There’s no doubt that backlinks are still an important part of SEO.

The problem is that many people try to build links the wrong way, which can get them into trouble with Google.

In this post, we will discuss nine natural ways to earn high-quality links for your website.

These methods are effective and safe and will help you improve your SEO rankings in no time.


  • Content Marketing
  • Quora
  • HARO
  • Create Free Tools
  • eBooks
  • Reddit
  • Networking
  • Unlinked Mentions
  • Social Media

1. Content Marketing

One of the best ways to earn backlinks is through content marketing.

If you create high-quality, informative, and engaging content, people will be naturally inclined to link to it.

This is especially true if your content is relevant to their own website or blog.

Not only will this help you earn backlinks, but it will also help you attract new visitors to your site.

Here are a few tips for creating great content:

  • Make sure your content is well-researched and informative.
  • Use visuals, such as images and videos, to break up your text and make it more engaging.
  • Include calls to action, such as asking readers to share your content or sign up for your newsletter.
  • Publish your content on a regular basis. Consistency is key.

2. Quora

Quora is a popular question-and-answer website that can be a great way to earn backlinks.

If you provide helpful and insightful answers to questions, people will be more likely to link to your website.

To get the most out of Quora, make sure you:

  • Only answer questions that you know well and can provide valuable insights on.
  • Include a link to your website in your profile.
  • Make sure your answers are well-written and free of grammar or spelling errors.
  • Be polite and respectful when interacting with other users.

Remember, Quora is a community.


HARO, or Help a Reporter Out, is a great way to earn backlinks and get publicity for your website.

It works like this: journalists post queries on the site, looking for sources for their stories.

If you have relevant expertise, you can submit a response.

If the journalist chooses to use your response in their article, they will typically include a link back to your website.

To make the most of HARO, keep an eye out for queries that are relevant to your business or website.

When responding, be sure to:

  • Keep your responses short and to the point. Journalists are busy.
  • Include any relevant links or attachments.
  • Proofread your response before submitting it.
  • Follow up with the journalist after they publish their article.

HARO is a great way to get your name and website out there.

4. Create Free Tools

Another great way to earn backlinks is by creating free tools that people can use.

For example, if you have a website about gardening, you could create a tool that helps people calculate how much water their plants need.

Or, if you have a travel blog, you could create a packing list generator.

People are always looking for helpful tools, so this is an excellent way to get backlinks. Plus, it’s a great way to show off your expertise!

When creating free tools, be sure to:

  • Make them relevant to your niche or industry.
  • Make them easy to use and understand.
  • Include calls to action, such as asking people to link back to your site if they find your tool helpful.
  • Promote your tools through social media and other channels.


Publishing an eBook is another great way to earn backlinks.

If you write a well-researched and engaging eBook, people will be more likely to link to it.

This is especially true if the content is relevant to their own website or blog.

Not only will this help you earn backlinks, but it will also help you attract new visitors to your site.

Here are a few tips for creating great eBooks:

  • Make sure your content is well-researched and informative.
  • Use visuals, such as images and videos, to break up your text and make it more engaging.

6. Reddit

Reddit is a popular social news website that can be a great way to earn backlinks.

If you post interesting, relevant, and well-written content, people will be more likely to link to it.

To get the most out of Reddit, make sure you:

  • Read the rules of each subreddit before posting.
  • Upvote and comment on other people’s posts. This will help you build up karma, which is necessary to post in some subreddits.
  • Make sure your posts are well-written and free of grammar or spelling errors.

7. Networking

Networking is another great way to earn backlinks.

If you meet someone in your industry and they like your website, they may be willing to link to it.

You can meet people by attending industry events or joining online communities.

When networking, be sure to:

  • Be polite and respectful.
  • Have business cards or a website sticker handy, so you can give them your contact information.
  • Follow up with the person after you’ve met them. Send them an email or connect with them on social media.

8. Unlinked Mentions

An unlinked mention is when someone mentions your website or brand without including a link.

For example, if someone tweets about your company but doesn’t include a link to your website, that’s an unlinked mention.

To find unlinked mentions, you can do a Google search or use a tool like Mention.

Once you’ve found an unlinked mention, reach out to the person who made it and politely ask them to include a link.

Most people will be happy to oblige.

Unlinked mentions are a great way to get backlinks from high-authority websites.

9. Social Media

Social media is a great way to earn backlinks.

When you post interesting and engaging content, people will be more likely to share it.

And, when they share it, they’ll usually include a link back to your website.

To get the most out of social media, make sure you:

  • Post regularly.
  • Engage with other users.
  • Include calls to action in your posts.
  • Use hashtags and other tools to promote your content.

Social media is a great way to connect with potential customers and earn backlinks at the same time.

Final Words

Link building can be a time-consuming and difficult process.

But, if you use the natural methods mentioned in this post, you’ll be able to earn high-quality backlinks without too much effort.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to building a strong backlink profile.

Erik Emanuelli

Erik Emanuelli has been in the online marketing game since 2010. Visit his website to learn more about SEO and blogging.