If you want your website to rank higher in Google, you need to start paying attention to your SEO copywriting.

In this blog post, we will discuss ten tips that will help you build content that ranks better in search engines.

By following these tips, you can skyrocket your site’s traffic and improve your business’s bottom line.


  • Use Bucket Brigades
  • Focus on Search Intent
  • Include Related LSI Keywords
  • Leverage Topical Authority
  • Create Rich Media
  • Use the AMSR Formula
  • Optimize Meta Tags
  • Gather Industry Data
  • Answer the Audience’s Questions
  • Avoid Mistakes and Misspellings

Use Bucket Brigades

Bucket brigades are short sentences that grab the reader’s attention and encourage them to continue reading.

The bucket brigades usually consist of two or three words, such as “but wait,” “check this out,” or “here’s the bottom line.”

Also, questions like “have you wondered why?” can be used as bucket brigades.

By strategically placing these types of phrases throughout your SEO copywriting, you can keep your readers engaged and improve the time they spend on your pages.

Focus on Search Intent

When building new content, it is important to consider search intent. This means understanding what the user is looking for and how they want the information presented.

There are three different search intents:

  • Informational
  • Navigational
  • Transactional

Before starting writing, it is essential to find out which type of search intent the user has and structure the content accordingly.

For example, if someone searches for a product review, they’re probably looking for pros and cons as well as a detailed analysis of the product.

By understanding the user’s intent, you can tailor your copy to match what they’re searching for.

Include Related Keywords

Including related and long-tail keywords in your copywriting will help search engines better understand the context of your content.

Using related keywords also helps Google determine if a page is relevant to a given query.

For example, if someone searches for SEO tips, using related words such as “Search Engine Optimization” or “Google ranking” will signal that the page is relevant.

You can find these keywords by using tools like Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest.

Leverage Topical Authority

Topical authority refers to the relevance of a website in relation to a particular topic. SEO copywriting can be used to increase topical authority and improve rankings.

When creating content that is focused on a specific subject, you are more likely to rank better if you try to cover everything about that topic.

For example, if you write about medical subjects, you should show your expertise by creating content that will answer every user’s questions related to medical issues.

Create Rich Media

Using rich media such as images, videos, and infographics can help engage readers and improve the time they spend on your site.

The addition of multimedia elements helps search engines discover the purpose of the page and its relevance to certain queries.

Try using original media, such as custom images and videos, to make your copy stand out from the competition.

There are tons of free image creation tools online to help you create custom visuals with ease, such as Canva and Adobe Spark.

Using the AMSR Formula

The Attention-Motive-Solution-Result (AMSR) formula helps copywriters create compelling content that is optimized for search engines.

It consists of four steps:

  • Attention: Grab the reader’s attention with an engaging headline or opening sentence
  • Motive: Explain why they should care
  • Solution: Provide them with a solution to their problem
  • Result: Show them the result of using your product or service

Optimize Meta Tags

Meta tags provide search engines with information about a web page, including its title, description, and keywords.

By optimizing meta tags, you can ensure that your content appears in search results for relevant queries, thus improving SEO rankings.

To increase the chance users click on your title in SERPs, use these tips:

  • Keep your titles concise – a maximum of 65 characters
  • Include the focus keyword
  • Make it descriptive and enticing
  • Write something catchy

Gather Industry Data

Adding industry data such as statistics and metrics to your copies can help users better understand your content.

This can also improve rankings by signaling to search engines that the page is relevant to certain topics or queries.

You can use surveys such as JotForm or Google Forms to collect industry data and incorporate it into SEO copywriting.

Answer the Audience’s Questions

Providing answers to the audience’s questions through copywriting is another way to improve rankings.

You can find these questions by using tools such as AnswerThePublic or Ubersuggest.

Or focusing on the “People Also Ask” section in Google SERPs.

By writing compelling and informative content, you can provide readers with the valuable information they are looking for.

Avoid Mistakes and Misspellings

Poorly written copies, including typos and misspellings, can harm your rankings as it signals a lack of quality control.

To ensure SEO success, always double-check your work for mistakes before publishing it online.

Use free tools such as Grammarly or SEO Spellchecker to identify errors and correct them quickly.

Final Words

With these ten copywriting tips, you can skyrocket your Google rankings and improve your marketing results.

By optimizing content for search intent, using related keywords, creating rich media, leveraging topical authority, and gathering industry data, you’ll be able to drive more organic traffic to your website.

So what are you waiting for?

Start copywriting today, and get ready to see your rankings soar.

Erik Emanuelli

Erik Emanuelli has been in the online marketing game since 2010. Visit his website to learn more about SEO and blogging.