Finance - ReadWrite IoT and Technology News Mon, 16 Oct 2023 18:44:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Finance - ReadWrite 32 32 Goldman Sachs reconsiders its consumer lending strategy Mon, 16 Oct 2023 18:35:14 +0000 Cybersecurity Threats in Banking

Goldman Sachs, the renowned investment bank, is reportedly reevaluating its venture into the consumer lending sector. This comes amid internal […]

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Cybersecurity Threats in Banking

Goldman Sachs, the renowned investment bank, is reportedly reevaluating its venture into the consumer lending sector. This comes amid internal disagreements and challenges faced by the bank in its partnership with tech giant Apple, according to a recent report by the Wall Street Journal.

Goldman’s consumer lending journey

Goldman Sachs had made headlines when it collaborated with Apple to introduce a joint savings account. However, the enthusiasm within the bank seems to have waned. Some insiders have expressed regret over the initiative, with one executive reportedly stating that the bank should never have ventured into this domain.

The bank’s recent decisions reflect this sentiment. Goldman Sachs is in the process of divesting from GreenSky, a purchase it made just a year ago, and has already offloaded a significant portion of its personal loan portfolio.

Key decision-makers within the bank are contemplating exiting the remaining consumer lending products. This includes the Apple credit card and other associated Apple products, as well as the General Motors credit card. While discussions with American Express have taken place, no concrete decisions have been made.

The bank’s foray into the credit card sector in 2019 had initially raised eyebrows, with many consumer banks viewing Goldman as a potential competitor. However, the bank’s recent actions suggest a shift in strategy, potentially marking the end of its consumer lending experiment.

Challenges and criticisms

The upcoming earnings report is anticipated to shed light on the bank’s performance in this sector. There are expectations of a decline in profits, and stakeholders are keen to hear from CEO David Solomon about the bank’s renewed focus on its primary Wall Street operations.

Internally, there has been criticism of the consumer lending venture. Many hold the view that the initiative has been more problematic than beneficial, with some pointing fingers at Solomon for the bank’s aggressive expansion in this area. The unit overseeing credit cards and GreenSky has reportedly incurred significant losses, and there have been regulatory concerns surrounding the card business.

The Apple partnership

The partnership with Apple has also faced its share of challenges. Issues with the Apple credit card’s loss rates have been a point of contention. Additionally, there have been discussions about allowing Apple to assume a larger role in the partnership, potentially taking on the responsibility of lending for new credit card expenditures.

Goldman Sachs has also been under scrutiny by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau regarding its credit card account management practices.

Goldman Sachs’ journey in consumer lending has been tumultuous. With internal disagreements, regulatory challenges, and partnership issues, the bank is at a crossroads. The upcoming earnings report and decisions regarding its partnerships will be crucial in determining the future direction of this venture.

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Gary Gensler calls for US to regulate AI risks to financial stability Mon, 16 Oct 2023 15:00:20 +0000 Gary Gensler AI Risks to financial stability

The rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in the financial sector could pose significant risks to financial stability and lead […]

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Gary Gensler AI Risks to financial stability

The rapid adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in the financial sector could pose significant risks to financial stability and lead to another crisis within the next decade, top regulators have warned.

In a recent interview with the Financial Times, Gary Gensler, chair of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), said the concentration of power in a few dominant AI platforms is creating dangerous systemic risks that could trigger a crisis as early as the late 2020s.

It’s “nearly unavoidable” for AI to trigger a financial crisis within a decade, according to Gensler. What concerns regulators is the potential for herd behavior if many firms rely on the same underlying AI models and data aggregators.

For example, mortgage lenders might all use an AI system from one tech company to assess creditworthiness. If that model has flaws, it could lead to a surge in defaults and threaten the housing market.

I do think we will in the future have a financial crisis . . .[and] in the after action reports people will say ‘Aha! There was either one data aggregator or one model . . . we’ve relied on.’ Maybe it’s in the mortgage market. Maybe it’s in some sector of the equity market

Gensler added that AI’s “economics of networks” makes this scenario likely. The more companies use an AI system, the better its predictions become with more data. This creates a winner-takes-all environment where one or two AI models dominate an industry.

The problem of regulating ‘horizontal’ AI risks

Much of current financial regulation focuses on individual companies and sectors, which poses challenges for overseeing AI risks that cut across markets.

“It’s frankly a hard challenge […] It’s a hard financial stability issue to address because most of our regulation is about individual institutions, individual banks, individual money market funds, individual brokers; it’s just in the nature of what we do. And this is about a horizontal [matter whereby] many institutions might be relying on the same underlying base model or underlying data aggregator.”

The SEC has proposed requiring broker-dealers and investment advisors to disclose potential conflicts of interest in their predictive analytics. But Gensler said this “still doesn’t get to this horizontal issue” of interconnected AI dependencies.

U.S. regulators are now exploring cross-agency coordination and new oversight frameworks to monitor systemic AI risks, though progress has been slow. Gensler has raised the issue at international bodies like the Financial Stability Board.

The concentration risks of AI “as a service”

Another concern is the consolidation of AI supply among Big Tech firms. Companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft have robust cloud infrastructure to host complex AI models and sell them “as a service” to financial institutions.

“How many cloud providers [which tend to offer AI as a service] do we have in this country?”

This concentration creates single points of failure. If an AI model on Amazon’s servers has problems, it could impact many banks, insurers, and trading firms that rely on it.

Europe leads in AI governance

While U.S. regulators are still studying AI risks, Europe has taken more decisive action. THIS YEAR, the EU is set to pass legislation that imposes strict requirements around transparency, data privacy, and reducing bias in AI systems.

The SEC chair has an ambitious regulatory agenda targeting issues like climate change disclosures, cryptocurrency oversight, and private equity rules – all of which face legal challenges. Ensuring AI stability may be one of the most complex tests for U.S. regulators in the years ahead.

Featured Image Credit: Tara Winstead; Pexels; Thank you!

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How Tech Companies Can Deal With Cash Flow Problems Tue, 10 Oct 2023 17:38:15 +0000 Tech Cash Flow Problems

Tech companies, with their fast-paced innovation and scaling ambitions, are not immune to the financial ebbs and flows that can […]

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Tech Cash Flow Problems

Tech companies, with their fast-paced innovation and scaling ambitions, are not immune to the financial ebbs and flows that can cripple any business. When it comes to managing cash flow, the stakes are high, and the challenges are unique to this high-growth industry.

Common Cash Flow Issues for Tech Companies

According to the latest business data and reports curated by Exploding Topics, 90 percent of startups fail. Pretty encouraging, right?

Across basically all industries, the average failure rate for year one is 10 percent – meaning one out of every 10 businesses is no longer open 12 months after launch. That number skyrockets in years two through five when 70 percent of all new businesses will close up shop.

While you can’t look at all businesses in a vacuum, studying the trends is interesting. For example, first-time startup founders have a success rate of just 18 percent. But if there’s one statistic that stands out as a universal truth for tech companies, it’s this: 16 percent of all businesses fail due to cash flow problems.

Cash flow problems are the number one cause of failure outside of poor product-market fit and incorrect marketing strategies.

“Cash flow problems contribute significantly to the business failure rate in the United States,” Exploding Topics explains. “Most entrepreneurs who launch with insufficient funding, product or service prices that are not market-related, or optimistic sales projections end up with a failing startup.”

Tech companies are known for their fast-paced innovation and desire to scale past all issues and restraints ambitiously. However they often find themselves victimized by costly cash flow issues. Here are some of the big challenges:

Rapid Growth

Tech companies thrive on innovation, and R&D is at the core of their operations. However, pursuing cutting-edge technologies and product development can be a double-edged sword. While R&D is essential for staying competitive, it can strain a company’s cash flow due to its high costs. This includes expenses related to hiring top talent, procuring equipment, and conducting experiments. Without the proper prioritization and allocation of the R&D budget, things can go sideways quickly.

Expanding Workforce

As most tech companies scale, there’s a need to hire more employees to support the growth that’s happening. This is great, but it’s also a gamble. Hiring too quickly can lead to massive overhead and HR expenses. If sales slow down, management is left holding an expensive bag with nowhere to go.

Irregular Revenue

Combine all of the rapid growth with irregular revenue and things get sticky in a hurry. Tech companies often rely on the launch of new products or updates to generate revenue. This dependency on product release cycles can lead to irregular cash flow patterns. During the development phase, cash may be pouring into R&D and marketing, causing temporary imbalances in the company’s cash flow.

Subscription Challenges

The big trend for tech companies is to offer subscription-based products that deliver consistent and predictable recurring revenue. While this is nice in theory – and can be highly profitable once the business steadies – many companies fail to account for high churn rates. This is especially problematic when businesses use free and discounted trials to bring customers in the door. They might feel like they’re scaling rapidly, only to see 40 to 50 percent of these new users walk out the door within 30-60 days.

When you combine rapid growth with irregular revenue streams, it’s often like having a ticking time bomb beneath the surface of your business. Things might work well for a while, but it’s unsustainable. Eventually, something breaks. And that’s precisely why something must be done to counteract the underlying issues and improve cash flow…sooner rather than later.

5 Strategies for Dealing With Cash Flow Issues

If your company is struggling through cash flow issues, it’s essential that you don’t just sit back and hope things get better. Top tech companies – the ones that scale and thrive – implement proactive strategies for dealing with these underlying issues. Let’s explore a few of the top options you have available to you.

1. Optimize R&D Expenditures

To maintain a competitive edge in your company, you must invest in research and development. But as discussed above, investing too heavily in R&D can knock your cash flow and balance sheet out of whack.

One effective approach is to become more strategic by prioritizing critical projects that will deliver an immediate ROI. This ultimately boosts your cash flow and gives you more resources to focus on in the long-term ROI projects down the road.

Additionally, consider streamlining R&D processes to reduce costs and speed up the time-to-market. This may involve implementing agile methodologies or fostering cross-functional collaboration.

2. Master Customer Billing Cycles

As previously mentioned, many tech companies operate with subscription business models. The benefits of this are clearly documented – and you likely already know what they are – but the challenges are less commonly discussed. If you want to operate on a predominantly subscription-based model, that’s totally fine. (Many successful tech companies do.) You just need to have a plan for mastering customer billing cycles to have a more predictable cash flow.

One option is to implement tiered pricing models, which can help attract a wider range of customers and provide a steady stream of income. By offering different pricing tiers with varying features and services, tech companies can cater to cost-conscious customers and those seeking premium offerings.

Leveraging automated invoicing and payment systems is another crucial step. Automation reduces the risk of late or missed payments, improves billing accuracy, and frees up resources that would otherwise be spent on manual billing processes.

3. Form Strategic Partnerships

Have you ever considered building out strategic partnerships or collaborations with other tech companies? Assuming they aren’t direct competitors, this can open up new revenue and cost savings avenues.

Consider how entering into a joint venture or revenue-sharing agreement with a partner could complement some of your existing offerings. It could also open you up to entirely new customer bases, which paves the way for more customer onboarding and cash flow.

The key is to identify the right partners. This usually means finding:

  • Companies that sell complementary products or services
  • Companies that are not direct competitors
  • Companies that serve a niche or segment of the marketplace that you don’t currently have access to
  • Companies that can help you achieve lower expenses in certain areas

Now, it’s obviously not all about you. The other company is also going to want to find reasons to partner with you. That being said, it can take a lot of effort and due diligence to find the right partnership. However, once you do, it can instantly alleviate a lot of cash flow pressure.

4. Look to External Funding Options

In cases where internal cash flow is insufficient to support growth initiatives, tech companies can explore external funding options. These include seeking venture capital, angel investors, or crowdfunding.

Venture capital firms and angel investors often provide funding in exchange for equity, allowing tech companies to secure the capital needed for expansion. Conversely, crowdfunding involves raising funds from many individual investors or backers through online platforms.

If you do go down this route, carefully consider the terms and conditions of the funding source to ensure that it actually aligns with your company’s long-term goals and isn’t just a short-term stopgap.

5. Consider Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Nobody wants to think about bankruptcy. However, if your cash flow issues are severe enough, it’s something to at least consider. And despite what most people think, it doesn’t necessarily spell the end of your business. In a lot of cases, it provides the relief you need to move on. It’s kind of like hitting the “reset” button.

“I like to think of Chapter 13 bankruptcy as a ‘pay what you can afford’ approach to dealing with overwhelming debt,” attorney Rowdy G. Williams explains. “It can be an uncomfortable 36 to 60 months, but there’s immense relief on the back end.”

Unlike other forms of bankruptcy, Chapter 13 gives you options for keeping your business. You basically spend three to five years paying what you can on your taxes and debts. (These debts usually come with a zero percent interest attached to them.) After that, you’re relieved from the responsibility to pay any remaining balance on certain types of debt.

With Chapter 13, you give yourself time and allow you to keep valuable business assets. While it’s not the perfect option in every instance, it’s often the best choice for tech companies and founders who can’t escape cash flow issues using other methods.

Put Your Business on the Fast Track for Success

There’s no perfect formula for success. Every tech company faces unique cash flow problems and circumstances. However, if you’re willing to lean in, understand the problems, and tackle each issue with proactive strategies proven to work, you’re much more likely to succeed. Hopefully, this article has given you some ideas and food for thought. Now, it’s up to you to get out and execute.

Featured Image Credit: Pexels; Thank you!

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Fintech startup Slice merges with small finance bank in rare India deal Thu, 05 Oct 2023 21:00:02 +0000 Indian Fintech Startup Slice

Indian fintech startup Slice is merging with North East Small Finance Bank after receiving approval from the Reserve Bank of […]

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Indian Fintech Startup Slice

Indian fintech startup Slice is merging with North East Small Finance Bank after receiving approval from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

According to the Oct. 3 TechCrunch report, this is a rare feat that has eluded many tech companies and financial startups for decades. Slice previously offered credit card-like services and, at its peak, issued over 400,000 cards in a month, more than any other fintech or bank. The merger will allow the combined entity to better serve their shared mission of reaching more unbanked consumers.

The merger follows Slice — which currently has a yearly revenue of about $100 million — recently acquiring a 10% stake in North East Small Finance Bank. It should enable the new entity to expand its product offerings and accelerate innovation. The RBI implemented guidelines last year that impacted Slice, competitors like Uni and neobanks like Jupiter and Fi. The changes challenged how firms issued cards.

Slice founder and CEO Rajan Bajaj said they have worked with the bank for 12 months, allowing the board, investors and management to align on a shared vision. He commented:

“We’re grateful to the RBI for entrusting us with this immense responsibility. […] At Slice, our unyielding devotion to customers and robust risk management have set us apart. This approach allows us to serve a wider audience, including those often overlooked, while also building a deep emotional connection with our customers.”

Slice is backed by investors like Tiger Global, Insight Partners, Blume Ventures and EMVC. It was valued at $1.5 billion in its last funding round. Its first investment in the bank valued it at $68 million. At least two investors are already planning to invest about $125 million combined in the merged entity.

