In today’s digital age, technology is advancing at a lightning-fast pace, and software developers are the wizards behind the scenes making it all happen. However, with the increasing demand for tech talent, companies face a significant challenge: Developer Shortage Crisis. This scarcity has led to fierce competition for top talent, making it difficult for companies to hire and retain skilled developers.

Although in 2016, it just took around two months for hiring companies to fill a developer role. But this has increased post-pandemic owning to the developer shortage in the world right now. By 2026, it is anticipated by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics that the United States will face a deficit of 1.2 million developers.

This is not good news — especially for companies who are looking to invest more in digital transformation. With the world moving towards artificial intelligence, big data, and other emerging technologies, there is more demand for developers than ever!

Companies need to explore how they can address the developer shortage and build a strong, sustainable tech team that can keep up with the ever-changing landscape of technology. So, let’s see how it will affect firms before diving in and learning how to close the gap between supply and demand and thrive in the age of technology.

How will Software Developer shortage affect your company?

Because of all these new initiatives, there is more pressure on the existing teams to take up more of this load. They must work on the company’s technology expansion plans apart from the legacy systems they are already working on. This will undoubtedly stretch your team too thin, causing you to lose out on productivity, not to mention the influence such a scenario has on employee morale.

When it’s hard to hire new developers because of developer shortage, the last thing we need is for existing developers to quit! Fortunately, there are some ways to drive innovation despite the developer shortage.

What can you do about the shortage of developers?

In the current digital landscape, software developers are in high demand, but there’s a shortage of skilled professionals to meet the growing needs of companies. So, what can businesses do to address this challenge? Let’s explore some actionable steps companies can take to mitigate the shortage of developers and build a strong tech team:

1. Harness the power of low-code and no-code tools.

With the latest no-code and low-code tools in the market, developers are not the only ones who can build apps. No-code tools like Quixy open the doors for citizen developers to step in and take control of the innovation. Citizen developers have a better idea of their requirements, and the no-code and low-code tools empower them to wear the hat of developers. This way, you can ensure that your current development team has the time and human resources they need to work on complex projects.

2. Incorporate low-code and no-code tools as part of extensive design systems.

It will inevitably make the process easier and more efficient if design, development, product management, and delivery managers are on the same page and speak the same language. It will make the collaboration so much better! This is where incorporating low-code tools come in. Low-code and no-code tools can be made part of design systems. As citizen developers, everyone can help in managing the whole process efficiently. Repetitive tasks can be automated, and efficiency can be improved seamlessly.

3. Don’t let HTML and CSS slow you down.

It is known that hand-coding HTML and CSS will slow you down, especially when working on things like screen design and layout. Several low-code and no-code tools out there let you visualize better and save a huge chunk of time in the process! The low-code tools also come in handy when simplifying writing databinding and data-access code.

4. Remove the designer-developer distance.

Designers and developers generally do not work together. Often, they work separately, so we need to streamline them so that the design can be coded. This is a huge challenge for both the design and development teams. It has a direct negative effect on productivity and wastes the time of both teams. Having no-code tools can help alleviate this problem by ensuring that the design team gives the development team a code that is easier to handle, update and build on.

5. Invest in your employees.

We already spoke about the importance of keeping your employees happy. This can be done by giving them more opportunities to learn new skills and take up new responsibilities. This will help them advance in their careers and benefit your company simultaneously. Thus, investing in employee training and development programs is the way to go when you are looking to stay ahead in the current scenario.

6. Be THE place to work.

Employees look for fair compensation. You must keep this in mind and offer competitive compensation and benefits packages! Employees know their worth and are looking for places that recognize their value. Being competitive in the market would mean offering a competitive salary, bonus, and benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, etc. This will help in both hiring and retaining talent!

7. Be Flexible in hiring.

As we saw, there is a massive developer shortage crisis; you can still develop developers in your own company. Instead of being rigid in the qualifications you look for while hiring, it will help if these requirements are relaxed.

It is okay if the employee comes with only some of the skills built-in; if they are willing to learn and develop new skills, they can be turned into an asset for the company. We have already seen what citizen developers are capable of. Thus, looking for candidates with transferable skills is the key. Hiring junior developers is also an effective way to tackle the problem.

8. Expand the talent pool

In the current world, there is no need for companies to limit themselves to a particular geographical location when they are looking to hire new talent. With work from home being the new normal, you can tap into the global talent pool, giving you a much bigger market to choose from.

9. Build your company Culture

A great workplace is just as important as any other factor, like compensation, when looking for a job. A strong company culture will give you a good chance of attracting top talent in the field. This will keep your employees happy and help in acquiring the best talent out there.

10. Start from Basics

Build strong relationships with educational institutions. This is where your future employees are studying and figuring out what career path to take. Working with colleges and universities to promote software development as a career choice will go a long way in tackling the developer shortage problem. As a company, you will also be able to offer internships and co-op programs, which will ultimately help the company in the long run!

Thus, incorporating the measures mentioned above, your company will be well equipped to move forward in the current scenario despite the developer shortage crisis the world is facing now.


The developer shortage crisis is a challenge that companies cannot afford to ignore in today’s tech-driven world. However, with the right strategies and mindset, it’s possible to build a strong, sustainable tech team that can keep up with the demands of the industry.

From investing in training and development to fostering a culture of innovation, the ways we’ve explored in this blog can help bridge the gap between supply and demand and set your company up for long-term success.

Don’t let the developer shortage hold your company back. Take action today and start building the tech team you need to thrive in the age of technology.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Christina Morillo; Pexels; Thank you!

Vivek Goel

19+ years of leadership experience in IT companies of all sizes ranging from start-ups to large organizations in India and USA. Expertise in strategy and operations across functions such as Sales and Business Development, HR, Process and Quality, Project Management and Product Development.