Ankit Patel, Author at ReadWrite IoT and Technology News Tue, 11 Jul 2023 22:23:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Ankit Patel, Author at ReadWrite 32 32 Empowering Lives with Cutting-Edge Medical and Healthcare IoT Solutions Tue, 11 Jul 2023 22:19:42 +0000 Healthcare IoT Solutions

The explosive surge in the adoption of IoT technology has paved the way for remarkable advancements in network technologies. Believe […]

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Healthcare IoT Solutions

The explosive surge in the adoption of IoT technology has paved the way for remarkable advancements in network technologies. Believe it or not, experts are saying that the Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to rake in a mind-blowing $13 trillion in cold hard cash by 2025, which is some serious dough!

This mind-boggling number gives us a glimpse into the massive moolah that can be made from the widespread adoption of IoT – enabled devices across the medical and health services industry. How to use technology and create a rad future where everything is interconnected, IoT in healthcare is set to shake things up.

This technology connects a wide range of individuals, including healthcare physicians, nurses, doctors, specialists, hospital administrations, insurance companies, and even patients, fostering a networked community.

“Supercharging Healthcare” Where IoT Technology is Revolutionizing Your Health

Imagine a world where your health is constantly monitored and managed by smart devices. That’s the power of IoT smart healthcare solutions. These pioneering technologies are transforming how we care for ourselves, making it easier than ever to stay healthy and independent.

Let’s break it down with some real-life examples. Picture a smartwatch that tracks your heart rate, sleep patterns and even reminds you to take your medication. It’s like having a personal health coach right on your wrist! But it doesn’t stop there. IoT smart healthcare solutions transcend the realm of activewear, encompassing a wide range of IoT-enabled devices that revolutionize the healthcare industry. Think of a smart pill bottle that alerts you when it’s time to refill your prescription or a smart refrigerator that keeps track of your food inventory and suggests healthy recipes based on your dietary needs.

A recent news article highlighted the functionality of wearable IoT devices, such as fitness trackers and smartwatches, in providing users with instant access to crucial health metrics. Additionally, the article emphasized how IoT platforms offer a vast array of educational resources, including informative articles, videos, and interactive tools, covering diverse aspects of health and well-being. By leveraging these resources, individuals can receive expert advice, empowering them to make informed decisions regarding their lifestyle, exercise routines, and nutrition, effectively becoming their own health experts.

These innovations aren’t just convenient; they are considerably life-saving. Picture this: a futuristic Iot-enabled smart home system that has your back in times of need; if you were to fall, this intelligent system instantly detects the incident and automatically contacts emergency services on your behalf. It’s like having a 24/7 guardian angel, ready to leap into action and ensure your safety.

With IoT-smart healthcare solutions, managing chronic conditions becomes a breeze. Visualize a smart inhaler that tracks your medication usage and sends reminders when it’s time for a refill. Or a glucose monitor that wirelessly sends your blood sugar readings to your doctor, helping them adjust your treatment plan in real-time.

The possibilities are endless, and IoT-smart healthcare solutions are making them a reality. They empower us to take control of our health and live more independently, all thanks to the power of smart devices and interconnected technologies.

IoT Health Tech: Empowering Med Pros & Consumers via IoT-Enabled Health Services and Devices

Let’s see how

Medical pros and regular folks are tapping into the awesomeness of IoT-enabled health services and devices to level up their healthcare regime with the IoT technology platforms. Integrating IoT technology into healthcare services unveils a vast array of transformative possibilities, revolutionizing how anyone monitors, diagnoses, and treats patients.

  1. Remote patient monitoring with no sweat: Regarding IoT-enabled health services, docs can gather real-time patient data without breaking a sweat. IoT wearable devices are z-packed with sensors that monitor heart rate, blood pressure, and glucose levels. That info gets zapped straight to the healthcare provider’s lives and kicking. It’s akin to having a personal health genie ensuring to receive timely and appropriate care effortlessly!
  2. Get fit and stay lit: It’s not just the pro-people who are benefited from IoT tech. Regular folks can jump on the bandwagon too. Picture this: rockin’ fitness trackers strapped to your wrist, constantly monitoring your activity levels, sleep quality, and even counting those calories you’re torching. They dish out valuable insights and keep you pumped to make healthier choices. Stay fit and stay lit, my friend!
  3. Epic health platforms: Check out these excellent IoT platforms where all your health data chills. They’re like the ultimate hubs where medical pros can peep into a complete picture of your health, which means better diagnoses and treatment plans customized exclusively to suit your needs and even access your own health records, taking charge of your well-being. It becomes a boss-level control!
  4. Hassle-free communication and telemedicine: With the power of IoT-enabled devices and platforms, connecting with healthcare professionals has never been more accessible. Thanks to telemedicine apps, you can secure virtual appointments with your doctor, saving you the hassle of schlepping yourself to the clinic. It’s a revolutionary breakthrough, mainly if you reside in a remote location or face mobility challenges. So sit back, relax, and let the technology handle the communication!
  5. Smart medication management: Touching some next-level medication management with IoT technology like smart pill dispensers can get your back by reminding you when it’s time to pop those pills. There will be no more missing doses; it can even notify your healthcare provider if you accidentally skip a med, keeping your treatment plan on point.
  6. Preventive care and early intervention: IoT devices are here to help you stay ahead of the game regarding your health. Check out some smart scales that track your weight and body composition over time. They’ll alert you and your doc if anything major changes, giving you a heads-up on potential health issues. These devices are lifesaving gadgets for catching problems early and better outcomes with total healthcare domination.
  7. Improved post-discharge monitoring: IoT devices have your back once you leave the hospital by keeping tabs on your recovery. Wearables and sensors track vital signs, wound healing progress, and all your movements. Your healthcare peeps can swoop in if anything funky goes down.
  8. Efficient resource management: IoT technology is about maximizing healthcare facility resources. Take a scenario where connected medical equipment seamlessly transmits real-time information about usage, maintenance requirements, and availability; this enables healthcare providers to allocate resources like true masters, optimizing workflow and delivering the utmost level of care. The efficiency reaches peak levels due to management via IoT devices.
  9. Advanced analytics and predictive models: Thanks to the wealth of information gathered by IoT devices, advanced analytics, and predictive models can uncover hidden patterns, detect emerging trends, and raise alarm bells when red flags appear. Your healthcare team can harness this data-driven prowess and precisely predict and prevent health issues. With data as your trusted guide, you hold the key to your health’s future right in your palm.
  10. Empowering patient education: In the realm of patient education, IoT health devices and platforms have been making waves in empowering individuals to take control of their health and well-being. Recent news reports highlight how live health data, interactive educational resources, and personalized recommendations are revolutionizing how people approach their lifestyle choices.

