Featured - ReadWrite IoT and Technology News Mon, 14 Aug 2023 21:54:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.2 https://readwrite.com/wp-content/uploads/cropped-rw-32x32.jpg Featured - ReadWrite 32 32 Leveraging Google Trends and AI to Create Viral Content https://readwrite.com/leveraging-google-trends-and-ai-to-create-viral-content/ Tue, 15 Aug 2023 18:00:21 +0000 https://readwrite.com/?p=234127 Data to Create Viral Content

By definition, viral trends are fleeting. But hopping on them at just the right time can yield massive, long-lasting success […]

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Data to Create Viral Content

By definition, viral trends are fleeting. But hopping on them at just the right time can yield massive, long-lasting success in marketing a product, brand, or service.

With an estimated 328.77 million terabytes of data created each day, it can be difficult for brands to find unique ways to reach and be remembered by potential customers. But brands have a greater chance of making a lasting connection if they can meet customers where they are and appeal to their interests.

Thinking about and connecting with future customers who might not yet be aware of your brand can help increase the likelihood that they will turn to you when ready to buy. This is where leveraging media trends, pop culture, and other global topics comes into play. By taking a trending topic or event and figuring out how it becomes relevant for your brand, customers are more likely to remember you the next time they need a solution.

While participating in every trend may seem tempting, brand alignment is crucial in developing a successful marketing campaign.

So how can brands leverage trends to attract potential customers?

Be creative with your content. Start by opening your mind to the potential ways your brand’s solutions can join the conversation and take it to the next level by leaning into your arsenal of assets to explore trends with less restriction than you might have to exercise with paid or earned media.

Google: Your Always-on Focus Group

When mapping out a brand’s audience and needs, Google is a valuable asset in a marketer’s toolkit. It is incredibly accurate in its ability to reveal the current demands of real people searching for solutions at any given time, so Google serves as your always-on focus group.

Successfully harvesting Google’s sophisticated search data allows brands to develop better consumer behavior insights, add depth to their customer profiles, build a more engaging customer journey, and create authentic consumer connections. They can strengthen strategies and drive meaningful business outcomes when paired with other consumer research and insights.

Understanding consumer search data is a critical step for brands to gain the insights necessary to build relationships with consumers by gaining their trust, building a connection, and establishing authenticity, which will help convert prospects into customers.

Identify Trends That Fit Your Brand

Brands that successfully identify what content and topics target consumers are reading about, searching for, and discussing, can capture more attention in real-time. However, it’s critical to use data in this identification, not just gut feelings. Marketers risk allowing their strategies to be based on siloed personal opinions without actionable consumer insights. Google Trends, for example, provides brands with an evolving supply of organic search data, revealing an unfiltered landscape of their audience’s pain points, interests, and curiosities.

This collection of accurate data provides a real-time snapshot of current trending topics. What would Google Trends reveal in a search today? Two of the most popular concepts right now: AI and Barbie.

While brands have managed to successfully leverage one or the other, combining two trending concepts (when it’s relevant for your brand, of course) will create a more significant opportunity for brands to reach larger, more diverse audiences.

By producing fun, timely content that aligns with consumer interests, brands can build a large library of content to be used across multiple channels, including their websites, targeted earned media opportunities, email newsletters, social posts, and organic searches to maximize the value of each asset.

Let’s look at an example.

It’s a Barbie and AI World

Data collected over the past five years shows the term “Barbie” peaked in search interest the week of Dec. 23, 2018, with just over 1.9 million searches. This was around the same time as the announcement of a same-sex Barbie couple and a video of actor Jason Mamoa reading out the “Barbie Girl” lyrics during the Aquaman press tour.

Ahead of the Barbie film’s release in July 2023, Barbie-related Google searches peaked at 5.4 million from March 25 to April 21. Following the release of a teaser trailer on April 4, the term “Barbie” yielded 2.2 million searches that week alone.

Quite literally painting the world in various shades of pink, the marketing rollout behind the Barbie film has left a mark in nearly every industry.

While makeup, fashion, and decor align more closely with the Barbie image on the surface, vacation rentals, insurance companies, and video game console manufacturers have found clever ways to connect with the film and its audience, organically continuing the film’s marketing momentum.

Barbie has even made its way into the tech space. Looking up the word ‘Barbie’ in Google generates a flash of starbursts and casts a pink tint over the search results page. Combined with AI, another trending topic, more brands and consumers have found ways to join in the fun.

AI-powered art has led to wide adoption of the technology on social media. The popular Barbie selfie generator overlaid users’ images and personalized taglines over the movie poster. TikTok users took it a step further by bringing a different third-party filter to the app that completely transforms the user into a Barbie character. AI also led to new, realistic iterations of Barbie’s dreamhouse to show what the dollhouse might look like in different states across the U.S. or when designed by famous architects like Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, and Zara Hadid.

Recognizing the popularity of both topics is the first step for brands to join a trend. The next is figuring out if it makes sense for your brand to connect with both issues and, if so, how to apply AI technology to the mounting interest in Barbie. By using generative AI to add Barbie’s touch to selfies and architecture, brands were able to identify places where audiences could easily assimilate into the narrative, connecting them to consumers while also building brand awareness.

While joining in trends might not lead to direct conversions, brands become more memorable and visible by inserting themselves into current interests and generating related content. This connection invites consumers to build trust with your brand before joining the buyer’s journey.

Try Out Different Trends

Once your brand has identified relevant trends, brainstorm opportunities for content creation. Consider topics like record-high temperatures, the FIFA Women’s World Cup, and Meta’s launch of Threads. How can your brand take advantage of the interest surrounding these topics?

First, create owned assets related to this consumer interest data. This might include a blog post discussing protecting your products in extreme heat or generating images of what it might look like to host a world cup game with star players in Barbie Land.

Next, share this content on social media, in ads, or email campaigns to grow your content as managed assets. Invite your followers to provide tips or insert their own likenesses for added engagement. Finally, work with influencers or news organizations to develop additional content. Leveraging influencers and their followers can result in a viral moment that leads consumers back to your brand.

While consumers research brands to find more information about products, services, and other offerings they may need now or in the future; they place a greater emphasis on forming relationships with authentic brands they can trust.

If your brand can become a part of their daily lives by offering them engaging content that appeals to their interests each day—and shows that your brand is engaged with the latest trends — consumers will be more likely to build a connection with your brand and look to you when they are ready to enter the buyer’s journey.

Featured Image Credit: Anna Shvets; Pexels; Thank you!

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Your Data Protection Checklist https://readwrite.com/your-data-protection-checklist/ Wed, 09 Aug 2023 17:00:56 +0000 https://readwrite.com/?p=234059 Data Protection Checklist

Data is the lifeblood of modern businesses that enables organizations to drive innovation. However, with the increasing reliance on data […]

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Data Protection Checklist

Data is the lifeblood of modern businesses that enables organizations to drive innovation. However, with the increasing reliance on data comes the need to protect it from various risks, including data breaches, cyberattacks, regulatory violations, etc.

Organizations must adopt a proactive approach to data protection to safeguard sensitive information and maintain the trust of customers and stakeholders. In this article, you’ll find robust data protection measures organized into a checklist that will assist your organization in bolstering your data protection practices.

1. Review the Data Your Business Collects

The first step to protecting data is to know all the data your business collects, where they are coming from, where they are stored, and how they are used. Categorizing the data you collect enables you to adopt a risk-based approach to data security and prioritize your efforts accordingly.

However, this would be impossible without first ensuring visibility and clarity. First, ensure that nothing goes under the radar; every endpoint must be monitored to avoid leakages. Number two is that you must assess the necessity of collecting each type of data. This transparency helps you to avoid gathering excessive information, which increases the risk of data breaches.

2. Evaluate Regulatory Compliance Requirements

Even if your business is domiciled in a region where there is no clear data protection regulation, you can be certain that it’s coming to you soon. Violating laws on protecting personal data leads to serious legal and financial sanctions that even big tech companies are not exempt from.

Source: Statista

Therefore, you must identify the data protection requirements that are relevant to you. Businesses that work across borders might find this challenging because various laws may be applicable. So, it’s important to stay informed on the latest updates to compliance obligations.

3. Designate a Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Besides your cybersecurity team, an employee should be directly responsible for ensuring data protection compliance throughout the organization, especially by enforcing the company’s privacy policy.

Under certain criteria, regulations such as the GDPR mandate a DPO’s appointment. However, even if it is optional, you may consider appointing an independent and impartial advisor that will supervise data protection governance in the organization.

They should have expertise in data privacy and security practices and a solid grasp of business processes and industry specifics.

4. Monitor Your Data Life Cycle

Data protection is not a one-time activity. Instead, data must be monitored throughout its life cycle to ensure that it is handled responsibly and protected from unauthorized access at every point.

Source: Harvard Business School

This ongoing and multi-faceted process requires heightened vigilance, transparency, and commitment to data protection best practices. Ultimately, real-time monitoring aims to secure all endpoints and avoid leakages.

5. Enhance Detection Capabilities

You need an integrated and cloud-based data detection and response solution that protects sensitive data from undue exposure and prevents any type of data loss by monitoring endpoints intelligently in real-time.

It helps to explore AI-based behavioral analytics to detect anomalies and automatically trigger an incident response workflow due to a combination of content analysis, contextual awareness, and policy-based rules.

6. Create a Data Breach Reporting Structure

The GDPR, for instance, mandates that all data breaches should be officially reported within 72 hours. Whether this mandate applies to your organization or not, all businesses should have a clear data breach reporting hierarchy to ensure a swift and coordinated response.

