Sean ammirati

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SXSW: Why Marketers Need To Work With People Media

SXSW: Why Marketers Need To Work With People Media

This is the final post from SXSW,
by Sean Ammirati of mSpoke. I’d like to thank Sean
for the excellent coverage of SXSW! Also, a disclaimer for this post: FM Publishing is
the main topic in the post and Read/WriteWeb is a part of this advertising

Yesterday I attended a panel which I’ve
been thinking about constantly, ever since the…

SXSW: Scaling Your Community

SXSW: Scaling Your Community

Sean Ammirati of mSpoke is at SXSW in Austin, TX (USA). He is reporting
for Read/WriteWeb throughout the event.

This morning I attended a presentation by
Matt Mullenweg, the Founder of WordPress, on ‘Scaling
Your Community.’ Matt started by defining scaling your community as “being as useful
to the last 100k people as you are to the first 100k…

SXSW: The Figures Behind The Top Web Apps

SXSW: The Figures Behind The Top Web Apps

Sean Ammirati of mSpoke is at SXSW in Austin, TX (USA). He is reporting
for Read/WriteWeb throughout the event.

On Saturday we covered an SXSW panel
called Web App
Autopsy, which examined four live web applications (RegOnline, FeedBurner, Wufoo, and Blinksale) for things like conversion rates and
revenue per customer. Today there was a similar…

SXSW: Sunday Keynote – Open Source Hardware

SXSW: Sunday Keynote – Open Source Hardware

Sean Ammirati of mSpoke is at SXSW in Austin, TX (USA). He is reporting
for Read/WriteWeb throughout the event.

Today’s keynote was a
conversation between Limor Fried of Adafruit
Industries and Phillip Torrone, the senior editor of MAKE magazine. In the conversation, they discussed a
new movement called ‘Open Source Hardware’.

Definition of…

SXSW: Using RSS for Marketing

SXSW: Using RSS for Marketing

Sean Ammirati of mSpoke is at
SXSW in Austin, TX (USA). He is reporting for Read/WriteWeb throughout the event.

This morning, I attended a panel titled
RSS for Marketing”. The panel had a great set of participants including: Tom
Markiewicz CEO, EvolvePoint (moderator);
Emily Chang Co-founder, Ideacodes; Bill
Flitter Chief Mktg Officer…

SXSW: Web 2.0, Semantic Web & Scientific Publishing

SXSW: Web 2.0, Semantic Web & Scientific Publishing

Sean Ammirati of mSpoke is at
SXSW in Austin, TX (USA). He is reporting for Read/WriteWeb throughout the event.

The last panel I attended on the first
day of SXSW was entitled “Web
2.0 and Semantic Web: The Impact on Scientific Publishing”. The panel was moderated
by John Wilbanks from Science
Commons. John did an excellent job showing how a…

SXSW: Under 18 Blogs, Wikis & Social Networks

SXSW: Under 18 Blogs, Wikis & Social Networks

Sean Ammirati of mSpoke is at
SXSW in Austin, TX (USA). He is reporting for Read/WriteWeb throughout the event.

After attending a panel on collaboration
earlier this morning, I attended the panel “Under
18: Blogs, Wikis and Online Social Networks for Youth”. The moderator was: Andrea
Forte of the Georgia Institute of Technology. The panelists…

SXSW: Web App Autopsy

SXSW: Web App Autopsy

Sean Ammirati of mSpoke is at
SXSW in Austin, TX (USA). He is reporting for Read/WriteWeb throughout the event.

This afternoon I attended an amazing
panel titled
“Web App Autopsy”. This was one of the panels I was most excited about when I was
getting ready to come to Austin.

The panel examined four live web applications (RegOnline, FeedBurner…

SXSW: World Domination via Collaboration

SXSW: World Domination via Collaboration

Sean Ammirati of mSpoke is at
SXSW in Austin, TX (USA). He is reporting for Read/WriteWeb throughout the event.

The SXSW conference has multiple panels
going on at the same time. I started my SXSW experience by attending the “World
Domination Via Collaboration” panel. The presenters were: Jory Des Jardins
Co-Founder, BlogHer LLC; Betsy Aoki…