Matt Asay

Latest Posts From Matt Asay

Big Data: Overhyped And Overpaid?

Big Data: Overhyped And Overpaid?

Gartner claims that Big Data is overhyped and about to fall into the trough of disillusionment, but salaries for Big Data pros suggest that enterprises are putting their money where their mouth is.

Trickle-Down Web Innovation Breathes New Life Into Enterprise IT

Trickle-Down Web Innovation Breathes New Life Into Enterprise IT

It used to be that legacy enterprise vendors like IBM drove the innovation agenda for enterprise IT, wielding massive R&D budgets to create proprietary products that in turn would fund more R&D.  But today’s most promising enterprise technology is born on the web, not in the research labs.

Tech Jobs In 2013: Open Source All The Way Down

Tech Jobs In 2013: Open Source All The Way Down

As Big Data, cloud and mobile take on increasing importance in the enterprise, hiring managers look set to add more jobs in the first half of 2013. Among this smorgasbord of jobs, open source skills will be in hot demand, given open source’s huge role in driving innovation.

Box: Ignorance Turning To Enterprise Bliss

Box: Ignorance Turning To Enterprise Bliss

There is perhaps no person less likely to start and run an enterprise software company than Box co-founder and CEO Aaron Levie. Which is perhaps the reason he’s so well-qualified to disrupt the traditional enterprise content management market. He simply didn’t know any better.

Cloud Convenience Checkmates Concerns

Cloud Convenience Checkmates Concerns

Concerns about data security, performance, and control in cloud computing linger, but new research from Forrester suggests that they all pale in comparison to the holy grail of Getting Stuff Done Fast.