North East Small Finance Bank was incorporated in 2016 as a subsidiary of RGVN (NE) Microfinance. It serves northeast India and is backed by investors like Pi Ventures, Bajaj Group, and SIDBI Venture Capital. India is undergoing a pivotal banking evolution, increasing tie-ups between banks and fintechs. Larger banks like HDFC, ICICI, and Axis are also embracing this idea.

VCs are focused on investing in banks. Accel and Quona backed Shivalik Small Finance Bank last year. Obtaining a banking license or merging with a bank is still rare in India, as oversight has increased. The RBI largely rejected universal bank applications in recent years, including one by Flipkart’s Sachin Bansal.

In 2021, RBI issued a small finance bank license to Centrum Financial and BharatPe to address a capital-starved situation. In contrast, the capital adequacy ratio of the Slice-North East bank is much higher than RBI’s 15% mandate.

Featured Image Credit: iStock Photos; Pexels; Thank you!

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Surging Returns: Boost Your Savings Now Fri, 22 Sep 2023 15:00:02 +0000 Boost Your Savings

The Federal Reserve has maintained its benchmark interest rate at the highest level seen in 22 years, indirectly affecting interest […]

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Boost Your Savings

The Federal Reserve has maintained its benchmark interest rate at the highest level seen in 22 years, indirectly affecting interest rates on financial accounts and products across the US economy. This allows individuals with savings and extra cash to achieve a better return on their investments than in recent years, ensuring a return that surpasses current inflation rates. As a result, the higher interest rates encourage people to save more money and invest in interest-bearing financial instruments, such as certificates of deposit and government bonds, boosting the nation’s overall savings rate. Additionally, this has the potential to stabilize the economy as a whole, as higher returns on savings can help offset any negative impacts caused by inflation, promoting consumer confidence and sustainable long-term growth.

Federal Reserve Maintains Interest Rates — Low-Risk Investment Options

For individuals looking for low-risk options to maximize returns on funds intended for use within two years and funds anticipated to be required within the next two to five years, several alternatives are available. One such option is investing in high-yield savings accounts or certificates of deposit (CDs) offered by reputable financial institutions, which provide secure interest returns without exposing the funds to market volatility. Additionally, individuals can explore short-term bond funds, money market accounts, or Treasury-issued securities such as T-bills and Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) to achieve a balance of safety and growth for their short-term financial goals.

High-Yield Online Savings Accounts

High-yield online savings accounts potentially provide greater returns than their traditional equivalents, with the average yearly percentage yield on banking savings accounts standing at just 0.56%, as per a recent Bankrate study. Compare that to noteworthy online savings accounts that frequently boast annual percentage yields (APY) reaching above 1%, delivering considerably better user profit. This shift towards online platforms also comes with the added advantages of flexibility, easier accessibility, and reduced overhead costs, allowing them to provide these competitive returns.

FDIC-Insured High-Yield Savings Accounts

Numerous online, FDIC-insured banks offer over 5% on their high-yield savings accounts. These high-yield savings accounts provide a convenient and lucrative way for consumers to grow their money with minimal risk. Account holders can easily access and manage their accounts through modern online banking platforms, making these accounts especially attractive to those seeking efficient and high-interest savings options.

Money Market Accounts and Funds

Money market accounts and funds permit a higher yield than regular checking or savings accounts when created with one’s own bank. These financial products achieve this by investing in short-term, high-quality, fixed-income securities, such as government bonds and commercial paper. As a result, investors can benefit from increased returns while still retaining relatively easy access to their funds, like a traditional savings account.

These accounts might have higher minimum deposit prerequisites than a standard savings account, but they deliver more liquidity than a fixed-term certificate of deposit or Treasury bill. In addition, they often provide a higher interest rate, enabling account holders to maximize their earnings potential while still maintaining easy access to their funds. Balancing the benefits of higher interest rates and convenient access makes high-yield savings accounts attractive for those looking to grow their savings without sacrificing flexibility.

Certificates of Deposit (CDs)

Certificates of deposits (CDs) represent another low-risk investment choice for increasing cash, necessitating a fixed deposit sum for a specified period, typically ranging from three months to five years. The longer the term of the CD, the higher the interest rate you can potentially earn. However, investors need to be aware of possible penalties for withdrawing funds before the maturity date, as this action may result in a loss of earned interest.

Considerations for CDs

Although interest rates for CDs are typically higher than those for high-yield savings accounts and money market accounts, potential penalties apply for withdrawing funds before the term’s conclusion. These penalties, often referred to as early withdrawal penalties, can sometimes negate the benefits of higher interest rates, making it essential for investors to carefully consider their liquidity needs before committing their funds to a CD. Additionally, due to their fixed interest rates, CDs may not be the ideal choice for investors searching for a hedge against inflation during rising interest rates.


What does the Federal Reserve maintaining interest rates mean for individuals?

Individuals with savings and extra cash can achieve a better return on their investments, which surpasses current inflation rates. This encourages people to save more money and invest in interest-bearing financial instruments, such as certificates of deposit and government bonds. This can also help stabilize the economy by offsetting any negative impacts caused by inflation.

What are some low-risk investment options for short-term financial goals?

Some low-risk investment options include high-yield savings accounts, certificates of deposit (CDs), short-term bond funds, money market accounts, and Treasury-issued securities such as T-bills and Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS).

How do high-yield online savings accounts compare to traditional savings accounts?

High-yield online savings accounts typically offer higher annual percentage yields (APY) than traditional savings accounts. They also provide increased flexibility, easier accessibility, and lower overhead costs, which allows them to offer competitive returns.

What are FDIC-insured high-yield savings accounts?

These are savings accounts offered by online banks that are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). They provide a safe, convenient, and lucrative way for consumers to grow their money with minimal risk while offering easy access and management through online banking platforms.

What are the benefits of money market accounts and funds?

Money market accounts and funds offer higher yields than regular checking or savings accounts while retaining relatively easy access to funds. They often provide a higher interest rate, allowing account holders to maximize their savings potential without sacrificing flexibility.

What are certificates of deposit (CDs)?

CDs are low-risk investments requiring a fixed deposit amount for a specified period, typically three months to five years. The longer the term of the CD, the higher the interest rate you can potentially earn. However, penalties may apply for withdrawing funds before the maturity date.

What factors should be considered when choosing a CD?

Investors should consider their liquidity needs and the potential penalties for early withdrawal before committing their funds to a CD. Also, due to their fixed interest rates, CDs may not be the ideal choice for those looking for a hedge against inflation during periods of rising interest rates.

Featured Image Credit: Maitree Rimthong; Pexels; Thank you!

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10 Financial Planning Mistakes Couples Make When Shacking Up Thu, 14 Sep 2023 11:00:53 +0000 couples financial planning mistakes

Now more than ever before, young people are shacking up with their partners in an attempt to save more money […]

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couples financial planning mistakes

Now more than ever before, young people are shacking up with their partners in an attempt to save more money as costs continue to climb, and the housing market out-prices the majority of younger first-time buyers.

One study of roughly 3,009 consumers concluded that 63 percent of people have recently moved in or are cohabitating with a romantic partner. Their decision for this? Well, the majority of respondents claimed that their decision was impacted either by finances and/or logistics.

Living together has meant that some couples have managed to save a bit of extra cash each month according to the survey.

Roughly 27 percent of those living together have saved between $1 and $500 per month, 20 percent have saved between $501 to $1,000 per month, while other cohorts have saved between $1,001 to $2,000 per month. The smallest percentage, 4 percent, managed to stock away more than $5,000 since moving in together with their romantic partner.

While there may be some financial benefits of moving in with a partner or significant other before marriage, nearly 42 percent of those surveyed said that they regret making this decision, with forty-eight percent saying it caused their relationship to come to an end.

Still, thinking of moving in with your partner in an attempt to save on costs and split rent each month? Well, then it might be time to sit and have the “money talk” with them first, before making your next move.

How To Avoid Financial Planning Mistakes With Your Partner

Living with someone, especially your romantic partner becomes increasingly complicated once you have to start splitting costs and create a combined financial goal.

When it comes to financial planning, it’s important to consider all options available to you. One such option is the use of AI in creating new cancer drugs, as seen with the small-cap company Behind the Markets. With the potential to revolutionize the medical industry, this innovative approach to drug discovery could have a positive impact on both your financial and personal goals. This paragraph is AI-generated advertising.

Not every person in this partnership may have similar financial goals, expenses, or spending habits. One person might still have a lot of debt to pay off, while the other is making more money. Small financial habits, such as early morning coffee before work, expensive skincare products, or high-end tech gadgets can get in the way of your relationship.

Matthew Hart from Axlewise, an automotive planning firm says that, “Not effectively planning, or not taking the time to consider how costs will be divided among yourselves, or deciding who will pay for what can lead to bigger complications in the long run.”

Hart says that couples need to think of their relationship, or moving in together as a business. How will your financial decisions impact the froward-working strategy of your business? Can you make any changes that ensure both you and your partner can benefit from it? Every dollar you bring into this business or relationship will need to provide you with a return, whether it’s improved financial security, or even building towards a bigger goal.

As we’ve already seen, four out of ten people have said that poor financial planning can cause a relationship to come to an end.

Instead of blindly making big decisions, without giving it proper consideration beforehand, couples need to have an open dialogue about finances, and how they will be splitting costs once they’ve finally moved in together.

What Financial Planning Mistakes To Avoid With Your Partner

While you may have already started planning your upcoming move, hopefully, it’s time to start thinking about the numerous financial mistakes you might incur over the coming months, and how you can address these issues before they become bigger problems.

Avoiding The Topic Of Finances

While it’s understandable that the topic of money might not be the most pleasant one, avoiding talking about your finances or planning a budget can be one of the biggest mistakes you make before the big move.

Having an open conversation, about your finances, allows you the opportunity to get a better indication of what your partner’s financial habits may be. This would also give you a bit of time to reflect on your own spending habits in terms of how much of your money is being used on necessities, wants, and luxuries.

Talking about money isn’t as hard as it looks, and it’s often better to get through the hard – financial part – first, allowing you to better plan, and create a budget that suits both people.

The last thing you want to encounter is living with someone who not only has bad money or spending habits but influences your choices and your forward-looking money goals.

Not Having Financial Boundaries

Boundaries in any relationship can be a good thing, and when it comes to living with a romantic partner, financial boundaries can be one of the healthiest decisions you can make together

You may have already started considering how you will be sharing one space, all the time. What time of day you might want to relax by yourself, or how you will be sharing communal areas, such as the kitchen and bathroom? These boundaries ensure that you can respect one another, but also give each other space when arguments may arise, or you have difficulties deciding on something.

Boundaries can be hard, and it’s not an easy topic to bring up with your partner. However, in this case, setting financial boundaries can be just as crucial for your relationship. Allowing each other the space they need to use their money on the things that they value as important creates a sense of mutual respect, but also allows you to be more confident in your decisions.

You don’t want to feel that every small purchase you may be making will later be questioned by your partner. Neither do you want to feel that your partner is freely spending their money or even your joint savings on unnecessary purchases that you didn’t agree on together?

Neither Planning For The Move

From the very first day, you should have a plan in mind that can help you cover some of the basic things such as when you’re planning to move, where you want to live, how much space you need in your new place, or how the living arrangements will work.

With this in mind, you might also want to consider the costs that are involved when moving in together. You might need to hire a truck or additional transportation to move all your belongings. Who will be paying for the down payment of your new apartment, or how are you going to cover the first month’s expenses such as groceries and utilities?

These things are important, and not a lot of people take the time to consider how much they will need before and within the first few months of moving in together. Not thinking about this, makes for a big financial mistake that you want to avoid as much as possible, especially if you’re already moving in with your partner to save money.

Not Setting Up A Budget

As someone who’s currently living alone, you might already have a budget that tracks where all your money is going. From every penny you may be making to every cent or dollar you may be spending. Keeping track of your expenses, and how you diversify your income allows you to keep on pace with your financial goals.

Now that you’re moving in with your partner, it’s time to sit and create a monthly budget, whereby you can discuss who pays for what and how expenses will be divided among yourselves.

Without a proper budget, you might find yourself spending more money each month, seeing that you now need to pay for an extra person or feed an extra mouth. Deciding on who pays for what will ensure that both parties are aware of how much of their income will need to go towards things such as rent, utilities, or the internet bill.

Additionally, having a budget gives you a sense of how much money the other person might be bringing to the table. One person might be making slightly more, and could potentially cover the internet bill, while the other person pays less rent. These things are important to discuss with your partner, as you want to be clear on how you can learn from one another and adjust your spending habits accordingly.

Contemplating Each Other’s Financial Habits

Living with someone is a lot different than spending a few days with them, or staying over at their place for a week. Once you and your partner start to get more serious, you will begin to pick up on some of their habits. It might be small things at first, however, over time you might begin to realize that there are bigger things that may give you the ick.

The same can be said about their financial habits, whether it may be them splurging – unnecessarily – on luxury items, or buying things they don’t need right now, without discussing it first may cause some friction between you and your partner.

There may be things that you’re doing with your money that your partner doesn’t agree with, or even have a different view of money compared to them. These small things, without consolidation, become bigger problems in the long run, which can only lead to instability and feelings of distrust.

Never Checking Your Personal Finances

You might not be thinking about this right now, but you will need to have a look at your personal finances as well, even well before you move in with your partner.

Why, you may wonder? Well, having a breakdown of your expenses, and other purchases can help you put things into perspective. Taking your monthly bank statements, going through them, and sharing them with your partner, will help create a more transparent and open dialogue about your spending habits.

There might be some months where you have more cash left to stock in your savings than the previous, or you might find yourself paying for subscriptions that you no longer need. Taking a good look at your finances helps you to determine how your income is being dispersed, and how you can make any cutbacks or better financial choices.

Having Different Financial Goals

This is perhaps where many couples falter, as not every person will share the same financial goals, and before you move in with your partner, you might need to consider each other’s long term outlook for your relationship.

While you might be saving for an upcoming trip, or even to pay off student loans, your partner might be saving their money for a downpayment on a new car, or even buying something that they’ve always wanted.

Having different financial goals won’t mean that your entire plan of moving in together will need to be thrown out of the window. Instead, you will need to have a shared understanding of how your extra savings will be put towards something you both can benefit from.

Creating a joint savings account will be one of the first steps, this will help you deposit any extra cash you have to save for things like emergencies, or even taking a trip together in the next few months. Creating a shared goal ensures that both people are on the same page, and can motivate one another to save a little bit of extra money each month for something bigger.

Underestimating The Importance Of Doing A Trial Run

You might have already lived with your partner for a few days or even a weekend, however, this isn’t the same as sharing an entire apartment with them for extended periods.

Doing a trial run, for at least several continuous days, or even longer than one week will give you a peek into their routine, and daily habits. More than this, it will give you an idea of how it will be to live with this person.

Your partner might be working from home, and you might need to commute to the office every day. This will help you determine how much time you will need every morning to get ready if you’re sharing a bathroom with someone.

Your schedule might be packed with social events each weekend, while they enjoy spending quality time at home or even doing activities in smaller groups instead of going out to a restaurant with a big group of friends.

