their reputation as responsible corporate citizens.

6. Seamless Multi-Cloud Deployment

In 2024, we can expect to see more robust and versatile CD tools that facilitate seamless deployment across various cloud providers. These tools will offer features such as multi-cloud compatibility, automated environment provisioning, and configuration management. This will enable organizations to leverage the best features of different cloud providers and ensure optimal performance of their applications.

7. CD in Edge Computing

Edge computing, which entails processing data near its source, is another area where we can anticipate significant advancements in Continuous Delivery. As more devices connect to the internet, the need for rapid, localized data processing and analysis is becoming more important.

CD in edge computing will involve deploying updates and new features to edge devices swiftly and efficiently. This will entail unique challenges such as managing many devices, ensuring security, and handling intermittent connectivity. However, with the advent of sophisticated CD tools and practices, we will likely see effective solutions to these challenges in 2024.


In conclusion, the landscape of Continuous Delivery in 2024 will be markedly different from what it is today. With advancements in AI, the shift to “Everything as Code,” comprehensive security integration, enhanced monitoring and observability, green CI/CD practices, multi-cloud deployment, and CD in edge computing, the future of CD promises to be exciting and transformative. As we navigate these changes, it’s imperative to stay abreast of the latest trends and continually adapt our practices to stay ahead of the curve.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; freepik; Thank you!

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5 Ways to Reduce Customer Churn Fri, 22 Sep 2023 14:00:40 +0000 Reduce Customer Churn

What Is Customer Churn? Customer churn, often referred to as customer attrition, is a business term that describes the process […]

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Reduce Customer Churn

What Is Customer Churn?

Customer churn, often referred to as customer attrition, is a business term that describes the process when customers stop doing business with a company. It’s a critical metric because it’s often less expensive to retain existing customers than it is to acquire new ones. Churn can occur for a variety of reasons: customers may be dissatisfied with a product or service, they may find a better or cheaper alternative, or they might simply no longer need the product or service. In other cases, churn is a sign of a deeper issue with customer loyalty.

Understanding customer churn is not just about identifying the rate at which customers leave, or predicting customer churn in advance, but also recognizing why they leave. This knowledge can provide valuable insights into the areas of your business that may require improvement. Identifying and addressing these issues can reduce customer churn, enhance customer loyalty, and ultimately increase profitability.

The Importance of Reducing Customer Churn

Reducing customer churn is vital for every business. It’s not just about maintaining a healthy customer base; it’s also about ensuring the financial health and profitability of the business.

Financial Health and Profitability

Acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing one. Moreover, existing customers are likelier to try new products and spend more than new customers. Therefore, a high churn rate can significantly impact a company’s bottom line.

The impact of customer churn on revenue is not just immediate; it also has a long-term effect. When a customer leaves, not only does the company lose that customer’s current revenue, but it also loses all its potential future revenues. Furthermore, the company may have to spend more on marketing and sales efforts to replace the lost customers, further eroding profits.

Predictable Business Growth

Reducing customer churn is also crucial for predictable business growth. A business with a high churn rate is like a leaky bucket; if water keeps leaking out, you’ll never fill the bucket. On the other hand, a business with a low churn rate is like a sturdy container; the more customers you add, the fuller it gets.

A low churn rate allows for more predictable revenue, enabling better planning and forecasting. It provides stability and allows the business to focus on growth strategies rather than constantly trying to plug leaks.

Customer Loyalty and Advocacy

Customer churn is not just about lost sales; it’s also about failed and lost relationships. When customers leave, they take their loyalty and advocacy, which can be far more valuable than their immediate financial contribution. Loyal customers are more likely to refer others to your business, and word-of-mouth referrals are often the most effective form of marketing.

A high churn rate can also harm a company’s reputation. Customers who leave due to dissatisfaction may share their negative experiences with others, deterring potential customers. On the other hand, reducing customer churn helps build a loyal customer base that can act as brand ambassadors, promoting the company’s products or services to its network.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Finally, reducing customer churn is crucial for enhancing the customer experience. When customers churn, it’s often a signal that something is wrong with the customer experience. It might be poor customer service, a lack of perceived value, or a product that doesn’t meet the customer’s needs.

By focusing on reducing churn, businesses can improve the customer experience. They can identify the pain points that drive customers away and find ways to address them. This helps retain existing customers and makes the product or service more attractive to potential customers.

5 Ways to Reduce Customer Churn

Now that we understand what customer churn is and why it’s crucial to reduce it, let’s explore five strategies to help you achieve this.

Enhance Customer Onboarding

A well-structured and efficient onboarding process is the first step towards reducing customer churn. The onboarding stage sets the tone for the entire customer relationship and can significantly impact a customer’s decision to continue using your product or service.

Ensuring customers understand how to use your product or service and quickly gain value from it is key to a successful onboarding process. This can be achieved by offering precise and detailed user guides, instructional videos, or even one-on-one training sessions.

Improve Customer Engagement and Communication

Constant and meaningful engagement with your customers is crucial for retention. Regular communication via emails, newsletters, or social media can help keep your business top of mind for your customers.

However, it’s not just about frequency but also the quality of your communication. Personalized messages, addressing your customers’ specific needs and interests, are far more effective than generic communication.

Invest in Quality Customer Support

High-quality customer support is another vital area in reducing churn. Customers should feel that their concerns and complaints are being heard and addressed promptly and efficiently.

Investing in a skilled customer support team and implementing customer-friendly policies can significantly improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, thereby reducing churn.

Regularly Update and Upgrade Product/Service Offerings

In today’s fast-paced world, businesses must continually evolve to meet their customers’ changing needs and expectations. Regularly updating and upgrading your product or service offerings can keep your customers engaged and reduce their likelihood of seeking alternatives.

This strategy reduces churn and enhances your product’s value proposition, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Implement Predictive Analytics for Early Churn Detection

Lastly, implementing predictive analytics can help detect early signs of customer churn. This involves analyzing data to identify patterns or trends that indicate a customer is at risk of churning.

By detecting these signs early, businesses can proactively address the issue and take steps to improve the customer’s experience, thereby reducing the likelihood of churn.

In conclusion, understanding and addressing customer churn is crucial for any business’s success. By implementing these strategies, businesses can significantly reduce churn, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, and ultimately boost their bottom line.

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The post 5 Ways to Reduce Customer Churn appeared first on ReadWrite.

Independent Contractors in the Modern Workforce: Past, Present and Future Mon, 18 Sep 2023 15:00:27 +0000 Independent Contractors in Modern Workforce

The seismic shift in the global workforce towards the inclusion of independent contractors has marked the dawn of a new […]

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Independent Contractors in Modern Workforce

The seismic shift in the global workforce towards the inclusion of independent contractors has marked the dawn of a new era in employment trends. The democratization of work, propelled by technological advancements, legislative changes, and evolving worker preferences, has paved the way for this paradigm shift. In the 2020s, these contractors—once seen as peripheral players—have gradually moved from the fringes to the heart of the modern workforce, embodying a transformative trend that promises to redefine the future of employment.

This article explores the journey of independent contractors, tracing their evolution from niche roles to mainstream workforce options. It analyzes how the acceleration of remote work, spurred initially by technology and later dramatically propelled by the COVID-19 pandemic, fostered an environment conducive to the growth of independent contractors. The increased reliance on the gig economy is also assessed, shedding light on its contribution to the surge of independent work.

Looking into the future, this piece explores the potential trends and challenges that independent contractors could encounter. The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation, the continued rise of the gig economy, evolving legal landscapes, and the possible impact of broader economic and societal factors are all critically examined. These elements will undoubtedly shape the future of independent contractors in the workforce.

Employment Trends in the 2020s

As we enter the third decade of the 21st century, one of the most notable shifts in the labor market has been the rise of independent contractors. This trend is not just a minor blip on the radar but a significant shift reshaping the nature of work, employment, and business operations.

Shift Toward Remote Work

The shift toward remote work has played a significant role in the rise of independent contractors. Technological advances, particularly the widespread availability of high-speed internet and the development of various digital tools and platforms have made it possible for individuals to work from anywhere in the world. This shift has increased the demand for independent contractors and created an environment where it is easier for individuals to start and operate their own businesses, often working as independent contractors themselves.

The move toward remote work started to gain momentum in the early 2000s, but it was the COVID-19 pandemic that really accelerated this trend. As businesses were forced to close their offices and shift to remote work, they had to rethink their staffing strategies. Many found that hiring independent contractors already set up to work remotely was an effective solution. This shift has not only led to a rise in independent contractors but has also opened up a whole new world of opportunities for individuals and businesses alike.

The Gig Economy

The gig economy, characterized by short-term, flexible jobs often facilitated by digital platforms, has also contributed to the rise of independent contractors. Gig workers, who are usually classified as independent contractors, offer services per job. This includes everything from ride-share drivers to freelance writers and graphic designers.

The gig economy has exploded in recent years, driven by the desire for flexibility and the ability to work independently. For businesses, the gig economy offers a flexible workforce that can be scaled up or down depending on demand without the overhead costs associated with traditional full-time employees. For workers, the gig economy allows the freedom to choose when, where, and how much they work.

Changes in Employment Legislation

Changes in employment legislation have also played a role in the rise of independent contractors. In many countries, employment laws have been updated or revised to reflect the changing nature of work. These changes often focus on providing more protections for independent contractors, recognizing their growing importance in the modern workforce.

How have Independent Contractors Changed in the Past Decade?

From Peripheral to Mainstream: The Rising Role of Independent Contractors

A decade ago, independent contractors were a peripheral part of the workforce. They were typically engaged in specialized tasks that were not within the core competency of organizations. However, over the years, they’ve moved from the fringes to the core of the workforce.

Today, independent contractors are integral to the functioning of many organizations. They bring in unique skills and flexibility that allow organizations to adapt quickly to changing business landscapes. The rise of independent contractors has been facilitated by several factors, including technological advancements and changing workers’ attitudes and preferences.

Technological Innovations Facilitating Independent Work

Technology has played a pivotal role in the rise of independent contractors. The advent of digital platforms has made it easier for organizations to connect with independent workers.

These platforms have increased the visibility of independent contractors and made it easier for them to find work. They have also simplified managing independent workers, making it more feasible for organizations to incorporate them into their workforce.

Additionally, the proliferation of remote work tools, like project management software and video conferencing, has enabled organizations to collaborate effectively with independent contractors, regardless of location.

Changes in Workers’ Attitudes and Preferences

Alongside technological advancements, there’s been a shift in workers’ attitudes and preferences. More and more workers, especially from Generation Z, are now seeking flexibility and autonomy, which independent work offers. Independent contractors have the freedom to choose their projects, set their own rates, and work at their own pace. The traditional 9-to-5 work schedule does not bind them, and have the liberty to work from anywhere. This shift in workers’ preferences has further spurred the rise of independent contractors.

Future Trends for Independent Contractors

The Continued Growth of the Gig Economy

Looking ahead, the gig economy is expected to continue its upward trajectory, propelled by its advantages to organizations and workers. For organizations, independent contractors offer a cost-effective way to access specialized skills. They also provide the flexibility to scale up or down depending on business needs. For workers, the gig economy offers the flexibility and autonomy that many seek in their work. The continued growth of the gig economy will likely further increase the prevalence of independent contractors in the workforce.

The Role of AI and Automation in Independent Work

AI and automation are set to play a significant role in the future of independent work. These technologies can automate routine tasks, allowing independent contractors to focus on more complex and value-adding tasks. They can also help match independent contractors with suitable projects, making finding work more efficient. However, they also pose a threat to jobs, especially those that involve routine and repetitive tasks. Independent contractors must continually upskill and reskill to stay relevant despite these technological advancements.

Evolving Legal Landscape for Independent Contractors

The legal landscape for independent contractors is also evolving. Governments worldwide are grappling with the challenge of protecting independent contractors’ rights while fostering the growth of the gig economy. Some countries are introducing laws to provide independent contractors with benefits typically associated with traditional employment, like paid leave and health insurance. However, these laws also risk stifling the flexibility that makes independent work attractive. Striking the right balance will be a key challenge for policymakers.

Potential Impact of Economic and Societal Factors

Economic and societal factors could also impact the future of independent contractors. Economic downturns, for instance, could lead to a surge in independent work as organizations look to cut costs. Conversely, economic booms could decrease independent work as organizations have more resources to hire full-time employees. Societal factors, like changing attitudes toward work-life balance, could also influence the prevalence of independent contractors. The demand for independent work could increase if more workers prioritize flexibility and autonomy.


In conclusion, the rise of independent contractors has been a significant shift in the modern workforce. This trend is likely to continue, driven by technological advancements, changing workers’ attitudes, and the evolving economic and legal landscape. As we navigate this new world of work, organizations, workers, and policymakers must understand and adapt to these changes. Independent contractors are here to stay, and they will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of work.

Featured Image Credit: Graphic by freepik; Thank you!

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File Systems in the Cloud: AWS EFS vs. Azure File Storage Thu, 14 Sep 2023 15:00:45 +0000 File Systems in the Cloud

The advent of cloud computing has significantly changed the landscape of how we store, manage, and interact with our data. […]

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File Systems in the Cloud

The advent of cloud computing has significantly changed the landscape of how we store, manage, and interact with our data. Introducing file systems fully hosted in the cloud has only enhanced this shift, providing a reliable and scalable way for users to manage their digital assets.

Among the options available, Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) Elastic File System (EFS) and Microsoft’s Azure File Storage have emerged as two leading services, each providing unique features tailored to different needs. This article aims to explore these two systems, giving an in-depth comparison to help you understand their characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages and ultimately assist you in deciding which service best fits your organization’s needs.

What Are File Systems in the Cloud?

File Systems in the Cloud are data management structures that allow users to store, organize, and retrieve data in a cloud-based environment. They play a crucial role in ensuring the seamless operation of cloud services, facilitating everything from data security to scalability.

These systems have become increasingly popular due to the rapid growth of cloud computing. They offer a variety of benefits including high availability, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Moreover, they allow users to access data from anywhere at any time, which is essential in today’s highly mobile and interconnected world.

5 Reasons Cloud-Based File Systems Are Critical for Modern Organizations


One of the primary benefits that cloud file systems lend to organizations is their scalability and flexibility. Traditional, on-premise file systems have a limit to their capacity. In contrast, cloud file systems can be easily scaled up or down depending on the needs of the business. This scalability is particularly beneficial for businesses that experience peaks and troughs in demand, allowing them to use resources more efficiently.

Accessibility and Collaboration

The second reason why cloud-based file systems are critical for modern organizations is their ability to facilitate accessibility and collaboration. With a cloud file system, users can access their files from anywhere, at any time, and on any device with an internet connection. This feature enhances the convenience and productivity of employees, as they can work on their tasks regardless of their physical location.

Enhanced Data Security and Compliance

Data security is a top concern for any business, and cloud file systems address this concern. Cloud providers typically have robust security measures in place, including encryption, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits. These measures ensure that the data stored in the cloud is secure from internal and external threats.