IoT in Healthcare: Key Benefits

IoT in healthcare brings forth a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Penny-pinching: Utilizing IoT technology for real-time patient monitoring significantly decreases the necessity for unnecessary doctor visits, hospital stays, and readmissions, resulting in saving your every extra penny.
  • Top-notch care: IoT empowers physicians to make well-informed decisions based on evidence, ensuring transparency and enhancing the quality of treatment, providing patients with top-notch care.
  • Swift problem detection: Continuous patient monitoring and real-time data analysis enable early disease detection and timely intervention, even before symptoms manifest, facilitating the swift detection of illnesses.
  • Stay one step ahead: With continuous health monitoring through IoT; healthcare providers can stay one step ahead by delivering proactive and personalized medical treatment, addressing potential issues before they escalate.
  • Smooth sailing in the med world: IoT-enabled devices streamline the management of drugs and medical equipment, ensuring efficient utilization and reduced costs within the healthcare industry, making it a breeze to navigate the world of medications and equipment.
  • Trimming the fat: IoT-generated data aids in effective decision-making, minimizing errors, waste, and overall system costs, resulting in a lean and efficient healthcare operation with reduced room for errors.

While healthcare IoT offers immense opportunities, challenges must be addressed, particularly regarding data security. Safeguarding sensitive information through robust security measures is crucial. It opens up new horizons for patient care through real-time health monitoring and access to patients’ health data.

This valuable data serves as a treasure trove for healthcare stakeholders, enabling them to enhance patient health and experiences, unlock revenue opportunities, and optimize healthcare operations. Being well-prepared to harness this digital power will serve as a critical differentiator in an ever more connected world.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Thank you!

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Top 7 Programming Languages To Develop Native Android Apps Wed, 12 Apr 2023 18:00:41 +0000 Programming Languages

We spend our lives on our smartphones for purposes like communicating with our near and dear ones, researching different items, […]

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Programming Languages

We spend our lives on our smartphones for purposes like communicating with our near and dear ones, researching different items, binge-watching, etc. This has led to the use of smartphones growing to a huge extent. Research suggests that the number of smartphone users globally is 6.65 billion.

So what is the reason that makes us rely on these devices and apps, so to speak? The answer to this is the provision of sensory experiences. This is why businesses channel their efforts on the task of utilizing the best techniques during the development of these solutions so that the engagement level remains at the top.

While talking about the aspect, there are two platforms where developers usually build an app. One is Android, while the other is iOS.

In the article, I will discuss the element of Android app development, explaining the significance of a programming language in this, followed by giving you a list of the best languages to build native Android applications.

About the Android Platform

Google released Android in 2008. A mobile operating system, Samsung, and Sony have leveraged their advantages to the maximum. This was due to the support the platform rendered to devices like smartphones and tablets. The work from the Android Platform has led to the Operating System having over 2.8 billion active users.

This number suggests why developers are channeling their efforts toward developing a native Android app.

Understanding the Concept of Native Android App Development

Native Android app development includes the aspect of creating an app that is tailored in sync with the features present in the Android platform or devices like smartphones or tablets. This ensures that users receive a seamless experience in terms of visuals and performance.

To ascertain that these aspects become easily achievable, it is a must to use the best programming languages.

7 Best Programming Languages Perfect for Android Apps Development

There are many languages that developers recommend when they embark on the journey of creating an Android app. You can discover below some of the most utilized languages for Android development.

1. Java

Java is a computer coding language whose release was done by Sun Microsystems in the 1990s. Subsequently, it got acquired by Oracle and has since then built its name as a multi-purpose coding language that helps developers to develop Android apps for services like games alongside building tools.

It also has a diverse range of features that makes it the developers’ favorite.

  • Enables developers with the concept of OOPS, also known as Object Oriented Programming to allow them to create reusable codes.
  • It gives access to open-source libraries to allow the app development cost to go down and the procedure to get accelerated.
  • It is easy to learn due to the presence of English punctuation, which most developers are familiar with, followed by containing angle brackets in the generics to make coding easy to read.

2. Kotlin

60% of developers recommend Kotlin next when they build an Android app. This is due to the support it provides them to boost their productivity, followed by ensuring that the code is safe from incidents like crashes. Additionally, it is packed with features like structured concurrency to make network calls and database updates easy to perform. This is followed by including nullability within the type system to ensure NullPointer Exceptions get avoided in the best possible manner.

Here are some other constituents present in the programming language that make it perfect for this task.

