Klint finley

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Don’t Sell to Customers You Can’t (or Won’t) Support

Don’t Sell to Customers You Can’t (or Won’t) Support

NetSuite, a hosted ERP company that got its start selling to the SMB market, has stopped selling to small businesses. Bob Scott quotes NetSuite CFO Ron Gill: “We simply stopped signing new business in that business. The small customers represent about 6% of revenue and 40% of customers.”

According to Dennis Howlett, NetSuite stopped selling to…

Swagger: A New Framework for Interactive API Documentation

Swagger: A New Framework for Interactive API Documentation

Today, Wordnik officially announced Swagger, a specification and framework for building interactive API documentation and sandboxes. The Swagger UI allows developers and non-developers to interact with an API and see how the API responds to different commands and parameters. It’s based on the technology that powers Wordnik’s own interactive API…

How and Why Mixpanel Switched from Erlang to Python

How and Why Mixpanel Switched from Erlang to Python

Real-time analytics company Mixpanel has posted an explanation on its engineering blog as to why the company switched the code of its API from Erlang to Python.

The Mixpanel team originally built the API server with Erlang and the framework MochiWeb because of the performance demands of running a real-time data service. However, the team lacked…

Heroku Neo4j Addon In Private Beta

Heroku Neo4j Addon In Private Beta

Heroku users, or would be Heroku users, interested in using the graph database Neo4j will be happy to know that an addon that lets Neo4j talk to Heroku apps is now in private beta. All registered Heroku beta-testers can access the addon now.

Forrester Reveals Wave for Mobile Collaboration

Forrester Reveals Wave for Mobile Collaboration

Mobile and how it changes the workforce remains high on Forrester’s research agenda with one of its latest reports: The Forrester Wave: Mobile Collaboration, Q3 2011. This is the first Wave for mobile collaboration.

Forrester looked at a number of factors, including enterprise readiness and cross-platform support. The firm only considered…

Webtrends Acquires Real-Time Analytics Company

Webtrends Acquires Real-Time Analytics Company

Webtrends announced yesterday that it acquired real-time analytics company Reinvigorate from (mt) Media Temple Ventures. The move rounds out Webtrends’ strategy of tying together Web, mobile and social analytics by bringing in a real-time component. The acquisition will also bring a new set of data visualization tools to Webtrends, including…

Short Amazon Web Services Outage Takes Down Netflix, Others

Short Amazon Web Services Outage Takes Down Netflix, Others

It appears that Amazon Web Services has suffered another outage tonight. The AWS Service Health Dashboard confirms that there were Internet connectivity issues at the EC2 location in the US-EAST-1, as well as issues with the Amazon Relational Database Service in Virginia. Amazon lists both issues as resolved but some sites, with the total downtime…

Dive Into Python Updated for Python 3

Dive Into Python Updated for Python 3

Dive Into Python by Mark Pilgrim has been updated for Python 3. The new version of the book covers Python 3 and the differences between it and Python 2. It’s available in print, or as a free e-book.

Unlike the other free Python e-books we covered, Dive Into Python is geared towards experienced programmers. It’s considered a classic among Python…

New Graph Database: agamemnon

New Graph Database: agamemnon

agamemnon is a Python-based graph database built on pycassa, the Python client library for Apache Cassandra. In short, it enables you to use Cassandra as a graph database. The API is inspired by the Python wrapper for Neo4j, neo4j.py.

iPad for Business Round-Up: Workday Releases iPad App and More

iPad for Business Round-Up: Workday Releases iPad App and More

The iPad isn’t just a hot new consumer device, it’s also an increasingly popular tool for business. Each week we take a look at the new or updated business apps for the iPad, and highlight trends in how tablets are being used in the enterprise.

This week we look at the new Workday iPad app, and more.

JavaScript Framework Popularity [Infographic]

JavaScript Framework Popularity [Infographic]

WebAppers has published an infographic on JavaScript frameworks and their relative popularity. No doubt some of you will point out that jQuery is better described as a library than a framework, but since WebApps is counting it as a framework, it’s obviously the most popular one. MooTools is the second most popular, followed by jQueryUI and…

Poll: Do You Think Dell Will Buy Cloudera?

Poll: Do You Think Dell Will Buy Cloudera?

Cloudera has long been seen as a potential acquisition target. Last year GigaOm’s Derrick Harris questioned whether Cloudera was allying its way to an acquisition. Earlier this year RedMonk co-founder and analyst James Governor wrote that it was “highly likely” that HP would make a play for Cloudera.

This week Cloudera entered a new alliance with…

Free E-Book: Learn Ruby the Hard Way

Free E-Book: Learn Ruby the Hard Way

Learn Ruby the Hard Way is a free online book on the Ruby language for beginner programmers. It’s an adaptation of Zed Shaw’s Learn Python the Hard Way translated into Ruby by Rob Sobers.

What Will Be the Business Skills of the Future?

What Will Be the Business Skills of the Future?

In a partnership with the University of Phoenix the Institute for the Future has produced a new report titled Future Work Skills 2020. You may be weary of the University of Phoenix, but I can vouch for the IFTF. However, I have mixed feelings about the report. It identifies the key driving factors changing the workplace, but the actual skills…

VMware Updates vSphere Pricing Again Under Pressure from Customers

VMware Updates vSphere Pricing Again Under Pressure from Customers

Earlier this month VMware announced a new pricing scheme for vSphere that immediately raised the ire of many customers. VMware has now revised its pricing scheme again, this time increasing the per-license entitlement for vRAM, which should help customers affected by the earlier change contain costs.

VMware shifted the basis of pricing from CPU…

Security Researchers Reveal Risks in Chrome OS and OSX

Security Researchers Reveal Risks in Chrome OS and OSX

Security researches revealed vulnerabilities in ChromeOS this week at Black Hat, it was reported today by VentureBeat. By exploiting an issue in the pre-installed ScratchPad extension, the researchers were able to gain access to data stored in a user’s Google account.

This is particularly noteworthy since Google has cited security as a benefit in…