In addition to security, cloud file systems also offer enhanced compliance. Major cloud providers are compliant with various industry regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS. This compliance is particularly beneficial for businesses operating in regulated industries, as it saves them the time and effort to ensure compliance themselves.

Economic Efficiency

Traditional, on-premise file systems require a significant upfront investment in hardware and software. On the other hand, cloud databases operate on a pay-as-you-go model, where businesses only pay for the resources they use.

This pricing model reduces the upfront investment and allows businesses to predict their costs more accurately. As the usage of resources can be monitored in real-time, businesses can adjust their usage to match their budget. Furthermore, as the provider handles the maintenance and updates of the cloud database, businesses can save on the costs associated with these tasks.

Environmentally Friendly

Traditional file systems deployed on-premises require a physical location for storage, resulting in a significant carbon footprint. However, cloud file systems are virtual and therefore have a much smaller environmental impact. Cloud providers often use energy-efficient technologies in their data centers, further reducing their carbon footprint. Some providers even use renewable energy sources, making their operations even more sustainable.

Understanding AWS EFS and its Features

AWS EFS is a scalable and elastic NFS file system for Linux-based workloads. It is designed to provide massively parallel shared access to thousands of Amazon EC2 instances, enabling your applications to achieve high aggregate throughput and IOPS levels with consistent low latencies.

One of the key features of AWS EFS is its automatic scaling. This means it can instantly grow and shrink as files are added and removed, so you don’t need to provision storage in advance. Additionally, EFS is designed to be highly durable and available. It automatically replicates your files across multiple Availability Zones for superior redundancy.

On the security front, AWS EFS offers multiple layers of protection for your data, including encryption at rest and in transit, IAM roles, security groups, VPC security zones, and the AWS Key Management Service. This ensures that your data is well protected against potential threats.

Understanding Azure File Storage and its Features

On the other hand, Azure File Storage is a Microsoft cloud service that provides robust and secure file shares in the cloud. It’s designed for Windows Server use and is accessible via the industry standard Server Message Block (SMB) protocol.

One of the standout features of Azure File Storage is its seamless integration with on-premises deployments. This makes it an ideal choice for hybrid cloud environments, where you want to leverage the benefits of both local and cloud storage.

Like AWS EFS, Azure File Storage also provides strong data protection features, including rest and transit encryption, and integration with Azure role-based access control (RBAC). Additionally, it offers point-in-time restore capability, enabling you to easily recover files or entire shares to a previous state.

AWS EFS vs. Azure File Storage: Head to Head [SQ]

1. Performance

When it comes to performance, AWS EFS and Azure File Storage each present unique advantages. AWS EFS leverages the high I/O performance of SSDs, offering fast, consistent file operations. It also provides automatic bursting capabilities, which means the system can handle sudden surges in traffic without compromising performance.

On the other hand, Azure File Storage boasts a robust caching system that accelerates file access. It also offers a premium tier that utilizes SSDs for superior performance. However, unlike AWS EFS, Azure File Storage doesn’t provide automatic bursting capabilities.

2. Scalability

Scalability is another critical factor to consider when comparing AWS EFS and Azure File Storage. Here, both systems shine in their ways. AWS EFS is designed to scale automatically, adapting to growing or shrinking workloads without any intervention. This means you can easily handle large volumes of data without worrying about storage capacity.

Azure File Storage also offers excellent scalability, with the ability to scale up to 100 TB per share. However, unlike AWS EFS, it requires manual scaling, which can be a bit more complex and time-consuming.

3. Security

In terms of security, both AWS EFS and Azure File Storage offer robust security measures. AWS EFS provides automatic encryption at rest and in transit, offering layered security for your data. It also supports IAM roles and security groups, allowing for granular access control.

On the other hand, Azure File Storage also provides encryption at rest and in transit. It supports Azure Active Directory integration, enabling more refined access control. Additionally, it offers advanced threat protection, which helps identify and mitigate potential risks.

4. Pricing

Finally, let’s talk about pricing. AWS EFS charges based on the amount of data stored, with no additional data transfer or request costs. It also offers a lifecycle management feature that automatically moves infrequently accessed files to a lower-cost storage class, helping to optimize costs.

Azure File Storage, in contrast, charges based on the total amount of data stored and the number of operations performed. It also offers a cool storage tier for infrequently accessed files, which comes at a lower cost. However, data retrieval from the cool storage tier incurs additional charges.

How to Choose Between AWS EFS and Azure File Storage

Choosing between AWS EFS and Azure File Storage ultimately depends on your specific needs and environment. If you’re working with Linux-based workloads and need high levels of aggregate throughput, AWS EFS may be the better choice. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a solution that integrates seamlessly with Windows Server and on-premises deployments, Azure File Storage could be more suitable.

Moreover, it’s also important to consider factors like security requirements, scalability needs, and budget constraints. Be sure to thoroughly evaluate each service’s features and pricing to make an informed decision.

What Does the Future Hold for Cloud-Based File Systems?

As we continue to move towards a more digitized world, the demand for cloud-based file systems is expected to grow exponentially. This growth is fueled by the increasing need for reliable, scalable, and cost-effective data management solutions that can handle the massive volumes of data generated every day.

One trend to watch is the increasing integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) capabilities into cloud-based file systems. These technologies can help automate data management tasks, improve data analytics, and provide predictive insights, making it easier for organizations to extract value from their data.

Further advancements in security measures are also anticipated in response to the growing cybersecurity threats. These enhancements will likely involve more sophisticated encryption techniques and tighter access control mechanisms, providing even stronger protection for sensitive data.

Another promising development is the continued evolution of hybrid and multi-cloud strategies. As organizations look to leverage the strengths of different cloud providers, file systems that can seamlessly integrate with multiple cloud environments will become increasingly important.

Lastly, we might witness the rise of more file systems tailored for specific applications or industries. These specialized file systems could offer unique features or optimizations designed to meet the specific needs of different fields, such as healthcare, finance, or entertainment.

In conclusion, the future of cloud-based file systems appears to be full of exciting possibilities. As technology advances, AWS EFS, Azure File Storage, and other similar services are poised to offer even more powerful and flexible cloud data management solutions.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Thank you!

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What Is XDR and Why It’s Changing the Security Industry Wed, 13 Sep 2023 12:30:18 +0000 Cloud-Computing-Security

Extended Detection and Response (XDR) is an emerging cybersecurity category that is transforming how businesses protect their digital assets. It […]

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Extended Detection and Response (XDR) is an emerging cybersecurity category that is transforming how businesses protect their digital assets. It is a security strategy that integrates multiple security products into a cohesive system, which can detect, analyze, and respond to threats across an organization’s entire digital estate. Unlike traditional security measures that operate in silos, XDR provides a holistic view of the IT ecosystem, bringing together data from various sources to enhance the overall security posture.

XDR isn’t just another buzzword in the crowded cybersecurity market. It represents a meaningful shift toward a more integrated and sophisticated approach to threat detection and response. By consolidating and correlating data from various security products, XDR offers a new level of visibility into the security stack, allowing organizations to identify and respond to threats more effectively and efficiently.

XDR is more than just a technology or a product; it is a philosophy that emphasizes the importance of integration and collaboration in cybersecurity. By breaking down the silos and fostering cooperation among different security tools, XDR enables organizations to take a more proactive and comprehensive approach to defending against cyber threats.

How XDR Works 

XDR works by consolidating and correlating data from various security products, then applying advanced analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) to detect and respond to threats. The XDR platform collects data from endpoints, networks, servers, and cloud services, among other sources. It then aggregates this data and uses AI to analyze it for signs of malicious activity.

Once a potential threat is detected, XDR uses automation to respond quickly and effectively. This might involve isolating an infected endpoint, blocking a malicious IP address, or taking other actions to mitigate the threat. By automating these processes, XDR reduces the time it takes to respond to threats, thereby limiting their potential impact.

In addition, XDR provides the ability to conduct in-depth investigations into security incidents. By bringing together data from different sources, it offers a comprehensive view of the security landscape, making it easier to understand the nature and scope of a threat. This, in turn, aids in devising effective response strategies and improving the organization’s overall security posture.

5 Ways XDR is Changing the Security Industry 

1. Streamlined Security Operations

One of the most significant ways XDR is reshaping the security industry is by streamlining security operations. Traditional security measures often operate in silos, each generating its own set of alerts. This can create a deluge of information that is difficult to manage and analyze. XDR, on the other hand, consolidates these alerts into a single, manageable stream, making it easier to identify and respond to threats.

2. Enhanced Threat Detection and Response

XDR also enhances threat detection and response. By integrating multiple security products, it provides a holistic view of the security landscape, making it easier to spot patterns and anomalies that might indicate a threat. Additionally, XDR uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze data, increasing the speed and accuracy of threat detection. Once a threat is detected, XDR uses automation to respond quickly and effectively, limiting the potential damage.

3. Reduction in Alert Fatigue

Another significant benefit of XDR is the reduction in alert fatigue. With traditional security measures, security teams are often inundated with alerts, many of which turn out to be false positives. This can lead to alert fatigue, where important alerts are overlooked due to the sheer volume of notifications. XDR addresses this issue by consolidating and prioritizing alerts, reducing the volume of notifications and making it easier to identify genuine threats.

4. Improved Security Posture

By providing a comprehensive view of the security landscape and enabling quick and effective responses to threats, XDR improves an organization’s overall security posture. It helps organizations identify weaknesses in their security measures, devise effective response strategies, and take proactive steps to prevent future threats. This, in turn, increases the organization’s resilience against cyber attacks.

5. Proactive Security Measures

Finally, XDR enables organizations to take a more proactive approach to security. Instead of reacting to threats as they occur, organizations can use the insights provided by XDR to anticipate and prevent potential attacks. This shift from a reactive to a proactive security posture is a game-changer, as it allows organizations to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals.

Best Practices for Using XDR 

If your organization is considering adopting the XDR paradigm, here are some best practices that can help you use it effectively.

Implement Comprehensive Coverage

XDR works best when it can draw data from as many sources as possible. Therefore, it’s important to implement comprehensive coverage across your entire digital estate. This includes endpoints, networks, servers, and cloud services, among other things. The more data you can feed into the XDR system, the better its threat detection and response capabilities will be.

Integrate XDR with Other Security Tools

XDR is designed to work in conjunction with other security tools, not replace them. Therefore, it’s important to integrate your XDR solution with your existing security infrastructure. This will allow you to leverage the strengths of each tool, resulting in a more robust and effective security posture.

Train Your Security Team

Even the most sophisticated XDR solution is only as good as the people who use it. Therefore, it’s crucial to train your security team on how to use the XDR system effectively. This includes understanding how the system works, how to interpret its findings, and how to respond to threats. Regular training sessions can help ensure that your team is up to speed on the latest features and capabilities of your XDR solution.

Regularly Review Incident Reports

Finally, it’s important to regularly review the incident reports generated by your XDR system. These reports can provide valuable insights into the threats you’re facing, the effectiveness of your response strategies, and the areas where your security measures may be lacking. By regularly reviewing and acting on these reports, you can continuously improve your security posture and stay one step ahead of cybercriminals.


In conclusion, Extended Detection and Response (XDR) is an essential evolution in cybersecurity that transcends the traditional approach of siloed security measures. By integrating multiple security products and fostering a collaborative cybersecurity environment, it provides a holistic and comprehensive view of the security landscape. XDR is not merely a product or technology but a transformative philosophy that facilitates proactive and efficient responses to threats, thereby substantially enhancing an organization’s security posture.

XDR streamlines security operations, boosts threat detection and response, mitigates alert fatigue, improves overall security posture, and paves the way for proactive security measures. However, leveraging XDR’s full potential requires implementing comprehensive coverage, integrating XDR with existing security tools, training the security team in its effective usage, and regularly reviewing incident reports.

The adoption and efficient implementation of XDR could mark a significant step forward in the cybersecurity industry. With continuous advancements in the field, businesses must be open to embracing such innovative strategies to protect their digital assets and stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.

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5 Cloud Cost Optimization Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Mon, 11 Sep 2023 19:00:39 +0000 Cloud Cost Optimization

Cloud cost optimization refers to the process of minimizing an organization’s overall cloud spend by identifying mismanaged resources, eliminating waste, […]

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Cloud Cost Optimization

Cloud cost optimization refers to the process of minimizing an organization’s overall cloud spend by identifying mismanaged resources, eliminating waste, reserving capacity for higher discounts, and maximizing the efficiency of cloud usage. It’s not just about cutting costs; it’s about spending smarter and deriving maximum value from your cloud investments.

The process involves a thorough understanding of where your spending is going, analyzing your usage patterns, and making informed decisions about what changes need to be made. This could be anything from shutting down unused instances, right-sizing instances to match the workload, or identifying cheaper regions or instances to use. It’s a continuous process, requiring regular reviews and adjustments as your business needs and the cloud environment evolve.

Cloud cost optimization is a key component of effective cloud management. Because it’s so crucial — mistakes made when estimating or managing cloud costs can be catastrophic for a business. In this article, we’ll explain the importance of cloud cost optimization and review five errors that can cause problems and how to avoid them.

Importance of Cloud Cost Optimization

Financial Efficiency and Cost Savings

The most obvious benefit of cloud cost optimization is cost savings. By identifying and eliminating waste, businesses can reduce their cloud spend considerably. However, the benefits go beyond just reducing costs. The aim is to achieve financial efficiency, where every dollar spent on the cloud is driving as much value as possible for the business.

Financial efficiency also involves understanding the cost implications of different cloud deployments and making informed decisions that balance cost and performance. This can lead to significant savings in the long run, as well as better resource allocation and improved business performance.

Enhanced Business Agility

Cloud cost optimization also enhances business agility. By understanding your cloud usage and costs, you can make quicker, more informed decisions about your cloud strategy. This agility allows you to respond more effectively to changes in the business environment and make the most of new opportunities.

Furthermore, with the cost savings achieved through optimization, businesses can reinvest in areas that drive growth and innovation. This could be anything from launching new products, entering new markets, or investing in research and development. This enhanced agility is a significant competitive advantage in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Improved Resource Utilization

Another key benefit of cloud cost optimization is improved resource utilization. By identifying underused resources, you can ensure that you’re getting the most out of your cloud investments.

Improved resource utilization can lead to better performance, as resources are not wasted on underused or unnecessary instances. It also helps in capacity planning, as you better understand your usage patterns and can make more accurate forecasts and allocations.

Governance and Compliance

Lastly, cloud cost optimization plays a crucial role in governance and compliance. With cloud services, it’s easy for costs to spiral out of control if not properly managed. This can lead to issues with budget compliance and even financial reporting.

By implementing effective cloud cost optimization strategies, businesses can ensure that they stay within budget and comply with financial regulations. This reduces the risk of financial penalties and improves the organization’s transparency and accountability.

5 Cloud Cost Optimization Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Here are a few mistakes that can have disastrous consequences for businesses that invest significant resources in the cloud and what you can do to avoid them.

