Healthcare - ReadWrite IoT and Technology News Tue, 22 Aug 2023 23:31:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Healthcare - ReadWrite 32 32 Best UEBA Use Cases to Implement in Healthcare Wed, 23 Aug 2023 18:00:13 +0000 Cases to Implement in Healthcare

Security is essential for all industries, but healthcare faces more pressure than most. Hospitals store vast amounts of highly sensitive […]

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Cases to Implement in Healthcare

Security is essential for all industries, but healthcare faces more pressure than most. Hospitals store vast amounts of highly sensitive information, making them ideal targets for cybercrime, so their defenses must be extensive. User and entity behavioral analytics (UEBA) are one of the most helpful tools in that endeavor.

The medical sector is no stranger to artificial intelligence, but most medical AI applications focus on patient care or administrative work. Applying it to cybersecurity in the form of UEBA is a crucial step forward.

What Is User and Entity Behavioral Analytics?

User and entity behavioral analytics use machine learning to detect threats like breached accounts or ransomware. While protections like multi-factor authentication try to prevent attacks, UEBA instead focuses on stopping threats that slip through the cracks before they can cause much damage.

UEBA analyzes how different users and entities — like routers or Internet of Things (IoT) devices — behave on a network. After establishing baselines for normal behavior, machine learning tools can detect suspicious activity. They may see an account trying to access a database it rarely needs or downloading something at an odd time and flag it as a potential breach.

This process is similar to how your bank may freeze your credit card if you make a few unusual purchases. However, it applies the concept to network behavior and uses AI to make it faster and more accurate.

UEBA Benefits

UEBA use cases have many benefits spanning multiple applications. Here’s a brief look at some of their most significant.


Behavioral analytics systems are highly accurate. Machine learning can pick up on trends and patterns in data humans may miss, so UEBA tools can outperform human analysts when determining what is and isn’t suspicious. When properly applied, UEBA can also yield false positive rates as low as 3%, ensuring security teams don’t waste their time or resources.

UEBA can achieve higher accuracies than rule-based monitoring systems because it’s adaptive. Machine learning algorithms continually gather new data and adjust their decision-making as trends shift. That way, they can account for nuances like users slowly adopting new habits or activities being normal in some situations but not others.


Another benefit of UEBA is it’s fast. Machine learning tools can detect and classify anomalies almost instantly when it may take a human a few minutes. Even if those time savings are just a few seconds, they can make a considerable difference when dealing with cyber threats.

UEBA tools can often detect suspicious behavior before an account or breached device causes any real damage. By identifying and isolating threats earlier, they can dramatically reduce the impact of an attack. IBM found reducing data breach response timelines saves organizations $1.12 million on average.


UEBA is also versatile compared to similar security tools. Some organizations employ user behavior analytics (UBA), which provides similar benefits but only looks at user activity. By also including entities, UEBA expands its detection capabilities to IoT attacks and other hardware breaches, helping prevent a broader range of incidents.

Machine learning tools like UEBA are also more versatile than rule-based anomaly detection. AI models can adapt to changing situations and account for situational differences, which rule-based systems can’t. That flexibility is vital for healthcare organizations, as telehealth has grown 38 times over its pre-COVID levels, meaning more medical staff may access systems from changing locations.

UEBA Use Cases in Healthcare

These benefits are impressive, but how much medical companies experience them depends on how they apply this technology. In that spirit, here are the five best user and entity behavior analytics use cases in healthcare.

1. Automating Risk Management

Risk management automation is one of healthcare organizations’ most beneficial UEBA use cases. IT monitoring is crucial in this industry, but many businesses need more time or staff to manage it manually. Cybersecurity talent faces a skills gap across all sectors, and over 70% of medical workers say they already work more hours because of electronic health records (EHRs).

UEBA reduces that burden by handling network threat detection without manual input. Hospitals don’t need large security teams to monitor their systems 24/7 because AI will do it for them.

Because UEBA is so accurate and efficient, medical staff can use electronic systems more efficiently. There will be fewer verification stops or run-ins because of false positives, helping reduce the burden of EHRs. Those time savings improve both cybersecurity and patient care.

2. Detecting EHR Breaches

UEBA has many advantageous specific use cases under the automation umbrella, too. One of the most relevant for healthcare organizations is detecting and responding to breaches in EHR systems.

Electronic records make it far easier to manage patient data, but they also introduce significant security risks. There were over 700 health record breaches of 500 records or more in 2022 alone, with an average of almost two breaches daily. Given this issue’s common and severe, UEBA is an indispensable tool.

UEBA can recognize when an app or account is accessing an unusual amount of records or interacting with them atypically. It can then lock the user or entity in question before it can delete, download, or share these files, preventing a breach.

3. Stopping Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware prevention is another leading UEBA use case in healthcare. The rise of ransomware-as-a-service has made these attacks increasingly common, and the medical industry is a prime target.

Ransomware attacks against healthcare organizations have more than doubled between 2016 and 2021. Stopping these incidents early is critical to minimizing damage and protecting patients’ privacy. UEBA provides that speed.

Before ransomware can steal or lock any files, it must access them all. However, UEBA will notice an unknown program suddenly trying to access a large amount of data. It can then restrict access and isolate the file, account or device from which the ransomware spreads before it can encrypt anything. That way, hospitals can prevent ransomware before losing any sensitive information.

4. Preventing Insider Threats

UEBA is also a valuable tool for addressing insider threats, which are particularly prevalent in healthcare. In fact, insider error accounts for more than twice as many breached medical records as malicious activity. Because UEBA detects all anomalies — not just those from outsiders — it can help find and prevent these mistakes.

If a doctor, nurse or other staff member tried to access something they don’t usually need, UEBA would flag it as suspicious. If it were just an accident, this stoppage would bring the issue to the employee’s attention, letting them see and correct their mistake; if it were a malicious insider, UEBA would stop them from abusing their privileges.

UEBA can detect more than just unusual access activity too. It can also identify and stop actions like sharing credentials or attempts to send files to unauthorized users. That way, it can prevent employees from falling for phishing attempts, which account for most insider threats.

5. Securing IoT Endpoints

As IoT adoption in healthcare grows, IoT security becomes an increasingly advantageous UEBA use case. The IoT falls out of the scope of traditional user behavior analytics use cases because UBA systems don’t account for devices, only people. By contrast, UEBA includes endpoints, so it can address IoT concerns.

Just as UEBA spots irregular behavior in user accounts, it can detect unusual connections or access attempts from IoT devices. Consequently, it can stop hackers from using a smart device with low built-in security as a gateway to more sensitive systems and data.

Stopping this lateral movement is crucial, as IoT devices typically have weak security, and hospitals use a lot of them. More than half of all medical IoT devices also feature critical known vulnerabilities, so improving IoT security is essential for the industry.

Behavioral Analytics Are a Must for Healthcare

These UEBA use cases scratch the surface of what this technology can do for medical organizations. As EHR adoption and cybercrime both rise, capitalizing on these applications will become all the more important.

The healthcare industry must take cybercrime seriously. User and entity behavioral analytics systems are some of the most effective tools for that goal.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Pexels; Thank you!

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Can Hybrid Intelligence Opens Up New Opportunities In Healthcare Wed, 23 Aug 2023 15:00:42 +0000 Hybrid Intelligence in healthcare

Over the last decade, we have made groundbreaking achievements like artificial organs, robotic surgery, telehealth, wearable health trackers, precision medicine, […]

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Hybrid Intelligence in healthcare

Over the last decade, we have made groundbreaking achievements like artificial organs, robotic surgery, telehealth, wearable health trackers, precision medicine, and so on. The transformative power seems so promising that the healthcare industry is making investments in AI technologies. A mutual augmentation of men/ women with machines can fast-track progress in healthcare. 

Technology has come a long way, transforming from an enabler to a confederate. With digital technologies, the healthcare sector has achieved massive innovative leaps. A major chunk of healthcare providers have integrated cutting-edge technologies at the frontier, to fight illness, develop modern vaccines, pharmaceutical advances, save lives, improve quality of life.  

“We believe consumer health technologies apps, wearables, and self-diagnosis tools have the potential to strengthen the patient-physician connection and improve health outcomes.” – Dr. Glen Stream, Chairman, Family Medicine for America’s Health

Regardless of the rising concerns around AI, technology has become an indispensable element in our life. The healthcare sector is witnessing a dynamic shift towards hybrid models, wherein technology and humans work in sync to deliver a better quality of life. 

Hybrid Intelligence a Revolutionary Breakthrough

With hybrid intelligence, we no longer rely on compartmentalized task allocation nor try to keep humans in the loop. It’s a deliberate effort to allocate tasks between humans and conversational agents (combining human and artificial intelligence) to co-evolve and deliver better outcomes.

Hybrid Intelligence – Enabling Mutual Augmentation

Developing modern medicines and pharmaceutical products gravely depends upon research, and data is a critical catalyst that drives these mainstream innovations. Big Data revolution, digitalization, and AI technologies have trimmed the time to market for the most innovative breakthroughs. In healthcare, time is a critical factor. 

A typical example would be how DeepMind’s AlphaGo used human expertise and advanced algorithms to defeat a Go world champion. Combining a supervised learning approach with humans and utilizing deep learning techniques AlphaGO was able to create one of the most formidable Go player. 

Modern technologies have the potential to transform healthcare delivery, but the increasing digital adoption, calls forth multiple challenges. Dynamic cultural shifts and workplace transformation is one critical dimension that needs to be addressed. Integrating smart technologies and empowering healthcare staff with a hybrid model eases the transformation, where both humans and technology work hand-in-hand to deliver the best outcome.

Hybrid Intelligence in Hospitals

Service quality and patient satisfaction are important yardsticks in healthcare. Patient satisfaction has a direct correlation to healthcare quality. With modern technologies hospitals can set, monitor and reinforce explicit care guidelines. 

Ensuring seamless communication is essential to drive quality healthcare service. When information is kept in silos, mutual collaboration takes a toll across departmental boundaries. Healthcare specialists, clinicians, and other critical healthcare staff should work as a team, which enables the collaborative diagnosis of diseases and the development of treatment plans across multiple departments. Hybrid intelligence also augments continuous learning wherein humans and systems have a shared journey, learning from each other. 

With hybrid intelligence, conversational agents in healthcare systems can augment collaboration and coordination of multiple critical tasks, and even facilitate frictionless patient care under a complex clinical environment. Integrating rule-based and case-based knowledge reasoning mechanisms can be used by healthcare professionals to quickly retrieve similar cases for reference. 

Hybrid Intelligence to Make an Impact on Healthcare 

  • Simple and consistent patient data across departments
  • Junior doctors/ residents can accelerate decision-making by virtually connecting and collaborating with specialty doctors.
  • Easy retrieval of patient data with a medical history 
  • Minimize the workload of healthcare employees
  • Actively support healthcare employees perform repetitive tasks

AI to Focus on Care & Risk Prediction

AI as a mainstream for risk prediction. Artificial intelligence has shown exemplary promises in detecting Organs At Risk (OAR). The success rate of cancer detection rate by simulated AI radiologists is higher than the cases identified by a resident radiologist. 

The increasing number of cancer patients who seek treatment plans has put significant pressure on the radiotherapy department, this can lead to cognitive errors, and take a toll on patient care. AI detection can be used to maximize cancer detection at the initial stage and minimize case recall. 

Artificial intelligence has the potential to gather data from multiple libraries and automate repetitive tasks like OAR contouring, simulations, etc to reduce workload and deliver a seamless experience.

Neuromorphic and Artificial Neural Microcircuits

Neuromorphs and artificial neural microcircuits can be a game changer in the healthcare industry. AI comes with multiple applications, from chips to fight diseases to imitate organ functionalities and act as low-cost alternatives for patients. 

AI-Driven MedTech in Patient Care

Burnout and being overworked is something that plagues the healthcare sector. Chronic stress and exhaustion can lead to permanent health hazards. Equipping medical technology with hybrid intelligence will help these overworked segments to efficiently manage and optimize their tasks. AI-enabled MedTech has the potential to diagnose subtle anomalies, compare patient data with electronic libraries to identify patterns, explore advanced diagnostics, etc in the background. Ultimately allowing medical professionals to dedicate more time to patient care

Accelerate Clinical Decisions 

Cardiologists and radiologists can make use of AI-enabled medical imaging to prioritize cases based on the nature of severity. Using AI algorithms, healthcare professionals can analyze huge volumes of electronic health records, identify relationships, plot patterns, and construct evidence-based treatment plans. Technology helps healthcare professionals explore new solutions, make trials more efficient, deliver personalized care, and make faster decisions.    

In a Nutshell

Is AI for healthcare justified? Well, we are still figuring out a way to fully embrace and integrate AI into a day to day life. If not humanoids, technologies like “Hybrid AI, Narrow AI” have gained wide acceptance across industries. Cutting-edge research and developments are picking up pace around how AI technology can be harmoniously synchronized with healthcare. 

The future may be driven by H-AI, a fusion of humans and AI to synchronize and operate as a whole individual. On the contrary, one of the biggest challenges with hybrid intelligence technology and its applicability is, how do you regulate a technology (Adaptive AI) that adjusts its course regularly for the best performance.

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Why The Smart Money is Going into Thought Control Sun, 06 Aug 2023 14:00:49 +0000 Thought Control in Medical Devices

It sounds like science fiction but “thought control” — communicating commands from a human brain directly to an external device […]

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Thought Control in Medical Devices

It sounds like science fiction but “thought control” — communicating commands from a human brain directly to an external device — is happening here and now. It allows patients with cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, or those recovering from a stroke, to move the cursor on a computer screen, manipulate a robotic arm or navigate a wheelchair.

There’s a considerable amount of R&D taking place around these so-called brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) and the ways in which they can allow people to control their environment. Researchers are developing the hardware – electrodes that pick up signals from the brain – they are validating systems for real-world use, and they’re focused on improving the performance of BCIs.

Brain signals control devices

The science behind BCIs is complex, but the quick version is this: electrodes placed on the scalp, on the surface of the cortex or actually within the brain record the signals it produces, then amplify and digitize them. Relevant signals are translated into commands that a connected device can understand.

The primary goal of BCI technology currently is to improve the lives of severely disabled people by allowing them to perform everyday tasks. In the future, they may also aid the performance of surgeons and other medical professionals.

BCIs may sound like cutting-edge science, but it’s been around a while. The first, primitive incarnation was half a century ago. It was more as a proof of concept – playing hands-free pinball than a serious medical endeavor.

Billionaires invest in brain tech

But today BCIs are attracting big bucks from some serious players. Foundations backed by Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are among those investing $75 million in Synchron, which has developed a tiny implantable BCI that spares a patient the need for open brain surgery.

Elon Musk is backing Neuralink’s dream of merging computers with the human brain, using a BCI that allows users to control a computer or mobile device anywhere they go.

And PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel has invested in Blackrock Neurotech, the company behind precision electrode technology that helps people to walk, talk, see, hear, and feel again. Users can type text, email messages, play online games and switch lights on and off with just their thoughts.

But this is only the start. BCIs have the potential to provide almost limitless insights into how our brains function. They’ve already been used to detect the emotions of patients in a vegetative or minimally conscious state.

Treating sleep disorders

They can help treat depression and other diseases through deep stimulation. BCIs can also address sleep disorders and neurological diseases – particularly prevalent among the world’s over-65 population, which is forecast to quadruple in the next 30 years.

Funding for the BCI interface sector is, not surprisingly, increasing. It is set to more than treble by the end of this decade, from $1.5 billion in 2021 (with a CAGR of 15.11%) to a forecast $5.3 billion by 2030.  Government bodies and research institutes are investing heavily in BCIs, and policymakers are supporting new therapies by incentivizing brain research for medical purposes.