For one, the criteria for reporting and classifying different types of incidents and their severity levels should be established and clear to all. There should also be explicit communication protocols so that reports can reach the right individuals promptly.

Particularly, key internal and external stakeholders who need to know about a data breach (depending on its severity) should be well informed. This may include senior management, legal team, public relations, regulatory authorities, affected data subjects, etc. And everyone should know their roles and responsibilities concerning the breach.

7. Create and Enforce a Privacy Policy

Besides the need to comply with regulations, having your own policy helps establish customer trust. If made public, it serves as a declaration of your organization’s commitment to protecting its users’ and customers’ privacy and personal data.

However, what matters most is enforcement; a privacy policy must be enforceable and should cover key components such as data collection and usage, consent mechanism, data security measures, rights of data subjects, cookie policy, employee training, etc.

8. Regularly Assess Third-Party Risks

Third-party partners, vendors, and suppliers are often sources of data leakages, especially when you can’t verify that they take data protection as seriously as you do. As such, without assumptions, you must regularly assess third-party security practices and risks to ensure that the data you share with them is in safe hands.

Assessing third-party risks is critical for incident response, business continuity, and disaster recovery. So, all decision-making concerning contractual obligations must be risk-based.

9. Conduct Regular Audits

Besides continuous monitoring, regular full-scale audits ensure that your organization’s data-handling practices align with internal policies and external regulations. They are meant to objectively assess data protection measures and help identify potential vulnerabilities and areas for improvement. Some tips for conducting an audit include the following:

  • Assemble an audit team
  • Develop a plan that includes a timeline, procedures, and documentation
  • Interview key personnel and review relevant documentation
  • Assess data security measures
  • Review incident logs
  • Evaluate employee training and awareness
  • Identify non-compliance and risks
  • Follow-up and monitor progress


As data continues to be a valuable asset and a potential liability, ensuring robust data protection practices is not just an option but a strategic imperative for every organization. By following this comprehensive checklist, your organization can strengthen its overall resilience against data threats and minimize the risks of breaches.

Featured Image Credit: Christina Wocintechchat; Pexels; Thank you!

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Methods of Increasing Employee Productivity https://readwrite.com/methods-of-increasing-employee-productivity/ Tue, 06 Jun 2023 15:00:48 +0000 https://readwrite.com/?p=227808

Business owners and managers are always looking for ways to boost productivity in the workplace. A company can’t succeed unless […]

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Business owners and managers are always looking for ways to boost productivity in the workplace. A company can’t succeed unless everyone is motivated and willing to work hard to achieve shared goals. Being hyper-critical and micromanaging your team often backfires and makes employees feel more stressed and resentful.

Instead, you should work toward creating a happy workplace, relaxed environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated. Happiness and productivity are known to go hand in hand. So, if you want to see revenue increase and goals met at a faster pace, don’t just look at the bottom line but also consider the attitudes and mindset of your team. Here are a few tips to help you do so.

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Give Colleagues Positive Feedback 

When a colleague does something that makes your day, be sure to let them know. Everyone loves to feel appreciated, yet far too many people neglect the simple acts of kindness that make others feel like their effort is being valued. It could be work-related or any simple gesture that helped you out. They may have offered to chip in on a project to help you meet a deadline or met their work goals for the month. Any positive action, no matter how small, should be acknowledged with positive feedback to encourage similar behavior in the future. If it’s something small, a simple thank you may suffice, but if it’s more significant, you may consider sending them a card or a modest gift. Just be sure to be specific about what they did and how it affected you.

Congratulate Colleagues on Their Wins

In addition to providing positive feedback, you should also congratulate colleagues on any wins or achievements. No one wants to feel like their hard work is going unacknowledged, especially in the workplace. So, take the time to give recognition for employee achievements – large or small. Maybe they exceeded their monthly sales goals or brought in a new client.

No matter what the victory, make sure to acknowledge it and encourage them to keep it up. A simple email may suffice, or if possible, congratulate them in person. You may even consider hosting a regular meeting to acknowledge staff accomplishments. But don’t sandwich it in between feedback and requested improvements – let the kudos stand on their own and find a different way to address improvement if necessary.

Create Shared Plans

Humans are social creatures, and we thrive when working in groups. So, make an effort to create shared plans and communicate goals and expectations. Employees can quickly become frustrated and stressed out if they feel they need a clearer sense of what is expected from them, or they can’t effectively communicate with colleagues and management. So, creating shared plans helps to ensure employees aren’t wasting time trying to figure out how to best serve the company or team. It also helps encourage teamwork and collaboration so that no one feels isolated or left out of the decision-making process.

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Encourage an Open Dialogue

Communication is essential to a happy, productive workplace, so encourage open dialogue between employees, management, and other key partners. Have regular conversations about the team’s progress and get feedback on what works well and what can be improved.

Set aside time at your regular staff meetings to answer a few questions:

  • How can we help each other use time more efficiently
  • What are our biggest time wasters as a group? (Email, chatting?)
  • What types of breaks are essential to help us focus longer?

Keep in mind that email and conversation are essential aspects of a healthy work-social life, but too much socializing can reduce focus. Also, remember that breaks are scientifically proven to improve focus in the long run. However, you must be strategic about when and what types of breaks you employ to improve productivity and avoid creating unnecessary distractions.

When creating this open dialogue, try to center it around how the group can improve and not single out particular individuals. That will make it easier to provide constructive criticism without feeling like you’re chastising anyone in particular.

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Set Clear Goals for Productivity AND Happiness  

Finally, you should also prioritize discussing goals for productivity and happiness in the workplace. While it’s essential to set objectives related to earning or completing tasks to keep everyone on track, this shouldn’t be your only concern. Also, discuss ways you can improve the workplace’s overall happiness and comfort level by eliciting feedback from your staff.

You could set a goal of hosting one pizza party per month or regularly recognize one person in the office for their hard work. Once you realize that happiness and productivity go hand in hand, you’ll start making a consistent effort to improve the mindset and well-being of your team. Everyone will be more productive if they feel their personal source of happiness is being recognized and fed.

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7 Father’s Day Gifts for the Entrepreneurial Dad https://readwrite.com/7-fathers-day-gifts-for-the-entrepreneurial-dad/ Mon, 05 Jun 2023 18:00:49 +0000 https://readwrite.com/?p=229013

As Father’s Day approaches, selecting the perfect gift for the entrepreneurial dad can seem challenging. These are fathers who work […]

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As Father’s Day approaches, selecting the perfect gift for the entrepreneurial dad can seem challenging. These are fathers who work hard to fulfill their responsibilities, juggling between the roles of a father and a business leader. They work tirelessly, often behind the scenes, to provide, protect, and pave the way for their families. Therefore, Father’s Day isn’t just an annual event; it’s an opportunity to acknowledge and appreciate the endless love and sacrifices our dads make every day.

Gifts, in this context, are expressions of love, gratitude, and understanding. An ideal gift resonates with the recipient’s personality, aligns with their interests, and caters to their needs. For entrepreneurial dads, who often dedicate a significant portion of their time to nurturing their businesses, gifts that blend practicality with novelty, reflect their passion for innovation, and that can offer them some relaxation is particularly meaningful.

Here’s a list of unique gift ideas, perfect for the business-savvy fathers who deserve the very best.

1. A Luxurious Barware Set

Every entrepreneur knows that some of the best business ideas emerge from casual conversations. A high-quality barware set serves as the perfect tool for these interactions. These sleek, stainless steel tools provide the perfect blend of elegance and function, making them a great addition to any at-home bar. It’s a tasteful gift that your entrepreneurial father will appreciate each time he entertains a guest or relaxes after a long day. Plus, there’s something special about a beautifully crafted cocktail that can’t be replicated in a commercial setting. A quality barware set can bring this exquisite experience home.


2. Stylish and Functional Desk Accessories

A clutter-free workspace helps to boost productivity. Gifting your dad some stylish desk accessories can help him keep his office neat and organized. Think along the lines of sleek pen holders, modern desk lamps, or minimalist charging docks. Not only do these items serve a practical purpose, but they also add a touch of personality to his workspace. It’s a way of turning his office into an inviting space that he’ll enjoy spending time in, potentially enhancing his creativity and productivity.

3. High-Quality Outdoor Footwear

Encourage your father to take a break and step into the great outdoors with a pair of  sturdy comfortable footwear. There are a variety of rugged options you can get that blend durability with comfort. This is an ideal gift for the dad who enjoys hiking, camping, or simply needs reliable footwear for his entrepreneurial adventures. Plus, a comfortable pair of shoes can also contribute to his overall well-being, encouraging him to take walks and engage in physical activity, which can reduce stress and improve creativity.


4. Mechanical Cuckoo Clock

In the fast-paced world of business, managing time effectively is crucial. Give your dad a fun and distinctive way to keep track of his schedule with a mechanical cuckoo clock. With intricate design details, these clocks are a nod to timeless craftsmanship and precision. As a bonus, they add a bit of whimsy and conversation to any office space. They also make for a compelling piece of wall art that never fails to draw attention and spark conversation, adding another level of charm to his office.


5. Subscription to a Premium Streaming Service

Unwinding with a good movie or show is a great way for your dad to decompress after a long day. A subscription to a premium streaming service like The Roku Channel can provide him with countless hours of entertainment, making it the perfect gift for the dad who needs a break from his busy schedule. This and other streaming services boast a diverse range of content, from critically acclaimed dramas to engaging documentaries that could spark his next big business idea.

6. A Personal Development Book

One common trait of successful entrepreneurs is their hunger for knowledge. Give your dad a renowned personal development book focusing on leadership, creativity, or business strategy. He’ll appreciate the thought behind a gift that contributes to his personal and professional growth. In addition, these books can provide him with a fresh perspective, inspire innovative ideas, and give him actionable advice to tackle new challenges, all of which could be instrumental in shaping his business strategies.

