Digital - ReadWrite IoT and Technology News Mon, 02 Oct 2023 17:31:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Digital - ReadWrite 32 32 Product Design for SaaS Startups: Best Practices and Examples Mon, 02 Oct 2023 18:00:52 +0000 Product Design for SaaS Startups

I’ll start by taking you to the world of Startup X, a passionate team of entrepreneurs who believed they had […]

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Product Design for SaaS Startups

I’ll start by taking you to the world of Startup X, a passionate team of entrepreneurs who believed they had the next big thing in the world of software as a service (SaaS). They poured their hearts and souls into creating an innovative product fueled by the desire to make a difference in the lives of their target audience.

However, despite their best efforts, they struggled to gain traction. They faced the disappointment of seeing their hard work go unnoticed and the frustration of feeling like they were missing something crucial. That’s when they realized they needed help.

Do you find yourself and your project in a similar position? Pouring your heart and soul into a project only to see it fall flat? It’s disheartening, but sadly, this is one experience that many startup founders face. The good news is that there’s hope!

Startup X reached out to a product design services provider, and with their help, they were able to turn their fortunes around. The product design team helped them identify their users’ pain points and redesign the product to provide a more seamless customer experience. The impact was nothing short of miraculous.

I understand the struggles that come with being a startup founder. I know how it feels to be passionate about an idea and watch it struggle to take off. In this article, I’ll share some best practices and real-life examples of successful product design for SaaS companies. The goal is to create products that meet but exceed the expectations of your audience.

Why Is Design Important for SaaS?

Design plays a crucial role in the success of SaaS products, whether it is a SaaS application or SaaS website. It makes the product more user-friendly and can also help build trust with customers and differentiate the product from competitors in the SaaS market.

Research has shown that good design can impact a company’s financial performance!

According to a design study spanning 10 year conducted by the Design Management Institute, design-driven companies outperform the S&P 500 by 228%!

So, if you’re running a SaaS company, never skimp on design! Here are some more reasons why design is essential for any SaaS model:

1. User experience

The success of a SaaS software product largely depends on how well it meets the needs of its users.

Design helps create an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, making it easier for users to navigate the product and perform the desired actions.

A well-designed SaaS application can reduce the learning curve, enhance user satisfaction, and increase the chances of retaining customers.

  1. 2. Branding

The design of a SaaS product can help communicate the brand’s value proposition, personality, and identity.

A visually appealing and consistent design can help create a strong brand image and differentiate the product from competitors.

3. Functionality

Good design helps ensure a SaaS product is visually pleasing and functional. A well-designed product takes into account usability, accessibility, and scalability, which are all essential for a successful SaaS product.

4. Trust and credibility

A poorly designed software-as-a-service product can create a negative perception of the brand and reduce trust and credibility. On the other hand, a well-designed product can build trust and credibility with users, making them more likely to recommend the product to others.

How to Design a SaaS Product for Startups (A 6-step Approach)

To successfully design a SaaS product, you must understand your users deeply. Here is a 6-step approach that can help you achieve that:

1. Understand the User

A SaaS design done without the user in mind is an effort in futility! It’s the most reliable recipe for disaster!

Here are what to do on the journey to design a SaaS product to be able to understand your user:

  • Conduct user research: By doing this, you can better understand what your users need and what challenges they face. You can conduct user research through surveys, interviews, or usability testing. And it’s a great way to get direct feedback from your potential customers2.
  • Create user personas: User personas are fictional representations of your target users. They can help you understand their goals, motivations, and behaviors. Creating user personas can also help you design a product that meets the needs of your prospective audience.
  • Use data analytics: Data analytics can provide valuable insights into how users interact with your product. By analyzing user behavior and usage patterns, you should be able to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven design decisions.

2. Make an Appealing User Interface Design

  • The user interface is the face of your software-as-a-service product. And it’s often the first impression users have of your brand.
  • A well-designed UI can make it easy for users to navigate your product, complete tasks, and achieve their goals. In contrast, a poorly designed user interface can lead to frustration, confusion, and, ultimately, user churn.
  • Investing in UI design can also help differentiate your product in the SaaS market. By creating a unique and visually appealing interface, you can capture your audience’s attention and stand out in a crowded marketplace.

3. Best practices for UI design

When it comes to designing UI for your SaaS product, there are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  • Keep it simple: A cluttered and confusing interface can lead to frustration and user churn. Keep the interface simple, intuitive, and easy to navigate.
  • Prioritize user experience: Focus on creating an interface that meets the needs of your audience and provides a seamless customer experience. Conduct user testing and gather feedback to ensure your interface meets user needs.
  • Consistency is key: Maintain consistency throughout your interface regarding design elements, layout, and interaction patterns. This will help create a cohesive and familiar user experience.
  • Pay attention to visual design: A visually appealing interface can significantly impact the user experience. Use color, typography, and imagery strategically to create a unique and memorable interface.

Some examples of effective UI from top SaaS companies

Some SaaS software services have achieved great success through effective user interface design. Here are a few examples:

  • Asana: Asana’s UI design is clean, simple, and easy to navigate, making it a favorite among users. The design of the SaaS platform is consistent, with straightforward typography, whitespace, and a cohesive color scheme.
  • Slack: Slack is one of the best digital products on the market. Part of the reason is that the SaaS website is visually appealing, with a vibrant color palette and playful illustrations. The interface is intuitive, with a straightforward layout that makes it easy for users to find what they need.
  • Canva: Canva, a graphic design SaaS platform, has a visually stunning UI design with design that emphasizes the user’s creative output. The interface of the SaaS website is easy to use, with straightforward navigation and a consistent design.

By following best practices and drawing inspiration from effective user interfaces, you can create a SaaS platform with an interface that meets and exceeds user expectations.

Build a Seamless User Experience

User experience design is creating a user-centric product that meets user needs and goals, according to A well-designed user experience can increase user engagement and drive customer loyalty. A SaaS UX design that is intuitive, efficient, and enjoyable can significantly impact user satisfaction, retention, and overall success.

Investing in UX design can also help differentiate your product from competitors. By providing UX that exceeds user expectations, you can create a memorable and positive experience, encouraging users to stay and recommend your product to others.

Best practices for UX design

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when making a seamless UX design for your SaaS product:

  • Conduct user research: Conduct user research to understand your audience’s needs, goals, and pain points. Use this information to inform your design decisions and create a product that meets user needs.
  • Create user personas: Create user personas that represent your targets. This can help you better understand your users and design a user experience that meets their needs and goals.
  • Prioritize usability: Prioritize usability by creating an easy-to-use, efficient, and intuitive product. Focus on building a user experience that allows users to complete tasks quickly and without confusion.
  • Feedback and guidance: Provide users feedback and advice throughout the customer journey. This can help users understand what actions to take next and reduce frustration and confusion.
  • Continuously iterate: Iterate and improve the user experience based on customer feedback and the most relevant data. This can help you create a UX design that evolves with user needs and expectations.

Some examples of effective user experiences

Some SaaS platforms have achieved great success through effective UX design. Here are a few examples:

  • Dropbox: Dropbox provides a seamless user experience by making it easy to store, share, and access files across devices. The user interface is intuitive, with straightforward navigation and feedback throughout the customer journey.
  • HubSpot: HubSpot provides a comprehensive user experience with marketing, sales, and customer service tools. The UI of the SaaS website is consistent, with a clean and easy-to-navigate design that prioritizes usability.
  • Zoom: Zoom provides a user experience that lets users quickly and easily join and host video meetings. The interface is straightforward, with clear instructions and feedback that guide users through the process.

Develop a Unique Brand Identity

As a SaaS startup, you’re entering a crowded and competitive market. And one of the best ways to stand out is by developing a solid brand identity that resonates with your targets.

Your brand identity is more than just a logo or a name. It’s the essence of who you are as a company. It sets you apart from the competition and helps you connect with your customers.

Think about it – when you hear the name “Apple” or “Google,” what comes to mind? Their brand identity is so strong that it’s immediately recognizable. And it’s helped them become some of the most successful companies in the world.

However, developing a brand identity isn’t just about creating a logo or picking out some colors. It’s about understanding your target audience, defining your values and mission, and creating a consistent voice and tone across all touchpoints. It’s about building trust and connecting with your customers beyond just your product.

By developing a strong brand identity, you can differentiate yourself from competitors, build brand loyalty, and establish a unique and recognizable presence in the market. So don’t underestimate the power of a well-crafted brand identity – it could be the key to your success as a SaaS startup.

Best practices for developing a brand identity

Here are some best practices to consider when developing a brand identity for your SaaS platform:

  • Define your brand values: Define your SaaS business model, brand values, mission, and vision. This will help you create an authentic brand identity that resonates with your audience.
  • Understand your target audience: Understand your target’s needs, preferences, and pain points. This can help you create a brand identity that speaks directly to them and differentiates you from competitors.
  • Choose a brand name and logo: Choose a brand name and logo that are memorable, distinctive, and easy to recognize. Ensure your brand name and logo align with your brand values and messaging.
  • Develop a brand voice and tone: Develop a brand voice and tone that aligns with your brand values and resonates with your target audience. Use this voice consistently across all marketing materials and communication channels.
  • Create brand guidelines: Create brand guidelines that outline your brand identity elements, including color palette, typography, imagery, and tone. Ensure that these guidelines are followed consistently across all touchpoints.

Some examples of effective brand identities

Below are examples of SaaS products that have developed effective brand identities:

  • Slack: Slack has developed a brand identity that is playful, friendly, and approachable. The brand name and logo are simple and memorable, and the brand voice and tone are conversational and engaging.
  • Mailchimp: Mailchimp has developed a brand identity that is playful, colorful, and distinctive. The brand name and logo are memorable and easily recognizable, and the brand voice and tone are fun and approachable.
  • Canva: Canva has developed a brand identity that is creative, inspiring, and empowering. The brand name and logo are simple and memorable, and the voice and tone are upbeat and enthusiastic.

How to design SaaS UX?

SaaS UX is about making your SaaS software or website as easy and enjoyable as possible. Following these tips, you can create a SaaS UX that your users will love.

  • Put the user first: Always keep the user in mind when designing your SaaS UX. What are their needs? What are their pain points? How can you make their experience as easy and enjoyable as possible?
  • Keep it simple: Don’t overload users with too much information or features. Focus on the most important things and ensure they are easy to find and use.
  • Use clear and concise language: Avoid jargon and technical terms that users may not understand. Use plain language that is easy to read and understand.
  • Use consistent design elements: Use the same fonts, colors, and icons throughout your software-as-a-service user experience. This will help create a cohesive and user-friendly experience.Test your UX with users: Get feedback from users early and often. This will help you identify any usability issues and make improvements before you launch your SaaS product.

Design for Scalability

Imagine you’re building a SaaS product. You’ve put in the hard work, and it’s starting to take off. You’re getting more users, more traffic, and more demand.

But as your product grows, so do the challenges. How do you keep up with the increasing demand? How do you ensure that your product is always available and reliable? And how do you do all of this without breaking the bank?

The answer is to design your product for scalability.

So, what is scalability?

Scalability is the ability of a system to handle increasing demand without sacrificing performance, reliability, or user experience. In other words, your product can grow without breaking.

Factors that ensure scalability

Several factors contribute to scalability, including:

  • Design: The way your product is designed can have a big impact on its scalability. A well-designed product will be easy to scale, while a poorly designed product will be more challenging.
  • Infrastructure: Your product’s infrastructure can also impact its scalability. A scalable infrastructure can handle increasing demand, while a non-scalable infrastructure will not.
  • Processes: The processes you use to manage your product can also impact scalability. A well-defined and efficient process will make it easier to scale your product, while a poorly defined or inefficient process will make it more challenging to scale.

How to design for scalability

There are several things you can do to design your product for scalability. Here are a few tips:

  • Use a modular design: A modular design is where the product is broken down into smaller, independent components. This makes adding new features, fixing bugs, and scaling the product easier.
  • Use cloud infrastructure: The cloud infrastructure is a scalable and reliable way to host your product. There are several different cloud providers to choose from, so you can find one that meets your needs.
  • Use load balancing: Load balancing is a technique for distributing traffic across multiple servers. This helps to ensure that your product is always available, even if there is a sudden increase in demand.
  • Use a scalable data storage solution: A scalable data storage solution is a solution that can handle large amounts of data. This is important for products that collect a lot of data, such as social media platforms or e-commerce sites.
  • Automate repetitive tasks: Automating repetitive tasks can help to improve efficiency and reduce the risk of human error. This can free your team to focus on more critical tasks, such as developing new features and improving the product.

Measure for Success

So, how do you know if your SaaS design project is successful?

It’s a question that every SaaS startup founder or product manager wants to be able to answer with confidence. After all, you’ve put a lot of time, effort, and money into building your product, and you want to ensure that it’s meeting the needs of your users and generating revenue for your company.

SaaS startups can track several key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of their product design projects. Some of the essential KPIs include:

  • Monthly recurring revenue (MRR): MRR is the total revenue a company generates from its monthly SaaS subscriptions. MRR is a crucial metric for measuring the growth of a SaaS business.
  • Customer churn rate: Customer churn rate is the percentage of customers who cancel their monthly SaaS subscriptions. A high customer churn rate can indicate problems with the product or that the company is not effectively marketing its product to potential customers.
  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC): CAC is the money a company spends to acquire a new customer. A high CAC can indicate that the company is spending too much money on marketing or its inefficient sales process.
  • The average revenue per account (ARPA): ARPA is the company’s average revenue from each customer. ARPA can be used to measure the profitability of a SaaS business.
  • Customer lifetime value (CLV): CLV is the total amount of revenue that a company expects to generate from a customer throughout their relationship with the company. CLV can be used to measure the long-term value of a SaaS customer.

Tools for measuring success

In addition to tracking KPIs, SaaS startups can also use various tools to measure the success of their product design projects. Some of the most common tools include:

  • User surveys: User surveys can be used to gather user feedback about the product and its features. This feedback can improve the product and make it more user-friendly.
  • A/B testing: A/B testing compares two different versions of a product or feature to see which one performs better. This can improve the product’s conversion rate and increase the number of new users who sign up for a free trial or purchase a subscription.
  • Heatmaps: Heatmaps represent how users interact with a website or app. This information can be used to identify areas of the product that are confusing or difficult to use.
  • Session recordings allow you to watch a video of a user interacting with your product. This can identify areas of the product that are frustrating or difficult to use.


How to build a SaaS product architecture?

The standard procedure needed to design a SaaS product architecture includes the following:

  • Define your goals and requirements. What do you want your product to do? Who are your target users? What are their needs?
  • Choose the right technology stack. What programming languages, databases, and cloud platforms will you use?
  • Design your architecture. How will your SaaS product be structured? What are the different components? How will they interact with each other?
  • Implement your architecture. Build your software using the technologies you’ve chosen.
  • Test and deploy your product. Make sure it works as expected and that it’s secure.
  • Monitor and improve your SaaS product. Collect feedback from users and make changes to improve the product over time.

That’s it! Following these steps, you can build a SaaS architecture to help you achieve your business goals. Here are some additional tips to keep in mind:

  • Use a cloud-based platform. This will make it easier to scale your SaaS product as your user base grows.
  • Use microservices architecture. This will make your service more scalable and resilient.
  • Implement security measures. Make sure your SaaS design is secure from unauthorized access.
  • Monitor your SaaS product. Collect data on how existing and new users use your SaaS application or website and make changes to improve the user experience.


Creating a successful SaaS startup product can be challenging. I’ve helped you navigate the twists and turns of the product’s design with a deep understanding of your users.

By identifying the pain points of your target customers and creating a product that addresses their needs, you can now make a seamless user experience that will set your startup apart from the competition.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Thank you!


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A Successful Digital Transformation Starts (and Ends) With People Thu, 28 Sep 2023 15:00:54 +0000

Since the onset of the pandemic, organizations across the world have drastically accelerated their digital transformation timetables to remain relevant and […]

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Since the onset of the pandemic, organizations across the world have drastically accelerated their digital transformation timetables to remain relevant and keep employees engaged amid changing market dynamics. However, many have failed to fully achieve the business outcomes enabled by successful digital transformation.