Not Monitoring and Analyzing Cloud Spending

One of the biggest mistakes in cloud cost optimization is the lack of consistent monitoring and analysis of cloud spending. Without a clear understanding of where your money is going, making informed decisions about optimizing costs is impossible.

To avoid this mistake, create a comprehensive inventory of all your cloud resources. This should include details such as instance types, storage volumes, data transfer costs, and any other services you use. Next, implement a system for tracking these costs over time. Many cloud providers offer built-in tools for this, but third-party solutions are also available.

Remember, the goal of monitoring and analyzing your cloud spending isn’t just to get a snapshot of your current costs. It’s about identifying trends, understanding the factors driving your expenses, and making proactive decisions to optimize your spending.

Overprovisioning Resources

In an on-premises environment, providing resources based on peak demand is common to avoid performance issues. However, in the cloud, this approach can lead to significant waste.

The beauty of cloud computing is its elasticity – you can scale resources up and down as needed. To take advantage of this, you need to understand your workloads and their requirements well. This involves monitoring usage patterns and adjusting your provisioned resources accordingly.

Again, many cloud providers offer tools to help with this. For example, AWS’s Trusted Advisor recommends optimizing resources based on your usage patterns. By following these recommendations, you can avoid overprovisioning and save significantly on your cloud costs.

Neglecting Unused or Orphaned Resources

Just like a physical workspace can accumulate clutter over time, so can your cloud environment. Unused or orphaned resources, such as unattached storage volumes or idle virtual machines, can add up to substantial costs over time.

The solution to this is regular housekeeping. Make it a habit to review your cloud environment regularly and clean up any resources that are no longer needed. This not only reduces costs but also helps to keep your environment organized and efficient.

Keep in mind that this isn’t just about deleting resources. In some cases, resources may be underutilized rather than completely unused. In such cases, downsizing or consolidating these resources can lead to cost savings.

Ignoring Reserved Instances or Savings Plans

One of the most effective ways to optimize cloud costs is to take advantage of reserved instances or savings plans. These are offerings from cloud providers that allow you to commit to a certain level of usage in exchange for discounted rates.

Yet, many businesses shy away from these offerings due to a lack of understanding or fear of being locked into a long-term commitment. While it’s true that these commitments require careful planning, the cost savings can be substantial.

To make the most of reserved instances or savings plans, start by identifying steady-state workloads that are likely to run continuously for a long period. Then, compare the costs of running these workloads on demand versus under a reserved instance or savings plan. In most cases, you’ll find that the latter option offers significant savings.

Ignoring Regional Pricing Differences

The last mistake we’ll highlight is the lack of awareness of regional pricing differences. Cloud providers often have different pricing for their services in other regions. By strategically choosing where to deploy your resources, you can take advantage of these price differences and achieve significant savings.

While this may sound daunting, it’s easier than you might think. Many cloud providers offer pricing calculators that can help you compare costs across regions. By using these tools and taking the time to understand the pricing structure, you can make informed decisions that optimize your cloud costs.


Cloud cost optimization isn’t just about cutting costs. It’s about maximizing your cloud investment and unlocking its full potential. By avoiding the common mistakes outlined above, you can ensure your cloud journey is cost-effective, strategic, and value-driven.

Remember, cloud cost optimization is a continuous process. It requires regular monitoring, analysis, and adjustment. But the effort is well worth it. With careful planning and proactive management, you can transform cloud cost optimization from a challenge into an opportunity for growth and innovation.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author;; Thank you!

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Email Security: Top 5 Threats and How to Protect Your Business Mon, 21 Aug 2023 17:17:28 +0000 Data Security and Privacy

With the explosion of digital communication, businesses must prioritize email security. There are numerous threats to email accounts and email-based […]

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Data Security and Privacy

With the explosion of digital communication, businesses must prioritize email security. There are numerous threats to email accounts and email-based communications. Thus, understanding the complexities of email security is crucial for modern businesses.

What Is Email Security?

Email security is a multi-faceted concept that encompasses various measures used to secure access to an email account and content. It’s about protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access, loss, or compromise. With the increasing amount of sensitive data being transmitted via email, businesses need robust email security measures.

The importance of email security encompasses the protection of sensitive data and enhancing overall internet security. Email is one of the primary modes of communication, making it a popular target for cybercriminals. Securing email communications is a vital step in protecting your business online.

Email security comprises three fundamental components: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Confidentiality ensures that only the intended recipient can access the email content. Integrity ensures that the content remains unaltered during transmission. Availability ensures that the email system is always up and running, ready for use.

Consequences of Email Security Breaches

Financial Loss

An email security breach can lead to significant financial losses. Cybercriminals can exploit compromised email accounts to launch sophisticated phishing attacks, tricking victims into revealing sensitive financial information. Unauthorized access to business emails can also expose confidential company data, leading to substantial business disruption and financial loss.

The cost of responding to an email security breach can also be substantial. This includes the expenses associated with identifying and fixing the vulnerability, recovering lost data, and implementing new security measures. In serious cases, companies might need to hire cybersecurity experts and legal counsel.

Data Loss and Theft

Data loss and theft are among the most severe consequences of an email security breach. Sensitive personal or business information can be stolen and used for illegal activities. Personal data can be used for identity theft, while business data can be exploited for competitive advantage.

Data loss can also occur if cybercriminals gain access to an email account and delete important emails or attachments. This could disrupt business operations, mainly if the lost data includes critical business information or customer records.

Reputational Damage

If customers or clients learn that their personal information is compromised due to inadequate email security, they might lose trust in the company. This could lead to a decline in customer loyalty and a decrease in business.

The news of an email security breach can negatively impact a company’s public image. It might make potential customers or partners think twice before doing business with the company—your online reputation matters so a breach could have long-lasting consequences.

Legal and Regulatory Consequences

Companies also face potential legal and regulatory consequences following an email security breach. Laws and regulations around data privacy and protection require companies to protect personal information. If a breach occurs, companies may face legal actions from affected individuals or regulatory penalties from government bodies.

For example, under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), companies can be fined up to 4% of their annual global turnover for serious data breaches. Other regulations, like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), also have hefty penalties for non-compliance.

Top 5 Email Security Threats [SQ]

Phishing Attacks

In a phishing attack, cybercriminals impersonate a legitimate entity to trick victims into revealing confidential information. The information obtained can be used for various malicious purposes, including identity theft and financial fraud.

Phishing emails often look convincing, with professional-looking logos and language that mimics the style of the entity being impersonated. However, they usually contain subtle clues that can help discerning users identify them as fraudulent.

Malware and Ransomware Distribution

Email is a popular distribution channel for malware and ransomware. Malware is malicious software that can disrupt computer operations, gather sensitive information, or gain unauthorized access to computer systems. Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a victim’s files and demands a ransom payment to restore access.

Cybercriminals often use email attachments or links to spread malware or ransomware. Once the recipient opens the attachment or clicks on the link, the malicious software is downloaded and installed on their device.

Business Email Compromise (BEC)

Business Email Compromise (BEC) is a sophisticated scam targeting businesses that conduct wire transfers. In a BEC attack, cybercriminals impersonate a high-ranking executive or business partner to trick employees into transferring funds to a fraudulent account.

BEC attacks are typically well-researched and highly targeted. They often involve significant amounts of money, making them one of the most financially damaging email security threats.

Spam and Unwanted Content

Spam emails and unwanted content are nuisance threats that can clog up email inboxes and waste users’ time. While not as damaging as other threats, they can still pose security risks. For example, spam emails can contain malicious links or attachments or be used for phishing.

Dealing with spam and unwanted content can divert resources from more critical tasks. It can also lead to legitimate emails being overlooked or deleted accidentally.

Email Spoofing and Identity Theft

Email spoofing involves the forgery of an email header to make it appear as if the email came from someone other than the actual source. Cybercriminals use this technique to trick recipients into thinking the email is from a trusted source, making them more likely to open it and follow any instructions it contains.

Email spoofing is often used in phishing attacks and BEC scams. It’s also a standard method for spreading malware. It can lead to identity theft if personal information is revealed in response to a spoofed email.

How to Protect Your Business from Email Attacks

Email Encryption and Secure Communication

Encryption can help protect sensitive information in transit. It ensures that even if an email is intercepted, the content remains unreadable to anyone without the decryption key. Secure communication protocols like Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) can also provide an additional layer of security.

Secure email gateways can provide comprehensive email protection. They can scan all incoming and outgoing emails for threats, enforce data loss prevention policies, and provide encryption and secure delivery options.

Regular Monitoring and Incident Response

Regular monitoring can help detect any unusual activity indicating an email security breach. For instance, sudden spikes in email traffic or an increase in bounced emails could signal a compromised email account.

An incident response plan can ensure a swift and effective response to security incidents. It should outline the steps to take in the event of a breach, including isolating affected systems, identifying and mitigating the vulnerability, and notifying relevant parties.

User Training and Awareness

Even the best security solutions can be bypassed if users are unaware of the risks and how to avoid them. Regular training sessions can help users understand the latest threats and how to identify and report suspicious emails.

Users should be encouraged to adopt safe email practices. This includes refraining from opening unexpected attachments, clicking on links in suspicious emails, or sharing sensitive information via email.

Implement Robust Email Security Solutions

Implementing robust email security solutions is the first line of defense against email attacks. This can include spam filters, anti-malware software, and phishing detection tools. These solutions can help identify and block malicious emails before they reach the user’s inbox.

Advanced email security solutions can provide features like link protection and attachment sandboxing. Link protection can check the safety of links in real-time, while attachment sandboxing can analyze attachments in a secure environment to detect any malicious behavior.


As we have seen, email security is a critical aspect of internet security. Understanding the potential threats and implementing effective protection measures can help safeguard your personal and business communications in the digital age. Every email you send or receive is a potential vulnerability, so it’s essential to be aware of the threat and build an email security strategy.

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Keeping OAuth Safe: 5 Security Best Practices Mon, 07 Aug 2023 18:58:14 +0000 Keep Safe: Security Best Practices

OAuth (Open Authorization) is the standard protocol of numerous digital platforms for delegated authorization. It’s the technology that enables users, […]

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Keep Safe: Security Best Practices

OAuth (Open Authorization) is the standard protocol of numerous digital platforms for delegated authorization. It’s the technology that enables users, for example, to click on a “Continue with Facebook” button on a website — thereby using Facebook to verify their identity.

Despite its wide adoption and convenience for both developers and users, OAuth comes with security risks. From insecure redirect URIs to insufficiently protected endpoints, understanding these risks is crucial for ensuring the secure use of OAuth in your applications.

This article introduces OAuth, explores its associated security risks, and suggests five essential best practices for keeping OAuth safe. Our focus is to improve your understanding of this framework and equip you with actionable steps for implementing OAuth securely.


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What Is OAuth?

OAuth, or Open Authorization, is an open-standard authorization framework that allows applications to secure designated access. In simpler terms, OAuth enables third-party applications to access user data without the need for sharing passwords. This mechanism simplifies life for users by reducing the need to remember multiple passwords and enhances security.

The OAuth framework is built on a series of tokens. These tokens are essentially permissions granted by the user to an application to access specific information. An essential aspect of OAuth is that it allows this access without the user needing to share their password with the third-party application. The beauty of this is that if a user wants to revoke access, they can simply invalidate the token without changing their password.

OAuth is built on a series of flows known as grant types. These flows dictate how an application gets an access token, which in turn, determines the type of data the application can access. The different flows are designed to cater to other use cases. For instance, the Authorization Code flow is designed for server-side applications, while the Implicit flow is used for client-side applications.

See this detailed blog post to gain a more in-depth understanding of OAuth.

Understanding OAuth Security Risks

As an access control technology, OAuth naturally presents cybersecurity risks. As a developer or application owner, understanding these risks can help ensure your data remains secure. Security risks associated with OAuth can be categorized into four main types: Insecure redirect URIs, access token theft, lack of encryption, and insufficiently protected endpoints.

Insecure Redirect URIs

Redirect URIs are a fundamental part of the OAuth process. Users are redirected to a specific URI with an authorization code or access token when they authorize an application. However, if this redirect URI is insecure, attackers could potentially intercept this code or token.

Insecure redirect URIs can occur if an application allows all redirects or if the redirect URI is not validated correctly. An attacker could exploit this by tricking users into authorizing an application that redirects to a malicious site. From there, the attacker could steal the authorization code or access token. To minimize this risk, validating redirect URIs and only allowing specific, trusted URIs is essential.

Access Token Theft

Access tokens are the keys to the kingdom in OAuth. They provide applications with access to user data. However, if these tokens are stolen, an attacker could potentially access this data.

Token theft can occur in several ways, such as through phishing attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, or cross-site scripting attacks. To mitigate this risk, it’s essential to secure access tokens. This can be achieved by using secure channels for communication, implementing token binding, or using refresh tokens.

Lack of Encryption

Encryption is critical to any security protocol, and OAuth is no exception. If data transmitted during the OAuth process is not encrypted, attackers could intercept and read it.

The lack of encryption could lead to several security issues, such as eavesdropping attacks or token theft. To protect against these threats, all communication during the OAuth process should be encrypted using protocols like TLS.

Insufficiently Protected Endpoints

Endpoints are the server-side components of the OAuth process. They are responsible for issuing tokens and handling authorization requests. However, if these endpoints are not adequately protected, attackers could exploit them.

Insufficiently protected endpoints could lead to several security issues, such as token theft or unauthorized access to user data. To mitigate these risks, it’s essential to implement robust security measures at these endpoints. This could include validating requests, implementing rate limiting, or using secure communication protocols.

5 Security Best Practices for OAuth

As with any framework or protocol, how secure OAuth is ultimately depends on its implementation. One should adhere to several best practices to ensure the secure operation of OAuth.

Always use SSL/TLS

The first best practice for OAuth is always using Transport Layer Security (TLS) or its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). These cryptographic protocols provide secure communication over a network—a critical aspect when dealing with sensitive information like authentication and authorization details.

SSL/TLS ensures that data transmitted between systems remains confidential and free from tampering. Encrypting the data prevents unauthorized individuals from gaining access to sensitive information. Using SSL/TLS also ensures integrity, ensuring that the data sent is what is received, without any modifications.

However, simply using SSL/TLS is not enough. It’s also essential to use it correctly. Ensure you use strong cipher suites and avoid using deprecated versions of these protocols. It’s also essential to ensure that your SSL certificates are valid, not expired, and from a trusted certificate authority.

Validate and Filter Redirects

The second best practice is validating and filtering redirects. OAuth relies heavily on redirects, where the user is redirected to the authenticating party, then redirected back to the application once authentication is successful. However, attackers can exploit this process to redirect users to malicious sites.

To prevent this, it’s crucial to validate all redirects. This means ensuring that the redirected URLs belong to the application and are not pointing to a third-party site. It’s also essential to filter out any redirects that don’t meet these criteria.