These small things, whether it’s how they clean the house, pack away their clothes, or even what time of the day they go to the gym will be a clear indication of how compatible you may, or may not be.

Additionally, this will help you further determine how they work with money. Maybe they’re someone who enjoys weekend adventures out of town, meaning that once you live together you might also need to have extra cash for these sorts of things. Perhaps you find it easier to order food online, instead of cooking at home, during the week?

Overall, sharing someone’s personal space with them will help you understand how you will need to make the necessary changes to adjust to their habits, but also vice versa.

Being Closed-Minded About Financial Decisions

Not every person, including your partner, may see the value in the things you consider important. We’re not talking about the big things, such as marriage, children, or family, but rather focusing on the smaller things, such as paying a little bit extra each month to have your car cleaned by professionals, or splurging on an expensive dinner compared to preparing something at home.

There are multiple things your partner might enjoy spending your money on, that you don’t find important, or see the value in. While these small things may cause you to question their financial habits, discussing these matters before the time allows you to get a better sense of why they find it important, and how they are financially supporting these purchases.

Being closed-minded about certain things, or even not taking the time to discuss these things with your partner will create uncertainty between one another. There may come a time when you feel that someone is being unreasonable, or perhaps you’re missing the point, simply because you haven’t properly communicated these things with them.

Take the time to understand why your partner may think or feel differently about things, and see how you can view it from their perspective. There’s no harm in trying something, and if you’re not comfortable with it, share this with your partner. Remember that you’re doing this together and that you need to share in the experience.

Unaware Of Each Other’s Financial Opinions

You might have already picked up on this, but there might be a slight chance that you and your partner share different views or opinions about finances. One person might be very meticulous about their spending habits, while another sees more worth in splashing their cash on things they feel are important to them.

Having different opinions about money can mean that you might find it hard to create a middle ground where you both can share the same type of financial goals, or how you will be saving towards something bigger and more important.

While one person may know more than the other, use this opportunity to educate each other, and share advice or tips on how to be more effective with your money. Simple things such as creating a budget, or even setting up a savings account might be one of the things your partner is not well versed in, or maybe even you.

Additionally, it’s good to learn from each other, but also ask questions, and talk about financial challenges you may have experienced in the past, and how you managed to overcome them.

There may be money matters that you completely don’t agree with, and while this shouldn’t derail your forward-looking goal of moving in together, it’s important to discuss this with your partner first, before simply throwing the conversation out.

Make The Right Financial Choice

Moving in with your partner, in an attempt to save money requires enough planning, to ensure both your financial needs are being met. Remember, that discussing finances should always be an open conversation, and if you’re unsure of something, or feel that you or your partner might have overstepped a boundary, discuss this with them thoroughly before jumping to your own conclusions.

Combining your finances is a big step in your relationship, and both of you want to make this work as much as possible. Instead of leaving the important money matters for one of you to resolve, consider having weekly, or even monthly conversations, setting up a budget, and testing the waters before diving in head first.

Published First on ValueWalk. Read Here.

Featured Image Credit: Ketut Subiyanto; Pexels; Thank you!

The post 10 Financial Planning Mistakes Couples Make When Shacking Up appeared first on ReadWrite.

How Can Blockchain Technology Revolutionize ATM Security? Fri, 08 Sep 2023 20:00:13 +0000 Blockchain Technology ATMs

In the world of modern banking, technology plays a crucial role in keeping our money safe and secure. One such […]

The post How Can Blockchain Technology Revolutionize ATM Security? appeared first on ReadWrite.

Blockchain Technology ATMs

In the world of modern banking, technology plays a crucial role in keeping our money safe and secure. One such groundbreaking technology is blockchain.

Now, you might wonder, what is this “blockchain” thing? Think of it as a digital lockbox that nobody can open without a special key. Blockchain is like a chain of these lockboxes, linked to keep everyone’s transactions safe.

ATMs, or Automated Teller Machines, are those handy little devices that let us withdraw money, check our account balance, and even deposit cash without going inside the bank.

They have become an essential part of our daily lives, providing us with quick and easy access to our funds. But, just like any other technology, ATMs face security challenges too.

In this article, we’ll explore how blockchain technology can work its magic to make ATMs even more secure, protecting our hard-earned money and giving us peace of mind while managing our finances.

So, let’s dive into the fascinating world of blockchain and its potential to revolutionize ATM security!

The Current State of ATM Security

ATMs have been the target of various security challenges over the years, making exploring innovative solutions to protect users and their funds essential. Some of the key security challenges include:

  1. Card Skimming: Criminals install tiny devices on ATM card readers to steal card information during transactions. This allows them to clone the cards and access users’ bank accounts.
  2. Malware Attacks: Hackers create malicious software that infects ATMs, enabling them to steal sensitive data or manipulate the ATM’s functionality for fraud.
  3. Physical Breaches: ATMs located in less secure areas can be physically tampered with or broken into, leading to unauthorized access and theft.
  4. Limited Authentication Methods: Traditional ATMs often rely on basic PIN authentication, which can be vulnerable to brute-force attacks and social engineering.

Blockchain technology offers promising solutions for ATM security. By leveraging its features, such as decentralization and cryptographic hashing, blockchain can:

  • Prevent card skimming by encrypting data securely and transparently, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Protect against malware attacks through its tamper-resistant nature, making it difficult for hackers to compromise the system.
  • Enhance physical security by enabling secure peer-to-peer transactions, eliminating the need for intermediaries, and minimizing physical breach risks.
  • Introduce advanced authentication methods, such as biometrics or digital signatures, to bolster security and prevent unauthorized access.

Blockchain’s adoption will revolutionize the future, providing a robust and efficient defense against evolving threats in the digital age.

Understanding Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is like a digital, unchangeable ledger that records transactions super securely. Let’s explore how it works and why it’s so amazing!

1. What is Blockchain, and How It Works?

Imagine a chain of blocks, where each block is a bunch of transactions bundled together. These transactions could be anything, like money transfers or document records.

Now, instead of having one person or company in charge of this chain, everyone in the network has a copy of it. So, if someone tries to tamper with a block, everyone else can see it and won’t let it happen!

2. Components of a Blockchain

  • Blocks: Each block contains a bunch of transactions, just like pages in a book. When a block is full, a new one is created, linking to the previous one, forming a chain.
  • Cryptographic Hashing: This is like a unique fingerprint for each block. It takes all the data in the block and turns it into a fixed-size string of characters. If anything in the block changes, the fingerprint also alerts everyone that something’s fishy.
  • Decentralization: Unlike a single company holding the records, blockchain is spread across many computers, called nodes. This decentralization makes it super tough for hackers to mess with the system.

3. Ensuring Transparency, Immutability, and Security

  • Transparency: Since everyone has a copy of the blockchain, all transactions are visible to everyone. It builds trust and reduces the chances of fraud.
  • Immutability: Once a block is added to the chain, it cannot be altered or deleted. This permanent record ensures the integrity of the data.
  • Security: With cryptographic hashing and decentralization, blockchain becomes highly secure. Hacking one computer won’t change the entire chain, making it super safe.

Blockchain technology is like a team of watchdogs guarding a treasure chest, ensuring no one sneaks in to mess with your data!

Key Features of Blockchain for ATM Security

Blockchain transforms ATM security with decentralization and cryptographic hashing, mitigating vulnerabilities. Resilient and tamper-resistant, it safeguards users’ funds effectively.

  • Addressing Vulnerabilities: Blockchain technology can bolster ATM security by eliminating central points of control, reducing the risk of cyberattacks, and ensuring tamper-resistant data. Its decentralized nature spreads the transaction data across multiple nodes, making it incredibly difficult for hackers to target a single point of failure.
  • Decentralization for Resilience: ATMs don’t rely on a single entity for data storage or processing with blockchain. Decentralization ensures that even if one ATM is compromised, the rest of the network remains secure, minimizing the impact of potential breaches and providing a robust defense against attacks.
  • Cryptographic Hashing for Protection: Blockchain employs cryptographic hashing to convert transaction data into unique codes. This process ensures that any tampering with the data would change the hash, alerting the network to unauthorized changes and maintaining the integrity of the ATM’s transaction records.

Incorporating blockchain into ATM systems fortifies their security, creating a distributed and tamper-proof network that can withstand evolving threats and safeguard users’ funds with utmost confidence.

Blockchain-Based Identity and Authentication

Blockchain technology offers significant advancements in user identity verification at ATMs, providing enhanced security and reliability compared to traditional methods.

1. Enhanced Identity Verification

Blockchain enables a tamper-proof digital identity record, making it more reliable and secure. When a user’s identity is verified, the information is encrypted within the blockchain, reducing the risk of data breaches.

This ensures that only authorized users can access their accounts, providing an added layer of protection against identity-related fraud.

2. Digital Signatures for Authentication

The concept of digital signatures acts as unique fingerprints for each transaction. It establishes authenticity and prevents unauthorized access to user accounts.

By creating an unforgeable link between the user’s identity and actions, digital signatures bolster authentication, minimizing the chances of fraudulent activities and ensuring the integrity of transactions.

3. Decentralized Identity Solutions

With decentralized identity solutions, users retain control over their personal information. Instead of storing sensitive data in a central database prone to breaches, blockchain’s decentralized nature distributes the identity-related data across multiple nodes.

This reduces the risk of identity theft and fraud, as there is no single point of failure, making it exceedingly difficult for malicious actors to compromise the system and access sensitive information.

Secure and Transparent Transactions

Blockchain technology revolutionizes ATM security, ensuring secure and tamper-resistant transactions through its decentralized architecture. The system becomes highly resistant to data alteration and unauthorized access by linking transaction data in blocks through cryptographic hashing.

Smart contracts play a pivotal role in automating transaction processes, verifying user identity and account details before executing fund transfers without intermediaries, and minimizing errors and delays.

Real-time transaction tracking enhances transparency, enabling users to monitor progress and trace fund flow, bolstering accountability, and deterring fraudulent activities. With these key features, blockchain elevates ATM security, instilling confidence and trust in the system’s reliability.

Mitigating ATM Fraud and Attacks

You may have heard about the risks of ATM fraud, like card skimming, which can leave us concerned about using ATMs. However, there’s a technology that can significantly improve ATM security – blockchain!

Blockchain is like a digital fortress that shields us from common fraud techniques. When we use an ATM equipped with blockchain, our transaction data gets encrypted and spread across the network. This decentralization makes it incredibly difficult for hackers to tamper with or intercept our data during transactions.

Without a central control point, blockchain thwarts card skimming attempts, making it a robust defense mechanism.

Moreover, blockchain uses advanced encryption to safeguard sensitive data. Even if hackers gain access to the data, they’ll find it nearly impossible to decode, ensuring our information stays safe from data breaches and identity theft.

Another benefit is protection against DDoS attacks. Blockchain’s distributed nature means there’s no single target, making it resilient to these malicious attacks. As a result, our ATM systems can remain operational and secure even during intense cyber threats.

By leveraging these impressive features, blockchain emerges as a trustworthy ally in the battle against ATM fraud, providing us with a secure and worry-free banking experience.

Enhancing ATM Network Security

Blockchain technology has the potential to significantly enhance the security of the entire ATM network through its unique features and mechanisms:

1. Strengthening ATM Network Security

  • Blockchain’s decentralized architecture reduces the risk of single points of failure, making it harder for attackers to compromise the entire ATM network.
  • Transaction data stored in blocks and linked through cryptographic hashing ensures tamper-resistant records, maintaining the integrity of the network.

2. Consensus Mechanisms for Network Integrity

  • Consensus mechanisms, like Proof of Work or Proof of Stake, ensure that all network nodes agree on the validity of transactions, preventing fraudulent activities.
  • By achieving consensus, blockchain establishes a trustful and transparent environment for all participants, bolstering the security of the ATM network.

3. Benefits of Reducing Intermediary Dependencies

  • Blockchain eliminates the need for intermediaries, like banks, in ATM transactions, reducing associated fees and delays.
  • This direct peer-to-peer interaction streamlines the process and minimizes potential points of vulnerability, further enhancing security.

Incorporating blockchain into the ATM network provides a robust and secure infrastructure, ensuring that users can confidently conduct transactions, knowing their funds are well-protected from threats.

Regulatory and Compliance Considerations

1. Potential Compliance Challenges

Implementing blockchain technology in ATMs may encounter regulatory challenges, as this emerging technology disrupts traditional financial systems. Existing regulations might not fully account for blockchain’s decentralized nature and could require updates to address security and consumer protection concerns.

2. Impact of Data Privacy Laws on Blockchain-Based Systems

Data privacy laws play a crucial role in shaping blockchain adoption. While blockchain offers transparency and immutability, some privacy laws demand the right to be forgotten or data erased.

Striking a balance between transparency and data protection is essential, as compliance with privacy regulations is vital for blockchain’s successful implementation in ATMs.

3. Examples of Successful Blockchain Adoption in the Financial Sector

The financial sector has embraced blockchain technology to improve security and efficiency. For instance, Ripple’s cross-border payment system enables faster and more cost-effective transactions.

J.P. Morgan’s Quorum, now Consensys Quorum, enhances confidentiality and data sharing for financial institutions. These examples showcase how blockchain can revolutionize financial services while complying with applicable regulations.

Real-World Applications and Case Studies

Blockchain technology has paved the way for becoming a formidable tool in fintech development. One exemplary case study is the partnership between Mastercard and Island Pay, which deployed a blockchain-based prepaid card system in the Bahamas.

This application showcases how blockchain can be leveraged to streamline cross-border transactions using digital currency, achieving faster and more cost-effective outcomes while ensuring compliance and transparency.

In another case study, the National Bank of Egypt implemented blockchain technology to enhance remittance services. By collaborating with Ripple, the bank significantly reduced transaction times from several days to a matter of seconds.

This improvement positively impacted customer experience, reduced transaction fees, and streamlined the cross-border payment process.

Both examples demonstrate how blockchain’s decentralized and transparent nature can revolutionize financial systems, providing faster, more efficient, and secure transactions that benefit consumers and financial institutions alike.

These real-world examples emphasize how blockchain reshapes financial systems and how investing in fintech courses and bootcamps can empower individuals to become skilled professionals in this rapidly evolving field.

Real-World Applications and Case Studies

Blockchain technology has paved the way for becoming a formidable tool in fintech development. One exemplary case study is the partnership between Mastercard and Island Pay, which deployed a blockchain-based prepaid card system in the Bahamas.

This application showcases how blockchain can be leveraged to streamline cross-border transactions using digital currency, achieving faster and more cost-effective outcomes while ensuring compliance and transparency.

In another case study, the National Bank of Egypt implemented blockchain technology to enhance remittance services. By collaborating with Ripple, the bank significantly reduced transaction times from several days to a matter of seconds.

This improvement positively impacted customer experience, reduced transaction fees, and streamlined the cross-border payment process.

Both examples demonstrate how blockchain’s decentralized and transparent nature can revolutionize financial systems, providing faster, more efficient, and secure transactions that benefit consumers and financial institutions alike.

These real-world examples emphasize how blockchain reshapes financial systems and how investing in fintech courses and bootcamps can empower individuals to become skilled professionals in this rapidly evolving field.