At a time when competition in every industry is stronger than ever, that’s a major missed opportunity.

The Reason Behind Transformation Failures

In order to reap the full benefits of digital transformation, it is important to align skills, operations, knowledge, and culture to leverage digitalized work habits and new technologies. Research shows that a lack of this alignment, or digital maturity, is one of the most critical factors in determining why so many organizations fail to meet their digital transformation goals.

The good news? Achieving digital maturity is well within reach for organizations that are willing to put in the work.

What Is Digital Maturity?

Digital maturity is the ability to adapt people, experiences, and businesses to new platforms and tools in order to maximize the value that is created through successful digital transformation. As your transformation ramps up, it’s vital to get a realistic temperature of the digital maturity within your organization so you can avoid common pitfalls.

The more mature your organization’s digital culture is, the more likely it is to succeed in full-scale transformation. Attaining digital maturity means your company can adjust to changes quickly, avoid costly technical delays, and see improved operations alongside heightened efficiency.

Putting People First — Always

So what’s the secret to attaining this optimal level of maturity? First and foremost, establishing a digitally mature culture requires a shift in mindset and the implementation of practical strategies. Organizations must prioritize people over technology and create an environment that enables both employees and the business to thrive.

The benefits of establishing a digitally mature culture include enhancing employee satisfaction and engagement, improving retention rates, and reducing attrition. A people-first approach also attracts top talent, particularly among younger generations who expect organizations to have digital maturity.

The Far-Reaching Effects of People-Centricity

By fostering an environment that values employees and leverages technology effectively, organizations become more attractive to prospective employees. And those that don’t prioritize this type of people-first approach? They will lose out on top talent.

Beyond the obvious employee satisfaction metrics, a people-centric culture promotes growth and encourages continuous learning, all while enabling employees to adapt to change more effectively. This agility drives innovation, productivity, and competitiveness in the digital landscape.

Evaluating the Characteristics of a Digitally Mature Culture

Let’s look at the ingredients that bring a successful digital transformation to life. It’s helpful to evaluate these four characteristics to see where your organization’s digital maturity stands:

Innovation: You should take into consideration how easy it is for your current employees to generate and implement creative ideas. It is critically important to foster a culture that truly encourages and rewards innovations. Make sure that you have the platforms and the resources needed for employees to contribute their ideas. And remember to “decriminalize” so-called failures. Great ideas require plenty of trial and error.

Flexibility: You will need to evaluate the flexibility of your organization and how well it adapts to change so you can determine if there is room for adjustments and if you have the ability to request additional time. It’s important to promote an environment that strives for successful digital transformation and an advanced digital culture — one that encourages employees to adapt to new processes and technologies.

Collaboration: Assess if you’ve created an atmosphere that is conducive to collaboration among all team members. Your organization should encourage open communication and knowledge sharing to keep everyone moving in the same direction. This extends to leadership as well; leaders should be transparent about the company’s digital transform strategy and be open to answering questions and considering new ideas from employees.

Continuous learning: Encouraging ongoing education and training in the digital transformation journey is crucial. Evaluate if you have the proper resources and processes in place to do so. You want your employees to regularly engage in various types of learning to ensure they have a clear understanding of the digital culture, processes, and technologies used within your organization. Fostering this type of culture also shows employees that you are invested in their growth, increasing satisfaction and the ability to attract new talent.

How Organizations Can Ensure Successful Digital Transformation

There are several strategies you can implement in order to make your digital transformation successful while prioritizing your people. The most effective strategies include the following:

1. Take a Bottom-Up Approach.

Your employees play an integral part when it comes to implementing a successful digital transformation. For this reason, it is in your best interest to implement a bottom-up approach and allow all employees to play an active role in the process right from the beginning. When everyone is onboard and rowing in the same direction, the destination becomes a lot easier to reach.

2. Recognize Your Current State of Digital Maturity.

It is important for you to assess how digitally mature your organization is. There’s no need to sugarcoat the findings. Be realistic. Determining the current maturity level among your employees can help you hone in on the organization’s acceptance and willingness to make the necessary changes. A great way to do this is to survey your employees: What do they want from your digital transformation? How are they engaging with new processes? Taking the pulse of the organization provides valuable feedback needed to make future adjustments.

3. Overcome Resistance to Change.

One of the biggest challenges to successful digital transformation is gaining buy-in from those who are wary of the transition. However, overcoming this resistance to change is key to ensuring you are able to make the transformation work. One of the best things that you can do to help overcome such resistance is to create a support system for staff and leadership. Create an environment of open communication where you can discuss how digital maturity can be viewed as an opportunity instead of a threat. Emphasize the end goal if necessary; the company’s vision is X, and improving digital maturity is the way to achieve that.

Make no mistake, implementing these strategies does take dedicated time and effort. But doing so can help to ensure your organization is prepared to prioritize and support employee engagement amid constant change. Following the above steps will do wonders for enhancing your digital maturity and, ultimately, make your digital transformation more successful. There’s no better time to act than now.

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Digital PR: Building an Online Reputation and Boosting Visibility Sat, 16 Sep 2023 16:00:24 +0000 Online Reputation and Visibility

In today’s hyper-connected digital world, businesses and individuals find themselves navigating a complex web of online interactions as the social […]

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Online Reputation and Visibility

In today’s hyper-connected digital world, businesses and individuals find themselves navigating a complex web of online interactions as the social benefits of internet usage far outweigh the negatives. With more than half of the world (60%) now using social media, the way people and businesses connect with each other has undergone drastic change.

Brands must now establish their presence in the digital space to stay competitive and relevant. Enter Digital PR, a strategic approach that combines traditional PR principles with digital media channels to reach a broader audience. It is a crucial tool for building an online reputation and enhancing visibility.

In this article, we will explore the significance of Digital PR, how it can help modern businesses, and various strategies to leverage its potential effectively.

Related: How to Make the Most of Your Public Relations

Why Digital PR Can Be a Game-changer for Your Business

In today’s day and age, having a strong online presence is a non-negotiable factor for success. Digital PR helps you achieve exactly that by using the digital landscape’s power to elevate your brand to new heights. Here’s how it can benefit your business:

Related: Why a Good Digital PR Strategy Is So Important

Boosting Visibility and Reliability through Media Outreach

According to AdWeek, 63% of adults actively talk about various products and services online, and 81% of adults read what people have said or posted about products and services. This highlights the importance of having a good digital PR strategy in place. Media coverage has always been essential for brands seeking to gain exposure, and Digital PR opens up new avenues for media outreach. Press releases, thought leadership articles, and expert interviews published on authoritative websites could significantly boost visibility and increase reliability.

Social Media Amplification

Social media is the heartbeat of the digital age, and Digital PR excels at leveraging these platforms. A survey reports that 76% of consumers look at a business’ online presence before physically visiting it. A good social media presence helps attract and retain interested customers.

Engaging with your audience on social media can foster brand loyalty, address concerns, and promote positive sentiment. Responsiveness and engagement on social media can also directly impact your brand’s reputation and online visibility.

SEO and Digital PR Synergy

Starting with SEO can be highly beneficial when looking to enhance your public relations and overall brand image. Although these two aspects may initially appear unrelated, they are closely interconnected.

PR and SEO cater to the same segment but differ in approach. PR focuses on creating appealing content to resonate with consumers, while SEO customizes content to achieve higher rankings and improve online visibility compared to competitors.

They both complement each other in the quest for online prominence. High-quality backlinks from reputable websites, earned through Digital PR efforts, are highly valued by search engines. Google considers backlinks one of the most important factors in its ranking.

Hence, by optimizing content for relevant keywords and securing valuable backlinks, Digital PR enhances your online visibility organically.

Related: Why Combining Public Relations and SEO Will Propel Your Business in Today’s Digital Landscape

Navigating Online Crises

In the digital landscape, crisis situations can escalate rapidly. Misinformation and negative sentiments can spread like wildfire, potentially harming your brand’s reputation.

Digital PR equips you with the tools to respond effectively to crises, manage online narratives, and minimize reputational damage. It helps you stay ahead of the narrative, taking control of the conversation surrounding your brand. By engaging in transparent and timely communication, Digital PR enables you to address concerns, correct inaccuracies, and reassure your audience.

Measuring Success with Data

Unlike traditional PR, Digital PR provides a wealth of data and analytics to gauge the success of your efforts accurately. Metrics such as website traffic, social media interaction, and media mentions provide vital information about the performance of your campaign. By analyzing these metrics, you may fine-tune your plan to achieve more significant results over time.

By utilizing these metrics, you can evaluate your performance and receive valuable feedback to enhance your brand’s image.

Effective Digital PR Strategies to Leverage

To harness the full potential of Digital PR, consider implementing the following strategies:

Storytelling: Craft compelling narratives that resonate with your target audience and evoke emotions. Human-centric stories are more likely to be shared, expanding your reach organically.

Influencer Partnerships: Connect with influencers in your industry to spread your brand’s message and reach a larger audience.

Content Distribution: Use a variety of digital channels such as blogs, social media, and online magazines to distribute your content efficiently.

Online Events: Host webinars, virtual conferences, or live streams to engage your audience and establish thought leadership in your field.

Data-Driven Insights: Leverage data and market research to support your PR campaigns and position your brand as an authoritative source of information.

Related: Break Through the Noise: 5 Hacks to Boost Your Public Relations Efforts in a Noisy Digital World

Combining Traditional PR Strategies With Digital Media Channels

Traditional and digital PR share the common objective of creating a favorable brand image, but choosing between the two depends on your target audience and the approach that produces the best results.

Building a solid online reputation and increasing visibility are critical for business success in the digital era.

Digital PR offers a strategic and data-driven approach to achieving these goals. By combining traditional PR principles with digital media channels, brands can create meaningful connections with their audience, navigate online crises, and stand out in a competitive landscape. Its ability to harness the power of online platforms, social media, and data analytics makes Digital PR an indispensable tool for modern businesses looking to thrive digitally.

Embrace Digital PR as your key to building an influential online reputation and establishing a lasting digital presence.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Pixaby; Pexels; Thank you!

The post Digital PR: Building an Online Reputation and Boosting Visibility appeared first on ReadWrite.

How Owning a Digital Agency Helps with Paying Less Taxes Thu, 07 Sep 2023 16:00:50 +0000 Owning a Digital Agency

The world of digital agencies is dynamic and ever-evolving. And in 2023, many agency owners are tightening their belts and […]

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Owning a Digital Agency

The world of digital agencies is dynamic and ever-evolving. And in 2023, many agency owners are tightening their belts and battening down the hatches as a recession looms. As the owner of such an agency, you can leverage various tax strategies to optimize your financial situation. Several avenues are available to savvy business owners, from investing in tax-advantaged assets like websites to hiring family members under a family management company. This article delves into four such strategies, including the Augusta strategy and the use of Section 125 of the IRS code, while also offering cautionary advice for each.

1. Investing in Tax-Advantaged Assets: Websites

Websites, in many cases, are considered intangible assets. The IRS permits the amortization of certain intangible assets, allowing business owners to deduct the asset’s cost over its useful life. As a digital agency, you’re uniquely positioned to continually reinvest in and develop new websites, which can potentially bring about substantial tax advantages.

Cautionary Advice: It’s crucial to consult with a tax professional to determine the correct amortization period and ensure that the websites you’re investing in are indeed eligible. Failing to assess these factors accurately can lead to potential complications with the IRS.

2. Hiring Family Members Using a Family Management Company

A popular tax-saving strategy among business owners is to hire family members through a family management company. This can lead to income splitting – effectively shifting income from higher tax brackets (yours) to lower ones (often those of younger family members). Plus, wages paid to family members are tax-deductible for the business.

Cautionary Advice: Ensuring that the wages paid are reasonable for the services provided is paramount. Overcompensating a family member can raise red flags. Additionally, ensure that the family member is genuinely performing a service for the company. Fictitious roles can lead to audits and penalties.

3. The Augusta Rule Strategy

The Augusta rule, originating from a tax court case involving the Masters Golf Tournament, permits homeowners to rent out their homes for up to 14 days a year without reporting the rental income. Digital agency owners can rent their personal residences to their agency for events, meetings, or retreats and receive tax-free rental income.

Cautionary Advice: While the Augusta strategy is a unique opportunity, there are specifics to be aware of. The rental rate must be fair market value. Moreover, you’ll need a legitimate business reason for the rental, and proper documentation, including rental agreements, is necessary. Ensure the rental doesn’t exceed 14 days in a tax year.

4. Using Section 125 to Offer Pre-Tax Health Benefits

Section 125 of the IRS code permits businesses to offer their employees a chance to receive certain benefits on a pre-tax basis. This means employees can lower their taxable income so that the business can reduce its payroll tax obligation. A popular choice under this section is the establishment of a cafeteria plan, allowing employees to pick and choose among various benefits, including health insurance.

Cautionary Advice: Setting up a Section 125 plan requires compliance with specific rules and regulations. Regular testing to ensure the plan doesn’t favor highly compensated employees over others is crucial. A failure to meet these requirements can result in the plan’s disqualification, leading to significant tax implications.

In Conclusion

Owning a digital agency offers numerous avenues to optimize your tax situation. Investing in websites, employing family members, leveraging the Augusta strategy, and utilizing Section 125 of the IRS code can unlock many financial benefits. However, as with any tax strategy, it’s crucial to proceed with caution and the guidance of a tax professional. Missteps can lead to penalties and unwanted attention from the IRS. By navigating these strategies wisely, digital agency owners can position their businesses for financial success while enjoying the perks of strategic tax planning.

Featured Image Credit: Kindel Media; Pexels; Thank you!

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Leverage Automatic Call Distribution to Improve Customer Experience Mon, 28 Aug 2023 21:00:13 +0000 Automatic Call Distribution

Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) is a technology that helps businesses direct incoming calls to an appropriate agent or department based […]

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Automatic Call Distribution

Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) is a technology that helps businesses direct incoming calls to an appropriate agent or department based on a predefined set of rules. With this advanced technology, companies can improve. Customer experience by reducing wait times, increasing call resolution rates, and ensuring customers are connected to the right agent who can help them. It also helps businesses manage high call volumes and improve customer service.

Architectures of ACD and IVR systems

The key feature of an ACD system is to direct the customer calls to specific agents on their availability and skills. This way, customers don’t have to wait on call for long periods. Moreover, it assures the customers that customer service is a priority for businesses and tries to maintain a lasting relationship with them.

Talking to a knowledgeable and friendly agent is essential to customer service. Thus, businesses provide the required expertise to their agents to strengthen customer relationships. ACD systems also provide customer data so that issues generally faced by customers are resolved earlier. This helps reduce customer complaints to a large extent.

On the other hand, businesses have IVR (Interactive Voice Response) that works in collaboration with the automatic call distributor. Thus, the IVR system functions as a gateway to the ACD system. Together, they enable agents to provide more personalized customer services.
Therefore, if a contact center uses an IVR system for customer service, an ACD system provides enhanced functionality to enhance customer experience.

How can ACD Systems Improve Customer Experience?

Businesses’ primary objective in adopting a call management system is to make processes smooth and effortless for both customers and agents. This begins with finding the right agent for every customer with short waiting periods. An ACD system is equipped with numerous features, more than call routing.

Let us explore the article to learn how Automatic Call Systems can improve the customer experience.

Maximum Agent Productivity

With automated call routing, businesses ensure that customer calls are equally assigned, and agents work to their highest potential. Additionally, they can keep track of agents’ performance and give feedback with call monitoring.

Furthermore, analytics gives businesses an insight into the average call durations, calls attended in a day, queries resolved, etc. This helps businesses chart customer service strategies.

