Adam Torkildson, Author at ReadWrite IoT and Technology News Wed, 04 Oct 2023 17:58:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Adam Torkildson, Author at ReadWrite 32 32 Return to the Office: Trends and Tips to Make You a Success Wed, 04 Oct 2023 18:55:54 +0000 Return to the Office

While it should come as no surprise, people are returning to the workplace in droves, many of which through corporate […]

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Return to the Office

While it should come as no surprise, people are returning to the workplace in droves, many of which through corporate mandates. Many news pieces have already covered this trend.  In this piece, let’s take a closer look at the impact of returning to work on women and their specific challenges in returning to the office.

Women are finally returning to work in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. During the pandemic, women left the workplace in massive numbers. Now, three years later, the number of women in the workforce has exceeded the pre-pandemic, February 2020 number of 77.6 million. The Labor force participation has also almost made it back to the pre-pandemic level. This is due primarily to businesses and industries reopening, improved public health conditions and outlook, and more reliable schooling options.

Not all Return to the Office Situations are Created Equal

Many employers are quickly coming to terms that once Pandora’s box of remote work has been opened, many workers are not willing to return to the office all of the time.  That is why many companies are allowing employees to work from home.  While hybrid work schedules may vary, it has been observed in the marketplace that this typically equates to two to three days a week.  This flexibility is beneficial to a better work-life balance for workers, not to mention more flexibility to get errands done.

Not everyone has the discipline or room at home to work remotely properly.  The office allows some structure and discipline to keep people on task.  It is great to see people in person and get to know them in a different way that Zoom and email typically do not foster effectively.

At the end of the day, it comes down to the individual workers as to what style and function of work that they are most productive at. Wise employers will recognize this and allow workers to choose.  It shouldn’t be surprising that some will move on to new jobs if this isn’t the case.

That said, it appears that employees no longer have the upper hand regarding bargaining chips. With a down economy, many layoffs, and rising inflation, many employers may view such requests with hesitation. We will have to see how the economy either improves or gets worse in order to see how the remote and hybrid work trends end up playing out.

What are Some of the Barriers to Returning to the Office for Workers?

While women are making their way back into the workforce, it is not without some significant barriers to their return to the office. Several factors contribute to the potential success many have when facing the returning-to-work mandates of their employers.  Let’s explore several of these work trends below in greater detail.

The Ageism Problem: By the Numbers

Let’s explore several quantifiable data-based trends.  Studies show that 61% of workers in the United States over the age of 45 report witnessing or experiencing ageism. Older women are far more likely to be fired or let go by their employers. They receive more employment rejections, have less than half the callback rate of younger women, and report facing ageism a minimum of five years earlier than men.

Many Women are the Primary Caregivers of the Family

Women also have to do caregiving work at far higher rates than men, with extreme economic costs attached. 32% of women feel they must be home sometimes to care for family, and the number of childcare workers have, has dropped significantly since the pandemic.

Women are Under an Uneven Amount of Pressure to Look Their Best

In addition to some already considerable hurdles, as we have already discussed, there is major pressure in most industries for women to put significant time, money, and resources into maintaining a beauty standard. This is often unreasonable set by society and maybe a standard they have aged out of. This affects women’s self-confidence greatly and can even create a deterrent to returning to the office. Women are twice as likely as men to feel pressure about dying their hair for work, and 44% of women report feeling negatively when not wearing makeup.

Procedures to Help With Physical Appearance

Women are increasingly getting plastic surgery, such as the mommy makeover to combat some beauty standards. One in four women are reportedly considering cosmetic procedures of some sort. For postpartum women, they may even be aiming to change their postpartum bodies quickly. Some of the most common procedures women are typically considering are liposuction, breast augmentation, and tummy tucks.

Hybrid Work Provides More Flexibility

Another way that women support their return to the office is by finding hybrid and flexible roles that allow more women to find employment and decrease the bias women experience. This also enables women who do caregiving work to find employment that works with that. In some situations, this can also help avoid some beauty standards altogether.

Finding a Mentor for Your Professional Development

Lastly, one of the best ways women can help themselves as they return to work is by finding professional mentorship. Talent development programs help place employees into positions of success for them and the company. This is done by identifying the employees aptitude and coaching them through developing their skills to reach their goals as well as the goals of the company. These programs have been shown to dramatically improve self-esteem, promote livelihood, and increase confidence.

Bringing it all together

In conclusion, it will take some practice for people to get used to their old routines when it comes to returning to the physical workplace. Little by little, they will regain their confidence. What trends in the return to work movement have you noticed, and what can be done to improve conditions for all employees? Let us know in the comments below.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Andrea Piacquadio; Pexels; Thank you!

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Spatial Computing: Crafting New Realities in Work, Play, and Beyond Mon, 02 Oct 2023 16:00:46 +0000 Spatial Computing

Spatial computing is not merely a technological evolution; it is a paradigm shift heralding a new era in human interaction […]

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Spatial Computing

Spatial computing is not merely a technological evolution; it is a paradigm shift heralding a new era in human interaction and experience. As we immerse ourselves in this digital age, we encounter not only augmented realities but also the promise of a future where the boundaries between the virtual and the physical become increasingly fluid. Standing at this transformative juncture, it is both exciting and imperative to explore the vast potential spatial computing holds and understand the profound ramifications it will have on every facet of our daily lives.

The Meteoric Rise of AR/VR

In the vast technological innovation landscape, few sectors have experienced the stratospheric growth witnessed by the AR/VR B2C segment. The meteoric rise of augmented and virtual reality applications is not just a testament to its popularity; it underscores the fundamental shift in how consumers perceive, interact with, and immerse themselves in digital worlds.

Statistics paint a vivid picture of this trajectory, spotlighting a leap from a robust $31.12 billion in 2023 to an eye-watering $52.05 billion projection by 2027. This 67% growth over a mere four-year span is not just about numbers. It encapsulates the burgeoning enthusiasm, market demand, and the potential these technologies hold in revolutionizing experiences across sectors—from entertainment and gaming to education and healthcare.

The Spectrum of Spatial Computing

Spatial computing presents a rich tapestry of experiences that blur the boundaries between our physical environment and digital overlays. This spectrum is vast at its core, encapsulating various shades of reality.

Starting with our raw, unfiltered surroundings, we have what is simply termed “Reality.” This is the world as we know it, untouched and unaffected by any digital influence. It is the foundation upon which the other layers of spatial computing rest.

Next in line is “Augmented Reality” or AR. AR does not replace our world; it enhances it. Imagine walking through a city and seeing historical information pop up as you approach a monument or perhaps visualizing a piece of furniture in your living room before making a purchase. Tools such as Lumus’ Z-Lens or Elbit’s Everysight represent this evolution, enriching our vision by merging AR with everyday needs like prescription eyewear.

“Mixed Reality” (MR) takes this a step further. In this realm, the lines between the physical and digital worlds are not just blurred but intertwined. Digital entities are not just passive overlays; they interact and respond to our physical world. Products like Apple Vision Pro exemplify this, allowing users to see digital content that not just overlays but actively blends and interacts with their physical surroundings.

