Ricky Brown, Author at ReadWrite https://readwrite.com/author/ricky-brown/ IoT and Technology News Wed, 02 Oct 2019 01:58:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https://readwrite.com/wp-content/uploads/cropped-rw-32x32.jpg Ricky Brown, Author at ReadWrite https://readwrite.com/author/ricky-brown/ 32 32 AR And VR: Which is More Important to Emerging Businesses? https://readwrite.com/ar-and-vr-which-is-more-important-to-emerging-businesses/ Sat, 05 Oct 2019 15:00:05 +0000 https://readwrite.com/?p=157900 AR, VR, what's most important?

Forward-thinking businesses have been looking for ways to leverage augmented reality and virtual reality for some time now. The Pokemon […]

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AR, VR, what's most important?

Forward-thinking businesses have been looking for ways to leverage augmented reality and virtual reality for some time now. The Pokemon Go craze predicted a new way of thinking. Gone are the days when these technologies were regarded as the work of an overactive imagination. App development companies are now being tapped so that these businesses can learn everything they need to know.

App development companies can assist a business in several ways.

App dev companies are not always able to help a company choose the best technology for their needs. This is especially true when augmented reality and virtual reality are discussed. Unfortunately, several companies find technologies to be interchangeable. To understand the future that lies ahead and the assistance that app development companies have to offer, it is essential for companies to truly understand the differences.

Virtual reality occurs when the user finds themselves submerged in an environment that is wholly simulated.

There are no elements of reality to be found in these instances. Of course, businesses took note. Virtual reality has always been considered more attainable because of its existence in movies. Video game aficionados can also remember the VR headsets that were once used by Nintendo and Sega fans. The headsets have led to continued misconceptions about the adaptability of AR and VR in a modern environment.

Many assumed that virtual reality would have more usage at the present moment and be relied upon by more app development companies.

In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. Augmented reality is going to have a much more significant impact on the world at large. It is not even close. Augmented reality offers a much higher level of potential.

The difference is impact is easy enough to explain. A virtual reality headset does not have the same ability to assist the user. A user that is relying on virtual reality must be willing to provide their undivided attention. Real-life interaction cannot take place as quickly as it would with augmented reality. Some might be joking that this is the furthest thing from the point.

Meanwhile, augmented reality is what occurs when the user finds themselves in an environment that combines elements of virtual reality with their day to day existence.

When Pokemon Go was all the rage, users were actually enjoying augmented reality. Their day to day surroundings were augmented by the Pokemon that they were trying to catch.

However, app development companies and experienced observers are already steering everyone towards the use of augmented reality. Experienced app development companies are never going to direct their clients towards VR apps unless they are working with gamers directly.

Augmented reality has applications that reach well beyond the world of gaming.

The AR Cloud is being developed as a means of augmenting the interactions that the user has with the world around them. AR can serve as a co-pilot of sorts, allowing the user to navigate their daily life more easily. The AR Cloud will one day serve as a helpful carbon copy that is designed to make existence simpler than ever before. Virtual reality cannot compare.

Have you ever dreamed of being able to point a watch at a building and learn about it in real-time?

In time, the user will be able to purchase wearable tech or even a watch that gives them various facts about the world around them. The idea to point your watch, phone, or ring at something and learn about it is the future that augmented reality has to offer the world. The basic principle that is associated with GPS is going to be applied to the rest of the world soon enough.

Industries are already benefiting from the usage of augmented reality.

Construction projects stand to reap the benefits of AR in ways that have never been imagined before. Project managers can avoid the money drains that would normally plague projects of this nature. Being able to spot these issues before construction begins in earnest allows companies to dedicate their resources to other aspects of a project as well.

The world of education is also being altered by augmented reality.

The adoption process has been slower than expected, but it is still well underway. Children who were once forced to rely on field trips to learn more about various locations are now able to slip on a headset in the classroom. Modern students can even take a trip to the solar system.

Teachers can illustrate the past period far more efficiently than ever before.

Textbooks are no longer being printed in the manner of old. While there are still some schools that are relying on older books, those who are looking to save on costs utilize clickable paper. Augmented learning is not just the wave of the future; it is the way that things are going to be done going forward.

The healthcare industry is also slated to benefit from the usage of augmented reality.

Finally, there is something concrete that can help the healthcare industry in profound ways. It is easy to see why with all of the visuals that are already on the internet. By way of explanations about complex health issues, augmented reality can make understanding readily available. There is no shortage of industries that are going to be able to enjoy the advantages in the years to come.

Conferring with app devs and app development companies.

In the meantime, businesses that are looking to take that all-important step forward will want to confer with app development companies. These companies have the experience and the know-how to guide their clients in the right direction. The top businesses are already well on their way.