7. A Durable Tactical Bag

As an entrepreneur, your dad needs to stay organized on the go. A durable and versatile tactical bag will serve him well on his busiest days. You’ll want to get one with plenty of compartments for his essentials and one that is functional and stylish. This is a perfect gift for the dad, who is always prepared to go. It should also have a hard-wearing material and weather-resistant quality to ensure that it endures the test of time, no matter where his entrepreneurial journey takes him.

Give a Thoughtful Gift

Picking out the perfect gift for the entrepreneurial dad should always reflect his passion, personality, and lifestyle. From a luxurious barware set for hosting networking events at home to a durable tactical bag for his daily commutes, these Father’s Day gifts are designed to bring joy and utility into his life. So, this Father’s Day, let your gift be a testament to his dedication, resilience, and entrepreneurial spirit, as he deserves nothing less.

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9 Desk Decoration Ideas for Your Home in 2023 https://readwrite.com/desk-decoration-ideas-for-your-home-in-2023/ Wed, 25 Jan 2023 19:00:44 +0000 https://readwrite.com/?p=221154 Desk Decoration Ideas

Are you looking for the best desk decoration ideas for 2023? In just a few years, technology will be more […]

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Desk Decoration Ideas

Are you looking for the best desk decoration ideas for 2023? In just a few years, technology will be more advanced than ever, and our homes will reflect that.

So, to help you stay ahead, we’ve put together a list of nine desk decoration ideas that will work well in 2023.

Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or prefer to shop for everything, these ideas will help you create a stylish and functional workspace that is perfect for any home.

Desk Decoration Ideas for Your Home

Decorating your desk is a great way to make your workspace more inviting, creative, and inspiring.

Here are the nine best desk decoration ideas for your home for 2023:

1. Keep it Simple

It’s essential to keep the decor simple and clutter-free. Too much clutter can be distracting and make it challenging to stay focused.

Start with small decorations that add color and personality to your desk.

Keep them organized and out of the way, no matter what type of decorations you choose. A good rule of thumb is to keep at most four items on your desk at any time. More decorations can make it easier to stay organized and focused.


  • The key to desk decoration is to do just what is necessary. Simple items such as a vase with fresh flowers, a scented candle, or a framed picture can instantly brighten a desk.

2. Add a Touch of Color

Adding a touch of color to your desk is a great way to brighten your workspace and make it more inviting.

Whether you are working from home or in an office, a little bit of color can really make a difference in how you feel while you are working.

From bright and bold colors to subtle and muted tones, you can choose the perfect color palette to fit your style and preferences.

One of the easiest ways to add a touch of color to your desk is to start with an essential piece of furniture and then incorporate color through accessories and décor pieces.

Furthermore, you can add a color lamp to lighten the area with your favorite color.


  • Color can be a great way to liven up a desk. Try adding a colorful desk mat, a vibrant flower arrangement, or a desk lamp with a bright shade.

3. Hang Artwork

Hanging artwork can make your workspace more inviting, cozy, and inspiring.

You can create a visual focal point in your office that reflects your personality and style with suitable artwork.

You can hang photographs, quotes, posters, an image of your family, or your favorite place in artwork.


  • Artwork is a great way to add personality to a desk. Hang prints, photographs, or posters to make a statement.

An image showing art work hanged in office

4. Get Creative with Storage

If you are looking for ways to spruce up your desk and make it more organized, get creative with storage to decorate your desk.

Storage is an essential component of any desk setup, so using it as a way to decorate can make your desk look great and make it easier to work.

One way to get creative with storage is to use dividers or organizers. You can use dividers to separate your desk into different sections for different tasks, and organizers can help you keep track of things like pens, paper clips, and other small items.

These are great for keeping your desk organized and making it easier to find things when you need them.

Another way to get creative with storage is to use shelves or baskets to store items that you don’t need to keep on your desk all the time.

Shelves and baskets can be used to store books, magazines, or office supplies that you use occasionally.

It’ll keep your desk looking neat and tidy and make it easier to find items when you need them.


  • Storage containers are a great way to keep a desk organized and tidy. Choose colorful boxes, baskets, or jars to store supplies and organize paperwork.

5. Add Greenery

If you’re looking for a way to add a little life to your desk, adding greenery is a great option. Greenery can help bring life and color to a workspace and can also help create a calming atmosphere.

Adding greenery to your desk can be as simple as a small succulent or a few air plants or as intricate as a small bonsai tree or terrarium.

Some benefits of having a plant in your home office are:

  • Improves air quality.
  • Improves concentration.
  • Increases creativity and improves mood.


  • Adding a plant to a desk can help to add a pop of color and life to a space. Choose a low-maintenance plant such as a succulent or air plant.

An image showing a plant placed on a desk

6. Use Desk Accessories

Desk accessories are an essential part of any workspace, providing organization, storage, and decoration. Decorating your desk with accessories can make it more inviting and help you create a workspace that reflects your own style and personality.

Here are some tips for using desk accessories to decorate your desk:

  1. Choose interesting accessories: There’s a wide variety of fun and interesting desk accessories available, so it’s important to choose those that reflect your taste and style. Look for pieces with interesting shapes, textures, and colors that will add visual interest to your desk.
  2. Make use of vertical space: Vertical space is often overlooked when decorating a desk, but it can be a great way to add extra storage and display space. Consider adding a wall shelf or desktop file organizer to hold books and other items.

Some desk accessories include:

  • Desk lamp (more to come).
  • Pen and pencil holders.
  • Desk organizers.


  • Desk accessories such as pencil holders, calender, and organizers can help to add a touch of style and functionality to a desk.

Must Read: Flexispot Pro Standing Desk Review

7. Showcase Collectibles

Showcase collectibles to decorate your desk are becoming increasingly popular. These items can range from vintage and antique pieces to handmade and custom-made items.

It’s one of the best desk decoration ideas that many experts recommend to do.

Collectibles can be found in many shapes, sizes, and colors and can be used to enhance the look of any office or workspace.


  • Showcase your favorite collectibles on your desk. Display a few items, such as a vintage typewriter, an antique clock, or a collection of postcards.

8. Add a Pen Holder

A pen holder not only looks good but can also be a practical addition to your desk.

Keeping your pens, pencils and other writing implements organized and in one place can help make your desk look neater and make it easier to find the writing instrument you need.

When selecting a pen holder for your desk, you have many options. You can choose from various materials such as plastic, wood, or metal.

You can select a pen holder in various colors or designs if you want a more decorative option.


  • A pen holder is a great way to store all your writing utensils. You can find pen holders in various shapes and sizes, including ones designed to look like animals or other fun forms.

9. Lighting

Lighting is one of the essential elements in any interior design project.

Perfect lighting not only serves to illuminate the space but is also a great way to add a decorative touch to your desk, making it look more beautiful and inviting.

The best way to add lighting to your desk is to place it near a window where natural outside light comes inside.

Furthermore, if you want to use artificial lighting, you can consider using LED bulbs or desk lamps.


  • Desk lamps can be a great way to brighten up your workspace. You can find lamps in various styles, such as modern, industrial, and vintage.

An image showing a lamp placed on the desk


How Can I Ensure That my Desk Decorations are Modern and up-to-date?

Incorporate modern elements such as geometric shapes, bright colors, and contemporary art pieces to ensure your desk decorations stay modern and up-to-date.

What are Some Benefits of Using a Standing Desk?

Standing desks have several benefits guys from Desks Geek call these the major among them:

What Materials are Best for Creating Desk Decorations?

Materials like wood, paper, fabric, and metal are the best for desk decorations.

What Colors Should I Use for my Desk Decorations for a Modern Look?

For a modern and vibrant look, try decorating your desk with a combination of colors like coral, teal, and mustard yellow!


In conclusion, desk decorations have come a long way since 2023. They now offer various options to suit any style and budget. There is something for everyone, from colorful wall art pieces to unique desk accessories.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Gian Paolo Aliatis; Unsplash; Thank you!

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How To Become An Online Millionaire (6 QUICK Ways To Do That) https://readwrite.com/how-to-become-an-online-millionaire-6-quick-ways-to-do-that/ Wed, 02 Nov 2022 15:00:58 +0000 https://readwrite.com/?p=212824 Become An Online Millionaire

Last year, more than a million people in the U.S. alone became millionaires — which set a new record for new […]

The post How To Become An Online Millionaire (6 QUICK Ways To Do That) appeared first on ReadWrite.

Become An Online Millionaire

Last year, more than a million people in the U.S. alone became millionaires — which set a new record for new people hitting the seven-figure mark.

How would you like to become the next name on that list?

Top 6 Ways To Become an Online Millionaire

So how can you stand out, do something unique and interesting, build an online business, and get paid enough to change your life forever? Keep reading. This whole post is going to be about the best way to become a millionaire online.

There are so many ways to make money online. Below are several platforms you can use to find success. Keep in mind that there is no one path everyone can take. If that were the case, everyone would have a million dollars from an online business.

Find what works for you, stay focused, grind hard, and you’ll find a way to make a million dollars. Making money doesn’t have to involve an expensive suit or sweating all day, and we’re going to prove with our list that it’s still possible to become an internet millionaire.

1. Freelance Your Skills

Freelancing your skills isn’t going to make you a millionaire overnight. What it is going to do is give you a taste of the life you can have once you start working for yourself. You’ll build an online business and learn the art of making money online.

Most people start with freelancing skills they already have as a side hustle to build up income. This extra cash can be used for a vacation, to boost up savings, investing, or build liquidity for your own business.