Challenges and Future Outlook

Blockchain technology can potentially revolutionize ATM security, including Bitcoin withdrawal, but several challenges must be addressed for successful implementation.

However, the future prospects of blockchain-based ATM security are promising, with ongoing developments and advancements in the technology driving its widespread adoption in the financial industry.

Let’s explore the current limitations, future outlook, and potential advancements in blockchain technology that could further enhance ATM security.

1. Current Limitations and Challenges of Implementing Blockchain in ATMs

While blockchain shows great promise in revolutionizing ATM security, some challenges persist. First, scalability remains an issue, as blockchain networks might struggle to handle the high transaction volume of ATM networks efficiently.

Second, regulatory compliance poses hurdles, as current laws may not fully accommodate decentralized systems. Additionally, transitioning from traditional ATM infrastructure to blockchain-based systems requires substantial investment and careful planning.

2. Future Prospects of Blockchain-Based ATM Security

Despite the challenges, the future outlook for blockchain-based ATM security is promising. As technology matures, scalability solutions, such as layer-two solutions, are expected to improve network efficiency.

Regulatory frameworks will likely evolve to embrace blockchain innovations, fostering widespread adoption in the financial industry. Increased collaboration between financial institutions and blockchain developers will also drive advancements in ATM security.

3. Potential Advancements in Blockchain Technology for Enhanced ATM Security

Blockchain technology is constantly evolving, with ongoing research and development to enhance security. Advancements in quantum-resistant cryptography will bolster resistance against future threats.

Interoperability between various blockchain networks will enable seamless data exchange, improving overall network efficiency and facilitating cross-border transactions. Moreover, advancements in privacy-preserving techniques, like zero-knowledge proofs, will give users more control over their data without compromising security.

As these advancements continue to unfold, blockchain-based ATM security is poised to offer unparalleled protection, creating a safer and more trustworthy financial landscape for users worldwide.


Blockchain technology holds the transformative potential to revolutionize ATM security, addressing vulnerabilities and bolstering trust in financial transactions.

By leveraging decentralization and cryptographic hashing, blockchain ensures secure and tamper-resistant transactions, combatting standard ATM fraud techniques like card skimming and data breaches.

Smart contracts automate transaction processes, streamlining operations while reducing intermediary dependencies, leading to faster and more efficient transactions.

Furthermore, blockchain’s distributed nature fortifies the ATM network against DDoS attacks and single points of failure, ensuring uninterrupted services and safeguarding user funds.

Real-world applications, like the partnership between Mastercard and Island Pay, demonstrate the practical benefits of blockchain in facilitating secure cross-border transactions.

The future outlook for blockchain-based ATM security is promising, with advancements in scalability, privacy, and regulatory compliance expected to drive broader adoption.

As quantum-resistant cryptography and interoperability features continue to evolve, blockchain technology is poised to offer unparalleled protection, making the financial industry safer and more robust.

In light of these significant advancements, adopting blockchain technology in the financial industry becomes imperative. Embracing blockchain’s potential will strengthen ATM security and enhance overall financial services, bringing about transparency, efficiency, and improved user experiences.

By integrating blockchain, financial institutions can position themselves at the forefront of innovation, leading toward a more secure and trust-driven future in banking and beyond.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Pexels; Thank you!

The post How Can Blockchain Technology Revolutionize ATM Security? appeared first on ReadWrite.

How Owning a Digital Agency Helps with Paying Less Taxes Thu, 07 Sep 2023 16:00:50 +0000 Owning a Digital Agency

The world of digital agencies is dynamic and ever-evolving. And in 2023, many agency owners are tightening their belts and […]

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Owning a Digital Agency

The world of digital agencies is dynamic and ever-evolving. And in 2023, many agency owners are tightening their belts and battening down the hatches as a recession looms. As the owner of such an agency, you can leverage various tax strategies to optimize your financial situation. Several avenues are available to savvy business owners, from investing in tax-advantaged assets like websites to hiring family members under a family management company. This article delves into four such strategies, including the Augusta strategy and the use of Section 125 of the IRS code, while also offering cautionary advice for each.

1. Investing in Tax-Advantaged Assets: Websites

Websites, in many cases, are considered intangible assets. The IRS permits the amortization of certain intangible assets, allowing business owners to deduct the asset’s cost over its useful life. As a digital agency, you’re uniquely positioned to continually reinvest in and develop new websites, which can potentially bring about substantial tax advantages.

Cautionary Advice: It’s crucial to consult with a tax professional to determine the correct amortization period and ensure that the websites you’re investing in are indeed eligible. Failing to assess these factors accurately can lead to potential complications with the IRS.

2. Hiring Family Members Using a Family Management Company

A popular tax-saving strategy among business owners is to hire family members through a family management company. This can lead to income splitting – effectively shifting income from higher tax brackets (yours) to lower ones (often those of younger family members). Plus, wages paid to family members are tax-deductible for the business.

Cautionary Advice: Ensuring that the wages paid are reasonable for the services provided is paramount. Overcompensating a family member can raise red flags. Additionally, ensure that the family member is genuinely performing a service for the company. Fictitious roles can lead to audits and penalties.

3. The Augusta Rule Strategy

The Augusta rule, originating from a tax court case involving the Masters Golf Tournament, permits homeowners to rent out their homes for up to 14 days a year without reporting the rental income. Digital agency owners can rent their personal residences to their agency for events, meetings, or retreats and receive tax-free rental income.

Cautionary Advice: While the Augusta strategy is a unique opportunity, there are specifics to be aware of. The rental rate must be fair market value. Moreover, you’ll need a legitimate business reason for the rental, and proper documentation, including rental agreements, is necessary. Ensure the rental doesn’t exceed 14 days in a tax year.

4. Using Section 125 to Offer Pre-Tax Health Benefits

Section 125 of the IRS code permits businesses to offer their employees a chance to receive certain benefits on a pre-tax basis. This means employees can lower their taxable income so that the business can reduce its payroll tax obligation. A popular choice under this section is the establishment of a cafeteria plan, allowing employees to pick and choose among various benefits, including health insurance.

Cautionary Advice: Setting up a Section 125 plan requires compliance with specific rules and regulations. Regular testing to ensure the plan doesn’t favor highly compensated employees over others is crucial. A failure to meet these requirements can result in the plan’s disqualification, leading to significant tax implications.

In Conclusion

Owning a digital agency offers numerous avenues to optimize your tax situation. Investing in websites, employing family members, leveraging the Augusta strategy, and utilizing Section 125 of the IRS code can unlock many financial benefits. However, as with any tax strategy, it’s crucial to proceed with caution and the guidance of a tax professional. Missteps can lead to penalties and unwanted attention from the IRS. By navigating these strategies wisely, digital agency owners can position their businesses for financial success while enjoying the perks of strategic tax planning.

Featured Image Credit: Kindel Media; Pexels; Thank you!

The post How Owning a Digital Agency Helps with Paying Less Taxes appeared first on ReadWrite.

John Mattera’s Vision for a Global Private Exchange to Transform the Industry Wed, 06 Sep 2023 15:00:41 +0000 Global Private Exchange

The traditional investment landscape is facing a paradigm shift as global private exchange platforms rise to prominence. Addressing long-standing challenges […]

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Global Private Exchange

The traditional investment landscape is facing a paradigm shift as global private exchange platforms rise to prominence. Addressing long-standing challenges of liquidity and capital infusion for private companies, John Mattera unveils how a global private exchange could be a game-changer. Leveraging cutting-edge technology and modern regulatory frameworks, these platforms promise to unlock substantial value for both businesses and investors.

1. The Need for a Global Private Exchange

In the current global landscape, private companies across diverse industries and regions require more efficient and flexible capital-raising and liquidity avenues. Traditional Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) may not always be practical or appealing due to regulatory scrutiny and financial reporting obligations. A global private exchange, as envisioned by John Mattera, bridges this gap, offering advantages such as:

  • Enhanced capital access: A global private exchange can attract a broader base of accredited investors, providing crucial funds for growth and innovation.
  • Improved liquidity: By enabling buy and sell capabilities, the private exchange facilitates secondary market transactions, allowing shareholders to monetize investments outside of IPOs or acquisitions.
  • Customized market-making: Tailored market-making solutions can maintain a well-functioning market, ensuring fair price discovery and efficient transactions.

2. Key Components of a Global Private Exchange

John Mattera explains that creating a successful global private exchange involves several critical components:

A. Regulatory Framework

Navigating international regulations is integral to building a global private exchange. Collaboration with regulatory bodies ensures compliance while advocating for progressive legislation tailored to private companies’ unique needs.

B. Technological Infrastructure

A robust technological foundation is essential for a global private exchange’s success. It must offer seamless user experiences, secure transactions, and cutting-edge features:

  • Blockchain-based settlements: Distributed ledger technology ensures faster, more secure, and cost-efficient settlements.
  • Digital securities: Tokenizing private securities enhances liquidity and trading efficiency.
  • Advanced trading tools: Features like algorithmic trading empower participants for precise execution.

C. Market-Making Mechanisms

Market-making is pivotal for a functional private exchange. Tailored solutions for private companies, including:

  • Customized liquidity provision: Collaborating with market-makers establishes tailored liquidity pools.
  • Price stabilization mechanisms: Circuit breakers and similar measures protect investors from extreme volatility.
  • Investor education: Offering resources educates investors, fostering a knowledgeable user base.

3. Attracting a Diverse Ecosystem of Participants

A thriving global private exchange hinges on diverse participation:

  • Private companies: The exchange must attract high-quality firms across industries and regions.
  • Accredited investors: A broad spectrum of investors, from institutions to high-net-worth individuals, ensures demand for private securities.
  • Service providers: Partnerships with industry players enhance the exchange’s comprehensive services.

4. Promoting Transparency and Trust

Transparency and trust are fundamental for a global private exchange’s success, as outlined by John Mattera:

  • Rigorous due diligence: Stringent standards ensure listed companies meet financial, operational, and governance criteria, instilling market confidence and protecting investors.
  • Enhanced reporting and disclosure: Encouraging voluntary financial and non-financial disclosures promotes transparency and informed decision-making.
  • Robust cybersecurity measures: Cutting-edge security safeguards user data, building participant trust.


Establishing a global private exchange with buy and sell capabilities and innovative market-making mechanisms can transform private company investment. Through inclusivity, efficiency, and transparency, a global private exchange can generate substantial value for both companies and investors. Addressing regulatory, technological, and market-making challenges while fostering diverse participation paves the way for a vibrant ecosystem. Ultimately, a functional global private exchange can catalyze innovation and economic growth, benefiting participants worldwide.

Published First on GritDaily. Read Here.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Anna Nekrashevich; Pexels; Thank you!

The post John Mattera’s Vision for a Global Private Exchange to Transform the Industry appeared first on ReadWrite.

Planning Your Next Vacation? These Five Travel Credit Cards Can Help You Save And Spend Better Fri, 11 Aug 2023 19:00:14 +0000 Five Travel Credit Cards Will Help You

Americans are spending more on leisure travel this year than they ever had before, according to multinational financial firm Allianz. […]

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Five Travel Credit Cards Will Help You

Americans are spending more on leisure travel this year than they ever had before, according to multinational financial firm Allianz.

Per their indications, Allianz expects that America’s total spending on summer holidays will earmark a record $214 billion, surpassing the $200 billion threshold for the very first time.

Since the pandemic, and most of the pandemic-related restrictions have ended at the start of summer last year, leisure travel demand soared back. Already this year, 63% of surveyed Americans said that they have summer travel plans, or are thinking of taking a trip this year.

That figure is an increase from the same time last year, when only 58% of American adults had leisure travel plans or had already traveled by June 2022.

As demand begins to subside and sticky inflation cools, new reports suggest that the cost of traveling is also now on a downward trajectory. Consumer inflation data from June showed that airfares were down by 19%, while car rental prices dropped 12%, marking the fifth consecutive month of declines.

With more consumers now eager to take back to the skies, roads, and seas, paying for these trips with a travel credit card has become increasingly popular, as financial providers and institutions now offer them an array of travel credit cards, with highly attractive perks.

Table of ContentsShow

Best Travel Credit Cards To Fund Your Holiday

Newer, and better travel credit cards provide consumers with not just the basic benefits such as free airport lounge visits or zero foreign transaction fees.

Instead, some of these accounts go above and beyond, giving travelers access to a range of benefits. From no annual spending caps to triple, and even four-times reward points on their spending.

Do you know which under-the-radar stocks the top hedge funds and institutional investors are investing in right now? Click here to find out.

Here’s a breakdown of the best travel credit cards that can help fund your next getaway.

American Express® Gold Card

American Express has a longstanding history of providing travelers with some of the best, and most attractive travel benefits credit cards can offer them.

The American Express® Gold Card is slightly more on the pricier side, compared to other options – $250 in annual maintenance fees – but for those that enjoy traveling, and making the most of it at the same time can load up on their card-related benefits.

Lucrative awards include up to $120 in annual dining credit, which can be used for online food ordering such as Grubhub or Goldbelly. Users can also take advantage of up to $120 in Uber Cash, which is valid only for U.S. Uber Rides and Uber Eats.

Travelers can also gain up to 4x points at restaurants, and 3x points on flights booked directly with airline websites or their in-house Amextravel.

Finally, travelers will have baggage insurance plans included in their credit cards, and cover lost, stolen, or damaged baggage for up to $1,250 for a carry-on bag, and $500 for checked luggage.

There are however some downsides. The credit card is slightly more expensive, annually, compared to other travel credit cards, and it can take as long as five years before cardholders have built up enough rewards.

New Gold Card members will have no introductory APR period, which makes the near-term use of the credit card more expensive for newly signed members.

Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

Another, and yet seemingly more affordable alternative for travelers is the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card, which allows travelers to maximize their rewards but also leverages several card benefits including primary rental car insurance, and bonus points on account anniversary.

The credit card comes with a range of other perks, including triple earnings per $1 spent on dining, and edible takeout meals. This benefit also includes streaming services and grocery purchases.

Compared with the American Express® Gold Card, annual account fees are roughly $95 per annum, and travelers can earn roughly 60,000 bonus points after spending more than $4,000 on purchases within the first three months of opening their account.

Frequent travelers will be covered for trip cancellations, delays, travel accidents, and luggage. While the account comes with all the bells and whistles, the variable APR is between 21.24% – 28.24%, and the account is often only available to travelers that already have a good credit score.

This would mean that if you’re relatively new to the game of travel credit cards, this account might not be the best suitable option.

Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

A less complicated travel credit card that provides users with ample benefits and rewards. The Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card has an annual cost of $95, and the rewards offered by the account provide users with a one-time bonus of 75,000 miles, for the first $4,000 spent within the first three months of opening the account.

Other benefits that make the account seemingly more attractive, are the 2x miles earned on every purchase, every day, and there’s no expiration date on any accumulated miles or the limit on how many miles a person earns over the lifespan of the account.

Additionally, account holders are rewarded with 5x miles on hotel reservations and car rentals booked through Capital One Travel.