The post AR And VR: Which is More Important to Emerging Businesses? appeared first on ReadWrite.

Businesses Can Safely and Efficiently Adopt Artificial Intelligence https://readwrite.com/businesses-can-safely-and-efficiently-adopt-artificial-intelligence/ Wed, 10 Jul 2019 15:00:35 +0000 https://readwrite.com/?p=154803 safely and efficiently adopt artificial intelligence

The use of mobile applications to enhance business processes across a wide variety of industries is no more news. Many […]

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safely and efficiently adopt artificial intelligence

The use of mobile applications to enhance business processes across a wide variety of industries is no more news. Many companies and business organizations are steadily integrating app development strategies to improve engagement, enhance efficiency, and boost various work processes across a wide range of industries. But, businesses can safely and efficiently adopt artificial intelligence.

Now that many enterprises have begun shifting their attention to mobile app development, there is a need for every forward-thinking mobile app development company to consider changing from its traditional ways of developing applications to adopting new innovative development strategies. Artificial intelligence is one technology that has been receiving increasing interest in recent years.

It is quite challenging to get along with any technology without first familiarizing yourself with its concepts.

When it comes to developing apps with artificial intelligence, any pragmatic mobile app development company should be able to understand the various processes involved. This post is designed to enable entrepreneurs and small business owners to know how best they can safely and efficiently adopt artificial intelligence via app development.

Understand the Concepts of Modern AI

Any technology will need to be understood and become familiar to your business, and same applies to artificial intelligence (AI). There is a need for any mobile app development company or app developer looking to build intelligent enterprise apps to take the time to become familiar with the various abilities of the technology. Businesses looking to delve into the AI space must first understand the profitability of such technology and be willing to go into partnership with relevant organizations.

Getting online in search of credible information about AI technology is an excellent way to start.

The main aim of doing this is to acquire a rich knowledge of AI and its constituents, such as predictive analytics and machine learning and how they can be applied within your organization. Several organizations provide a wide array of resources and information online to which people can quickly get themselves acquainted with the basic concepts of AI.

Explore Different Ideas

There are so many resourceful products that any mobile app development company can build through AI integration. But this can only be possible when problems solvable by AI are identified. Using solvability as a guide is why it is imperative for app developers to take the time to explore different ideas, even while focusing based on AI app development.

Businesses need to seek out ways by which AI capabilities can be added to their existing products and services.

The best way AI can play a meaningful role in an organization is by identifying problems that this technology can solve. Ultimately, there should be specific use cases in which AI integration would provide an added value while solving business problems. Interestingly, there is rarely any mobile app development company that wouldn’t benefit from AI adoption. Whether it is for machine learning, image recognition, or natural language processing, the role of AI in app development cannot be underestimated.

Assess Its Potential Value

Once various possible AI implementations have been identified, prioritizing concrete value is the next important thing to consider. Value can be done by assessing the potential financial and business value of the tech’s implementations. There is no need to embark on an adventure that has no business value as it will only amount to a goose chase. To this end, it is imperatively essential for any mobile app development company focusing on adopting rich AI features to ensure that the company’s initiatives are directly tied to the business value.

Understanding what the financial value is for the company can go a long way to help developers prioritize effectively based on near-term visibility. Visibility can be best achieved by looking at the dimensions of feasibility and potentiality.

Get ready to Integrate Data

In case you do not know, Artificial Intelligence is all about data. Enterprises looking to take this route must be organizationally and technologically prepared to start building apps and integrating them with AI capabilities. Integrating an app with AI-enabled capabilities is why it is essential to set goals while ensuring to work with professional AI consultants. These are the people that will help to ensure that clean data is integrated into the process.

Several legacy systems are designed with multiple data silos in which internal corporate data is kept.

To this end, there is a need to work as a team or collaborate with an experienced mobile app development company which can be very helpful, particularly when it comes to creating high-quality data for ML. The best way to develop accurate and rich data is by sorting out inconsistencies from the various data sets that would be integrated into the development process.

Don’t Overlook Storage

No developer or app development company can effectively adopt AI solutions without considering the storage requirements for the task.

All aspects of storage make it essential for app developers and other development agencies to ensure that they consider implementation.

AI systems require substantial data volumes to enable the development of accurate models. Unfortunately, these computing objectives cannot be effectively achieved without including storage as part of the AI plan. In AI there will always be the need for fast, optimized storage solutions right from the onset of the system design.


While artificial intelligence is recommended for virtually all enterprises across a wide range of industries, it is, however, imperative that they take the time to analyze its potential and how the technology will help to boost business value before going down this road.

The post Businesses Can Safely and Efficiently Adopt Artificial Intelligence appeared first on ReadWrite.