Popular freelancing options include graphic design, coding/dev work, writing and proofreading, social media marketing, as well as virtual assistant gigs. If you have a high-demand skill or set of skills, you can probably pick up some work on the side.

A lot of people, after being bitten by the self-employment bug, quit their day job to pursue other interests, which is where the magic really takes place. From here, you now have the freedom to build an online empire, become a millionaire online and take your life into your own hands.

2. Blogging

The average pay for a writer is around $60,000 a year. According to Fit Small Business, professional bloggers claim to earn between $40,000 and $80,000 a year, which runs pretty much on par with what various writers make.

The difference is that you can and should treat your blog like a business if it’s making you money. Turn it into an LLC, which you can do on a website like LegalZoom for just a few hundred dollars.

Writing a blog post can also be considered passive income. You write it once, update it once a year, and it will continually earn you money online; for this, you need to have a website where you can get your audience to read (or where you get the traffic), some of the best website builders in the market where you can do this are Wix, Squarespace, Pixpa or Word Press.

If you want to become a millionaire online through blogging, the key is to think of it as a house. You want to start with a good foundation. This includes your theme and your host. Your foundation is not where you want to skimp on spending.

If you don’t have the startup capital, at least a few hundred dollars to get started on the right foot, then save up some money first.

After you get your foundation up, the rest of the house will be built around content and SEO efforts. This includes both on-page and off-page SEO, but this can wait until several blog posts are under your belt.

In the event you’ve never written anything for the web, it’s a good idea to maybe take an online course before you start your online business. This way, you can learn how to write blog posts that convert well. Next, you’ll need a family, so you don’t get lonely.

This is your tribe. Social media marketing is the lifeblood of an online business. Be helpful and make new friends. Prove that you provide value and what to help people.

How do bloggers make money online? Most start off with a combination of ad revenue and affiliate sales. As their influence in the space grows, they’ll be offered sponsored posts from relevant brands and may eventually create their own products or courses.

3. eCommerce

There are many different ways to become a millionaire online using eCommerce. The two we’re going to discuss today are Amazon FBA private labeling and starting a Shopify store. They both have the potential to go from just another internet business to eventually make you over a million dollars.

Amazon FBA – Private Labeling

Amazon FBA is an acronym for fulfillment by Amazon. What this entails is you set up a store on the Amazon website, and they hold your inventory and handle all customer service, shipping, returns, and more for a sizable fee.

Private labeling is a term used for a brand putting its own logo on merchandise it didn’t actually create and then selling it under its brand name. This practice is perfectly legal and usually accomplished by finding a product on a website such as Alibaba and contacting them.

Once you work out a deal and find out how much the product and shipping to Amazon are going to cost, you can set up your new business online right on the Amazon website and get the ball rolling.

There are several things you want to keep in mind if you want to go the Amazon FBA method; (merchantwizard how to sell on Amazon), which is the private labeling route. First, you want to know how much each sale is going to cost you as the seller. Then it’s a matter of finding the right margins for this product.

Secondly, nothing lasts forever. Figuring out the lifespan of a product has a steep learning curve, and you need to accept the fact you may take a few losses along the way. Once you master these two important caveats, you can earn money online by creating multiple stores or selling multiple products under one banner.

Finding ways to become a millionaire online isn’t going to happen overnight. This is the first idea on the list that requires a sizable investment and can result in large losses. Prepare to get rich slowly with this idea. But once you find success with it, it can easily be replicated to infinity, helping you to realize your dream of becoming an internet millionaire.


Shopify stores aren’t that different from Amazon FBA private labeling stores. The main difference is that you have your own website.

Everything is yours with this internet business model. Your website and your merchandise — are sourced however you want, and it is 100% your responsibility. Traditionally, most people promote their websites with Facebook ads. Many are unaware of how powerful their own content can be. Shopify allows stores to have their own blog and are infamous for underutilizing this asset.

Facebook ads and other social platforms can help brands make a ton of money, but never rule out the superior power of search engine optimization. A million dollars is great, but if you want to go beyond that and into the long-term with your online store, SEO should be a focus.

4. YouTube/Social Media Influencer

Influencers are typically members of younger generations. The ones that have the largest presence get onto an online platform early, connect with an audience, and then grow tremendously as the platform grows.

You don’t need to be a Kardashian or have a million followers to make a million dollars. The average salary of what’s called a micro-influencer is anywhere between $40,000 and $100,000 a year. These influencers only have 10k-50k followers.

Building a YouTube channel is good for people who enjoy being in front of the camera. But the key to having a great YouTube channel, or influencer in general, is editing skills. Video editing itself can probably help you become a millionaire.

All you really need to start a YouTube channel or become an influencer is a smartphone and a laptop. Like blogging, success doesn’t happen overnight. Focus on generating great content and building a tribe.

YouTubers make money much the same way as bloggers. Affiliate marketing paired with Google AdSense, once you meet the criteria, sponsorships, and brand deals, along with their newest feature, which is memberships. People can join your channel as a member and receive perks that non-members cannot receive.

How much money do YouTubers make? It depends on the niche, views, and several other factors. The platform also has its own type of SEO that you’ll need to master.

As a starting point, find channels in profitable niches that create content similar to what you want to make, and then search for them on sites like Social Blade. There you can get a good idea of how much ad revenue each of these channels brings in. Keep in mind there are several ways to make money on YouTube, and social blade cannot track affiliate sales and other streams.

5. Investing

There is no better way to make money passively than investing. Making money doesn’t get any easier. Investing can be real estate, stocks, or even crypto. While trading is fun, you’re usually going to be better off taking a “set it and forget it” investing stance.

When it comes to investing, you’ll need to do your own research and a lot of it. Start with products and services you already understand and take a deeper dive into their financials.

Stocks and crypto go up and down regularly. Housing markets experience booms, bubbles, and busts. Investing is all about long-term passive income. As tempting as it is to check your stocks and crypto numbers every day, that’s a bad habit.

Real estate investments can bring in 5% annually, sometimes a bit more. The stock market typically returns closer to 8%. And crypto can make you anything you want. Keep in mind there is very little protection with cryptocurrencies, and there are a lot of ways to lose money.

6. Create Courses or Digital Products

Many bloggers and YouTubers create their own products. They are great ways to make money online for people who have an existing presence. If you want to sell physical or digital products, building an online store on Etsy can be a great resource for you to accomplish these goals.

Digital products are the way to go with this strategy. You make something that’s downloadable, and you sell it on your online store page. You may need to update it once a year if it’s a planner or calendar, but for the most part, it’ll generate passive income for years.

An online course is how a lot of people make a full-time living and build an empire. If you’re any kind of subject matter expert for an in-demand skill or service, people are going to buy your online course. You can start selling and creating an online course today by using some of the best online course platforms.

There is no one size fits all way to build and market a course. But a couple of tips for finding success will be having an audience already in place that will purchase the course and having an email list to market the course to your target audience.

The Bottom Line – Best Ways to Become a Millionaire Online

Some people like to make a case for doing several of these options all at once to create multiple streams of income. So many of the ideas on our list represent great ways that thousands of people have become a millionaire online over the last several years.

However, there is also a case to stay focused on a single platform or topic you either know or deeply desire to know more about. A hyper-focus can also be a double-edged sword. So, the best advice is to do what you want. It’s your life, freedom, and financial future we’re talking about. Take charge of it.

Thanks for stopping by and reading today’s post. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them below.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Kindel Media; Pexels; Thank you!

The post How To Become An Online Millionaire (6 QUICK Ways To Do That) appeared first on ReadWrite.

The Amazing Success Story of Basketball Player Kobe Bryant https://readwrite.com/the-amazing-success-story-of-basketball-player-kobe-bryant/ Sun, 03 Jul 2022 15:00:38 +0000 https://readwrite.com/?p=212055 Basketball Player Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant is a household name. He is an icon in the sport of basketball and has achieved massive success […]

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Basketball Player Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant is a household name. He is an icon in the sport of basketball and has achieved massive success both on and off the court. But what is it that makes Kobe so successful? And how did he get to where he is today?

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the amazing success story of Kobe Bryant. We will explore his early years, his rise to stardom, and all of the incredible accomplishments he has achieved over the course of his career.

Early Life and Rise to Stardom

Kobe Bryant was born in 1978 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His parents were both professional athletes, and his father, Joe Bryant, played professional basketball for several years. From a young age, Kobe showed a passion for the game of basketball. He would often go to his father’s games and watch him play. When he was just six years old, he started playing basketball himself. He quickly began to develop his skills and soon became one of the best players in his age group.

As Kobe continued to improve as a player, he began to draw the attention of some of the top college basketball programs in the country. Ultimately, he decided to forgo college and declare for the NBA draft. He was drafted 13th overall by the Charlotte Hornets in 1996.

Kobe did not have a very successful rookie season, and he was traded to the Los Angeles Lakers after just one year with the Hornets. It was with the Lakers that Kobe would truly begin to shine. He quickly developed into one of the best players in the league, and he helped lead the Lakers to three consecutive NBA championships from 2000 to 2002.

Kobe continued to play at an extremely high level throughout his career, and he became one of the most popular players in the world. In 2006, he scored a career-high 81 points against the Toronto Raptors, which is still the second-highest single-game scoring total in NBA history. He would go on to win two more NBA championships with the Lakers in 2009 and 2010.

Off the Court Success

Kobe Bryant’s success is not limited to just his on-court accomplishments. He has also been extremely successful off the court. He has endorsement deals with some of the biggest companies in the world, including Nike, McDonald’s, and Coca-Cola. He has also launched his own production company and investment firm. In addition, he has written several books, including an autobiography and a children’s book.

