The realization of the necessity of an interconnected system that leverages the Internet to make things easier revolutionizes the way we live. It led to the creation of IoT, and although the term is 16 years old – the concept dates back to the 70s. Previously known as “Embedded Internet,” the term IoT was coined in 1999 by Kevin Ashton.

A Comprehensive Overview of IoT, Big Data, Cloud Computing

Today, IoT is the primary source of big data collection. The analysis and processing of this gathered data have given numerous modern analytic solutions. IoT is also the main reason for innovation in the modern world, with more robust information. It has given rise to new business opportunities.

Today, IoT technology has given a new meaning to the world “Smart.” By forming a relationship with other technologies like cloud computing and contributing to them in terms of information, the IoT technology helps new businesses and old ones in terms of growth.

Cloud computing advances processes and data analytics

For example, cloud computing has been advancing processes and data analytics in an economical and scalable manner. Such empowering capabilities are being provided to brands by the generation of Big Data through IoT.

Moreover, IoT is also responsible for generating analytics solutions that, without Cloud, were costly and complicated due to a complex infrastructure or architecture and storage and processing requirements.

Since the IoT was a data-driven technology, it contributed significantly to Big Data, influencing various velocity, accuracy, and reliability domains.

In a nutshell, the IoT is the future of businesses and lifestyles. With the integration of Big Data and Cloud, more innovative digital solutions that consist of better, more advanced analytics and data-oriented decision-making characteristics are becoming increasingly possible. Since IoT is a vast and continuously evolving field, it is getting difficult to understand the technology and its benefits.

So, in this article, we’re going to explore a comprehensive overview of What is IoT? We will explain the relationship holistically between IoT and Big Data and IoT and Cloud. We will also cover some of the advantages of using IoT integrated Big Data and Cloud computing.

What Is IoT?

IoT or the Internet of Things is generally a network that is interconnected with physical objects. The physical objects in the term “Internet of things” are defined by “things.” These things or physical objects are integrated with IoT sensors, software, and various other technologies, which enable them to exchange data quickly and efficiently by utilizing the Internet.

Additionally, interconnected systems such as digital machines, computing devices, physical objects operate automatically and exchange data quickly over the Internet without a human to human or human-to-machine interactions. This constant change of information also fosters machine learning and information collection.

For example, consider the Internet of things as a person with a sugar monitoring implant or a plan with a malfunction alerting system. In both cases, the system can inform the person or the driver of the potential damage before it occurs.

Every man-made or natural object can be assigned an IP address within the system to enable constant information exchange. This constant interchanging of information or data falls under the framework of IoT.

Moreover, the constant research, implementation, and up-gradation of IoT technology has led us to develop more advanced mechanisms through which data can be processed.

We have created an inexpensive sensor and excessive communication techniques through which billions of devices get connected and share information. Soon the automation will begin, and machines will join human users.

Speaking of the industrial implementation of IoT, several industries adapt to this new innovative technology to bring precision, accuracy, reliability, and efficiency to their processes. The term industry “Industry 4.0” literally refers to the implementation of IoT in industries that bring industrial revolution.

The following industries have adapted to IoT technology:

Automobile industry

Global positioning systems (GPS) can be an example of IoT in the automobile industry. Also, there can be several technologies that, when integrated with automobiles, can help in avoiding accidents.

Manufacturing Industry

Manufacturing industries around the world are utilizing IoT to streamline and manage their manufacturing process and equipment maintenance.

Agriculture Industry

Smart water pumps, irrigation systems, chemical levels, and pesticide volume monitoring systems can boost production and quality in the agriculture industry.

Healthcare Industry

Integration or lifesaving technologies within the healthcare sector will help improve patients’ quality of life and ensure their health through constant monitoring.

Smart Buildings & Homes

Smart heating systems, automatic door locks, more advanced security features, and intelligent/smart lighting are some examples of the IoT being implemented in the real estate industry.

Moreover, IoT’s cloud connectivity feature enables engineers and developers to work on IoT systems and products, which enable quick and efficient engineering and development.

This process is further influenced by the network of information that IoT gathers. This ability of IoT takes it to the next level. Also, IoT’s disruptive role in giving rise to sustainable technology is worth mentioning.

IoT is constantly exchanging information, which means the technology is continually gathering valuable data and insights through interaction and reaching out to the world.

Also, the information collected by IoT is not limited to the devices owned by companies or organizations. This process includes every personal device, as well.

The IoT, Big Data & Cloud Computing

The relativity and interconnectivity of IoT, Big Data, and Cloud are used by thought-out business leaders/entrepreneurs globally.

These entrepreneurs understand the innovation and competitive edge IoT brings to the table, so benefitting from them has become necessary for businesses.

Moreover, the Internet has become a part of our lives. We want our devices to stay connected to the Internet to stay connected with each other.

This approach gives IoT a strategic advantage because internet connectivity is becoming increasingly important in the modern world. Today, nearly every personally or professionally bought device gets connected to the Internet instantly.

Moreover, digital transformation requires several devices to be connected to the Internet to share data vital for systematic and seamless communication that reduces gaps and improves productivity.

The data transferred is gathered by IoT for analysis through which patterns and inclinations are determined to improve the system’s performance.