But market opportunities go far beyond the world of medicine. There’s phenomenal potential for mind-controlled gadgets in virtual reality gaming (a sector forecast to be worth $45 billion by 2027) and in smart home management systems which can open and close doors, manage TV and audio systems, and operate security video cameras.

Super soldiers

Beyond the domestic setting, BCI-controlled robots could help workers operating in hazardous environments, such as coal mines. They could accelerate and simplify interactions between humans and machines across a whole range of industries. They could even be used to turn regular soldiers into “super-soldiers” capable of quick, effective, and intuitive interaction with military equipment.

This is just the start. There are whole worlds to explore that we don’t even know about. Yet. The human brain has around 100 billion neural connections, and we’re only beginning to unlock some of their many secrets now. Advances in AI, machine learning and a new era of quantum computing will partly provide the key.

There are challenges, as there are with every evolving technology. Technically there are still hurdles to overcome: everyone’s brain signals are different and, therefore, hard to measure. Ethically there are issues around consent and unfair advantages, and in terms of security, BCIs could, potentially, be vulnerable to cyberattacks.

More than 500 scientists and engineers at 140 universities, teaching hospitals, and research centers across Europe, are trying to find answers to these and many more BCI questions in one of the world’s largest research projects, The Human Brain Project.

In the private sector the race is on to make direct connections between human brains and electronic devices.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Thank you!

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The new GoodRx app that will make you more likely to take your meds Fri, 28 Jul 2023 00:01:20 +0000 healthcare doctor

In the world of healthcare, medication adherence plays a vital role in ensuring positive treatment outcomes. However, studies have shown […]

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healthcare doctor

In the world of healthcare, medication adherence plays a vital role in ensuring positive treatment outcomes. However, studies have shown that a significant number of patients struggle to take their medications as prescribed, leading to suboptimal results and increased healthcare costs. GoodRx, an online pharmacy and telehealth app, aims to tackle this problem by introducing a digital “medicine cabinet” that goes beyond simple medication reminders. This innovative feature provides a one-stop solution for users to check price comparisons, receive reminders and refills, and even earn financial rewards for staying consistent with their treatment. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of GoodRx’s Medicine Cabinet and its potential impact on medication adherence.

Before delving into the details of GoodRx’s Medicine Cabinet, it is essential to understand the significance of medication adherence. Adherence refers to how well individuals follow their healthcare providers’ instructions when it comes to taking medications. It encompasses regular intake of prescribed drugs, such as antidepressants, antibiotics, or statins for cholesterol management. According to US Pharmacist, achieving an adherence rate of around 80 percent is crucial for optimal treatment outcomes. However, studies have revealed that approximately 50 percent of patients with chronic illnesses struggle to adhere to their medication regimens. This nonadherence can lead to adverse health effects, reduced effectiveness of treatments, and even increased healthcare costs, estimated to be around $300 billion annually in the United States alone.

While numerous medication reminder apps exist in the market, GoodRx’s Medicine Cabinet sets itself apart by addressing barriers beyond forgetfulness. This feature takes a holistic approach to medication adherence, aiming to tackle challenges such as cost and lack of insurance coverage. By combining multiple functionalities, GoodRx aims to provide users with a comprehensive solution for managing their medications effectively.

One of the key components of GoodRx’s Medicine Cabinet is the Action Center. This feature acts as a daily guide, highlighting the necessary steps users need to take to stay on top of their treatments. In addition to setting daily reminders for medication intake and refills, the Action Center provides recommendations for pharmacies that offer the best prices for specific medications. This helps users make informed decisions and potentially save money on their prescriptions. Moreover, the Medicine Cabinet’s prescriptions dashboard automatically populates with previous prescriptions filled through GoodRx, eliminating the need for users to manually enter information. The dashboard also supports prescriptions filled outside of GoodRx’s services, ensuring a comprehensive overview of all medications.

Another crucial aspect of GoodRx’s Medicine Cabinet is its focus on providing price comparisons and recommendations for pharmacies. The feature aims to alleviate the financial burden associated with medications, especially for individuals without insurance coverage or facing high out-of-pocket costs. By offering information on pharmacies that offer the best prices for specific medications, users can make cost-effective choices and potentially save money on their prescriptions. This feature is particularly valuable for individuals with chronic illnesses who require long-term medication regimens.

Managing prescriptions can be a cumbersome task, particularly for individuals with complex medication regimens. GoodRx’s Medicine Cabinet simplifies this process by streamlining prescription management. The feature automatically populates the prescriptions dashboard with previous prescriptions filled through GoodRx, eliminating the need for manual data entry. This ensures that users have a comprehensive view of their medication history and can easily access information when needed. Furthermore, the dashboard supports prescriptions filled outside of GoodRx’s services, providing users with a centralized hub for all their prescription needs.

One of the unique aspects of GoodRx’s Medicine Cabinet is its implementation of small financial rewards to incentivize medication adherence. Early beta tests of the feature have shown that users enrolled in the Medicine Cabinet claimed prescriptions 400 percent more than those who were not. By offering rewards for picking up refills on time or using eligible GoodRx coupons, the app encourages users to stay consistent with their medications. These rewards can be further redeemed for discounts or even gift cards from various retailers, providing additional motivation for adherence.

However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of financial incentives in promoting long-term medication adherence is still a topic of debate. While some research suggests that these incentives can work in specific circumstances, others argue that they may not lead to sustained behavioral change. Nonetheless, GoodRx’s approach of incorporating rewards into medication adherence is an interesting addition to the field and has shown promising results during beta testing.

While GoodRx’s Medicine Cabinet offers a holistic approach to medication adherence, it does have its limitations. For instance, the feature does not currently address the issue of drug shortages, which can significantly impact adherence. The United States has reported a considerable number of active national drug shortages in recent years, making it challenging for individuals to access their prescribed medications. Although GoodRx does not have any official plans to tackle this problem at the moment, the company is hopeful that its price tracking data could be leveraged in the future to help users navigate drug shortages.

As for future developments, GoodRx is actively working on launching an Android version of the Medicine Cabinet, expanding its availability to a broader user base. This move will increase accessibility and ensure that more individuals can benefit from the app’s medication management features.

While the convenience and potential benefits of health tech solutions like GoodRx’s Medicine Cabinet are evident, privacy concerns also come into play. The collection and sharing of personal health data raise questions about data security and the responsible use of sensitive information. Although privacy regulations like HIPAA aim to protect health data, their effectiveness in the digital health era is often debated. Users must carefully consider the level of risk they are comfortable with and assess whether tech companies can uphold their privacy policies. GoodRx, as a prominent player in the healthcare technology space, should prioritize transparency and robust security measures to address these concerns.

In summary, GoodRx’s Medicine Cabinet represents a significant step forward in addressing medication adherence challenges. By offering a comprehensive solution that goes beyond simple reminders, the app aims to empower users to manage their medications effectively. The Action Center, price comparisons, streamlined prescription management, and financial incentives all contribute to creating a holistic approach to medication adherence. While the feature has its limitations and privacy concerns exist in the health tech realm, GoodRx’s Medicine Cabinet shows promise in improving medication adherence rates and ultimately enhancing patient outcomes. As technology continues to advance, innovations like the Medicine Cabinet pave the way for more effective and patient-centered healthcare solutions.

First reported on The Verge

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is medication adherence, and why is it important?

Medication adherence refers to how well individuals follow their healthcare providers’ instructions when it comes to taking medications. Adherence is crucial for positive treatment outcomes, as it ensures that patients consistently take their prescribed drugs as directed, leading to better health results. Nonadherence can lead to suboptimal treatment outcomes, increased healthcare costs, and adverse health effects.

2. How does GoodRx’s Medicine Cabinet aim to improve medication adherence?

GoodRx’s Medicine Cabinet is an innovative feature that provides a one-stop solution for users to manage their medications effectively. It goes beyond simple medication reminders and offers price comparisons, recommendations for pharmacies with the best prices, streamlined prescription management, and even financial rewards for staying consistent with treatments. This comprehensive approach aims to address barriers beyond forgetfulness and help users save money on their prescriptions.

3. How does the Action Center in the Medicine Cabinet help users with medication management?

The Action Center in GoodRx’s Medicine Cabinet serves as a daily guide for users to stay on top of their medication regimens. It provides daily reminders for medication intake and refills and offers recommendations for pharmacies with the best prices for specific medications. The feature also automatically populates the prescriptions dashboard with previous prescriptions filled through GoodRx, streamlining prescription management.

4. How does the Medicine Cabinet address cost-related barriers to adherence?

GoodRx’s Medicine Cabinet provides price comparisons and recommendations for pharmacies with the best prices for specific medications. This feature helps users make informed decisions and potentially save money on their prescriptions, particularly for those without insurance coverage or facing high out-of-pocket costs.

5. What are the financial rewards in the Medicine Cabinet, and how do they incentivize adherence?

GoodRx’s Medicine Cabinet offers small financial rewards to incentivize medication adherence. Users can earn rewards for picking up refills on time or using eligible GoodRx coupons. These rewards can be redeemed for discounts or even gift cards from various retailers, providing additional motivation for users to stay consistent with their medications.

6. Are there any concerns regarding privacy and data security in using health tech solutions like the Medicine Cabinet?

Yes, the use of health tech solutions raises privacy concerns, especially when it comes to the collection and sharing of personal health data. Users must carefully assess the level of risk they are comfortable with and ensure that tech companies prioritize transparency and robust security measures to protect sensitive information.

7. How does the Medicine Cabinet compare to other medication reminder apps in the market?

GoodRx’s Medicine Cabinet sets itself apart from other medication reminder apps by taking a holistic approach to medication adherence. It goes beyond simple reminders and incorporates price comparisons, streamlined prescription management, and financial incentives, providing users with a comprehensive solution for managing their medications effectively.

Featured Image Credit: Unsplash

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Why Digital Biology Has the Power to Change the Game Across Industries Wed, 26 Jul 2023 17:00:40 +0000 Digital Biology Game Changer

Is digital biology the next big thing? In a world where AI services like ChatGPT and Midjourney dominate the hype cycle, […]

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Digital Biology Game Changer

Is digital biology the next big thing? In a world where AI services like ChatGPT and Midjourney dominate the hype cycle, this might sound like quite the claim. But it’s based on a solid foundation. As digital biology tools continue to evolve, their potential to have transformative impacts across industries is becoming clearer by the day.

If you’re a leader looking for the next big step in biology, you can’t afford to sleep on this technology. To understand what I mean, let’s look at some industries ripe for transformation and how digital biology tools can push them to new heights.


Healthcare is perhaps the most apparent industry where digital biology plays an increasingly important role. Through a combination of data, AI, and computational tools, scientists and researchers can significantly reduce the time it takes to diagnose diseases and develop complex biopharmaceuticals.

Companies like Recursion are already using these tools. The company is working to develop new therapeutic molecules for oncology, neuroscience, inflammation and immunology, and rare diseases through automation and machine learning.

Healthcare and Digital Biology

But healthcare isn’t the only area digital biology can be applied. Materials, chemicals, food, and agriculture can benefit from these tools. For example, multiscale predictive modeling of plant growth makes it possible to explore new breeding avenues that combine the mapping of biological systems with the analysis of large data sets. In other words, it can bring true scalability to systems biology for the first time.

This technology can go even further in food production, speeding up the process to create novel food products and nutritional ingredients with less environmental impact and potentially more health benefits. Extracting information from the human genome and combining it with other data on metabolism, immunity, behavior, gut microbes, and clinical variables can enable precision nutrition that helps us make better dietary choices.

Digital biology is also being used in the materials and chemicals industry. For instance, Solugen is using these tools to genetically engineer enzymes to develop more sustainable chemicals.

Other Applications of Digital Biology

These are just some examples of the applications of digital biology. The benefits of digital biology are wide-ranging and will affect numerous professional fields. To understand how your company can harness its potential, let’s look at the benefits it can provide anyone working in the field:


Personalization means tailoring products and services to each individual or group’s specific needs, preferences, and characteristics. Digital biology makes personalization possible by leveraging biological data, like genetic data, to identify each person’s or population’s unique biological features and variations. With this information, digital biology can design and deliver more customized and effective solutions for different biological contexts.


The power of large biological databases isn’t limited to personalization. They can also help companies zero in on solutions with precision. In healthcare, this can improve diagnoses, treatments, and disease prevention. For instance, GRAIL is transforming early cancer detection using digital biology tools. Its multi-cancer early-detection blood tests analyze DNA shed by all cells, including cancer cells, into the bloodstream.

The company adopts ML algorithms trained by massive data sets to identify abnormal methylation patterns on those cell-free DNA fragments that may indicate the presence of cancer, significantly increasing the chance of early cancer detection.


Data and ML can speed up the discovery of new solutions and treatments. Meanwhile, tools like biological sensors can keep track of industrial processes and improve the efficiency with which resources are used. The result is that more products are discovered and developed on faster timelines — all while using fewer resources.


Companies are eager to look for new solutions to reduce costs and improve supply chains of scarce raw materials, especially in the post-pandemic world. For example, properly engineered microorganisms can be deployed to ferment plant-based feedstock to produce products, reducing dependence on traditional raw materials that might be limited and expensive. In this case, computational technologies enable analysis and modeling of the metabolic pathways and gene circuits involved in fermentation, improving yield and scalability.


There is increasing demand from consumers and regulators to move away from traditional, high-carbon-footprint products and processes, developing innovative ways of manufacturing products that are more environmentally sustainable than existing ones.

For example, a few years ago, researchers developed a plastic-eating enzyme called PETase; however, it wasn’t ready on an industrial scale. Using a combination of lab automation and computational technologies, researchers can now test thousands of enzyme variants at speeds traditional experimental methods couldn’t imagine.

The strains can be optimized for the ideal productivity and scalability, while the molecules from plastics breakdown can be reused and synthesized into new materials, reducing carbon footprints.

From precision medicine and disease diagnosis to cultivated meat and sustainable chemicals, digital biology can potentially change the game in several positive ways. With an increasing number of digital biology tools available, there are fewer and fewer excuses not to delve into this promising new field.

By taking the lead in this space, you can spur your organization on to new discoveries and more sustainable processes that will benefit your business and the people you serve for years to come.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Pexels; Thank you!

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Collectly Could Save Medical Providers $200 Billion Thu, 20 Jul 2023 21:06:38 +0000 doctors

In the landscape of healthcare, medical providers face an ongoing challenge with payment collection. The process can be overwhelming, especially […]

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In the landscape of healthcare, medical providers face an ongoing challenge with payment collection. The process can be overwhelming, especially for solo or small practices without the resources to offer electronic billing. Pasadena-based company, Collectly, founded by Levon Brutyan and Max Mizotin, aims to revolutionize this payment collection process, helping medical providers streamline operations and improve financial outcomes.

A recent report revealed that in 2021, medical providers only collected about 55% of the amount owed, a significant decrease from the previous year’s 76% collection rate. This decline poses a substantial challenge for healthcare organizations as patient responsibility continues to grow by approximately 12% annually. With patient payments estimated at around $480 billion, of which $200 billion remains uncollected, hospitals and medical practices face financial strain. Many operate on narrow profit margins, and the inability to collect a significant portion of patient payments further exacerbates their financial challenges.

Recognizing the urgent need for improved payment collection processes, Collectly offers a solution that empowers medical providers to collect payments more efficiently and effectively. By integrating seamlessly with electronic health records and practice management software, Collectly enhances patient billing operations and automates various aspects of the payment collection workflow.