Kobe Bryant is one of the most successful basketball players of all time. He has achieved massive success on and off the court. His work ethic, dedication, and passion for the game are unmatched. Kobe is a true icon, and his story is an inspiration to people all over the world.

Kobe Bryant is one of the most successful basketball players of all time. He has achieved massive success on and off the court. His work ethic, dedication, and passion for the game are unmatched. Kobe is a true icon, and his story and Kobe Bryant’s quotes are an inspiration to people all over the world.

Kobe Bryant’s success is not limited to just his on-court accomplishments. He has also been extremely successful off the court. He has endorsement deals with some of the biggest companies in the world, including Nike, McDonald’s, and Coca-Cola. He has also launched his own production company and investment firm. In addition, he has written several books, including an autobiography and a children’s book.

Kobe Bryant’s Motivational Quotes

“The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters.”

“I can’t relate to lazy people. We don’t speak the same language. I don’t understand you. I don’t want to understand you.”

“I’m competitive with everything. Washing dishes, in checkers, monopoly… you name it.”

“There’s no grey area when it comes to winning and losing. You either win or you lose.”

“When nothing seems to help, I go look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow, it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before.”

“I have self-doubt. I have insecurity. I have a fear of failure. I have nights when I show up to the arena and I don’t want to play. I have times when I don’t think I can overcome an injury.”

“The only thing I can do is continue to prepare myself for whatever opportunity presents itself and hope that my hard work pays off.”

“My brain is like a computer. When it’s working right, it’s a beautiful thing.”

“You’re not going to hear anything from me until we win four in a row.”

“There’s no substitute for preparation, hard work, and commitment.”

Wrapping Up

Conclusion paragraph: Kobe Bryant is one of the most successful athletes in history. He has achieved massive success on and off the court, and his story is truly inspirational.

I hope you enjoyed learning about Kobe’s journey and all of the amazing accomplishments he has achieved. Thank you for reading, and be sure to share this blog post with your friends and family.

Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Thank you!

The post The Amazing Success Story of Basketball Player Kobe Bryant appeared first on ReadWrite.

Review: How GMass Makes Email Marketing a Cinch for Small Businesses https://readwrite.com/email-marketing-gmass-review/ Wed, 27 Apr 2022 14:55:22 +0000 https://readwrite.com/?p=209931 Though email marketing has been around for a long time, small business owners stand to benefit from the features included in GMass software.

Small business owners stand to benefit from the fast and easy-to-use features provided by the bulk email service GMass. Email […]

The post Review: How GMass Makes Email Marketing a Cinch for Small Businesses appeared first on ReadWrite.

Though email marketing has been around for a long time, small business owners stand to benefit from the features included in GMass software.

Small business owners stand to benefit from the fast and easy-to-use features provided by the bulk email service GMass.


Email marketing has been around for a long time. However, there is always some new software program that purports to have revolutionized the market.

Though these statements are often untrue, tech has seriously progressed in recent years. We took a look at GMass—a bulk email service—to review just how far these services have come over the years and why email marketing is such a powerful tool for small business owners.

GMass: The Bottom Line

For this mass email service, speed is a major priority.

When it comes to sending bulk emails, services in the past have been hitting all of the wrong points. What GMass gets right is speed.

Since sending messages is all about the metrics, the more quickly you can design a message, execute a mail merge, and throttle your messages, the better.

Speed is the keyword when it comes to mass emails.
Speed is the keyword when it comes to mass emails.

That’s why GMass lives up to the hype. You’ll be getting better results, higher open rates, and ultimately a greater brand awareness for your small business thanks to the unmatched speed. Not only that, but GMass also allows for sophisticated email flows that will keep your audience engaged.

To better understand the advantages and disadvantages of using GMass as your mass email service, we’re taking an in-depth look at exactly how it works, what it takes to set up an email campaign using the tool, and some of the key features. Read on to learn more!

What is GMass?

Find out how GMass was created and became the powerful mass email marketing service it is today.

GMass was created in 2015 by Ajay Goel. Dissatisfied with all of the other mass email services currently on the market, Goel decided to create a new mass email plugin that eliminates the weak spots in other services. He often found that sending mass emails was overly complicated and took far too long.


His solution would be a lightweight email plugin that can send messages faster than any other service. With user-friendliness as another key point that Goel wanted to highlight, GMass prioritized simplicity. Since 2015, GMass has exploded in popularity and has become one of the most widely used mass email marketing services on the market.

That’s why we’re taking a closer look at the plugin to see if it really does live up to the hype. Keep reading to find out the pros and cons of using GMass to send bulk emails.

GMass: Features, Pros, and Cons

Discover how GMass works and whether or not it is the right mass email service for your business.

GMass presents a competitive set of features.
GMass presents a competitive set of features.

To get started, though, we have to establish what exactly GMass does and what it does not do.

  • First of all, GMass is an extension that plugs directly into Gmail. Since not every business uses Gmail to send bulk emails, some won’t be able to benefit from the features of the plugin.
  • Secondly, GMass is a service that sends emails—not a prospecting service. Before you can start using GMass to send your messages, you need to establish an organized address list. So, as long as you are ready to send messages via Gmail and have a list of addresses ready to go, you can use GMass to start sending mass emails.

Now that we know how GMass is used, let’s dive into some of the specific elements of the plugin and how it compares to other similar services on the market.


As we just mentioned, Goel designed GMass with simplicity in mind. The GMass interface is incredibly simple and easy to use—even for people who are brand new to email marketing. That means that there is no barrier to entry to using the plugin, making it the perfect option for small businesses that do not have a dedicated email marketing team.

When you install GMass, you will discover that there is a red GMass button that appears next to the blue “Send” button when you open a new message. When you click on the arrow next to the GMass button you are greeted with a few key features such as personalization and tracking. These options are easily accessible and intuitive to operate, though the interface does look a bit out-of-date.

However, this is not an issue that affects the ability to send mass emails, so it’s not too big of a concern on our end. Our main takeaway is that the plugin is easy to access within your Gmail account and that the interface is simple and intuitive, as advertised.

Message Personalization

One of the biggest concerns when it comes to mass emailing is personalization. The easier it is to personalize large amounts of bulk emails, the better. So, how does GMass hold up to the competition? Once again, where GMass excels is with simplicity and speed.

To send personalized emails using GMass, you have to start with your address list in a Google Sheet. Once your addresses are organized and all of the information is input into the custom categories, you can start using the plugin to designate personalized elements of your messages.

As you navigate through the interface, you’ll notice that there is a button that resembles a spreadsheet. This button allows you to automatically input the information from your address list into your personalized messages. All you have to do is select the “Connect Spreadsheet” option and the email addresses and other information automatically populate.

Correctly Navigating the “Send” Button

One slightly tricky element to using GMass as your mass email marketing service is the send button.

As mentioned, there is a red GMass button. It appears as a part of the plugin right next to the blue send button. When you are using GMass to send bulk emails, your normal send button is rendered useless. Should you accidentally send a message using the blue button, your messages may not be personalized correctly. Additionally, your recipients will be able to see all of the other addresses receiving the message.

Luckily, if you are sending more than 20 emails at a time, the regular send button disappears. This prevents you from sending hundreds of glitchy messages.

Though it is easy to remember not to use the regular send button, it is also easy to mistakenly send out your messages using the wrong button. Since you can’t un-send messages, this is an important point to keep in mind while using GMass—especially if you are sending fewer than 20 messages.

Preventing Message Errors

If you are sending mass emails, you are likely sending more than just a handful of messages. For most email marketers, sending out hundreds of messages at once is fairly commonplace.

When using GMass to send out your messages, you need to adjust some settings to make sure that you don’t accidentally send out incomplete or incorrect messages to your audience. After all, one mistake when sending mass emails can cause people to unsubscribe or report your message as spam. To avoid a disastrous campaign, we recommend taking these steps in the GMass plugin:

  1. Click on the arrow next to the red GMass button.
  2. Select the elements of personalization you want to include in your message. The different elements auto-populate based on your address list. This is a great feature as you don’t have to remember exactly what you called your different categories.
  3. Test your message. This is possibly the most important step in the whole process of sending mass emails. If you don’t test your message, you could end up sending out hundreds of error-filled messages to your audience.
  4. Review your test email. You might find that you missed a few things. It’s always easier to see issues in a message rather than in the compose window.

Draft Feature Cuts Down on Mistakes

Another way that you can prevent errors in your messages is by saving your campaign as a draft. To save your campaign as a draft in GMass simply select the “Save as Draft” option in the section of the interface labeled “Action.”

After you’ve selected to save your campaign as a draft, GMass creates the messages so you can review them individually. Sometimes errors in campaigns only occur in certain messages, so if you have run into problems with personalization, we definitely recommend reviewing your campaign as a draft.

Compared to other mass email services, checking through the drafts is a bit cumbersome. Since it is so easy to make mistakes when sending out mass emails, it would be convenient if the plugin was able to display a message as it appears to a recipient before you can hit send. However, unlike a lot of other services, GMass is integrated into Gmail, meaning that it can only use features existing in Gmail. This is limiting in some aspects. However, on the whole, the plugin does a good job of working around the limitations imposed by Gmail.

Tracking and Reporting

One of the best parts about using GMass as your mass email service is the built-in tracking features. Tracking and reporting are essential features of any mass email service—it also just happens to be the key to running successful future campaigns.

To access tracking features in GMass, all you have to do is click on the arrow next to the GMass button to pull up the email settings. Next to the “Track” options in the window, you’ll see options to track both opens and clicks. As your audience interacts with your message, the tracking feature in GMass automatically updates. You can even stipulate that the data collected from tracking updates automatically in your address list.