One of the downsides account holders need to consider is the 20.99% – 28.99% variable APR, which is often considered to be higher than other traditional travel credit cards. Additionally, there are limited reward categories, for accounts at similar cost, and there are no rewards for any flights booked using the travel credit card.

Then, finally, another drawback is that car rental insurance is an added extra, which would require account holders to take out additional rental insurance. While there are slight downsides to this account, travelers can transfer their miles to one of 15 different travel loyalty programs that are directly linked to the credit card.

Chase Freedom Flex℠

Travelers that are looking for a more affordable, and reliable alternative can opt for a Chase Freedom Flex travel credit card, another product offered by Chase Banks that provides travelers with several attractive benefits and simple cash-back rewards.

One of the key attributes of the account is that it provides holders with up to 5% cash back in bonus categories. This however is subject to change over the course of every three months. Travelers will also get a 5% bonus for trips booked through the Chase platform.

Other more standard features include rewards for restaurant spending and pharmacies. However, unlike other credit cards that only reward holders with once-off sign-up bonuses after spending more than $4,000 – the Chase Freedom Flex rewards new cardholders with a $200 bonus after spending only $500 in the first three months.

Users can also transfer their rewards and points to a Chase Sapphire card, which would give them a better opportunity to spend their rewards more freely.

There are however some drawbacks, including the 3% foreign transaction fees, and some account holders have shared that tracking rewards and bonus miles are often too complicated to understand.

It doesn’t necessarily have any travel-specific benefits, as it’s often more categorized as a cash-back credit card. However, this is a suitable alternative for those travelers that want a simple, reliable, and straightforward credit card that can help them build up their miles and rewards over time.

Choice Rewards World Mastercard®

While there are several rewarding options to choose from, for more frugal travelers and spenders, who want to have all the benefits of a travel credit card, but still take advantage of low-interest rates, then the Choice Rewards World Mastercard® is their best alternative option.

Throughout the first 12 billing cycles, there is no initial APR, however, these balances need to be made within the first 90 days of opening the account, which is often considered one of the major drawbacks of the account.

The adjusted variable APR is between 13.25% and 18.00%, there are also no transfer fees, and new account holders do not need to have a credit score to open a new account.

These and other benefits, such as double points on gas, groceries, household goods, and even electronics, and 1x rewards of all other purchases, make this account more like an ordinary credit card, with travel-like benefits included.

Unfortunately, while the account has zero annual fees, estimated rewards earned on this account are seemingly lower, and less attractive than other paid options.

Estimated rewards accumulated, even after five years, is less than $2,000, making it harder for travelers to pick this option if they can benefit more from other attractive options that provide them with both near-term and long-term travel rewards.

Final Thoughts

While there are nearly dozens of travel credit cards to choose from, consumers must decide on a credit card that suits their budgets, but also their travel-related needs.

Some banks may offer first-time account holders a more straightforward credit card option, which might be more adjusted to their financial position. The different types of options available mean that travelers can pick and choose a travel credit card that gives them what they want, and even more.

Published First on ValueWalk. Read Here.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by; Pexels; Thank you!

The post Planning Your Next Vacation? These Five Travel Credit Cards Can Help You Save And Spend Better appeared first on ReadWrite.

The Art of Private Equity Interviewing: Tips for Impressive Responses Thu, 10 Aug 2023 18:00:36 +0000 Private Equity Interviewing

In the very competitive private equity (PE) sector, a thriving career in private equity is no easy task. Even if […]

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Private Equity Interviewing

In the very competitive private equity (PE) sector, a thriving career in private equity is no easy task. Even if you have exceptional qualifications, they won’t be enough to ensure success if you falter when answering difficult private equity interview questions. The secret is to prepare well because doing so considerably improves your chances of succeeding in the interview process. Various questions are asked during private equity interviews that probe into technical expertise,  familiarity with the company, and cultural fit. A case study may also be presented to you that requires your attention.

The best way to turn a promising job offer into an interview is to confidently and coherently respond to these questions in an effective manner. To perform extraordinarily well, potential private equity professionals must exhibit a thorough understanding of the financial sector, economics, mathematics, statistics, business administration, and current events.

You can proactively create well-considered solutions by taking the time to become familiar with the regular questions asked by PE employers. This particular article is a helpful tool that gives you the knowledge you need to address the most often queries and provides you with sample responses to give you a head start for your career in private equity.

The Four Question Dimension in a PE Interview

In a private equity interview, you might be asked questions from the following four categories:

  • Technical Knowledge: You can anticipate facing technical and in-depth questions on private equity during an interview. These inquiries are intended to assess your subject-matter expertise and situational management skills.
  • Transaction Experience: To learn more about your qualifications and financial expertise, questions about your prior involvement in private equity transactions will be asked. Employing managers are curious about the type and degree of your involvement in such arrangements.
  •  Firm and Industry Knowledge: During interviews, questions concerning your familiarity with private equity firms and the sector as a whole are frequently asked. With the help of these inquiries, you can show that you are knowledgeable about the organization and explain your decision to work in this field.
  • Fit, background, and personality: Private equity firms frequently prize applicants who are reasonable, considerate, and a good fit for their business. Interviewers may query your enthusiasm for working in private equity and your capacity for learning and adaptation to gauge these traits. It is advantageous to present yourself as a confident, value-seeking who is motivated to succeed in this industry.

Private equity

Essential PE Interview Questions

Prepare for the most typical interviews if you want to get hired as a private equity professional.

  • Why are you interested in private equity and our company?

This private equity interview’s opening query tries to ascertain your level of enthusiasm and interest in the industry. Organize your work history and explain why you decided to pursue a career in private equity as you are ready to respond.

In the second section, showcase your understanding of the company and how your ambitions coincide with theirs. Do extensive study ahead and become aware of the company’s finances, profit margin, clientele, and expansion goals. Point out important details that the interviewer probably already knows about the company.

  • Describe the deal you handled that was the most successful for you

You can select a tale you want to emphasize in the interview when asked about the most successful deal. The STAR format should be used to describe your accomplishments. S/T (Situation/Task): You can begin by summarizing the undertaking or circumstance quickly.

Keep it brief while giving your interviewer enough background information to understand the complicated and crucial assignment. A (Action): During this section, you can describe your most important activities to the interviewers and the skills required to complete the duties. R (Result): Your story must have a “happy ending” to succeed. To impress the interviewers, you should describe the successful and specific outcome in the final section of your response.

  • How do you stay informed about changes in the private equity industry?

You need to build up an intelligent answer to this question; for ex: Every week, I listen to many private equity podcasts, such as Private Equity Today and Future Finance 360. I also receive several industry newsletters, which I like to read in the morning before I go about my day. I participate in networking events with other business professionals at least once a month, which helps me learn more about the investments they’re making and emerging trends.

  • If you could go after company A, would you go after it? And why?

This is another typical hypothetical private equity interview question. For example, if the interviewer talks about company A, maybe this company is in the news. Suppose this company has a lot of debt and no possible advantages. You should say “no,” and if the company has decent financial statements, but there are a few operational issues, you need to explain how you would take up the challenge.

  • Would you ever invest in an FMCG? If yes, why? If not, why not?

Here’s how you can answer this – Investments in FMCG companies are pretty appealing to private equity professionals for various reasons. The demand for everyday consumer items is steady and consistent, which benefits FMCG companies by ensuring steady revenue generation and predictable cash flows.

Additionally, these businesses frequently have strong brands with devoted followings, giving them a competitive edge, room for expansion, and the capacity to charge premium prices. Through effective supply chains, well-established distribution networks, and solid retailer connections, FMCG companies may take advantage of economies of scale.

These elements promote cost-effectiveness, larger profit margins, and easier market expansion. Operational issues must be evaluated to find potential for value creation and operational improvements.

Significant market growth and distinctiveness can result from investing in creative businesses with a track record of releasing new goods. However, it is crucial to evaluate each FMCG investment possibility carefully. Market dynamics, the competitive environment, management skills, growth potential, and financial performance should all be carefully considered. Due diligence is required to identify potential risks, such as shifting consumer preferences, regulatory obstacles, or disruptive technology.


It’s a big deal to succeed in the interview process at a prestigious private equity firm. To answer questions, you must possess a broad range of knowledge in the financial sector, math, current events, and several other fields. The goal is to gain the required hard and soft skills through practice, videos, and private equity certifications. You can prepare for the types of private equity interview questions you can encounter by considering the aforementioned queries.

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Billionaire Kretinsky to Make Biggest Tech Deal of 2023? Tue, 01 Aug 2023 21:49:34 +0000 tech background

Atos SE, a French firm, is negotiating a $2 billion sale of its loss-making legacy operations with Czech billionaire Daniel […]

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tech background

Atos SE, a French firm, is negotiating a $2 billion sale of its loss-making legacy operations with Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky. Kretinsky, well-known for his investments in the energy sector, has been expanding his European empire, including through recent purchases in France. Atos will be able to focus on its cybersecurity and cloud assets, while Kretinsky will be able to diversify his holdings. This article delves into the specifics of the possible acquisition and the consequences it could have for both parties.

Atos’s legacy operations

The Tech Foundations business, which provides infrastructure management services, is one of Atos’s legacy operations that has weighed down the company’s bottom line. Atos will be able to reduce its debt load and refocus on its core competencies in cybersecurity and cloud services thanks to the sale of this division to Kretinsky’s EP Equity Investment (EPEI) vehicle. Atos expects to net €100 million in cash and a reduction of €1.9 billion in liabilities due to the sale.

Daniel Kretinsky has been aggressively pursuing new business opportunities across Europe. His acquisitions in France, such as the retail chain Casino and the publishing division of Vivendi known as Editis, attest to his penchant for a wide range of industries. Kretinsky’s strategy involves buying cheap assets and turning them into successful businesses, so the possible purchase of Atos’s legacy operations makes sense.

Atos’s turnaround strategy has significantly changed

Atos’s turnaround strategy has significantly changed with the sale of its legacy operations. The company’s restructuring strategy will change due to this new deal; previously, it had planned to split into two separate entities. Following the sale, Atos will continue to operate its Tech Foundations division under the Atos name. In contrast, the remainder of the company’s assets, including the cybersecurity division BDS and supercomputers, will be rebranded as Eviden.

Atos plans to raise 900 million euros through a share sale and the sale of its legacy operations. Atos hopes to use the funds it raises to fortify its balance sheet further and lower its leverage ratio. Kretinsky’s EPEI will reserve shares worth 180 million euros for this share sale, giving him a 7.5% stake in the newly formed entity, Eviden. BNP Paribas and JP Morgan will underwrite the remaining 720 million euros worth of shares.

Daniel Kretinsky’s possible purchase of Atos’s legacy operations has numerous ramifications for both parties. The sale will allow Atos to rededicate resources to its core cybersecurity and cloud services competencies, improving the company’s long-term prospects for growth and profitability. Atos will have more financial security as a result of debt reduction. However, this purchase will help Kretinsky expand his empire and broaden his range of investments. Atos’s legacy operations are expected to add value, which will help his investment plan in the long run.

Businesses like potential acquisition news

The market has responded favorably to the potential acquisition news, increasing Atos’s share price by 8 percent. The stock price increase reflects investors’ optimism about the company’s reorganization and future prospects. The stock price of Atos has fluctuated significantly over the past few years, falling from nearly 100 euros in late 2017 to around 10 euros before the announcement of the potential sale.

Change in leadership, restructuring, and possible sale

Atos has announced a change in leadership, restructuring, and possible sale of its legacy operations. After a year in the role, CFO Nathalie Senechault is leaving, and her replacement, Paul Saleh, has already started. This change in management is in keeping with Atos’s strategic realignment and highlights the firm’s dedication to being a catalyst for constructive change and expansion.


In conclusion, Daniel Kretinsky, a Czech billionaire, is in talks to buy Atos’s legacy operations, which would be a huge step for both companies. The sale will help Atos focus on its core competencies—cybersecurity and cloud services—while also lowering its debt and strengthening its financial position. But Kretinsky isn’t stopping there; he’s adding valuable assets to his investment portfolio through shrewd mergers and acquisitions. The market has received the news well, suggesting that investors are optimistic about Atos’s future. Atos and Kretinsky both stand to benefit from the terms of this agreement.

First reported on Reuters

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Atos selling to Daniel Kretinsky’s EP Equity Investment (EPEI) vehicle?

Atos is negotiating a $2 billion sale of its loss-making legacy operations, known as Tech Foundations business, to Daniel Kretinsky’s EPEI vehicle.

What will Atos gain from the sale of its legacy operations?

The sale will enable Atos to reduce its debt load and refocus on its cybersecurity and cloud services core competencies.

What is Daniel Kretinsky’s investment strategy?

Daniel Kretinsky’s investment strategy involves buying cheap assets and turning them into successful businesses, as evidenced by his previous acquisitions in various industries.

How will Atos’s restructuring strategy change following the sale of its legacy operations?

After the sale, Atos will continue to operate its Tech Foundations division under the Atos name. In contrast, the rest of the company’s assets, including cybersecurity division BDS and supercomputers, will be rebranded as Eviden.

How does Atos plan to raise funds through share sales?

Atos plans to raise 900 million euros through a share sale, with Daniel Kretinsky’s EPEI reserving shares worth 180 million euros, giving him a 7.5% stake in the newly formed entity, Eviden.

What are the potential consequences of the sale for Atos and Daniel Kretinsky?

The sale will allow Atos to rededicate resources to its core competencies, improve its long-term growth prospects, and reduce its debt. For Daniel Kretinsky, the purchase will help expand his investment portfolio and broaden his range of investments.

How has the market responded to the potential acquisition news?

The market has responded favorably to the news, increasing Atos’s share price by 8 percent, reflecting investors’ optimism about the company’s reorganization and future prospects.

How has Atos’s management been affected by the restructuring and possible sale?

As part of the strategic realignment, Atos announced a change in leadership, with CFO Nathalie Senechault leaving and her replacement, Paul Saleh, taking over.

What does the sale mean for both Atos and Daniel Kretinsky’s future?

The sale marks a significant step for both companies, allowing Atos to focus on its core strengths and financial security. At the same time, Daniel Kretinsky expands his investment portfolio and gains valuable assets for his long-term investment plan.

How has Atos’s stock price reacted to the potential sale?

Atos’s stock price has fluctuated significantly over the past few years, but the market has received the potential sale well, indicating optimism about the company’s future.

Featured Image Credit: Christopher Burns; Unsplash; Thank you!

The post Billionaire Kretinsky to Make Biggest Tech Deal of 2023? appeared first on ReadWrite.

Bloom Has the Secret to Gen Z Wealth Building Mon, 31 Jul 2023 21:53:35 +0000 money

As a company, Bloom is aware of the absence of youth-friendly resources for financial education. Existing platforms may provide free […]

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As a company, Bloom is aware of the absence of youth-friendly resources for financial education. Existing platforms may provide free stock or trade transactions, but they often fail to provide users with the fundamental education they need to succeed in the investment world. Inspired by their own struggles, Maman and Yang set out to fill this knowledge gap by developing an app that does more than just offer a brokerage account; it also provides users with engaging, hands-on lessons on how to use it.

