North Korea has denied involvement in a recent Sony Pictures Entertainment malware attack, but this has done little to remove the state from suspicion.

See also: North Korea Praises But Won’t Take Credit For Sony Hack

The latest turn of events comes from a post on GitHub from “Guardians of Peace,” the mysterious cyber attacker group currently credited with the hack. GOP claims it was not responsible for threats sent to Sony employees over the weekend, but that Sony could figure out for itself who had.

“We know nothing about the threatening e-mail received by Sony staffers, but you should wisely judge by yourself why such things are happening and who is responsible for it,” the message said.

GOP isn’t affiliated with any one state, but the demands of this latest message suggested that it is at least sympathetic with North Korea. The message expressed strong disapproval of Sony’s yet to be released comedy, The Interview, without actually naming it. The film features Seth Rogan and James Franco as two journalists recruited by the CIA to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un.

The message states that Sony should “stop immediately showing the movie of terrorism,” language that closely echoes the words of a spokesperson for North Korea who stated that The Interview was “a film abetting a terrorist act.”

Sony and security researchers are currently investigating whether hackers working on behalf of North Korea, possibly in China, are behind the message, according to Reuters. While they have found no certain link to North Korea, the researchers have not ruled it out.

Photo by Davide Restivo