Sean ammirati

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SocialMedia Aims to Bring Attention Economy to Advertising

SocialMedia Aims to Bring Attention Economy to Advertising

I’m at the Graphing Social Patterns conference in San Jose for the next two days. I’ll be covering the event for Read/WriteWeb and doing a few interviews on Read/WriteTalk. This morning Seth Goldstein, Co-Founder & CEO of, gave a presentation etitled Appvertising: The Future of Social Advertising. I also sat down with Seth…

Big Brands & Facebook

Big Brands & Facebook

I’m at the Graphing Social Patterns conference in San Jose for the next two days. I’ll covering the event for Read/WriteWeb and doing a few interviews on Read/WriteTalk.

This morning Charlene Li from Forrester Research gave a presentation entitled ‘Big Brands & Facebook: Marketing Case Studies & Best Practices.’ The theme that she came…

Church Blogging

Church Blogging

This week as part of our focus on Non-Profits, I did a Read/WriteTalk podcast with Brian Bailey – the author of The Blogging Church. While Brian’s focus is obviously on one specific type of non-profit, his advice on different ways that churches can incorporate blogs into their communication strategy, is applicable for any leader in a non-profit…

Yahoo Launches 2 New Hacks – Interview with Bradley Horowitz from Yahoo

Yahoo Launches 2 New Hacks – Interview with Bradley Horowitz from Yahoo

This evening Yahoo! is announcing two new ‘hacks’ that have been in development since late March. While it is tempting to write them off as two small features being incorporated into the largest Internet Property in the world, we wonder if there is more meaning here – especially given that Jerry Yang announced a 100 day strategy refresh back in…

Twitter’s Open Platform Advantage

Twitter’s Open Platform Advantage

This week on Read/WriteTalk I had the opportunity to talk to Biz Stone, co-founder of Twitter. One of the more interesting topics in the podcast was the open platform that Twitter has developed. We also discussed how the team came up with the idea for Twitter, different catalysts over the past year for user growth, and even how they came up with…

VCs: Startups Are Too Reliant on the M&A Market

VCs: Startups Are Too Reliant on the M&A Market

I’m at the AlwaysOn Stanford Summit reporting for Read/WriteWeb. This afternoon there was an interesting presentation about the state of the venture capital market. Specifically, it started with a presentation by Paul Denninger, Vice Chairman of Jefferies & Co, entitled “Why Aren’t VCs Happy?” and then Paul joined a panel moderated by Mark…

Openads 2.3 Beta Launched, But Google Threat Lurks

Openads 2.3 Beta Launched, But Google Threat Lurks

I’ve mentioned Openads, a free open
source ad server, twice in the last few months here on Read/WriteWeb. I continue to be
very interested in their business model; but also I hope they disrupt not just the ad
fulfillment and tracking business, but also expand to focus on creating an
open alternative to the current online ad networks. While this…

Google’s Sheryl Sandberg on Next-Generation Advertising

Google’s Sheryl Sandberg on Next-Generation Advertising

On Thursday at the Supernova conference, Udi Manber Google’s VP of
Engineering talked about what
a difficult problem search is. This was followed up by Sheryl Sandberg, Google’s Global
VP of Sales and Operations, giving a presentation entitled What’s next for

Google’s History in Advertising

Sheryl started by providing a little…

Supernova: Connected Innovators

Supernova: Connected Innovators

This afternoon at Supernova thirteen companies selected by TechCrunch and Supernova,
from 130 applicants, presented at the Connected Innovators
Session. The companies presented to a panel of experts including Mike Arrington from
TechCrunch, Josh Kopelman from First Round Capital and Julie Hanna Farris – a serial
entrepreneur. The panel held all…

Google’s Udi Manber – Search is a Hard Problem

Google’s Udi Manber – Search is a Hard Problem

Udi Manber, Google’s
VP of Engineering, gave a brief 15 minute presentation at Supernova today entitled
Search is a Hard Problem. He explained that with an audience like Supernova, he
imagines we understand to some extent how difficult a problem it is, but it’s probably a
harder problem then we even appreciate. He laid out three reasons why this is…

Virtual Life or Virtual Hype?

Virtual Life or Virtual Hype?

I’m at the Supernova conference in San Francisco this week. In
this post I review a panel entitled, ‘Virtual Life or Virtual Hype’. The panel was
moderated by Sandra Kearney from IBM and included the following panelists:

Clay Shirky (NYU)

Rueben Steiger (Millions of Us)

Raph Koster (Arae)

The brief description in the program was:

“Do most…

The First Principle of Social Web Apps and its Implications

The First Principle of Social Web Apps and its Implications

I’m attending Supernova this year and will
be covering the event for Read/WriteWeb. In addition to attending various panels, I
participated in the conference today by giving a quick presentation as part of the
challenge roundtable at the end of the first day. My topic was titled: The First
Principle of Social Web Apps and Its Implications. A number…

Open Ads Receives $5 Million VC Investment

Open Ads Receives $5 Million VC Investment

As has been reported in TechCrunch and on other places this morning, Open Ads has received a $5 million VC investment led by Index Ventures. The other firms participating included First Round Capital, Mangrove Capital Partners, and O’Reilly AlphaTech Ventures.

I included Open Ads as potentially part of the solution I proposed last month…

Vendor Relationship Management

Vendor Relationship Management

Last week, I attended the Internet Identity Workshop. Doc Searls, one of the organizers of the conference, ran multiple sessions on a concept he has been developing with others in his role as a fellow at Harvard’s Berkman Center, called Vendor Relation Management (or VRM.) The concept behind VRM is to “provide customers with tools for engaging…

Overview of the Identity Landscape

Overview of the Identity Landscape

Last week, I attended the Internet Identity Workshop. As an attendee with less exposure to the user centric identity, an early session provided an great overview of how the pieces fit together. This is a regular topic at the IIW and I’m sure the community will continue collaborating online at the Identity Commons wiki page. However, the image…

Google’s Potential Vulnerability – An Open Ad Network

Google’s Potential Vulnerability – An Open Ad Network

Robert Scoble recently wrote an interesting post, about FOG – Fear of Google (an acronym coined by CEO of eMarketer Geoff Ramsey). I observed this phenomenon strongly first hand at the Web 2.0 Expo and shared my thoughts on it in the R/WW post Thoughts from the Web 2.0 Expo. There is little doubt that the combination of Google’s exceptional…

Interview with Chris DiBona of Google

Interview with Chris DiBona of Google

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to hear Chris DiBona, the Open Source Program Manager at Google, speak at a TiE Pittsburgh event. At the event, Chris provided an extremely insightful presentation on the state of the open source market. After the event, Chris and I exchanged emails and he agreed to do a interview for Read/WriteWeb…

Web 2.0 Expo: Open Source Business Models

Web 2.0 Expo: Open Source Business Models

On Monday morning I attended a panel which included two case
studies from leading businesses built around open source software applications – Sugar CRM and MySQL AB. The case studies were presented by their
respective CEOs, John Roberts and Marten Mickos, and focused on the business model their
organizations have adopted.

The rest of the day, I…

Internet Video Hyperaggregation

Internet Video Hyperaggregation

About a week ago, the hot topic online was NBC Universal and News Corp launching a joint-venture to provide “the largest Internet video distribution network ever assembled.” The joint-venture is still months away from being finalized – and from reading TechCrunch’s notes of the conference call, it is obvious a lot of details still need to be…