Cloud-based ACD software enables cloud contact center teams to work from any corner of the world, even in difficult situations like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Faster and Personalized Services

Call recording and CRM integration help agents resolve issues based on the caller data saved in the database. Therefore, customers spend less time explaining the context of their questions and complaints. The call queuing feature enlists callers waiting to interact with agents. The list can be further split to prioritize VIP customers over other callers. This helps businesses to achieve extreme customer satisfaction and retention of loyal customers.

Real-time Training for Agents

Call barging and whisper coaching methods are used to train agents while they are on call with customers. Managers can join calls in between if they think the agents cannot solve customer queries. The call continues with the customer without realizing that the manager is part of the call.

Improved First Call Resolution (FCR)

FCR is an essential parameter in examining the success of contact centers. Valuing their customer time is an integral part of a good customer experience.

Customers value businesses that resolve their problems in one go without following up with multiple calls. Some ways to fix this problem are connecting customers per their preferred language, reducing the waiting time, providing clear instructions, and automating call routing. These improvements thus help to enhance customer satisfaction.

24/7 Customer Service

Automatic Call Distribution has enabled customers to engage 24/7 without hiring extra agents at the contact centers. When IVR and ACD systems collaborate, businesses can offer 24/7 services to customers.

The IVR welcomes and records their message if a live agent cannot take a customer call. With an automatic callback, customers are notified about the estimated callback time and scheduled for a call as soon as an agent is available.

In some cases, pre-recorded messages independently help customers, cutting the need to speak to a representative.

Capacity Planning

ACD call center software keeps track of call volumes over time and uses this data to forecast future call volumes. This helps call centers effectively staff them by planning the required number of agents for any given day, week, or month.

Queue Callback

This feature lets customers select an option that lets them hang up and wait for an agent to return their call. This reduces pressure on agents to give half-hearted answers to take the next call and makes customers more comfortable waiting to be helped.

How can Fonada help you in ACD?

Fonada’s automatic call distributor (ACD) is known for its exceptional features, which include:
Empower business users with a user-friendly and intuitive interface to create and maintain skills-based routing flows that align with changing business needs.

Matching customers to suitable agents in intelligent routing that matches customer requests based on skills, natural language analysis, and AI-powered behavioral profiles.

Personalized customer experience by making customer data available for data-driven routing and personalized interactions for a better customer experience.


In a nutshell, any business’s ultimate aim is customer engagement and satisfaction. Agents will have a systematic work structure by collaborating new modern technologies like ACD and APIs in the contact centers. They can focus entirely on providing services rather than dealing with technical challenges.

Apart from scalability and cost savings, this software offers numerous other advantages that can help improve business operations.

Advanced features like auto-attendants, call recording, and virtual hold music are available with cloud call center solutions to enhance customer service. Additionally, businesses can benefit from robust reporting and analytics tools, which aid in tracking key performance indicators and making data-driven decisions about their operations.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Antoni Shkraba; Pexels; Thank you!

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Leveraging Google Trends and AI to Create Viral Content Tue, 15 Aug 2023 18:00:21 +0000 Data to Create Viral Content

By definition, viral trends are fleeting. But hopping on them at just the right time can yield massive, long-lasting success […]

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Data to Create Viral Content

By definition, viral trends are fleeting. But hopping on them at just the right time can yield massive, long-lasting success in marketing a product, brand, or service.

With an estimated 328.77 million terabytes of data created each day, it can be difficult for brands to find unique ways to reach and be remembered by potential customers. But brands have a greater chance of making a lasting connection if they can meet customers where they are and appeal to their interests.

Thinking about and connecting with future customers who might not yet be aware of your brand can help increase the likelihood that they will turn to you when ready to buy. This is where leveraging media trends, pop culture, and other global topics comes into play. By taking a trending topic or event and figuring out how it becomes relevant for your brand, customers are more likely to remember you the next time they need a solution.

While participating in every trend may seem tempting, brand alignment is crucial in developing a successful marketing campaign.

So how can brands leverage trends to attract potential customers?

Be creative with your content. Start by opening your mind to the potential ways your brand’s solutions can join the conversation and take it to the next level by leaning into your arsenal of assets to explore trends with less restriction than you might have to exercise with paid or earned media.

Google: Your Always-on Focus Group

When mapping out a brand’s audience and needs, Google is a valuable asset in a marketer’s toolkit. It is incredibly accurate in its ability to reveal the current demands of real people searching for solutions at any given time, so Google serves as your always-on focus group.

Successfully harvesting Google’s sophisticated search data allows brands to develop better consumer behavior insights, add depth to their customer profiles, build a more engaging customer journey, and create authentic consumer connections. They can strengthen strategies and drive meaningful business outcomes when paired with other consumer research and insights.

Understanding consumer search data is a critical step for brands to gain the insights necessary to build relationships with consumers by gaining their trust, building a connection, and establishing authenticity, which will help convert prospects into customers.

Identify Trends That Fit Your Brand

Brands that successfully identify what content and topics target consumers are reading about, searching for, and discussing, can capture more attention in real-time. However, it’s critical to use data in this identification, not just gut feelings. Marketers risk allowing their strategies to be based on siloed personal opinions without actionable consumer insights. Google Trends, for example, provides brands with an evolving supply of organic search data, revealing an unfiltered landscape of their audience’s pain points, interests, and curiosities.

This collection of accurate data provides a real-time snapshot of current trending topics. What would Google Trends reveal in a search today? Two of the most popular concepts right now: AI and Barbie.

While brands have managed to successfully leverage one or the other, combining two trending concepts (when it’s relevant for your brand, of course) will create a more significant opportunity for brands to reach larger, more diverse audiences.

By producing fun, timely content that aligns with consumer interests, brands can build a large library of content to be used across multiple channels, including their websites, targeted earned media opportunities, email newsletters, social posts, and organic searches to maximize the value of each asset.

Let’s look at an example.

It’s a Barbie and AI World

Data collected over the past five years shows the term “Barbie” peaked in search interest the week of Dec. 23, 2018, with just over 1.9 million searches. This was around the same time as the announcement of a same-sex Barbie couple and a video of actor Jason Mamoa reading out the “Barbie Girl” lyrics during the Aquaman press tour.

Ahead of the Barbie film’s release in July 2023, Barbie-related Google searches peaked at 5.4 million from March 25 to April 21. Following the release of a teaser trailer on April 4, the term “Barbie” yielded 2.2 million searches that week alone.

Quite literally painting the world in various shades of pink, the marketing rollout behind the Barbie film has left a mark in nearly every industry.

While makeup, fashion, and decor align more closely with the Barbie image on the surface, vacation rentals, insurance companies, and video game console manufacturers have found clever ways to connect with the film and its audience, organically continuing the film’s marketing momentum.

Barbie has even made its way into the tech space. Looking up the word ‘Barbie’ in Google generates a flash of starbursts and casts a pink tint over the search results page. Combined with AI, another trending topic, more brands and consumers have found ways to join in the fun.

AI-powered art has led to wide adoption of the technology on social media. The popular Barbie selfie generator overlaid users’ images and personalized taglines over the movie poster. TikTok users took it a step further by bringing a different third-party filter to the app that completely transforms the user into a Barbie character. AI also led to new, realistic iterations of Barbie’s dreamhouse to show what the dollhouse might look like in different states across the U.S. or when designed by famous architects like Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, and Zara Hadid.

Recognizing the popularity of both topics is the first step for brands to join a trend. The next is figuring out if it makes sense for your brand to connect with both issues and, if so, how to apply AI technology to the mounting interest in Barbie. By using generative AI to add Barbie’s touch to selfies and architecture, brands were able to identify places where audiences could easily assimilate into the narrative, connecting them to consumers while also building brand awareness.

While joining in trends might not lead to direct conversions, brands become more memorable and visible by inserting themselves into current interests and generating related content. This connection invites consumers to build trust with your brand before joining the buyer’s journey.

Try Out Different Trends

Once your brand has identified relevant trends, brainstorm opportunities for content creation. Consider topics like record-high temperatures, the FIFA Women’s World Cup, and Meta’s launch of Threads. How can your brand take advantage of the interest surrounding these topics?

First, create owned assets related to this consumer interest data. This might include a blog post discussing protecting your products in extreme heat or generating images of what it might look like to host a world cup game with star players in Barbie Land.

Next, share this content on social media, in ads, or email campaigns to grow your content as managed assets. Invite your followers to provide tips or insert their own likenesses for added engagement. Finally, work with influencers or news organizations to develop additional content. Leveraging influencers and their followers can result in a viral moment that leads consumers back to your brand.

While consumers research brands to find more information about products, services, and other offerings they may need now or in the future; they place a greater emphasis on forming relationships with authentic brands they can trust.

If your brand can become a part of their daily lives by offering them engaging content that appeals to their interests each day—and shows that your brand is engaged with the latest trends — consumers will be more likely to build a connection with your brand and look to you when they are ready to enter the buyer’s journey.

Featured Image Credit: Anna Shvets; Pexels; Thank you!

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Key Developments and Trends in the Internet of Things (IoT) Thu, 03 Aug 2023 19:00:34 +0000 Developments in IoT

The Internet-of-Things (IoT) continues its expansion across the economy, reshaping whole industries. Current trends are expected to continue, and some […]

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Developments in IoT

The Internet-of-Things (IoT) continues its expansion across the economy, reshaping whole industries. Current trends are expected to continue, and some new trends will emerge. The IoT is likely to enter the healthcare industry and continue to expand in the remote work sphere. More IoT applications are expected to provide benefits through higher productivity and efficiency. This article considers the top 10 trends in IoT technology and its impact on the world.

More active penetration of IoT into the retail sector

E-commerce has been growing immensely, winning its market share in the retail industry. Due to globalization and technological developments, the retail industry has shifted dramatically from brick-and-mortar supermarkets and malls to online shopping or e-commerce. In the coming years, we are likely to see even more innovation in the sector sparked by the development of the IoT. Amazon is about to offer a model of fully integrated supermarkets. Automation of the spread of the IoT is expected to continue and even accelerate in the upcoming years.

More growth in remote working driven by the IoT

One key trend related to technology is the rise of remote working. An increasing number of companies shifted to remote work. However, productivity suffered due to the shift to remote working, and communication issues resurfaced. This is where the IoT comes in. Many companies already apply the technology, and the trend is not limited to tech companies. The IoT allows businesses to increase efficiency and productivity through more cooperation and better operations control because of increased automation.

The IoT and healthcare sector

Another trend associated with the IoT is its increasing influence on the healthcare sector. Last year the technological revolution expanded in the industry due to new and unprecedented challenges in the healthcare system. This is represented by increased automation in the sector. Next year we will likely see the continuation of the IoT spread into medicine. This may include more automated medical devices and innovative data management. Therefore, investment in the IoT in health care will likely substantially increase in the years ahead.

The rise of “smart building” technology in the construction industry

The construction industry is also likely to be affected by the IoT. In addition to 3D models, the IoT is expected to transform industrial operations and change safety standards. Next year we are more likely to see a shift in the industry toward more worker health and safety. The IoT is expected to help construction companies create a more protected environment without hurting financial results. New technologies will comply with strict work safety standards and will be cost-efficient at the same time.

IoT and the Smart City

The concept of “smart city” is getting more popular today. More and more cities have embarked on this idea and invested heavily in smart city projects. The concept is closely related to the IoT, which can be used to monitor traffic or public transport effectively. In addition, the IoT can handle sustainability, which is also part of the Smart City. The IoT can monitor and run electricity in homes to improve efficiency and accelerate the use of smart homes. Furthermore, the concept is in its early years of development. Even more progress will likely occur as more digital solutions will appear further to improve the IoT and the Smart City concept.

Edge computing and the IoT

Edge computing is another trend likely to happen in the coming years. The edge is also associated with the IoT and big data, specifically. The IoT will help accelerate the development of edge computing and its use in data management and cloud space. Edge computing will enable electronic devices to gather and analyze the data they possess instead of exchanging with clouds, thereby improving speed and reducing costs. The IoT is an integral part of the trend in edge computing.

IoT and the big data

Another trend to see is the rise of big data driven by innovations and the growing applicability of the IoT. The influence of the data has already increased massively over the last decade. This trend will likely continue and intensify in the coming years. In this case, the IoT is the engine of the data revolution that drives growth and expansion by powering new devices and facilitating big data gathering and data management.

More expansion across industries

The IoT emerged from smart homes and smartwatches, but its applicability is not limited to only electronic futures from the electronics industry. The IoT is likely to expand in other industries and bring more innovations. Furthermore, the macroeconomic instability in the aftermath of the pandemic and increased pressure on healthcare will bring more innovation to the industry. The same is true for other industries, as more competition will ignite the spread of the IoT across the economy.

The exponential expansion of “smart homes” that is driven by IoT

Millions of smart home devices are already, and this trend is expected to continue. The IoT is almost everywhere in the space. Whether it is Alexa, Nest, or any other device used in the smart home, it is driven by the IoT. Next year will probably bring even more speed and innovation to the sector.

The IoT and digitalization

The IoT is closely related to digitalization. Over the last decade, the digital economy has flourished spectacularly. This trend is expected to continue in the future. The IoT is almost a perfect solution for building digital twins. The trend for more digitalization will likely continue in engineering, construction, and architecture.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Pexels; Thank you!

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Maximize These Human Traits to Work in Harmony With AI Mon, 17 Jul 2023 22:40:25 +0000 Maximize Human Traits

Well before ChatGPT gained widespread recognition and became a well-known entity, I shared the stage with Nicholas Thompson, then editor-in-chief of Wired. During […]

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Maximize Human Traits

Well before ChatGPT gained widespread recognition and became a well-known entity, I shared the stage with Nicholas Thompson, then editor-in-chief of Wired. During his presentation, Thompson stated that he believes AI will replace 20% of all occupations by 2030.

At the time, this declaration seemed outlandish. How could a robot replace 1 in 5 workers? But today, this outcome is far from fiction. Just look at IBM, which recently announced that it expects 30% of its noncustomer-facing workforce to be displaced by AI over the next five years.

Don’t Fear AI

The future is here, and for the first time in history, it’s highly skilled labor at risk of losing jobs to robots. But even with the uncertainty it brings, I do not believe AI should be treated as our enemy. In fact, just the opposite.

Workers should embrace AI because it’ll take over the tedious, repetitive parts of our jobs, freeing us up to leverage the skills that make us uniquely human: creativity, intuition, empathy, and imagination.

Here’s why capitalizing on these human traits is essential to work in harmony with AI:


Thanks to Amazon Prime, a constant stream of cardboard boxes clogs up my recycling bin. But what is a nuisance today once was an outlet for endless creativity.

To a 6-year-old, a box can be anything: a castle, a rocket ship, a fort, a kitchen. At this age, our creativity knows no bounds. But then we go to school and work, and most of us are told, “You’re not creative,” or “Leave those ideas to the creative team.” And over time, we end up believing we’re not creative.

But creativity is more than the ability to paint or play music. It’s the ability to solve problems in unique ways.

To connect seemingly unconnected ideas. A skill that AI will struggle to master with its linear thinking, no matter how advanced it gets.


Have you ever experienced the sensation of someone’s eyes fixed on you from across a coffee shop, only to look up and meet their gaze? How did you know they were looking? Intuition: A survival engine hardwired into our inner “reptilian” brain that drives our subconscious. Think about the decisions you make every day. The dress you wear, the restaurant you visit, the music you listen to. These are not rational decisions made by your outer, conscious brain but by your inner, subconscious brain.

While our outer brain allows us to synthesize all the big quantitative data in front of us to find core insights, our inner, intuitive brain enables us to take all that data, match it up with our qualitative findings, and take the leap toward action. And it’s this symbiotic relationship between our inner and outer brains that makes humans uniquely capable of uncovering massive innovation. Though AI will undoubtedly be able to help us parse through data, it will struggle to have those “gut feelings” that connect data and insights in unique ways that unlock hidden potential.


Empathy is one of the most important emotions to create buy-in for your ideas. The writers at Pixar are excellent at using empathy to connect with their audience. In “WALL-E,” audiences worldwide empathized with a voiceless robot. Why? Because at the beginning of the film, there’s a scene where WALL-E watches a clip from “Hello, Dolly!” In his eyes, the audience sees that WALL-E wants to be loved more than anything. And that’s a feeling we all can empathize with, even if it’s coming from an animated robot.