Leveraging technology, Collectly has achieved impressive results. On average, medical group partners using Collectly’s platform experienced a remarkable 75% increase in patient collections. The “days sales outstanding” metric, measuring the average days to collect payments, reduced from 60-90 days to an impressive 12 days. These improvements contribute to enhanced financial outcomes and a remarkable 93% patient satisfaction score, essential for patient retention.

Collectly’s journey began in 2017 as a digital debt collection startup but pivoted after participating in Y Combinator and raising $1.9 million in funding. Since then, Collectly has grown significantly, engaging over 300,000 patients daily and consistently increasing its revenue year over year.

Recognizing its growth and profitability, Collectly recently closed a $29 million Series A funding round, led by Sapphire Ventures, with participation from prominent investors. This brings the total capital raised by Collectly to an impressive $34.1 million.

With this funding success, Collectly plans to enhance its technology and product offerings, continue scaling its operations, and provide greater support to its expanding customer base. The company aims to roll out new products focused on pre-service modules and in-person payments, catering to the evolving needs of healthcare providers and patients. Additionally, Collectly explores the potential of emerging technologies like ChatGPT to enhance the patient experience and resolve billing-related queries promptly.

In summary, Collectly offers hope for medical providers facing complex billing processes and financial challenges. Their innovative solutions streamline payment collection, empowering healthcare organizations to bridge the gap between owed and collected amounts.

With proprietary interfaces seamlessly integrating with healthcare systems, Collectly delivers impressive results, including increased patient collections, reduced collection times, and improved satisfaction. The company’s recent funding success cements its position in the healthcare technology sector, with plans for continued growth and expansion.

As healthcare providers navigate payment collection complexities, Collectly is ready to support their journey towards financial success and improved patient experiences. By harnessing technology and a commitment to innovation, Collectly transforms how medical providers collect payments, one transaction at a time.

First reported on TechCrunch

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is Collectly, and how does it aim to revolutionize payment collection in the healthcare industry?

Collectly is a Pasadena-based company founded by Levon Brutyan and Max Mizotin. It aims to revolutionize the payment collection process for medical providers, especially for solo or small practices lacking resources for electronic billing. By seamlessly integrating with electronic health records and practice management software, Collectly enhances patient billing operations and automates various aspects of the payment collection workflow.

Q. Why is payment collection a persistent challenge for medical providers in the healthcare industry?

Medical providers face challenges in payment collection due to confusing healthcare bills and the potential for lost or overlooked paper bills. In 2021, medical providers collected only about 55% of the amount they were owed, a significant decrease from the previous year’s 76% collection rate. Patient responsibility continues to grow annually, putting financial strain on hospitals and medical practices. With a substantial portion of patient payments remaining uncollected, healthcare organizations face further financial challenges, especially those operating on narrow profit margins.

Q. How has Collectly’s technology improved payment collection for medical providers?

Leveraging technology, Collectly has enabled medical group partners using its platform to achieve a remarkable 75% increase in patient collections on average. The “days sales outstanding” metric, measuring the average days to collect payments, has been reduced from 60-90 days to an impressive 12 days. These improvements not only contribute to enhanced financial outcomes but also result in a remarkable 93% patient satisfaction score, crucial for patient retention.

Q. When did Collectly begin its journey, and how has it evolved since then?

Collectly’s journey began in 2017 as a digital debt collection startup. However, after participating in the prestigious Y Combinator program and raising $1.9 million in funding, the company pivoted its focus towards automating and streamlining billing operations as a patient financial engagement company. Since then, Collectly has grown significantly, engaging over 300,000 patients daily and consistently increasing its revenue year over year.

Q. What recent funding milestone has Collectly achieved, and how will it use the capital?

Recognizing its impressive growth and profitability, Collectly recently closed a $29 million Series A funding round, led by Sapphire Ventures, with participation from prominent investors. This brings the total capital raised by Collectly to an impressive $34.1 million. The company plans to utilize the newly acquired capital to enhance its technology and product offerings, ensuring that medical providers can continue to benefit from cutting-edge solutions. Additionally, Collectly aims to double its team’s size by the end of the year, enabling the company to scale its operations and provide even greater support to its growing customer base.

Q. How does Collectly plan to address the evolving needs of healthcare providers and patients?

Collectly aims to roll out new products focused on pre-service modules and in-person payments, catering to the evolving needs of healthcare providers and patients. By staying at the forefront of emerging technologies, such as ChatGPT, Collectly seeks to harness the power of artificial intelligence to enhance the patient experience and promptly resolve billing-related queries.

Q. What implications does Collectly’s success have for the healthcare technology sector?

Collectly’s impressive results and recent funding success solidify its position as a key player in the healthcare technology sector. As the company continues to grow and expand, it showcases the importance of innovative solutions for payment collection in the healthcare industry. Other healthcare technology companies may look to Collectly as a model for success and inspiration in developing similar transformative solutions.

Q. How can Collectly’s solutions benefit medical providers and patients in the long term?

Collectly’s streamlined payment collection solutions can significantly benefit medical providers by increasing collections, reducing collection times, and improving financial outcomes. Patients, on the other hand, can enjoy a more seamless billing process, leading to increased satisfaction and retention. By empowering healthcare organizations with technology-driven payment collection tools, Collectly contributes to improved financial success and enhanced patient experiences in the long term.

Q. How can healthcare providers avail Collectly’s services and integrate their systems?

Healthcare providers interested in leveraging Collectly’s payment collection solutions can explore partnership opportunities and reach out to the company to discuss integration options with their existing electronic health records and practice management software. By seamlessly integrating Collectly’s technology, medical providers can benefit from streamlined billing operations and improved financial outcomes.

Featured Image Credit: Unsplash

The post Collectly Could Save Medical Providers $200 Billion appeared first on ReadWrite.

New Polymer Materials Could Revolutionize Wearable Medical Devices Tue, 18 Jul 2023 21:43:54 +0000 Revolutionize Wearable Medical Devices

It’s easy to see why wearable medical devices have become increasingly popular in recent years. These gadgets have been made […]

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Revolutionize Wearable Medical Devices

It’s easy to see why wearable medical devices have become increasingly popular in recent years. These gadgets have been made to be worn on the body and offer a wide variety of advantages to the user. Wearables have enormous potential to transform the healthcare system, particularly in vitals monitoring and activity tracking. Materials that can intelligently and autonomously adapt to the wearer’s movements and changing environmental conditions are necessary for these devices to be truly effective. Polymers are helpful for this purpose.

Polymers are synthetic macromolecules characterized by long, repeating chains of monomers. They have many uses, ranging from plastics and textiles to medicine and electronics. Polymers’ versatility in responding to shifting environmental conditions makes them ideal for use in wearable technology. Some polymers, for instance, are well-suited for use in soft robotics and smart skin applications because their rigidity can be altered depending on environmental conditions.

Polymer materials with built-in switchability have recently been developed by scientists at the Universities of Stuttgart and Tubingen; these materials hold great promise for future wearable medical technology. These materials are extremely flexible because of their ability to adjust to their surroundings automatically. Even when subjected to large deformations, they can still undergo elastic changes that allow them to conform to the needs of the application at hand.

The researchers detail their methodology for creating these smart polymer materials in a paper published in Advanced Materials Technologies. As the wearer moves and the surrounding environment shifts, the material’s properties can change on their own. Due to their malleability, these materials have been dubbed “intelligent rubber materials” by the study’s authors.

These smart polymer materials have a wide range of possible applications in the medical field. For instance, they might be used to make soft exoskeletons that help stroke patients walk again. These tools would benefit from variable viscoelastic properties to accommodate fast and slow motion. Researchers at the Universities of Stuttgart and Tubingen have created intelligent polymer materials capable of doing just that, making them ideal for use in soft robotics.

These materials may also find use in the delivery of drugs through the skin in a controlled fashion. This material can be used as a patch for transdermal drug delivery due to its hydro-adaptability and reversible water absorption capacity. The researchers found that the patch itself regulated the release of the active ingredient in response to the varying moisture levels of the wound, allowing them to conduct experiments with the release of the painkiller diclofenac in a skin model.

In the future, researchers at the Universities of Stuttgart and Tubingen hope to look into multifunctional material systems that can both respond actively to triggers like electrical stimuli while also adapting on their own to their surroundings. Additionally, they intend to model and predict complex architectures with the help of simulations.

The university’s Data-Integrated Simulation Science (SimTech) cluster of excellence also benefits from the findings of the polymer materials research. Polymer research combined with data-integrated simulation science paves the way for next-generation wearable medical devices that can respond to patients’ needs in any setting.

In conclusion, intelligent polymer materials are an integral part of the future of wearable medical devices, which have the potential to alter the healthcare system radically. Researchers at the Universities of Stuttgart and Tubingen are paving the way for cutting-edge wearable medical devices by developing materials that can adapt autonomously to the wearer’s movements and changing environmental conditions. Everything from flexible exoskeletons to transdermal drug patches is within reach. These tools have the potential to revolutionize medical practice with more study and refinement.

First reported on

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What are wearable medical devices, and why are they becoming more popular?

Wearable medical devices are gadgets designed to be worn on the body, offering various advantages to users. Their popularity has surged due to their ability to monitor vital signs and track activities, providing valuable health insights in real-time.

Q. What role do polymers play in wearable medical devices?

Polymers, which are synthetic macromolecules with repeating chains of monomers, are versatile materials used in a wide range of applications, including wearables. Their ability to intelligently respond to changing environmental conditions makes them ideal for wearable technology, such as soft robotics and smart skin applications.

Q. What are “intelligent rubber materials,” and how do they work?

“Intelligent rubber materials” refer to smart polymer materials developed by researchers at the Universities of Stuttgart and Tubingen. These materials are highly flexible and automatically adjust their properties based on the wearer’s movements and the surrounding environment, making them suitable for various medical applications.

Q. What are some potential applications of smart polymer materials in the medical field?

Smart polymer materials hold great promise for wearable medical devices. They could be used in soft exoskeletons to aid stroke patients in walking by accommodating both fast and slow motion. Additionally, these materials might enable controlled drug delivery through the skin, providing transdermal drug patches that adjust release based on moisture levels.

Q. What are the future research directions for intelligent polymer materials?

Researchers are interested in exploring multifunctional material systems that can actively respond to triggers like electrical stimuli while adapting autonomously to their surroundings. Furthermore, they aim to model and predict complex architectures using simulations, paving the way for even more advanced wearable medical devices.

Q. How could wearable medical devices impact the healthcare system?

Wearable medical devices have the potential to revolutionize the healthcare system by providing continuous and personalized health monitoring. They enable early detection of health issues, remote patient monitoring, and more efficient treatment plans, leading to improved patient outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.

Q. Are there any challenges or limitations in using intelligent polymer materials for wearable medical devices?

While intelligent polymer materials offer exciting possibilities, there may be challenges related to their integration into complex wearable devices and ensuring long-term durability and biocompatibility. Addressing these challenges will be crucial to harness these materials’ potential in medical applications fully.

Q. How might wearable medical devices with intelligent polymer materials benefit patients and healthcare professionals?

Wearable medical devices with intelligent polymer materials can enhance patient care by providing real-time health data and insights. These devices enable remote monitoring and early intervention for healthcare professionals, leading to more proactive and personalized treatment approaches.

Q. When can we expect to see wearable medical devices with these advanced materials in the market?

The timeline for market availability of wearable medical devices using intelligent polymer materials may vary. As researchers continue to refine and study these materials, technological advancements and regulatory approvals will significantly determine when these devices become widely accessible to the public.

Q. How might the integration of polymer research with data-integrated simulation science benefit wearable medical devices?

Combining polymer research with data-integrated simulation science, as done by the SimTech cluster of excellence at the Universities of Stuttgart, can accelerate the development of next-generation wearable medical devices. This interdisciplinary approach allows for more accurate predictions, optimization, and customization of wearable devices to better meet patients’ needs.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Fly-D; Unsplash; Thank you!

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How AI Can Save Your Life With a Simple Scan Mon, 17 Jul 2023 18:39:24 +0000 MRI scan

In spite of AI’s widespread impact, preventive medicine is where it’s really making waves. Full-body AI scans are quickly becoming […]

The post How AI Can Save Your Life With a Simple Scan appeared first on ReadWrite.

MRI scan

In spite of AI’s widespread impact, preventive medicine is where it’s really making waves. Full-body AI scans are quickly becoming the gold standard in preventative healthcare. Experts predict that these scans will radically alter the way we think about and care for our health. Using MRI technology and artificial intelligence, full-body scans can detect health problems before they become severe. This article explores how artificial intelligence (AI) is changing preventative healthcare with the help of whole-body scans.

Prenuvo is a health tech company that has created a revolutionary full-body scan powered by artificial intelligence. Every system and nearly all organs, from head to toe, are analyzed using MRI and AI in this scan. From abnormalities in the brain to liver lesions, it can detect it all. This method does not cause any harm to the patient and does not use radiation, so it examines every possible area. A full report with pictures and explanations is delivered to you within 48 hours.

There are a lot of benefits to using AI in full-body scans. This innovation is a guilt-free, all-encompassing health checkup that flags potential issues before they become serious. The ability to foresee and avoid health disasters is made possible by this technology. It’s a huge step forward in the field of preventative medicine. Compared to conventional CT scans or X-rays, this technology is less invasive and more comfortable for the patient.

Full-body scans powered by AI can detect potential health issues, but they may also find “incidentalomas,” or non-symptomatic findings. It’s possible that this will cause extra anxiety, extra testing, and even overtreatment. Keep in mind that while these scans are quite effective, they are not infallible. As with any diagnostic procedure, there is always the chance of an erroneous result.

The potential loss of personal privacy is a major worry when using such tools. A mountain of sensitive health information is produced by the scans and then stored and processed so that you can get your results. Data breaches in the digital world are unfortunately a reality, despite the efforts of companies like Prenuvo to ensure the security and privacy of your data. Then the question is, “Who can see your health records?” As for the safety, how confident can you feel? Despite the fact that health records are typically encrypted and anonymized, some degree of risk still exists.

The emphasis on preventive care and AI, while positive, may lead to an over-reliance on technology and a corresponding under-utilization of human medical expertise as AI continues to revolutionize the healthcare system. Will this pave the way for healthcare that successfully integrates technology and human intelligence? What will happen next is anyone’s guess.

If you’re ready to take charge of your health and embark on this journey with Prenuvo, you can do so quickly and easily. Across the United States, Prenuvo has seven offices: in Boca Raton, Florida; Chicago, Illinois; Dallas, Texas; Los Angeles, California; Minneapolis, Minnesota; New York City, New York; and Silicon Valley, California. Atlanta, Boston, Denver, Phoenix, Seattle, and Washington, DC are just some of the cities that will soon have locations.

In today’s progressive society, it’s increasingly possible to gain access to preventative healthcare that is powered by artificial intelligence. With the potential of AI still untapped, the healthcare sector is one in which to work. Full-body scans powered by AI will allow us to spot health problems early and stop them in their tracks. The future of healthcare is in prevention, so it’s time to take charge of your health.

In conclusion, AI is revolutionizing healthcare, and AI-enhanced full-body scans are at the vanguard of preventive medicine. We will be able to catch health problems early and stop them before they get worse thanks to this new technology. The risks associated with this technology are outweighed by its benefits. Full-body scans powered by artificial intelligence are the future of preventive healthcare, and it’s time to embrace it.

First reported on Fox News

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Prenuvo, and how does it contribute to the field of preventative medicine?

A: Prenuvo is a health tech company that has developed a revolutionary full-body scan powered by AI. The scan utilizes MRI technology to analyze every system and nearly all organs from head to toe. It can detect abnormalities and potential health issues without causing harm to the patient and without using radiation. A detailed report with images and explanations is delivered to patients within 48 hours.