  • Due to interoperability support with Java as a result of supporting Java libraries and tools, it helps developers in compiling an Android project in the two languages with swiftness.
  • Helps the development experts in writing an equivalent of the Java code simplistically, requiring lesser code.
  • It makes it easy to determine the predict the constituents of the resulting list through the provision of collection filtering.

3. Dart

Developed by Google in 2011, Dart has earned its name as an object-oriented client-optimized programming language that makes web and mobile app development seamless across different platforms. Particularly when it comes to building a native Android app, the language streamlines this task greatly due to its aid to developers in converting the Dart code into a native code. The language especially renders aid to developers in UI development by enabling them with features like hot-reload so that changes are easy to view as they occur.

Compiled with the below-mentioned elements make, Dart perfect for developing an app for the Android platform.

  • Possessing a syntax similar to Java, C#, etc., it is easy to learn.
  • Code compilation happens at an accelerated pace due to the support it renders to the two kinds of compilation processes like AOT (Ahead of Time) and JIT (Just-in-Time).
  • Has a large community of developers. Therefore, it ensures any problems that the development experts face during coding are easily resolved.

4. C#

Microsoft developed C# as an object-oriented programming language that simplifies app management and accelerates the development pace. It is particularly known for supporting in the task of developing mobile apps, desktop apps, cloud-based services, enterprise software, and games.

Coming to the task of developing Android apps, as a result of containing an android SDK (software development kit), C# helps in streamlining coding-related tasks to a great extent. This is followed by possessing the features listed below.

  • Shareable code across multiple platforms.
  • Garbage collection tool to prevent chances of memory leaks.
  • Android SDK to enable developers to code comfortably using C3.

5. Python

Known as an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level language containing dynamic semantics, Python accelerates the Android app development time. Alongside this, it also contains third-party tools to allow the conversion of Python apps into Android packages to take place conveniently. However, if we have to cite a con related to the language when used for developing Android apps, it is mostly the prospect of consuming excessive memory.

Nevertheless, containing the Kivy library ensures that developers can create these apps at a reasonably faster pace. Alternatively, it comes pre-loaded with the features such as:

  • Code that is easy to read, thereby making app design and software update an easy process.
  • Comprehensive libraries that enable developers to include functions within the app during the later stages of development mitigate the requirement to add code separately.
  • Test-driven development to accelerate the app development pace, streamline the task of prototype creation, and, most importantly, make it easy for developers to assess the design of an app, ensuring its user-friendly nature.

6. Lua

Though not too popular, Lua is nevertheless a good alternative in terms of programming languages for developing a native Android app. Through the partnership with the Corona SDK, it enables development experts with a range of features to streamline this task (native Android app development).

Alternatively, Lua contains the following features listed below by us that have allowed it also to become a favorite among developers.

  • Simple and well-documented API to ensure robust integration with code written in other languages.
  • Meta-mechanisms to make class implementation and inheritance streamlined.
  • Software is free and open-source, thereby ensuring developers need not spend anything to purchase it. A simple download is all it takes for developers to start using it.

7. JavaScript

JavaScript is popular among developers for its versatility. Due to the support it provides them in creating rich user interfaces at accelerated paces; JavaScript has become a language developers suggest for Android app development.

Especially due to containing the frameworks like React Native and Flutter, for instance, developers get the necessary features for building an Android app with utmost ease. I have listed down the properties it contains that particularly allow it to maintain its prominence among development experts.

  • A single code base makes it easy for developers to create multiple platforms. This ensures that it becomes convenient to make the services reach the maximum target audience.
  • Universal front-end to rewrite server-side code for back-end tasks and identify the performance of the server side.
  • Open-source to ensure a rich mobile UI is easy to create from decorative components.

Conquer Android Like a Champion

Want to build an app that helps you conquer the world of Android like a champion? With there being many apps already in the market, there is no specific language you need to reserve when you perform Android app development. You need to be adept in all of them and, based on business objectives and client preferences, make the appropriate choice. As they say, the right decision taken at the right time is key to success. Know these languages and expand your skill sets to achieve growth like never before.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Pexels; Thank you!

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10 Frameworks Developers Back for Building Robust Mobile Apps Mon, 07 Nov 2022 19:41:03 +0000 Frameworks Developers

Mobile apps have become an inseparable part of the lives of people globally. This is something businesses have realized. They […]

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Frameworks Developers

Mobile apps have become an inseparable part of the lives of people globally. This is something businesses have realized. They thus align themselves in the task of mobile app development. This is in the hope of getting an increased rate of customer engagement which would further their revenues in the long run.

However, when it comes to the mobile app development process, the steps are not so easy. It demands the use of the most robust set of frameworks.

Currently, with 2022 bringing its curtains to a general halt, these major frameworks have particularly captured the attention of developers globally. We will discuss them here.

Before that, it is important you know the meaning of mobile app development frameworks first.

What is Mobile App Development Framework?

Check out the image to get educated and get an insight into the meaning of the mobile app development framework.

what is mobile app development framework

The image above illustrates the definition of app development frameworks. In simple words, it is a software creation toolset that simplifies the mobile app development process in terms of building a feature-rich and compatible mobile app.

Significance of Using These Frameworks

  • Saves time and resources during mobile app development.
  • Mitigates dependency on learning complex programming languages.
  • Prevents the process of app development from scratch for developers.

Knowing the different advantages related to using mobile app development frameworks, let’s get an idea of the tools and SDK it empowers developers with.

SDK & Tools Developers Get with App Development Frameworks

When developers enter the mobile app development process using frameworks, they get enabled with different Software Development Kit (SDK) and tools, respectively.