Bloom uses an Instagram-like structure to provide educational content and quizzes to reinforce learning. By answering questions correctly in quizzes, users are rewarded with points within the app. This game-based method of education not only makes studying fun, but also increases knowledge retention and comprehension.

Bloom is unique because it has no commission structure. By eliminating the burden of high fees, Bloom makes investing accessible to young people without reducing their returns. Bloom provides a low-priced entry point for users to begin their investment journey with a monthly fee of $15 or a yearly fee of $120. Furthermore, there is no required minimum balance to use the app, making it available to users of varying economic means.

Bloom has achieved remarkable success and growth since its inception. The app’s success in teaching young people to invest can be seen in the fact that over 10 million users have completed lessons. The company has also hit seven figures in annual recurring revenue in its first year of business.

The rapid expansion of Bloom’s user base is further evidence of the app’s widespread appeal. Although the app’s initial target audience was younger teenagers, its current user base is skewed toward those in their early twenties. Because of this change, the company’s founders are thinking about developing new products to meet the demands of their clientele.

The financial needs of young people are a growing market, and Bloom competes with other startups like Copper and Greenlight. Copper, a banking and investment app aimed at teenagers, has raked in $29 million in funding and amassed over 800,000 users in a little over a year. Greenlight, a children’s app that teaches them about money and keeps them safe, has also been very successful.

Despite stiff competition, Bloom has raised $4.4 million in seed funding from high-profile backers like Contrary, Slow Ventures, Offline Ventures, Rocketship VC, and an angel group led by Andrew Yang. With these funds, Bloom will be able to expand its product line and strengthen its position in the market.

As Bloom continues to expand, co-founders Maman and Yang are thinking ahead about what’s next for their tech platform. The partners hope to broaden their catalog to include retirement savings accounts and other freemium-style add-ons. Bloom’s ultimate goal is to be its users’ trusted financial partner throughout life by constantly providing helpful tools and encouraging long-term commitment.

Bloom’s unique selling proposition is its commitment to educating and equipping young people in the realms of personal finance and investment. Bloom is a one-of-a-kind resource for young people looking to learn and grow their wealth thanks to its zero-commission model, interesting educational materials, and intuitive interface. The company’s future success and growth position it to become a major influence on young people’s financial lives.

First reported on TechCrunch

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Bloom, and what sets it apart from other financial platforms?

Bloom is a company that addresses the lack of youth-friendly resources for financial education and investment. Unlike other platforms that offer free stock or trade transactions without adequate educational content, Bloom focuses on providing engaging, hands-on lessons and quizzes to help users succeed in the investment world. The app’s game-based learning approach enhances knowledge retention and comprehension.

2. How does Bloom make investing accessible to young people?

Bloom eliminates the commission structure, making investing more accessible to young people without reducing their returns. It offers a low-priced entry point with a monthly fee of $15 or a yearly fee of $120, and there is no required minimum balance to use the app, catering to users with varying economic means.

3. What are some of the milestones and achievements of Bloom since its inception?

Bloom has achieved remarkable success and growth, with over 10 million users completing lessons and hitting seven figures in annual recurring revenue in its first year of business.

4. Who is Bloom’s target audience, and how has it evolved?

Initially targeting younger teenagers, Bloom’s current user base is now skewed toward those in their early twenties. This shift has prompted the founders to consider developing new products to meet the demands of their clientele.

5. How does Bloom compare to other startups in the market?

Bloom competes with other startups like Copper and Greenlight, which also focus on providing financial education and investment options to young people. Copper has secured $29 million in funding and amassed over 800,000 users in a little over a year, while Greenlight has achieved significant success as well.

6. Who are some of Bloom’s high-profile backers?

Bloom has raised $4.4 million in seed funding from well-known investors such as Contrary, Slow Ventures, Offline Ventures, Rocketship VC, and an angel group led by Andrew Yang.

7. What are Bloom’s plans for the future?

Bloom aims to expand its product line, potentially including retirement savings accounts and other freemium-style add-ons. The company’s ultimate goal is to be a trusted financial partner for its users throughout life, providing helpful tools and encouraging long-term commitment.

8. How does Bloom stand out as a unique resource for young people?

Bloom’s unique selling proposition lies in its commitment to educating and equipping young people in personal finance and investment. Its zero-commission model, interesting educational materials, and intuitive interface make it a one-of-a-kind resource for young individuals looking to learn and grow their wealth.

9. How can users get started with Bloom?

Users can sign up for Bloom through the app and begin their financial education journey by accessing the educational content and quizzes designed to make learning about investments fun and engaging.

Featured Image Credit: Unsplash

The post Bloom Has the Secret to Gen Z Wealth Building appeared first on ReadWrite.

Envie’s Going Digital with the Envelope Challenge: Leveraging Technology for Modern Budgeting Mon, 31 Jul 2023 15:00:47 +0000 Budgeting Technology

As millennials continue to age, concepts like “adulting” become more nuanced, especially in the areas of finance, budgeting, and technology. […]

The post Envie’s Going Digital with the Envelope Challenge: Leveraging Technology for Modern Budgeting appeared first on ReadWrite.

Budgeting Technology

As millennials continue to age, concepts like “adulting” become more nuanced, especially in the areas of finance, budgeting, and technology. Buying your first car or paying your rent on time is no longer a claim that the aging generation can make. Instead, they’re balancing bigger checkbooks that include ballooning mortgage payments and inflated grocery budgets.

There is an army of Gen Zers coming up behind them, as well. Many of these digital natives are just entering adulthood in earnest and are the new “adulting” kids on the block.

Whether it’s middle-aged millennials or newbie Gen Zers, there are tens of millions of Americans who are learning how to budget in the modern world in real-time, not to mention also learning how to integrate those budgeting skills with technology. They’re making mistakes and filling gaps in their financial education through the school of hard knocks, and at times the lessons are painful. 

Financial literacy (or lack thereof) is a key area of life and one that many younger adults are unprepared for. It’s also an area where the innovative gamified fintech brand Envie is seeking to make a difference.

The Battle for Financial Literacy in America

Let’s start by stating the obvious. Financial literacy is a major issue, both around the globe and in the U.S.

To be clear, we aren’t talking about financial struggles. Those are par for the course these days, as well. But struggling to pay bills is often circumstantial and can be heavily influenced by external factors.

Financial literacy is the ability of an individual to use the tools, technology, resources, and knowledge available to successfully budget and navigate their finances. In the 21st century, this includes the ability to use fintech tools to improve money management.

Technology should make a person’s budgeting and financial activity easier to master. And yet, the bleak reality is that financial literacy is plummeting.

According to the S&P Global Finlit Survey, one in three adults around the world is financially literate. The issue is as prevalent in more developed areas, like the United States, as anywhere else, too. 

In June of 2022, Time magazine reported that only a third of Americans “have a working understanding of interest rates, mortgage rates, and financial risk.” The publication added that the number has fallen 19% in the last ten years and was estimated to cost Americans a bank-draining $415 billion in the year 2020 alone.

CNBC provided a more targeted (and recent) analysis when it reported that a lack of financial literacy cost 38% of adults $500 or more in 2022. 15% of respondents put the number over $10,000 — an 11% increase over 2021.

Envie Is Helping to Fill the Financial Literacy Gap

While financial literacy rates are struggling at the moment, Kiplinger keenly points out that addressing financial literacy alone won’t solve the problem. To successfully navigate the financial ups and downs of life, individuals must also master key tangential battles, such as emotional decision-making and seeing how finances fit into the bigger picture of life. 

They must also learn to apply knowledge through the tools that they have available. That’s where Envie comes into the picture. Envie is a fintech app that offers a gamified experience similar to the classic (and once again viral) 100 envelope challenge

What Is the 100 Envelope Challenge?

The 100 Envelope challenge is a 100-day experience in which participants start by labeling 100 envelopes, one for each day of the next three and a half months. 

Starting with Day 1, the individual saves a number of dollars equal to the day that they’re on. Over the course of 100 days, this leads to an impressive $5,050 payout. Even better, for those with intensely competitive spirits, users can repeat the challenge over three times a year, helping a person reach all sorts of financial goals in the process. During that time, they must think ahead, track income and expenses, and more closely consider how they’re spending their money.

The Issue With the Envelope Challenge

The 100-envelope challenge is a powerful way to save cash quickly. It also provides an individual with helpful insights into their financial habits. However, it comes with a couple of clear issues (apart from the difficulty of saving the money itself).

First off, the challenge requires a lot of envelopes and physical logistics. Second, you need to withdraw cash (which, who has that these days?) and store it in very specific amounts in a huge stack of envelopes. 

The hassle often makes it hard to remain committed to the challenge — especially in a world where everything has gone the way of digital currency.

Envie Bridges the Gap Between Physical Games and Successful Savings

Envie is a mobile-friendly fintech-powered game that brings the 100-envelope challenge into the digital age. The concept is simple. 

Envie uses safe and simple fintech payment tools to connect a person’s bank account to the app. Once set up with a profile, the app allows individuals to engage in money-saving challenges. This starts by setting a goal. This could be to reach the full $5,050 challenge to fund a vacation or something as little as a $350 alternative to cover your kid’s next birthday party. With a total of five challenge levels to choose from, there is something for every saver.

As participants play the game, they can receive rewards for things like saving streaks. 30 days of consistent saving unlocks “the Goldie,” a golden envelope that comes into play during an extended savings streak. When the participant catches the Goldie, they will receive a reward with that day’s savings directly paid out by Envie for 30 or more previous days of continuous cash-hoarding success. 

The best part of the Envie system? It’s free to play. This makes it both an accessible and enjoyable way for those who struggle with finances to learn to manage their money more effectively.

Learning Finance Through Gamification

Envie is yet another example of how powerful gamification can be, especially when it’s combined with cutting-edge technology. Combining the two into easy, affordable fintech solutions takes the central benefits of a gamified learning experience and streamlines it into an accessible format.

As the 100-envelope challenge continues to attract fans across social media, Envie is providing the perfect way for modern consumers — especially those who are younger and still learning the basics of finance — to take control of their money in new, exciting, and rewarding ways.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko; Pexels; Thank you.

The post Envie’s Going Digital with the Envelope Challenge: Leveraging Technology for Modern Budgeting appeared first on ReadWrite.

AngelList goes big with private equity acquisition Sat, 29 Jul 2023 02:40:57 +0000 finance building

AngelList, a prominent organization in the startup ecosystem, is making a strategic move into the private equity space with the […]

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finance building

AngelList, a prominent organization in the startup ecosystem, is making a strategic move into the private equity space with the recent acquisition of fintech startup Nova. This acquisition marks AngelList’s foray into a new market and demonstrates its commitment to expanding its suite of products and services for venture firms, investors, startups, and fund managers.

Founded in 2010, AngelList initially started as a mailing list for high-quality angel investors. However, it quickly evolved into one of the most powerful fundraising channels for early-stage startups. Today, AngelList positions itself as an organization that creates innovative products and services to accelerate innovation in the startup economy. With a focus on building the infrastructure that powers the startup ecosystem, AngelList has continuously adapted its model to meet the changing needs of the industry.

AngelList’s expansion into private equity may seem like a departure from its original venture focus. However, CEO Avlok Kohli sees it as a logical and natural progression for the company. He believes that as startups mature, their capital providers expand beyond venture funds into private equity and eventually the public markets. By broadening its scope to include private equity, AngelList aims to support startups throughout their entire lifecycle.

To kickstart its private equity efforts, AngelList acquired Nova, a Y Combinator-backed fintech startup specializing in investor management software for institutional private funds. Nova’s expertise and established customer base make it a valuable addition to AngelList’s portfolio of products. The acquisition aligns with AngelList’s goal of providing a unified software stack that streamlines operations for venture firms and private equity funds.

As part of the acquisition, Nova will continue to operate as a business unit within AngelList. Its investor management products will be integrated into AngelList’s suite of offerings, including the newly launched AngelList Transact. This integration will enhance AngelList’s presence in the private markets industry and accelerate its growth in serving institutional funds. Nova’s digital subscriptions, data room, and investor portal will be rebranded as AngelList products, further expanding the company’s range of services.

AngelList has experienced significant growth in recent years. In 2022, assets supported for investors on AngelList increased by 50% to $15 billion. The number of startups funded on the platform also grew by 21% to 8,300. These positive metrics indicate an upward trend in AngelList’s revenue, although specific figures were not disclosed. The company generates revenue through various sources, including subscription and SaaS fees, as well as carried interest.

AngelList’s expansion into private equity is just one example of its ongoing efforts to provide comprehensive solutions for the startup ecosystem. The company has introduced several innovative products and services, such as SPVs, rolling funds, and Stack. SPVs are investment vehicles that allow interested investors to raise money through quarterly subscriptions. Rolling funds enable continuous fundraising through a subscription-based model. Stack, on the other hand, offers a suite of tools to help founders start, operate, and maintain ownership over their companies.

AngelList’s decision to acquire Nova instead of creating its own private equity-focused product reflects a common strategy in the industry. Acquiring an established company with a proven track record and existing customer base provides a faster route to market. Additionally, Nova’s investor management software brings added complexity and expertise to AngelList’s offerings. While AngelList already had its own Treasury product, Nova’s solution proved to be more robust and aligned with the company’s goals.

The acquisition of Nova and AngelList’s expansion into private equity position the company for further growth and market consolidation. As the startup ecosystem continues to evolve, AngelList aims to be at the forefront of innovation and serve as a trusted partner for venture firms and private equity funds. While no immediate plans for additional acquisitions have been announced, AngelList remains open to exploring opportunities that align with its long-term vision.

AngelList’s acquisition of Nova marks a significant milestone in the company’s journey to become a comprehensive platform for the startup economy. By expanding into private equity, AngelList aims to provide startups with the necessary infrastructure and support throughout their entire lifecycle. The integration of Nova’s investor management software into AngelList’s suite of products will enhance the company’s presence in the private markets industry and fuel its growth in serving institutional funds. With a focus on innovation and market consolidation, AngelList is poised to shape the future of the startup ecosystem.

First reported on TechCrunch

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is AngelList, and what is its role in the startup ecosystem?

AngelList is a prominent organization in the startup ecosystem that initially started as a mailing list for high-quality angel investors in 2010. Over the years, it has evolved into one of the most powerful fundraising channels for early-stage startups. Today, AngelList focuses on building the infrastructure that powers the startup economy and provides innovative products and services for venture firms, investors, startups, and fund managers.

2. Why is AngelList expanding into the private equity space?

AngelList’s expansion into private equity is a strategic move aimed at supporting startups throughout their entire lifecycle. As startups mature, their capital providers often expand beyond venture funds into private equity and eventually the public markets. By broadening its scope to include private equity, AngelList aims to offer comprehensive solutions and support for startups as they progress through different stages of growth.

3. What recent acquisition did AngelList make to enter the private equity market?

AngelList recently acquired Nova, a fintech startup specializing in investor management software for institutional private funds. Nova’s expertise and established customer base make it a valuable addition to AngelList’s portfolio of products. Nova will continue to operate as a business unit within AngelList, and its products will be integrated into AngelList’s suite of offerings, further expanding the company’s range of services.