In addition, applications should strictly specify valid redirect URIs and check every redirect against this list. Any redirect that does not match should be rejected. This will drastically reduce the chances of redirection attacks.

Limit the Scope of Access Tokens

The third best practice for OAuth security is to limit the scope of access tokens. An access token is a credential that grants access to specific resources for a specific period. However, if an access token is compromised, it could lead to unauthorized access to these resources.

To mitigate this risk, limiting the scope of access tokens is advisable. This means granting access tokens only the necessary permissions needed to perform a specific task, nothing more. It also involves limiting the duration that these tokens are valid. Short-lived access tokens are less likely to be compromised, and even if they are, the window of opportunity for misuse is minimal.

Regularly Rotate and Revoke Tokens

The fourth best practice in OAuth security is to rotate and revoke tokens regularly. Regularly rotating access tokens reduces the likelihood of successful attacks because even if an attacker manages to steal a token, it would be valid for only a short period.

Token rotation should also be accompanied by token revocation. This involves invalidating tokens that are no longer needed. For instance, when a user logs out, their token should be revoked to prevent any potential misuse.

Implement a Strict Client Registration Process

The fifth and final best practice for OAuth security is implementing a strict client registration process. This process involves registering third-party applications that will be using your OAuth service.

A strict client registration process ensures that only authorized and trusted applications can access your resources. It also provides a layer of accountability, as each registered application can be tracked and monitored.

This process should involve thoroughly vetting the application, including its purpose, the type of data it will access, and how it will use it. Only applications that meet your criteria should be registered and given access to your OAuth service.


As we wrap up this exploration into the world of OAuth and its associated security best practices, it’s important to remember that the safety of your applications and the data they handle is paramount. The steps outlined here are not exhaustive — but they form essential pillars for building a secure OAuth implementation.

Implementing OAuth involves a delicate balance between facilitating user convenience and ensuring data security. We’ve delved into the inherent risks, discussed common vulnerabilities, and suggested preventive measures to safeguard against potential attacks. Always using TLS/SSL, validating and filtering redirects, limiting the scope of access tokens, regularly rotating and revoking tokens, and implementing a strict client registration process are some of the core strategies you can implement to fortify your OAuth environment.

However, remember that cybersecurity is a moving target, with new threats always emerging. Therefore, staying abreast of the latest developments and adjusting your strategies accordingly is vital. Staying informed and proactive in adapting best practices can make the difference between a secure and vulnerable application.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Ron Lach; Pexels; Thank you!

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Is MQTT the IoT Protocol to Rule them All? Mon, 17 Jul 2023 22:22:54 +0000 MQTT the IoT Protocol

What Is the MQTT Protocol? Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is a lightweight messaging protocol designed for constrained devices and […]

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MQTT the IoT Protocol

What Is the MQTT Protocol?

Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is a lightweight messaging protocol designed for constrained devices and low-bandwidth, high-latency, or unreliable networks. MQTT provides a simple and efficient method of remote control and monitoring, which is suitable for various Internet of Things (IoT) applications.

The MQTT protocol operates over TCP/IP, and it uses a publish/subscribe model. In this model, the client devices, also known as publishers, send their data to a broker, which is a central server. Other client devices, known as subscribers, receive the data from the broker based on their subscribed topics. Therefore, MQTT allows data to be shared between multiple devices in a decentralized and decoupled manner, facilitating efficient communication in IoT networks.

One of the critical aspects of MQTT is its simplicity. The protocol has only a small number of commands and uses a straightforward binary format for data transmission. This simplicity enables MQTT to be implemented quickly and efficiently on a wide range of devices, from powerful servers to tiny sensors.

The History and Evolution of MQTT Protocol

The MQTT protocol was initially designed in 1999 by IBM and Arcom (now Eurotech) to connect oil pipeline sensors over satellite links with high latency and low bandwidth. The primary goal was to create a simple, lightweight protocol to efficiently transmit telemetry data over these challenging networks.

Over the years, MQTT has been continuously improved and adapted to meet the evolving needs of IoT applications. The protocol has gained widespread acceptance due to its simplicity, efficiency, and scalability. In 2013, MQTT was adopted as an open standard by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS), and since then, it has been widely used in various industries, including automotive, energy, healthcare, and home automation.

Today, MQTT is considered one of the key enabling technologies for the Internet of Things. Its ability to handle massive amounts of data from millions of devices and its low resource requirements make MQTT an ideal choice for many IoT applications.

Strengths of MQTT for IoT Use Cases

Low Bandwidth Requirements

In the world of IoT, where devices often communicate over constrained networks, the ability to transmit data with minimal bandwidth is crucial. MQTT excels in this area due to its compact binary message format and efficient publish/subscribe model. By using MQTT, IoT devices can communicate their data compactly and efficiently, which minimizes bandwidth usage and reduces communication costs.

Efficient Power Usage for Battery-Operated Devices

One of the major challenges in IoT is power efficiency, especially for battery-operated devices. MQTT offers a solution to this challenge by efficiently using network resources. By using a persistent TCP connection and a keep-alive mechanism, MQTT minimizes network traffic and reduces power consumption. This feature makes MQTT a suitable choice for battery-operated IoT devices, as it can help extend their battery life.

Ease of Implementation and Scalability

MQTT is known for its simplicity and ease of implementation. The protocol has only a few commands, and its binary message format is straightforward to parse. This simplicity makes MQTT easy to implement on a wide range of devices, from powerful servers to tiny IoT sensors.

Moreover, MQTT is highly scalable. Its publish/subscribe model allows for efficient data distribution among a large number of devices. Furthermore, MQTT brokers can be clustered to handle massive amounts of data and millions of clients, making MQTT an ideal choice for large-scale IoT applications.

Quality of Service Levels Suitable for Various IoT Scenarios

MQTT offers three Quality of Service (QoS) levels, which provide different guarantees for message delivery. This feature allows MQTT to be suitable for various IoT scenarios, from low-priority data monitoring to critical control applications. By choosing the appropriate QoS level, developers can ensure that their IoT applications meet their specific reliability and performance requirements.

Limitations of MQTT in IoT

Despite its strengths, MQTT also has its limitations:

Need for a Constantly Available Network Connection

One of the main limitations of MQTT is its reliance on a continuously available network connection. Because MQTT uses a persistent TCP connection for communication, it requires a constant network link between the client device and the broker. This requirement can be challenging in some IoT scenarios where intermittent or unreliable network connectivity.

Security Concerns and the Need for Additional Security Measures

While MQTT includes some basic security features, such as username/password authentication and SSL/TLS encryption, it does not provide comprehensive security measures. For example, MQTT does not support role-based access control or message integrity checks. Therefore, additional security measures, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and secure coding practices, may be required to ensure the security of MQTT-based IoT systems.

Limited Support for Non-Text Data Types

Another limitation of MQTT is its limited support for non-text data types. MQTT messages are binary, and the protocol does not include any built-in mechanisms for encoding or decoding non-text data types. Therefore, developers must implement their own data serialization and deserialization methods, which can add complexity to MQTT-based IoT applications.

Alternative IoT Protocols


The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is another protocol designed for IoT devices. CoAP is a web transfer protocol designed to be used in constrained environments, such as low-power and lossy networks. It’s built on top of the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) instead of TCP, which makes it more lightweight than MQTT.

However, being a UDP-based protocol, CoAP doesn’t guarantee reliable delivery of messages. While it does have a built-in mechanism for confirming the receipt of messages, it doesn’t have the same level of reliability as MQTT’s Quality of Service levels. Also, being a request-response protocol, CoAP doesn’t support the publish-subscribe model, which can limit its scalability compared to MQTT.


The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) is a powerful messaging protocol that provides a range of features, such as message orientation, queuing, routing, reliability, and security. Unlike MQTT and CoAP, AMQP isn’t specifically designed for IoT use cases but can be used for such purposes.

While AMQP provides more features than MQTT, it’s also more complex and heavier, which can be a drawback for IoT devices with limited resources. However, its support for the publish-subscribe model and its strong reliability and security features can make it a suitable choice for certain IoT use cases.


WebSockets is a protocol that provides full-duplex communication between a client and a server over a single, long-lived connection. This makes it ideal for real-time communication use cases. WebSockets isn’t specifically designed for IoT, but it can be used in conjunction with other protocols, such as MQTT, to enable real-time communication for IoT devices.

The main advantage of WebSockets is its ability to provide real-time communication. However, it’s heavier than MQTT and CoAP, and it doesn’t have the same level of reliability as MQTT.


The Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is a protocol primarily used for instant messaging and presence information. It’s a flexible protocol that can be extended to support a wide range of applications, including IoT.

While XMPP isn’t as lightweight as MQTT or CoAP, it’s highly extensible, which makes it a versatile choice for different IoT use cases. However, like WebSockets, XMPP doesn’t have the same level of reliability as MQTT, and it can be more complex to implement.

Is MQTT the IoT Protocol to Rule Them All?

Just as TCP/IP became the foundation of the modern Internet, MQTT has the potential to become the standard protocol for the Internet of Things. Despite some limitations, MQTT’s strengths — its simplicity, lightweight nature, and efficiency — make it particularly well-suited to the requirements of IoT applications.

Here’s why MQTT is well-positioned to become the de facto standard for IoT:

  1. Designed for IoT from the Ground Up: MQTT was designed with the constraints and requirements of IoT in mind, such as minimal bandwidth usage, efficient power usage, and easy implementation even on resource-constrained devices. This gives MQTT an inherent advantage over protocols adapted for IoT use but not originally designed for it.
  2. Proven Scalability: MQTT has proven its ability to scale to meet the needs of large IoT systems. With its efficient publish/subscribe model and the ability to cluster brokers, MQTT can effectively manage communication between millions of devices, a crucial requirement as the number of connected IoT devices continues to grow.
  3. Quality of Service Levels: MQTT’s Quality of Service (QoS) levels provide flexible options for message delivery guarantees. From telemetry data that can tolerate occasional lost messages to critical control messages that must be reliably delivered, MQTT’s QoS levels can meet various application needs.
  4. Wide Adoption and Community Support: MQTT has already seen wide adoption in the IoT industry and has robust community support. This adoption and support make MQTT a reliable choice, as developers can count on continued protocol development, a wide range of libraries and tools, and an active community for advice and problem-solving.
  5. Integration with Other Protocols: While MQTT shines in IoT device communication, it can also integrate effectively with other protocols. For example, it can be used over WebSockets for real-time browser-based applications, providing added flexibility.

Admittedly, MQTT isn’t perfect. It requires a persistent network connection, its built-in security features are basic — and it doesn’t inherently support non-text data types. However, these limitations can be mitigated. Network resilience can be improved with careful system design and the use of modern network protocols. Additional security measures can protect MQTT communications, and serialization/deserialization methods can handle non-text data.

In conclusion, MQTT, despite its limitations, has significant strengths and benefits that make it an excellent fit for the IoT industry. Its design, scalability, flexibility, and wide adoption and support make it a strong contender to become the IoT protocol to rule them all, just like TCP/IP did for the internet. However, the diversity of IoT applications means that other protocols will continue to play an important role. The future may not belong to a single protocol but to an ecosystem of protocols working together, with MQTT at its core.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author;; Thank you!

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Software Composition Analysis: the Secret Weapon Against Supply Chain Attacks Wed, 24 May 2023 15:00:24 +0000 Software Composition Analysis

A supply chain attack is a type of cyber attack in which an attacker targets a company’s supply chain to […]

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Software Composition Analysis

A supply chain attack is a type of cyber attack in which an attacker targets a company’s supply chain to gain access to sensitive information or disrupt operations. This can be done by compromising a supplier, vendor, or third-party service provider and using that access to infiltrate the target company’s systems. These attacks can be difficult to detect and prevent because they often originate from outside the target company’s own network.

Examples of supply chain attacks include the SolarWinds hack, in which a Russian hacking group compromised a software company’s updates to gain access to multiple government and private sector networks, and the NotPetya malware attack, which used a compromised software update to spread malware throughout multiple organizations.

In this article, I’ll explain the supply chain risk and show how software composition analysis (SCA), an innovative security tool, can help mitigate it.

Understanding the Supply Chain Threat

Software supply chains are complex systems that involve numerous interconnected entities, and any disruption to these systems can have severe consequences for businesses, consumers, and the broader economy.

Here are some important things to understand about the threat to supply chains:

  • Dependency: Many companies depend on a global network of suppliers and partners to manufacture and distribute their products. Disruptions to any of these links in the supply chain can have a cascading effect on other parts of the chain, leading to delays, increased costs, or even complete shutdowns.
  • Vulnerability: Supply chains are vulnerable to a wide range of risks, including natural disasters, cyberattacks, geopolitical events, and pandemics. The interconnected nature of these systems means that a problem in one part of the chain can quickly spread to other areas.
  • Resilience: Building resilience into supply chains is essential to mitigating the impact of disruptions. This can involve diversifying suppliers and partners, creating redundancy in critical processes, and developing contingency plans for different types of risks.
  • Collaboration: Collaboration and communication among supply chain partners are key to identifying and addressing potential threats. Establishing trust and transparency between partners can help improve visibility into supply chain operations.

What Is Software Composition Analysis and How Does it Help with the Supply Chain Threat?

Software composition analysis (SCA) is a process used to identify and assess the security risks associated with the use of third-party software components in an application. SCA tools scan the application’s source code and dependencies to identify software components and check them against known vulnerabilities and licenses.

SCA enables companies to identify and address any potential security risks associated with using third-party software components and to make informed decisions about which software components to use in their applications.

SCA tools provide various features that can help defend against supply chain attacks, including:

  • Vulnerability scanning: SCA tools scan the application’s code and dependencies for known vulnerabilities and provide detailed information about any found vulnerabilities. This allows companies to identify and fix vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them.
  • License compliance: SCA tools check the licenses of all third-party software components used in an application, ensuring that the company is compliant with any legal obligations associated with the use of those components.
  • Outdated software identification: SCA tools can help identify software components that are no longer supported, allowing companies to avoid using them in their applications.
  • Automatic updates: Some SCA tools automatically update the application with newer versions of software components, ensuring that the application is always up-to-date and protected against known vulnerabilities.

Tips for Adopting Software Composition Analysis

While SCA can be a powerful defensive measure for your supply chain, adopting SCA tools can be a challenge. Here are the best practices to consider to make SCA adoption smoother:

Find a Developer-Friendly Tool

Finding a developer-friendly tool for SCA is considered a best practice for several reasons:

  • Ease of integration: A developer-friendly SCA tool is easy to integrate into the development process, which means that developers can quickly and easily scan their code for vulnerabilities and address any issues that are found. This reduces the time and effort required to perform SCA, making it more likely that developers will use the tool.
  • Clear and actionable results: A developer-friendly SCA tool provides clear and actionable results, making it easy for developers to understand and address any vulnerabilities that are found. This helps developers to fix vulnerabilities quickly and effectively, reducing the risk of a supply chain attack.
  • Automation: A developer-friendly SCA tool offers automation features, such as automatic updates of dependencies, which means that developers do not have to update their code manually. This saves developers time and reduces the risk of human error.
  • Customizable: A developer-friendly SCA tool is customizable, which means that developers can configure the tool to meet the specific needs of their application. This helps to ensure that the tool is tailored to the specific vulnerabilities of the application and provides the most accurate results.