The spectrum culminates in “Virtual Reality” (VR). A complete immersion into a digital universe, VR offers escapism at its finest. Every sight, sound, and sometimes even touch is artificially generated. Meta Quest 2 stands as a testament to this immersive experience, plunging users into environments where every element is a construct of digital design.

As we continue to traverse this spectrum, it becomes clear that spatial computing is not just about tech or fancy gadgets. It is about reshaping the fabric of our experiences, merging the tangible with the intangible, and crafting a future where our imaginations only limit our realities.

Redefining Work in the Age of Spatial Computing

The transformative potential of spatial computing stands at the forefront of a new work paradigm. Envision a reality where international boundaries blur, making way for holographic business conferences conducted from the remotest parts of our planet. Or consider the potent efficiency brought by mixed reality, enhancing collaborative design processes and project visualizations. A standout example of this transformative power lies in the production domain: BAE factory workers, empowered by AR, have dramatically reduced their manual building time by an impressive 40%.

This is not merely about technological marvels but crafting a workspace without traditional limitations. As spatial computing evolves, the need for physical tools like keyboards or displays diminishes, pointing towards a future that champions adaptability, connectivity, and remote operational freedom.

The Evolution of Play in a Spatial Era

Entertainment, a realm ever-fluid and evolving, finds itself on the cusp of another significant metamorphosis, courtesy of spatial computing. The gaming universe, especially within the burgeoning metaverse, is being reshaped. Titles such as Espire 2 and the globally beloved Pokémon GO are not just games but experiences, drawing players into realms of uncharted immersion.

However, the revolution is not confined to gaming alone. Fashion and cutting-edge tech are birthing innovations like Marga Weiman’s Hyperfabric Dress. Such integrations signal a future where one’s attire is not just a style statement but an interactive extension of oneself.

Complementing these visual revolutions are strides in spatial audio. These are not mere advancements but reinventions, promising listeners and players auditory journeys that are as rich and layered as real-life symphonies.

Elevating Education

In the realm of learning, spatial computing stands as a game-changer. It offers opportunities for enriched interactive learning, allowing students to virtually visit historical eras or distant landmarks. The very act of notetaking evolves, with students jotting down points in the digital realm and accessing them effortlessly.

A New Era in Healthcare

The healthcare domain witnesses profound transformations with spatial computing. As seen with Augmedics, surgical outcomes improve, which overlays anatomically accurate spinal placements. The ability to monitor and diagnose in real-time, coupled with AR-assisted procedures, heralds a new age of medical precision and patient care.

The Future Landscape

While smartphones have been ubiquitous, their reign may be waning. The global smartphone market dipped by 14% in 2023, while AR glasses witnessed a 45% surge in sales. This shift signals a future where near-to-eye displays become our primary interface.

Inside the Magic: The Tech Behind AR Glasses

Delving into the realm of AR glasses, the magic lies in the enhanced visuals they provide and the intricate engineering underpinning them. Central to this innovation is Waveguide Technology, a marvel that transforms how we view the digital and the real convergence. The Reflective Waveguide, equipped with its unique embedded facets, paves the way for colors to coexist within the same waveguide, thus granting users an expansive 80-degree field of vision and altering how we perceive augmented overlays.

Conversely, the Diffractive Waveguide, in its bid to provide a richer, layered experience, utilizes multiple waveguides. While this adds depth and dimension, it also demands a greater energy output. Powering these intricate waveguides are micro-displays, harnessing innovative OLED and Laser technologies. These not only serve as the engines propelling the visuals but are the alchemists, transforming data into the mesmerizing virtual images that redefine our realities.

Embracing a World Transformed by Spatial Computing

As we peer into the horizon of what the future holds, the imprint of spatial computing is unmistakable. It is not just about a technological transition; it signifies an evolution in the human experience itself. How we perceive our surroundings, communicate with one another, and engage with digital and physical environments are undergoing profound shifts.

Spatial computing opens a gateway to new modalities of interaction, merging our senses with intricate layers of digital augmentation. Gone are the days when technology and reality were siloed entities. In this evolving paradigm, they entwine seamlessly, offering a symphony of experiences previously thought impossible.

But as with any technological evolution, spatial computing presents its set of challenges. The ethical implications, potential over-reliance, and security concerns must be addressed with foresight and care. While we marvel at the opportunities it presents, navigating its complexities with discernment is equally crucial.

What is clear, however, is that we are on the cusp of a transformative era. As the insights from Lumus elucidate, the wave of spatial computing is not just coming; it is already here. As we step into this brave new world, we must approach it with both excitement and responsibility, ensuring that our foray into augmented realities enriches the human experience, making it more profound, connected, and meaningful.

Featured Image Credit: Markus Winkler; Pexels; Thank you!

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How Owning a Digital Agency Helps with Paying Less Taxes Thu, 07 Sep 2023 16:00:50 +0000 Owning a Digital Agency

The world of digital agencies is dynamic and ever-evolving. And in 2023, many agency owners are tightening their belts and […]

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Owning a Digital Agency

The world of digital agencies is dynamic and ever-evolving. And in 2023, many agency owners are tightening their belts and battening down the hatches as a recession looms. As the owner of such an agency, you can leverage various tax strategies to optimize your financial situation. Several avenues are available to savvy business owners, from investing in tax-advantaged assets like websites to hiring family members under a family management company. This article delves into four such strategies, including the Augusta strategy and the use of Section 125 of the IRS code, while also offering cautionary advice for each.

1. Investing in Tax-Advantaged Assets: Websites

Websites, in many cases, are considered intangible assets. The IRS permits the amortization of certain intangible assets, allowing business owners to deduct the asset’s cost over its useful life. As a digital agency, you’re uniquely positioned to continually reinvest in and develop new websites, which can potentially bring about substantial tax advantages.

Cautionary Advice: It’s crucial to consult with a tax professional to determine the correct amortization period and ensure that the websites you’re investing in are indeed eligible. Failing to assess these factors accurately can lead to potential complications with the IRS.

2. Hiring Family Members Using a Family Management Company

A popular tax-saving strategy among business owners is to hire family members through a family management company. This can lead to income splitting – effectively shifting income from higher tax brackets (yours) to lower ones (often those of younger family members). Plus, wages paid to family members are tax-deductible for the business.

Cautionary Advice: Ensuring that the wages paid are reasonable for the services provided is paramount. Overcompensating a family member can raise red flags. Additionally, ensure that the family member is genuinely performing a service for the company. Fictitious roles can lead to audits and penalties.

3. The Augusta Rule Strategy

The Augusta rule, originating from a tax court case involving the Masters Golf Tournament, permits homeowners to rent out their homes for up to 14 days a year without reporting the rental income. Digital agency owners can rent their personal residences to their agency for events, meetings, or retreats and receive tax-free rental income.