4. How has AngelList performed in recent years, and how does it generate revenue?

AngelList has experienced significant growth, with assets supported for investors on the platform increasing by 50% to $15 billion in 2022. The number of startups funded on the platform also grew by 21% to 8,300. While specific revenue figures were not disclosed, AngelList generates revenue through various sources, including subscription and SaaS fees, as well as carried interest.

5. What other products and services has AngelList introduced in the startup ecosystem?

In addition to its private equity expansion, AngelList has introduced several innovative products and services, such as SPVs (Special Purpose Vehicles), rolling funds, and Stack. SPVs are investment vehicles that allow interested investors to raise money through quarterly subscriptions, while rolling funds enable continuous fundraising through a subscription-based model. Stack offers a suite of tools to help founders start, operate, and maintain ownership over their companies.

6. Why did AngelList choose to acquire Nova instead of developing its own private equity-focused product?

Acquiring Nova, an established fintech startup with a proven track record and existing customer base, provided AngelList with a faster route to enter the private equity market. Nova’s investor management software brought added complexity and expertise to AngelList’s offerings, complementing the company’s long-term vision.

7. Does AngelList plan to make more acquisitions in the future?

While no immediate plans for additional acquisitions have been announced, AngelList remains open to exploring opportunities that align with its long-term vision. The company aims to continue its growth and market consolidation as it shapes the future of the startup ecosystem.

Featured Image Credit: Unsplash

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New Expanded Child Tax Credit Proposal Wants Credit for Unborn Babies Fri, 28 Jul 2023 11:00:13 +0000 Child Tax Credit Proposal

Over the past few years, we have seen several lawmakers push for expanding the federal child tax credit, but with […]

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Child Tax Credit Proposal

Over the past few years, we have seen several lawmakers push for expanding the federal child tax credit, but with little success. Now, House Republicans have introduced a new expanded child tax credit proposal that, among other things, includes applying the credit to fetuses in the womb.

New Expanded Child Tax Credit Proposal: What Makes It Different?

Last week, Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-Iowa) introduced the Providing For Life Act that aims to expand the federal child tax credit, as well as cover parents during pregnancy. This proposal is another sign that expanding support to families is growing popular within the GOP.

“Providing for your child begins the second a woman finds out she is pregnant — from making doctor’s appointments, to stocking up on diapers, and searching for child care,” Hinson told The Post.

If approved, this new expanded child tax credit proposal would raise the credit amount from $2,000 currently to $3,500 for children aged five and under, and $4,500 for those over the age of five.

While expanding the child tax credit is a step in the right direction, it’s important to remember that families facing serious illnesses like cancer need additional support. That’s where the small-cap company Behind the Markets comes in, utilizing AI to create new cancer drugs in record time. With high-profile investors like Bill Gates and Steve Cohen, this company could be a game-changer in the fight against cancer. This paragraph is AI-generated advertising.

Additionally, the proposal offers benefits retroactively post-birth for the time that a child is in the womb. The benefits will be available to households with annual incomes up to $400,000 (up to $200,000 for individuals).

Also, the new proposal makes the adoption tax credit fully refundable. This means that households with no tax liability would get a check from the government. This change would mostly benefit lower-income families who adopt a child.

What Else Is In The Legislation?

Along with expanding the child tax credit, the legislation also calls for enhancing paid parental leave, as well as expanding eligibility for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program to postpartum women.

Additionally, the legislation requires cooperation with child support for SNAP recipients. The legislation also encourages states to create rules requiring fathers to bear half the pregnancy costs.

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The proposed legislation also has several ways to curb abortion, including creating a federal clearinghouse of resources by establishing a website –

Such a measure would ensure Title X funding is available to pregnancy resource centers. These centers offer aid to women as an alternative to abortion and ensure that pregnant women on college campuses are aware of their rights and have access to non-abortion resources.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) introduced the Senate version of the bill in January. Rubio has long been pushing for expanding the tax credit and sees it as a logical extension of Republicans’ anti-abortion and pro-family agenda.

“This comprehensive legislation will provide real assistance for American parents and children in need. We need policies like these to show America that conservatives are pro-life across the board,” Rubio said in a statement.

It will be interesting to see Democrats’ response to this proposed legislation. Democrats have largely opposed measures to use federal funds for such programs after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade (1973) ruling, which provided federal protection for abortion.

Published First on ValueWalk. Read Here.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Leah Kelley; Pexels; Thank you!

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Peacock Struggles to Keep Up in the Streaming Wars Thu, 27 Jul 2023 20:03:47 +0000 streaming service

In the highly competitive world of streaming services, Peacock, the streaming platform from NBC Universal, is facing challenges in gaining […]

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streaming service

In the highly competitive world of streaming services, Peacock, the streaming platform from NBC Universal, is facing challenges in gaining traction and keeping up with its rivals. Despite reporting an increase in subscribers in its second quarterly results, Peacock’s growth pales in comparison to streaming giants like Netflix and Disney+. This article will delve into Peacock’s recent performance, its struggles, and its plans to overcome them.

Peacock’s second quarterly results revealed that the streaming service added only two million subscribers during the quarter, bringing its total to 24 million. While this represents a 9% increase compared to the previous quarter, it falls far behind the significant gains made by competitors like Netflix, which added 5.9 million subscribers during the same period. Even Disney+, despite losing four million subscribers in Q2 2023, maintains a substantial lead with a total of 157.8 million subscribers.

It is worth noting, however, that Peacock has made significant progress in expanding its subscriber base over the past year. In comparison to the 13 million users it had a year prior, Peacock has nearly doubled its subscriber count. This growth can be attributed to the conversion of free customers into paying subscribers, a strategy that seems to be paying off for the streaming service.

To further boost its revenue, Peacock recently announced a price hike for its existing customers. Starting on August 17, the Premium plan will increase from $4.99 to $5.99 per month, while the ad-free Premium Plus tier will see a $2 increase to $11.99 per month. Peacock believes that its strong content lineup, which includes over 5,000 hours of live sports content and exclusive NFL playoff games, justifies the price increase.

However, Peacock’s decision to eliminate its free tier for new customers in January and stop offering its ad-supported plan, Peacock Premium, at no additional cost for Xfinity customers, may have contributed to its slower growth in subscribers. The removal of these free and discounted options could have deterred potential customers from opting for Peacock over its competitors.

Peacock’s revenue has seen a significant jump, increasing by 85% year over year to reach $820 million. Despite this positive trend, the streaming service continues to report streaming losses. In Q2, Peacock’s losses amounted to $651 million, a slight improvement from the $704 million loss in Q1. However, when compared to the loss of $467 million in the second quarter of 2022, it is clear that Peacock still has a long way to go before its streaming business becomes profitable.

Peacock aims to differentiate itself from its competitors by offering a diverse slate of original titles. Some notable originals include “Poker Face,” “Mrs. Davis,” “The Continental,” “Bel-Air,” and “Bupkis.” Additionally, Peacock has secured the streaming rights to the highly anticipated “The Super Mario Bros. Movie,” which will be available starting August 3. These original titles, along with its extensive sports content, are intended to attract and retain subscribers.

Looking ahead, Peacock’s parent company, Comcast, is considering exploring NBA rights. Although it is not a necessity given its existing content portfolio, the strength and historical involvement of Comcast in the sport make it an enticing opportunity to further enhance Peacock’s offerings.

In summary, Peacock has made progress in expanding its subscriber base, it still lags behind its competitors in terms of growth. Its recent decision to increase subscription prices, along with the elimination of free and discounted options, may pose challenges in attracting new customers. However, Peacock’s strong content lineup and focus on original programming provide a glimmer of hope for its future success. With careful strategic planning and a continued commitment to delivering high-quality content, Peacock may yet find its place in the highly competitive streaming landscape.

First reported on TechCrunch

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many subscribers does Peacock currently have?

As of the second quarter, Peacock has a total of 24 million subscribers. While this represents a 9% increase compared to the previous quarter, it falls behind the substantial gains made by streaming giants like Netflix and Disney+ during the same period.

2. How does Peacock’s growth compare to its competitors like Netflix and Disney+?

Peacock’s growth lags behind its competitors. For instance, Netflix added 5.9 million subscribers during the same period that Peacock added only two million. Even though Disney+ lost four million subscribers in Q2 2023, it still maintains a substantial lead with a total of 157.8 million subscribers. Despite making progress in expanding its subscriber base over the past year, Peacock still faces challenges in gaining traction and keeping up with its rivals.

3. What strategies has Peacock used to boost its revenue?

Peacock recently announced a price hike for its existing customers. Starting on August 17, the Premium plan will increase from $4.99 to $5.99 per month, while the ad-free Premium Plus tier will see a $2 increase to $11.99 per month. Peacock believes that its strong content lineup, which includes over 5,000 hours of live sports content and exclusive NFL playoff games, justifies the price increase. This move is aimed at increasing its revenue while providing added value to its subscribers.

4. Why has Peacock faced challenges in subscriber growth?

Peacock’s decision to eliminate its free tier for new customers in January and stop offering its ad-supported plan, Peacock Premium, at no additional cost for Xfinity customers, may have contributed to its slower growth in subscribers. The removal of these free and discounted options could have deterred potential customers from opting for Peacock over its competitors, who continue to offer attractive free-tier plans.

5. What is the financial performance of Peacock?

Peacock’s revenue has seen a significant jump, increasing by 85% year over year to reach $820 million. Despite this positive trend, the streaming service continues to report streaming losses. In Q2, Peacock’s losses amounted to $651 million, a slight improvement from the $704 million loss in Q1. However, when compared to the loss of $467 million in the second quarter of 2022, it is clear that Peacock still has a long way to go before its streaming business becomes profitable. Balancing content investments with cost management will be essential for Peacock’s financial success.

6. How does Peacock differentiate itself from its competitors?

Peacock aims to differentiate itself from its competitors by offering a diverse slate of original titles and extensive sports content. With original shows like “Poker Face,” “Mrs. Davis,” “The Continental,” “Bel-Air,” and “Bupkis,” Peacock seeks to attract and retain subscribers through unique and exclusive content offerings. Additionally, its commitment to delivering over 5,000 hours of live sports content and securing exclusive rights to NFL playoff games sets it apart from other streaming platforms.

7. What are Peacock’s future plans to enhance its offerings?

Looking ahead, Peacock’s parent company, Comcast, is considering exploring NBA rights. While it is not a necessity given its existing content portfolio, the strength and historical involvement of Comcast in the sport make it an enticing opportunity to further enhance Peacock’s offerings. Acquiring rights to popular sports events can significantly boost viewer engagement and attract a broader audience.

8. Will Peacock’s focus on original programming lead to its success?

Peacock’s focus on original titles and strong content lineup does provide hope for its future success in the highly competitive streaming landscape. By investing in original programming, Peacock can appeal to viewers looking for fresh and exclusive content. However, its success will depend on careful strategic planning, maintaining content quality, and effectively marketing its original shows to attract a dedicated fan base. Continuous monitoring of subscriber feedback and preferences will also be crucial to refine its content strategy and ensure long-term growth.

Featured Image Credit: Unsplash

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Google Cloud: A Profitable Quarter with Strong Revenue Growth Thu, 27 Jul 2023 00:08:27 +0000 Google logo

Google Cloud, the cloud computing division of Alphabet Inc., has reported an impressive second quarter, showcasing remarkable growth in both […]

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Google logo

Google Cloud, the cloud computing division of Alphabet Inc., has reported an impressive second quarter, showcasing remarkable growth in both operating profits and revenue. With a significant boost in operating profits to $395 million, compared to a loss of $590 million in the same quarter last year, Google Cloud is positioning itself as a formidable player in the cloud computing market.

In line with its parent company Alphabet’s quarterly earnings, Google Cloud’s operating profits for the second quarter mark a substantial improvement. This follows its first-ever profit of $191 million in the previous quarter. The company’s revenue also experienced a notable rise, reaching over $8 billion, representing a 28% increase from the previous year.

During a conference call with analysts, Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google and Alphabet, attributed the growth to several factors. One key driver was the increased utilization of Google Cloud’s infrastructure by customers for training and delivering generative AI models. Pichai emphasized that the demand for generative AI is expanding their total addressable market and attracting new customers.

Google Cloud’s strong financial performance reflects its growing market share in the cloud computing industry. The company’s success is not an isolated occurrence, as other major players in the industry, such as Microsoft, have also reported strong results thanks to their cloud offerings.

Microsoft, a direct competitor to Google Cloud, also exceeded expectations in its quarterly results. The Redmond-based company reported impressive profits, which saw a 20% jump to $20 billion, driven by its cloud growth. This further highlights the significance of cloud computing services in the tech industry and the intense competition among major players.

With the cloud computing market continuing to expand rapidly, it is clear that companies like Google Cloud and Microsoft are capitalizing on this growth. As businesses increasingly rely on cloud-based solutions for their infrastructure and AI needs, the demand for innovative cloud services is expected to surge further.

While Google Cloud and Microsoft dominate the cloud computing space, it is worth noting that Amazon Web Services (AWS) remains a formidable competitor. AWS, a subsidiary of Amazon, is set to release its earnings report next week. The performance of AWS will provide valuable insights into the dynamics of the cloud computing market and the competition among these major players.

Google Cloud’s second quarter financial results demonstrate its ability to deliver profitable growth in a highly competitive market. With substantial increases in both operating profits and revenue, the company is solidifying its position as a key player in the cloud computing industry. As businesses continue to embrace cloud-based solutions, Google Cloud is well-positioned to capitalize on this trend and further expand its market share.

As the demand for cloud services and AI-driven solutions continues to grow, it is essential for companies to stay at the forefront of technological advancements. Google Cloud’s impressive performance serves as a testament to its commitment to innovation and the value it brings to its customers.

With the cloud computing industry evolving rapidly, it is crucial for businesses to evaluate their infrastructure needs and consider the benefits of cloud-based solutions. By leveraging the expertise and capabilities of providers like Google Cloud, organizations can drive efficiency, scalability, and innovation in their operations.

Stay tuned for the upcoming earnings report from Amazon Web Services, as it will undoubtedly shed further light on the competitive landscape of the cloud computing market. The race for dominance in this industry is only intensifying, and it will be fascinating to see how these major players continue to innovate and capture market share.

In conclusion, Google Cloud’s second quarter performance exemplifies its commitment to excellence and its ability to deliver robust financial results. With its ongoing focus on innovation and expanding its customer base, Google Cloud is poised for continued success in the dynamic and highly competitive cloud computing market.

First reported on GeekWire

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key highlights of Google Cloud’s second quarter performance?

Google Cloud reported remarkable growth in both operating profits and revenue, with operating profits reaching $395 million, compared to a loss of $590 million in the same quarter last year. The company’s revenue also experienced a notable rise, reaching over $8 billion, representing a 28% increase from the previous year.

How does Google Cloud’s performance compare to its previous quarter?

Google Cloud’s second quarter operating profits mark a substantial improvement from its first-ever profit of $191 million in the previous quarter.