Empathy empowers you to look past the data and deeply engage with others’ experiences, enabling you to speak about what truly matters to them.

The shared human experience drives it — something AI will struggle to understand.


When President John F. Kennedy said, “We choose to go to the moon in this decade,” he didn’t have any idea about how it would be achieved. Had he possessed a robust knowledge of space travel, he might not have given this iconic speech, choosing instead to believe that a moon landing was impossible. But he led with his imagination and believed the U.S. had the people, resources, and willpower to achieve this audacious goal. And he was right. His declaration was so profound that it gave birth to the phrase “moonshot thinking.

Humans are engineered to dream. AI, on the other hand, educates itself on reality, things that have already happened in the past. It lacks the human imagination, which is precisely what’s needed to push humanity forward.

Working With AI in Harmony

As AI becomes more intelligent, we must become more creative, intuitive, empathetic, and imaginative.

Instead of taking your entire job, proactively find ways to let AI take over the mundane, repetitive, and time-consuming tasks, so you can redirect your energy on delivering a human touch to your role.

While AI might one day replicate these core human traits, I don’t believe that day is coming anytime soon. The coming decade belongs to those of us who can leverage these uniquely human skills to disrupt and innovate the next wave of incredible discoveries. The good news is that you don’t have to learn anything new. These traits have been with you all along. You just need to find them.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Toa Heftiba; Unsplash; Thank you!

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9 Ways to Improve Your Online Presence in 2023 Wed, 12 Jul 2023 22:47:59 +0000 Improve Your Online Presence today!

Establishing a robust online presence is imperative for businesses seeking sustainable growth and increased visibility in the ever-evolving digital landscape. […]

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Improve Your Online Presence today!

Establishing a robust online presence is imperative for businesses seeking sustainable growth and increased visibility in the ever-evolving digital landscape. This comprehensive guide will outline eight crucial steps every business should undertake to improve its online presence. By implementing these strategies, you can position your business for success and outrank competitors in the digital realm.

1. Develop a User-Friendly Website

To captivate online visitors and enhance their browsing experience, it is paramount to have a well-designed and user-friendly website. Ensure your website is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and optimized for various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Incorporate intuitive menus, clear calls-to-action (CTAs), and visually engaging elements to guide users seamlessly through your website’s content.ll

2. Create a Visual Aspect That Leaves a Lasting Impression

A visually captivating logo and a well-defined brand color scheme are vital to establishing a solid and memorable brand identity. Let’s explore how incorporating these visual elements can enhance your online presence.

Design an Eye-Catching Logo

Your logo visually represents your brand and can leave a lasting impression on potential customers. It should be unique, easily recognizable, and reflective of your brand’s values and personality. Consider the following principles when designing your logo:

  • Simplicity: Aim for a clean and uncluttered design that is easily understandable.
  • Memorability: Create a distinctive and memorable logo, leaving a lasting impression on viewers.
  • Relevance: Ensure your company logo aligns with your brand’s identity, industry, and target audience.
  • Versatility: Design a company logo that can be scaled and adapted for various platforms, including websites, social media profiles, print materials, and signage.

Select an Appropriate Colour Scheme

Colors evoke emotions and play a crucial role in brand perception. Choose a color scheme that resonates with your brand’s values, personality, and target audience. Consider the following factors when selecting your brand’s color palette:

  • Brand Identity: Determine the emotions and qualities you want your brand to convey. For example, blue can signify trust and professionalism, while yellow can evoke feelings of energy and optimism.
  • Audience Preferences: Research your target audience’s preferences and cultural associations with colors. Different colors can have varying meanings across different demographics and cultures.
  • Color Harmony: Select a harmonious combination of colors that work well together and provide visual cohesion. Consider using color theory principles such as complementary, analogous, or monochromatic color schemes.

Investing in a well-designed logo and a thoughtfully selected color scheme can enhance your brand’s recognition, establish a consistent visual identity, and leave a lasting impression on your target audience.

3. Implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategies

Enhancing your website’s visibility in search engine results is crucial for attracting organic traffic. Optimize your website using targeted keywords relevant to your industry and niche. Furthermore, conduct thorough keyword research to identify high-value keywords your target audience will likely search for. Incorporate these keywords strategically within your website’s content, meta tags, URLs, and headings to increase your chances of ranking higher in search engine results.

a. Conduct Keyword Research

Keyword research is the base of successful SEO. You’ll want to identify words you will use throughout your content that are relevant to your customers and align with your industry. Check if your target audience uses search to find what they want.

Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Moz Keyword Explorer.

b. Optimise On-Page Elements

On-page optimization involves optimizing various elements within your website to make it search engine-friendly and user-friendly. Pay attention to the following elements:

  • Title Tags: Craft unique, concise, and keyword-rich title tags for each page. Place the primary keyword towards the beginning of the title tag to maximize its impact.
  • Meta Descriptions: Write compelling meta descriptions summarising each page’s content. While meta descriptions do not directly impact rankings, they influence click-through rates (CTR) and can drive more traffic to your website.
  • Headers and Subheadings: Organise your content using headers (H1, H2, H3, etc.) and subheadings to improve readability and help search engines understand the structure of your content. Incorporate relevant keywords in these headings to signal the content’s relevance.
  • Then, URL Structure: Create user-friendly URLs that are concise, descriptive, and include targeted keywords. Avoid using numbers, symbols, or generic parameters in your URLs.
  • Keyword Optimization: Incorporate relevant keywords naturally throughout your content, including in the opening paragraph, headings, subheadings, and body text. However, avoid keyword stuffing, as it can harm your rankings.

d. Build High-Quality Backlinks

  • Earning high-quality backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites is a fundamental aspect of SEO. Backlinks act as votes of confidence and signal to search engines that your website is trustworthy and valuable.

4. Create High-Quality and Engaging Content

Content is king in the digital realm. Producing high-quality, informative, and engaging content is a powerful way to establish credibility, attract visitors, and encourage repeat visits. Develop a content strategy that aligns with your target audience’s needs and interests. Moreover, regularly publish blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and other forms of content that offer value and keep your audience informed and entertained.

5. Build a Strong Social Media Presence

Harness the power of social media platforms to amplify your online reach and connect with your target audience. Create and maintain active profiles on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube, depending on your business type. Regularly share compelling content, engage with your followers, and foster meaningful conversations to cultivate a loyal community around your brand.

6. Leverage Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has emerged as a potent strategy to expand your online presence and reach new audiences. Identify influential personalities, bloggers, or industry experts whose values align with your brand’s identity. Collaborate with them to create content, reviews, or endorsements highlighting your products or services. By leveraging the influence of these individuals, you can significantly boost your brand’s visibility and credibility.

7. Harness the Potential of Email Marketing

Email marketing remains a highly effective tool for nurturing leads, fostering customer loyalty, and driving conversions. Build a subscriber list by offering valuable incentives such as exclusive content, discounts, or free resources.

Craft engaging newsletters, personalized offers, and automated email sequences to deliver relevant and targeted messages to your subscribers. Segment your email list based on user preferences and behaviors to enhance the effectiveness of your campaigns.

According to (Email has made its way from simple messages between academics to widespread global usage. In 2022, the number of email users worldwide was forecast at 4.3 billion (Statista, 2021). This figure is set to grow to 4.6 billion in 2025, making up more than half of the expected world population.

8. Optimise for Local Search

For businesses with a physical presence, optimizing for local search is essential. Claim and optimize your business listings on prominent online directories such as Google My Business, Bing Places, and Yelp. Ensure that your business information, including name, address, phone number (NAP), and operating hours, is accurate and consistent across all platforms. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews, significantly influencing local search rankings.

9. Analyse and Adapt

Tracking and analyzing your website’s performance and user behavior is crucial to continually enhancing your online presence. Utilize analytics tools such as Google Analytics to gain insights into key metrics like website traffic, bounce rate, conversion rate, and user demographics.

Also, Identify areas of improvement, experiment with different strategies, and adapt your approach based on data-driven insights to optimize your online presence effectively.


In today’s digital landscape, businesses must prioritize their online presence to thrive and surpass competitors.

By following these eight essential steps – developing a user-friendly website, implementing SEO strategies, creating high-quality content, building a solid social media presence, leveraging influencer marketing, harnessing the potential of email marketing, optimizing for local search, and analyzing and adapting.

you can strengthen your online presence, attract a larger audience, and achieve sustainable business growth. Embrace these strategies and unlock the immense potential of the digital realm for your business.

Featured Image Credit: Monster; Pexels; Thank you!

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Top 10 Web Development Companies In USA 2023 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 00:00:48 +0000 Top 10 Web Development Companies In USA 2023

As internet availability has grown, companies have realized why it is necessary to have and maintain an online presence—pointing to […]

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Top 10 Web Development Companies In USA 2023

As internet availability has grown, companies have realized why it is necessary to have and maintain an online presence—pointing to the need for companies to embrace online marketing, social media, and other forms of online connection. A website plays a pivotal role when bridging the gap between businesses and customers.

A well-designed, functional, smooth website with customer reviews can grab the most clients’ attention compared to a business that doesn’t have a website. Here, a website opens the door for clear communication between the company and its potential clients.

Website creation is now one of the topmost priorities for all types of businesses. If you’re a business that wants to take the next step and launch a website but needs help finding where to start looking for a top web development company in the USA, this blog will significantly help you.

List of Top 10 Web Development Companies in USA 2023

1. eSparkBiz

eSparkBiz - Leading Web Development Company

Regarding information technology, eSparkBiz is easily one of the market leaders in the industry. Situated in the United States, eSparkBiz CMMI Level 3 accreditation and ISO 9001:2008 certification. They’ve been around for nearly a decade, and their industry knowledge is comprehensive. With their top priority being financial success, customer gratification, and developing long-term relationships, it is no surprise that their user rating is as high as 95%. Positive reviews from CEOs of various companies can be found on Clutch and HubSpot.

Working with them is a breeze because of their team of specialists that see your project through from inception to completion. To attract and retain a talented development staff, they use cutting-edge resources, code agilely, and provide many career paths. On top of that, there’s the option for the 15-day FREE trial, which lets you test the services you’re getting. eSparkBiz has much to offer for those looking for the best services on a pocket-friendly budget. Their

Provided Services:

Services include but are not limited to UI/UX backend frontend, AI & AR/VR, ML, and DevOps experts.

2. Techugo


Techugo was established in 2015 and is based in the United States. However, with several branches in India and Dubai, they can handle offshore operations with ease and efficiency. With over 120+ IT professionals, this IT firm can head the market leaders. But when it comes to creating custom mobile app development, Techugo has an unparalleled service.

In just 24 months, Techugo has provided reliable and easy-to-use mobile app solutions for medium and big businesses in healthcare, telecommunications, retail, banking and finance, food and online shopping, and business sectors. From Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Airtel to Godfrey Phillips, StyleMatch, India TV, and StyleMatch – Techugo is spreading its branches all across.

Provided Services:

The main offerings are mobile app development, web design, software development, and quality assurance management.

3. LanternSol


Next on our list of top web development companies in USA stands the IT company LanternSol. The company is committed to serving a global client base and achieving business excellence. As per the reviews, the company is very good at providing market-focused, web-based IT solutions and digital marketing solutions tailored to each client. The company has a team of developers, designers, and project managers who are highly motivated and efficient. They have experience building rich websites and delivering e-commerce, healthcare, and ERP solutions.

Provided Services:

The main offerings are Web Development, PPC, Video, SEO, Email Marketing, Branding & Design, and audit.

4. Computools


Computools was founded on the premise that companies of varying sizes can benefit from high-quality software development services. The group is helping many renowned firms worldwide with innovative technical solutions. The company is more than capable of handling and assisting both new and established small and medium-sized enterprises. This one can be the best option for startups and those looking for pocket-friendly software solutions.

Provided Services:

The main offerings are IT consulting services, product development services, web development services, enterprise software development, UX/UI design services, and AI development services.

5. OweBest Technologies

OweBest Technologies

Next on the list of top web development companies in USA 2023 is Owebest Technology, with its headquarters in India and sales offices in the United States, Canada, and Dubai; it is pretty popular as a leading provider of custom software, mobile app development, and website design and development services.

Decision Analysis and Resolution, Integrated Project Management, Organizational Process Design, Organizational Training, and many more are all part of the processes that make up the bullet list. The organization uses reliable methods to guarantee that all its projects are completed on schedule while maintaining strict quality requirements.

Provided Services:

The main offerings are Website Development Services, Mobile App Development Services, ERP Software Development, Blockchain Development Services, SaaS Services, Enterprise Application Development, CRM Development, and Custom Software Development.

6. Utility


Utility collaborates with cutting-edge businesses, from sole proprietorships to multinational conglomerates, to produce breakthrough mobile and web applications. The utility was established by digital industry veterans who have worked on both the client and agency sides at places like McCann Erickson and Major League Baseball. The team includes leading software developers, designers, and strategists for digital products.

The utility is a full-service mobile product design and development organization specializing in creating apps and other mobile-centric enterprises. The utility was founded by digital industry veterans who have worked on both sides of the table and are in the spotlight at places like McCann Erickson and Major League Baseball.

Provided Services:

The main offerings are Programming for Apple’s iOS, Google’s Android, Microsoft’s Windows Phone, Mozilla Firefox OS, Opera, and various other web-based browsers and operating systems, creating mobile games, and designing user interfaces

7. Aryavrat Infotech

Aryavrat Infotech

To help their clients turn their ideas or businesses into high-performing enterprises, the professionals at SF-based Aryavrat Infotech Inc. use software development and advisory services. The organization has built a solid clientele in many nations, including the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Singapore, Canada, the United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, and Australia.

The company’s priority is helping its customers gain a sustainable competitive advantage through increased dependability, speed, and agility. Aryavrat Infotech Inc. helps its customers make their businesses better together.

Provided Services:

The main offerings are Web Application Development, Mobile Application Development, Desktop Application Development, Product Engineering, Software Consulting, IT Recruiting & Training, Salesforce CRM, and IT Business Development.

8. Major Tom

Major Tom

Major Tom is the latest generation of digital marketing, a comprehensive firm designed to help businesses succeed in today’s competitive environment. The company consists of experts from around the globe who are experts in their fields to form the best possible team.

Since 2000, they have provided services to our partners from our three locations in New York, Toronto, and Vancouver. Moreover, the company has incorporated the strategic expertise of a prestigious consulting firm with the practical experience and cutting-edge tools of a pioneering advertising firm. In July 2018, 6S Marketing and Drive Digital merged to form what is now called Major Tom.

Provided Services:

The main offerings are WordPress Development, Custom Web Development, Digital Strategy, Content Marketing, Social Media, UX/UI Design, Digital Strategy, and eCommerce Development.

9. KeyIdeas Infotech

KeyIdeas Infotech

Next on our list is the top 10 web development companies — KeyIdeas. It is a world-class digital agency in Delhi NCR, India, and Orlando, Florida, USA. It is an IT services company that has won awards and focuses on making web and mobile apps. Customers in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Europe, Australia, and Asia have used these services for over ten years.

They have been called the best mobile app development companies by GoodFirms, CrowdReviews, Clutch, and other review sites. The company started in 2007 as a small business specializing in making software. Since then, we’ve grown into a full-service web design company with many products and services.

Provided Services:

The main offerings are mobile app development; e-commerce website development; user interface and user experience design; and online marketing.

10. Auxesis Infotech

Auxesis Infotech

Auxesis Infotech creates digital platforms that bridge the gap between humans and machines. Engineering prowess forms the backbone of the company’s operations. Auxesis Infotech creates digital products that will stand the test of time because of their decades of design and industry experience. The company helps businesses gain a competitive edge by focusing on innovation, user interaction and engagement, and time-to-market. They have access to cutting-edge technologies, they have gained customers worldwide who need advanced software solutions to solve their most pressing problems in a way that is both modern and easy to use. With the help of a committed, experienced, and professional design team of carefully chosen experts, you can finish your project on time.