Cautionary Advice: While the Augusta strategy is a unique opportunity, there are specifics to be aware of. The rental rate must be fair market value. Moreover, you’ll need a legitimate business reason for the rental, and proper documentation, including rental agreements, is necessary. Ensure the rental doesn’t exceed 14 days in a tax year.

4. Using Section 125 to Offer Pre-Tax Health Benefits

Section 125 of the IRS code permits businesses to offer their employees a chance to receive certain benefits on a pre-tax basis. This means employees can lower their taxable income so that the business can reduce its payroll tax obligation. A popular choice under this section is the establishment of a cafeteria plan, allowing employees to pick and choose among various benefits, including health insurance.

Cautionary Advice: Setting up a Section 125 plan requires compliance with specific rules and regulations. Regular testing to ensure the plan doesn’t favor highly compensated employees over others is crucial. A failure to meet these requirements can result in the plan’s disqualification, leading to significant tax implications.

In Conclusion

Owning a digital agency offers numerous avenues to optimize your tax situation. Investing in websites, employing family members, leveraging the Augusta strategy, and utilizing Section 125 of the IRS code can unlock many financial benefits. However, as with any tax strategy, it’s crucial to proceed with caution and the guidance of a tax professional. Missteps can lead to penalties and unwanted attention from the IRS. By navigating these strategies wisely, digital agency owners can position their businesses for financial success while enjoying the perks of strategic tax planning.

Featured Image Credit: Kindel Media; Pexels; Thank you!

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Using AI and Predictive Analytics to Enhance Podcast Content Strategy Thu, 24 Aug 2023 23:00:28 +0000 Enhance Podcast Content Strategy

The world of podcasting has seen explosive growth over the past decade. We are a little more than halfway in […]

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Enhance Podcast Content Strategy

The world of podcasting has seen explosive growth over the past decade. We are a little more than halfway in 2023; the number of podcast listeners has reached 464.7 million, a number that continues to rise. With this rapid expansion, creators find it more challenging to stand out in a crowded market. A robust podcast content strategy is essential, and in today’s data-driven world, the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive analytics can offer a competitive edge. Let’s dive deep into how AI and predictive analytics can be leveraged to enhance your podcast content strategy.

1. Understanding the Basics

Before we delve into the strategies, it’s vital to understand what we mean by AI and predictive analytics:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): At its core, AI mimics human intelligence processes through machines, especially computer systems. It can involve anything from voice recognition (like Alexa or Siri) to problem-solving.
  • Predictive Analytics: This uses data, statistical algorithms, and machine learning techniques to identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on historical data. In the podcasting world, it can help predict what topics will resonate most with listeners, among other things.

2. Tailoring Content to Your Audience

To optimize your podcast content strategy, it’s paramount to fathom your audience’s preferences. AI can analyze vast amounts of data from listener feedback, reviews, and listening habits. By doing so, it can provide insights into:

  • Topics that resonate with your audience.
  • Preferred episode length.
  • Optimal publishing times.

Predictive analytics can then forecast the likely success of future episodes based on this data. This allows creators to tailor content more precisely to their audience’s tastes, improving engagement and retention rates.

3. Predictive Topic Analysis

Using predictive analytics, podcast creators can analyze trends across various platforms (like social media, news outlets, and search engines) to gauge which topics are gaining traction. For instance, if a specific subject begins trending on Twitter, a podcast episode around that theme might be timely and relevant. By staying ahead of the curve, you ensure your content remains relevant and compelling to listeners.

4. Automated Content Curation and Creation

AI tools, like natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning, can assist in content curation and even content creation. For example, AI can:

  • Summarize lengthy articles or research reports, giving podcast hosts a concise overview.
  • Suggest relevant content or guests for interviews based on trending topics.
  • Automatically generate show notes or episode summaries.

While AI should not replace the human touch entirely, it can significantly aid in streamlining the content creation process. Paid editing and marketing services like PodAllies can vastly reduce the time any creator spends on the production side of their podcast.

5. Enhanced Listener Interaction

Voice recognition and NLP can be used to enhance listener interaction. Imagine a podcast episode that can interact with listeners in real-time, answer questions, or adjust content based on vocal feedback. While this might sound futuristic, advancements in AI are making this a possibility. By making podcasts more interactive, creators can engage their audience innovatively, setting their content apart from the competition. There isn’t an AI tool that can do this yet.

6. Personalized Advertising and Monetization

For podcasts that rely on advertising, AI and predictive analytics can revolutionize monetization strategies. By analyzing listener preferences and habits, AI can suggest personalized ad content, ensuring that listeners hear promotions most relevant to them. This can lead to better conversion rates and increased ad revenue. Two significant services that facilitate cutting-edge podcast monetization are AdvertiseCast and AudioGo.

7. Performance Analysis and Feedback Loop

A crucial aspect of a robust podcast content strategy is reviewing performance and making necessary adjustments. AI can offer real-time analytics on episode performance, from listener counts to engagement rates. Predictive analytics can also forecast future performance trends. This data can then be fed back into the content creation process, creating a continuous improvement loop.

8. The Human Element: Balancing AI with Authenticity

While AI and predictive analytics offer powerful tools for enhancing podcast content strategy, it’s essential not to lose the human element. Podcasts are inherently personal mediums, and listeners often connect profoundly with hosts. While AI can provide insights and streamline processes, the content itself should remain authentic and human-centric.


The fusion of AI and predictive analytics with podcasting is paving the way for a new era of content creation. By harnessing these tools, podcast creators can craft more targeted, relevant, and engaging content, setting their podcasts apart in a crowded market. However, it’s essential to strike a balance between leveraging technology and maintaining the personal, authentic touch that listeners love. With the right approach, AI and predictive analytics can significantly enhance your podcast content strategy, ensuring your podcast not only survives but thrives in today’s competitive landscape.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by George Milton; Pexels; Thank you!

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How Generative AI Can Help Shape the Future of Marketing Tue, 25 Jul 2023 15:35:11 +0000 Generative AI and Marketing

The latest technology that has swept the nation has been generative AI. With astounding capabilities that may have otherwise been […]

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Generative AI and Marketing

The latest technology that has swept the nation has been generative AI. With astounding capabilities that may have otherwise been seen as impossible by computers, it has seen a surge in popularity. This surge was partly fueled by OpenAI, the creators of the now renowned ChatGPT, releasing their third generation of the model, ChatGPT-3.

Where the Role of AI is Expanding in Business

This popularity of AI is not exclusive to word of mouth and personal usage — AI has already seen commercial interest in 77% of companies. As the technology of AI continues to grow and be more advanced, this number will likely begin to balloon.

Furthermore, companies that use AI are more likely to employ generative AI as well. So far, artificial intelligence has proven its intrigue and popularity, both commercial and among the general populous. But what can this technology actually do?

At present, it can handle and generate audio, code, text, picture, videos, and simulations. Furthermore, AI technology only gets more refined and more capable as it continues to explosively evolve and innovate. This innovation is possible only through intensive and intricate teachings to the machine learning models, such as ChatGPT.