  • Build generic app functionality
  • Code library
  • Programming interface
  • API tool
  • Compiler
  • Tools to perform code debugging
  • Pre-built solutions to boost app speed and improve its overall usability.

Types of Mobile App Frameworks

  • Native apps for a particular platform, such as Android, iOS, and Windows.
  • Web apps that focus on delivering web pages on different web-based platforms. For example, emails, online shops, etc.
  • Hybrid apps are built on the lines of web and native app constituents through a single codebase.

Now you know the different subcategories into which these frameworks are divided about their advantages. Let’s give you an idea of the different frameworks. the 10 popular ones particularly.

Top 10 Recommended Mobile App Development Frameworks

1. Flutter

Released in 2017 with its developers being the popular tech-giant Google, Flutter is known for its support in transforming the entire app development process alongside also assisting in the task of building, testing, and deploying apps for different platforms like the mobile, web, etc. This is through the utilization of a single codebase.

Key Features:

  • Code reusability
  • Flexible UI
  • Fast app development
  • Offers Native performance
  • Offers built-in material design
  • Offers strong widget support

2. React Native

An open-source UI software framework whose creation was done by Meta in 2015, React Native is known for its support in creating truly native apps without compromising on the user experience. This is by providing developers with a core set of native platform compatibilities. Alongside these, it also assists in reducing the load time of the app without compromising on its quality or functionality at all.

Key Features:

  • Compatible 3rd-party plugins
  • Declarative API for predictive UI
  • Supports Android & iOS
  • Reusable components for optimal performance
  • Offers best deployment features
  • Easy to maintain

3. Ionic

Released in 2013 by Drifty, Ionic is known as the cross-platform app development leader. It also is known for its cutting-edge aid in developing progressive web apps. Being a complete open-source SDK, it makes it easy for developers to create flexible UIs for different app platforms using a single shared codebase.

Key Features:

  • Cross-platform app development
  • Optimized Performance
  • Uniform UI
  • Quick development time
  • Intuitive UI components

4. Xamarin

An open-source platform, Xamarin makes it easy for developers to build native, cross-platform apps alongside a shared native user interface. It is also known for its ease of integration with backend services, components, etc. Finally, due to the aid in extending the .NET developer with tools and libraries, it is recommended to build different app types rather seamlessly.

Key Features:

  • Diagnostic tools
  • Android SDK manager
  • Google emulator manager
  • Versatile backend infrastructure
  • App loader
  • Storyboard files

5. Apache Cordova

Coming fifth in the category of top ten popular mobile app development frameworks is Apache Cordova. It helps in wrapping the HTML/JavaScript app into a native container to make it easy to access device functions of different platforms. Therefore writing one code so that it targets different phones and tablets becomes a cakewalk.

Key Features:

  • Reusability of codes
  • Easy-to-work plugins
  • Robust Backend

6. Native Script

NativeScript is known for liberating the development process for developers. This is by giving them the flexibility to use platform APIs directly. Since its creation in 2014 until now it has been a favorite among developers due to allowing them to implement CSS and JavaScript so that users get a native experience while using it.

Key Features:

  • Plugins and templates
  • Robust backend support
  • Easily adaptable
  • Native UI with no WebView
  • Direct access to Android & iOS APIs

7. Corona SDK

A popular cross-platform framework released in 2009, Corona is known for assisting development experts in creating apps and games for mobile devices as well as desktops. Alongside the support it provides developers in the quest of building cross-platform apps, it is also known for aiding them in avoiding paying extra for core functionalities.

Key Features:

  • Wide variety of plugins
  • Excellent visuals
  • Optimal performance
  • Realtime testing
  • Lua-based platform
  • Multiple plugins for all needs
  • Strong API support

8. Sencha

A user-interface JavaScript library, Sencha Touch assists developers in making use of the cross-platform tools within to design, develop and test data-intensive web apps. Alongside the support it provides to build data-intensive web apps, it also aids them in the process of developing user interfaces that possess the look and feel of native apps.

Key Features:

  • Flexible layout system
  • Visual data representation
  • Holds hundreds of user extensions
  • Powerful analytics

9. PhoneGap

Developed by Adobe and written in the JavaScript and Java programming languages, PhoneGap is an open-source framework that supports building applications that work smoothly on iOS and Android. Alongside the ease of app development, it also empowers developers with a container so that the native API gets bridged to the web view.

Key Features:

  • Open Source
  • Single codebase
  • Strong Backend
  • Flexibility
  • Compatible on all the platforms
  • Third-party tools for app management

10 Onsen UI

Onsen UI is an open-source UI framework written in JavaScript that helps developers in building mobile apps through technologies like CSS, HTML5, etc. Alongside the support listed above, it also provides developers with a set of tabs, side menus, etc., to make it easy to build HTML5 hybrid and mobile web apps.

Key Features:

  • Free and open-source
  • Easy to use
  • Compatible with jQuery

Knowing now about these popular frameworks, you must be having some questions, one most prominent being- which one is worth using?

The answer to this, know all. This is because they have a significant role to play in the mobile app development process. Hence, regardless of changes, the relevance of these frameworks does not vanish at all.

It is however a good idea to keep some tips in mind before you go ahead using either of these frameworks during the app-building stage.

Tips to Remember before Using The Frameworks

  • Focus on your project requirements.
  • Check the years of operation of the framework and find out the businesses that witnessed growth using the framework.
  • Assess their features and understand if they are at par with your business needs or your app’s advantage.

With clarity of these aspects; you can go ahead and use it to your app’s advantage. This includes cross-platform app development too. This will ensure maximum user engagement apart from pouring revenues.

