Antone gonsalves

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DEMO Report: Startup Creativity Through Variety

DEMO Report: Startup Creativity Through Variety

Entrepreneurs demonstrating their latest ideas at the EMO Spring 2012 conference showed that inspiration travels in many directions. The young companies that took the stage Wednesday to kick off the three-day startup fest in Santa Clara, California, demonstrated a surprisingly wide variety of software and Web services.

Unfortunately, one thing…

Apple No Longer Has Weeks to Fix Security Disasters

Apple No Longer Has Weeks to Fix Security Disasters

The discovery earlier this month that more than 600,000 Macs, roughly 1% of all in use, were infected with the password-stealing Flashback malware left no doubt that security could not remain an afterthought for consumers or businesses using an Apple computer. For security experts, the discovery was validation for what they had been saying for…

Yahoo CEO: We’re “Only Doing a Few Things Really Well”

Yahoo CEO: We’re “Only Doing a Few Things Really Well”

Yahoo Chief Executive Scott Thompson plans to bring the Web portal to its former glory by doing away with everything that does not contribute to its core business of profit-driving ads and e-commerce. On Tuesday, Thompson, who left eBay’s division of PayPal to become CEO and president in January, held his first earnings call with Wall Street…