Provided Services:

The main offerings are Product Design Strategy, Digital Design & Branding, UI/UX Design Audit & Consulting, Web Development, Mobile App Development, Web Development, and Mobile App Development.


A good website is crucial because it connects your business and your customers. After all, your website is always there to represent your business, even when you’re not there. It encourages customers to do business with you whenever and wherever they want.

A website is always good for your business because it makes users more interested and increases sales. Here is a list of the top web development companies in the USA specializing in creating bespoke corporate websites and applications.

Please read up on these companies and learn about them — then choose the one that suits your requirements.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Thank you!

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API Design Patterns: Best Practices for Building Resilient APIs Sat, 17 Jun 2023 15:00:02 +0000

Introduction API design patterns are essential for creating reliable, scalable, and reusable code. This post explores the best practices and […]

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API design patterns are essential for creating reliable, scalable, and reusable code. This post explores the best practices and design principles for building APIs that are easy to use, maintain, and extend.

API Design Patterns: A Quick Overview

APIs serve as contracts that define communication between applications, services, and components. API design patterns provide best practices, specifications, and standards for building reliable and user-friendly APIs. These patterns can solve common API problems and be customized to fit specific needs.

Types of API Design Patterns

  1. RESTful API
  • Uses HTTP methods for resource interaction
  • Supports caching and scalability
  • Works well for CRUD operations
  • Enables stateless communication between client and server
  • Compatible with various programming languages and frameworks


  • Utilizes Remote Procedure Calls to interact with a remote server
  • Requires a protocol or API definition like Protobuf or gRPC
  • More network-efficient than RESTful API
  • It can be challenging to implement and maintain

3. GraphQL API

  • Enables clients to request specific data
  • Provides a single endpoint for requests
  • Reduces the number of required requests for data retrieval
  • Can be complex to implement and may require additional tooling and libraries


  • Uses a messaging protocol for structured information exchange
  • Compatible with various programming languages and frameworks
  • Supports more complex operations than RESTful API
  • It can be challenging to implement and maintain

5. Hypermedia API:

  • Includes links between resources for dynamic discovery and navigation
  • Enhances API flexibility and adaptability
  • May require additional tooling and libraries
  • It can be challenging to implement and maintain

6. Event-driven API

  • Sends notifications to clients on specific events
  • Reduces the need for repeated polling for updates
  • Useful for real-time applications
  • It can be challenging to implement and maintain

7. Message Queue API:

  • Enables asynchronous message sending and receiving
  • Provides reliable and scalable message processing
  • Useful for distributed systems
  • May require additional infrastructure and tooling

The choice of API design pattern depends on project needs and system architecture. RESTful API suits simple CRUD operations, while GraphQL handles complex queries. RPC API and SOAP API can be more efficient for specific functions but require more complexity. Hypermedia API, event-driven API, and message queue API cater to specific systems and applications but may need additional tooling and infrastructure.

REST API Design Patterns

REST (Representational State Transfer) API design patterns follow best practices and guidelines for web services.

  • Resource-Based: Organizes API endpoints around resources representing system entities.
  • CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete): Defines the four basic operations for a resource.
  • HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State): Includes hyperlinks in API responses for resource discovery and navigation.
  • Filter and Pagination: Implements filtering and pagination for efficient data retrieval.
  • Versioning: Provides different API versions to accommodate changes without breaking existing clients.

The above REST API design patterns help create simple, scalable, and easy-to-maintain APIs.

Understanding REST API Design: 6 Key Constraints Every Engineer Must Know

Designing a REST API requires awareness of key constraints defining API characteristics and capabilities:

  • Client-Server Architecture: Separates client and server responsibilities for scalability and flexibility.
  • Statelessness: Each request contains the necessary information, and the server maintains no session state.
  • Cacheability: Designs API to take advantage of caching for improved performance.
  • Layered System: Designs API as a layered system for flexible functionality management.
  • Uniform Interface: Establishes standard interface using HTTP methods for CRUD operations and consistent data formats.
  • Code on Demand (Optional): Allows transfer of executable code from server to client for added functionality and flexibility. Not commonly used in RESTful APIs.

Understanding these constraints helps in designing a RESTful API that is scalable, manageable, and adheres to best practices.

RESTful API Best Practices

RESTful APIs have become the standard for building scalable, flexible, and maintainable web services. To build a successful RESTful API, consider the following best practices:

  • Follow the REST architectural style: Adhere to the constraints of the REST architectural style, ensuring consistency, reliability, and ease of understanding.
  • Use HTTP methods correctly: Utilize the appropriate HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for the corresponding actions on resources.
  • Use resource URIs: Define resource URIs that are unique, consistent, and devoid of implementation details.
  • Use hypermedia to link resources: Incorporate hypermedia formats like HAL, JSON-LD, or Siren to provide links between resources, enabling clients to navigate the API without relying on implementation details.
  • Employ versioning: Include versioning mechanisms, such as version numbers in URIs or HTTP headers, to support API changes without breaking existing clients.
  • Implement authentication and authorization: Secure the API using authentication and authorization mechanisms like OAuth 2.0, which authenticates clients and controls access to resources, ensuring the API’s security.
  • Error handling: Implement proper error handling to provide informative error messages when errors occur. Use appropriate HTTP status codes to indicate the type of error, and include error messages in the response body.

By following the above-mentioned best practices, you can create a RESTful API that is consistent, scalable, secure, and easy to use. However, it’s essential to also be aware of common pitfalls and challenges when designing RESTful APIs.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

  1. Overusing the POST method: Avoid using the POST method for all operations. Instead, utilize the appropriate HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) according to the semantics of the operation.
  2. Poor resource naming: Choose meaningful and consistent names for your resources that accurately represent the entities they represent.
  3. Lack of versioning: Neglecting to incorporate versioning in your API can lead to compatibility issues and breaking changes for existing clients.
  4. Inconsistent error handling: Ensure that error responses are standardized and follow proper HTTP status codes, providing meaningful error messages to clients.
  5. Overcomplicating the API: Keep your API design simple and intuitive. Avoid unnecessary complexity that can make it difficult for developers to understand and use.
  6. Inadequate documentation: Provide comprehensive documentation for your API, including clear explanations of endpoints, request/response formats, authentication mechanisms, and any specific requirements.


Designing a robust and effective API is essential for modern software development. By understanding API design patterns, following best practices, and avoiding common pitfalls, you can create APIs that are reliable, scalable, maintainable, and easy to use.

RESTful APIs, with their adherence to the REST architectural style, offer a flexible and standardized approach to building web services. By leveraging the power of HTTP methods, resource URIs, hypermedia, versioning, authentication, and error handling, you can create APIs that meet the needs of developers and provide a seamless experience for end-users.

Remember to document your API thoroughly, provide clear examples, and ensure consistent and meaningful error handling. With these considerations in mind, you’ll be well on your way to building robust APIs that enable effective communication between applications, services, and components in today’s interconnected digital landscape.

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4 Instagram Marketing Tips That Actually Work Thu, 15 Jun 2023 18:00:36 +0000

Instagram has become one of the most powerful marketing platforms for businesses to market their products and services. That’s the […]

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Instagram has become one of the most powerful marketing platforms for businesses to market their products and services. That’s the reason why almost all small and big businesses are now using Instagram as part of their social media marketing campaigns.

This has crowded the platform with similar types of content,  massively increasing the competition among marketers. If you have been facing the same situation, you need to change your marketing tactic. 

Instead of following the same old ways now, you need to focus on more creative ways that will help you attract more leads, boost your visibility, and increase your sales. 

After all, there’s no point wasting your time on Instagram marketing if it isn’t helping you boost your conversions. To help you out, we have come up with a few effective Instagram marketing tips that actually work for businesses. 

So let’s check out what they are. 

1. Create Visually Compelling Content

Instagram is a visual platform. So whenever you post content on this platform, you need to ensure that your posts are visually appealing. By creating visual content, you can not only gain attention from your audience but also attract more followers to your profile. 

Now the question is, how do you create visually compelling content? There are various ways of doing that. You don’t need to hire a professional photographer to make it happen. 

Just follow the best photography practices and edit your images well before posting them on Instagram. There are various tools available for it. Do your research and see which one fits your requirements to get the best results. Taking a look at its features and pricing before using it can help you understand if it can be useful for your business.

2. Create a Consistent Brand Aesthetic

Another very effective way to leverage Instagram for your business is to create a consistent brand aesthetic. Doing this is very important to help your audience differentiate your content from that of your competitors. 

By using a consistent brand aesthetic, you can not only stand out but also help your audience recognize you the moment they view your post. If you’re not sure how to get started with it, don’t worry. You can simply start using a template with your logo and brand colors for your posts. 

3. Pay Attention to the Captions

There are many marketers who don’t consider captions as an important marketing factor. If you’ve made the same mistake before, stop repeating it now. Your Instagram captions are equally important as your visuals.

They help you deliver your message more effectively and help you get better results from your marketing efforts. Your captions are also important to create awareness and attract the required attention. 

Sometimes instead of just posting an image, it can be helpful to add a catchy caption to help your audience understand the context of your post.  

4. Use Hashtags Strategically

One of the main aims behind using Instagram marketing is to boost brand awareness through increased visibility. If your posts aren’t visible to your audience, then there’s no point wasting your time and effort on creating your posts. 

By using your hashtags strategically on your posts, you can ensure that your posts are visible to a wider range of people. Hashtags help people discover your content more easily. 

When this happens more often, people start recognizing your brand. This, in turn, boosts credibility by building trust amongst your audience. As a result, your conversions increase, and your sales start increasing too. This happens because people like to buy from brands that they trust. 

By using your hashtags strategically, you can boost your visibility, create brand recognition and gain trust from your audience.  

5. Host Giveaways

If you want to increase your posts’ engagement and your Instagram followers, try hosting giveaways. Giveaways work because people love freebies and gifts. 

So when they see a brand hosting such an event, they rush in to participate with the hope of winning the prize. 

The trick is to announce a great prize. This helps you attract more participants more easily. The good news is that such events help you dramatically boost your conversions as well. For example, it helps you increase your email list

When people participate in the giveaway, they would definitely want to know if they have won the prize. So if you tell them that the results will be announced through email, they will surely submit their email addresses to know if they are the winner. 

Similarly, it can help you increase your followers. You can do that by asking your audience to follow you on Instagram to participate in the giveaway and know the results. 


Instagram marketing is super powerful in helping you boost your conversions and achieve your goals. But to be able to gain the best results, you need to know what works and what doesn’t. The above tips are just a few ways to gain good results from your marketing efforts. So do try them out now.

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The Rise of Women in Technology Leadership: Empowering Influence and Driving Progress Mon, 05 Jun 2023 16:00:51 +0000 Women in Technology Leadership

The argument for having more women in leadership positions, particularly in the tech industry, is stronger than ever. Women in […]

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Women in Technology Leadership

The argument for having more women in leadership positions, particularly in the tech industry, is stronger than ever. Women in leadership reduce financial risks and enhance business performance. The presence of female leaders is also associated with improved social and environmental responsibility within the organization.

According to The Economist, women are generally less corrupt and more moral than men. A Canadian study found that businesses with more women on their boards are more likely to disclose their greenhouse emissions.

Female-led businesses prioritize innovation and show a positive link to innovation output.

Women in Technology

The reality is, women face a more challenging time in more technical fields. Few women are represented, and opportunities for progress are harder to come by. A 2022 McKinsey report found that women are far less likely than men to work in technical fields, and the representation of women in these jobs is now even lower than it was in 2018.

This can lead to women frequently being the ‘only’ female in that workplace, which could explain why women in tech face higher rates of bias. The report found that these women are more likely than others to have their judgment questioned in their area of experience. They also believe their gender plays a role in their challenges in getting ahead.

The study concluded that female leaders face stronger hurdles despite equal ambition for senior roles. In many companies, women report experiencing ‘microaggressions that undermine their authority,’ making it harder for them to advance. For example, female leaders are more likely to have their opinions and qualifications for their jobs questioned.

Women as Leaders

Studies have shown time and again that women make excellent leaders. It has been found that women possess many important qualities for effective leadership. For example, women tend to be more empathetic, collaborative, and nurturing, which enhances team management and relationships.

Despite this, women remain extremely neglected in leadership positions across industries, including technology.  This is partly due to systemic barriers and biases that hinder women’s career advancement and leadership access.

The under-representation of women on boards is not a reflection of their abilities but rather a result of discriminatory attitudes and beliefs. We must work to remove these biases and recognize that women bring unique perspectives and valuable contributions to the table. It is time to embrace the changing mindset of society and fully support women as they take on leadership roles.

To that end, many initiatives and organizations are working to address these barriers and support women in technology leadership positions. For example, some companies are implementing diversity and inclusion programs, offering mentorship and training opportunities, and setting targets for increasing the number of women in leadership roles.

Why Women Make Great Leaders

There are many reasons why women make great leaders:

  • Communications skills – One of the most commonly cited reasons why women make good leaders is their strong communication skills. Women are often perceived as better listeners and more empathetic than men, which enables them to build strong relationships with their teams and stakeholders. They are also skilled at conflict management and communication, which help to build trust and foster a positive organizational culture.
  • Emotional Intelligence – Women are also known for their high emotional intelligence, which enables them to build better relationships with their team members. They also motivate and inspire them, and navigate personality dynamics.
  • Collaboration – Women are often perceived as more collaborative and team-oriented than men. Which further contributes to their ability to build strong teams and drive collective performance. They are also more likely to value diversity and inclusion.
  • Mentorship – When women are in leadership roles, they serve as role models and mentors for other women in the organization. This helps to break down gender barriers and promote equal opportunities.

There is more to a woman’s strengths than simply her natural creativity, which is a common assumption. The notion that women are naturally creative, upholds harmful stereotypes and reinforces biased thinking. We must acknowledge and celebrate their multifaceted strengths rather than pigeonholing women into a single category.

Women possess natural leadership qualities, such as handling multiple tasks and stakeholders together. It is time for us to recognize that women can hold positions of power and influence and actively support their advancement.

What’s Holding Women Back in Technology?

Over the past few years, we have seen a major shift in the tech industry’s demographics. The focus on diversity and inclusion has become important. Some businesses have also acted to ensure they have a more balanced workforce. However, despite these efforts, technology leadership still overlooks women.

There are many reasons for this. One is the ‘pipeline problem.’ The percentage of women studying STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) degrees is still low, meaning fewer women are entering the technology workforce. Further, the gender pay gap in the technology industry can be extreme, making it more difficult for women to advance to leadership positions.

However, there are signs that things are changing. Companies are beginning to prioritize diversity and inclusion, taking active initiatives to improve representation. Many businesses have started mentorship programs, development opportunities, and gender targets for promotions, all of which can help support women’s advancement.

There are also external organizations working to promote women in technology leadership. For example, Women in Technology International (WITI) is a global organization dedicated to empowering women in technology. They offer training, mentoring, and networking opportunities to help women advance their careers.

The Anita Borg Institute is another organization working towards increasing the representation of women in technology.

Various programs specifically aim to support women in technology leadership positions. For example, many organizations, like those mentioned above, offer mentorship programs, socializing events, and leadership training opportunities specifically for women in the industry. These programs can help women develop the skills and connections needed to succeed in leadership roles.

As well as this, as the role of technology continues to increase in every aspect of modern life, there is a need for skilled professionals who can develop and manage these systems. This presents a great opportunity for women interested in chasing technological careers, as there is likely to be strong demand for their skills.

What We Need To Do?

A more diverse leadership and workforce in technology can only mean positive growth for organizations and businesses. But, to wholeheartedly work towards this, everyone must get on board – including men.

The first step should be to commit to a holistic diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) strategy. This aims to create an inclusive culture to recruit and retain a diverse workforce. Next, it is essential to establish goal-setting, transparency, and accountability. Tech companies should aim to identify diversity metrics, report results, and track progress to revise their approach and improve.

