Thanmai Deekshith, Author at ReadWrite IoT and Technology News Tue, 30 May 2023 14:22:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Thanmai Deekshith, Author at ReadWrite 32 32 How can Technology help in Reducing Road Accidents? Fri, 09 Jun 2023 18:00:20 +0000 Road Accidents

The Current Scenario No country can exist without transportation via roads. The development and growth of all nations are invariably […]

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Road Accidents

The Current Scenario

No country can exist without transportation via roads. The development and growth of all nations are invariably connected with their roads. Despite the intrinsic nature of these improved surfaces for the purposes of conveyance of traffic, it carries with them one of the cruelest things to have ever befallen society – Road Accidents.

WHO estimates that 1.3 billion people succumb to their deaths owing to road accidents, every year. In such a deteriorating scenario, road mishaps have accounted for 1.5 lakh fatalities in India in 2021 alone. The current environment warrants the need to conjure innovative solutions to tackle this menace.

With time, the world has become more fast-paced, incorporating in itself new technologies. Technology has also paved the way for safer drives and safer roads by curbing road accidents and improving transportation. Technology has time and again proved its potential to mitigate the issues concerning road safety. Let us understand a few ways in which technological infrastructures have reduced road accidents –

Improved Vehicles

The automobile industry is also growing in leaps and bounds. witnessing a significant rise in technology penetration resulting in the introduction of newer features,

One of the finest cutting-edge technology that is believed to have contributed to reducing road accidents is the Automated Emergency Braking System. AEB, which has been designed to prevent imminent vehicle collisions by sensing stopped traffic, enables the rapid application of brakes, even if the driver is unable to respond promptly. Another feature that aids in averting potential accidents while changing lanes is the Blind Spot Warning which signals the driver if there is a vehicle in their blind spot. There are various versions available of this sensor and the most common type is signaling via symbols or sounds.

Adaptive headlights are the next technology that has made remarkable progress in furthering road safety. Unpaved roads, dark nights, etc. drastically increase the possibility of an accident. However, with Adaptive Headlights, drives become safer, especially during night time as the headlights move according to the movement of the steering wheel and thereby, adapt to the driving environment. Other such novel technologies integrated into the mechanics of the vehicles include lane departure warning, forward collision system, and curve speed warnings among others.

Advanced Cameras

Cameras in collaboration with technologies have offered much-needed visibility into various aspects that help in mitigating road accidents.

At an individual level, vehicles equipped with camera sensors function as drowsiness detectors, wherein the camera is monitoring the drivers’ eyelids and tracks their head movements to gauge if they are tired or drowsy. Tiredness or drowsiness of drivers leads to distracted driving which is a major cause of road accidents. This camera set-up will enable the drivers to rectify their situation by sending them alerts or warnings.

Cameras can also be used in another capacity when they are installed along the roads. Here, the cameras are used to monitor the roads by being vigilant about speeding. Overspeeding poses a grave threat to the lives of drivers and pedestrians alike and these cameras are able to capture data as to when a car crosses the designated speed limit. This permits the concerned authorities to take stricter measures against the offenders and allows them to foster a better environment regarding adherence to speed laws. Although not that common, cameras are also used with traffic lights by countries like the U.K. to identify a larger number of pedestrians waiting to cross the road and lengthen the period the ‘walk’ symbol is on. This helps in mainly controlling collisions with pedestrians.

Enhanced Emergency Services

A leading cause of road fatalities is delayed medical care and technologies have now been designed to solve this issue. It ensures that proper medical treatment reaches the concerned victims with minimal loss of time. Vehicles are now equipped with different features to help this cause. Some vehicles can send instant messages to different parties in the event of an unfortunate incident. While others have the ability to send a list of potential injuries to ensure correct treatment accordingly. Such a system helps in reducing the time required for emergency health care to reach the place of the accident, especially on roads and lanes with lesser traffic. Companies are continuously striving to design technologies that provide rapid assistance in the delivery of medical care and reduce the time required in post-accident response.

Monitoring Driving Behaviour

The human error takes the position of the highest contributor to road accidents. Mistakes on their part led to the drastic loss of lives of many. This issue usually stems from the unsafe driving practices people are often engaged in. Drivers recklessly indulge in habits that are counterproductive to their safety.  They make themselves and others on the road vulnerable to road accidents. Technology has developed so that something as simple as a mobile can now track behaviors of drivers that are risky and may lead to accidents.