Q: What are the benefits of using AI in full-body scans?

A: AI-powered full-body scans offer guilt-free, comprehensive health checkups that can flag potential health issues before they become severe. This technology allows for early detection and avoidance of health disasters, making it a significant advancement in the field of preventative medicine. Compared to traditional CT scans or X-rays, AI scans are less invasive and more comfortable for patients.

Q: Are there any potential drawbacks to using AI-powered full-body scans?

A: While AI scans are effective in detecting potential health issues, they may also find non-symptomatic findings called “incidentalomas.” This could lead to extra anxiety, additional testing, and potentially overtreatment. Additionally, like any diagnostic procedure, there is always a chance of an erroneous result.

Q: What are the privacy concerns associated with AI-powered full-body scans?

A: The scans generate a vast amount of sensitive health information, raising concerns about personal privacy and data security. While companies like Prenuvo strive to ensure the security and privacy of data, the possibility of data breaches remains a reality.

Q: Could an over-reliance on AI in preventive care diminish the role of human medical expertise?

A: The emphasis on AI and preventive care could lead to an over-reliance on technology, potentially under-utilizing human medical expertise in the healthcare system. The integration of technology and human intelligence in healthcare remains uncertain.

Q: Where can individuals access Prenuvo’s AI-powered full-body scans?

A: Prenuvo has offices in several locations across the United States, including Boca Raton, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York City, and Silicon Valley. More cities, such as Atlanta, Boston, Denver, Phoenix, Seattle, and Washington, DC, will soon have locations.

Q: What does the future hold for AI-powered full-body scans and preventative healthcare?

A: The article suggests that AI-powered full-body scans are the future of preventative healthcare. With the potential of AI technology still untapped, the healthcare sector is likely to see further advancements in the field of prevention.

Featured Image Credit: Unsplash

The post How AI Can Save Your Life With a Simple Scan appeared first on ReadWrite.

Empowering Lives with Cutting-Edge Medical and Healthcare IoT Solutions Tue, 11 Jul 2023 22:19:42 +0000 Healthcare IoT Solutions

The explosive surge in the adoption of IoT technology has paved the way for remarkable advancements in network technologies. Believe […]

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Healthcare IoT Solutions

The explosive surge in the adoption of IoT technology has paved the way for remarkable advancements in network technologies. Believe it or not, experts are saying that the Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to rake in a mind-blowing $13 trillion in cold hard cash by 2025, which is some serious dough!

This mind-boggling number gives us a glimpse into the massive moolah that can be made from the widespread adoption of IoT – enabled devices across the medical and health services industry. How to use technology and create a rad future where everything is interconnected, IoT in healthcare is set to shake things up.

This technology connects a wide range of individuals, including healthcare physicians, nurses, doctors, specialists, hospital administrations, insurance companies, and even patients, fostering a networked community.

“Supercharging Healthcare” Where IoT Technology is Revolutionizing Your Health

Imagine a world where your health is constantly monitored and managed by smart devices. That’s the power of IoT smart healthcare solutions. These pioneering technologies are transforming how we care for ourselves, making it easier than ever to stay healthy and independent.

Let’s break it down with some real-life examples. Picture a smartwatch that tracks your heart rate, sleep patterns and even reminds you to take your medication. It’s like having a personal health coach right on your wrist! But it doesn’t stop there. IoT smart healthcare solutions transcend the realm of activewear, encompassing a wide range of IoT-enabled devices that revolutionize the healthcare industry. Think of a smart pill bottle that alerts you when it’s time to refill your prescription or a smart refrigerator that keeps track of your food inventory and suggests healthy recipes based on your dietary needs.

A recent news article highlighted the functionality of wearable IoT devices, such as fitness trackers and smartwatches, in providing users with instant access to crucial health metrics. Additionally, the article emphasized how IoT platforms offer a vast array of educational resources, including informative articles, videos, and interactive tools, covering diverse aspects of health and well-being. By leveraging these resources, individuals can receive expert advice, empowering them to make informed decisions regarding their lifestyle, exercise routines, and nutrition, effectively becoming their own health experts.

These innovations aren’t just convenient; they are considerably life-saving. Picture this: a futuristic Iot-enabled smart home system that has your back in times of need; if you were to fall, this intelligent system instantly detects the incident and automatically contacts emergency services on your behalf. It’s like having a 24/7 guardian angel, ready to leap into action and ensure your safety.

With IoT-smart healthcare solutions, managing chronic conditions becomes a breeze. Visualize a smart inhaler that tracks your medication usage and sends reminders when it’s time for a refill. Or a glucose monitor that wirelessly sends your blood sugar readings to your doctor, helping them adjust your treatment plan in real-time.

The possibilities are endless, and IoT-smart healthcare solutions are making them a reality. They empower us to take control of our health and live more independently, all thanks to the power of smart devices and interconnected technologies.

IoT Health Tech: Empowering Med Pros & Consumers via IoT-Enabled Health Services and Devices

Let’s see how

Medical pros and regular folks are tapping into the awesomeness of IoT-enabled health services and devices to level up their healthcare regime with the IoT technology platforms. Integrating IoT technology into healthcare services unveils a vast array of transformative possibilities, revolutionizing how anyone monitors, diagnoses, and treats patients.

  1. Remote patient monitoring with no sweat: Regarding IoT-enabled health services, docs can gather real-time patient data without breaking a sweat. IoT wearable devices are z-packed with sensors that monitor heart rate, blood pressure, and glucose levels. That info gets zapped straight to the healthcare provider’s lives and kicking. It’s akin to having a personal health genie ensuring to receive timely and appropriate care effortlessly!
  2. Get fit and stay lit: It’s not just the pro-people who are benefited from IoT tech. Regular folks can jump on the bandwagon too. Picture this: rockin’ fitness trackers strapped to your wrist, constantly monitoring your activity levels, sleep quality, and even counting those calories you’re torching. They dish out valuable insights and keep you pumped to make healthier choices. Stay fit and stay lit, my friend!
  3. Epic health platforms: Check out these excellent IoT platforms where all your health data chills. They’re like the ultimate hubs where medical pros can peep into a complete picture of your health, which means better diagnoses and treatment plans customized exclusively to suit your needs and even access your own health records, taking charge of your well-being. It becomes a boss-level control!
  4. Hassle-free communication and telemedicine: With the power of IoT-enabled devices and platforms, connecting with healthcare professionals has never been more accessible. Thanks to telemedicine apps, you can secure virtual appointments with your doctor, saving you the hassle of schlepping yourself to the clinic. It’s a revolutionary breakthrough, mainly if you reside in a remote location or face mobility challenges. So sit back, relax, and let the technology handle the communication!
  5. Smart medication management: Touching some next-level medication management with IoT technology like smart pill dispensers can get your back by reminding you when it’s time to pop those pills. There will be no more missing doses; it can even notify your healthcare provider if you accidentally skip a med, keeping your treatment plan on point.
  6. Preventive care and early intervention: IoT devices are here to help you stay ahead of the game regarding your health. Check out some smart scales that track your weight and body composition over time. They’ll alert you and your doc if anything major changes, giving you a heads-up on potential health issues. These devices are lifesaving gadgets for catching problems early and better outcomes with total healthcare domination.
  7. Improved post-discharge monitoring: IoT devices have your back once you leave the hospital by keeping tabs on your recovery. Wearables and sensors track vital signs, wound healing progress, and all your movements. Your healthcare peeps can swoop in if anything funky goes down.
  8. Efficient resource management: IoT technology is about maximizing healthcare facility resources. Take a scenario where connected medical equipment seamlessly transmits real-time information about usage, maintenance requirements, and availability; this enables healthcare providers to allocate resources like true masters, optimizing workflow and delivering the utmost level of care. The efficiency reaches peak levels due to management via IoT devices.
  9. Advanced analytics and predictive models: Thanks to the wealth of information gathered by IoT devices, advanced analytics, and predictive models can uncover hidden patterns, detect emerging trends, and raise alarm bells when red flags appear. Your healthcare team can harness this data-driven prowess and precisely predict and prevent health issues. With data as your trusted guide, you hold the key to your health’s future right in your palm.
  10. Empowering patient education: In the realm of patient education, IoT health devices and platforms have been making waves in empowering individuals to take control of their health and well-being. Recent news reports highlight how live health data, interactive educational resources, and personalized recommendations are revolutionizing how people approach their lifestyle choices.

IoT in Healthcare: Key Benefits

IoT in healthcare brings forth a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Penny-pinching: Utilizing IoT technology for real-time patient monitoring significantly decreases the necessity for unnecessary doctor visits, hospital stays, and readmissions, resulting in saving your every extra penny.
  • Top-notch care: IoT empowers physicians to make well-informed decisions based on evidence, ensuring transparency and enhancing the quality of treatment, providing patients with top-notch care.
  • Swift problem detection: Continuous patient monitoring and real-time data analysis enable early disease detection and timely intervention, even before symptoms manifest, facilitating the swift detection of illnesses.
  • Stay one step ahead: With continuous health monitoring through IoT; healthcare providers can stay one step ahead by delivering proactive and personalized medical treatment, addressing potential issues before they escalate.
  • Smooth sailing in the med world: IoT-enabled devices streamline the management of drugs and medical equipment, ensuring efficient utilization and reduced costs within the healthcare industry, making it a breeze to navigate the world of medications and equipment.
  • Trimming the fat: IoT-generated data aids in effective decision-making, minimizing errors, waste, and overall system costs, resulting in a lean and efficient healthcare operation with reduced room for errors.

While healthcare IoT offers immense opportunities, challenges must be addressed, particularly regarding data security. Safeguarding sensitive information through robust security measures is crucial. It opens up new horizons for patient care through real-time health monitoring and access to patients’ health data.

This valuable data serves as a treasure trove for healthcare stakeholders, enabling them to enhance patient health and experiences, unlock revenue opportunities, and optimize healthcare operations. Being well-prepared to harness this digital power will serve as a critical differentiator in an ever more connected world.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Thank you!

The post Empowering Lives with Cutting-Edge Medical and Healthcare IoT Solutions appeared first on ReadWrite.

The One-Time Shot That Could End Type 2 Diabetes Mon, 10 Jul 2023 15:54:49 +0000 End Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by high blood sugar […]

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End Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by high blood sugar levels, which can lead to various complications such as cardiovascular disease, kidney damage, and nerve damage. Currently, the standard treatment for type 2 diabetes involves lifestyle modifications, oral medications, and insulin injections.

However, a biotech company called Fractyl Health is developing a groundbreaking one-time gene therapy that could revolutionize how type 2 diabetes is treated. This article will explore the potential of this innovative treatment and its implications for patients.

Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder

Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disorder that occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin or doesn’t produce enough. Insulin is a hormone the pancreas produces that helps regulate blood sugar levels. When the body becomes insulin resistant, glucose builds up in the bloodstream, leading to high blood sugar levels.

Currently, the mainstay of treatment for type 2 diabetes includes lifestyle modifications such as diet and exercise, oral medications that help lower blood sugar levels, and insulin injections for individuals who cannot achieve glycemic control with other treatments. However, these treatments often require lifelong commitment and can be associated with side effects and the potential for medication non-adherence.

Need for ongoing therapy to maintain efficacy

One of the challenges with current treatments for type 2 diabetes is the need for ongoing therapy to maintain efficacy. Medications like Ozempic and Wegovy, which mimic a hormone called, GLP-1, need to be taken weekly as injections. GLP-1 is released in the gut in response to eating and helps regulate blood sugar levels and appetite. These medications can lead to weight loss by reducing cravings and promoting a feeling of fullness.

However, they can be expensive and have side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, and constipation, which may cause some individuals to discontinue treatment.

Fractyl Health aims to address the limitations of current treatments by developing one-time gene therapy for type 2 diabetes. The company’s approach involves delivering an artificial gene to the pancreas, continuously producing the GLP-1 hormone. By doing so, there would be no need for weekly injections, and the therapeutic effects of the hormone could be sustained for years.

Gene therapy is a cutting-edge field

Gene therapy is a cutting-edge field that utilizes inactivated viruses to deliver therapeutic genes to specific cells. In the case of Fractyl Health’s treatment, the inactivated viruses would carry the gene responsible for producing the GLP-1 hormone to pancreatic cells. This approach has shown promise in animal studies, reducing fasting blood sugar levels by 70 percent, slightly more than the effects of semaglutide, a current GLP-1 mimicking medication.

If Fractyl Health’s one-time gene therapy proves successful in human trials, it could offer several potential benefits for individuals with type 2 diabetes. Firstly, it would eliminate the need for regular injections, reducing the treatment burden and potentially improving medication adherence.

Secondly, by continuously producing the GLP-1 hormone, the therapy could help regulate blood sugar levels more effectively than current treatments, reducing the risk of long-term complications. Lastly, sustained weight loss could be achieved, as the therapy would mimic the effects of GLP-1 on appetite regulation.

One-time gene therapy for type 2 diabetes

While the concept of one-time gene therapy for type 2 diabetes is promising, several challenges and considerations still need to be addressed. Firstly, the safety and efficacy of the therapy need to be thoroughly evaluated in human clinical trials. Animal studies provide valuable insights but may not always translate to the same outcomes in humans.

Additionally, the cost and accessibility of gene therapy need to be considered, as this form of treatment can be expensive and may not be accessible to all individuals with type 2 diabetes.

Fractyl Health’s one-time gene therapy for type 2 diabetes holds tremendous potential for transforming the way this chronic condition is managed. By delivering a therapeutic gene to the pancreas, the therapy aims to continuously produce the GLP-1 hormone, eliminating the need for regular injections and potentially offering long-lasting benefits.

Challenges to overcome and further research

While there are still challenges to overcome and further research to be conducted, this innovative approach represents a significant step forward in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. As we await further developments, it is important to remember that current treatment options are available and should be discussed with healthcare professionals for optimal management of the condition.

First reported on Wired

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is type 2 diabetes?

A: Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by high blood sugar levels, which can lead to various complications such as cardiovascular disease, kidney damage, and nerve damage.

Q: What are the current treatments for type 2 diabetes?

A: The mainstay of treatment for type 2 diabetes includes lifestyle modifications such as diet and exercise, oral medications that help lower blood sugar levels, and insulin injections for individuals who cannot achieve glycemic control with other treatments.

Q: What is Fractyl Health’s one-time gene therapy for type 2 diabetes?

A: Fractyl Health’s one-time gene therapy for type 2 diabetes aims to deliver a therapeutic gene to the pancreas, which continuously produces the GLP-1 hormone. By doing so, there would be no need for weekly injections, and the therapeutic effects of the hormone could be sustained for years.

Q: What are the potential benefits of Fractyl Health’s one-time gene therapy?

A: If Fractyl Health’s one-time gene therapy proves successful in human trials, it could offer several potential benefits for individuals with type 2 diabetes. Firstly, it would eliminate the need for regular injections, reducing the burden of treatment and potentially improving medication adherence. Secondly, by continuously producing the GLP-1 hormone, the therapy could help regulate blood sugar levels more effectively than current treatments, reducing the risk of long-term complications. Lastly, sustained weight loss could be achieved, as the therapy would mimic the effects of GLP-1 on appetite regulation.

Q: What challenges and considerations need to be addressed with one-time gene therapy?

A: Firstly, the safety and efficacy of the therapy need to be thoroughly evaluated in human clinical trials. Animal studies provide valuable insights, but they may not always translate to the same outcomes in humans. Additionally, the cost and accessibility of gene therapy need to be considered, as this form of treatment can be expensive and may not be accessible to all individuals with type 2 diabetes.

Q: What are the next steps for Fractyl Health?