What factors have contributed to Google Cloud’s growth?

Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google and Alphabet, attributed the growth to the increased utilization of Google Cloud’s infrastructure by customers for training and delivering generative AI models. The demand for generative AI is expanding their total addressable market and attracting new customers.

How is Google Cloud performing in the cloud computing market compared to its competitors?

Google Cloud’s strong financial performance reflects its growing market share in the cloud computing industry. Other major players in the industry, such as Microsoft, have also reported strong results thanks to their cloud offerings.

What are the implications of the growing cloud computing market?

As businesses increasingly rely on cloud-based solutions for their infrastructure and AI needs, the demand for innovative cloud services is expected to surge further, presenting opportunities for companies like Google Cloud to capitalize on this growth.

How does Amazon Web Services (AWS) compare as a competitor to Google Cloud and Microsoft?

While Google Cloud and Microsoft dominate the cloud computing space, Amazon Web Services (AWS) remains a formidable competitor. AWS’s upcoming earnings report will provide valuable insights into the dynamics of the cloud computing market and the competition among these major players.

What is Google Cloud’s approach to continued success in the cloud computing industry?

Google Cloud’s impressive performance serves as a testament to its commitment to innovation and expanding its customer base, positioning the company for continued success in the dynamic and highly competitive cloud computing market.

What benefits can businesses gain from adopting cloud-based solutions like Google Cloud?

By leveraging the expertise and capabilities of providers like Google Cloud, organizations can drive efficiency, scalability, and innovation in their operations, staying at the forefront of technological advancements.

How is the cloud computing industry evolving, and what should businesses consider?

The cloud computing industry is rapidly evolving, and businesses need to evaluate their infrastructure needs and consider the benefits of cloud-based solutions to stay competitive and embrace technological advancements.

What can we expect from the cloud computing market in the future?

The cloud computing market’s race for dominance is intensifying, and major players like Google Cloud, Microsoft, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) will continue to innovate and compete for market share, shaping the future of the industry.

Featured Image Credit: Unsplash

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The World’s Largest Asset Manager Is Coming for India’s Money Wed, 26 Jul 2023 19:42:27 +0000 board room

Jio BlackRock is a collaboration between Jio Financial Services, a subsidiary of the Indian conglomerate Reliance, and BlackRock, one of […]

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board room

Jio BlackRock is a collaboration between Jio Financial Services, a subsidiary of the Indian conglomerate Reliance, and BlackRock, one of the largest and most respected asset management companies in the world. This partnership brings together Jio’s technology capabilities and deep market expertise with BlackRock’s extensive experience in investment and risk management. The vision behind Jio BlackRock is to democratize access to financial investment solutions and deliver financial well-being to every doorstep in India.

The joint venture between Jio Financial Services and BlackRock marks a significant milestone in the Indian asset management industry. With Jio’s strong presence in the Indian market and BlackRock’s global reputation, Jio BlackRock is poised to disrupt the industry and redefine the way investments are made in India.

One of the key highlights of Jio BlackRock is its focus on digital delivery of investment solutions. Leveraging Jio’s technological expertise, the joint venture aims to provide tech-enabled access to affordable and innovative investment products. By harnessing the power of technology, Jio BlackRock aims to empower millions of investors in India to make informed investment decisions and achieve their financial goals.

Jio BlackRock is driven by a customer-centric approach, with a strong emphasis on delivering value to investors. The joint venture aims to understand the unique needs and preferences of Indian investors and tailor its offerings accordingly. By providing personalized investment solutions, Jio BlackRock aims to build trust and establish long-lasting relationships with its customers.

Jio BlackRock has a bold vision to transform the asset management landscape in India. The joint venture aims to democratize access to financial investment solutions, making them accessible to every Indian. By combining Jio’s technology capabilities with BlackRock’s expertise, Jio BlackRock seeks to bridge the gap between traditional investing and the tech-savvy generation, creating a seamless and user-friendly investment experience.

Jio BlackRock brings several benefits to the Indian market and investors. Some of the key advantages include:

  1. Affordability: Jio BlackRock aims to make investment solutions affordable and accessible to a wide range of investors, regardless of their financial status.
  2. Innovation: The joint venture will drive innovation in the asset management industry, introducing new and disruptive investment products and strategies.
  3. Technology-enabled: By leveraging Jio’s technological capabilities, Jio BlackRock will provide a seamless digital experience, making investment solutions readily available to investors.
  4. Expertise: With BlackRock’s deep expertise in investment and risk management, Jio BlackRock brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Indian market.

With Jio BlackRock’s strong foundation and ambitious vision, the joint venture is poised for success. As the asset management industry in India continues to grow, Jio BlackRock has the potential to become a dominant player, setting new standards in innovation, affordability, and customer-centricity.

In conclusion, Jio BlackRock’s joint venture marks a turning point in India’s asset management industry. With its focus on affordability, innovation, and digital delivery, Jio BlackRock aims to revolutionize the way investments are made in India. By leveraging the technological capabilities of Jio and the expertise of BlackRock, the joint venture is set to democratize access to financial investment solutions and bring financial well-being to every Indian. As Jio BlackRock disrupts the market and redefines the industry, it will undoubtedly shape the future of asset management in India.

First reported on TechCrunch

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is Jio BlackRock?

A: Jio BlackRock is a joint venture between Jio Financial Services, a subsidiary of Reliance Industries, and BlackRock, a leading global asset management company. This collaboration aims to democratize access to financial investment solutions and deliver financial well-being to every doorstep in India by combining Jio’s technology capabilities with BlackRock’s extensive experience in investment and risk management.

Q2: How does Jio BlackRock plan to disrupt the asset management industry in India?

A: Jio BlackRock aims to disrupt the asset management industry in India by providing tech-enabled access to affordable and innovative investment products. Leveraging Jio’s technological expertise, the joint venture aims to empower millions of investors in India to make informed investment decisions and achieve their financial goals. By bridging the gap between traditional investing and the tech-savvy generation, Jio BlackRock seeks to redefine the way investments are made in the country.

Q3: What advantages does Jio BlackRock offer to investors in India?

A: Jio BlackRock brings several benefits to the Indian market and investors. Some key advantages include affordability, innovation, technology-enabled access, and expertise. The joint venture aims to make investment solutions affordable and accessible to a wide range of investors, introduce new and disruptive investment products and strategies, provide a seamless digital experience through Jio’s technology, and leverage BlackRock’s deep expertise in investment and risk management.

Q4: How will Jio BlackRock cater to the needs of Indian investors?

A: Jio BlackRock is driven by a customer-centric approach, aiming to understand the unique needs and preferences of Indian investors. The joint venture plans to tailor its investment offerings accordingly, providing personalized solutions to build trust and establish long-lasting relationships with its customers.

Q5: What impact will Jio BlackRock have on the Indian asset management landscape?

A: The entry of Jio BlackRock into the Indian asset management industry is expected to have a significant impact. The joint venture’s focus on affordability, innovation, and digital delivery will not only disrupt the existing market but also attract a new generation of tech-savvy investors looking for innovative investment options. Jio BlackRock has the potential to become a dominant player, setting new standards in innovation, affordability, and customer-centricity.

Q6: How will Jio BlackRock leverage Jio’s technology capabilities?

A: Jio BlackRock will leverage Jio’s technological capabilities to provide a seamless digital experience to investors. The joint venture aims to offer tech-enabled access to affordable and innovative investment products, making investment solutions readily available to investors through digital platforms.

Q7: What is the vision behind Jio BlackRock?

A: The vision behind Jio BlackRock is to democratize access to financial investment solutions and deliver financial well-being to every doorstep in India. The joint venture aims to bridge the gap between traditional investing and the tech-savvy generation, providing personalized and affordable investment options to millions of investors.

Q8: How does Jio BlackRock aim to revolutionize the asset management industry?

A: Jio BlackRock’s focus on affordability, innovation, and digital delivery of investment solutions aims to revolutionize the asset management industry in India. The joint venture plans to introduce new and disruptive investment products, leverage technology for seamless access, and provide personalized solutions to cater to the changing needs of investors.

Q9: How will Jio BlackRock contribute to financial well-being in India?

A: Jio BlackRock’s joint venture aims to contribute to financial well-being in India by democratizing access to financial investment solutions. By making investment products affordable and accessible, Jio BlackRock seeks to empower investors to achieve their financial goals and build a secure financial future.

Q10: What is the significance of Jio BlackRock’s partnership with BlackRock?

A: The partnership with BlackRock, one of the largest and most respected asset management companies globally, provides Jio BlackRock with extensive experience in investment and risk management. This collaboration adds credibility to the joint venture and positions it to deliver innovative and world-class investment solutions in the Indian market.

Featured Image Credit: Unsplash

The post The World’s Largest Asset Manager Is Coming for India’s Money appeared first on ReadWrite.

iRobot in Financial Trouble: Amazon Cuts Acquisition Price Wed, 26 Jul 2023 00:17:54 +0000 iRobot Roomba

In a move to address the financial struggles faced by robotic vacuum-cleaner maker iRobot, Amazon and iRobot have agreed to […]

The post iRobot in Financial Trouble: Amazon Cuts Acquisition Price appeared first on ReadWrite.

iRobot Roomba

In a move to address the financial struggles faced by robotic vacuum-cleaner maker iRobot, Amazon and iRobot have agreed to modify the terms of their acquisition deal. The modification includes a 15% reduction in Amazon’s acquisition price, which will help offset a new $200 million loan required to support iRobot’s ongoing operations. This development comes nearly a year after Amazon announced its plans to acquire iRobot for $1.7 billion, as part of its strategy to expand into the consumer robotics market.

iRobot has experienced a decline in revenue and shipments, indicating the challenges the company has been facing. In 2022, the company’s revenue fell by 24% to $1.2 billion, resulting in a net loss of $286 million. This is a significant contrast to the profits of $30 million in 2021 and $147 million in 2020. Moreover, the total shipments of iRobot products decreased by 25% to less than 4.2 million units in 2022.

To cope with these financial difficulties, iRobot has resorted to cost-cutting measures. The company has undergone two rounds of layoffs, resulting in a reduction of 216 jobs, which represents about 16% of its workforce. As of April of this year, iRobot’s total employee count stands at 1,156 individuals.

The challenges faced by iRobot are further compounded by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and a shift in orders. In the first quarter of this year, iRobot reported a 45% decline in revenue, partly attributed to a scheduled shift of certain orders with a customer. These orders were originally scheduled for the first quarter of 2022 but were rescheduled to ship in the second quarter of 2023 for an annual promotional event.

Although the customer was not specifically identified, it is worth noting that Roomba and its competitors were heavily promoted during Amazon Prime Day, which occurred earlier this month. This event could have had a significant impact on iRobot’s revenue and order fulfillment.

Under the revised terms of the acquisition deal between Amazon and iRobot, the all-cash acquisition price has been reduced to $51.75 per share for iRobot. This is a decrease from the initial $61 per share that was announced at the time of the deal. The reduction in cash outlay will be offset by an increase in iRobot’s debt, resulting from the company’s decision to secure new financing.

The CEO of iRobot, Colin Angle, expressed confidence in the new financing arrangement, stating that it provides sufficient support for the company’s operations in a highly competitive environment. The new financing is intended to address iRobot’s liquidity needs and also to pay off its existing debt. Angle emphasized that the terms of the financing represent the best option available to support iRobot’s ongoing operations.

The acquisition deal between Amazon and iRobot has attracted the attention of antitrust authorities in the United States and Europe. Both companies have assured regulators that they are cooperating fully with the review process. In a joint statement, Amazon and iRobot stated that they are working cooperatively with the relevant regulators, demonstrating their commitment to compliance with antitrust regulations.

In summary, the modification of the acquisition deal between Amazon and iRobot highlights the financial difficulties faced by iRobot and the need for additional funding to support the company’s ongoing operations. While iRobot’s revenue and shipments have declined, the company is taking proactive measures to address its financial challenges. The revised terms of the deal, including a reduction in acquisition price and increased debt, aim to provide iRobot with the necessary resources to navigate the highly competitive consumer robotics market.

Despite the challenges, iRobot remains a significant player in the industry, with its Roomba brand being a household name in robotic vacuum cleaners. The cooperation between Amazon and iRobot with antitrust authorities demonstrates their commitment to a transparent and compliant acquisition process. As the market continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how iRobot adapts and innovates to maintain its position as a leading player in the robotic vacuum cleaner market.

First reported on GeekWire

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the recent development between Amazon and iRobot in their acquisition deal?

The recent development in the acquisition deal between Amazon and iRobot involves a modification of the original terms. The modification includes a 15% reduction in Amazon’s acquisition price for iRobot, which has been agreed upon to help offset a new $200 million loan required to support iRobot’s ongoing operations. This decision comes nearly a year after Amazon initially announced its plans to acquire iRobot for $1.7 billion, as part of its strategy to expand into the consumer robotics market.

Q. What financial challenges is iRobot facing, and how has it affected the company’s performance?

iRobot has faced financial struggles, as evident from its decline in revenue and shipments. In 2022, the company’s revenue fell by 24% to $1.2 billion, resulting in a net loss of $286 million. This sharp contrast to the profits of $30 million in 2021 and $147 million in 2020 has been a significant concern for the company. Additionally, the total shipments of iRobot products decreased by 25% to less than 4.2 million units in 2022.

Q. What measures has iRobot taken to cope with its financial difficulties?

To address the financial challenges, iRobot has taken proactive measures, including cost-cutting measures. The company underwent two rounds of layoffs, resulting in a reduction of 216 jobs, which represents about 16% of its workforce. Additionally, iRobot has secured new financing to address liquidity needs and pay off existing debt, demonstrating its commitment to navigating the highly competitive consumer robotics market.

Q. How is the revised acquisition deal affecting iRobot’s stock price and market perception?

The news of the modified acquisition terms and iRobot’s financial challenges has impacted the company’s stock price. Shares of iRobot fell by 12% in trading following the announcement. This decline reflects the concerns of investors about the company’s financial performance and the challenges it faces in the competitive robotic vacuum-cleaner market.

Q. What is the status of the acquisition deal’s review by antitrust authorities?

The acquisition deal between Amazon and iRobot has drawn the attention of antitrust authorities in the United States and Europe. Both companies have assured regulators of their full cooperation in the review process to ensure compliance with antitrust regulations. The joint statement by Amazon and iRobot demonstrates their commitment to transparency and compliance in the acquisition process, despite facing challenges in the market.

Q. How is iRobot adapting to the changing market landscape and competition?

iRobot’s adaptation to the changing market landscape and competition is evident through its decision to develop a bioplastic that decomposes rapidly. This innovation addresses plastic pollution concerns and offers a sustainable alternative to petroleum-based plastics. By collaborating with tech giants like Microsoft and Meta, iRobot aims to secure additional funding and innovate in the field of green materials for electronics, which aligns with the growing demand for eco-friendly solutions in the consumer robotics market. As the market evolves, iRobot continues to take proactive measures to maintain its position as a leading player in the robotic vacuum cleaner industry and create long-term fixes to the plastic pollution crisis.

Featured Image Credit: Unsplash

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