Models attempting to learn from content and synthesize it

Using ChatGPT as an example, existing content is shown to ChatGPT, and the model attempts to learn from it and synthesize new content based on it. ChatGPT’s third generation has analyzed 45 terabytes of data to enable its multifaceted capabilities.

This equates to 1 million feet of bookshelf space, a quarter of the content in the Library of Congress, and this training cost OpenAI around $12 million dollars. Even more exciting is the much-anticipated ChatGPT-4, which is expected to have been trained on even more data and has better-refined responses.

With the multitude of functions, it’s hard not to see the applications of the technology. Already 28% of legal services and high-technology industries will likely see generative AI adoption. The expected adoption decreases for other industries but will likely remain very impactful. However, the expected adoption may be understated.

The Rapid Rise of Generative AI

usage of AI has over doubled in the past five years, and the capacity of this technology is constantly growing. Email marketing, marketing lead scoring, and customer service routing has seen over 80% adoption of generative AI.

It dips slightly but maintains high levels of adoption for fraud detection, cross-selling, and chatbot usage. Even if AI is yet to become the complete package, implementation of AI to do menial work has shown enhanced business productivity by up to 40%. How has AI evolved so powerful, seemingly out of nowhere?

Ultimately, overnight successes simply do not exist — but AI may prove the exception to the rule. Today’s powerful AI is the culmination of work since around 2000, and the AI of tomorrow will be the summation of today’s work.

Since 2000, the number of AI startups has increased 14-fold

Since 2000, the number of AI startups has increased 14-fold, with significant competitors joining the fray recently.  As mentioned before, OpenAI is the creator of ChatGPT, which is one of the most popular AI models currently available. This AI has been specified to thrive better in its niche, which happens to be a chatbot.

ChatGPT focuses on interactive dialogue, ultimately trying to simulate conversation with another human being. So far, the results have been astounding, with over 1 million people signing up to use ChatGPT within the first five days of its publication. The astonishing ability of ChatGPT has resulted in its recent fame.

OpenAI focuses on more than simply chatbots.

Another well-known model from OpenAI is DALL-E. This model is focused on creating artificially generated images based on a user-provided prompt. While not as popular, DALL-E has seen success with over 1.5 million users.

The recent hype has also drawn Google to unveil its own AI model, Bard. Like ChatGPT, Bard is an AI model mainly focused on thriving in the niche of ‘chatbot.’ The main advantage Bard has over ChatGPT is real-time access to the internet. While ChatGPT was trained on data from the internet, it had a training “cut-off date,” meaning it could not access information past a specific time.

Conversely, Bard is trained on data from the internet, while updating its internal ‘database’ of information to accommodate new published information. This plays into the information Bard presented, with around half of it being sourced from public forums online.

What AI Technologies Are Next

Many other AI models have seen success, all of which tend to focus on specific functions rather than being a jack of all trades. Make-A-Video’s AI specializes in generating artificial videos from user-input text-based prompts. So far, this type of text-to-video technology has already seen rapid innovation. This technological advance results in 3 times higher quality videos and 300% better accuracy when converting text to videos.

Nova excels in being a brand marketing AI

Some models, like NovaCloud’s AI, Nova, are less focused on being recreationally successful, and better accommodating commercial interest. Nova excels in being a brand marketing AI that allows businesses to personalize their marketing and generate new marketing mediums.

Businesses who have tried Nova report a marketing boost ranging from 60% to 170% compared to their previous marketing efforts. Now that AI has set its footing in the minds of many, what are some of the more detailed opinions on the technology?

Many experts believe the revolution of AI will represent a significant shift for businesses. Startups especially stand to gain the most with this new technology. Rob May, the founder of Nova, remarks on the unique opportunities for AI startups to spring up.

AI Can Suitability Tackle Marketing Tasks

Noah Brier, the founder of a marketing AI, conveys the suitability of AI to tackle marketing tasks due to the innate nature of artificial intelligence. Paul Rotetzer, CEO of the Marketing AI Institute, describes how most businesses have yet to recognize both the value and accessibility of AI. But how do these philosophies beg the question of how AI fits into today’s larger society?

Generative AI is likely part of a much larger trend.

Since the technological boom at the start of the century, society has moved closer and closer toward technical integration in all aspects of society and culture. The Internet of Things (IoT) is the concept of embedding pre-existing items with capabilities to access the Internet.

When viewed from this lens, AI seems to be a major milestone in the otherwise larger trend of connecting everything to the internet. 19% of chief executives display interest and desire to converge artificial intelligence with the concept of IoT, dubbed the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT).

Even those with more modest goals of simply using AI technology have already shown a slight dependence upon it. For instance, 22% of markets automate the marketing process with artificial intelligence to personalize things like offers, emails, ads, and more.

Marketing With AI Helps Those With Fewer Marketing Tools to Compete in the Industry

However, the marketing revolution via AI bodes well for those with poorer access to traditional marketing tools. For example, small businesses can easily adopt AI tools to help with marketing, and 31% of small businesses have already chosen to do so. An unintentional benefit of this is the high likelihood that new roles will be created due to AI implementation.


Ultimately, AI has proved itself to be a powerful tool. As it continues to grow and improve, this revolutionary technology creates a myriad of opportunities for both creators and users. Moving into the future, AI is more and more likely to provide value to everyone involved.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Cottonbro Studio; Pexels; Thank you!

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Gen Z’s Reaction to Negative Brand Experiences: The Confluence of Customer Service and Technology Tue, 04 Jul 2023 14:00:13 +0000 Brand Experiences Gen Z

The reactions and preferences of Generation Z (Gen Z) consumers are playing an increasingly pivotal role in shaping brand strategies. […]

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Brand Experiences Gen Z

The reactions and preferences of Generation Z (Gen Z) consumers are playing an increasingly pivotal role in shaping brand strategies. With the advent of digital technology and social media, Gen Z’s response to negative brand experiences is remarkably different from previous generations, often leading to brand abandonment after just one poor experience and a pervasive online discussion about the experience.

Research carried out by TCN, Inc, highlights that almost three-quarters of consumers would forsake a brand following a single unsatisfactory customer service encounter. The research further discovered that, for the third consecutive year, the most favored method of interaction with a company’s customer service team is through a live agent. This inclination towards human connection underscores the continued significance of a personal touch in customer service, even in this digital era.

For Gen Z consumers, the intensity of these reactions is even more pronounced. 75% of Gen Z individuals (aged 18-26) have shared an online review following an unfavorable experience, significantly exceeding the average of 44%. This act of sharing experiences online underscores Gen Z’s tendency to publicly broadcast their experiences, both positive and negative, thus shaping the perceptions of prospective customers.

Why Does Gen Z React So Negatively to Bad Customer Service?

Gen Z, the first generation to grow up with the internet and smartphones from a young age, are digital natives. This constant connectivity has led them to become accustomed to instant gratification and quick solutions. They expect brands to be just a click away, providing immediate, efficient, high-quality service. When a company fails to meet these expectations, Gen Z consumers can quickly become frustrated, leading to a negative reaction.

