Came across two great articles today that nicely summarize recent web
development and design trends. 

Marc Hedlund from O’Reilly wrote a post entitled Web Development 2.0.
Despite the YA2.0N title (Yet Another 2.0 Name, pronounced
“YAWN”), the article is a useful overview of software development practices
that Marc has been seeing in the current era of Web startups.

This extract is quite ironic — and Marc agrees with me:

Ship timestamps, not versions: Gone are the days of 1.0, 1.1, and 1.3.17b6. They have been replaced by the ‘20060210-1808:32 push’. For nearly all of these companies, a version number above 1.0 just isn’t meaningful any more. If you are making revisions to your site and pushing them live, then doing it again a half hour later, what does a version number really mean?”

Another great post is The Agile Web Design
, by Emily Chang and Max Kiesler of Ideacodes. They have come up
with some core principles for this:

– Design the system not the surface

– Design as evolutionary and user-driven

– There is no page, only pathways

– Rapid and iterative over final

– Simplicity over complexity

– Collaborative and open design 

The first and third principles – ‘Design the system not the surface’ and ‘There is no page, only pathways’
– are especially relevant to me right now. I’m currently writing a chapter about
my Design for
theory, in the O’Reilly book I’m co-writing with Josh Porter, and it’s
very much about going beyond the Page metaphor on the Web. More on that soon,
because I have a feeling I’m going to need feedback on this chapter from my blog