A: Fractyl Health is currently conducting clinical trials to evaluate the safety and efficacy of its one-time gene therapy for type 2 diabetes. If the trials are successful, the therapy could be available to patients in the future.

Featured Image Credit: Steven Cornfield; Pexels; Thank you!

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Why Proactivity With Data Security and Privacy Is More Important Than Ever — and How to Be on Top of It Thu, 29 Jun 2023 19:00:40 +0000

Data masking is a security and data privacy technique that obscures or anonymizes specific data elements within a database, application, or […]

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Data masking is a security and data privacy technique that obscures or anonymizes specific data elements within a database, application, or file. Its primary purpose is to protect sensitive information, such as personally identifiable information, protected health information, and financial data, from unauthorized access.

Why is data security important in healthcare in particular? For one, healthcare organizations collect and store extremely sensitive patient information. In the wrong hands, it can be used for identity theft, fraud, and other malicious purposes. Its importance is only increasing, too: According to a report by the Ponemon Institute, 89% of healthcare organizations experienced cyberattacks — 43 on average — between 2021 and 2022.

Effective Data Security Precautions

Healthcare organizations should implement comprehensive security measures, data privacy protocols, and risk management strategies to address these data security issues. This includes doing regular security risk assessments, implementing encryption and access controls, conducting regular training for employees, and ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations. By prioritizing data security, healthcare organizations can safeguard patient data and maintain trust with their patients.

Protecting Patient Privacy With Data Masking

Data masking is useful for resolving data security issues in healthcare. Essentially, data masking creates a duplicate of a database and replaces sensitive data with fictitious data that preserves the data’s structure and format. For instance, a financial institution may use data masking to safeguard its customers’ social security numbers or account numbers while enabling the testing and development of new applications with a production-like dataset. Credit card numbers, social security numbers, and names can all be masked to protect sensitive information without compromising the dataset’s integrity.

Data masking is crucial when third-party vendors or offshore teams handle sensitive data.

Companies can use it to ensure regulatory compliance without denying developers, analysts, and testers the ability to work with real-time datasets. We all know by now that data privacy and security are necessary to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access, theft, or misuse. The consequences of failing to protect data can be severe; it could result easily in financial loss, legal liability, reputational damage, and loss of customer trust.

How to Prevent Security Breaches in Healthcare

Data masking’s ability to reduce the risk of data breaches and theft by limiting access to sensitive information is arguably what makes it most useful.

Even if an attacker gains unauthorized access to a masked dataset, the information is useless without the means to de-identify the data.

Now that you know why data security is important in healthcare, follow these five steps to start using it:

1. Identify sensitive data.

Begin by identifying your most sensitive data. Scan all available resources and implement appropriate security measures to protect the data. When you know what data is on your servers and equipment, you can better protect it with cutting-edge techniques. This could mean using data masking or encryption to safeguard sensitive information.

2. Do your research.

It’s essential to stay informed about the latest security threats and trends by regularly reviewing industry news and participating in relevant training and conferences. This can help you stay ahead of potential vulnerabilities and emerging threats. By proactively staying in the know, you will maximize your data protection.

3. Verify, don’t trust.

Implement strong access controls and permissions for your data to ensure that only authorized users can view or modify it. This can involve setting up multifactor authentication and limiting user access based on job function or seniority. Because zero-trust architecture is necessary to fully protect all business systems and data, it’s now standard across all government systems.

4. Continuously audit your systems.

Security and data privacy is not a one-and-done deal. It requires constant vigilance. Regularly audit your systems and data to identify and address any vulnerabilities or weaknesses in your security protocols. This includes conducting security assessments, penetration testing, and vulnerability scans to identify and remediate security risks.

5. Find the right solution.

When implementing data masking, it’s important to carefully evaluate and select a solution that meets your organization’s needs, budget, and compliance requirements.

Consider factors such as ease of use, scalability, and data integrity when choosing a data masking tool.

If the solution isn’t personalized to you, it could cause more problems than it resolves.

6. Apply masking when copying data to lower environments.

Development and testing teams needing access to production-like data should leverage masking to ensure no sensitive data makes it into lower environments. This enables them to freely leverage that data without risking data breaches or compliance violations.

Data masking is an important technique that protects sensitive data in various applications. It uses fake data to conceal real data from unauthorized users. When facing modern cyber threats, data masking is foundational to protecting your business data.

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Transforming Stroke Diagnosis: Startup Raises £1.6m to Drive Innovation Tue, 27 Jun 2023 17:32:02 +0000 Tech that diagnoses strokes

In a significant development for the healthcare industry, a British startup has successfully secured £1.6m in seed funding to develop […]

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Tech that diagnoses strokes
In a significant development for the healthcare industry, a British startup has successfully secured £1.6m in seed funding to develop a handheld blood test device that can rapidly diagnose strokes. Upfront Diagnostics, formerly known as Pockit, aims to transform stroke diagnosis worldwide by providing actionable insights to healthcare professionals in a matter of minutes. This breakthrough technology has the potential to revolutionize stroke management and significantly impact patient care.

Upfront Diagnostics’ innovative device, known as the “LVOne,” is designed to identify biomarkers that indicate a patient is experiencing a large vessel occlusion (LVO) stroke. By taking a small blood sample, the LVOne can provide a diagnosis in less than 15 minutes, saving valuable time compared to current methods that rely on physical tests and brain scans. This accelerated diagnosis allows for prompt treatment, reducing the risk of death or disability associated with strokes.

The seed funding round, led by Apex Ventures’ medical fund, signifies a major milestone for Upfront Diagnostics. Apex Ventures, a deep tech-focused VC firm, recognizes the potential impact of this handheld blood test device on the healthcare industry. Additionally, Upfront Diagnostics has received grant funding from SBRI Healthcare in partnership with the Stroke Association, further validating the importance and potential of their technology.

To ensure the effectiveness and accuracy of their device, Upfront Diagnostics conducted validation tests on 270 patients at the Royal Infirmary Hospital in Newcastle. Although the device has not yet received clinical approval, the company plans to utilize the proceeds from the funding round to scale the technology and meet regulatory requirements. Upfront Diagnostics aims to obtain a UK Conformity Assessed checkmark, signifying compliance with British legislation, by the end of 2023. They also have ambitions to achieve CE marking, the EU equivalent, by mid-2025.

Upfront Diagnostics is focusing its efforts on early stroke diagnosis, as it has the potential to reduce disabilities resulting from LVO strokes by up to 20%. Time is of the essence when treating strokes, as there is a six-hour optimal window for doctors to manually remove large clots from the brain. The LVOne device can significantly increase the rate of patients treated within this critical timeframe, improving outcomes and saving lives.

While the primary focus of Upfront Diagnostics is stroke diagnosis, there is potential for their technology to be applicable to other medical conditions. The company has indicated that their handheld device could potentially be used for diagnosing concussions or Alzheimer’s disease. This versatility highlights the broader impact and potential of their innovative approach to point-of-care testing.

Upfront Diagnostics, founded in 2017 by a group of Cambridge students, has come a long way in a relatively short time. With the support of Cambridge Enterprise, an arm of the University of Cambridge that helps academics commercialize their ideas, the startup has received £75,000 in funding. While their most recent Companies House filings show net liabilities, Upfront Diagnostics remains determined to bring their groundbreaking technology to market.

The potential impact of Upfront Diagnostics’ rapid blood test device extends beyond individual patient care. Dr. Pooja Sikka, a general practitioner in the UK and venture partner at APEX Ventures Medical Fund, emphasizes the broader benefits of effective point-of-care testing. By improving diagnostics and optimizing care pathways for strokes, the healthcare workforce and social care system can experience positive transformations. Stroke, a preventable disease that is unfortunately on the rise, requires innovative solutions to address the growing need for accurate diagnosis and timely treatment.

First reported on UK Tech News

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ChatGPT-4: Revolutionizing Artificial Intelligence in Challenging Cases Mon, 19 Jun 2023 21:20:55 +0000

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives, revolutionizing various industries. One of the latest advancements in […]

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives, revolutionizing various industries. One of the latest advancements in AI is ChatGPT-4, a powerful language model developed by Microsoft. ChatGPT-4 is making waves in the field of healthcare by providing innovative solutions for challenging medical cases. In this article, we will explore the capabilities of ChatGPT-4, its impact on the medical industry, and the potential it holds for the future.

See also: ChatGPT: Everything You Need to Know and Timeline of Events

ChatGPT-4, developed by Microsoft, is an AI language model that utilizes deep learning algorithms to understand and generate human-like text. It is trained on a vast amount of data, enabling it to process and respond to complex queries with remarkable accuracy. ChatGPT-4 has been specifically designed to excel in challenging medical cases, making it an invaluable tool for healthcare professionals.

One of the key strengths of ChatGPT-4 is its advanced natural language processing capabilities. It can understand and interpret medical jargon, complex diagnoses, and treatment plans, allowing it to provide insightful and accurate responses. Healthcare professionals can leverage ChatGPT-4 to enhance their decision-making process, gain new perspectives, and improve patient outcomes.

ChatGPT-4 has proven to be particularly effective in tackling challenging medical cases that require in-depth analysis and expertise. Let’s explore some of the areas where ChatGPT-4 has made a significant impact.

Diagnosing and treating rare diseases can be a daunting task due to their complexity and limited available information. ChatGPT-4 has the ability to analyze rare disease symptoms, genetic data, and medical history to provide accurate diagnoses and suggest appropriate treatment options. This can significantly improve the chances of timely and effective interventions for patients with rare diseases.

ChatGPT-4 acts as a virtual assistant to healthcare professionals, offering diagnostic support in complex cases. By analyzing patient symptoms, medical records, and test results, ChatGPT-4 can provide valuable insights and help physicians make informed decisions. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of misdiagnosis, leading to better patient outcomes.

Developing personalized treatment plans is crucial for optimizing patient care. ChatGPT-4 assists healthcare professionals in formulating tailored treatment recommendations based on patient-specific factors, such as medical history, genetic predispositions, and lifestyle. This individualized approach can greatly enhance treatment efficacy and patient satisfaction.

Medication interactions can have serious consequences and pose challenges for healthcare providers. ChatGPT-4 aids in analyzing potential drug interactions and offers guidance on dosage adjustments, alternative medications, and potential adverse effects. This ensures patient safety and minimizes the risk of harmful interactions between different medications.

The potential of ChatGPT-4 in the medical industry is immense, and its impact is only expected to grow in the future. Here are some areas where ChatGPT-4 is likely to make significant contributions.

ChatGPT-4 can assist researchers in analyzing vast amounts of medical data, accelerating the research process, and identifying patterns and correlations that may otherwise go unnoticed. By leveraging the power of AI, researchers can uncover new treatment modalities, discover potential drug targets, and advance medical knowledge as a whole.

With the rise of telemedicine and remote care, ChatGPT-4 can play a crucial role in bridging the gap between patients and healthcare providers. It can provide virtual consultations, offer medical advice, and guide patients through self-care routines. This empowers patients to take control of their health while ensuring access to quality healthcare services, regardless of geographical constraints.

ChatGPT-4 has the potential to revolutionize medical education and training. It can serve as a virtual mentor, providing guidance to medical students, residents, and practicing physicians. Through interactive conversations and real-time feedback, ChatGPT-4 can enhance learning experiences, deepen medical knowledge, and improve clinical decision-making skills.

First reported by: Neuroscience News

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B2B Healthcare Marketing Trends You Need to Know for 2023 Mon, 22 May 2023 18:00:39 +0000 Healthcare Marketing Trends

It’s no secret that healthcare marketing trends are rapidly changing, and keeping up with the latest advancements can be challenging. […]

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Healthcare Marketing Trends

It’s no secret that healthcare marketing trends are rapidly changing, and keeping up with the latest advancements can be challenging. With 2023 right around the corner, it’s important to stay ahead of the curve regarding healthcare marketing trends. To help, here are 11 of the best practices for B2B healthcare marketing trends you need to know for the upcoming year.

1. Increasing focus on the customer experience

As the customer experience continues to rise in importance, businesses need to keep up with the latest trends and best practices to ensure they are providing the best experience possible. Here are some of the best practices that B2B companies should be following when it comes to customer experience:

1. Understand customer needs:

It’s important to understand what your customers want and need from you. This can be done through surveys, focus groups, or customer feedback. Make sure to ask for customer input and listen to their feedback to serve them better.

2. Offer personalized experiences:

Customers expect tailored experiences that are tailored to their needs. By using customer data and analytics, businesses can create personalized content, emails, and campaigns that are tailored to each individual customer.

3. Focus on convenience:

Customers want convenience when it comes to interacting with businesses. Offering a variety of ways to interact with your brand, such as online chat, phone, email, and social media, will help make things more convenient for customers.

4. Use technology to enhance customer service:

Technology is an important tool for providing better customer experiences. Companies should leverage AI-powered chatbots, automation tools, and self-service options to make customer interactions more efficient and personalized.

5. Be transparent:

Customers appreciate transparency. Providing accurate information about products and services helps build trust between your brand and customers.

6. Respond quickly:

Customers expect timely responses. Being available and responsive shows customers that you value their business. Responding quickly to customer inquiries can help improve customer satisfaction.

Industry statistics show that 92% of consumers rate an excellent customer experience as very important or essential when deciding which brands to purchase from and that customers who have experienced excellent customer service are three times more likely to recommend a brand to others (Forbes).

For example, Amazon has built a strong customer experience by focusing on convenience and personalization. They offer one-click checkout and personalized recommendations based on past purchases, making shopping easier for customers.

2. The rise of account-based marketing

Account-based marketing (ABM) is an emerging strategy in B2B healthcare marketing. It involves creating targeted campaigns and offers to attract specific, large accounts that have the potential to drive significant value for a business. This targeting method puts the customer first rather than focusing on a generic list of leads. As a result, companies can see a higher ROI from their efforts and better measure their success.

In 2020, Gartner reported that more than 85% of B2B companies use ABM in their overall marketing strategy. Here are some benefits of ABM:

  • It allows you to create highly tailored campaigns for individual accounts with their specific needs in mind.
  • It helps to increase brand visibility and recognition among target accounts.
  • It encourages higher customer loyalty and better customer retention rates.
  • It leads to better conversion rates as customers have already been pre-qualified.
  • It provides greater insight into customer behavior and purchasing patterns.

For example, a B2B healthcare company may use ABM to create an offer specifically tailored to large hospital systems. This could include special discounts or access to new products. By targeting accounts that are likely to be more profitable for the company, ABM helps businesses to focus their marketing efforts and increase ROI.

3. The continued importance of data and analytics

Data and analytics are becoming increasingly important to businesses in all industries, especially B2B healthcare. With the rise of digital channels, businesses are collecting more and more data about their customers and using that data to understand better and serve them. Data-driven insights can be used to improve customer experience, identify trends and make better decisions.

Data-driven insights can help businesses make informed decisions about customer service, product design, marketing campaigns, pricing, and more. By leveraging data, healthcare organizations can gain a better understanding of their customer base, identify potential opportunities and create more personalized customer experiences.

Here are some key industry statistics to keep in mind when thinking about data and analytics:

  • 79% of executives report that their organization has significantly increased its focus on customer experience due to data-driven insights (Gartner).
  • 88% of B2B marketers use analytics to optimize the customer experience (Salesforce).
  • 63% of organizations believe data and analytics will be essential to achieving business goals in the next three years (Accenture).
  • 70% of executives believe that analytics is the most important factor driving business success (Forbes).
  • 83% of companies report increased ROI from data-driven campaigns (Microsoft).

As you can see, the continued importance of data and analytics cannot be underestimated in B2B healthcare marketing. By leveraging data-driven insights, healthcare organizations can gain a better understanding of their customer base and create more personalized experiences that ultimately result in increased ROI.