This is a very useful feature to assess active vs. inactive addresses on your list. For example, if there is an address that has not opened one of your messages for the last few campaigns, you’ll be able to tell just by pulling up your address list. As you make changes to the address list, you can slowly eliminate addresses that are inactive to make room for active recipients.

Campaign Reports

Accessing your campaign reports when using GMass as your mass emails service is also super simple. Where your sent and draft folders are located on the left-hand side of your Gmail account, you’ll find a new folder titled “GMass Reports” in your account.

GMass automatically categorizes these reports by the campaign. They display all of the most important metrics you need to see as an email marketer. You can also easily download the report as a CSV file and upload the information into a Google Sheet or Excel spreadsheet to display to stakeholders or your email marketing team.

As far as easy tracking and reporting are concerned, it doesn’t get much easier, faster, or more intuitive than with GMass.

Message Deliverability

If you are sending out messages to your audience, you need to make sure they are being delivered. This is especially important for novice marketers or people starting small businesses.

Using GMass as a mass email service, it is easy to avoid exceeding your daily send limit so you can preserve your email sender reputation. GMass also makes the bold claim that their mass email service can get you the highest possible delivery rate of any of the mass email tools currently available. Therefore, we wanted to pay extra attention to how exactly GMass lives up to this lofty claim!

GMass can get users a high deliverability rate and help marketers avoid the spam folder by using a dedicated tracking domain.

A tracking domain keeps a record of your history of sending emails. As you send emails, the number of opens and clicks you get are all cataloged in the tracking domain. If you accidentally exceed the daily send limit or are sending messages that look like spam, your tracking domain will garner a bad reputation according to Gmail.

To overcome this and get your campaign to as close to 100% deliverability as possible, GMass can assign you a new tracking domain. All you have to do is send a request to GMass for a custom tracking domain, and boom! Your deliverability rate just increased!

Scheduling and Throttling

Another key feature of GMass that increases deliverability is the scheduling and email throttling. As we’ve discussed, there is a daily send limit imposed by Gmail that you have to follow otherwise you risk your address reputation. Thankfully, GMass has features that allow you to work around the send limit including message scheduling and throttling.

To schedule a message in GMass, all you have to do is click on the arrow next to the GMass button and look for the “Schedule” option. Then, you can schedule your campaign to be sent automatically at a strategic time to appeal to your audience.

If you want to send more than a few hundred emails at a time, you have to schedule them 24 hours apart from each other to avoid damaging your sender reputation. But, when you use GMass, the mass email service will automatically throttle your messages. When you use GMass you no longer have to worry about sending too many messages at once. GMass will automatically schedule them 24 hours apart without your input.

We found that these features combined do result in a very high deliverability rate. So, if deliverability is a major concern for your next campaign, GMass is an excellent option as a mass email service.

Email Flows

In addition to a high deliverability rate, GMass also offers automated services for email flows. An email flow is a series of emails sent out to a recipient with an intended action in mind. These messages work to take your audience from the top of the funnel to the bottom.

That is to say, email flows are a series of messages designed and ordered to produce a conversion.

We tried out the automatic follow-up option in GMass to see how it can produce effortless email flows. Guess what? It worked like a charm.

The automatic follow-up feature is definitely something that sets GMass apart from the competition. Using automatic follow-ups you can save time and send out more messages than ever before. Remember we said that GMass is all about speed—this is where the speed of the plugin is most clearly demonstrated.

Using GMass, you can easily write follow-up messages and schedule them in response to certain actions taken by your recipient. For example, if a recipient doesn’t open your message, GMass can automatically schedule a follow-up until you receive a response. (Be careful with this feature, though, as sending too many follow-ups can land you in the spam folder.)

The Verdict

Does GMass make email marketing faster and easier than other mass email services?

Now that we’ve explored the main features of GMass, what did we learn?

Is GMass the right tool for your company?
Is GMass the right tool for your company?

As far as mass email services go, GMass is one of the best. There isn’t much focus on the design of the interface and there are some limitations under the Gmail integrations. However, we can easily overlook these drawbacks in favor of the impressive and fast sending capabilities.

If you are looking for a plugin for sending mass emails, GMass is certainly one of the better options. GMass currently offers a limited free option and premium packages starting at $19.95/month.

Image Credit: Brett Jordan; Pexels.com

The post Review: How GMass Makes Email Marketing a Cinch for Small Businesses appeared first on ReadWrite.

Green Home Gadgets: Save, Save, Save! https://readwrite.com/green-home-gadgets/ Fri, 17 Dec 2021 15:57:26 +0000 https://iotgadgets.com/?p=98780 india-congestion-self-driving

From motion-detecting power strips to smart light bulbs, having a green home is a big part of the tech mania […]

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From motion-detecting power strips to smart light bulbs, having a green home is a big part of the tech mania currently sweeping the world.

Saving electricity and water is challenging. However, now there are several devices on the market that help. Here are some cool possibilities to upgrade your green home, including budget-friendly options, to help you save money.

Start your green home journey with LED light bulbs.

The typical light bulb needs improvement. However, the biggest energy-saving advancements are in LED light bulbs. LED bulbs consume up to 80% less energy than incandescent bulbs. In addition, they live up to 25 times longer, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.
LEDs save energy on par with CFLs. However, they now come with “smart” capabilities that help you save even more by using less light. Its brightness adjusts depending on the time of day or the room’s brightness.
In addition, they have the ability to change based on whether or not someone is home. Its creators claim it learns users’ habits and adapts to them. The Philips Hue is a similar LED lamp. An app also controls it. It’s even possible to send an SMS to turn off your lights!
Instead of smart bulbs, you have the option to choose motion sensors or smart light switches that operate with both CFLs and LEDs. Belkin WeMo offers both choices and lets you control your lights via an app. Lights are controlled by setting timers or by using Siri on your iPhone to turn them off.

Install a smart thermostat in your home.

Nationally, only 6% of residential energy is used for air conditioning. 40% is used for space heating. However, this varies greatly by region. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, in Arizona, 25% of energy is utilized for cooling and just 15% for heating.
The Nest Thermostat is the #1 best-selling thermostat on Amazon. In addition, it has rave reviews on CNET. The thermostat learns your behaviors. It allows you to adjust it remotely via smartphone or computer. In addition, it tracks your energy use. The Environmental Defense Fund deemed Nest “promising.” Furthermore, it noted that it reduces peak energy use while saving money.
Aros Smart AC Quirky+GE is ideal for those without central air. This window air conditioner is controlled remotely via an app, just like the thermostat. Tado sells products that turn your “dumb” air conditioner or heating system into a smart one. Both Tado and Aros let you control your system from your phone while you’re away.

New smart powerstrips enhance energy savings.

Some equipment in your home requires energy continuously. For example, plugged-in TVs, DVD players, and gaming consoles use power even when not being used. Additionally, computers and other devices do the same.
Smart power strips cut off energy to these “energy vampires” while not in use. This reduces energy loss.
Simple alternatives include timers, motion sensors, and remote controllers. In addition, there are power strips that disconnect power. They cut off power to your cable box, gaming console, and DVD player when, for example, the TV is switched off. Some unplug the power when all plugged-in devices are turned off. This prevents standby power consumption.
In addition, it’s possible to use a smartphone to regulate outlets. For example, the Belkin WeMo Insight outlet enables you to turn off devices, track energy use, create alerts, and more.

Get going on your green home with a new showerhead.

We’ve discussed energy conservation. Now let’s think about water. Showers use only 16% of home water. However, they are something we use daily.
Many digital advances have focused on saving water and time in the shower. For example, some have a showerhead that changes color after a while. In user testing, it reduced shower time by 13%.
The Oxiget aerating showerhead, for example, cuts water use by half without affecting water pressure. The Evolve showerhead or adapter stops running water as soon as it gets hot. This saves water.
Install a water-flow restrictor in your shower if you don’t already have one. This reduces the flow of water from your showerhead. In addition, conserve water and energy by installing WaterSense showerheads and WaterSense aerators on your faucets.

Green apps help our environment.

When it comes to enhancing your green home, knowledge is power. These apps, while not strictly gadgets, help you make more eco-friendly choices.
An electricity tracking app helps you track your energy usage. It pulls data from your utility bill or directly from your utility company. Others apps like WattBuddy and Kill-Ur-Watts do this as well. However some only function with specific utilities. Therefore, see if your local utility has an app or interacts with one.
In addition, tracking your consumption reveals things about your energy use that maybe you did not know.
In addition, use an app like GoodGuide or Ethical Barcode to make greener purchases. These apps collect company data to help you determine which items are truly green and which are not. They track company ethics, safety, and health.
The iRecycle app helps you identify nearby recycling locations that accept batteries, hazardous materials, and yard debris. Additionally, use water-saving apps like Water Use Calculator or H2O Tracker to track your water use. Furthermore, these apps are all free.

Wrapping Up

Remember that a green home isn’t simply about snazzy devices. Technology helps, however, so do good energy and water habits. Check out the Energy Saver website and the EPA’s WaterSense program for tips on lowering use.

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Drone Decisions: Help for the Beginner https://readwrite.com/drone-decisions-beginner/ Mon, 13 Dec 2021 14:59:30 +0000 https://iotgadgets.com/?p=98561

Drone flying is a thrilling new frontier for amateurs, pilots, aviators, and photographers. With drones, the sky is literally the […]

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Drone flying is a thrilling new frontier for amateurs, pilots, aviators, and photographers. With drones, the sky is literally the limit.