Integrate SCA Directly Into Your CI/CD Pipeline

Integrating Software Composition Analysis (SCA) into the Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline is important for several reasons:

  • Real-time security: Integrating SCA into the CI/CD pipeline means that vulnerabilities are identified and addressed in real-time, before attackers can exploit them. This helps to ensure that the application is always secure and reduces the risk of a supply chain attack.
  • Faster deployment: Integrating SCA into the CI/CD pipeline allows for faster application deployment, as vulnerabilities are identified and addressed before the application is deployed. This helps to ensure that the application is always up-to-date and secure.
  • Cost-effective: Integrating SCA into the CI/CD pipeline is cost-effective, as vulnerabilities are identified and addressed early in the development process before they can cause significant damage. This reduces the costs associated with fixing vulnerabilities and restoring systems after a supply chain attack.
  • Continuous monitoring: Integrating SCA into the CI/CD pipeline allows for continuous monitoring of the application, which means that vulnerabilities are identified and addressed as soon as they are discovered, reducing the risk of a supply chain attack.


In conclusion, supply chain attacks target the weak spot in the chain to inflict damage on all other parties connected to this chain. As a result, successful supply chain attacks can inflict massive damage on many parties, as demonstrated by the SolarWinds attack.

SCA tools can help protect against supply chain attacks by providing a detailed analysis of third-party components and licenses. This level of visibility helps identify vulnerabilities and security issues that might be exploited by supply chain attacks, ensuring developers can fix issues and minimize the attack surface.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author;; Thank you!

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4 Reasons Your Organization Can’t Afford to Ignore FinOps Mon, 15 May 2023 18:00:51 +0000 FinOps

What Is FinOps? FinOps (short for Financial Operations) is a set of practices and principles that aim to optimize cloud […]

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What Is FinOps?

FinOps (short for Financial Operations) is a set of practices and principles that aim to optimize cloud cost management and financial accountability. It’s a relatively new concept that emerged with the rise of cloud computing as organizations realized the need for more efficient cloud cost management strategies.

FinOps involves collaboration between various stakeholders, including developers, operations teams, finance departments, and business leaders, to improve cost efficiency and optimize the use of cloud resources. The main goal of FinOps is to help organizations achieve the right balance between cost optimization, innovation, and speed of delivery.

Some of the key principles of FinOps include:

  • Cost awareness: Everyone involved in cloud infrastructure and services must understand the cost implications of their actions.
  • Cost optimization: Continuously monitoring and optimizing cloud costs to ensure that the cloud services are used efficiently.
  • Collaborative approach: Encouraging cross-functional team collaboration to manage and optimize cloud costs.
  • Accountability and governance: Establishing policies and governance frameworks to ensure financial accountability and regulatory compliance.
  • Continuous improvement: Continuously improving cloud cost management practices through data analysis and process optimization.

Why FinOps Is Critical to Your Organization

Cloud Cost Optimization

Cloud cost optimization is the process of managing and reducing cloud computing costs. It involves analyzing an organization’s cloud usage and identifying areas where costs can be reduced without affecting performance or functionality. Cloud cost optimization is important for organizations because cloud computing can be a significant expense, and without proper management, costs can quickly spiral out of control.

To optimize cloud costs, FinOps provides a framework for monitoring and analyzing cloud usage, identifying areas of inefficiency, and optimizing cloud resources accordingly. Some common strategies for cloud cost optimization include:

  • Right-sizing: Adjusting the size of cloud resources to meet the actual workload demand. For example, scaling down or turning off resources during off-peak hours or using reserved instances.
  • Auto-scaling: Automatically scaling resources up or down based on demand to ensure efficient resource utilization.
  • Cloud-native tools: Utilizing cloud-native tools, such as AWS Cost Explorer or Azure Cost Management, to analyze cloud usage and identify opportunities for cost savings.

Cost Allocation

Cost allocation is the process of assigning cloud computing costs to the different teams, departments, or projects that are using those resources. Cost allocation is important because it helps organizations to understand who is using cloud resources and how much each team or project is spending. This information is critical for budgeting, forecasting, and financial planning purposes.

Some common strategies for implementing cost allocation in FinOps include:

  • Cost allocation tags: Implementing cost allocation tags that enable the identification and tracking of cloud usage and costs, ensuring that costs are allocated accurately and fairly.
  • Shared services: Identifying shared services or resources that are used by multiple departments and allocating costs based on usage.

Accurate Forecasting

Accurate forecasting is the practice of predicting future cloud usage and costs based on historical data and other factors. Accurate forecasting is important because it helps organizations to plan and budget for their cloud costs and to avoid unexpected expenses.

FinOps provides a framework for accurate forecasting that includes the following:

  • Data analysis: FinOps analyzes historical cloud usage data to identify usage patterns and trends. By analyzing usage data, organizations can understand their cloud usage better and predict future cloud spending more accurately.
  • Resource allocation: FinOps involves allocating resources based on actual usage patterns and trends. By allocating resources based on actual usage, organizations can optimize resource utilization and avoid unnecessary cloud spending.
  • Cost modeling: FinOps involves developing cost models that enable organizations to predict future cloud spending based on various scenarios. By developing cost models, organizations can predict future cloud spending and plan for various scenarios, enabling effective budgeting and strategic planning.

A Unified Ecosystem

Creating a unified ecosystem is an essential aspect of FinOps that fosters collaboration, accountability, and transparency among different teams and stakeholders within an organization. A unified ecosystem enables organizations to optimize cloud costs effectively and efficiently, ensuring that everyone is aligned on cost optimization goals and working towards the same objectives.

FinOps provides a framework for creating a unified ecosystem that brings together various stakeholders, including finance, operations, and development teams. Some common strategies include:

  • Transparent communication: FinOps encourages transparent communication among different teams and stakeholders, enabling better cost transparency, financial accountability, and decision-making. By fostering transparent communication, organizations can ensure that everyone is aligned on cost optimization goals and working towards the same objectives.
  • Governance: FinOps provides a framework for establishing policies and governance frameworks to ensure financial accountability and regulatory compliance. By establishing governance frameworks, organizations can ensure that cloud costs are managed effectively and efficiently and everyone is held accountable for their actions.

Best Practices for Implementing FinOps

Plan for FinOps Before You Migrate to Cloud

FinOps should be considered from the very beginning of a cloud migration project. This includes developing a cloud cost management plan, identifying cost drivers and cost allocation strategies, and building a cloud cost optimization framework.

By planning for FinOps before migrating to the cloud, organizations can optimize cloud costs from the start, avoid unnecessary cloud spending, and ensure that the cloud infrastructure is aligned with business goals and objectives.

Don’t Sacrifice Value for Savings

While cost optimization is a critical aspect of FinOps, it should not come at the expense of value. Organizations should strive to balance cost optimization with innovation and speed of delivery, ensuring that cloud services are used efficiently and effectively. By prioritizing value alongside cost optimization, organizations can achieve both cost efficiency and business growth.

Build FinOps Into Your Organization as an Ongoing Practice

FinOps should be an ongoing practice that is integrated into the culture and processes of an organization. This includes providing training and education to stakeholders, implementing continuous monitoring and optimization practices, and fostering cross-functional collaboration between teams.

By building FinOps into the organization as an ongoing practice, organizations can achieve continuous improvement in cloud cost management practices and maintain financial accountability and compliance with regulations.

Set Clear Responsibilities

FinOps requires setting clear responsibilities to ensure that everyone involved in cloud infrastructure and services is held accountable for their actions. This includes identifying clear roles and responsibilities for each stakeholder, establishing policies and governance frameworks, and implementing cost allocation strategies.


In today’s cloud-centric world, organizations increasingly rely on cloud infrastructure and services to power their operations. While cloud services offer numerous benefits, including scalability, flexibility, and cost efficiency, they can also be a significant source of cost and financial complexity if not managed effectively.

By implementing FinOps principles and practices, organizations can achieve cost savings, reinvest those savings in innovation and growth, and maintain financial accountability and compliance with regulations. FinOps enables organizations to achieve the right balance between cost optimization, innovation, and speed of delivery, ensuring that cloud services are used efficiently, and costs are optimized.

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Is Dynamic Testing the Missing Piece of Application Security? Thu, 20 Apr 2023 00:00:29 +0000 Dynamic Testing and App Security

The importance of application security cannot be overstated, as software applications are responsible for processing and storing sensitive data, maintaining […]

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Dynamic Testing and App Security

The importance of application security cannot be overstated, as software applications are responsible for processing and storing sensitive data, maintaining business continuity, and protecting valuable intellectual property. Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) is a powerful method for identifying vulnerabilities that other forms of testing may not detect.

By integrating DAST into the development process from the outset, organizations can significantly improve their security posture, reduce costs associated with fixing vulnerabilities, and ensure compliance with industry regulations. In this article, we explore the key capabilities of DAST, discuss the challenges of application security, and delve into the benefits of running dynamic testing early in the software development lifecycle.

Application Security: A Quick Refresher

Application security refers to the measures taken to ensure the security of software applications from unauthorized access, modification, or destruction. It involves protecting the application and the data it processes and stores.

Application security includes both the design of secure software as well as the deployment and ongoing maintenance of applications to ensure they remain secure. It also involves identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities in the software that attackers can exploit to gain access to sensitive data, disrupt service, or execute malicious code.

Application security is of critical importance for several reasons

  • Protecting sensitive data: Applications often process and store sensitive data such as personal information, financial data, and business-critical information. The compromise of this data can result in severe financial, legal, and reputational consequences for organizations and individuals.
  • Compliance requirements: Many industries have regulatory requirements for the security of applications and data, such as HIPAA for healthcare, PCI DSS for the payment card industry, and GDPR for personal data privacy. Failing to comply with these regulations can result in severe penalties and reputation damage.
  • Business continuity: Applications are critical to business operations, and their downtime or disruption can result in financial losses and loss of customers. Application security helps ensure the availability and reliability of these critical systems.
  • Protection from cyberattacks: Applications are frequently targeted by attackers who exploit vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access, steal data, or execute malicious code. Application security helps identify and mitigate these vulnerabilities to prevent attacks.
  • Protecting intellectual property: Applications often contain valuable intellectual property such as trade secrets, proprietary algorithms, and confidential business information. Application security helps ensure the protection of these assets from unauthorized access and theft.

What Is DAST: Key Security Capabilities

DAST stands for Dynamic Application Security Testing. It involves testing the application while it is running to identify vulnerabilities and security issues in real-time by simulating attacks. DAST tools examine the application from the outside, emulating the actions of an attacker to see how the application responds to different types of inputs and interactions.

DAST does not require access to the application’s source code or system configuration, making it a popular approach for testing third-party or off-the-shelf applications. During a DAST scan, the tool interacts with the application as a user would, sending various inputs and monitoring the application’s responses for any unexpected behaviors or errors.

DAST tools can identify various security issues, including input validation errors, injection flaws, broken authentication and access controls, and other vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit. It is useful for identifying vulnerabilities that may not be detected through other forms of testing, such as static analysis, and for testing web applications with complex and dynamic interactions with users and external systems.

Challenges of Application Security and How DAST Can Help

Legacy or Third-Party Applications

Legacy or third-party applications often present challenges to application security because they may have vulnerabilities that were not considered or were not known at the time of their development. Additionally, these applications may not be designed to take advantage of modern security features or may not be updated regularly, which can leave them vulnerable to attacks. It can be difficult to secure these applications without introducing compatibility issues or disrupting business operations.

DAST can be used to test legacy or third-party applications to identify vulnerabilities and security flaws. By testing these applications in a realistic manner, organizations can gain a better understanding of the security risks and can take steps to mitigate them.

Code Injections

Code injection attacks, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS), are common methods used by attackers to exploit vulnerabilities in applications. These attacks occur when an attacker can inject malicious code into an application, allowing them to execute arbitrary code, steal data, or gain unauthorized access to the application or underlying systems.

DAST can be used to test applications for code injection vulnerabilities, such as Structured Query Language (SQL)  injection or cross-site scripting (XSS). By simulating attacks and attempting to inject malicious code, DAST can help identify vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit.

Application Dependencies

Applications often rely on third-party libraries, frameworks, and APIs to provide functionality, which can introduce security risks if they are not properly vetted and maintained. These dependencies may have vulnerabilities or be subject to supply chain attacks, which can be difficult to detect and mitigate.

DAST can be used to test applications and their dependencies, identifying vulnerabilities in third-party libraries and frameworks. By testing for known vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, organizations can take steps to address them before attackers exploit them.

Poor User Access Controls

Weak user access controls can allow attackers to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data or functionality within an application. This can occur if user permissions are not properly configured or if access controls are not properly enforced.

DAST can be used to test applications for poor user access controls, such as weak authentication and authorization mechanisms. By testing for vulnerabilities in these areas, organizations can identify weaknesses and take steps to address them.

DDoS Attacks

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks can overwhelm an application or its underlying infrastructure, causing it to become unavailable to legitimate users. These attacks can be difficult to prevent or mitigate, particularly if they are launched from a large number of distributed sources.

While DAST cannot directly prevent DDoS attacks, it can be used to test an application’s resilience to such attacks. By simulating large volumes of traffic, organizations can identify weaknesses in their infrastructure and take steps to mitigate the impact of an attack.

Shifting DAST Left

Traditionally, DAST has been conducted late in the SDLC, after the application has been fully developed and deployed. However, this approach can be time-consuming, costly, and can lead to late identification of significant vulnerabilities that require significant rework or a complete redesign of the application.

Shifting DAST left means integrating DAST into the development process from the outset, ideally as part of the continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. This allows for earlier identification and remediation of vulnerabilities, reducing the overall cost and complexity of addressing them.

Here are some key strategies for shifting DAST left:

  • Implement automation: Integrate DAST testing into the CI/CD pipeline, using automated tools to conduct regular testing throughout the development process.
  • Incorporate security into the development process: Make application security a priority from the beginning of the development process, with developers building security features into the application as they write the code.
  • Conduct testing throughout the development process: Conduct DAST testing at multiple points throughout the development process, such as during code reviews, integration testing, and pre-deployment testing.
  • Provide training and resources: Ensure that developers have the training and resources they need to conduct effective DAST testing and remediate vulnerabilities.