Wrapping Up

Reading the in-depth article you have an idea of the 10 popular app development frameworks that ease the overall mobile app development process. To nevertheless see your app getting success and allowing you to capitalize on profits, make the choice wisely.

The post 10 Frameworks Developers Back for Building Robust Mobile Apps appeared first on ReadWrite.

7 Best Frontend Frameworks That Accelerate Pace of Web Development Sun, 24 Jul 2022 15:00:14 +0000 Best Frontend Frameworks

They say one should use the correct ingredient to create the perfect taste. This is especially true for businesses that […]

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Best Frontend Frameworks

They say one should use the correct ingredient to create the perfect taste. This is especially true for businesses that aim to keep users engaged with the solution they develop. Therefore, it is necessary to concentrate on the UI or the user interface.

In the digital world that we live in, this factor requires focus. This will keep users hooked to the business for a substantially long time.

Here, I will discuss briefly the importance of front-end frameworks in creating interactive websites and offer a list of the top ones recommended for web development.

Before that, let’s understand the meaning of web development in the lines below.

What is Web Development?

Also known as website development, it involves processes for creating, building, and maintaining websites and web apps that can run seamlessly online on the browser.

This follows next by the support it provides in performing tasks like designing app features and functionalities. This is through using languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Knowing the meaning of web development, understand that there are three forms of web development. They are frontend, backend, and full-stack.

In the article, I will be discussing front-end development particularly.

What is Frontend Development?

Front-end development refers to that portion of the website that users interact with. This requires developers to know programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript apart from frameworks like React, Bootstrap, etc.

Now that you have gotten an idea of the meaning of the concept of frontend development- let us understand the framework that makes the task of user interaction with the website a seamless process.

7 Best Frontend Frameworks Recommended for Web Development

  1. React.js
  2. jQuery
  3. Angular
  4. Express
  5. ASP.NET Core
  6. Vue.js
  7. ASP.NET

Let’s now know about each one of these Frameworks in the lines below.

1. React.js

Year of Release – 2013

Developed by – Meta (Facebook)

A JavaScript library developed by Facebook, formerly known as Facebook, ReactJS helps to create interactive UI. This follows next by the support it provides in web development through building interactive elements for individual websites.

Pros and Cons of Using React.js


  • Developers can easily make changes within a small component itself.
  • Coding components and reusing them without the requirement of rewriting the whole program becomes smooth.
  • Has a large population of developers, support becomes easy.
  • Indexing by the Google Search Engine is simple.


  • Writing proper documentation becomes hard. This is due to faster changes and updates taking place.
  • It may make developers require to relearn processes due to the slow pace of development in React.js
  • Though optional, chances are likely that the JSX present may make new developers confused to a great extent.
  • Indexing may sometimes be a struggle on React.js

2. jQuery

Year of Release – 2006

Developers – The jQuery Team

A fast, small and feature-centric JavaScript library, jQuery makes tasks like animation and HTML document traversal seamless.

This follows next by the support it provides in ensuring versatility and extensibility for the website developed using the framework. Therefore, in a nutshell, it goes on to transform the way how developers write JavaScript.

Pros and Cons of Using jQuery


  • It becomes easy to develop Ajax templates with an advanced set of flexibility. Therefore, developers get the ease to enable a sleeker interface so that actions across web pages become easy to perform.
  • The website has a large set of documentation and tutorials. This makes it easy for front-end developers to learn the basics of web development without difficulty.
  • Different functions become easy to perform.


  • Performs slowly in comparison to other CSS.
  • Errors may be inevitable if jQuery gets used without a strong foundation of JS.
  • Modifications may be vulnerable due to the open-source nature of jQuery.

3. Angular

Year of Release – 2016

Developed by – Google

Known as the modern web developer’s library, Angular provides professionals with the flexibility to accelerate the pace of development for websites. This follows next by the support it gives development experts in gaining ultimate control over scalability. Therefore, it becomes easy to meet data requirements.

Pros and Cons of Angular


  • Possessing an excellent and rich material design library ensures that the website is of supreme quality.
  • The codes present within are readable as well as ready to test.
  • Speed and performance of development are accelerated.


  • Poor accessibility for SEO crawlers makes it difficult to perform tasks to optimize the website.
  • With zero server authorization and authentication support, tasks like authorization become difficult. Hence, it also becomes challenging to identify users or ensure smooth and safe data access.
  • It becomes a hurdle to predict the most optimized method through which different tasks may get performed.

4. Ember.js

Year of Release – 2011

Developed by – Ember Core Team

An open-source JavaScript web framework, Ember.js or EmberJs assists developers in creating single-page websites. Especially due to the presence of APIs within, therefore, the task of development gets streamlined.

Pros and Cons of Using Express.js


  • Understanding the written code is easy therefore making contributions to a project for all the developers is a seamless task.
  • Data management can be smoothly ensured through it.
  • Offers two-way data binding support.


  • Possessing a complex syntax, hence it might become quite frustrating to work with it.
  • Possessing a very less percentage of online resources, therefore learning to use it might be hard.
  • Configuration dependency will be more.

5. ASP.NET Core

Year of Release – 2016

Developers – .NET Foundation

A free and open-source framework launched by Microsoft in 2016, ASP.NET Core helps the web deliver fast performance. This follows next by the support it provides in allowing different runtime components, APIs, etc., to evolve with utmost stability at an accelerated pace.

Pros and Cons of Using ASP.NET Core


  • Serves around 23 times more requests in comparison to its older version (ASP.NET MVC).
  • It assists in enhancing general quality as a result of its open-source nature.
  • Simplifies IT department routines through the presence of the newly integrated web server Kestrel.