Desire for Personalization

Being digital natives, Gen Z consumers have grown up with personalized online experiences. From social media feeds to online shopping recommendations, they are used to being treated as individuals with unique needs and preferences. As such, they expect the same level of personalization from customer service interactions. When customer service fails to recognize them as individuals and instead treats them as just another ticket number, it can lead to dissatisfaction and negative responses.

The Social Media Effect

For Gen Z, social media is not just a platform for connecting with friends—it’s a platform for expressing their opinions, sharing experiences, and seeking advice. When they encounter poor customer service, they are likely to share their experience on social media. This public airing can amplify the negative reaction, as it brings it to the attention of a wider audience and may elicit supportive responses from their peers. The viral nature of social media can quickly escalate a single negative customer service incident into a significant brand crisis.

Influencing Purchase Decisions

Research has shown that Gen Z consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. When they experience poor customer service, they are not just likely to switch brands; they are also likely to leave negative reviews. These reviews can impact other Gen Z consumers’ purchase decisions, leading to a ripple effect of negativity and potential loss of customers for the brand.

Value Authenticity and Transparency

Gen Z values authenticity and transparency from brands. They expect companies to own up to their mistakes, apologize sincerely, and take swift corrective action. When customer service is poor, and companies fail to respond appropriately, it can be seen as a breach of authenticity and transparency. This can trigger a strong negative response, as it goes against the values that Gen Z holds in high regard.

Impact of Poor Customer Service on Brand Loyalty

While Gen Z is known for its brand loyalty, this loyalty is hard-earned and easily lost. Gen Z consumers are willing to reward brands that provide excellent customer service with their loyalty. However, they can quickly abandon a brand if their customer service experience is poor. Given the abundance of options available to them, they have no qualms about switching to a competitor that promises a better experience.

In the quest to cater to the demanding expectations of Gen Z, brands are leveraging advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR). These technologies have gained significant ground in enhancing the customer experience.

AI’s huge array of tools can help recognize consumer buying patterns and deliver hyper-personalized shopping experiences. This is particularly relevant in today’s retail scenario, where Gen Z consumers expect a seamless, personalized experience whether they’re shopping online or in-store.

Here’s how AI can help recognize consumer buying patterns:

  1. Analyzing Data: AI systems can analyze crazy amounts of data, such as past purchases, browsing history, and social media interactions. This data is used to identify patterns in consumer behavior, enabling businesses to predict future purchasing decisions.
  2. Predictive Analytics: AI uses predictive analytics to forecast future consumer behavior based on historical data. These predictions help businesses anticipate customer needs and tailor their offerings accordingly.
  3. Personalization: AI can use consumer buying patterns to personalize advertising or marketing campaigns. This might involve recommending products based on past purchases or suggesting items related to a customer’s search history.
  4. Customer Segmentation: AI can group customers based on shared characteristics or behaviors, known as segmentation. This can help businesses understand the different buying patterns within their customer base and tailor their marketing efforts to each segment.
  5. Sentiment Analysis: By analyzing customer reviews, social media posts, and other online content, AI can understand how consumers feel about certain products or brands. This can reveal trends in customer satisfaction and highlight areas for improvement.
  6. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can interact with customers, answer questions, and make recommendations. They can learn from these interactions, improving their ability to recognize individual customer preferences and buying patterns.
  7. Real-time Data: AI can provide real-time analysis and insights into consumer behavior, allowing businesses to adapt quickly to changes in buying patterns. This could involve adjusting pricing or promotional strategies in response to shifts in demand.

AR, on the other hand, merges the digital and physical realms, providing an interactive shopping experience. By using AR, brands can guide consumers through a physical store as if it were an online platform, offering unique customer experiences that can turn an ordinary shopping trip into an engaging exploration.

The cornerstone of winning Gen Z’s loyalty lies in providing exceptional customer service, both in-person and digitally, while continuously innovating and personalizing the shopping experience. Brands that prioritize and effectively execute these aspects will be better positioned to weather the storm of a negative review and turn it into an opportunity for improvement and growth.

In conclusion, the response of Gen Z consumers to negative brand experiences underscores the urgent need for brands to recalibrate their customer service strategies. Brands need to understand that Gen Z is not a silent consumer generation; they are outspoken and will not hesitate to share their experiences online, influencing the decisions of potential customers. Furthermore, Gen Z’s affinity for brands offering personalized experiences and quality customer service signifies that businesses investing in AI and AR technologies will likely gain a competitive edge.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Polina Tankilevitch; Pexels; Thank you!

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Preparing for The Bitcoin Halving Event Projected in April 2024 Fri, 16 Jun 2023 15:00:01 +0000

Bitcoin halving is an event that takes place approximately every four years, or more precisely every 210,000 blocks. This event […]

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Bitcoin halving is an event that takes place approximately every four years, or more precisely every 210,000 blocks. This event reduces the amount of new Bitcoin created and earned by miners by half. The halving is part of Bitcoin’s “monetary policy,” encoded in its software, to control inflation by reducing the rate at which new Bitcoin enters circulation.

How Bitcoin Halving Works

When Bitcoin was first introduced in 2009, the reward for miners was 50 Bitcoins per block. After the first halving in 2012, this reward was reduced to 25 Bitcoins per block. The second and third halvings, in 2016 and 2020 respectively, further reduced the reward to 12.5 and then 6.25 Bitcoins. This trend will continue until all 21 million Bitcoins have been mined, which is estimated to occur around the year 2140. After that, miners will be compensated with transaction fees.

Why Mine Bitcoin At All

Mining Bitcoin, a process where transactions are verified and added to the public ledger, called the blockchain, can offer several potential benefits. Here’s why someone would consider mining Bitcoin:

  1. Financial Rewards: One of the primary reasons individuals mine Bitcoin is for the potential financial rewards. Bitcoin miners are rewarded with Bitcoin itself. Given its value (hovering at roughly $25,000 currently per coin), even mining a fraction of a Bitcoin can yield a considerable financial return. The Bitcoin rewards can either be held as an investment (anticipating future price increases) or sold for immediate cash.
  2. Supporting the Bitcoin Network: Bitcoin mining plays an essential role in securing the Bitcoin network. The process of mining involves solving complex mathematical problems to validate transactions. This process ensures the integrity and security of the Bitcoin network, preventing double-spending and maintaining the decentralized nature of the system.
  3. Entry into the Cryptocurrency Space: Bitcoin mining offers an entry point into the broader cryptocurrency and blockchain technology world. It’s a hands-on method of learning about how blockchain technology works and understanding the intricacies of cryptocurrencies.
  4. Potential for Increased Value: If the price of Bitcoin rises, miners could make substantial profits. When Bitcoin’s price increases, the value of the rewards also increases. Given the historical performance and growing mainstream acceptance of Bitcoin, some miners choose to hold onto their coins with the hope that they will be worth more in the future.
  5. Independent Income: For those willing to invest in the necessary hardware and who have access to cheap electricity, Bitcoin mining can be a form of independent income. Once the initial investment in equipment is covered, miners can continue earning Bitcoin as long as they can cover the ongoing costs of electricity.
  6. Advancement in Tech Knowledge: Mining Bitcoin can be a fascinating hobby for tech enthusiasts. It provides the opportunity to learn about advanced computer hardware, software, and networking.

