Sean ammirati

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Is “Stealth” the Best Way to Build Your Business?

Is “Stealth” the Best Way to Build Your Business?

I’m just returning from another really great year at SXSW. It’s always fun to meet up with so many new and old friends in just a few days in Austin. Beyond that, one of my favorite things is bumping into so many entrepreneurs I’ve never met who are working on interesting problems. However, this year I met a concerning number of entrepreneurs…

Summer of Extensions Competition Continues

Summer of Extensions Competition Continues

As we announced a month ago, ReadWriteWeb is partnering with Microsoft this summer on a competition for developers to build the most compelling Visual Studio Extensions. We’ve already had one submission, and a number of other community members have let us know they are working on an extension they’ll submit before the Aug. 31 deadline.


Announcing the Real-Time Web Summit Sponsors

Announcing the Real-Time Web Summit Sponsors

Excitement is building for our upcoming Real-Time Web Summit on June 11 at the Metropolitan Pavilion in New York City. This is our first East Coast summit and it has some absolutely amazing attendees. If you haven’t registered yet, I don’t know what you are waiting for – register today for this high-energy day!

Supporting the conversation are…

Announcing Visual Studio Summer of Extensions Competition

Announcing Visual Studio Summer of Extensions Competition

We’re pleased to announce that in collaboration with Microsoft, ReadWriteWeb will be hosting a competition for Visual Studio developers to see who can create the most compelling Visual Studio 2010 extensions.

Extensions are an add-on to Visual Studio 2010 that improves the user experience. Your extension could provide additional functionality to…

Announcing First 3 Mobile Summit Sponsors

Announcing First 3 Mobile Summit Sponsors

Excitement is building for our upcoming Mobile Summit – May 7th at the Computer History Museum. Get ready to explore, think and create the future of Mobile! As in our last event, The Real-Time Web Summit, it will be you – the attendees – who ultimately set the agenda.

We will have two main tracks at this Summit, Development and Business…

Google App Engine Announces Pricing Plan, APIs, Open Access

Google App Engine Announces Pricing Plan, APIs, Open Access

At tomorrow’s Google I/O conference, the App Engine team will be making a number of announcements. In advance of the conference, we interviewed Paul McDonald and Pete Koomen, two App Engine product managers, on our podcast show ReadWriteTalk. Specifically, Google will be announcing:

Pricing options for additional App Engine resources…

Picking a Platform: 5 Issues to Consider

Picking a Platform: 5 Issues to Consider

A month ago, ReadWriteWeb writer Marshall Kirkpatrick utilized his huge network of Twitter followers to facilitate a discussion about APIs and platforms. He shared the highlights of the conversation in a post on this blog. The discussion was one that really captured our imaginations, so today we’re exploring the issue further and presenting 5…

OpenX vs Google Ad Manager

OpenX vs Google Ad Manager

Recently on ReadWriteTalk, we interviewed Scott Switzer, the CTO and Founder of OpenX. Until recently they were known as OpenAds, but they’ve since rebranded as OpenX. Shortly after the interview was recorded, Google announced a competitive product called AdManager. Scott responded on the OpenX blog by saying that “Google’s announcement of a…

4 Technologies for Portability in Social Networks: A Primer

4 Technologies for Portability in Social Networks: A Primer

Today Marshall Kirkpatrick interviewed Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg at SXSW, with the main topic of discussion being Data Portability. Later in the day at the festival, a star studded panel discussed building portable social networks. The panel highlighted four technologies that help make identity and data more portable across social networks…

SXSW: Lessons Learned at 37 Signals

SXSW: Lessons Learned at 37 Signals

I’m back at SXSW as one of the RWW contributors covering the interactive festival. This afternoon I attended Jason Fried’s presentation on “Stuff We’ve Learned at 37 Signals”. 37 Signals is a software company headquartered in Chicago, IL that started as a interactive design company and has since become one of the leading software companies for…