  • Learning the framework may take a considerably long time.
  • Workflow-related services such as Windows Workflow Foundation, Workflow Services, etc., lack plans to get into .NET Core.
  • Third-party library support may be missing. Hence, compatibility may become an issue if the class library uses .NET Framework APIs that may not get supported.

6. Vue.js

Year of Release – 2014

Developers – Evan You

An open-source model-view-view model frontend web development JavaScript framework, it helps in the buildup of interactive web user interfaces.

Known for high performance, it is also renowned for using a reactive and compiler-optimized rendering system that hardly requires dependency on manual optimization.

Pros and Cons of Vue.js


  • It is convenient to use for developing projects that may be complex.
  • Facilitates the overall development process.
  • It is easy to learn. Possessing a good knowledge of JavaScript is all it takes to start working with the framework.


  • A narrow community with a small percentage of developers, it is not cut out to be used for large-scale projects.
  • Possesses less number of plugins, it might become necessary to switch to other languages.
  • Two-way binding may be a task. Hence, you need to flatten codes to achieve seamless data processing.


Year of Release – 2022

Developed by – Microsoft

ASP.NET assists developers to create intuitive and appealing web UI using C#. This ensures that .NET can run in the browser through WebAssembly.

Also, it ensures bi-directional real-time communication between the server and the client. It follows next by support in creating independent and easy-to-deploy microservices that can run smoothly on the Docker containers.

Pros and Cons of ASP.NET


  • Coding time gets reduced considerably.
  • It has unique features within. Therefore enhanced performance and scalability are guaranteed.
  • Flexibility and power are easy to achieve through the framework language base made on the common language runtime.


  • Server licenses and paying for them may be huge. This means you need to invest a good amount of budget.
  • Documentation may be difficult.
  • Making updates may take a longer time.

Knowing about these frameworks and their different pros and cons, let us assess the criteria that will ensure we make the right choice.

Criteria To Help Make Right Choice for Frontend Framework

  1. Check their core features and read their documentation carefully.
  2. Select a framework that is customizable so that configuration is a seamless task.
  3. Analyze its support in server-side rendering.

Once you have gotten an idea the frontend framework can achieve all these aspects seamlessly, you can go ahead and use it for web development.

Ending Words

Reading this article, you may have an idea of the significance of using the appropriate frontend framework. It will help you create an immersive website with a rich UI to deliver significant business value. While hiring front-end developers- check if they know the pros and cons of the framework they will use for web development. This will ensure you get maximum returns from the site.

The post 7 Best Frontend Frameworks That Accelerate Pace of Web Development appeared first on ReadWrite.

Top 6 IoT Tools and Platforms to Watch Out in 2022 Fri, 20 May 2022 18:00:50 +0000 IoT Tools and Platforms

IoT is the current sensation in the technology sector which is the fastest-growing sector these days. It securely connects computing […]

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IoT Tools and Platforms

IoT is the current sensation in the technology sector which is the fastest-growing sector these days. It securely connects computing devices and sensors to the internet and makes sure that nothing interrupts the operation system. The most crucial aspects of the IoT ecosystem are IoT development tools and platforms.

In order to share data with other IoT gadgets and apps, IoT devices use standard IP addresses. Essentially, IoT platforms link data networks and sensors. With IoT platforms, sensors are connected with data and back-end apps are used to make sense of the data collected by several sensors in an appropriate way.

Globally, it is predicted that the number of Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices will reach 30.9 billion by 2025. A sharp increase from the 13.8 billion units is seen in 2021. (Statista report).

In this post, I will discuss the topmost IoT tools and platforms available in the market.

Introduction to IoT Tools

Today IoT is the most demanded and preferred technology that businesses are using. IoT development entails mixing hardware components and software programs to ensure the efficient monitoring of specified values, gathering and sending data, evaluating the data, and directing the physical device to respond appropriately. Developing such systems is a huge undertaking.

Furthermore, because the Internet of Things has already evolved into its own industry, the demand for dependable and comprehensive developer toolkits has skyrocketed at a tremendous rate. IoT hardware devices (boards, SoM, sensors, gateways, trackers, etc.,) IoT app development platforms, IoT operating systems, and programming languages are all examples of IoT development tools.

Top 6 IoT tools and platforms to watch out

Internet of Things plays a crucial role in simplifying a lot of hectic tasks which are time-consuming. Many start-up Businesses and big organizations, without a doubt, are embracing the Internet of Things technology. As a result, the use of these high-tech IoT products is immensely growing. You should have a thorough understanding of IoT Development Platforms if you want to fulfill your IoT product expansion goals.

Google Cloud IoT Tools and Platforms

The IoT platforms have been employed by the major Techno firm to increase efficiency. The Cloud Platform, according to Google, is the most important component for promoting IoT technology. Furthermore, Google Cloud provides entire functionality while maintaining the highest level of IoT security.

It is one of the most popular Internet of Things platforms, with a variety of intriguing features like machine learning, AI abilities, efficient business operations, etc. It is not only limited to that but it also boosts the device productivity on a large scale. This platform saves money by utilizing cloud services and also encourages location intelligence.

Google cloud majorly focuses on simplifying business operations effectively and efficiently. It supports real-time tracking of data and smooth operations of devices worldwide. Due to this, it gets easy to manage large files.

Today Google is the biggest influencer on the internet. Now it is making its place in cloud computing, even if it is quite challenging because it has a competition with many other big companies like IBM, Oracle, Azure, etc. It has gained huge success over these years. It’s a secure infrastructure with multiple layers.