Finally, tech companies must establish creative programs to hire, retain, and promote a diverse workforce. This may involve building programs to recruit and upskill unique talent. Companies should give mentorship programs and development opportunities to support neglected groups. Since less than a quarter of tech, media, and telecom companies have taken these steps, according to a report by Deloitte, there is much room for improvement.

Let’s conquer biases as we move towards a more equitable and diverse future. We must be open to change and willing to uplift and empower women as leaders. It’s time to break the hurdles that held women back for a long and create a better future for all.

So the question remains, will you join the movement towards equality and diversity in leadership, or will you remain a gazer?

Featured Image Credit: Pexels; Thank you!

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Big Data Analytics: The Key to Resolving Complex Business Dilemmas Sat, 03 Jun 2023 15:00:45 +0000 Big Data Analytics

Big data analytics is the complex process of examining large and diverse datasets to uncover hidden patterns, correlations, market trends, […]

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Big Data Analytics

Big data analytics is the complex process of examining large and diverse datasets to uncover hidden patterns, correlations, market trends, and customer preferences. It is a crucial tool for organizations to make informed business decisions and tackle complex problems. In this article, we will explore the significance of big data analytics, its applications, benefits, challenges, and its history and growth.

The Importance of Big Data Analytics

Expertise Matters

Just as you would want a trained physician to diagnose your health problems, you need experts in big data analytics to help solve complex business problems. Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) or Known Opinion Leaders (KOLs) who have proven success in your industry can apply AI and analytics methods to develop a roadmap and lead your organization to success.

Advanced Analytics Techniques

Big data analytics is a form of advanced analytics, which involves complex applications with elements such as predictive models, statistical algorithms, and what-if analyses powered by analytics systems. It differs from traditional business intelligence (BI) queries, which answer basic questions about business operations and performance.

How Big Data Analytics Works

The big data analytics process consists of four main steps:

  1. Data Collection: Data analysts, data scientists, predictive modelers, statisticians, and other analytics professionals collect data from various sources, including semi-structured and unstructured data streams, such as internet clickstream data, web server logs, cloud applications, mobile applications, social media content, text from customer emails and survey responses, mobile phone records, and machine data from IoT sensors.
  2. Data Processing: After data is collected and stored in a data warehouse or data lake, data professionals must organize, configure, and partition the data properly for analytical queries. Thorough data preparation and processing lead to higher performance from analytical queries.
  3. Data Cleansing: Data professionals scrub the data using scripting tools or data quality software. They look for any errors or inconsistencies, such as duplications or formatting mistakes, and organize and tidy up the data.
  4. Data Analysis: The collected, processed, and cleaned data is analyzed with analytics software, which includes tools for data mining, predictive analytics, machine learning, deep learning, text mining, statistical analysis, artificial intelligence (AI), mainstream business intelligence software, and data visualization tools.

Key Big Data Analytics Technologies and Tools

Many different types of tools and technologies are used to support big data analytics processes. Some common technologies and tools include:

  • Hadoop: An open-source framework for storing and processing big data sets, capable of handling large amounts of structured and unstructured data.
  • Predictive Analytics: Hardware and software that process large amounts of complex data and use machine learning and statistical algorithms to make predictions.
  • Stream Analytics: Tools used to filter, aggregate, and analyze big data stored in various formats or platforms.
  • Distributed Storage: Data replicated on a non-relational database, providing protection against node failures and low-latency access.
  • NoSQL Databases: Non-relational data management systems that work well with large sets of distributed data and do not require a fixed schema, making them ideal for raw and unstructured data.
  • Data Lake: A large storage repository that holds native-format raw data until it is needed.
  • Data Warehouse: A repository that stores large amounts of data collected by different sources, using predefined schemas.
  • Knowledge Discovery/Big Data Mining: Tools that enable businesses to mine large amounts of structured and unstructured big data.
  • In-Memory Data Fabric: Distributes large amounts of data across system memory resources, providing low data access and processing latency.
  • Data Virtualization: Enables data access without technical restrictions.
  • Data Integration Software: Streamlines big data across different platforms, including Apache, Hadoop, MongoDB, and Amazon EMR.
  • Data Quality Software: Cleanses and enriches large data sets.
  • Data Preprocessing Software: Prepares data for further analysis, including formatting and cleansing unstructured data.
  • Spark: An open-source cluster computing framework used for batch and stream data processing.

Big data analytics applications often include data from both internal systems and external sources, such as weather data or demographic data on consumers compiled by third-party information service providers. Streaming analytics applications are also becoming common in big data environments, as users perform real-time analytics on data fed into Hadoop systems through stream processing engines like Spark, Flink, and Storm.

Big Data Analytics in Various Industries

Big data analytics has been embraced by a diverse range of industries as a key technology driving digital transformation. Users include retailers, financial services firms, insurers, healthcare organizations, manufacturers, energy companies, and other enterprises. Some examples of how big data analytics can be applied in these industries include:

  • Customer Acquisition and Retention: Consumer data can help companies’ marketing efforts, acting on trends to increase customer satisfaction and create customer loyalty.
  • Targeted Ads: Personalization data from sources such as past purchases, interaction patterns, and product page viewing histories can help generate compelling targeted ad campaigns.
  • Product Development: Big data analytics can provide insights to inform product viability, development decisions, progress measurement, and steer improvements in the direction of what fits a business’s customers.
  • Price Optimization: Retailers may opt for pricing models that use and model data from various sources to maximize revenues.
  • Supply Chain and Channel Analytics: Predictive analytical models can help with preemptive replenishment, B2B supplier networks, inventory management, route optimizations, and the notification of potential delays to deliveries.
  • Risk Management: Big data analytics can identify new risks from data patterns for effective risk management strategies.
  • Improved Decision-Making: Insights extracted from relevant data can help organizations make quicker and better decisions.

Benefits of Big Data Analytics

The benefits of using big data analytics services include:

  • Rapidly analyzing large amounts of data from different sources and formats.
  • Making better-informed decisions for effective strategizing, which can benefit and improve the supply chain, operations, and other areas of strategic decision-making.
  • Cost savings resulting from new business process efficiencies and optimizations.
  • Better understanding of customer needs, behavior, and sentiment, leading to improved marketing insights and valuable information for product development.
  • Improved and better-informed risk management strategies that draw from large sample sizes of data.

Challenges of Big Data Analytics

Despite the many benefits that come with using big data analytics, its use also presents challenges:

  • Accessibility of Data: Storing and processing large amounts of data becomes more complicated as the volume of data increases. Big data should be stored and maintained properly to ensure it can be used by less experienced data scientists and analysts.
  • Data Quality Maintenance: With high volumes of data coming from various sources and in different formats, data quality management for big data requires significant time, effort, and resources.
  • Data Security: The complexity of big data systems presents unique security challenges. Addressing security concerns within such a complicated big data ecosystem can be complex.
  • Choosing the Right Tools: Selecting from the vast array of big data analytics tools and platforms available on the market can be confusing, so organizations must know how to pick the best tool that aligns with users’ needs and infrastructure.
  • Talent Gap: With a potential lack of internal analytics skills and the high cost of hiring experienced data scientists and engineers, some organizations are finding it difficult to fill the gaps.

History and Growth of Big Data Analytics

The term “big data” was first used to refer to increasing data volumes in the mid-1990s. In 2001, Doug Laney expanded the definition of big data by describing the increasing volume, variety, and velocity of generated and used data. These three factors became known as the 3Vs of big data. As per recent study most of the routine and daily based task will be automated in 2030.

The launch of the Hadoop distributed processing framework in 2006 was another significant development in the history of big data. Hadoop, an Apache open-source project, laid the foundation for a clustered platform built on top of commodity hardware that could run big data applications.

By 2011, big data analytics began to take a firm hold in organizations and the public eye, along with Hadoop and various related big data technologies. Initially, big data applications were primarily used by large internet and e-commerce companies such as Yahoo, Google, and Facebook, as well as analytics and marketing services providers. More recently, a broader variety of users have embraced big data analytics as a key technology driving digital transformation.


Big data analytics plays a crucial role in addressing complex business problems and helping organizations make informed decisions. Its applications, benefits, and growth have made it an indispensable tool in various industries. By understanding the challenges and choosing the right technologies and tools, organizations can harness the power of big data analytics to drive success and remain competitive in the marketplace.

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Why Now Is the Time to Embrace AI Implementation Thu, 01 Jun 2023 12:00:05 +0000

There seems to be a significant gap between the ways organizations talk about AI and the ways they use it within […]

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There seems to be a significant gap between the ways organizations talk about AI and the ways they use it within their businesses. Despite 90% of well-known companies investing in AI, it turns out only 35% of businesses actually use it. That means the majority of these companies believe AI is a worthwhile investment but aren’t putting that investment to good use.

It’s a head-scratching statistic that might lead some to believe that AI is more sizzle than steak. In actuality, however, the reasons so few companies haven’t successfully implemented AI stem from practical worries, not from a lack of confidence in the technology itself.

Why Aren’t Companies Using Data for AI Solutions?

There are four main reasons companies fail to use their data to build internal AI solutions:

· They lack the technical expertise necessary for building AI solutions.

· Their data is either of insufficient quality or not in the right format to be used in AI applications.

· The costs associated with developing and deploying proprietary AI seem too high to justify.

· They lack clear objectives and strategies for building successful AI implementation strategies.

Any one of these obstacles can be enough reason for a company to forego AI implementation, even as they invest in the technology. By doing this, however, businesses are essentially giving competitors an edge that they could be taking advantage of themselves.

You Need to Walk the AI Walk

Starting a company that helps develop AI solutions for other businesses, I’ve not only seen the ways data and AI can improve other companies, but I’ve also experienced the ways in which it has helped our own business. We’ve deployed AI to optimize our product development cycles and even built new AI models to help us swiftly solve problems for both our company and clients.

This experience has helped us better understand how businesses use AI and why more organizations should start implementing AI for themselves.

Advantages of Adopting AI

Here are some of the benefits of adopting AI:

· Improved decision-making: Companies can use their data and AI to identify trends, uncover correlations, and detect anomalies. This helps them make better decisions and more easily adapt to market changes and shifts in customer demands.

· Automated processes: AI can automate tedious and repetitive tasks, freeing up employees’ time for more high-value activities.

· Increased efficiencies: AI can analyze companies’ operations and processes and figure out ways to improve upon them. This can result in greater efficiencies, fewer errors, and significant cost savings.

· Enhanced customer experiences: Companies can use AI to deliver personalized experiences to customers, leading to stronger customer relationships and increased loyalty.

· New insights: AI uncovers insights and patterns that would be difficult to discover manually, enabling companies to take advantage of new opportunities and giving them a competitive edge.

If you’re investing in AI but not applying it to your business, these are the advantages you’re leaving on the table.

However, though this might all sound nice in theory, the practicalities of actually incorporating AI into your business can be daunting, particularly if you’re facing some of the challenges mentioned above. With that in mind, then, here are three steps that can act as your AI implementation guide:

1. Start With a Strategy.

Develop a clear AI implementation strategy with your team. This should outline the goals, objectives, and timelines needed for incorporating AI solutions into your business. Creating this plan upfront will help ensure everyone is on the same page — something that’s especially important when dealing with AI implementation.

2. Trust in Data Science.

Use data science to build models and algorithms that can interpret, analyze, and predict data. This will help you gain insights into customer behaviors and trends, which, in turn, can allow you to better understand your business and make more informed decisions.

Keep in mind that while you might already have a data scientist on staff, they aren’t necessarily the right person for dealing with AI-related data.

You need to make sure you have a data scientist focused solely on getting pragmatic results, devoid of company politics and culture. In many cases, it’s best to have this come from a third party.

3. Evaluate, Monitor, and Update.

The world is dynamic, and so is your business. The traditional idea of updating an AI model once a year, quarter, or even once a month is long gone. In fact, any company still doing this would probably be better off disabling their AI models altogether. Machine learning models are like bread: great when freshly baked but bound to become stale over time.

Once you’ve implemented an AI solution, it’s important to evaluate and monitor the system’s performance to ensure it’s running as expected and providing the desired results.

Make sure to review your performance data regularly and make adjustments as needed. Many modern organizations — the ones taking leaps in their industries — will even use AI to monitor and update their existing AI models.

The Bottom Line

Using your own data to build meaningful AI solutions builds up your competitive advantage, improves customer satisfaction, and helps reduce costs while growing revenue. With your data and AI solutions working together, you can make informed decisions that will help you navigate the present and adapt to the future.

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Magento: Empowering Businesses with Flexible and Scalable E-Commerce Solutions Thu, 25 May 2023 19:00:44 +0000 magneto ecommerce

The Evolution of Magento Back in 2007, Magento was introduced by Varien Inc. The original purpose of this e-commerce platform […]

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magneto ecommerce

The Evolution of Magento

Back in 2007, Magento was introduced by Varien Inc. The original purpose of this e-commerce platform was to be flexible and customizable. Supported by the open-source system, developers could customize the software to match specific company needs. Along with the evolution of ecommerce, business owners started looking for ways to easily adapt their e-commerce platforms accordingly, and Magento turned out to be a good option.

In 2011, eBay bought out Magento Inc., solidifying its status as a go-to provider of e-commerce services. Under eBay’s regime, Magento consistently innovated and improved its features resulting in advanced abilities that are now seamless when integrated into businesses’ systems. No wonder every entrepreneur is looking for the best Magento development services, to optimize their workflow.

The main reason why the majority of businesses choose Magento is due to its unique flexibility and adaptability. From an excellent range of design templates to various modules allowing full customizations from product catalogs down to checkout processes – using Magento can make your web store look fantastic while catering specifically to all different industry requirements keeping your customers happy whilst you keep your quality products available online with ease!

Scalability and Performance

For businesses intending to expand, their e-commerce platforms must be designed to handle higher traffic and transaction volumes. Fortunately, Magento has the capability of scaling up reliability and performance to match those needs; thus making it an ideal choice for companies in need of a stable platform. Magento’s architecture can withstand thousands of products with complex inventory management as well as concurrent user interactions without compromising speed or reliability.

With its robust infrastructure, Magento could serve businesses handling few daily orders as well as those handling thousands and ensure both provide a seamless shopping experience for customers.

Extensive Feature Set

Magento offers an extensive variety of features that can enhance the functionality of online businesses and help them survive the troughs of ecommerce. The components include advanced product management, flexible pricing options, integrated payment gateways, and multi-language support. These features equip business owners with what they need to excel in the ecommerce space on a global scale.

Additional Business specific needs are met through Magento Marketplace; therein lies further integrations and extensions that enable you to enhance your website’s functional capacity using new tools that directly benefit your company.

Advanced Marketing and Analytics Capabilities

Magento is an excellent tool for e-commerce businesses, offering advanced marketing and analytics capabilities that help them to optimize strategies. Incorporating these features can enhance customer engagement, drive sales, and provide valuable insights into customer behavior that can inform strategic decisions. Businesses that use Magento gain a wealth of information about their customers. With the platform’s outstanding analytical tools, they get reams of data to interpret which gives them a significant competitive advantage in shaping strategies.

Adapting to Changing Market Trends with Magento

In the fast-moving world of e-commerce, businesses must adapt to changing market trends if they want to stay relevant. The agile approach of Magento empowers online-based businesses to keep up with customer demand and respond to shifting market landscapes. Magento enables companies to respond quickly and efficiently to these changes.

1. Rapid Deployment of Updates and Features

Magento’s updates help keep up with emerging trends and developments in the industry. They vary from performance improvements and security upgrades to the introduction of additional features. So, investing in an update is a smart move for businesses looking to take advantage of these innovations.

2. Extensive Marketplace for Extensions and Themes

Magento ecommerce platform offers an abundant selection of themes and extensions created by third-party vendors. This extensive ecosystem empowers businesses to effortlessly incorporate new features and design elements in order to enrich their store’s functions, and considering the tips for a successful ecommerce website can allow them to take their platform to a new level. Magento helps businesses enhance their websites by introducing social media integrations, quickly implementing mobile-responsive themes, or offering innovative checkout options that cater to varied customer preferences.