Such technology will alert the drivers of their rash driving, highlighting mark-ups of unsafe driving such as overspeeding or phone usage. These insights will help people understand their own driving and encourage them to improve their performance. Such technologies change the unsafe behavior of drivers, thus eliminating one of the root causes of road accidents. Some companies have also rolled out Driving Safety Solutions to ensure the safety of field employees in particular who are rendered more vulnerable to road accidents due to their nature of work.

Message Boards

Message boards are often used at various intersections along the roads. It is used to display important information that pedestrians and drivers need to know. These messages pertain to anything related to road safety such as reminders to wear seatbelts/helmets, maintain the speed limit, etc. Now, the boards have evolved to include real-time data like traffic status, upcoming congestion, or ongoing roadwork. This feature is helpful to drivers.

These message boards are controlled remotely and can be coupled with cameras for better control over the traffic. The cameras will have the ability to tilt, zoom, or pan, providing the operators with a better view. Remote video monitoring will facilitate better road safety measures.


Smart road infrastructure is now a reality due to the prevalence of technology. With IoT sensors, connected traffic lights, etc. cities can enjoy improved roadways. Technology makes it possible for the concerned authorities to collect and analyze day-to-day data. It therefore essentially creates an environment of effective traffic management. The same can also be used to gather real-time road accident data and study its causes. Smart roads also contribute to fulfilling sustainable development goals

The Road Ahead

The future of technology and the mobility industry is still undergoing a lot of developments. to introduce new technologies such as connected cars. They are working towards reducing road accidents as much as possible and aim to make road safety accessible to all. The current situation calls for a dire need for solutions to help save lives. This landscape of technology and road safety will grow phenomenally with further research. By leveraging the power of technology to reduce road accidents, the coming days seem a little brighter. Continued efforts will ensure that families don’t lose their dear ones and the economy doesn’t incur a severe financial loss.

The post How can Technology help in Reducing Road Accidents? appeared first on ReadWrite.

Safety and AI — How this Fusion Heralds a New Dawn in Workplace Safety Tue, 07 Mar 2023 18:00:30 +0000 Safety and AI

340 million — that is the number of occupational accidents that occur every year — according to the International Labour […]

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Safety and AI

340 million — that is the number of occupational accidents that occur every year — according to the International Labour Organisation. And approximately 6000 people succumb to their deaths every day due to work-related injuries. The grim situation reflected in this data has become a major concern for safety professionals.

Needless to say, companies, big and small, have, over the years, realized the fundamental importance of workplace and employee safety. Concerned authorities turn to excel sheets, audits, meetings, and whatnot, to combat the risks that accompany their respective fields.

Different industries will encounter different health and safety hazards. For instance, heavy equipment leads to physical harm to a construction worker. Thus, depending on the industry, there will be different measures in place to ensure safety. The way ahead across all sectors is to introduce new strategies and move with the current trends.

Technology has paved the way for many opportunities and redefined multiple spaces in our day-to-day life. It has undoubtedly made life easier and processes more cost-effective and less time-consuming. It does not hold back when it comes to workplace safety as well. The penetration of technology in other aspects of life is common compared to the combination of AI and safety. Nonetheless, technology, especially AI, has opened up many avenues for improvement. It helps promote and sustain a safer workplace for the benefit of employees and employers.

How does AI help in improving Workplace Safety?

Workplace safety, by its very nature, is a complex issue. It isn’t one problem that plagues the companies, nor is there one solution that can solve all safety concerns. As such, AI tackles the issue of workplace safety and introduces better and safer practices. As per the needs of the company, AI is customized and chosen.

AI has also proven to be helpful in managing the workforce and overcoming challenges. Owing to its unique features and ease of use, AI has drastically improved the safety culture that penetrates any workplace. The role AI plays in workplace safety is phenomenal. The general benefits of AI in the workplace are as follows –

  • Data Collection and Analysis

Today’s world is essentially data-driven. Everything and anything produces data for everything and anything. Companies, especially, have a never-ending relationship with data. Data storage has come a long way since its beginnings when it was first kept in cabinets.

Thereafter, typed records were stored on secure Excel spreadsheets and further modernized to Google Sheets/Docs. With human intervention, it would take over months to analyze said data into meaningful sets.

