Are a business owner that regularly asks yourself: “How can I expand my company to gain more clients, make more sales, and earn more revenue?” If so, you’re not alone. This is something business owners all over the world, in various industries and niches, struggle with on a daily basis.

Maybe you’ve only tried marketing your brand through paid ads on Google, or perhaps you have only attempted to target new customers through Facebook and Instagram. Fortunately, technology and the internet have opened a world of opportunity for marketing your company and reaching potential new clients in different, effective ways.

Here is how to expand your business through multi-channel marketing:

First things first, what is multi-channel marketing?

According to SAS, multi-channel marketing “refers to the practice of interacting with customers using a combination of indirect and direct communication channels – websites, retail stores, mail order catalogs, direct mail, email, mobile, etc. – and enabling customers to take action in response – preferably to buy your product or service – using the channel of their choice. In the most simplistic terms, multichannel marketing is all about choice.”

In short, multi-channel marketing means to market your company on as many different, appropriate platforms. This in an effort to place it in front of as many people within your target audience and demographic as possible. This means expanding beyond your current marketing strategy and testing out various new strategies. It’s a means of communication for websites and all types of channels.

Why is multi-channel marketing so important?

Multi-channel marketing is vital to any business for many reasons. If you’re only using a single channel, you’re limiting the potential of how many people (customers and clients) you’re reaching. If you have found success in marketing via Facebook, then you should obviously continue to use this channel. However, incorporating different types of social media platforms into your marketing strategy will only help to expand your visibility. Try Pinterest, Instagram, or Twitter. Watch your analytics and see which channel may work just as well for you. Yes, it takes more effort and time, but the amount of new sales that could arise as a result will be worth it.

It’s imperative for you as a business owner to place your brand in as many places as possible for this very reason.

So which channels are available to you?


Because 80 percent of all internet users own a smartphone. Optimizing your marketing strategy to include mobile marketing is not a choice in 2018, but a necessity. If you already have a website, then it should already be optimized for mobile phones. If not, then Google is likely not favoring your company. This mean not placing you as high on search engine results pages as you may deserve (due to all of the algorithm changes centered around mobile-first user behavior). First, make sure your website is mobile-friendly, responsive, and readable on all types of cell phones, size phone screens, browsers, and software systems.

In addition to optimizing your website, there are several mobile marketing strategies you can try to acquire new business and make more sales. From SMS text message updates and coupon offers to developing a mobile app to complement one of your company’s products or services, the options are limitless.

In-Person Events.

Have you tried event marketing yet? Have you participated in any trade shows that are relevant to your industry? Have you signed up to display your brand at a kiosk during a conference that thousands of your potential clients are attending? Whether your company offers online services or you sell teddy bears — in-person events enable you and your team to put a face in front of your brand. You’ll have the opportunity to interact with people who may be interested in learning more about who you are and what you do.

As long as you have a portable payment system or attachable POS device, you can take your ecommerce business anywhere in the world and still have the ability to make sales while on the road. Certain brands like Shopify offer a POS device that accepts payment and enables you to manage your inventory, access customer data, and process orders as well.

Online Marketplaces.

If you sell individual products as an ecommerce brand, then you may be trying to figure out how you can expand. Start selling in more locations, both online and in stores. You may think that it is smart to keep your customers coming to your website for SEO purposes, and you are correct. However, you are missing out on the opportunity to bring in new business from all over the web. Millions of potential clients and customers are already browsing for products similar to yours.

Two of the most popular online marketplaces are Amazon and eBay. eBay is the best choice for individual products like antiques or clothes. Amazon is a great choice for everyday items and recurring subscription-based products. You may have to pay a small percentage fee every time you make a sale, it is in your best interest to utilize these platforms. Pay each fee, considering those are sales you would not have earned without being on the platform to begin with. Reach out to various online marketplaces to see which ones have the lowest associated fees and make the most sense to sell your product(s) through.

Radio, TV, and Podcasts.

Do you think your ideal customer or client is listening to certain radio stations while commuting to or from work every day? Maybe he or she is watching a specific TV channel when they are home relaxing while the kids are asleep? Radio and TV ads are the perfect opportunity for you to advertise your business when your target audience is relaxing or on-the-go.

Podcasts are another new and effective way to promote your brand. People who listen to podcasts are typically a very targeted niche. This means you can boost your brand awareness and make sales by using the owner of the podcast to announce a specific message for you. Celebrities and influencers have a strong voices and influence on their listeners. Place an advertisement with a special offer on a podcast that relates to your company. Benefit the podcaster’s audience may be an extremely profitable marketing channel for you to try.

Direct Mail.

Yes, digital marketing is the modern way of advertising. Digital has proven to be an extremely profitable (and necessary) strategy. However, direct mail still serves as a viable option that is worth a shot if you have not already tried it. Direct mail is a cost-effective marketing strategy that allows brands to target potential clients and customers. You will want to have your mailable different. Sending ads, coupons, or information directly to their home or mailbox has to be unusual.

Although you may run the risk of your direct mail ad getting thrown in the garbage as it can be considered spammy. You could just score yourself a new, engaged customer if you get the timing, offer, and recipient right.

Print Ads.

Print advertisements are another effective channel of marketing. Similar to direct mail, print ads have the capability of reaching a very targeted audience if appropriately placed in the right industry newspaper or magazine. A simple Google search for newspapers or magazines in your business’s niche will show you a list of relevant publications for you to contact. Upon compiling a long list of platforms, visit each publication’s website to locate the editor’s email address or phone number so you can contact him or her with your unique story, coupon, or advertisement.

The costs associated with promoting your business via print ads range from very inexpensive to fairly costly. Depending on your budget and the amount of money you are willing to pay to advertise your business through this channel, the results you receive will return accordingly. The more money you are able to spend directly correlates to the visibility you receive and the amount of sales you can make as a result.

Full-page advertorials price will of course be higher, but the return-on-investment could be worth it. If you don’t think your target audience is going to be reading the newspaper or magazine you plan to advertise within but you are open to trying this new channel. Try a small ad on a business listing page within a smaller publication may be a better option for you.

 Multi-channel marketing is clearly beneficial for various reasons, but ultimately it all boils down to expanding your outreach to target more people within your ideal customer or client demographic/audience. No matter which channel you choose to place your next advertisement, be sure to choose an important message and communicate it in your brand’s unique tone.

By conducting your research you’ll figure out where your audience is You’ll find out what they listen to, what they read, and where they hang out. You’ll be able to take advantage of that opportunity to boost your business, increase your brand awareness, and make the new sales you have been hoping for.

Richard Parker

Richard Parker is senior writer at & . He covers industry-specific topics such as Entrepreneurship, Data/Security, Startups, Industrial, Growth Equity Community, Smart Cities, Connected Devices & Smart Homes.