The Future of Social Networks at Graphing Social Patterns

The Future of Social Networks at Graphing Social Patterns

Charlene Li gave the opening keynote at today’s Graphing Social Patterns conference. The keynote was titled “The Future of Social Networks” and Charlene clarified that specifically she was focused on five to ten years out in her presentation. Her basic thesis is that in the future, ‘social networks will be like air.’ In other words, it will be…

What Stanford Learned Building Facebook Apps

What Stanford Learned Building Facebook Apps

Dr. BJ Fogg and Dave McClure taught a class last semester at Stanford on Building Facebook Applications. In 10 weeks, the 80 students had created 50+ applications and in total had over 20 Million installs – with 5 having more than 1 million users. At today’s Graphing Social Patterns conference, BJ and his two teacher assistants shared 10 tips…

10 Social Apps Demo at GSP West

10 Social Apps Demo at GSP West

Tonight at the Graphing Social Patterns, 10 social applications gave demonstrations for the GSP West AppNite. The first six applications were Facebook Apps and the last four were Open Social applications.

Facebook Opens News Feed, But Not Enough

Facebook Opens News Feed, But Not Enough

This week Facebook opened up its News Feed to third party services, allowing users to add content from outside sites to their Facebook feed. Third parties could already allow their users to do this by creating Facebook Apps. However now users will be able directly import these content streams by inputing their login credentials to Facebook…

FriendFeed: Ex-Googlers Create Social Network Experience Using Feeds

FriendFeed: Ex-Googlers Create Social Network Experience Using Feeds

On the most recent episode of ReadWriteTalk, I sat down with Bret Taylor and Paul Buchheit of FriendFeed. Both have been successful ‘intrapreneurs’ inside of Google. Buchheit created GMail; while Taylor created Google Maps with another one of the 4 FriendFeed founders, and then led the Google developer tools program. After leaving Google…

Examining Feeds in Social Networks

Examining Feeds in Social Networks

In mid-december, I interviewed Kevin Marks (Developer Advocate, Google Open Social) on Read/WriteTalk . One of the areas we spent considerable time discussing was Open Social’s Activity Streams. Since that interview, I have found myself reflecting a lot about the increasing number of social networks that create ‘feeds’ around user activity within…

Five Themes From the Defrag Conference

Five Themes From the Defrag Conference

This week the Defrag Conference was held in Denver, with the theme of ‘The Implicit Web’. It was a great event and lots of big ideas were discussed. Therefore, I thought it would be interesting to share the five big themes I walked away thinking about after Defrag; and my current take on each of the five big themes.
Note that Charles Knight…

Google’s Kevin Marks Discusses OpenSocial at Defrag

Google’s Kevin Marks Discusses OpenSocial at Defrag

Today at the Defrag Conference, Kevin Marks from Google gave a presentation on OpenSocial. Before working at Google, Kevin was Principal Engineer at Technorati. He’s also well known as one of the founders of microformats.
Kevin’s speech wasn’t on the Defrag agenda, but it was squeezed in due to the timeliness of the topic. Plus, tongue in…

New Release: Tumblr 3.0 & Interview with Founder on Read/WriteTalk

New Release: Tumblr 3.0 & Interview with Founder on Read/WriteTalk

For the most recent episode of Read/WriteTalk I sat down with David Karp, the founder of Tumblr. Tumblr is a platform that makes it easy to create Tumblelogs – which Wikipedia defines as:

A variation of a blog, that favors short-form, mixed-media posts over the longer editorial posts frequently associated with blogging. Common post…

Tim O’Reilly: Graphing Social Patterns Conference Keynote

Tim O’Reilly: Graphing Social Patterns Conference Keynote

I’m at the Graphing Social Patterns conference in San Jose again today. I’m covering the event for Read/WriteWeb and doing a few interviews for Read/WriteTalk. This morning, Tim O’Reilly gave the ‘developer keynote’ for the conference. The presentation hit on three basic themes:

Background on O’Reilly Media
A Web 2.0 Refresher
What I…