However, it’s crucial to note that Bitcoin mining is not for everyone. It requires substantial upfront investment in specialized hardware, and the cost of electricity can be high. Moreover, the difficulty of mining Bitcoin increases over time, meaning that the potential rewards decrease unless you continually upgrade your equipment. Therefore, it’s important to research thoroughly and understand the financial and technical implications before embarking on a Bitcoin mining venture.

Why Bitcoin Halving Occurs

Bitcoin halving serves several key purposes:

  1. Controlled Supply and Scarcity: Bitcoin’s inventor, Satoshi Nakamoto, designed Bitcoin with a maximum supply of 21 million coins to maintain its scarcity, mimicking the supply rate of commodities like gold. Halving ensures the steady, predictable release of new Bitcoins into the economy.
  2. Inflation Control: By reducing the rate at which new Bitcoins are created, halving controls inflation. The decrease in supply can increase demand, potentially driving up the price. This deflationary measure distinguishes Bitcoin from traditional fiat currencies, which often depreciate over time due to inflation.
  3. Miner Incentives: Miners play a critical role in maintaining and securing the Bitcoin network. The block reward, though periodically halved, provides an incentive for miners to continue their work. Over time, as the block reward decreases, transaction fees become a more significant portion of miners’ income, ensuring the network’s long-term sustainability.

The Implications

Bitcoin halving can significantly impact the cryptocurrency’s price and the broader crypto economy. In the past, halvings have often led to price increases due to the reduced supply of new coins and increased demand. However, these events also introduce uncertainty, as the reduced mining reward can lead to decreased mining activity if miners find the endeavor less profitable.

For Bitcoin holders, halving represents a moment of potential opportunity but also risk. Predicting how the market will react to a halving event is challenging. While there’s often excitement leading up to the event, the actual price response can vary.

From the perspective of a new Bitcoin user, here are some considerations for the upcoming Bitcoin halving in 2024:

  1. Understanding the Mechanism: The first step is to comprehend what Bitcoin halving means and its potential impacts on the Bitcoin market. This event is designed to keep Bitcoin inflation in check by halving the reward that miners receive for adding new transactions to the blockchain.
  2. Market Expectations: Historically, Bitcoin halving events have led to significant price increases due to the reduced supply of new Bitcoins. However, remember that past performance is not an indicator of future results, and the effect of the next halving is not certain.
  3. Timing: If you’re considering buying Bitcoin, think about when you want to make your purchase. Some investors believe that buying before the halving can lead to substantial profits, while others prefer to wait until after the event, anticipating a potential drop in price due to sell-offs.
  4. Security: As a new Bitcoin user, ensuring the safety of your investment should be a priority. Make sure to store your Bitcoin in a secure wallet and enable all possible security measures, such as two-factor authentication.
  5. Long-term Perspective: Consider Bitcoin as a long-term investment rather than a get-rich-quick scheme. The value of Bitcoin can be quite volatile, and it’s essential to be prepared for significant price fluctuations.
  6. Diversification: While the upcoming halving might present potential opportunities, it’s wise to diversify your investment portfolio. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, as the saying goes.

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Why Business Leaders Should Learn the SLATE Mentoring Methodology Fri, 12 May 2023 18:00:47 +0000 SLATE Mentoring Methodology

Think back to your pre-leadership/entrepreneur years. Is there a person who was eager to invest in your development? Is there […]

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SLATE Mentoring Methodology

Think back to your pre-leadership/entrepreneur years. Is there a person who was eager to invest in your development? Is there a person who cared about your success? If there was such a person, did you think of that person as a mentor at the time? What exactly is a mentor?

One definition describes a mentor as a more experienced person who shares expertise with a less experienced person. To gain an even clearer understanding of the term “mentor,” it may be helpful to look at synonyms for “mentor,” which include teacher, supporter, advisor, and even encourager. But perhaps the best definition and the one that most clearly aligns with the role of a mentor is this: A mentor is a person who provides useful and actionable information in the context of a long-term relationship.

SLATE Mentoring Methodology

Mentors that use a proven methodology to ensure quality and consistency are likelier to help their mentees achieve their goals. The five key components of the SLATE mentoring methodology include the following:

  • S = Stop and Suspend Judgment
  • L = Listen and Learn
  • A = Assess and Analyze
  • T = Test Ideas and Teach With Tools
  • E = Expectations Setting and Encouraging the Dream

When you begin any mentoring session, remember SLATE and how to start each session with a clean SLATE. Be open to new possibilities. Be ready to consider new ideas. Start with a fresh, clean SLATE. The SCORE mentor program uses the SLATE mentoring methodology (since I’m a certified SCORE mentor, this is how I learned about it). Let’s explore each part of SLATE in greater depth.

Stop and Suspend Judgment

Whether you are mentoring by phone, email, video conference, or in person, when you can connect with an entrepreneur, you must be completely engaged in the mentoring session. Because it is such important work, the first part of the model is to STOP and focus all your attention completely on the moment and on the person you are mentoring.

As mentors, we want our mentees to feel connected to us for the life of their business or career. And you can help ensure that they are.

There are three things our minds can think about the past, the present, and the future. When you stop and focus on the entrepreneur, you bring all of your attention to the present priority — your client — and you can better mentor the entrepreneur.

Suspending judgment means you refrain from casting judgment regarding a person’s appearance, clothing, mannerisms, ethnicity, and even the business idea. We acknowledge that not all ideas you hear will become great ideas, but respecting the person who brings the idea is an important part of your service as a mentor.

Suspending judgment does not mean that you will never be able to offer your ideas and experience concerning the business idea. Still, it does mean that you will suspend judgment long enough to listen, learn, ask questions, and come to a deeper understanding of the idea.

Premature judgment interrupts the process of building rapport and creates a barrier. Remember, your goal is to establish a relationship with the entrepreneur, not jump to conclusions in the first few minutes of a mentoring session.

Listen and Learn

When you are listening, you are not talking. You are not thinking about talking. You are not waiting for an opening to talk. So, what are you listening for? Consider the words you are hearing. Is the entrepreneur expressing thoughts, feelings, beliefs, emotions, facts, data, or hearsay?

Knowing what you’re hearing will help you dig deeper with questions to help the entrepreneur learn and grow due to your mentorship. Listen and Learn has at its heart the notion of creating effective dialogue. Mentoring is a relationship with an ongoing conversation. The best way to create a conversation and bring important information to the surface is to use the power of questions.

  1. Ask questions that make the entrepreneur think deeply.
  2. Ask questions that begin with how, what, and why, which helps elicit information to increase understanding.