4. The need for more personalized content

With the rise of digital media, customers expect more personalized content. Personalization has become a key component of successful B2B healthcare marketing. Personalized content not only engages customers but also helps build relationships and trust between the brand and its customers.

To be successful in today’s competitive market, companies need to create content that is tailored to their specific target audience. This can include customizing content according to the customer’s interests and needs and delivering content that resonates with their particular lifestyle.

Here are some key points to consider when creating personalized content:

  • Utilize data analytics to understand your target audience and create content that resonates with them.
  • Create content that is tailored to different segments of your target audience.
  • Leverage customer feedback to understand what types of content they respond to.
  • Leverage A/B testing to understand which pieces of content are performing best.
  • Incorporate interactive elements like videos, surveys, and polls into your content.

According to a recent study, personalizing marketing messages can increase conversions by up to 30%. For example, an email campaign tailored to the needs of a particular segment can increase click-through rates by 40%, while personalizing a website landing page can lead to up to 11% higher conversions.

By leveraging data and analytics, companies can create highly personalized content that resonates with their customers. This will help drive engagement, build trust, and increase conversions.

5. The growth of content marketing

Content marketing has become an essential element of any successful business strategy. It enables brands to reach new audiences and increase engagement with current customers. As the demand for content increases, it’s more important than ever to stay ahead of the curve. Here’s how content marketing changes in 2021 and what you need to know to ensure success.

1. Content creation is becoming more competitive

With more companies vying for attention, creating engaging and relevant content is more important than ever. You need to make sure your content stands out from the competition.

2. Content is becoming increasingly specialized

Content isn’t just about creating generic blog posts anymore. You need to create content that speaks directly to your target audience, whether it’s a case study, white paper, or webinar.

3. Video content is growing

Video content quickly becomes one of the most powerful ways to engage customers. According to HubSpot, 52% of marketers say video has the highest ROI of any form of content.

4. Personalization is key

Personalizing content is essential in today’s crowded marketplace. You need to make sure you’re creating content that resonates with each individual customer.

5. The rise of AI-powered content

AI-powered technology makes it easier for businesses to create personalized content at scale. By leveraging AI, brands can create targeted content that speaks directly to their customers’ needs and interests.

With the growth of content marketing, it’s important for businesses to stay ahead of the curve and find ways to create engaging and relevant content. By leveraging AI, personalization, and video, you can ensure your content stands out from the competition and resonates with customers.

6. The rise of social media marketing

As more businesses transition to digital marketing and leverage technology to reach their target audiences, the importance of social media has become increasingly apparent. Social media marketing is essential for B2B healthcare marketers in 2023 and beyond. With nearly 4 billion people using social media worldwide, it’s becoming an indispensable channel for businesses to interact with customers and promote their brands.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing:

  1. Increased visibility and brand awareness
  2. Easier customer engagement and feedback
  3. Improved website traffic and search engine rankings
  4. More cost-effective than traditional marketing methods

According to Statista, social media accounts for almost a quarter (24%) of all digital marketing spend in 2020. This indicates that businesses are investing more heavily in this type of marketing as they try to gain more exposure and better connect with customers. Furthermore, companies that use social media have seen their revenue increase by an average of 37%.

For example, one hospital in the United States was able to use social media to effectively market its services, leading to an 11% increase in revenue over a three-month period. The hospital utilized targeted campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, which resulted in over 10,000 followers and more than 200,000 impressions. This illustrates how important social media can be for B2B healthcare marketers as they try to gain more visibility and drive conversions.

It’s clear that social media is no longer just a platform for communication; it’s also a powerful tool for healthcare marketing. By leveraging the right strategies, B2B healthcare marketers can ensure they are reaching their target audience and maximizing their ROI.

7. The importance of mobile marketing

Mobile marketing is a rapidly growing part of the overall digital landscape as more and more consumers access content through their mobile devices. It’s an essential part of any B2B healthcare marketing strategy for 2023, so let’s look closely at why it’s so important.

Mobile marketing can help you reach your target customers more effectively, as well as help you to increase engagement with your content. Here are some of the key benefits:

1. Increased reach

Mobile phones are now ubiquitous, and people use them to access information on-the-go. marketing allows you to reach potential customers in a way that other platforms cannot.

2. Targeted ads

It allows you to deliver ads to users based on their location, demographics, and interests. This means you can target ads more accurately and ensure they reach the right people.

3. Engagement

Mobile ads are typically more engaging than ads on other platforms, as they are designed specifically for the mobile experience. This can help you to drive more traffic and leads from your campaigns.

4. Cost effective

Mobile marketing is often cheaper than other forms of advertising, as it doesn’t require expensive production costs. This makes it a great option for businesses on a budget.

Industry statistics show that mobile advertising spend is expected to reach $13.5 billion by 2023, up from $7 billion in 2018. This is a clear indication of how important mobile marketing has become for businesses looking to succeed in the digital space.

For example, healthcare company ABC has seen huge success with its mobile marketing campaigns, achieving an ROI of 500%. ABC used targeted mobile ads to promote its services to a specific demographic and was able to quickly convert leads into customers.

Mobile marketing is becoming an increasingly important in any B2B healthcare marketing strategy for 2023. By taking advantage of its unique features and targeting capabilities, businesses can reach their target customers more effectively and generate higher ROI from their campaigns.

8. The importance of video marketing

In the world of B2B healthcare marketing, video has become a powerful tool for engaging customers. Video content can help convey complex ideas quickly and accurately, making it an invaluable asset for B2B healthcare marketers.

Video also allows companies to reach customers through multiple channels, including websites, email, social media, etc. As a result, B2B healthcare marketers should consider investing in creating more video content to stay competitive and increase engagement with customers.

Here are some key benefits of video marketing in the healthcare industry:

1. Increase brand awareness:

Video content helps to build a company’s brand by engaging viewers in a more personal and meaningful way.

2. Establish trust with customers:

can create an emotional connection with customers, making them more likely to trust a company and its products or services.

3. Educate customers:

Videos are an effective way to communicate complex information about healthcare services, treatments, and products.

4. Increase customer engagement:

Vican helps drive website traffic, increase social media followers, and boost overall customer engagement.

According to a survey conducted by Wyzowl, 82% of businesses said that using video content had a positive impact on their return on investment (ROI). Additionally, 91% of businesses reported that video content was an effective tool for marketing their products or services. With so many benefits of using video content, it is clear why it has become such an important part of B2B healthcare marketing.

9. The rise of influencer marketing

In the age of social media, influencers have become a powerful tool for businesses to reach new audiences and drive brand awareness. Influencer marketing is the process of partnering with influential people who have a large following on social media to promote products or services. It’s an effective way to generate more sales, expand the customer base, and even improve brand recognition.

Today, influencer marketing has become an important part of B2B healthcare marketing, as it can help healthcare organizations reach their target customers quickly and cost-effectively. According to recent statistics, approximately 72% of marketers worldwide believe influencer marketing is an effective tool for B2B healthcare companies. Furthermore, 62% of B2B marketers in North America are currently using influencer marketing to promote their products and services.

Here are some ways that influencer marketing can benefit B2B healthcare organizations:

1. Reach new audiences:

Influencers have a large and engaged following on social media platforms, allowing them to target potential customers more precisely than traditional methods.

2. Improve brand awareness:

Partnering with an influencer can increase brand recognition among their followers, which in turn can lead to more leads and sales.

3. Build trust:

Having an influential person recommend your product or service can create a sense of trust among their followers, leading to increased conversions.

4. Drive ROI:

By leveraging the power of influencers, B2B healthcare companies can generate higher ROI for their marketing campaigns.

10. The need for more effective lead generation

With competition for customers becoming increasingly fierce in the B2B healthcare industry, businesses need to find new ways to generate leads. As the customer experience becomes increasingly important, the ability to quickly and effectively convert leads into sales is essential for long-term success. Here are some of the key strategies for improving lead generation:

1. Developing a clear and concise message

Businesses must have a strong, unified brand message that resonates with potential customers and helps drive conversions.

2. Utilizing targeted online advertising

Advertising campaigns should be tailored to the needs of the target audience, using data and analytics to create highly-targeted ads that bring in high-quality leads.

3. Leveraging SEO strategies

SEO techniques, such as keyword optimization and link building, can help businesses to increase visibility in organic search results and drive more leads.

4. Creating engaging content

Content marketing, such as blogs and whitepapers, can help to increase website traffic, build trust with potential customers, and ultimately convert more leads.

5. Utilizing retargeting ads

Retargeting campaigns can help to capture leads who are already familiar with a company’s products or services, leading to higher conversion rates.

Industry statistics show that effective lead generation can make a huge difference to a company’s bottom line. For example, one study found that marketers using lead-scoring techniques generated 50% more sales-ready leads than those who did not. Additionally, 70% of B2B marketers reported that they are investing more in lead generation than they were just two years ago. These figures demonstrate just how important effective lead generation is for B2B healthcare businesses.

Key takeaways

  1. Customer experience should be a priority in B2B healthcare marketing for 2023. Focus on creating personalized content and experiences that are tailored to the customer’s needs and wants.
  2. Account-based marketing should become an integral part of your strategy. Utilize data and analytics to segment your target audience and create campaigns with high ROI.
  3. Content marketing is on the rise. Create informative, engaging content that resonates with your audience and compels them to take action.
  4. Social media marketing should be an essential component of your strategy. Leverage social channels to build relationships, foster engagement, and grow your brand.
  5. Mobile marketing should not be overlooked. Adapt your campaigns to be mobile-friendly, ensuring they look great on all devices.
  6. Video marketing is also important for B2B healthcare marketers. Create engaging videos that provide value to your target audience and draw in potential customers.
  7. Influencer marketing is becoming increasingly important. Reach out to influencers with an engaged following that fits your target audience and partner with them to reach new potential customers.
  8. Effective lead generation is vital for success in 2023. Utilize various strategies such as SEO, PPC, and email marketing to generate high-quality leads.


The B2B healthcare industry is rapidly evolving, and marketers must keep up with the latest trends if they want to remain competitive. From increasing the focus on customer experience to taking advantage of the power of influencer marketing, many new strategies are gaining traction.

By staying informed and utilizing the best practices outlined here, businesses can ensure their marketing efforts are as effective as possible in 2023.

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The post B2B Healthcare Marketing Trends You Need to Know for 2023 appeared first on ReadWrite.

What is The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare? Fri, 05 May 2023 18:00:29 +0000 Healthcare Marketing Strategies

AI is becoming more and more popular. As we are employing it in our daily lives, large hospitals are using […]

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Healthcare Marketing Strategies

AI is becoming more and more popular. As we are employing it in our daily lives, large hospitals are using it in their daily operations. The development of artificial intelligence in healthcare sector is seeing many innovations to make it easily accessible for both patients and doctors.

AI in healthcare can easily gather all of the information during the diagnostic process. When combined with technology like big data analytics, telehealth services, and remote monitoring services, this data can be used to better understand the diseases in question and develop more effective treatment plans.

Additionally, patients’ lives will be made easier. A digital record will be available to doctors. They will have one. By doing so, people are able to receive medical advice while relaxing at home. Those doctors who have access to the records can decide to modify them. Therefore, they can do it without difficulty. The security of people’s personal data will also be provided.

What are the benefits of AI in healthcare?

Artificial intelligence in healthcare has more advantages than the conventional methods. Let’s take a look at a few of them:

1. It reduces human mistakes 

Doctors are prone to making mistakes, because of their demanding jobs, They must always use extreme caution and pay close attention to each patient’s needs. This causes the patients’ activity levels to decline and can occasionally be fatal. As a result, AI aids them by finishing some of the challenging jobs like data organization, inspection, etc. The doctors will be able to work more efficiently and without getting exhausted.

2. It facilitates informed decision-making 

There are many occasions when a patient needs to have surgery or receive medication immediately. AI technology will show to be life-saving in certain situations. Whereas doctors must review the patient’s prior data, AI can quickly assess the records and make immediate action suggestions. This will take less time and improve the effectiveness of your decision-making.

3. Virtual Health Assistants 

Virtual health assistants are a great asset for both patients and doctors. For the doctors, it may analyze data and provide recommendations. Additionally, it can assist patients by advising them on diets, sending their health information to their doctors, and reminding them to take their medications.

4. It Helps Save Time

AI now handles numerous duties that doctors once had to perform. This helps save time. Due to this, the process of treating patients is now more time-effective and efficient. The results of tests like MRIs, CT scans, ultrasounds, etc. can be provided by AI. This shortens the time it takes to do the test and delivers the results right away. In this way, patients won’t have to wait. Now, they can obtain test results quickly instead of having to wait weeks.

5. It Aids in Disease Prevention 

Along with automating diagnosis, artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare can also help with disease prevention. It can project the spread of diseases at the macro level. It assess the likelihood that a condition would be transmitted by an individual. This can encourage improved health outcomes and assist healthcare professionals with duties like planning and logistics.

6. Cost Savings

With the help of AI in healthcare, you won’t have to rush to the hospital to show the doctors your medical records. This helps in cutting costs. Personal assistants powered by artificial intelligence can advise patients on health-related issues. As a result, they will reduce the expense of going to a clinic or hospital. They can even connect patients with doctors directly for guidance.

7. Wearable Healthcare Technology

AI has also been incorporated into wearable medical device. This will improve the patient care. Software like FitBits and wearables employ AI to analyze data and inform consumers and their healthcare providers about potential health concerns and issues. Technology-enabled self-assessment of one’s health reduces the effort placed on experts and helps avoid unnecessary hospitalizations or remissions. Healthcare apps, developed by professional healthcare app development services, can also connect with these devices to provide better access to doctors for patients’ data.

How Will Artificial Intelligence Help Nurses?

You might occasionally ponder whether robots will ever replace nurses. The shanswer raises a number of difficult questions. In fact, nurses’ life can be improved by robots.

The nursing tasks that the Robots are designed to perform include taking vital signs. They assist with ambulation, giving medication, and learning infection control procedures. The traditional role played by nurses may change as a result of all these benefits becoming a reality and robots gradually integrating into healthcare environments.

According to research, eight to sixteen percent of the time nurses spend at performing tasks that aren’t genuinely nursing-related. Another team member can perform these tasks. Robots can assisting nurses by following them around. This way, the nurses will have more time to devote to caring for their patients.

If we look at a robot that could compete on a human level, Sophia is the best example of how far technology has come. Sophia is a well-known social robot. It is designed to act as a companion to senior citizens. This robot serves as a metaphor for the potential that technology has to improve how human-like robots can function.

What is The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare?

Do you wonder about the future of artificial intelligence in the healthcare sector? Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing all aspects of human interaction, and information consumption, including the way we buy goods and services. 

Artificial intelligence in healthcare is altering how clinicians practice medicine. It is changing how patients are treated and how the pharmaceutical sector functions in the field of health care. Let’s look at the few trends that will shape the AI’s future.

  • According to a Tractica analysis, based on current usage patterns, the use of 22 healthcare AI devices will generate $8.6 billion in annual revenue by 2025.
  • By 2030, AI will enable multiple data citations to reveal disorderly structures and aid in medical care and oversight.
  • In the upcoming years, AI will play a significant role in healthcare services. Doctors will benefit from the hybrid models. With their help, they can diagnose patients and spot ailments, among other things.
  • AI will reduce the doctor’s workload. The doctor still bears the primary accountability. The healing process will go more quickly and successfully with this approach.
  • If used properly, AI can save lives. It will reduce rising expense of healthcare. AI will become a common assistive technology in the future. It will do jobs with greater precision and efficiency while still including humans in the decision-making process.
  • As a result, AI is significantly altering the healthcare industry. A doctor, nurse, and patient will all profit from AI in various ways.