Drones range in price from under $100 to over $500. Choosing a new one is a challenge.
There are many design and performance characteristics to consider. In addition, there are many companies to choose from. This guide helps to explain the fundamental differences between drone types and much of what you need to know before flying one.

Drone Purchasing Fundamentals

Drones are multi-rotor flying devices controlled by remote. They provide new perspectives on the environment by taking images and movies from various angles.
Many modern RC drones have real-time first-person viewing (FPV). This puts users in the driver’s seat for a thrilling joyride. There they explore the air from the perspective of a pilot.

Some Things to Consider Before Purchasing

Choose a low-cost toy drone to learn the basics before investing in a higher-quality gadget. This is a smart way to save money. Most of today’s drones fall into one of two pricing categories, namely less than $100 or more than $500.
Models with simple functions and controls are cheaper. Those with higher prices have high-definition camera equipment. In addition, they have autonomous flight modes. Battery life is a limiting factor for all sorts of drones. When possible, use a simulator to obtain a better understanding of the drone before taking it for a flight.

For Beginners

Toy drones, such as the Parrot Mambo and the Hobbico Dromidia Kodo, are at the lower end of the spectrum. These simple and affordable drones cost approximately $100. In addition, they are designed for fun rather than function.
Their controls are simple and quick to understand. They are accessed by a smartphone app or a remote control included with the product.
Beginner drones and those for kids have shorter flying periods. They usually last less than 10 minutes. However, a low-cost model is an excellent method to learn to fly.
The camera quality may be lower, but it’s a good first step before upgrading to a more expensive model. Similarly, in the case of a crash, they won’t cost a fortune to repair or replace.

Camera Drones

DJI Mavic Mini, Parrot Bebop 2, and GDU Byrd are intended particularly to capture photographs. They cost between $500 and $1,500. These advanced flying machines are more focused on recording high-quality video and still photographs. Video drones must be registered with the FAA since they are larger and heavier.
Gimbals are used to pan and tilt the camera. In addition, they cushion it from the motors’ vibrations and hold the lens steady. They are usually included with video drones.

Features and Parts

Larger drones use larger batteries. Therefore, you have longer flight periods. A fully charged battery should last about 20 minutes on a video drone. In addition, they can be swapped out for a spare to extend the flight time.
Parts are also reasonably priced, with replacement rotor blades from Mavic Air costing approximately $20. While the movies generated by lesser models like the Bebop 2 will do for the majority of applications, it’s worth investing in the more advanced DJI drones when quality is a priority.

Other Uses for Drones

People use drones for an ever-expanding range of reasons. They are used from filming special occasions to inspecting construction sites. Not only that, but some of the most advanced models, such as the Mavic Air, have built-in autonomous flight technology. This allows them to travel on their own.
These more advanced ones let users experiment with autonomy. It allows them to navigate a predefined course using GPS on their own.
However, autonomous flight is subject to certain limitations. The FAA requires that you register these devices. In addition, they must remain inside the pilot’s line of sight at all times. At any time, the pilot must be able to regain control of the drone.

Racing Drones

With the rise of these devices comes the rise of related sports. Racing drones are often smaller and constructed with speed and agility in mind. Users wear first-person-view headsets to see through the camera‘s lens while navigating a course and trying to beat other pilots.
The majority of racing models are hand-adjusted to save weight or boost motor power. Models with a lower price tag, such as the Aerix Black Talon 2.0, start at approximately $115. On the top end of the scale, ready-to-fly drones such as the Uvify Draco can cost up to $700.

Flight Safety

Regulations established by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) are the guiding concept for safe unmanned aircraft flying.
These devices are a lot of fun…and a lot of money. However, when you fly, do so responsibly. Even a little toy drone can cause injury if it collides with someone. In addition, fingers hit by the rotor blades are subject to injury.

The Law and Drones

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has implemented registration rules for anyone operating one of these devices. This includes those that weigh more than 250 grams for recreational purposes. Most toy drones require no registration. However, those developed for filming, racing, or autonomous flight almost certainly need to.
Registration is available on the FAA website, and professional drone pilots must meet strict regulations. The registration number must be posted on the device once it has been registered.
These devices are not permitted to fly above 400 feet. They must stay out of restricted airspaces and away from emergency situations. They are not allowed to fly into national parks. In addition, they must notify air traffic controllers if they fly within 5 miles of an airport.

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Facebook is Stealing Your iPhone’s Data https://readwrite.com/iphone-users-delete-facebook/ https://readwrite.com/iphone-users-delete-facebook/#comments Tue, 26 Oct 2021 16:42:01 +0000 https://iotgadgets.com/?p=98062

A new issue has occurred, where Facebook is secretly harvesting data from iPhone users. There’s also another issue, the users […]

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A new issue has occurred, where Facebook is secretly harvesting data from iPhone users. There’s also another issue, the users can’t stop the tracking unless they delete the app.

Facebook was caught red-handed, as they secretly harvested data from your iPhone, without users having any say about them doing it. What’s worse is that they have admitted to this crime, and various security researchers have said that the app constantly uses the accelerometer on your iPhone to stream your movements, and can be used to monitor your activities of the day. This data that gets collected can match yourself with other people near you.

Facebook is basically tracking you

Many users have looked around on the apps settings as for how to disable the tracking, and no feature has been found to stop Facebook from invading your privacy. Also, if you don’t allow the app permission to your location, the app can still figure it out by grouping you with users matching the same vibration pattern that your phone accelerometer records, said both researchers Talal Haj Bakry and Tommy Mysk. On WhatsApp, the feature is prone to be disabled, however, on Instagram and Facebook, it can’t. You’ll need to access the services via the web to actually go on them. You’ll need to delete both Instagram and Facebook (for people on iPhone). Facebook is however the odd one out, as no other platforms do it, Mysk saying that he tested TikTok, WeChat, iMessage, Telegram and Signal.


Facebook says that they use the accelerometer to use features such as shake-to-report, 360 degree photos, and to ensure camera functionality. Seeing as though Facebook is doing this, they have permission to do this as all of the apps on the App Store are allowed to use the accelerometer, and worse, they don’t even let you know most of the time. An app could literally measure the users heart rate, and they wouldn’t even know. Also, when switching off the shake-to-report feature, the accelerometer is still used for some reason.

Apple needs to make it so that the accelerometer isn’t free to everyone, it can be granted towards an app, not stole.

This app is the most downloaded social media platform on the iPhone, and is now revealed to be stealing people data. This is most likely going to be a hit to their eco-system.


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Quick News: Telegram used as an alternative to the dark web https://readwrite.com/telegram-used-alternative-to-the-dark-web/ Fri, 22 Oct 2021 13:22:51 +0000 https://iotgadgets.com/?p=97990

Telegram has exploded with loads of files that can hack mass servers and can buy and sell stolen data. Cyber […]

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Telegram has exploded with loads of files that can hack mass servers and can buy and sell stolen data.

Cyber intelligence company, Cybretint, found a group of hackers selling data leaks on the social media platform. The channels can have tens of thousands of members. Content of the dark web can be found here, all a hacker needs is an invite and then they have access to be use Telegram as a cybercriminal app.

telegram darkweb

“We have recently been witnessing a 100 per cent-plus rise in Telegram usage by cybercriminals,” said Tal Samra, a cyber threat analyst at Cyberint. The social media app’s police of them not viewing others messages was what let this act slip. At least they should get a moderating system to flag an inappropriate act.

Many passwords have been leaked into this group and are a serious escalation of cybercrime. Can the social media platform be used as a dark web alternative?

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Galaxy Watch 4 Could Soon Decide if you are Allowed to go to Work https://readwrite.com/galaxy-watch-4-could-soon-decide-if-you-are-allowed-to-go-to-work/ Thu, 14 Oct 2021 18:04:42 +0000 https://iotgadgets.com/?p=97956

Samsung has announced that it is trialling a new VMS system. This is so far is only available in Australia. […]

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Samsung has announced that it is trialling a new VMS system. This is so far is only available in Australia. VMS is part of re-open.com – a cloud-based platform created by Deakin University, NTRI, and SaniteX Global to control the world following Covid-19.

Employers and employees will use the platform to gather health-related information such as the heart rate and SpO2 sensor — a virtual medical health screening whilst the user is still at home. The user will also be required to fill out a survey and will then receive a QR-Code – this can be used to attempt access to their workplace.

Employees will have to share their health data on a daily basis. As we can see the situation in Australia and the forced government control and vaccine mandates – Employers will most likely force employees to share their health data on penalty of dismissal.

Is VMS safe?

Samsung says it is. There is a long version of this discussing encryption etc, but if the data is simply handed over to third parties then it really doesn’t matter if the damn thing was encrypted in the first place or not.


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Quick News: One of the best apps for Tizen is now available on the Galaxy Watch 4 https://readwrite.com/quick-news-one-of-the-best-apps-for-tizen-is-now-available-on-the-galaxy-watch-4/ Mon, 13 Sep 2021 14:06:08 +0000 https://iotgadgets.com/?p=97716

The PPT Controller app was one of the best apps for Tizen smartwatches. Now, the app has made a comeback […]

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The PPT Controller app was one of the best apps for Tizen smartwatches. Now, the app has made a comeback and has been released onto the Galaxy Watch 4 series. If you were to head to the Play Store on the Galaxy Watch 4 and search for the PPT Controller app, you would be able to install it.

If you do not know what the PPT controller is, it is essentially a tool that can control PowerPoint presentations using your smartwatch. The app is free to use, but it only runs with Bluetooth, which can limit its functionality by a small amount. One cool feature is that the Galaxy Watch 4 Classic can control the PowerPoint presentation using the rotational bezel – nice hey?