Assess and Analyze

By definition, “assess” means to estimate the value of something. “Analyze” means to examine in detail to identify causes, key factors, and possible results. After the Listen and Learn step is Assess and Analyze, which helps you focus on the information that has surfaced so far; remember, you are not judging the ideas or the person. Your mission should be to help the entrepreneur assess and analyze the issues at hand. This is different than you assessing the ideas. It’s you helping the client assess and analyze the idea. You can do this by actively listening, asking good questions, and creating a dialogue.

As a mentor, you are asking questions that lead the entrepreneur to greater discoveries. Great mentors don’t provide all of the answers, but they do help the client think through things logically and methodically so that he or she can determine the best course of action. The best mentors are masters at helping the entrepreneur assess and analyze by uncovering information and discovering answers together.

Test Ideas and Teach With Tools

Suggesting that an entrepreneur “test an idea” is a powerful form of discovery. Testing an idea involves exploring an idea more fully, which typically yields more information and data. You are not lining up ideas and shooting them down. You are not asking the entrepreneur to defend the ideas so that you can judge them.

At Tork Media, we have discovered that the first idea an entrepreneur has is not always the idea the entrepreneur succeeds with. Testing is one way to help discover the best idea or to explore an idea more fully. There are many ways to test an idea. The following are four ways to keep in mind.

  1. You and the entrepreneur could engage in a dialogue using if/then statements to work an idea through its paces without actually implementing it.
  2. The entrepreneur could talk to someone who has already tested a similar idea.
  3. The entrepreneur could research other organizations that have implemented a similar idea.
  4. The entrepreneur could implement a phase or portion of the idea and track the results. Once the entrepreneur tests an idea, he or she may need more information.

That’s when Teaching With Tools comes in. There are three types of tools to keep in mind:

  • First, there’s YOU. As a mentor who brings a wealth of experience and a deep desire to be a faithful and wise advisor, you wear a unique tool belt full of tools. Share your expertise. Become the mentor your entrepreneur asks for by name and even recommends by name.
  • Second, there’s the internet and/or ChatGPT (not to be relied on too heavily).
  • Third, there’s your network. I always suggest you start closest to home in search of the expertise you need.

The most important thing to remember about Teaching With Tools is that you are equipping the entrepreneur to think, decide, and act based on information, data, and trends. That makes the entrepreneur smarter.

Expectations Setting and Encouraging the Dream

Eventually, each mentoring session comes to a close, and it’s important to wrap up the session in a way that creates momentum for moving forward. Regardless of whether the entrepreneur will explore more information on the web, meet with another entrepreneur, test an idea, or just do some more thinking, something positive and specific should come out of every mentoring session. SLATE helps you remember to end strong.

Expectations Setting helps keep the mentoring relationship alive and moving forward. At the close of each mentoring session, ask the entrepreneur what he or she plans to do as a result of the mentoring session. Develop a plan of action together. Identify what will be done by when. Talk about it and put it to the SMART test.

SMART is an acronym for making sure that there are clear, actionable expectations at the close of the mentoring session.

  • S is for specific.
  • M is for measurable.
  • A is for attainable and action-oriented.
  • R is for realistic.
  • T is for timely.

By putting expectations to the SMART test, you and the entrepreneur establish a relationship built on mutual accountability and activity that will produce momentum and results. Great mentors don’t encourage clients to be foolish or to wish upon a star knowing that failure is imminent. They help set a plan of action and encourage appropriate steps forward. They help clients assess each step and help them learn from each step.

Once there are clear expectations, the right dose of encouragement to take the next steps, and the entrepreneur knows what to do next, then you’re both ready to hit the ground running in your next mentoring session.

Featured Image Credit: Pexels; Thank you!

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Digital PR is Still a Relevant Marketing Tactic in 2023 Tue, 02 May 2023 15:00:34 +0000 Digital Marketing Tactic

We obviously live in a fast-paced business environment, and your marketing techniques should reflect this. A particular marketing or PR […]

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Digital Marketing Tactic

We obviously live in a fast-paced business environment, and your marketing techniques should reflect this. A particular marketing or PR campaign may have been successful for you a year or two ago, but that doesn’t mean it will still benefit you today. The majority of marketing directors and business owners have already concluded that one successful digital PR or publicity campaign is no longer enough.

What is digital PR? How will it be relevant in marketing?

Given that the majority of people are now online, your company needs to have a strong online presence, which is where digital PR can help it grow.

Digital PR is all about getting your company’s identity and, more specifically, your website in front of high-trust websites like news sources, trade publications, and other reliable sources. Digital PR is showcasing your skills in another person’s blog or article, not guest posting or being a featured writer for a blog or article.

Digital PR is simply the use of digital strategies and techniques by a brand to increase its online visibility and establish relationships with journalists in order to secure the publication of news stories about the company and its thought leaders. Your SEO approach will benefit from investing in digital PR because it’s 2023; everyone needs to be Google-worthy.

The majority of people will use a Google business before choosing them, whether it’s a restaurant, hotel, or even a tradesperson. This is also true when choosing a product or service, particularly if you have a B2B offering.

Data can be used to gauge digital PR. Metrics like impressions, social shares, purchases, and the duration of audience engagement with your company are all concrete indicators. Through these methods, you can not only assess your effectiveness but also get feedback for further refining the image of your brand.

Social media makes this feasible because it allows millions of users to interact with businesses daily through simple acts like likes, shares, and comments. This enables businesses to evaluate how their brand is regarded and determine what they need to change in order to get better and keep growing their audience.

The Benefits of Digital PR

Your SEO is strengthened by digital PR since your links are inserted in articles on websites with high authority.

• The article isn’t sponsored; it looks natural and is part of the regular editorial format of the site.

• It illustrates your subject-matter knowledge or value.

• It is challenging for rivals to copy.

• It broadens your audience because your links are highlighted on websites with thousands to hundreds of thousands of visitors.

Successful Digital PR Techniques

Now that you are aware of what digital PR is and how it benefits your brand and SEO, let’s have a look at some of the tactics you can use to make the most of it.

Content niches in digital PR.

The specific audience of your business is referred to as a niche. Knowing your niche helps you to more precisely define what your brand does and who belongs to the group of customers who are interested in your goal, service, or item.

Content niches will become even more specialized in 2023 as algorithms are regularly improved to serve content to viewers who will be interested in it. This means that to attract journalists who are interested in your niche, you must choose your angle—what makes you newsworthy?—just as with traditional publicity.

Think about the investment.

What is the project’s overall budget? Investment and ROI must be taken into consideration. Additionally, consider how long you plan to use the company’s services. Some businesses might demand a one-year commitment.

It’s crucial to consider both the price and the caliber of the work they will deliver. Businesses may focus their decisions solely on price, giving little consideration to the services that are provided.

Utilize research for your digital PR tactics for marketing.

One of the most popular digital PR tactics is data-driven research projects. Numbers that can be featured and shared on social media are a favorite among journalists. If you have the resources, you can do these studies using your own data as well as data from other sources (the Census, unprocessed financial reports, social media, etc.).

Train your spokesman/woman frequently.