But AI can sweep across the data to offer valuable insights enabling companies to make informed decisions for their safety programs. It also allows for the prevalence of a better safety culture which facilitates accountability and visibility. Data related to all workplace injuries would aid the management in identifying the most common injuries. It would also help them take the necessary action to remedy such situations.

  • Incident Reporting –

What workplace is free of accidents? Be it a food manufacturing company or any warehouse, for that matter, life-threatening accidents are right around the corner. AI provides real-time information about any incident that has occurred in your workplace. Companies will have access to information relating to accidents as well as near-miss incidents. Those in charge of safety will gain knowledge about which group of people are more likely to run into accidents. Depending on the at-risk practices of the employees, required solutions can be introduced to improve their behavior.

AI would also be able to identify accident-prone zones, materials, and vehicles which would lead to actions being taken to reduce said risk. This advantage of AI empowers the company to have better control over the working environment. Such reporting is an important tool for following the plant safety protocols of any company.

  • Employee Monitoring –

Employees are the biggest assets of a company. Monitoring their behavior has proven to bear exceptional results. With AI-powered employee monitoring, the company can expect better productivity and outstanding performance. Employee monitoring also enhances the creation of a safe working culture. It can keep track of the employees’ essential vitals and their location within their workplace. Additionally, AI helps identify behaviors harmful to the well-being of others and/or the company.

This intervention by the AI also assures employee safety by alerting them of nearby hazards and safeguarding them from physical harm whenever possible. If an employee is in the blind spot for a forklift, constant monitoring would mean that they are alerted beforehand, and a crisis is averted.

  • Equipment Control –

Dangerous and often lethal equipment fills the workspaces of many companies. Hydraulic presses, handheld grinding wheels, and cranes are but to name only a handful of the dangers of warehouses and plants. Faulty tools and machinery are one of the leading causes of workplace accidents.

AI tools and software are strategically designed to pinpoint equipment that is not functioning properly and may cause harm. Checklists can also be enabled to confirm whether the equipment has undergone required updates and to set off alerts for pending repairs. With AI lending such a helping hand, Safety Heads can reduce workplace accidents and ensure the efficient functioning of all vehicles, tools, and machines.

  • Replacement for Dangerous Tasks

There are certain activities that employees have to undertake, despite those being a big health hazard. But with the introduction of AI, times have changed. Employees no longer enter risky places and control harmful machinery.

AI can enter zones otherwise deadly for human beings and send across the necessary data. This again reduces the chances of employees being victims of dangerous accidents. Drones, along with AI, have rapidly been growing popular. It is useful in inspecting hazardous environments such as underground mines, construction sites, and rooftops, among others.

AI in the Working

Now that it is established that AI lends the upper hand to companies concerning workplace safety — let’s indulge a little bit in understanding the various customizations AI undergoes to be molded as per the safety requirements of different industries.

  • Forklifts are a major contributor to workplace accidents. Forklift accidents occur due to poor driving, lack of visibility of pedestrians, improper turning, and speeding. Integrating AI into this workflow would mean that the management will have a better grasp on the driving behavior of the employees for the forklifts, thereby implementing measures for improving their improper skills.

Like a two-pronged fork, AI provides another edge to the management in relation to sending alerts when a pedestrian is in the vicinity of the forklift to avoid collisions.

  • The field force of the companies is employees as well. For them, their work constitutes the roads they travel on. Companies with assistance from AI in the form of driving safety solutions can help make their employees safer on the road. For them, road safety equals workplace safety.

As such, data regarding driving behavior, incident reporting, trip details, etc., allow companies to take strict actions to curb road accidents.

  • Sensors and alert systems in loading docks and Action Tracking Systems in plants/warehouses also help in cultivating a culture of safety in the workplace.


In conclusion, Workplace and employee safety should always assume priority for any company. While traditional methods have been effective, they do have certain shortcomings.

However, with the integration of AI, companies can fill these gaps and shoulder the goal of creating a ‘Zero Harm’ workplace and achieving results in any health and safety audits.

The affiliation between AI and workplace safety would spell optimized safety management and reduced risk of human errors.

AI is a fairly recent player in this game and, thus, will undergo many changes and updates in the near future. It is safe to assume that all these amendments and accommodations will only help further the cause of workplace safety.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Pexels; Thank you!

The post Safety and AI — How this Fusion Heralds a New Dawn in Workplace Safety appeared first on ReadWrite.