Moreover, Cloud computing in IoT acts as a central hub for all IoT-enabled devices. Cloud connects all IoT devices and gathers data from them quickly. The technology stack involved in the process includes an infrastructure, servers, and storage where all the data is stored. Cloud computing also allows users or workers to access data whenever required.

The Relation between IoT and Big Data

Cisco estimated the IoT to generate 500 zettabytes of data yearly. This massive volume of data will increase in the upcoming years as more devices will connect to the Internet. To give an accurate number of the volume of data collected per year is extremely difficult to comprehend.

The type of devices connected to the Internet will include machines, smartphones, cameras, medical sensors, and smartwatches the list goes on. These devices will gather, analyze, share, and transmit data in real-time.

However, IoT’s primary purpose is to collect data, save, and process it. If the technology is deprived of data, its core functionality and capability will be compromised.

Moreover, according to research by IDC, there will be an estimated 41.6 billion devices connected to IoT that will generate approximately 79.4 zettabytes of data in 2025.

Importance Of IoT Big Data

IoT’s data-driven approach is hugely beneficial for the industries, which is why several businesses are opting for implementing IoT in their organizations. However, IoT’s main advantage is its collection of data, precisely where Big Data comes into play. Big Data analytics plays an essential role in IoT since it analyzes the data generated by IoT-enabled devices, which is later used in making more informed decisions.

Another main advantage of Big data in IoT is that it gathers a large amount of information in real-time and saves it for accessing later on using different storage technologies.

Here are the four main steps that IoT Big Data follows to process and analyze the gathered data:

  1. A massive amount of unprocessed data is gathered by IoT-enabled devices and stored in the big data system. The data collected by IoT depends on the 3V factors: volume, velocity, and variety.
  2. The big data system then saves a vast amount of data in big data files in a shared database that the users can access to retrieve information.
  3. The big data stored is now analyzed using different analytic tools.
  4. A report is generated from the analyzed data.

Because there are billions of devices connected to the Internet from which IoT is gathering and saving unprocessed data, super-fast analysis with large queries are required to gain insights from the data stored. Here the need for Big Data in IoT cannot be denied.

The Relation Between IoT and Cloud Computing

IoT and cloud computing are essential to one another because they work together to provide quality-oriented technical services. Both technologies may have different usage from each other. Still, they both are often considered as an integral part of each other and the components that lead to an overall better IoT service.

The relation between IoT and Cloud computing is simple; Cloud computing helps IoT store the data it has gathered. Moreover, cloud computing also gives users the advantage to access data wherever they are. Since the massive amount of data being collected by IoT requires quick saving – Cloud is the best and most efficient option.

Cloud computing is also highly cost-effective compared to other mediums of saving data, and It supports data saving, processing, analyzing, and monitoring in real-time.

Benefits of The Trending Trio (Big Data, Cloud, IoT)

The trending trio Big Data, IoT, and Cloud are considered to be an example of a perfect partnership. There are numerous advantages and benefits of utilizing these technologies to improve and reshape an organization’s operational efficiency. Here are some benefits outlined below:

Cloud-Based Solutions Provide Scalability

Cloud-based solutions are the best way to meet the needs of Big Data hosting and analytics. You can conveniently expand sever capacity or hardware resources whenever necessary, and you can also expand your big data and data analytics.

Big Data & Cloud Can Store Massive Amount of Data

Big data and cloud data can conveniently store vast amounts of data in a scalable manner. It also helps in processing and improving data analysis. Also, the lack of physical infrastructure needed to set-up big data, IoT, or Cloud leads to significant cost-effectiveness and no maintenance or support worries.

Improve Analysis, Access, Security & Review of IoT Devices

IoT, big data, and Cloud enable you to be on the edge of processes and access data quickly whenever you need it.

Since too many devices can put a strain on the Internet – these intelligent devices send data to servers for processing instead of sending them to central servers. Additionally, using IoT also gives you the advantage of improved security because data is continuously being synchronized. Any security breach gets detected immediately.

Built-In Resource Management Applications

IoT, big data, and Cloud consist of built-in management tools that help you manage your resources, processing operations, and adding value to your business through sufficient storage.

The Future of IoT Technology

IoT technology has been around us for quite a while now. Constant up-gradation, research, and bonding with new technologies have enabled it to become more improved. According to Gartner’s study, the IoT market is expected to be worth around $4 trillion by 2025.

Also, with the 5g technology becoming increasingly accessible around the world and new and more advanced smartphones and devices popping out each year – it is evident that IoT will continue to grow in the future.

IoT-enabled devices’ industrial implications have also taken a dramatic turn. We can expect unique innovations and possibilities of other usages of IoT to be discovered soon.

As of now, the medical, logistic, real estate, and several other industries are already leveraging the technology to improve efficiency, store important data, and boost growth by analyzing data.

Image Credit: energepic dot com; pexels; thank you!

Abeer Raza

Founding Partner

A Serial Entrepreneur, Author, Growth Hacker, Business Consultant and Keynote Speaker. I’m on a mission to revolutionize the world by helping other entrepreneurs disrupt their domains using emerging technology solutions. I enjoy guiding today’s leaders and revolutionary thinkers by making sure their visions are brought to life in the most effective way possible.