Finding one or two spokespersons for your business is a wonderful exercise to establish internal standards and inform top executives of the advantages of effective PR. Although sharing the most recent industry news and trends with them can help them stay on top of the narrative, regular media training sessions are also beneficial. This is a simple, inexpensive practice that can have a big impact. This will make them feel more at ease talking to the media while also letting them know that when used wisely, the media can be a reliable ally.

Explore the podcast scene.

Look for podcasts that complement your brand and are hosted by bigger media companies, then contact them. The goal of most podcast hosts is to provide their audience with something sincere and educational. Draw from your area of expertise and conduct research on topics you believe your target podcast listeners will find interesting.

You would potentially need to pitch for months to secure multiple brand appearances in digital newspapers, or you could engage a PR company with connections. However, booking an equal number of podcasts can take as little as two weeks and only involves some emailing.

Recognize the importance of timing.

Knowing whether to participate in a topic through a focused opinion post by the CEO or top executive or when to make a pitch is crucial for developing a strong digital PR footprint. It could be best to wait a few days to enhance the chance of exposure if something bigger than your article is attracting too much attention.

On the other hand, if a contentious issue is one that no one is willing to discuss openly, such as DEI in the workplace or how some celebrities’ 15-minute private jet flights are undermining global warming initiatives, it’s time to join the discussion with a compelling argument. Timing is important in life, especially with PR.

You have access to a powerful tool through digital PR to create the high-quality backlinks your SEO plan requires. Remember that this tactic is most effective when combined with an expertly optimized website and social media presence.

Featured Imge Credit; Pexels; Thank you!

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The 7 Essential Elements of a Thriving Remote Company Culture Wed, 26 Apr 2023 15:00:32 +0000 Remote Company Culture

Does your company value and encourage remote work? As a response to the coronavirus, this issue is at the forefront […]

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Remote Company Culture

Does your company value and encourage remote work? As a response to the coronavirus, this issue is at the forefront of many leaders’ minds right now. Is it just a fad that will disappear when things get “back to normal?”

Not in my opinion. As the founder of a fully remote digital PR subscription service, I believe it is likely that certain companies will continue to use a distributed workforce in the future. It’s crucial to foster a positive remote company culture that results in happy employees, whether your staff will work remotely temporarily or permanently.

But you can’t make other people happy for you. Leaders can establish expectations for how workers should behave and interact, but they cannot dictate how those workers perform or behave. Culture instead dictates this role.

It’s not simple to establish a remarkable culture of remote work.

My own company, which has always been a remote-first model, has had to step up its game in light of the current climate to make its remote workers feel safe and valued. I can only imagine how much more challenging this is if you are making a fresh start. You may worry that your new startup’s culture is built on unstable ground if no solid groundwork has been laid first.

However, it is possible to construct a rapid and robust base. What I’ve learned over the years of leading distributed teams is this:

There is no such thing as a remote company culture fluke.

Creating a productive culture for remote workers requires some planning. Share your thoughts and values about remote work with your colleagues. Let them know how you would like them to interact with one another.

Find and hire people who already exhibit these qualities. Once those parameters are established, it will be much simpler to provide your team the freedom and support it needs to reach its full potential.

Then contemplate what else you might do to foster an optimistic atmosphere. In my own workplace, for instance, we have a salaried position called “Chief of Cheer,” whose job is to maintain and cultivate a positive business culture.

Get your ego out of the way first.

To quote the famous fifth habit of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not the best listener when I have something to say. But doing so prevents you from listening attentively and so from learning anything from the person standing before you.

Concentrate on hearing the other person out. To get more information out of them, you should ask clarifying questions. Don’t discount their emotions just because you find them difficult to hear or because you disagree with them. Think of the other person as a potential source of information, and take an interest in them. In this context, consider Socrates’ famous paradox: “I know that I know nothing.” Adopting a humble demeanor involves admitting one has shortcomings and can always improve.

Be a role model.

Members of your team will do what they are told. When leaders set high standards for their teams but fail to meet them themselves, they undermine morale and productivity. This is the consensus opinion of all the remote specialists I’ve consulted. For instance, I picked up the idea that a leader’s beliefs can affect a company’s culture, whether or not your staff is physically present in an office, from Help Scout’s Director of Talent Acquisition Leah Knobler.

Because of this, it’s crucial to serve as a role model for your staff. My organization places a premium on work-life balance and employee trust by granting flexible work hours. We utilize a chat program for speedy contact, but we made it clear from the start that nobody was expected to respond immediately. We have made it abundantly apparent that we are not keeping tabs on their Internet use. For instance, I try not to respond to my instant messages right away if I’m not online or if I’m in the middle of something else, even if I really want to.

Similarly, generosity is one of our most important principles. I try to be considerate no matter what’s going on, and I make it clear to the rest of the executive team that they should as well.

Make time for enjoyment.

Having a good time together at work is a key component of a successful team. Some people have the misconception that people who work from home are slacking off in their jammies and unsupervised.

Remote workers often don’t have clear boundaries between their professional and personal lives, in contrast to those in more conventional workplaces. They spend their time at home working. And it’s not always easy to relax a highly motivated person.

Incorporate some lightheartedness, then. Make it a point to celebrate your successes and start some new customs with the team. Invent unique ways to honor special occasions. You can’t make someone join in, but you can clarify that everyone on your team is free to relax and enjoy themselves.

Permit your group to make an impact.

People wish to have a positive impact and contribute to society. Insisting on a robotic approach to work while telling your colleagues to “think outside the box” is a contradiction. Predetermined expectations, in my opinion, might make people feel that their actions are meaningless. Make them feel like they have the freedom to try something new. Raise them above their daily routine.

In a free setting, great cultures can flourish. Only when individuals feel safe with one another and have faith that their opinions and ideas will be taken seriously can there be an open atmosphere.

See what a thriving remote company culture looks like.

Could you distinguish between a culture that gets the job done but is sick and one that thrives? Recognizing a positive (or negative) cultural trend is crucial for influencing positive change. A CEO who has built a culture that people want to participate in is essential to a company’s success, as I learned from Buffer’s Hailley Griffis (the company produces an annual report on remote work).

Consider the reaction of your own remote staff to get a sense of the company’s remote culture. Do they express gratitude to you and each other? Is there an overflow of good vibes into personal lines of contact? Do you feel like you’re beginning to understand who they are? Do you and they openly support one another? These are characteristics of a team that is starting to gel.

Great cultures tend to reproduce themselves.

An effective remote work culture serves as an unconscious call to unity. It’s the result of individual actions and the beliefs of those who take part in those actions. It results when people recognize their role in the whole. And it spreads to the rest of the team.

If the atmosphere at your remote office is positive and supportive, it will continue to thrive despite the inevitable transitions that occur when a team expands. Great company culture benefits the business and its clients — but it takes work to maintain.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Andrea Piacquadio; Pexels; Thank you!

The post The 7 Essential Elements of a Thriving Remote Company Culture appeared first on ReadWrite.