The apps functionality is limited when it comes to Windows PC’s. The main reason for that being that a lot of computers running Windows 10 don’t have Bluetooth connectivity. On the smartwatch, you can swipe to change the slide. Instead of staying near the computer to change slides, you can change the slides from anywhere in the room.


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Fossil Gen 6 Smartwatch Released with Wear OS 3 https://readwrite.com/fossil-gen-6-smartwatch-released-with-wear-os-3/ Mon, 30 Aug 2021 17:39:04 +0000 https://iotgadgets.com/?p=97599

Fossil has just released their new watch, named the Fossil Gen 6, sporting Wear OS 3 and new sensors. It’s […]

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Fossil has just released their new watch, named the Fossil Gen 6, sporting Wear OS 3 and new sensors.

It’s Interesting to see that Wear OS 3 won’t be installed when you take it out of the box. It will be available via an update that is said to come out sometime in 2022. Unlike the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 that will be sporting it out of the box.

Disregarding that, the watch will come out with a SpO2 sensor that will let the smartwatch take blood oxygen measurements. A major feature that Fossil claims is that the watch will be able to reach 80% charging capacity in at least 30 minutes.

As for the hardware though, the watch has a Snapdragon 4100 Plus chipset, which can provide a battery boost and lower battery consumption. The watch also should be able to survive for over a full day when charged to 100%.

The watch has 1GB of RAM and 8GB of storage. The Fossil Gen 6 is water-resistant to 3ATM. It also has a heart rate sensor too to measure your hearts bpm. The Fossil Gen 6 has 2 case sizes. One is 42mm and the other is 44mm. Note: They’re both made out of stainless steel. It has 7 styles. 4 for the 44mm size and 3 for the 42mm.

It has a 1.23-inch AMOLED display with a pixel density of 326 pixels per inch. It has a speaker, there’s a rotating home button to navigate the interface.

The price is between $299 and $319, or £220 and £230. We do expect the Fossil Gen 6 to be available worldwide. (You can only preorder the Fossil Gen 6 shortly).

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YouTube Music Wear OS App Has Been Released – Only for Samsung new Watches https://readwrite.com/youtube-music-wear-os-app-has-been-released-only-for-samsung-new-watches/ Fri, 27 Aug 2021 16:24:54 +0000 https://iotgadgets.com/?p=97561

Wear OS 3 users have had to resort to Spotify’s application on their smartwatches when trying to listen to songs. […]

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Wear OS 3 users have had to resort to Spotify’s application on their smartwatches when trying to listen to songs. Now, Google has just released YouTube Music for Wear OS 3. Here’s how it works.

You can install it by heading to the Google Play Store on your watch, and searching “YouTube Music”. Select install and your watch will download and install the app.

Opening it up you’ll see a sign-in screen where you can select different YouTube accounts on your smartwatch. It will not get any account info from your smartphone. Only accounts that are actually on the smartwatch will be registered.

Once signed in, you will see 3 different sections: Downloads, Recommended, and Library. By default, the Downloads section will be empty. To add some music to your Downloads all you have to do is tap on a song, and you will be presented with a huge download button. As far as we know, there is no way to play music on the watch without downloading it.

Also, downloads can only start when the watch is on charge. This is a huge bummer if you want to download music on the go.

You can’t download music on mobile data as well. In settings, there is a Smart Download feature, which can download 50-500 songs depending on how much storage the smartwatch has left. There’s even restricted mode, which filters out certain songs, and a Privacy and Location page that just tells you to look at it on your phone.

There’s even Playback which encourages you to use a Bluetooth headset, and automatically opens that menu when you hit shuffle. As far as we know, there is no way to start Playback without connecting a Bluetooth audio headset to the smartwatch.

The Playback menu shows a like button, the time and track as well as the artist at the top, an option to change how loud it is, and a pause, skip, and previous options. On the Galaxy Watch 4 Classic, you can use the rotating bezel as a way to change the volume. The UI changes colour when you change songs.

Images from 9to5Google

Though the features of the app are certainly limited, in the near future, Google will release updates to the app.


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Spotify Will Now Let You Download Music on Your Galaxy Watch 4 https://readwrite.com/spotify-will-now-let-you-download-music-on-your-galaxy-watch-4/ Wed, 25 Aug 2021 11:33:25 +0000 https://iotgadgets.com/?p=97551

This feature has arrived on Apple Smartwatches, mobile, and even a smart TV. Now, Samsung will let you download music […]

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This feature has arrived on Apple Smartwatches, mobile, and even a smart TV. Now, Samsung will let you download music from Spotify via a software update to listen to music while on the go.

Spotify first unveiled this feature at Google IO 2021 in May and will be rolling out the update to their Spotify Wear OS application in a few weeks

Downloading songs will be easy. Just tap download to listen, and a green arrow will appear next to the songs name, indicating that you have download the song. Smartwatches will have to have Wear OS 2.0 or above to update the Spotify app to download songs without any third-party service and will have to run the latest Spotify app on the user’s mobile device.

Users will be able to actually take advantage of the Galaxy Watch 4‘s 16GB of storage. And though half of the storage is taken up by the OS and pre-installed apps, the other half is something you could fill songs with, along with various apps, pictures, and documents

Spotify has marked Fossil, Mobvoi and Suunto as smartwatches that will get the Spotify update in time, so keep an eye peeled if anything changes.


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Samsung Pay will soon be able to store Covid-19 vaccination records. https://readwrite.com/samsung-pay-will-soon-be-able-to-store-covid-19-vaccination-records/ Sat, 21 Aug 2021 19:59:02 +0000 https://iotgadgets.com/?p=97521

Samsung claims that soon they will allow users to store their Covid-19 vaccination records in Samsung Pay, with the help […]

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Samsung claims that soon they will allow users to store their Covid-19 vaccination records in Samsung Pay, with the help of a non-profit health organisation. The organisation called The Commons Project brings the vaccination records to Samsung Pay.

They will do this by using the CommonHealth app on the Google Play Store. And by using a Galaxy Smartphone, they can use the CommonHealth app to authenticate the Covid-19 vaccination records while travelling, by using a QR code generated from the Samsung Pay app only available to Samsung smartphones.

Samsung will roll out this feature as a little test and will roll it out to every Samsung Pay user by the end of the week.

Where will this feature come out?

This will come out in a fairly limited amount of places, just over 2 dozen countries. The Covid-19 vaccination records storing feature won’t come out for everyone just right now.


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Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 Vs Galaxy Watch 3 https://readwrite.com/samsung-galaxy-watch-4-vs-galaxy-watch-3/ Wed, 18 Aug 2021 18:10:35 +0000 https://iotgadgets.com/?p=97451

On August 11, Samsung’s Unpacked took place, with the tech giant releasing five devices, one being the Galaxy Watch 4. […]

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On August 11, Samsung’s Unpacked took place, with the tech giant releasing five devices, one being the Galaxy Watch 4. Many users with the Galaxy Watch 3 have considered buying the new watch but do not know the full comparison with regards to specifications. With that in mind here are the side-by-side specs

Galaxy Watch 4 Vs Galaxy Watch 3

SpecificationGalaxy Watch 4Galaxy Watch 3
ProcessorExynos W920 (5nm)Exynos 9110 (10nm)
Battery 40mm: 247mAh
44mm: 361mAh
41mm: 247mAh
45mm: 340mAh
Display40mm: 1.19-inch (396 x 396)
44mm: 1.36-inch (450×450)
Always on Display
Corning Gorilla Glass with DX+
41mm: 1.2-inch (360 x 360)
45mm: 1.4-inch (360 x 360)
Always on Display
Corning Gorilla Glass with DX
Memory1.5GB RAM
16GB Internal Storage
8GB Internal Storage
OSOneUI Watch (with Wear OS)Tizen Based Wearable OS 5.5
Durability5ATM + IP68 / MIL-STD-810G 5ATM + IP68 / MIL-STD-810G
Dimensions and Weight40mm: 40.4 x 39.3 x 9mm, 25.9g
44mm: 44.4 x 43.3 x 9.8mm, 30.3g
Aluminum case
41mm: 41.0 x 42.5 x 11.3mm, 48g
45mm: 45.0 x 46.2 x 11.1mm, 53g
Stainless steel / Titanium case
ConnectivityLTE (model specific)
Bluetooth 5.0
Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n 2.4+5GHz
LTE (model specific)
Bluetooth 5.0
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n

The best smartwatch in terms of features seems to be the Galaxy Watch 4. However, due to the Galaxy Watch 4 being recently released and being the first Samsung watch running Wear OS 3, it has quite a few bugs as reported by some of our readers.

The Galaxy Watch 3 will take the crown for now but it will be hard to keep the Galaxy Watch 4 down and ultimately it will take the crown in the future!

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Quick News: Galaxy Watch 4 Classic Hands-On Images https://readwrite.com/quick-news-galaxy-watch-4-classic-hands-on-images/ https://readwrite.com/quick-news-galaxy-watch-4-classic-hands-on-images/#comments Sat, 07 Aug 2021 14:27:09 +0000 https://iotgadgets.com/?p=97411

The Galaxy Watch 4 Classic has just been prematurely given to Android Headlines as a hands-on image. Here’s what the […]

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The Galaxy Watch 4 Classic has just been prematurely given to Android Headlines as a hands-on image. Here’s what the Galaxy Watch 4 Classic looks like, in both colours. Silver and Black.

Galaxy Watch 4 Classic Black
Galaxy Watch 4 Classic Silver

When the watch get’s released on the 11th, you can expect great things such as fast performance and more features than its previous series. The Galaxy Watch 4 Classic will be made of metal, so expect the watch to be cold when you first put it on.


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