3. Responsive and Mobile-First Design

Magento was one of the first e-commerce platforms to recognize this trend, offering options for responsive design and mobile-first themes so that anyone could have a great shopping experience, regardless of their device. If a business wants to succeed in such a climate, it would need to keep up with these trends by ensuring that its e-commerce business is optimized for mobile devices as well.

4. Integrations with Emerging Technologies

The Magento platform proudly provides seamless integration with futuristic technologies such as AR, VR, AI, and voice assistants. Their presence makes it possible for businesses and their consumers to interact with one another. This creates immersive shopping experiences which engage customers in unprecedented ways while also showcasing top-notch trends. You can read this article and see that digital innovation capabilities play a huge role in boosting sales.

5. Community Collaboration and Feedback

Magento thrives on the contributions of its users, developers, and agencies who share their insights and feedback toward its growth. Magento has developed a collaborative ecosystem that not only facilitates the exchange of ideas but also provides an avenue for problem-solving. This approach ensures that Magento remains agile and responsive to meet market demands.

Magento empowers businesses to stay ahead of their competitors by adopting the agile approach, allowing for innovation and adaptation to changing market trends that cater to evolving customer needs and ecommerce trends. With regular updates, significant marketplace offerings, mobile-first design strategies, and integration with emerging technologies, Magento provides flexible tools for businesses to remain adaptable in the dynamic ecommerce industry.


In the world of digital sales, e-commerce is a dog-eat-dog space. It always demands robust and customizable solutions to create an impressive online presence. This is where Magento comes into play. It has markedly revolutionized the industry by offering businesses powerful tools and features. They can cater to their needs while making stores highly scalable.

So, what’s really cool about the Magento ecosystem?

Magneto’s ecosystem has grown incredibly diverse over time. Additionally, Magento’s core commitment revolves around empowering businesses to take full control of their online storefronts from end-to-end which makes it one-of-a-kind in the market.

Magento provides enterprises with everything they need for creating engaging online storefronts that are responsive, mobile-ready, and fit for purpose. Today, when this shift massively happened from physical brick-and-mortar stores to mobile & desktop devices shopping-powered stores like Magneto have become crucial for retailers looking to thrive digitally.

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8 SEO Tips for Digital Marketers Fri, 19 May 2023 11:00:59 +0000 SEO for digital marketers

Everyone wants better search engine rankings, but it takes hard work and determination to get there. There are certain techniques […]

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SEO for digital marketers

Everyone wants better search engine rankings, but it takes hard work and determination to get there. There are certain techniques and SEO tips you’ll need to employ to get results, and it won’t happen overnight.

For example, you’ll need strong on-page SEO along with a system to ensure all new web pages are built to the same standards. You’ll also need an off-page SEO plan, which can get pretty involved.

If you’re searching for ways to get your website ranked higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs), here are some solid SEO tips.

1. Be intentional with link building

Instead of building links in bulk, be intentional. You need link juice to rank, but it’s also an opportunity to drive traffic. Find link building opportunities in your niche so that your content aligns with the publishers you choose.

Better yet, work with a professional SEO service to handle everything for you. When you work with a pro, they’ll create a strategy to generate high-quality, relevant links so you can rank higher in the SERPs and generate organic traffic to your website.

Generating backlinks for SEO purposes is essential, and it’s also risky if you don’t stick to good practices. There are consequences for using bad link-building strategies. For example, while paying for links in large quantities might seem like an easy way to get backlinks, it can harm you in the long run. Google cracks down hard on link farms, and if you get too many links from the wrong source, you could end up with a blacklisted domain name.

You also need to be aware of links that don’t provide value. Just because someone is willing to give you a backlink doesn’t mean it’s worth anything. If a website doesn’t have the authority to pass to your site through your link, it’s not going to help you rank. Aim for sites with a high Domain Authority (DA) for ranking, and sites with plenty of traffic for getting visitors. Just be sure to create a varied backlink profile so it looks natural to Google.

2. Fix 404 errors and site problems

One of our easier SEO tips is fixing errors. It is one of the easiest ways to help your site rank higher in the SERPs. Although it won’t directly make you rank higher, it will prevent your rankings from dropping. The two main errors to watch out for are 404 errors and random problems with your site, like buggy navigation or overlapping elements on mobile.

Fixing 404 errors

To start, 404 errors aren’t a ranking factor on their own. However, they become a problem when you’ve built backlinks that point to a web page that no longer exists. Inbound links are a ranking factor, and if your inbound links no longer exist, the PageRank you earned from those links will drop. The solution is to put 301 redirects in place, which is perfectly acceptable, according to Google.

Fixing site problems

Most minor issues will inconvenience visitors but won’t affect your rankings. However, if Google determines that your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you will see a drop in ranking, and your site might even disappear from search results completely.

Overlapping elements is one of the most common reasons a site doesn’t pass Google’s mobile-friendly test. The solution here is to use a responsive design.

Check your site from different mobile devices to make sure it works on small screens. If not, it’s time for a redesign.

3. Target less competitive keywords and phrases

First-page results are ideal, but with personalized results, nobody gets exactly the same results for a given query. There is no longer an objective first page that shows the same results for everyone. This means your web pages will show up in a different order and on different pages in the search results based on the user who submits the query. Thanks to personalized results, each user’s results vary based on a variety of factors, like search history, previously visited websites, and more.

One of our SEO tips is instead of having a general goal to “get on the first page of Google,” set your goal to continually rank higher for each of your chosen keywords and phrases, and find additional, relevant, low-competition phrases to rank for. Targeting keywords with high competition probably won’t get you anywhere near the first page unless you have a multi-million-dollar marketing budget.

Focus on ranking for longtail queries and other relevant phrases with less competition. The more niche your terms, the easier it will be to rise to the top of the SERPs when personalization is at play.

Not every website will make it to the first page but don’t get discouraged over second-page rankings. The truth is, you don’t even need first-page rankings to generate massive amounts of organic traffic from Google.

You may have noticed that Google no longer makes users click to view the next page of results. Now, all you need to do is keep scrolling to see more results. This will definitely have a positive impact on SEO efforts, considering 56% of people would rather run a new search than click on the second results page. Scrolling removes the need to click, and that means users will be viewing additional pages.

4. Don’t try to rank obscure pages

There are some pages you shouldn’t waste your time trying to rank. For example, skip trying to rank your contact page and any other pages that don’t actually have content. While it’s hard to rank a contact page in the first place due to the lack of content, trying to do so will be a waste of your time and money.

Stick to ranking pages with rich content, like your services, products, and blog pages. Aim to rank your most valuable content. Think about it from a user’s point of view and ask yourself if the content on a page is something people would specifically be looking for. If the answer is no, don’t bother ranking that content.

5. Utilize deep internal links

Internal linking is when you add links to your own content. For example, after publishing a blog post, you’d find other articles or pages on your site to link to that new blog. Adding internal links to your content helps Google find and index more pages on your website. The anchor text you use will help Google understand the content on each page.

If possible, link new content from your home page to pass on more link value to that content. This can be easily done with a widget that displays your latest posts.

6. Publish a blog

Another one of our SEO tips is you can’t really have strong SEO without a blog. SEO hinges on quality content, and for most businesses, the best way to get content is through publishing articles on a regular basis. Most people use WordPress, but there are other options available.

Having a blog gives you a massive SEO advantage on several fronts:

  • You’ll have more chances to get organic traffic. You can create authoritative blog posts for every search phrase you want to rank for. The more your content gets ranked, the more likely users are to find your website.
  • Your blog is the foundation for content marketing. If you’re going to generate backlinks through content marketing, you’ll be using links from your blog. The more articles you have, the more options there are for building backlinks. You can even craft blog posts just for building backlinks.
  • Fresh content. Google loves sites that publish regular content. The web is no longer just a place for static content. Users want new information, and when you have a blog, you can publish content regularly for your subscribers.

Regardless of your industry or niche, make sure you have a blog. You can publish how-to articles, tips, tricks, or just general information that would be helpful to people searching for answers.

7. Run paid ads on Google

PPC ads may not be a direct part of SEO, but since they appear inside search results, they can help you generate organic traffic just like SEO.

According to many studies over the years, most users pay more attention to ads than they do to the first set of organic search results on Google. This means if your website ranks on the first page, users are more likely to click on an ad that seems relevant to their query.

If you want your website to show up in the SERPs on the first page, but can’t seem to rank for important keywords, use PPC ads. It will give you an advantage in the SERPs without having to work hard to get your pages to rank.

8. Use Quora for content ideas

Question and answer websites, like Quora, are excellent sources for content ideas. These Q&A websites will tell you what people care about, what their concerns are, and what they want to know.

Search for questions related to your industry and see what’s being discussed. You’ll get some ideas for common problems and their solutions, some of which you may not have thought of before.

Take each of the issues you find and turn them into blog posts. However, aim to write complete posts that cover the topic fully. However, you’ll need to do some additional research for each post to provide value to your readers.

For example, find statistics and studies to support your claims, look for varied opinions to present an unbiased view, or just choose one angle to dive into deeply.

Search engine optimization takes time

SEO is a long-term game, so be patient while you’re waiting to see your web pages rise in the SERPs. In the meantime, if you feel stuck, reach out to an SEO pro for help and SEO tips.

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Delivering Memorable Customer Experience for All Age Groups With Digital Banking Thu, 04 May 2023 21:00:13 +0000 Digital Banking

During the pandemic, the ways we accessed and managed our money transformed. To be sure, in-person banking was dropping in popularity even before the start of […]

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Digital Banking

During the pandemic, the ways we accessed and managed our money transformed. To be sure, in-person banking was dropping in popularity even before the start of the pandemic, while digital platforms were seeing a slow and steady rise: About 4 million users joined the digital banking world each year between 2017 and 2019, according to Statista.

Though their popularity was beginning to wane, brick-and-mortar branches were undoubtedly still very much a part of many consumers’ financial routines. When the pandemic hit, the balance of digital to traditional banking began a rapid shift. In 2020, 52% of bank customers went to branches to manage their money (or were branch-dependent), according to a J.D. Power survey. Only two years later, in 2022, more than 65% of U.S. bank customers were using digital banking services, per Bankrate.

The Challenges Digital Banking Poses to Consumers

With this evolution in omnichannel banking come unique obstacles and opportunities — especially for older adults. While more people in this age demographic are now using digital technology than ever before, a study by the Pew Research Center indicates that 25% of adults aged 65 or older don’t use the internet, 36% don’t have home broadband, and 39% don’t own smartphones. Moreover, MX’s 2022 report on digital and mobile banking trends states that only 39% of Baby Boomers use a mobile app to manage their financial accounts.

When this is considered, along with the 30% of American adults who struggle with technology and the economic barriers that prevent tech adoption, it becomes obvious that the digitization of banking presents challenges to many people.

Adoption & Implementation

All change requires some sort of effort and adjustment, no matter how big the benefits might be on the other side. The widespread adoption and promotion of digital banking is no exception, but it doesn’t affect everyone in the same way.

Older adults, for example, often have to overcome ageism in digital tech. Because new digital devices and services generally aren’t designed with their needs in mind, they may find digital banking to be counterintuitive, overcomplicated, or physically difficult to use.

More universally, there’s also the challenge of pleasing customers. Though consumers are using digital financial tools more than ever, their level of satisfaction with those services might have dropped, according to the J.D.

Power survey mentioned above, digital-only customers were logging lower satisfaction scores than those who visited their local branches or used a combination of digital and in-person banking. It seems that even the convenience of digital transactions can’t always match the benefits of an attentive and helpful human associate.

Building Trust

Without the human element, trust can be a major issue. Less than one-third of people surveyed by Accenture in 2020 said they trusted banks “a lot” to look after their financial well-being. That’s compared to 43% who said the same only two years ago, not to mention the growing distrust resulting from the recent failure of the Silicon Valley Bank on Friday, March 10.

However, the tide might be starting to turn for digital financial services. With the benefits of lower fees and increasingly lower barriers to access, it’s perhaps not surprising that 61% of traditional bank users reported being somewhat or highly likely to switch to an online-only bank soon, according to the same Bankrate research mentioned above.

How Can Banks Offer Excellent Experiences to All Customers Post-Pandemic?

The tangible experience of walking into a banking branch and interacting with a human being might seem a world away, but it remains the norm for many people. Members of older generations, particularly, might rely on that physical experience of attention and appreciation as they navigate their financial lives.

Here are a few effective ways to integrate human touches into excellent customer experience for consumers of all age groups:

1. Remember the benefits of human interaction.

People haven’t lost the basic need for in-person, face-to-face interaction. Building human interaction into your digital experiences helps customers adapt, learn, and trust. Whether that trust comes from a highly advanced, intuitive chatbot connecting customers to personalized messaging on your website or features that direct digital users toward real people who can help them solve their problems.

It is essential that all businesses today understand that attentive customer service is more important than ever.

2. Don’t let up on security.

Security challenges and risks litter digital banking’s future with obstacles. Increased use of mobile platforms and digital payments has upped the risk level regarding cybersecurity. Many customers now turning to digital banking are from older generations: less tech-savvy people who feel compelled to join younger generations online for fear of being left behind.

For these people, ramping up cybersecurity is even more critical. Anti-phishing methods and education (and the adoption of mandatory two-factor authentication) could help protect even more vulnerable users.

3. Prioritize accessibility.

Make your digital banking service as accessible as possible so that everyone can use it, no matter their digital knowledge. To that end, the University of Wisconsin-Madison recommends that websites provide captions, large font sizes, screen readers, screen magnification, and fast-loading web pages. You could also offer in-person instruction to customers who need additional help.

Sometimes it can feel as though finance’s digital transformation has happened too rapidly for customers’ expectations to catch up. Fortunately, that catch-up work is happening now. As customers from all generations come to grips with mobile and online banking and what they can offer, banking companies can ease the learning burden by delivering secure and excellent personalized banking experiences. Don’t wait to get started.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Photo by rupixen; Unsplash; Thank you!

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How Data Analytics Can Accelerate Your Business Decisions Thu, 04 May 2023 18:00:01 +0000 Paper Analysis

“Better Performance” is the best-informed priority of every organization; however, it will mean different things to different companies. Some organizations […]

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Paper Analysis

“Better Performance” is the best-informed priority of every organization; however, it will mean different things to different companies. Some organizations might prioritize improving productivity, while others quality of outcomes, speed to market, increasing revenue, and many more. Easy fixes are unlikely as hard constraints on funds and time persist in the real world. The impact of data analytics is often manifested by many brands to accomplish their priorities.

According to a report by Dresner Advisory Services, 64% of businesses report that data analytics has helped them improve their decision-making speed, while an HBR study reveals, data analytics can help companies to inform their decision-making 5 times faster than their competitors

Data Analytics

The Power of Data Analytics

  • A well-known Canadian bank uses data analytics to increase campaign response rates by 600%, cut customer acquisition costs by 50%, and boost campaign ROI by 100%.
  • A large state university predicts whether a student will enroll in its courses or not by applying predictive models to applicant data and admissions history.
  • A renowned research group at a leading hospital combined data and text analytics to improve its ability to classify and treat pediatric brain tumors.
  • An airline leveraged data analytics to increase revenue and customer satisfaction, by better estimating the number of passengers who won’t show up for a flight. This helped in reducing the number of overbooked flights that require re-accommodating passengers as well as the number of vacant seats.

There are typically three types of data analytics: descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive.

  • Descriptive Analytics: Descriptive analytics is the most basic form of data analysis. It describes the past and present data to uncover trends and patterns in data sets. This type of analytics is useful for businesses to understand what has happened in the past and what is happening currently.
  • Predictive Analytics: Predictive analytics is a type of analytics that uses statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze past data and make predictions about future outcomes. This type of analytics can help businesses to identify trends and patterns that might not be immediately apparent from just looking at the data.
  • Prescriptive Analytics: Prescriptive analytics is a type of analytics that uses machine learning algorithms to make decisions about future outcomes based on current data. This type of analytics is useful for businesses to identify potential problems before they occur and to take corrective action to prevent them from happening.