As a result, we may conclude that artificial intelligence is making every effort to advance the healthcare industry. Artificial Intelligence in healthcare is supporting physicians, nurses, and even patients with their health and promoting a quicker recovery. AI’s developed and more reliable diagnosis will aid patients in lowering costs. AI gives doctors more time to focus less on administrative tasks and more on comprehending and caring for patients.

Simply said, AI’s goal is to increase the efficiency with which computers can comprehend challenging healthcare issues. As a result, we will see more improvement in the healthcare industry over the next few days thanks to artificial intelligence.

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Here’s How the Cloud is Revolutionizing Health Tech and FinTech Tue, 25 Apr 2023 21:00:23 +0000 Cloud in Health Teach and FinTech

During the first phase of the pandemic, many companies were forced to drastically rethink the way they worked. Rapid digital […]

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Cloud in Health Teach and FinTech

During the first phase of the pandemic, many companies were forced to drastically rethink the way they worked. Rapid digital transformation became necessary to survive financially, support evolving consumer needs, and help keep workers connected.

Overcoming the Model of Office and Lab Work With Cloud Computing

Cloud computing systems have allowed enterprises, schools, and government organizations to overcome pandemic-induced challenges and meaningfully accelerate innovation and agility toward the market.

The cloud-computing industry is expected to grow to nearly $500bn in 2022 (from $243bn in 2019). Amazon’s Web Services alone is growing 33% per year. This accounts for 75% of the company’s operating income in the last year.

Rather than returning to the way things once were, business leaders must continue disrupting industry stagnation with emerging technology. Here’s how the cloud is revolutionizing health tech and fintech industries.

Cloud-Based Services are Ripe for Disruption

In healthcare and dental services, business leaders have historically faced issues with “on-premise” storage — in-house systems that can limit scalability and storage. As diagnostic systems become more sophisticated, on-premise servers and aging infrastructure severely limit the ability of providers to implement new tools and leverage the data they already have.

The limitations also create patient-side challenges. These challenges include difficulty accessing health records, scheduling online appointments, and connecting different healthcare providers for multi-system health needs.

While these issues have existed for years, pandemic-induced healthcare overwhelms exacerbated problems, making it even more difficult for many patients to access necessary care.

Upgrading EHR to Better Cloud Systems

Solving these problems means upgrading to better systems that can work more quickly, save costs, and evolve with consumers’ and patients’ needs. In a recent case study, MIT Sloan examined how Intermountain Medical Center in Utah modernized its aging in-house EHR system to address common challenges.

Intermountain substantially improved patient outcomes by upgrading the technology powering its 22 hospitals and 185 clinics while saving millions in procurement and internal IT costs. The MIT analysis confirms what we know to be true: Streamlining patient management with cloud-based systems can reduce attrition rates, recapture lost revenue, and build stronger, lasting relationships with patients.

How Does Updated EHR Work for the Dental Industry?

In the dental industry alone, the average practice loses 20% of its patients, one of the highest attrition rates in healthcare. Even a minor 3% reduction in attrition could result in $72,000 of additional production per year. Cloud-based services streamline communications, replace archaic booking systems and help patients remember appointments. When outmoded systems are replaced, it prevents long wait times that are already helping dental providers see tangible improvements in their retention rates.

Finance & the Cloud

In the financial sector, banks scaling through cloud-based technologies are doing better at tracking fraud activity, expediting loan applications, and responding to flurries of customer activity based on market fluctuations. Cloud-based tools also allow banks to implement new mobile banking features, detect money laundering patterns, and automate analyses of underwriting decisions with AI.

Unfortunately, many banks lag behind in cloud adoption, relying on internal servers with inherent limitations. Currently, only 12% of North American bank tasks are handled in the cloud. Ninety percent of U.S. banks have digital transformation initiatives in place but haven’t converted to them. While titans like Wells Fargo and Capital One are either currently using cloud technologies or in the middle of migrating over — Bank of America built its own cloud. The updated and improved cloud-based technology has saved Bank of America billions of dollars.

Highly Regulated Systems are Slow to Adapt

Organizations in highly regulated industries are often slow-moving sectors and are historically hesitant to move data out of on-premise servers and data centers.

The pandemic revealed just how impactful such a move can be. Migration to cloud-based software allows for better service for constituents. The benefits of cloud reveal a reduction in costs and IT issues and high flexibility to respond to unexpected challenges.

Updating and retiring legacy systems also provides the foundation needed to support long-term growth and scalability. Cloud-based solutions are set to alter how these previously stagnant industries addressed their long-standing challenges at a fundamental level.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Unsplash; Thank you!

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These are the 10 Healthcare Statistics that Matter Most in 2023 Sat, 15 Apr 2023 00:00:36 +0000 Healthcare Statistics 2023

Understanding the most impactful 2023 healthcare statistics is critical if you’re in the healthcare industry or if you’re a customer […]

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Healthcare Statistics 2023

Understanding the most impactful 2023 healthcare statistics is critical if you’re in the healthcare industry or if you’re a customer of the U.S. healthcare industry — which is, basically, all of us. Young or old, employed or retired, what happens in healthcare affects us all.

Healthcare has been going through momentous changes. COVID changed everything, but the effects of an aging population, technology advances, labor shortages, and other trends that were happening even before COVID are also shaping healthcare in 2023.

2023 Healthcare Statistics — One Way or Another, This Will Affect Your Life!

1. About 30 percent of all rural hospitals are at risk of closing in the immediate or near future.

Rural hospitals have had a hard time for a while now, but this is just proof the end is not in sight. The closures will come as a result of ongoing financial losses hospitals have had to take on patient services, inadequate revenue, and insufficient financial reserves.

The consequences of this, of course, are considerable. Rural families will not have access to the care they need. They’ll have to travel further and further to get it, which means preventative care is less likely to happen.

2. A wave of hospital and healthcare facilities bankruptcies is expected in 2023.

Becker’s Hospital Review warns:

“Many hospitals and health systems are on course for their worst financial year in decades, and more hospital closures and bankruptcies could be on the cards next year, according to recent reports on the state of hospital finances in the United States.”

This can and will impact the level of care we’re all used to getting. It will also throw yet another wrench into the healthcare staffing picture and could also have significant impacts on how quickly nurses and other healthcare professionals can get the training needed to complete their certifications and degrees.

3. Soon, more Americans will get their healthcare from the government than from private firms.

158 million Americans (about half the country) are currently covered by Medicare, Medicaid, or they have subsidized enrollment from state and federal exchanges. This percentage is expected to increase enough that we will soon tip over into a situation where more people are insured by the government than by private firms.

4. Medical costs for the average US family have risen every year since 2000.

Has your company’s healthcare plan deductible increased significantly in the last few years? You’re not alone. Most companies have been shifting healthcare costs over to their employees, little by little, for some time now.

Just in 2022, U.S. employees paid 10.6% more in out-of-pocket healthcare expenses than they did in 2021.

This chart from StatNews illustrates the problem well:

healthcare statistics - health insurance premiums

Also, according to StatNews: “If nothing is done and health premiums continue to increase at the same rate, the average family premium will exceed $100,000 by 2046. If premiums and wages continue to increase at the same rates, the average family premium will overtake the average wage in 2055.”

5. The use of remote patient monitoring (RPM) tools is becoming more widespread.

What if you could get medical tests done at home? What if all your neighbors could get tests done at home, too? It would mean a huge reduction in staffing, overhead costs, and patient transportation issues, and that’s just for starters.

This has begun to happen. And in the next few years, more and more people will be able to have their health conditions monitored without having to go to a clinic or a hospital. By 2024, over 75% of US medical practices are expected to be leveraging RPM technology.

These technologies could also be extremely effective in catching health issues early, which could, in turn, reduce the strain on the healthcare industry.

remote patient monitoring advances

6. The U.S. will need more than 275,000 additional nurses within the next eight years.

You’ve probably heard about the nursing shortage. The problem is real — and it has direct consequences for how much care is available for ourselves or our families.

This is good news if you’re a travel nurse, as it means there will continue to be plenty of jobs and jobs that pay well. But it’s not such great news for hospitals: McKinsey’s analysis of the state of US healthcare repeatedly cites labor shortages as a factor impairing hospitals’ profitability.

7. 57% of nurses are comfortable using technology during their job searches, but they also want to work with recruiters.

This matters because of the labor shortage in nursing and in healthcare generally. There are a lot of positions to fill. We need to fill those positions if we’re going to provide care to everyone who needs it.

So while it’s great to set up online resources to help healthcare professionals find work, it’s also important to staff those nursing placement services with experienced recruiters who know how to match the right nurse with the right job. We need to give nurses and healthcare professionals the resources they need so they find work — and work that doesn’t burn them out.

8. Drug overdose reported deaths have dropped slightly.

The scale of overdose deaths in the United States is still unprecedented — and insufficiently addressed. But there is a glimmer of hope in this healthcare statistic: Reported deaths are down, as reported by the CDC.

CDC reported overdose deaths

Depending on where you are in the U.S., you may or may not see this change. Several states — typically more rural states — are still in a full-scale crisis.

health statistics - drug overdose deaths map

9. An aging population.

As of this year, one in every five Americans is over the age of 65. Caring for these older people will require more resources, more trained professionals, and more healthcare facilities than ever before. It will also lead to higher healthcare costs.

Once again, too: Just as this need for care is rising, the demographic shift towards an older populace means there will be fewer people, proportionally, to care for them. So once again, the nursing shortage and healthcare labor shortage will be an issue.

10. The mental health crisis.

You’ve probably heard a few mental healthcare statistics. They don’t paint a rosy picture:
1 in 5 Americans suffers from a mental illness.
• Almost 6 in 10 people with mental illness get no treatment or medication.

Teens, veterans, and women have been especially hard-hit by mental health issues in the last few years. But no demographic has escaped the problem. And once again, there are more patients than ever, but the healthcare infrastructure has been weakened at the same time as the need arose. More than 150 million Americans live in areas without enough mental health professionals.

Key takeaways from these ten healthcare statistics for 2023

There are some serious gaps in U.S. healthcare, and these aren’t going to go away any time soon. The drug crisis, mental health, COVID, and an aging population will continue to put enormous pressure on the U.S. healthcare system.

That system itself has gaps: There’s a shortage of nurses, we’re about to lose far too many rural hospitals, and all hospitals are struggling to stay profitable or at least break even. Pair hospitals’ profitability problems with the advancing costs of healthcare and healthcare premiums for U.S. families, and there’s obviously cause for concern.

Can technology fill those gaps? Not all of them, but it could help. Remote medicine leaped forward during the pandemic, and AI-driven medical advances will help it leap forward again. That might be enough to alleviate some of the issues we see in these healthcare statistics, but people will have to deliver the ultimate solution.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Vidal Balielo Jr.; Pexels; Thank you!

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What Is Medicare? Plans, Costs, Coverage Thu, 06 Apr 2023 18:00:47 +0000 What is Medicare?

Medicare and Medicaid were signed into law in 1965 as part of the Social Security Act to provide health insurance […]

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What is Medicare?

Medicare and Medicaid were signed into law in 1965 as part of the Social Security Act to provide health insurance to Americans who could not obtain coverage through private insurers. Since then, the programs have grown significantly, giving range to millions, improving the nation’s economic security, and saving lives.


Medicare coverage is a government-run health insurance scheme for the elderly, 65 or older, younger people with disorders, and people with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Conversely, Medicaid is a joint federal and state program providing health insurance to low-income individuals and families. It is primarily funded by federal and state tax revenue.


Medicaid covers many healthcare services, including doctor visits, hospital care, prescription drugs, and long-term care. Eligibility for Medicaid is determined by income and other factors, such as disability status, age, and family size. Each state sets its eligibility criteria and benefits, so coverage may vary depending on where you live.

Medicare is divided into parts A, B, C, and D

  1. Medicare Part A: Hospital Insurance
  • Inpatient hospital care
  • Skilled nursing facility care
  • Hospice care
  • Home health care
  1. Medicare Part B: Medical Insurance
  • Doctor services
  • Outpatient care
  • Preventive services
  • Medical equipment and supplies
  1. Medicare Part C: Medicare Advantage Plans
  • Combines Part A and Part B coverage
  • It may include additional benefits like dental and vision
  1. Medicare Part D: Prescription Drug Coverage
  • Helps cover the cost of prescription drugs

While Medicare provides comprehensive coverage for many medical services, costs associated with the program exist. Beneficiaries may incur several charges when enrolled in Medicare, including premiums, deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance.


Most people do not have to pay a premium for Medicare Part A, which covers skilled nursing facility care, inpatient hospital care, hospice care, and home health care. However, if you or your spouse did not pay Medicare taxes while working, you may give payment to a premium for Part A.

Medicare Part B, which covers medical services and supplies, does require a monthly premium. The accustomed monthly premium for Part B in 2023 is $165.90, but this amount may be higher for individuals with higher incomes.

Some beneficiaries may also enroll in Medicare Part C or Medicare Advantage. Private insurance companies offer these plans and may charge each monthly premium in addition to the Part B premium.

Medicare Advantage plans are a popular choice for many seniors, and is one of the leading brokers. With their expertise and knowledge of the available plans, they can help you find a plan that fits your budget and your health needs.


Beneficiaries may also have to pay deductibles before Medicare coverage kicks in. For example, in 2023, the Medicare Part A deductible is $1,600 for each benefit period, while the Part B deductible is $226 for the year. At the same time, part C and D deductibles vary by plan and are subject to change.

Copayments and coinsurance

In addition to deductibles, beneficiaries may be responsible for copayments and coinsurance. Copayments are fixed for certain services, such as prescription drugs or doctor visits. Coinsurance is a percentage of the service cost you are responsible for paying.

For example, in 2023, the Medicare Part A coinsurance for inpatient hospital care is $0 for the first 60 days, $400 copayment per day for days 61-90, and $800 copayment per “lifetime reserve day” after day 90. For Medicare Part B, most services require a 20% coinsurance payment, although some coverage for preventive services potentially comes at no cost to the beneficiary.


Some beneficiaries may purchase Medicare Supplement Insurance on this website. Medigap is a type of health insurance sold by private insurance companies to help cover some costs that Medicare does not cover. These additional costs may include copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles.

Medigap policies are designed to work alongside original Medicare and are standardized by the federal government. This means that each Medigap policy must cover the same essential benefits, regardless of which insurance company is selling the policy. However, insurance companies may offer additional benefits like vision, dental, and hearing care coverage.

Ten standardized Medigap plans are available, each labeled with a different letter (A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N). Each plan provides an extra level of coverage, and some plans may only be available in some states. It is essential to compare programs and costs before purchasing a Medigap policy.

It is integral to note that Medigap policies only work with original Medicare, not Medicare Advantage plans. If you want to purchase Medigap coverage and have a Medicare Advantage plan. You may need to switch back to your original Medicare first.

Cost and Enrollment

Personal insurance companies sell Medigap policies, and the cost of the procedure varies depending on the insurance company, your age, and your location. It is essential to compare plans and prices before purchasing a Medigap policy.

Enrolling in a Medigap policy must be signed on in Medicare Part A and B. You may be relevant to medical underwriting if you apply for a Medigap policy outside the open enrollment period or have certain pre-existing conditions.

During the open enrollment period, which lasts for six months starting from the first day you turn 65 and are registered in Medicare Part B, insurance companies cannot deny or reject you coverage for a Medigap policy due to any pre-existing conditions. Medigap policies are standardized by the federal government and work alongside original Medicare.