IBM Watson

IBM Watson IoT is a product of IBM which is a pass-based development platform. This platform lets the employees investigate and acquire data for machines, devices, and equipment. It helps businesses in making their decision power strong by calculating each essential factor.

It offers a lot of capabilities such as robust remote device control, cloud capacity to store large data, advanced security settings, and real-time data tracking with appropriate risk management. These all are some of its crucial characteristics which make it unique as compared to others.

This IBM development platform contains a variety of useful services and tools that make IoT development simpler and more efficient. The technology aids designers in connecting, handling, and analyzing data in real-time. The data received from linked devices is processed at several places, and data services are used to organize and coordinate it.

Designed to ensure security, this platform offers designers a simple and efficient way to validate IoT solutions.

When it comes to data collection, storage, and analysis, it has a lot of advantages. It has a proper data storage facility and provides powerful management tools to handle backend cloud-based infrastructure.

It is utilized in the construction of major data harvesting and analysis applications. It offers outstanding data analysis techniques that make the developer’s life easier when it comes to app outputs.

Microsoft Azure IoT

Azure IoT is a collection of cloud services from Microsoft that can help you manage and connect to various IoT assets. In other words, your IoT solution would have more than one IoT device capable of talking with many cloud-based back-end services.

Azure is an excellent choice for companies who are looking to when it comes to building secure IoT applications. Azure can simply control various types of devices, security features, management tools, and data analytics which makes the entire business process efficient.

Microsoft focuses on creating more IoT products. By using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Azure IoT is lowering waste organization and boosting their productivity as well.

Identity registry, device shadowing, data monitoring, and a rules engine are just a few of the platform’s features. For analyzing massive amounts of data generated by sensors, the Azure IoT suite connects with Azure Stream Analytics.

This also includes a well-structured IDE for developing the frontend and backend applications effectively. Another fantastic aspect of Azure is that it allows developers to operate on various platforms at the same time.

High-end software development companies which work in artificial intelligence or machine learning are the major users of this software.

Oracle IoT

Oracle is another significant and crucial Internet of Things Platform. Its stimulated planning for computing clouds and database management has made it a worldwide hit. The Oracle IoT platform connects multiple devices to the cloud without any interruption. Challenges here are very less compared to others. Following that, it assists devices in connecting to JavaScript, Java, Android, iOS, and other platforms.

In addition to this, it also maximizes operational growth and boosts worker productivity. Oracle is well-known for its database management services, therefore it generates a lot of data. Oracle is chosen by many firms because of the adaptive feature that produces business software. Furthermore, it provides connected devices with unique digital identities. This strengthens the bond between apps and devices.

Cisco IoT Cloud Connect

This IoT programming platform, created by Cisco, allows developers to deal with IoT-related solutions. Cisco provides a lot of benefits in which it ensures secure Data analytics, network connectivity, app enablement, automation, effective data management, and many more.

Cisco believes in providing a secure platform for connecting multiple devices around the world. This platform helps with smart cities, energy management, transportation, and industrial automation, among other things.

It’s a cloud-based mobility software solution that best fulfills the company’s IoT needs. This IoT solution is designed for mobile operators, and it optimizes and utilizes the network to its greatest potential. Cisco provides many benefits along with the Internet of Things (IoT), security, networking, data management, and many more. Data and voice connectivity are the core features of the Cisco IoT Cloud Connect platform.

  • Its dashboard provides better visibility and control over the IoT gateways thanks to its cloud-based interface.
  • It facilitates data computation on a dispersed network, allowing for the most efficient use of network resources.
  • Data can freely flow between connected devices and cloud-based apps.
  • Gives real-time updates.
  • It supports real-time visibility.

Salesforce IoT

The Salesforce IoT cloud platform is designed to keep custom engagement levels up to date. Sales, marketing services, and app-related opportunities are all aided by the platform. Salesforce, on the other hand, is increasingly relying on the IoT platform to increase productivity. It has different partners such as Cisco Systems, Amazon Web Services, and others.

Salesforce IoT is an excellent choice if you need an adaptable and robust IoT platform. This platform focuses its IoT development efforts on building an all-encompassing framework that connects IoT devices to their customers directly within the Salesforce structure.

The main goal is to make IoT data accessible to everyone. Salesforce enables you to create custom IoT apps for any device, as well as visualize its data for future use. It takes a client-first strategy, which sets it apart from the competition.


We live in an era where we can receive everything and anything whenever we need it thanks to the internet. The IoT enters the picture at this point. It has the capacity to link many technologies together, making life easier for humans. As a result, IoT devices are observing exponential growth, making them essential technologies of the future.

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How To Ensure IoT Security Through Blockchain Tue, 28 Dec 2021 15:00:45 +0000 iot security through blockchain

Blockchain technology has changed the trend of maintaining security. It increases the automation level and ensures a secure data transmitting […]

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iot security through blockchain

Blockchain technology has changed the trend of maintaining security. It increases the automation level and ensures a secure data transmitting process. There are many ways to secure IoT devices, like, biometrics, two-factor authentication, password, etc. The blockchain is a one-stop solution for this. It is the most effective technology to secure IoT devices from external attacks.

IoT is all about connecting various types of equipment and devices that are responsible for transferring data. Like, hardware equipment’s related to servers, software, and sensors. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, and sensor technologies are some examples that have made it practical.

Blockchain plays a vital role in securing cryptocurrencies running around the world. Industry verticals like healthcare, finance, and e-commerce use blockchain to maintain privacy in their customer database. It plays a vital role in securing IoT at a broad scale. Blockchain technology has four elements that increase its value in the market, which are Consensus, Ledger, Cryptography, and smart contact. The enhanced privacy of Blockchain provides massive help to entrepreneurs and big organizations who use more devices to handle their work.