Security Benefits of Running Dynamic Testing Early in the Development Lifecycle

Running dynamic testing early in the software development lifecycle can provide several security benefits. Here are a few examples:

  • Early detection of vulnerabilities: Dynamic testing can help detect vulnerabilities early in the development process, before they can be exploited by attackers. This allows the development team to fix the vulnerabilities before releasing the software, reducing the risk of security incidents and data breaches.
  • Improved security posture: By running dynamic testing early in the development process, the development team can build security into the software from the start. This helps to create a more robust and secure software product, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities and security incidents.
  • Cost savings: Identifying and fixing security vulnerabilities early in the development process can save time and resources in the long run. It is often easier and less expensive to fix vulnerabilities during the development process than after the software has been released.
  • Compliance with security standards: Many industries and organizations have security standards that must be met. Running dynamic testing early in the development process can help ensure that the software meets these standards, reducing the risk of compliance issues.


As technology continues to advance and cyber threats become more sophisticated, organizations must prioritize application security to protect sensitive data, ensure compliance with regulations, and maintain business continuity. DAST is a valuable tool in the application security testing toolkit, providing a practical way to evaluate application security in real-world conditions and identify vulnerabilities that attackers could exploit.

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API Gateways: The Doorway to a Microservices World Thu, 23 Mar 2023 18:00:21 +0000 Microservices World

What Is a Microservices Architecture? A microservices architecture is a software development approach where a large, complex application is broken […]

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Microservices World

What Is a Microservices Architecture?

A microservices architecture is a software development approach where a large, complex application is broken down into smaller, independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. Each service is designed to perform a specific business capability and communicates with other services through well-defined interfaces using lightweight protocols such as HTTP or message queues.

Microservices architectures are often used in modern cloud-based applications, where they can provide benefits such as better scalability, resilience, and flexibility. They also allow teams to work on individual services independently, which can lead to faster development and deployment times, as well as better maintainability and easier testing.

Microservices Adoption Statistics

ClearPath Strategies conducted a survey on service mesh adoption, which revealed that 85% of organizations were upgrading to a microservices-based architecture.  Companies that had adopted microservices also reported an increase in the speed of development. Most companies with half or more of their applications hosted in a microservices environment reported frequent software release cycles (i.e., at least daily).

Faster Development Cycles Enabled by Microservices

However, the faster development cycles enabled by microservices have also introduced challenges due to API sprawl and technical debt. Almost three-quarters of companies reported that security and networking issues created bottlenecks for deploying applications to production.

With microservices quickly becoming a necessity for modern enterprises, API gateway and service mesh technologies offer a way to facilitate application management and ensure the security, observability, and reliability of microservices architectures. The vast majority of companies (87%) said they used or were considering using a service mesh solution. Thus, the widespread adoption of service mesh technology is a result of the explosion in containerization and microservices.

What Is the Impact of Microservices on Technology Organizations

Microservices can have a significant impact on technology organizations in several ways. Here are a few examples:

  • Increased agility and speed: Microservices allow for greater agility and speed in software development, testing, and deployment. By breaking down a large and complex system into smaller, independently deployable services, teams can work more autonomously and can release new features and updates more quickly and with greater flexibility.
  • Improved scalability and reliability: Microservices make it easier to scale individual services independently based on demand, which can improve system reliability and reduce the risk of downtime. The use of smaller, independent services also makes it easier to test and deploy changes, and to develop new services in parallel with other parts of the system.
  • Improved team autonomy: Microservices can also foster greater autonomy and ownership among development teams, as each team is responsible for a specific set of services. This can lead to greater innovation and creativity, as teams are free to experiment with different technologies and approaches.
  • Increased complexity: While microservices can offer many benefits, they also introduce new challenges and complexities. Coordinating and integrating the various services within a larger system can be challenging, and ensuring that the overall system remains secure and reliable requires careful planning and coordination.
  • Skillset changes: Microservices architecture requires different skillsets for development, testing, deployment, and operations. Teams need to be trained on new technologies and processes to effectively adopt microservices.
  • Evolving architecture: Microservices architecture is still evolving and is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Organizations must be prepared to continuously evaluate, modify and adapt the architecture to meet changing business needs.

While microservices are beneficial, they also create significant new challenges. These challenges include:

  • Increased complexity: A microservices architecture introduces additional complexity, as each service needs to communicate with other services through well-defined interfaces. This can result in increased development and management overhead, as well as challenges with testing and debugging.
  • Distributed systems management: A microservices architecture is a distributed system, which means it can be challenging to monitor and manage individual services, especially when there are multiple instances of the same service running in different environments.
  • Data consistency: Maintaining data consistency across multiple services can be challenging, as changes to one service can impact other services that depend on that data. This requires careful planning and management to ensure that data remains consistent and up-to-date across the system.
  • Deployment and versioning: With microservices, each service is developed and deployed independently, which can lead to versioning issues and compatibility problems. Managing and coordinating deployments and updates across multiple services can be complex and time-consuming.
  • Organizational challenges: Adopting microservices architecture can require significant organizational changes, such as redefining team roles and responsibilities and shifting to a more decentralized approach to development and management.

What Is an API Gateway and How Does It Work?

An API gateway (solo dotio/api-gateway/) acts as a single entry point for all client requests to a set of microservices. It works as a reverse proxy that routes requests from clients to the appropriate service and handles requests on behalf of those services. API gateways typically use a variety of protocols, including HTTP, WebSockets, and gRPC, and can perform various tasks such as authentication, authorization, load balancing, and protocol translation.

API gateways provide a number of benefits, including:

  • Security: API gateways can authenticate and authorize client requests, as well as implement security policies and protocols such as rate limiting and throttling.
  • Scalability: By handling requests on behalf of services, API gateways can distribute requests across multiple instances of the same service, improving scalability and reducing downtime.
  • Service discovery: API gateways can use service discovery mechanisms to locate available services and route requests to the appropriate instance.
  • Protocol translation: API gateways can translate requests and responses between different protocols, allowing clients to use a variety of protocols without requiring each service to support them.
  • Monitoring and analytics: API gateways can collect metrics and analytics on client requests and service performance, providing visibility into how the system is performing.

In addition to these core functions, API gateways may also provide additional features such as caching, request and response transformations, and service composition.

API Gateway to the Rescue: Making Microservices Easier to Deploy and Maintain

An API gateway can help make deploying and maintaining microservices easier in several ways, including:

Centralized Access to Decentralized Microservices

In a microservices architecture, each microservice is responsible for performing a specific business capability and communicating with other microservices using well-defined interfaces. This can lead to a complex web of interactions that can be difficult for clients to navigate.

An API gateway provides a solution to this problem by acting as a single entry point for client requests. It receives requests from clients and routes them to the appropriate microservice based on predefined rules and policies. This allows clients to interact with the system as a whole without needing to understand the details of each individual microservice.

By providing centralized access, an API gateway can simplify client interactions, improve system performance, and reduce the management overhead of distributed systems. It also allows for greater flexibility and agility in how microservices are developed and deployed, as each microservice can be updated and scaled independently without affecting the overall client-facing API.

Management and Discovery for Scalable, Distributed Services

Microservices are often deployed across multiple instances to improve scalability and reliability. An API gateway can provide service discovery mechanisms that allow clients to locate available services and route requests to the appropriate instance.

It can also monitor the health of individual services and, based on that information, make decisions about routing traffic. This ensures that requests are routed to healthy instances of services, which results in better system performance and reliability.

By providing management and discovery for scalable distributed services, an API gateway makes it easier to deploy and manage microservices at scale. This enables organizations to be more agile and responsive to changing business needs without sacrificing performance or reliability.

Abstraction for Microservice Language and Protocol Independence

Microservices can be developed in different programming languages and can use different communication protocols. This can make it challenging to integrate different microservices, especially when the client needs to interact with multiple services.

An API gateway provides an abstraction layer for microservices language and protocol independence. It acts as a mediator between clients and microservices, allowing microservices to communicate using their own languages and protocols, while presenting a unified, consistent interface to the client.

API gateways can translate between different protocols

An API gateway can also translate between different protocols, allowing clients to use a variety of protocols without requiring each microservice to support them. This can make it easier to develop and deploy microservices, as each microservice can be developed independently without worrying about protocol compatibility with other microservices.

API gateway can provide a set of common APIs

In addition, an API gateway can provide a set of common APIs that all microservices must conform to, allowing the client to interact with the entire system through a single interface. This helps to simplify client interactions and reduces the management overhead of distributed systems.

Routing to Microservices Based on Deployment Strategies

In a microservices architecture, individual microservices may be deployed across multiple instances to improve scalability and reliability. However, this can make it challenging to direct client requests to the appropriate instance.

An API gateway can use various deployment strategies to route requests to the appropriate instance based on factors such as availability, performance, and cost.

Common deployment strategies used by API gateways

  • Round-robin: The API gateway directs each new request to the next available instance in a circular order.
  • Weighted round-robin: The API gateway directs requests to instances based on a predefined weight. Instances with higher weights receive more requests than those with lower weights.
  • Least connections: The API gateway directs each new request to the instance with the fewest active connections.
  • IP hash: The API gateway directs requests to instances based on the client’s IP address. This ensures that subsequent requests from the same client are always directed to the same instance.
  • Geolocation-based routing: The API gateway directs requests to instances based on the client’s geographic location.

Traffic Control to Prevent Overloading of Resources

A microservices architecture enables a system to be more scalable and flexible, but it also poses the risk of overloading certain services, especially during high traffic or peak periods. Overloaded services can result in slow response times or even system failures, which can lead to a poor user experience.

An API gateway provides traffic control mechanisms that help prevent resource overload.

  • Rate limiting: An API gateway can limit the number of requests that a client can make within a specified period of time. This helps prevent overloading resources and ensures that the system remains responsive and performant.
  • Throttling: An API gateway can limit the rate at which requests are processed. This helps ensure the system can handle incoming requests without being overwhelmed.
  • Circuit breakers: An API gateway can detect when a service is not responding and can temporarily stop sending requests to that service until it becomes available again.
  • Load balancing: An API gateway can distribute client requests across multiple instances of the same service.


In conclusion, a microservices architecture can be highly complex, and managing communication between services and presenting a unified interface to clients can be challenging.

API gateways simplify the process of developing, deploying, and managing microservices, making it easier for organizations to scale and adapt to changing business needs.

By offering a single point of entry for clients and a unified interface for microservices, API gateways help build and maintain large, complex systems that are both performant and reliable.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; iStock; Thank you!

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GitOps Will Change Software Development Forever Mon, 20 Feb 2023 19:51:05 +0000 GitOps will change software

GitOps is a methodology for deploying and managing applications and infrastructure using Git as a single source of truth. It […]

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GitOps will change software

GitOps is a methodology for deploying and managing applications and infrastructure using Git as a single source of truth. It involves using Git to store and version the desired state of an application or infrastructure and using automation tools to ensure that the actual state matches the desired state. This allows for easy collaboration, rollbacks, and auditing, as well as the ability to use standard Git workflows for managing changes.

GitOps and DevOps are related yet distinct concepts

GitOps and DevOps are related yet distinct concepts. DevOps is a culture, practice, and a set of tools for building and delivering software quickly and reliably. It emphasizes collaboration between development and operations teams to automate the build, test, and deployment of software.

GitOps is a specific approach to implementing DevOps that uses Git as the single source of truth for both application and infrastructure code. It relies on Git-based workflow and automation tools to ensure that the desired state of the infrastructure and applications matches the actual state.

The specific aim of GitOPs and DevOps is speed — and to deliver reliability.

Both GitOps and DevOps aim to increase the speed and reliability of software delivery. However, GitOps emphasizes the use of Git as the central point of collaboration and control, while DevOps is more focused on the overall culture and practices of the organization.

How Do Teams Put GitOps Into Practice?

Teams can put GitOps into practice by following these general steps:

  • Store all application and infrastructure code in a Git repository: This includes configuration files, scripts, and other files needed to deploy and manage the application and its dependencies.
  • Use automation tools to deploy and manage the application: These tools can be used to ensure that the actual state of the application and infrastructure matches the desired state stored in Git. Examples include Kubernetes, Ansible, and Terraform.
  • Use Git-based workflows to manage changes: This includes using branches, pull requests, and other Git-based tools to collaborate on changes and ensure that only approved changes are deployed.
  • Monitor and alert on the state of the application and infrastructure: Use monitoring and alerting tools to ensure that the application and infrastructure are running as expected and to detect and respond to any issues quickly.
  • Continuously integrate and deploy: Continuously integrate changes from the Git repository and deploy them to the production environment. This allows teams to quickly and easily roll back to a previous version if necessary.
  • Continuously test and validate the changes: Automated testing and validation should be performed at every step of the pipeline to ensure the integrity and quality of the code and to detect issues early.

It’s important to note that GitOps is not a one-size-fits-all solution and can be adapted to different specific needs and challenges, but the above steps provide a good starting point for teams to implement GitOps in their organization.

3 Ways GitOps Will Change Software Development

1. The Shift to Immutability

Once a file or commit is added to a Git repository, it cannot be modified. This immutability provides a number of benefits, including:

  • Audibility: Git’s immutability makes it easy to track changes and understand who made them, when they were made, and why. This allows teams to easily audit their codebase, making it easier to identify and fix issues.
  • Traceability: With Git, it’s easy to see the entire history of a file or repository. This makes it simple to understand how a particular file or application has evolved over time, which can be helpful when debugging issues or identifying the cause of a problem.
  • Reproducibility: Because commits in Git are immutable, developers can easily roll back to a previous version of the codebase without fear of losing data or breaking the application. This allows teams to quickly recover from issues and ensures that the application is always in a known, working state.
  • Collaboration: Git’s immutability makes it easy for multiple developers to work on the same codebase without fear of conflicts or data loss. By using branches, pull requests, and other Git-based tools, teams can collaborate on changes and ensure that only approved changes are deployed to production.

2. All Environment Changes are Subject to Code Review

When using GitOps, developers can suggest changes to the application or infrastructure in the following ways:

  • Create a feature branch: Developers can create a new branch in the Git repository, make their changes, and then submit a pull request to have their changes reviewed and merged. This allows teams to collaborate on changes and ensure that only approved changes are deployed to production.
  • Use pull requests: Developers can submit their changes in the form of a pull request, which can be reviewed and approved by other members of the team before being merged into the main branch. This allows teams to review changes and discuss potential issues before they are deployed to production.
  • Use issue tracking: Developers can open an issue in the Git repository to suggest changes or report a bug. This allows teams to track and discuss changes in a centralized location and makes it easy to see the status of a particular issue or pull request.
  • Use code review tools: Developers can use code review tools to check for errors and security vulnerabilities in the code automatically. This helps to ensure that only high-quality code is merged into the main branch.
  • Monitor and alert: Developers can monitor the state of the application and infrastructure and be alerted of any issues; this helps to ensure that the application and infrastructure are running as expected and to detect and respond to any issues quickly.

By using these methods, developers can suggest changes and report issues in a controlled and efficient way, which can help to ensure that changes are deployed quickly and securely.

It’s important to note that the specific process of suggesting changes may vary depending on the organization’s practices and the tools they use. But the above methods provide a general idea of how changes can be suggested when using GitOps.

