Podcasts are one of my favorite content mediums, and I know I’m not alone. Podcasts are inexpensive, typically free, they’re incredibly diverse, they’re usually updated on a daily or weekly basis, and you can listen to them while doing other things—like driving, doing chores, or exercising. Here are ten entrepreneur podcasts every founder should listen to.
As an entrepreneur, podcasts are even more important, since they’re perfect ways to feed your ever-growing hunger for more information. But with more than a million podcasts with more than 30 million individual episodes, it’s hard to know where to begin if you’re looking for an entrepreneur podcast to help guide your entrepreneurial endeavors.
I’ve assembled this list of my top 10 favorite podcasts for entrepreneurs.

Top Entrepreneur Podcasts

These are some of the best podcasts for entrepreneurs currently available:
Entrepreneur Cast

1. The Entrepreneur Cast

The Entrepreneur Cast is an aptly named entrepreneur podcast hosted by renowned marketing experts Jayson DeMers and Sam McRoberts. Both have started multiple businesses, and they tend to focus on entrepreneurship from a marketing perspective, while also often diving into relevant aspects of psychology, such as persuasion and incentive.
They give a firsthand perspective on the biggest challenges new entrepreneurs face, and they offer a fresh, front-line perspective as business owners who have both created (and sold) successful businesses, authored best-selling books, and are currently active in their own businesses.
Tim Ferriss Show

2. The Tim Ferriss Show

Consistently one of the top-rated and most popular podcasts in the world, the Tim Ferriss Show features Tim Ferriss, the author of The 4-Hour Workweek. Ferriss often talks with special guests, including rockstar entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley, professional athletes, and even politicians—all sharing their perspectives on success, productivity, and living well.
Marketing School

3. Marketing School

The podcast, Marketing School is hosted by well-known marketing experts Neil Patel and Eric Siu. Episodes are released daily, and each episode usually ranged from 4-8 minutes. Truly, straight-forward, bite-sized content.
Neil and Eric pack a ton of useful content into each episode, cutting out all the fluff until all that’s left is pure, dense, knowledge from the minds of two marketing experts.
Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders

4. Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders

The term “thought leadership” gets thrown around a lot, but Stanford University’s podcast series, Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders attempts to explore it right. With it, you’ll hear one-hour speeches from Stanford faculty, venture capitalists, and of course, entrepreneurs. It’s a perfect length of time for a workout or long commute.
Planet Money The Indicator

5. Planet Money: The Indicator

Planet Money is a great podcast by itself if you’re interested in learning more about the economy, but The Indicator is even better for entrepreneurs. Every weekday, you’ll get a bite-sized chunk of content, which can include interviews, news, and even interactive games.

No matter what, you’ll walk away with a better understanding of the current economy, and some new things you can try as a business leader.

Smart Passive Income

6. Smart Passive Income

Do you think passive income is just a buzzword, or an urban myth? Try listening to Smart Passive Income. Hosted by passive income millionaire Pat Flynn, Smart Passive income will help you learn marketing, business. You’ll also get investment tricks you can use to increase your income and reduce your number of working hours.
How to Start a Startup

7. How to Start a Startup

In one of the most aptly named podcasts on this list, How to Start a Startup teaches you… well, you can probably guess. Hosted by Sam Altman and a variety of other people from noted incubator Y Combinator. The podcast isn’t regularly updated—but there are 20 informative lectures you can listen to from years back, and they definitely hold up to current standards.
James Altucher Show

8. The James Altucher Show

The James Altucher Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world and has been host to business leaders like Mark Cuban, Richard Branson, Arianna Huffington, and Peter Theil. You’ll hear personalities and entertainers like William Shatner, Coolio, and Tony Hawk.
It’s all about achieving greatness, establishing financial freedom, and finding your own path.
How I Built This

9. How I Built This

Another great podcast from NPR, How I Built This is hosted by Guy Raz, who takes deep dives to explain how some of the best-known companies in the world got to where they are today.
It’s always a great way to remind yourself that amazing companies and entrepreneurs often have humble beginnings and there are solid lessons to learn from each episode.
Gary Vee Audio Experience

10. The GaryVee Audio Experience

Hosted by entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk, the GaryVee Audio Experience is a podcast that explores the startup mentality, motivation, and practical advice for entrepreneurs. It’s a nice blend of interviews, speeches, and fireside chats, so try a few episodes to get a feel for the format.

Discovering New Content

These entrepreneur podcasts should get you started on the right track, but if you’re like most listeners, they’re going to whet your appetite for more.
Ask for podcast recommendations from your colleagues, and keep an ear out for exciting new podcasts as they start getting distributed. Please write in and let me know the real hidden gems out there we all are still waiting to discover.
Image Credit: Andrea Piacquadio; Pexels

Deanna Ritchie

Managing Editor at ReadWrite

Deanna is the Managing Editor at ReadWrite. Previously she worked as the Editor in Chief for Startup Grind and has over 20+ years of experience in content management and content development.