Medicare covers certain preventive services at no cost to beneficiaries, such as:

  • Annual wellness visits
  • Screening for depression
  • Screening for breast cancer, cervical cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer
  • Vaccinations such as the flu shot and pneumococcal vaccine
  • Diabetes screenings and self-management training
  • Cardiovascular disease screenings and behavioral counseling

In conclusion, while Medicare provides comprehensive coverage for many medical services, costs associated with the program do exist. These costs include premiums, deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance.

Beneficiaries may also purchase Medicare Supplement Insurance to help cover some out-of-pocket costs associated with Medicare. It is crucial to be wary of these costs and to understand how they may impact your budget and healthcare expenses.

Featured Image Credit: Pexels; Thank you!

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10 Ways to Use Instagram Stories Highlights for Healthcare Marketing in 2023 Tue, 28 Mar 2023 21:00:24 +0000 Instagram Stories for Healthcare Marketing

It’s no secret that Instagram has become a popular social media platform for businesses across all industries. Instagram stories, in […]

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Instagram Stories for Healthcare Marketing

It’s no secret that Instagram has become a popular social media platform for businesses across all industries. Instagram stories, in particular, offer businesses an opportunity to engage in creative and interactive storytelling to promote their services, products, and values.

Many companies have already used Instagram Stories Highlights for Healthcare Marketing. This feature expands their reach and makes their presence more visible on the platform.

healthcare instagram marketing
Healthcare Instagram Marketing

What are Instagram Stories and Instagram Stories Highlights?

In the last few years, Instagram has added several new features, further enhancing the platform’s capabilities for companies. One of the most popular features on Instagram is Stories, which allows users to share short-lived posts that disappear after 24 hours. Instagram Stories Highlights are a way to preserve Stories and make them easily accessible to followers.

For healthcare companies, Instagram Stories Highlights can be an incredibly effective way to interact with their target audience, showcase their services and products, and share valuable health-related content.

Ways healthcare companies can use Instagram Stories Highlights to improve their marketing

With that in mind, this article will explore ten ways healthcare companies can use Instagram Stories Highlights to improve their marketing strategies in 2023.

  1. Highlight Patient Testimonials

Patient testimonials provide a great opportunity to show potential patients the positive effects that your services and treatments can have. They can share their experiences and the results of their treatments, providing potential patients with a firsthand account of their success stories.

Additionally, patient testimonials allow you to showcase the types of treatments you specialize in and the positive effects that they have had on various patients. Using patient testimonials increases your credibility and trustworthiness and better understand your target audience.

While patient testimonials are a great way to showcase your healthcare services and products, it is important to ensure that the testimonials you use are genuine and from actual patients of your practice. Ensuring that your patient testimonials are genuine and not fabricated is important.

One way to ensure authenticity is to gather patient testimonials through a review system, such as Google Reviews or Facebook Recommendations. You can also ask patients for permission to share their experiences on your Instagram account.

  1. Promote Health Awareness Campaigns

Creating Instagram Stories focusing on health topics like nutrition, physical activity, and mental health is important for any healthcare provider. These stories can feature helpful tips, educational information, and inspiring stories related to the topic.

Moreover, you can use Instagram Stories Highlights to promote healthy practices and activities. You can also use them as a platform to provide resources to your followers, such as links to articles, videos, or online support groups. By adding stories to your Instagram highlights, you can make a lasting impression on your followers and help to create a community of health-minded individuals.

You can create a highlight dedicated to health awareness campaigns and share information and resources about specific diseases or conditions. For example, you could highlight heart health, share tips for maintaining a healthy heart, and provide information about heart disease and how to reduce your risk. You can also use Instagram’s built-in poll feature to engage your followers by asking questions related to the health topic you’re promoting.

  1. Share Expert Opinions and Insights

Sharing expert opinions and insights on Instagram can help establish your practice as a reputed and trustworthy source of information. Sharing advice from healthcare professionals can help educate potential customers on various topics related to your products or services.

You can create highlights dedicated to expert opinions and insights and share short clips or written posts that provide valuable information on health topics. Instagram Stories can also provide educational content that followers can share, potentially leading to more engagement with your products and services.

Examples include information on new medical advancements, tips for living a healthy life, and insights on specific health conditions. When sharing expert opinions and insights, it’s important to be clear and concise and provide sources for the information you share. It can help build trust with your followers and demonstrate your commitment to providing accurate and reliable information.

In addition, utilizing influencers to share stories and advice can help elevate your company’s brand in the healthcare space.

  1. Highlight Health Services and Products

Social media has become essential for healthcare providers to market their health services and products. With Instagram Story Highlights, you can curate stories about your services and products and highlight them in your profile. This feature allows you to create a user-friendly experience by showcasing the best of their content.

You can highlight the benefits of a product, share a patient’s success story, or explain how a procedure works. Highlighting these stories creates an inviting experience for potential patients and allows them to learn more about your offers.

For example, if you offer a weight loss program, you could create a Highlight dedicated to this service and share testimonials from satisfied patients. You can include information about how the program works and what patients can expect. You can also use Instagram’s built-in call-to-action feature to encourage followers to take action and book a consultation or purchase your products.

  1. Offer Behind-the-Scenes Look

Instagram Stories that offer a behind-the-scenes look make the experience even more personal and engaging. It could include taking viewers on a tour of the facility, interviews with staff, and sneak previews of upcoming services or technologies.

By offering a behind-the-scenes look, you can help potential patients get to know your practice and the people who work there, which can help build trust and increase the likelihood that they will choose your practice over a competitor.

For example, you can share short clips of staff members introducing themselves, images of your office and treatment rooms, and behind-the-scenes footage of procedures or treatments. You can also use Instagram’s built-in story questions feature to engage with your followers and encourage them to ask questions about your practice and what they can expect when they visit.

With a behind-the-scenes look, you can share stories that give a more in-depth narrative, increasing loyalty and trust among followers. It allows followers to glimpse your company and helps foster a connection extending beyond the surface level.

  1. Share Healthy Lifestyle Tips

As a healthcare provider, you have a wealth of information and resources that can help educate your followers on important health topics. Instagram Stories Highlights can be great for sharing healthy lifestyle tips with your followers and demonstrating your expertise in your field.

Examples of educational topics you can share include information on specific health conditions, tips for living a healthy lifestyle, and resources for managing stress and anxiety. It could also include meal-planning ideas, exercise tips, reminders to stay hydrated, mental health advice, and more.

You could also use the highlights to share success stories from patients who have adopted healthy lifestyles and achieved results. Such stories could be very inspiring and motivating to other viewers.

You could also share resources such as websites, books, or apps promoting healthy living. It can be done using Instagram Stories Highlights, helping build long-term relationships with patients and the broader community.

  1. Announce Upcoming Events and Workshops

Instagram Stories Highlights can be used to share important information about the event, such as the time, location, and any dress code requirements. It can build excitement and anticipation among your followers. These events and workshops can also be a great opportunity to collaborate with other healthcare providers and organizations in your community.

You can generate interest and encourage attendees to sign up by providing regular updates and sneak peeks. Additionally, images and videos highlighting the event or workshop can be shared to engage viewers. Images of speakers or past event attendees can create a sense of familiarity for the viewer.

Furthermore, the event’s unique details or benefits can be highlighted to encourage viewers to attend. By creating Instagram Stories Highlights, you can reach a wider audience and increase engagement with potential customers.

  1. Promote Special Offers and Promotions

Instagram is a great platform to promote special offers and promotions related to your healthcare services and products. You can create a highlight dedicated to promoting special offers and promotions and share short clips or images that showcase your offer.

Encouraging followers to use your services and products by showcasing limited-time deals and discounts can help increase conversions and drive revenue for your healthcare business. For example, if you’re offering a special discount on a new product, you could create a highlight for this promotion and share information about the product and the discount.

By creating dedicated highlights for promotions, you can ensure that your followers can always access your latest deals and discounts. You can also use eye-catching graphics, videos, and animations to make your offers stand out and grab your followers’ attention. Additionally, by using the right hashtags and geotags, you can increase the visibility of your promotions and reach a wider audience.

  1. Share Patient Success Stories

You can showcase your work and build trust with potential customers by sharing real stories of how your treatments have helped patients. You can also use these stories to inspire others and show your business’s impact on patients’ lives.

By highlighting your patients’ positive outcomes and experiences, you can demonstrate the effectiveness of your healthcare services and products. These stories can be shared as text, photos, or even video clips to give viewers a deeper look at the positive experiences others have had with your care.

When sharing patient success stories as Instagram Stories Highlights, getting permission from the patients involved and ensuring that the stories are genuine and not fabricated is important. Doing so can show potential customers that you genuinely care about your patients and have a successful track record of positive outcomes.

  1. Highlight Community Involvement

Community involvement is a great way to showcase your commitment to the community and demonstrate your practice’s impact on the local area. Showing how the organization makes a positive difference can help build brand loyalty and strengthen relationships with current and potential patients.

Examples of community involvement you can highlight include sponsoring a local charity event, participating in a local health fair, or volunteering at a local food bank. You can create Instagram Stories highlighting your community involvement and share short clips or images of your practice participating in local events, conducting crowd-sourced fundraising campaigns, supporting local organizations, or volunteering in the community. You can even give a behind-the-scenes look at how the organization is making a difference in the local area.

Showcasing community involvement can also help to humanize your healthcare organization, making it more accessible and relatable. Sharing stories about your organization’s impact can help raise awareness and increase engagement from followers. Ultimately, leveraging Instagram Stories Highlights can be a powerful way to demonstrate your organization’s social responsibility.

Scope of Instagram Stories Highlights for Healthcare Marketing

Instagram Stories Highlights are a way to provide a glimpse into the values and personality of your practice and to showcase the impact you’re having on the lives of your patients. Whether you’re sharing behind-the-scenes footage, promoting special offers, or highlighting patient success stories, the key is to be creative and authentic in your approach.

By utilizing Instagram Stories Highlights, you can help build a strong online presence for your healthcare practice and increase the visibility of your services. Creating valuable content and engaging with your followers can help you establish yourself as a trusted healthcare provider and attract new patients.


Healthcare marketers have many options for using Instagram Stories Highlights for marketing campaigns. They can use creative visuals and storytelling elements to engage with their audience, boost brand awareness, and drive conversions.

Instagram is a powerful tool for healthcare organizations to market themselves to potential patients. In 2023, Instagram Stories Highlights will be integral to any healthcare marketing strategy, so marketers must start planning for the future.

With the right strategy and creative execution, healthcare marketers can deliver content that resonates with their audience and achieves their overall marketing goals. By leveraging the platform’s features and sharing relevant, valuable, and engaging content, they can increase their reach, build their brand, and grow their patient base in 2023 and beyond.

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The post 10 Ways to Use Instagram Stories Highlights for Healthcare Marketing in 2023 appeared first on ReadWrite.

How Pink Fund Helps Take Care Of Cancer Patients Outside Of The Hospital Thu, 23 Mar 2023 15:00:27 +0000 Cancer Patients

Thirteen percent of women living in the United States will receive a breast cancer diagnosis this year, some 298,000. Fortunately, […]

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Cancer Patients

Thirteen percent of women living in the United States will receive a breast cancer diagnosis this year, some 298,000.

Fortunately, precision medicine has evolved to better treat cancer. However, treatment can be financially catastrophic.

How expensive is it for breast cancer patients to get treatment? According to some estimates, totals can range upwards of several hundred thousand dollars. And that’s just for medical fees like outpatient appointments and hospital stays, not everyday household bills impacted by lost wages.

This is why an organization like Pink Fund is so welcome in the space to offset the fiscal hardships of breast cancer. Pink Fund offers help and hope in the form of short-term financial support. The financial aid helps patients in paying daily cost of living expenses, for housing, transportation, utilities and insurance. Handling all the issues any cancer brings is difficult enough. Figuring out how to make ends meet shouldn’t be part of the equation.

A Cancer Grant That Gives Added Financial Lift to Individuals and Families

Like so many cancer-focused nonprofits, Pink Fund was founded by a breast cancer survivor, Molly MacDonald. Though MacDonald was fortunate enough to be diagnosed at an early stage, her cancer left her unable to work. It wasn’t long before the lack of a second household income turned her and her family’s lives upside down.

Determined that no one should have to face a similar fate, MacDonald eventually launched Pink Fund. What makes it especially unique is that it only covers non-medical expenses. Recipients of a grant from Pink Fund must be in active treatment and must apply to the organization. Once approved, household bills are paid directly to their creditors. Support can last up to three months with a cap of $3,000.

Endless Benefits From a Grant Program for Breast Cancer Patients

Between 2006 and 2022, Pink Fund made more than $6.8 million in payments on behalf of breast cancer patients. In the same time period, it earned attention from powerhouse brands including Ford Motor Company, Snap-on Tools and Ernst & Young. One reason for its many kudos and honors is the benefits the funding provides.

What advantages does Pink Fund bring to the table for people who’ve been told they have breast cancer? Below are five of the organization’s most notable characteristics.

1. Pink Fund covers an unmet need.

Many people who have breast cancer may have health insurance. Yet having health insurance can still mean many out-of-pocket expenses in co-pays, travel, coinsurance, and deductibles. Additionally, some health insurance won’t cover all types of cancer treatments. This sudden outlay of cash can put a hefty strain on a household budget.

Remember: Most adults have less than around $6,400 in savings. Those savings and retirement dollars can be tapped out very quickly by expensive cancer treatments, therapies, and drugs. When the money runs out, people can find it challenging to pay their everyday bills. Pink Fund provides a way for them to keep up with the mortgage, car payments, insurance and utilities. The relief from worrying about how to remain on the treatment plan versus paying one’s basic bills,” is significant when battling cancer.

2. Pink Fund makes it easier to be a compliant patient.

It’s not unusual for women and men diagnosed with breast cancer to skip appointments and treatments. The reason? As one 70-something patient explained to The New York Times, she couldn’t justify the price. Therefore, she felt no choice but to sacrifice her physical wellbeing and future for her financial well being. Younger patients often don’t have savings or retirement funds to draw from, and may be making payments for college debt.

Treatment compliance is critical when it comes to long term survival and in some cases, even being cured. Recipients of Pink Fund grants have less trouble covering other bills. They’re able to get the medical care when needed as recommended by their health care professionals.

3. Pink Fund is open to many individual and family situations.

Rather than being limited only to low-income individuals and families, Pink Fund has a much higher threshold. Applicants just need to have an income that’s not 500% above the federal poverty level. For a family of four, that translates to an annual income of $150,000 or less, and allows Pink Fund to rope in the middle class, who often do not qualify for assistance programs.

4. The Pink Fund helps reduce stress.

Hearing you have breast cancer is devastating. Learning the cost of your care could bankrupt you leads patients to consider life altering decisions. Cancer can and does lead to credit problems and sometimes even bankruptcy. Two-thirds of bankruptcies are traceable to medical bills.

Although each one-time grant from Pink Fund ends within 90 days, it can be the temporary fix a cancer patient needs. Never forget that patients who can focus their intentions on healing tend to improve their chances of survivorship. Studies show a correlation between chronic stress and cancer development. Removing just a few stressors could make a significant and palpable difference.

5. The Pink Fund provides onsite resources.

A major benefit of Pink Fund on its website is easy access to the application. The site’s not just designed to be a place where people can apply for short-term grants. It also offers a guide on how to help financially navigate treatment, along with ways for loved ones, friends, and anyone looking to get involved.

One day, breast cancer may be eradicated. Until then, it’s comforting to know patients and their families have Pink Fund to turn to. With Pink Fund, they can concentrate on getting better, not on just getting by.

Featured Image Credit: by Thirdman; Pexels; Thanks!

The post How Pink Fund Helps Take Care Of Cancer Patients Outside Of The Hospital appeared first on ReadWrite.