3. All Environment Information Captured in Git

GitOps uses Git as the single source of truth for both application and infrastructure code. Because all changes are tracked in Git, teams can easily view the entire history of the codebase and understand how it has evolved over time. This provides an audit trail that can be used to:

  • Improve traceability: With Git, teams can see the entire history of a file or repository, making it simple to understand how a particular file or application has evolved over time. This can be helpful when debugging issues or identifying the cause of a problem.
  • Ensure compliance: Git’s immutability ensures that all changes are tracked and logged, which can be useful for compliance purposes. Auditors can use the Git history to see exactly what changes were made and when — which can be used to demonstrate compliance with industry regulations.


In conclusion, GitOps is a methodology that uses Git as the single source of truth for both application and infrastructure code. It utilizes Git-based workflows, automation tools, and monitoring to ensure that the desired state of the infrastructure and applications matches the actual state. By relying on Git’s immutability, teams can take advantage of its benefits, such as audibility, traceability, reproducibility, and collaboration.

GitOps is more than just a deployment model, it’s a way of thinking about how software development is done. It emphasizes collaboration, automation, and transparency, which can help teams to work more efficiently and effectively. It’s a way to bring the benefits of Git, such as version control and collaboration, to the operations side of software development.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; photo; Thank you!

The post GitOps Will Change Software Development Forever appeared first on ReadWrite.

Take Business to the Next Level With Automating Contractor Management Thu, 02 Feb 2023 16:00:16 +0000 Automating Contractor Management

Contractor management is the process of overseeing and coordinating the work of independent contractors to ensure that they are meeting […]

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Automating Contractor Management

Contractor management is the process of overseeing and coordinating the work of independent contractors to ensure that they are meeting the terms of their contracts and complying with relevant laws, regulations, and policies.

It is essential because contractor management ensures that the work being performed by contractors is of high quality, is completed on time, and is in line with the goals and objectives of the organization.

Effective contractor management can also help to minimize risk and liability for the hiring organization. For example, suppose an independent contractor is injured on the job. In that case, the organization could be held responsible if the contractor was not adequately trained or if appropriate safety measures were not in place.

By managing contractors effectively, organizations can ensure that they meet their legal and ethical obligations and minimize the risk of disputes or legal action.

How Does the Contractor Management Process Work?

Scope of Works and Requirements

This stage involves defining the scope or extent of the work the contractor will be responsible for and the requirements that the contractor must meet to complete the work successfully. In addition, it helps to ensure that both the organization and the contractor have a clear understanding of the work that needs to be done and how it should be done.

During the scope of works and requirements phase, the hiring organization may:

  • Define the project’s scope, including the specific tasks that the contractor will be responsible for and the deliverables they will be expected to produce.
  • Outline the requirements the contractor must meet to be considered for the work, such as having particular qualifications, experience, or licenses.
  • Establish the project’s timeline and any milestones the contractor will be expected to meet.
  • Identify any resources to which the contractor will have access, such as equipment or materials.
  • Outline the expectations for communication and collaboration during the project.

Contractor Procurement

The contractor procurement phase of the contractor management process is the stage at which the hiring organization selects a contractor to perform the work defined in the scope of works and requirements phase. This phase typically involves the following steps:

  • Identifying potential contractors: This may involve using a database of pre-approved contractors, issuing a request for proposal (RFP) to solicit bids from interested contractors, or using other methods to identify qualified contractors.
  • Evaluating proposals: Once the organization has received proposals from potential contractors, it will review them to determine which contractor is the best fit for the project. This may involve evaluating the contractors’ qualifications, experience, work approach, and the proposed price and schedule.
  • Negotiating the contract: Once the organization has identified its preferred contractor, it will work with that contractor to negotiate the terms of the contract. This may include discussing any issues or concerns either party has and agreeing on the scope of the work, timeline, payment terms, and other relevant details.
  • Executing the contract: Once the contract has been negotiated and agreed upon by both parties, it will be signed and executed, and the contractor will begin work on the project.

Contractor Selection and Prequalification

The contractor selection and prequalification phase of the contractor management process is the stage at which the hiring organization narrows down the pool of potential contractors and selects the most suitable candidates to move on to the next phase of the process. This phase is typically focused on evaluating the qualifications and experience of the contractors rather than their specific proposals for the work.

There are several steps involved in the contractor selection and prequalification phase, including:

  • Defining the selection criteria: The organization determines the criteria that will be used to evaluate the contractors, such as their experience, qualifications, and references.
  • Inviting contractors to apply: The organization invites contractors who meet the minimum selection criteria to submit an application or express interest.
  • Reviewing and evaluating applications: The organization reviews and considers the applications received from contractors, paying particular attention to the contractors’ experience and qualifications.
  • Selecting the most suitable contractors: The organization selects the most qualified and suitable contractors based on the evaluations conducted in the previous step.
  • Prequalifying the contractors: The organization may choose to prequalify the selected contractors by conducting additional checks or assessments to ensure that they can meet the project’s requirements.


This phase involves negotiating the contract terms, including the scope of the work, the payment terms, and other relevant details. There are several steps involved in the contracts phase, including:

  • Drafting the contract: The organization and the contractor work together to draft a contract that outlines the terms of the work, including the scope of the work, the payment terms, and any other relevant details.
  • Reviewing and negotiating the contract: The organization and the contractor review and negotiate the contract terms to ensure that both parties agree.
  • Finalizing the contract: Once the contract has been negotiated and agreed upon by both parties, it is finalized and signed by both the organization and the contractor.
  • Storing and maintaining the contract: The organization stores and maintains the signed contract for future reference and to ensure compliance with the terms of the contract.

Onboarding and Induction

The onboarding and induction phase of the contractor management process is the stage at which the hiring organization integrates the contractor into the organization and provides them with the information and resources they need to successfully complete the work. This phase is also known as the orientation phase.

There are several steps involved in the onboarding and induction phase, including:

  • Providing the contractor with information about the organization: The organization provides the contractor with information about the organization, its culture, its policies and procedures, and any other relevant details.
  • Introducing the contractor to the team and relevant stakeholders: The organization introduces the contractor to the team and any relevant stakeholders, such as customers or suppliers.
  • Providing the contractor with necessary resources: The organization offers the contractor any required resources, such as equipment or materials, to enable them to complete the work.
  • Training the contractor: The organization provides the contractor with any necessary training or orientation to ensure they are familiar with the organization’s processes and procedures.
  • Assigning the contractor a point of contact: The organization gives the contractor a point of contact within the organization who can answer any questions or provide support as needed.

Contractor Monitoring and Supervision

The contractor monitoring and supervision phase of the contractor management process is the stage at which the hiring organization monitors and oversees the contractor’s work to ensure that it is completed according to the terms of the contract. This phase may involve providing guidance and support to the contractor and monitoring their progress and performance.

There are several steps involved in the contractor monitoring and supervision phase, including:

  • Providing guidance and support to the contractor: The organization provides the contractor with guidance and support as needed to ensure that they can complete the work according to the terms of the contract. This may include answering questions, providing feedback, or offering assistance with any challenges the contractor may face.
  • Monitoring the contractor’s progress and performance: The organization monitors the contractor’s progress and performance to ensure that they meet the expectations and requirements in the contract. This may involve reviewing reports, conducting site visits, or regularly checking in with the contractor.
  • Identifying and addressing any issues or challenges: If the organization identifies any problems or challenges that the contractor is facing, it works with the contractor to identify and address them promptly.
  • Providing feedback to the contractor: The organization offers the contractor feedback on their progress and performance, highlighting areas of strength and improvement.

Challenges of Contractor Management

Challenges of Contractor Management
Challenges of Contractor Management — Image Credit: Vecteezy; Thank you!

Managing independent contractors can present several challenges. Some of these include:

  • Lack of control: Independent contractors are not employees and therefore are not under the company’s direct control. This can make it challenging to ensure they meet expectations and complete tasks on time.
  • Legal compliance: Companies must comply with all relevant laws and regulations when working with independent contractors. This includes appropriately classifying contractors and ensuring they pay their taxes and benefits.
  • Communication and coordination: Independent contractors may not be the same as the company’s employees, making contact and coordination more difficult.
  • Quality control: Without the same level of oversight as employees, it can be challenging to ensure that contractors provide high-quality work.
  • Lack of commitment: Independent contractors typically do not have the same level of commitment to the company as employees, which can affect the success of a project.
  • Lack of continuity: Projects could be delayed due to the contractor’s availability.

What Is Contractor Management Software?

Contractor management software is designed to help organizations oversee and manage their relationships with independent contractors. Here are some key features that are often found in contractor management software:

  • Contractor database: A central repository for storing information about contractors, including their contact details, qualifications, and experience.
  • Contract management: Tools for creating, storing, and managing contracts with contractors, including the ability to track the status of contracts and generate reports.
  • Time tracking and billing: Features for tracking the time contractors spend working on projects and generating invoices or billing statements.
  • Compliance management: Tools for ensuring that contractors meet relevant laws, regulations, and policies, such as health and safety regulations or employment laws.
  • Communication and collaboration: Features for facilitating communication and collaboration between contractors and the organization, such as project management tools or online collaboration platforms.
  • Risk management: Tools for identifying and managing risks associated with working with contractors, such as insurance management or incident reporting.
  • Reporting and analytics: Features for generating reports and analyzing data about contractors, such as data on contractor performance or spending.

6 Ways Contractor Automation Can Transform Your Business

Automated contractor management can transform a business by streamlining and simplifying the process of working with independent contractors. Some ways it can do this include:

  1. Automated onboarding: Automated contractor management software can handle the process of onboarding new contractors, including background checks, compliance verification, and contract generation.
  2. Streamlined communication: Automated contractor management software can facilitate communication and coordination between contractors and employees, making it easier to keep everyone on the same page.
  3. Improved oversight: Automated contractor management software can provide tools for tracking and monitoring contractor work, making it easier to ensure that contractors meet expectations and complete tasks on time.
  4. Better compliance: Automated contractor management software can help ensure that a company complies with all relevant laws and regulations when working with independent contractors.
  5. Better tracking and reporting: Automated contractor management software can provide detailed reports of the work done by contractors, making it easy to measure their performance and identify areas for improvement.
  6. Better cost management: Automated contractor management software can automate the invoicing process and help keep track of all the expenses, making it easier to manage the cost of working with contractors.


In conclusion, contractor management is a critical process that helps organizations oversee and coordinate independent contractors’ work effectively.

By following a structured process and using tools such as contractor management software, organizations can ensure that they are selecting qualified contractors, establishing clear expectations and responsibilities, and minimizing the risk of disputes or legal action.

Organizations can achieve their goals and objectives by effectively managing contractors while meeting their legal and ethical obligations.

Inner Image: Provided by the Author; Vecteezy; Thank you!

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Mikhail Nilov; Pexels; Thank you!

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Model Drift: The Achilles Heel of AI Explained Mon, 30 Jan 2023 19:01:02 +0000 Model Drift

A machine learning model is a mathematical representation of a set of rules that are learned from data. It is […]

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Model Drift

A machine learning model is a mathematical representation of a set of rules that are learned from data. It is the output of the process of training a machine learning algorithm. The model is then used to make predictions or decisions based on new, unseen data.

There Are Many Different Types of Machine Learning Models.

You’ll want to become familiar with the many different types of machine learning, including decision trees, random forests, support vector machines, and neural networks. Each type of model has its own strengths and weaknesses and is suitable for different types of tasks.

To create a machine learning model, you need to provide the algorithm with a set of training data. The algorithm then uses this data, along with a set of rules called a learning algorithm, to learn about the relationships and patterns in the data. The resulting model is a set of mathematical equations that capture these patterns and can be used to make predictions or decisions based on new, unseen data.

What Is Model Drift?

Model drift is when a machine learning model’s performance declines over time due to real-world changes in the data it takes as inputs. There are two main types of model drift:

  • Concept drift occurs when the relationships or patterns in the data change over time. For example, consider a machine learning model that has been trained to predict credit card fraud. The model might be trained on a data set that includes a certain proportion of fraudulent and non-fraudulent transactions. If the proportion of fraudulent transactions changes over time, the model’s performance may decline because it is no longer able to accurately predict the outcome based on the new data distribution.
  • Data drift occurs when the data itself changes over time. For example, consider a machine learning model that has been trained to classify images of animals. If the model is trained on a data set that includes images of dogs, cats, and birds, it might perform well on new images of these animals. However, if the model is then presented with a new type of animal that it has not seen before, such as a dolphin, it might perform poorly because the data it was trained on does not include any examples of dolphins.

One way to mitigate the impact of drift is to regularly retrain the model on new data to ensure that it remains accurate and up-to-date. Learn more about this technical deep-dive ML model, drift (aporia dotcom; concept of drift).

How Does Model Drift Impact Production AI Systems?

Model drift can have a significant impact on production AI systems, as it can cause them to make inaccurate predictions or classifications. This can lead to poor performance and potentially harmful decisions. In some cases, it could lead to the system malfunctioning, causing financial losses or even physical harm.

In production AI systems, model drift can occur due to changes in the distribution of the input data over time, such as changes in customer behavior or market conditions. It can also occur due to changes in the system itself, such as updates to the hardware or software.

To mitigate the impact of model drift, it’s important to regularly monitor the performance of AI systems and retrain the models as needed. Techniques such as active learning and online learning can also be used to adapt the models to changes in the input data continuously. Additionally, it can be beneficial to use ensemble methods that combine multiple models, as this can help to reduce the impact of model drift.

It’s also important to have a good understanding of the underlying data and the system to detect any signs of drift and take the necessary actions, such as retraining the model, fine-tuning the parameters, or collecting more data.

Can We Trust AI Given the Problem of Model Drift?

It is important to be aware of the potential for model drift when using artificial intelligence (AI) systems, as it can affect the accuracy and reliability of the predictions or decisions made by the model. However, this does not necessarily mean that AI systems cannot be trusted.

The key is to accept and manage the risk inherent in machine learning models. This is known as “model risk” – the risk that a machine learning model may make incorrect predictions or decisions, which can have negative consequences for its owners or users.

For example, take the case of Zillow, a real estate and rental marketplace. In 2021, it accrued losses of over $500 million due to the property valuation algorithm overestimating real estate values, leading the company to overinvest when purchasing houses. As a result, the company has had to reduce its workforce.

Zillow probably implemented rigorous testing before rolling out the machine learning model. The rollout in production was gradual, allowing the company to evaluate its performance in the real world. However, the company then expanded its purchasing program in a short period while market conditions began to change (concept drift). Thus, the model no longer reflected the real estate market.

This shows why it is important for companies to be proactive in managing model risk in order to ensure that their machine learning systems are making accurate predictions or decisions. The impact of the model drift could have been averted if Zillow monitored the model more closely.