Each of these types of analytics has its own strengths and weaknesses, and businesses may choose to use one or more types depending on their specific needs and goals.

Top of Form

The Business Value

In today’s fast-paced business environment, the ability to make quick, informed decisions is critical to success. This is where data analytics comes in. Here’s how data analytics can accelerate your business decisions.

  • Identify trends and patterns

One of the main advantages of data analytics is its ability to identify trends and patterns in large data sets. By analyzing historical data, businesses can identify patterns and make predictions about future trends. For example, a retailer might use data analytics to identify which products are selling the most and at what times of the year. This information can help the retailer to make informed decisions about inventory management, pricing, and marketing strategies.

For example, a retailer could use data analytics to identify which products are selling well during specific seasons or which products are most popular among certain customer segments. This information could be used to optimize inventory levels, adjust pricing strategies, and improve marketing efforts.

  • Optimize operations

Data analytics can also help businesses optimize their operations. By analyzing data from different parts of the business, businesses can identify areas where they can improve efficiency and reduce costs. It can also help to identify potential risks and mitigate them before they become major issues. By analyzing data in real-time, businesses can identify patterns and trends that may indicate potential risks, allowing them to take preventative measures.

For example, a manufacturer could use data analytics to identify the root cause of production delays or quality issues. This information could be used to optimize the production process, reduce waste, and improve product quality.

  • Improve customer experience

Data analytics can also be used to improve the customer experience. By analyzing customer data, businesses can identify trends and preferences, and use this information to tailor their products and services to better meet the needs of their customers. For example, a hotel might use data analytics to identify which amenities are most popular with guests and use this information to improve the guest experience.

  • Make informed decisions

Perhaps the most important benefit of data analytics is its ability to help businesses make informed decisions. By providing insights into customer behavior, market trends, and operational performance, data analytics enables businesses to make data-driven decisions that are based on facts, not guesswork. This can help businesses to reduce risk and make more profitable decisions.

For example, an online retailer could use data analytics to identify which products are frequently purchased together or which products are frequently viewed by customers who have purchased a particular item. This information could be used to make informed decisions about product recommendations and marketing strategies.

Paper Analysis

  • Respond to market changes quickly

Another advantage of data analytics is its ability to help businesses respond to market changes quickly. By analyzing real-time data, businesses can identify changes in customer behavior or market trends and respond quickly with new products, services, or marketing strategies. For example, a retailer might use data analytics to identify changes in customer preferences and adjust its product offerings accordingly.

  • Identify new opportunities

Data analytics can also help businesses identify new opportunities. By analyzing data from different sources, businesses can identify gaps in the market or new customer segments that they can target. For example, a financial services company might use data analytics to identify new customer segments that are underserved by the market and develop new products and services to meet their needs.

For example, an e-commerce business could use data analytics to predict which products will be popular during specific seasons or which customer segments are most likely to make a purchase. This information could be used to adjust marketing efforts, optimize product offerings, and improve customer experiences.

  • Improve financial performance

Finally, data analytics can help businesses improve their financial performance. By analyzing financial data, businesses can identify areas where they can reduce costs or increase revenue. For example, a manufacturing company might use data analytics to identify areas where it can improve efficiency and reduce waste, resulting in cost savings and improved profitability.

Data to Action

Some of the common applications of data analytics in various industries:

  • Retail: pricing optimization, inventory management, personalized marketing, customer behavior analysis
  • Finance: fraud detection, risk management, credit scoring, investment analysis, regulatory compliance
  • Healthcare: patient diagnosis and treatment, medical research, population health management, resource optimization
  • Manufacturing: supply chain optimization, quality control, predictive maintenance, process optimization, inventory management
  • Marketing: customer segmentation, campaign optimization, sentiment analysis, social media analytics, website analytics
  • Sports: player performance analysis, team strategy optimization, injury prevention, fan engagement
  • Transportation: route optimization, predictive maintenance, logistics optimization, fuel consumption optimization, traffic management
  • Education: student performance analysis, curriculum optimization, student retention analysis, resource optimization, online learning analytics

Certainly! While the benefits of using data analytics for business decision-making are numerous, there are also some other important aspects to consider:

Data Privacy and Security: With the increasing use of data analytics, it’s important to ensure that sensitive data is protected from unauthorized access or theft. Organizations must comply with data privacy regulations, implement robust security protocols, and ensure that the data is handled ethically.

Data Quality: The effectiveness of data analytics depends largely on the quality of data used. Therefore, it’s essential to ensure that data is accurate, complete, and reliable. Organizations must have a data governance framework in place to maintain data quality.

Data Integration: Data analytics requires combining data from various sources to derive meaningful insights. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure that data is integrated correctly to avoid errors or inconsistencies. Integration can be challenging due to the variety of data sources and formats.

Talent: Effective data analytics requires skilled professionals who can analyze and interpret data correctly. Organizations must invest in hiring or upskilling data analysts, data scientists, and other professionals with expertise in data analytics.

Data Visualization: Data visualization plays a critical role in conveying insights to decision-makers. It’s essential to choose the right visualizations that are easy to understand and communicate insights effectively.

Data analytics is not just for big businesses, in fact, many SMEs (especially those deep into digital processes for sales, customer interactions, or supply chain) need to manage and leverage data to fuel their sustainability and growth.

If you haven’t already, it’s time to start leveraging the power of data analytics for your business.

The post How Data Analytics Can Accelerate Your Business Decisions appeared first on ReadWrite.

Top 10 Digital Transformation Companies in 2023 Thu, 04 May 2023 12:00:08 +0000 Top 10 Digital Transformation Companies in 2023

Digital transformation is exciting, and it is happening all around us. It is not just a passing trend but a […]

The post Top 10 Digital Transformation Companies in 2023 appeared first on ReadWrite.

Top 10 Digital Transformation Companies in 2023

Digital transformation is exciting, and it is happening all around us. It is not just a passing trend but a fundamental shift in the way we live, work, and interact with one another. There were the days we used to shop offline and rely on in-person banking for small tasks. We relied on print newspapers, magazines, and books to stay informed and entertained before the rise of digital news and media. Daily routine without technology looked very different from the way it does today. Digital transformation is also becoming essential for businesses of all sizes and industries. 

Why is Digital Transformation essential for businesses?

Digital transformation can help businesses stay competitive, improve efficiency and productivity, and provide a better experience for customers. It is becoming increasingly important in today’s rapidly changing business landscape, and businesses that fail to embrace digital transformation risk falling behind their peers.

List of Top 10 Digital Transformation Companies in 2023

In this article, we will discuss the top digital transformation companies and their approaches:

1. eSparkBiz

eSparkBiz- NexGen Digital Transformation CompanyeSparkBiz is a CMMI level – 3 digital transformation company offering a range of services to help businesses navigate the process of digital transformation. It has a proven track record of success, having served clients in over 20 countries for 12+ years. They have a team of over 300 experienced professionals who can provide guidance and support throughout the digital transformation journey.

eSparkBiz team focuses on building both; technological and human capabilities to ensure that its clients are future-ready. It can empower the clients’ workforce with cutting-edge technologies such as Cloud, IoT, AI, AR, and ML. They also offer services like Big data analysis, business restructuring, IoT modernization , UI/UX transformation, etc. They can help map a digital transformation strategy that aligns with the client’s business model, automate processes, and optimize customer relations and workflow. The company’s high client retention rate of 95% speaks about its commitment to delivering high-quality services and building concrete relationships with its clients. 

They are ISO 27001 certified, indicating that they have robust security measures to protect their clients’ data. With high ratings of 4.9 on Clutch and 5.0 on HubSpot, they have a strong reputation for delivering excellent services and achieving customer satisfaction. Connect with their team if you are looking for top digital transformation companies.

  • Clutch Rating – 4.9 
  • Established In – 2010 
  • Projects Completed – 1000+ 
  • Price – $15 to $25 / hr
  • Time Zone Availability – GMT, ECT, MET, IST, JST, ACT, AET, NST, PST, CST, EST
  • Min Project Size – $5,000+
  • Employees – 300+

2. ONE12th Consulting

One 12

ONE12th is a management consulting firm that helps businesses and organizations achieve sustainable growth and success through effective strategy development, implementation, and execution. They provide many consulting services, including digital transformation, business process improvement, customer experience optimization, and organizational change management. 

Since 2012, ONE12th has been utilizing data-driven technology solutions to address customer issues. They are located in Miami, FL, and possess extensive knowledge and experience in the South Florida business landscape. Additionally, ONE12th Consulting has a team of experienced consultants in strategy, technology trends , operations, and marketing. They aim to leverage their collective knowledge and skills to deliver high-quality consulting services that drive long-term success for their clients.

  • Clutch Rating – 4.9
  • Established In – 2012
  • Projects Completed – 35+
  • Price – $100 – $149 / hr
  • Min Project Size – $1,000+
  • Employees – 50+

3.  Creativos


Creativos is a marketing and advertising agency based in the Dominican Republic that helps businesses build their brand. They offer numerous services for organizations to reach their target audience and enhance their brand image. Their services include branding and identity development, logo design, website design and development, social media marketing, content creation, video production, and more. 

The company’s vision is to help businesses improve their online presence. Their team of professionals includes graphic designers, web developers, digital marketers, and video producers who work collaboratively to create effective marketing campaigns for their clients. 

  • Clutch Rating – 4.8
  • Established In – 2004
  • Projects Completed – 10+
  • Price – $200 – $300 / hr
  • Time Zone Availability – CST, ECT, UTC, EET
  • Employees – 10+

4. MMT Digital

MMT Digital

MMT Digital is a UK-based digital agency expert in creating bespoke digital solutions for clients in various industries. The company was founded in 1999 and has since worked with high-profile clients such as Vodafone, Translink, Sovereign, Elanco, etc. MMT Digital’s services include strategic consulting, digital product delivery, UX design, cloud services, and more.

 MMT Digital was founded in 1999 and now operates with over 250 employees, with offices in London, Leeds, and Uppingham. The company is known for its agile approach to project management and has won several awards for its work, including recognition for its use of emerging technologies.

  • Clutch Rating – 5.0
  • Established In – 1999
  • Projects Completed – 300+
  • Price – $150 – $199 / hr
  • Min Project Size – $10,000+
  • Employees – 250+

5. HatchWorks 


HatchWorks is a technology consulting company based in Atlanta and has offices in Medellin, Colombia, Chicago, Dallas, Washington, and many more locations. They design software solutions to meet specific business needs resulting in tangible benefits. Their services include software development, product design, IoT, big data, cloud computing solutions, data analytics, technology consulting, etc. They have experience working with clients across various industries, including healthcare and finance. 

The company has been working since 2016 and now has over 100 employees. Some of HatchWorks’ clients include Juice Plus, ICS, Spring Hills, Diebold Nixdorf, and many more. They have received a few recognition for their quality work by AWS, Clutch, Adobe, Affinix, etc. 

  • Clutch Rating – 4.9
  • Established In – 2016
  • Projects Completed – 225+
  • Price – $50 – $99 / hr
  • Time Zone Availability – PST, MST, CST, EST
  • Min Project Size – $75,000+
  • Employees – 250+

6. Evolut 


Evolut is a company based in Australia that provides IT solutions to its clients. Their services include web development, mobile app development, e-Commerce web solutions, digital marketing solutions, and more. Evolut offers efficient and reliable IT solutions that help businesses streamline operations and increase productivity. They have a team of experienced IT professionals who strive to comprehend the specific requirements of their clients and offer customized solutions to fulfill their unique needs. They have worked for prestigious clients such as Lavo, Nextfleet, Slacker Radio, Health and Wellbeing Queensland, and more. 

  • Clutch Rating – 4.9
  • Established In – 2019
  • Projects Completed – 500
  • Price – $100 – $149 / hr
  • Time Zone Availability – AET
  • Min Project Size – $10,000+
  • Employees – 10+

7. Resultant  


Resultant is a management and technology consulting firm based in the United States. Previously known as KSM Consulting since 2008, they have come a long way and changed the name to Resultant in 2021. Their featured partners are Google, Microsoft, AWS, Salesforce, DataRobot, etc. The Resultant team includes experienced professionals with diverse backgrounds and expertise, which allows them to deliver customized solutions to meet their client’s unique needs. They take a holistic approach to every project, assembling collaborative teams with technical, business, and delivery experts to enhance the reputation of their clients. 

Resultant offer solutions like technology, data analytics, digital transformation, app development, financial services, etc. They also optimize operations, improve performance, and achieve clients’ strategic goals. Resultant focus on achieving positive outcomes starts with strategic planning and delivering creative solutions based on technical expertise. They cater to industries including Government, Healthcare, Education, Non-profit, and SMB. 

  • Clutch Rating – 4.7
  • Established In – 2008
  • Projects Completed – 650
  • Price – $150 – $199 / hr
  • Min Project Size – $5,000+
  • Employees – 1000+

8. Next Consult 

Next Consult

Next Consult is a management consulting company that provides advisory services to clients across various industries. The company has offices in several countries, including the USA, UK, Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, and Switzerland. Next Consult’s services include business strategy, operational excellence, digital transformation, Human Resources, and IT advisory. 

They focus on helping their clients identify and solve complex business challenges and offer the best solutions to enhance the brand. 

The company caters to banking, insurance, healthcare, and retail. They have served some big brands; Vodafone, PostBank, Uniqa, Panorama, Sodexo, Codero, etc. Next Consult emphasizes collaboration with its clients, working closely to understand their goals and objectives. It can contribute to helping businesses stay in line with the competition in their particular fields. Next Consultant is one of the best choices when ventures look for digital transformation companies.

  • Clutch Rating – 5.0
  • Projects Completed – 235+
  • Price – $50 – $99 / hr
  • Min Project Size – $10,000+
  • Employees – 250+

9 . MagRabbit 


Established in Austin, Texas, in 1990, MagRabbit, Inc. is a certified Digital Marketing firm. They specialize in software development, IoT prototype development, product design, talent management solutions, digital transformation services, and more. MagRabbit’s end-to-end software development solutions allow businesses to delegate the heavy lifting, freeing up their time and resources to focus on their core competencies. 

With a strong emphasis on collaboration, MagRabbit turns its clients’ ideas into polished products. They have 300+ satisfied clients and over 250 professionals. The client base of MagRabbit is its strength with catering to some renowned brands like Adidas, Adobe, Ford, University of Texas, Visa, etc.

  • Clutch Rating – 4.9 
  • Established In – 1990 
  • Employees – 1000+

10. Elevant 


Elevant is a company that provides technology solutions and services to businesses. At Elevant, they don’t just provide technology solutions but strive to be your dedicated partners in driving transformative growth. The company focuses on developing customized solutions aligned with the client’s requirements. They offer services such as digital transformation, cloud, mobile, RPA automation, eCommerce, Blockchain, Machine learning, AI in Cybersecurity, etc. They also have designed digital solutions like vChat, vReport, vSales, vBot, and Peopleone to accelerate business growth. 

Their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction has resulted in a customer retention rate of over 90%. With a team of over 250 professionals worldwide, they tackle the most significant digital transformation challenges. Whether you are a small startup with big ideas or a Fortune 500 corporation, they treat every client with the same attention. 

  • Clutch Rating – 4.7
  • Established In – 2004
  • Projects Completed – 650+
  • Price – $25 – $49 / hr
  • Min Project Size – $25,000+
  • Employees – 1000+


In today’s rapidly evolving world, businesses must adopt digital transformation to remain relevant and competitive. The benefits of digital transformation are increased impact in the industry, streamlined operations, and the ability to stay ahead of the curve in a constantly evolving IT world. Hence, investing in digital transformation should be a top priority for businesses that want to succeed in the long term.

This article can help you pick the top digital transformation companies around the globe.


The post Top 10 Digital Transformation Companies in 2023 appeared first on ReadWrite.