Most Common IoT Challenges

Most industries face cyber security attacks in their systems, and blockchain works as a shield that prevents them from data privacy threats. It is necessary to take care of issues and challenges faced by IoT solutions. To better understand the IoT, first, we have to go through the challenges that usually occur.

Unauthorized access of devices

Multiple IoT devices connected with a single network allow hackers to interfere in the system through a single device. The risk can arise from anywhere if your IoT devices are not secured. Employees can enter the network with their devices and can have access to data. It doesn’t matter if their devices have weak authentication they can perform any malpractice by entering into the centralized database. The computer devices used in the workplace can be hacked, through simple codings at no time.

Encryption attacks

The chances of hacking increase, as the data transferred through IoT devices, don’t require any human intervention. Weak encryption keys and authentication credentials give leverage to cybercriminals to hack the systems and access the data.


It is quite expensive to handle and maintain IoT devices. It requires continuous maintenance, which is not a cost-friendly option. Companies usually adopt blockchain technology to save their cost.

Network breaches 

The network breach issue occurs the most when the IT department is busy setting up the necessary protocols, devices, and standards. By taking advantage of this, hackers got the chance to intervene in the system. In all the processes of device deployment, hackers get a chance to penetrate into the network which results in a data breach.

Software attack

Software attack is the most common issue which businesses usually face. It is necessary to ensure the security of all the devices connected to the internet if it is not, the possibility of having Malware attacks and Phishing attacks will increase.

Centralized security infrastructure is hard to manage in big organization setups. It is easy to hack, and DDoS attacks can occur anytime in between the work. Most companies use Blockchain technology to tackle these challenges. It has the ability to minimize hacking issues and brings efficiency to day-to-day work. The IT department has to take care of a lot of things in which security comes on the top, Blockchain can be considered as an asset for them.

Advantages of Strengthening the IoT With Blockchain

Security of each transaction

Traceability and security of all day-to-day financial transactions get better with Blockchain. The whole transaction process depends on the confirmation of the concerned party. If they don’t allow it, the transaction will not happen. It requires sender, miner, and receiver confirmation to process any transaction. Blockchain technology provides a secure environment to record and save confidential data and user credentials. Blockchain is responsible for storing and recording data, which eliminates the possibility of data theft, ensures smooth data transmission.

Built-in security

Blockchain technology is decentralized, and the distributed ledgers are replicated across various computers. It increases the challenges of hackers who usually interfere in the computer system to access confidential data. Blockchain technology brings extra security to the storage and ensures the accessibility of data as users can store their data in different devices and can retrieve it as well. IoT devices depend on the server models that require centralized management to manage networks. If we talk about scalability, nothing can beat Blockchain technology. The possibilities of success are very high here. It is tamper-resistant, which increases its value more in maintaining cyber security.

Eliminates human errors

The possibilities of having any human errors get reduced at a significant rate with blockchain’s advanced features. It gets easy to avoid manual errors like the wrong compilation of documents, wrong data input, and losing files mistakenly. Sometimes people forget the main login details, which sometimes leads to data loss. Blockchain provides a secure working environment by eliminating the requirement of filling in login credentials. An encrypted identity is available in all devices, which helps in identifying the distributed ledgers. Organizations can find the exact system from where the human breach has occurred. It gets easy to avoid manual errors because each activity on an IoT network can be detected and tracked anytime with the help of Blockchain technology.

Secure communication

Its decentralized database records each transaction that happens on a network. Blockchain ensures secure and efficient communication between the concerned parties. IoT devices run with encryption keys connected with the blockchain. It helps in sharing confidential data and secures collaboration between various departments.

Creates a trustworthy IoT environment

Users have to fill the unique code to access the IoT network which means no one can use the sensitive data easily. The network is totally secured, and user identities can be secured at each step. Managing central security costs a lot to companies who are dependent on IoT. It uses encryption algorithms to maintain privacy in data.  In all aspects, Blockchain is trustworthy to maintain privacy within the organization.

Benefits of IoT and Blockchain to Businesses

  • Build trust– IoT and blockchain build trust within /organization as the data transferring process gets simplified within the organization. Each transaction is recorded and stored in blocks that cannot be changed and traced easily by hackers.
  • Transparency– Blockchain provides transparency by giving the leverage to track the previous few transactions that happened unknowingly. This helps companies to find the exact source of data sharing.
  • Additional security– It provides added security to the data, which gives you leverage to analyze, customize and share the data with the clients or your partners.
  • Great flexibility– Provides great flexibility in doing day-to-day transactions and transmitting the information. By using this technology you can maximize the level of security in the organization.
  • Robust level of encryption– One thing which can be assured here is highly secured encryption tools that protect the company’s confidential information. It adds multiple security layers that cannot be hacked easily. Hackers have to bypass these layers to access the network.
  • Cost-saving– This is one of the most cost-effective technologies that you can deploy for the privacy of data. It eliminates the additional overheads related to IoT gateways, which help companies in reducing IT cost.
  • Fast processing of transactions– Blockchain ensures fast processing of transactions which is something appreciable. Appropriate coordination between various devices can be maintained between several devices at a single time.


In the previous few years, companies have started using Blockchain technology for their business. They deploy Blockchain to secure IoT and to address other various business issues. Blockchain is encrypted and secured, that’s why most people prefer to implement it in their companies. Blockchain handles a large amount of data and deals with data privacy issues at a large scale with appropriate and standardized methods. You must think of its usage in your business.

The post How To Ensure IoT Security Through Blockchain appeared first on ReadWrite.