What AI Developers Can Do About Drift

There are several things that AI developers can do to mitigate the impact of model drift:

  • Regularly retrain the model on new data: One way to ensure that the model remains accurate and up-to-date is to regularly retrain it on new data. This can help to reduce the impact of concept drift and data drift.
  • Use techniques such as online learning: Online learning is a machine learning approach that allows the model to continuously update itself as new data becomes available. This can help to reduce the impact of concept drift and data drift.
  • Monitor the model’s performance: Once the model has been deployed in a production environment, it is important to continuously monitor its performance to ensure that it is still making accurate predictions or decisions. This can help to identify any changes in the data distribution or other factors that may be causing model drift. Monitoring should be an ongoing process.
  • Use multiple models: Using multiple models can help to reduce the risk of relying on a single model that may be subject to model drift. By combining the predictions or decisions of multiple models, the overall performance of the system can be improved.
  • Add human oversight: In some cases, it may be appropriate to use human oversight to review or validate the predictions or decisions made by the model. This can help to ensure that the system is being used appropriately and that any potential issues are addressed.


In conclusion, model drift is a phenomenon that can significantly impact the performance of artificial intelligence (AI) systems over time. It occurs when the data distribution or relationships in the data that the model was trained on change, resulting in a decline in the model’s accuracy and reliability.

Both concept drift and data drift can be challenging to manage because they are difficult to anticipate and detect. However, by taking steps such as regularly retraining the model on new data, using online learning techniques, and using multiple models, AI developers can mitigate the impact of model drift and improve the trustworthiness of their systems.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Vecteezy; Thank you!

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Application Dependencies: Are They Holding Back Software Innovation? Thu, 26 Jan 2023 19:33:01 +0000 Application dependencies holding back software innovation

In software development, a dependency is a piece of software that another piece of software relies on upon in order […]

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Application dependencies holding back software innovation

In software development, a dependency is a piece of software that another piece of software relies on upon in order to function. An application’s dependencies are the external components that the application needs in order to work. These can include libraries, frameworks, and other software packages that the application uses.

For example, if an application is written in Python and uses the Django web framework, then Django would be a dependency of the application. In order to run the application, the Django library would need to be installed on the system.

Managing Dependencies in Software Development

Managing dependencies is an important part of software development, as it helps to ensure that an application has all the necessary components it needs to run correctly. This can be especially important when deploying an application to a new environment, as all of the dependencies will need to be installed and configured correctly in order for the application to work.

While dependencies make it possible to develop applications faster and add advanced functionality quickly without having to build them from scratch, they also introduce serious risks that can bring software development projects to a halt. I’ll describe what types of dependencies commonly exist in software projects and how they impact software innovation.

Application Dependencies
Application Dependencies — Are they holding up software innovation? Image Credit: Vecteezy; Thank you!

Types of Software Dependencies


Functional dependencies are components or resources that are necessary for an application to function. They result from the tasks that enable businesses to achieve their desired outcomes. It is important to identify and map these dependencies to detect and address issues, removing redundant dependencies.

Sometimes, you might need an unavailable dependency, such as one still in development. Mocking is a technique used in software development to create simulated versions of components or dependencies for testing purposes. Mocking allows developers to test the behavior of a piece of code in isolation by replacing its dependencies with mock objects that mimic the behavior of the real dependencies.


Developmental dependencies, on the other hand, are dependencies that are only needed during the development and testing phase of a software application. These dependencies might include tools for testing, debugging, or building the application and are not necessary for the application to run in production.

For example, an application may depend on a testing framework such as JUnit or PyTest during development in order to run automated tests. Still, the testing framework would not be required when the application is deployed.

Similarly, an application may depend on a build tool such as Gradle or Maven during development in order to compile and package the code, but the build tool would not be needed when the application is running.

Non-Functional and Operational

Non-functional dependencies are dependencies that relate to the overall behavior and performance of a software application rather than its specific functionalities. Examples of non-functional dependencies might include dependencies on particular hardware or software configurations or dependencies on system-level services such as networking or security.

Operational requirements can be hidden in functional requirements, so they only become apparent later in the project. To resolve an issue with such dependencies, it is important to establish policies, identify the root cause of the issue, and determine the appropriate resolution.

Dangers and Risks of Application Dependencies

There are several risks associated with application dependencies, and the danger increases with greater reliance on external software components:

  • Security vulnerabilities: Dependencies can contain bugs or flaws that attackers can exploit. It is important to keep dependencies up-to-date and to regularly check for and install any available security patches.
  • Compatibility issues: Dependencies are not always compatible with the version of the software they are being used with, or they might rely on other dependencies that are not present.
  • License issues: Dependencies may be subject to different licenses, and using them in an application may create legal issues if the terms of the license are not followed. It is important to carefully review the licenses of any dependencies before using them in an application.
  • Maintenance and updates: These are essential in order to stay current and secure. If a dependency is no longer maintained or supported, it can become a liability for the application that relies on it.
  • Complexity: An application with a large number of dependencies can be more complex to maintain and deploy, as all of the dependencies will need to be managed and kept up-to-date. This can result in something called dependency hell.

How Application Dependencies Impact Software Projects

Application dependencies are an important aspect of software development that can significantly impact the success of a software project. Understanding and managing these dependencies is crucial for building and maintaining high-quality software systems that are resilient, scalable, and easy to maintain:

Application dependencies can make the software more complex to build and maintain.

For example, if a software system has many dependencies on external libraries or frameworks, it may require more coordination between different teams and systems to ensure that these dependencies are properly managed. This can increase the time and effort required to deliver the project, and it can make it more difficult to make changes to the system in the future.

Application dependencies can affect software stability and reliability

If a change is made to a dependent component of the system, it can have unintended consequences on other parts of the system that rely on that component. This can make it more difficult to ensure that new features or changes are safe and reliable, and it can increase the risk of regressions or other issues.

Application dependencies can impact the scalability and performance of a software system

If dependencies are not properly managed or optimized, they can become bottlenecks or points of failure that limit the ability of the system to handle high levels of traffic or workload. This can impact the usability and reliability of the system, and it can reduce the value that it delivers to stakeholders.

Therefore, it is important for software teams to carefully understand and manage application dependencies in order to ensure that their projects are successful. This may require using tools and practices such as dependency mapping, automated testing, and continuous monitoring to track and manage dependencies effectively.


In conclusion, application dependencies can have a significant impact on software development projects. While dependencies can provide valuable functionality and save developers time and effort, they can also increase the complexity of a project, introduce security vulnerabilities, impact performance, and cause conflicts.

It’s important for developers to carefully consider the dependencies that their applications rely on and to try to minimize the number of dependencies as much as possible in order to keep the project simple and maintainable.

By keeping your project simple and maintainable — developers can help ensure that their applications are able to take advantage of the latest innovations and technologies and are able to adapt and evolve over time.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Mikhail Nilov; Pexels; Thank you!

The post Application Dependencies: Are They Holding Back Software Innovation? appeared first on ReadWrite.

Making Kubernetes Usable: Kubernetes Dashboard Options Tue, 24 Jan 2023 19:00:33 +0000 Kubernetes

Kubernetes (often referred to as “K8s”) is an open-source container orchestration system for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of […]

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Kubernetes (often referred to as “K8s”) is an open-source container orchestration system for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It was originally developed by Google and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).

What Is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes provides a platform-agnostic way to manage and scale containerized applications, making it easier to run and manage applications in a distributed environment. It is widely used in the industry for container orchestration. Some of the main features of Kubernetes include:

  • Automated container deployment, scaling, and management: Kubernetes automates the process of deploying, scaling, and managing containerized applications, making it easier to run and manage applications in a distributed environment.
  • Service discovery and load balancing: Kubernetes provides built-in service discovery and load balancing, allowing applications to automatically discover and communicate with each other.
  • Automatic storage provisioning: Kubernetes can automatically provision and manage storage for containerized applications, including local and external storage options.
  • Self-healing: Kubernetes can automatically detect and recover from failures, ensuring that applications remain available and running.
  • Automatic rollouts and rollbacks: Kubernetes can automatically roll out and roll back updates to containerized applications, making it easier to manage and maintain applications.
  • Horizontal scaling: Kubernetes can automatically scale up or down the number of replicas of a containerized application in response to changing demand.
  • Namespaces: Kubernetes allows for the organization of resources within a cluster by creating multiple virtual clusters backed by the same physical cluster.
  • Pluggable architecture: Kubernetes allows the use of various cloud providers or on-premise infrastructure and allows for customization of the control plane and the container runtime.
See Kubernetes Dashboard Options
See Kubernetes Dashboard Options

Why Is Kubernetes Difficult to Use?

Kubernetes is a powerful and flexible tool for managing containerized applications, but it can also be complex and difficult to use. Some reasons why Kubernetes can be difficult to use include:

  • Steep learning curve: Kubernetes has many features and concepts that need to be understood in order to use the system effectively. This can make it difficult for new users to get started and become proficient with the tool.
  • Complex architecture: Kubernetes has a complex architecture that includes multiple components such as the API server, etc, and kubelet (the primary node agent that runs on each node). Understanding how these components interact and how to troubleshoot issues can be difficult.
  • Distributed nature: Kubernetes is designed to run containerized applications in a distributed environment, which can add complexity and make it more difficult to understand and troubleshoot issues.
  • Configuration management: Kubernetes uses many configuration files that must be managed properly and remain in sync. When changes are made, it’s important to understand the impact of those changes and how they will affect the overall system.
  • Cluster provisioning: Setting up and maintaining a Kubernetes cluster can be a complex process, especially for those unfamiliar with the underlying infrastructure.

Despite these challenges, Kubernetes has become a widely adopted tool, and many organizations have found it valuable for managing containerized applications at scale. There are many resources available to help users learn and become proficient with Kubernetes, including documentation, tutorials, and training courses.

What Is the Kubernetes Dashboard?

The Kubernetes Dashboard is a web-based user interface for Kubernetes clusters. It provides an easy way to manage and troubleshoot the applications and resources running on a cluster. Kubernetes dashboard functionality includes the ability to view and manage resources such as pods, services, and deployments, as well as perform tasks such as scaling and rolling out updates. It also provides access to the logs and events of the resources and gives an overall status of the cluster.

The Kubernetes Dashboard can be used to:

  • View the overall health of the cluster and the resources running on it
  • View and manage pods, services, and deployments
  • View and manage persistent volumes and storage classes
  • View and manage secrets and config maps
  • View and manage network policies
  • View and manage roles and role bindings
  • View and manage custom resource definitions
  • View and search logs and events of the resources

The Kubernetes Dashboard can be easily installed and accessed via a web browser, and it does not require command-line tools or complex configurations. It is a useful tool for developers, system administrators, and cluster operators who want to easily manage and troubleshoot their Kubernetes clusters.

Kubernetes Dashboard Alternatives

Kubernetes Dashboard is a web-based UI for managing and troubleshooting Kubernetes clusters, but some users may prefer alternatives that offer more features, customizability, integrations, ease of use, and security. Some examples of alternatives include:



License: Commercial

Komodor is an end-to-end platform for Kubernetes operations that provides advanced tools to support Dev and Ops teams. It offers automated playbooks for all Kubernetes resources and static-prevention monitors to enrich live and historical data with contextual insights.

Komodor can help accelerate response times and reduce MTTR to ensure teams resolve issues efficiently and quickly. Here are the main features:

  • A unified dashboard: Komodo’s dashboard provides access to multiple clusters or namespaces and resources-related information.
  • A cross-clusters events screen: This view helps correlate multiple changes and provides information on how changes affect each other.
  • A comparison view: This functionality lets you compare various resources on multiple clusters or namespaces.
  • Proactive monitoring: Komodor proactively monitors cluster health issues.
  • Contextualized insights: Komodor displays errors, explanations, and suggestions alongside the relevant context to provide teams with the information needed to troubleshoot and resolve the issues.



License: Apache License 2.0

DevSpace is an open-source command-line tool that allows developers to develop and deploy their applications on Kubernetes clusters. It aims to simplify the development process by providing a workflow that allows developers to iterate quickly and easily test their changes in a Kubernetes environment.

DevSpace allows developers to run their code directly on the cluster, eliminating the need for local setup and reducing feedback loops. It also allows for easy debugging and testing by providing a simple way to access the application’s logs, shell, and live-reload functionality.

DevSpace also provides a simple way to deploy applications to Kubernetes clusters, with the ability to automate tasks such as building and pushing container images and updating the application on the cluster. It is designed to work with any Kubernetes cluster and any programming language, making it a versatile tool for developers to use in their workflow.



License: MIT license

Lens is an open-source Kubernetes IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that allows users to manage and troubleshoot their Kubernetes clusters in a more user-friendly and efficient way. It provides a rich graphical user interface that allows users to visualize and manage their clusters and the resources running on them.

Some of the features of Lens include:

  • Multi-cluster management: Lens allows users to manage multiple Kubernetes clusters from a single interface.
  • Resource visualization: Lens provides a rich visual representation of the resources running on a cluster, making it easy to understand the overall health and status of a cluster.
  • Context switching: Lens allows users to easily switch between different clusters and namespaces, making it easy to manage multiple environments.
  • Advanced filtering and searching: Lens allows users to filter and search for resources based on various criteria, making it easy to find and troubleshoot specific resources.
  • Role-based access control: Lens provides role-based access control, allowing users to restrict access to specific resources based on their role.
  • Plugins: Lens allows users to install and use plugins, which can add additional functionality and integration with other tools.



License: Apache License 2.0

Kubevious is an open-source Kubernetes observability platform that provides a visual representation of a Kubernetes cluster, including the resources and their relationships. It allows users to understand the overall structure of their cluster and identify issues or misconfigurations.

Some of the features of Kubevious include:

  • Cluster visualization: Kubevious provides a visual representation of a cluster, including the resources and their relationships, which makes it easy to understand the overall structure of the cluster.
  • Resource analysis: Kubevious provides detailed information about resources and their configurations, which helps users identify issues or misconfigurations.
  • Health checks: Kubevious performs health checks on the cluster and resources, which helps users identify potential issues.
  • Search and filter: Kubevious allows users to search and filter resources based on various criteria, making it easy to find and troubleshoot specific resources.
  • Compliance: Kubevious allows users to check their cluster against predefined compliance rules, which helps users ensure that their cluster is configured according to best practices.
  • Reports: Kubevious generates reports that provide an overview of the cluster’s state and history, which can be useful for troubleshooting and compliance purposes.


In conclusion, Kubernetes is a powerful and flexible tool for managing containerized applications, but it can also be complex and difficult to use. The Kubernetes Dashboard is a built-in tool that provides a web-based user interface for managing and troubleshooting Kubernetes clusters, but it may not be the best option for every user.

There are many alternatives available such as Komodor, DevSpace, Lens, and Kubevious, which offer more features, customizability, integrations, ease of use, and security. These alternatives can better suit specific use cases and requirements and provide more granular access controls, advanced filtering and searching capabilities, improved visualization, third-party integrations, and compliance checks.

Inner Graphic Credit: Provided by the Author; From the Product sites; Thank you!

Inner Image Credit: Provided by the Author;; Thank you!

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Fauxels; Pexels; Thank you!

The post Making Kubernetes Usable: Kubernetes Dashboard Options appeared first on ReadWrite.
