Culture - ReadWrite IoT and Technology News Thu, 12 Oct 2023 16:50:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Culture - ReadWrite 32 32 Gen Z’s new favorite: YouTube tops Netflix in recent survey Thu, 12 Oct 2023 16:50:34 +0000 AI-generated '90s Photos

In a recent shift in the digital entertainment landscape, YouTube has overtaken Netflix as the preferred video source among teenagers. […]

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AI-generated '90s Photos

In a recent shift in the digital entertainment landscape, YouTube has overtaken Netflix as the preferred video source among teenagers. This revelation comes from a survey conducted by Piper Sandler, which delved into the viewing habits and preferences of Generation Z.

Insights on Gen Z’s video consumption

The semi-annual “Taking Stock With Teens” survey by investment bank Piper Sandler, in collaboration with education-focused nonprofit DECA, revealed that YouTube has edged out Netflix in popularity among teens. The comprehensive survey dives deep into teen preferences, capturing 60 million+ data points related to their choices and spending habits.

The fall 2023 edition of the survey, conducted between Sept. 4 and Sept. 27, highlighted several key findings. Among them, teen “self-reported” spending saw a 1% year-over-year decline, marking the first decrease since before the COVID-19 pandemic. Brands like NIKE, e.l.f. Beauty, and Chick-fil-A maintained their top spots in their respective categories. Interestingly, inflation emerged as the second most significant social concern for teens, trailing only environmental issues.

Diving deeper into the digital realm, the iPhone continues its dominance with 87% of teens owning one. In terms of social media platforms, TikTok leads the pack, followed by Snapchat and Instagram.

However, the standout revelation was YouTube’s ascent in the video streaming hierarchy. This change underscores the evolving nature of content consumption among younger audiences and the importance of platforms staying attuned to these shifts.

YouTube’s rise and the streaming landscape

Gen Z’s changing preference toward YouTube signifies a broader trend in content consumption. Despite some regional struggles, Netflix has traditionally dominated the streaming space with its original series and vast library. Additionally, tech giants like Apple have recently made forays into the streaming landscape. However, YouTube’s diverse content, ranging from user-generated videos to professional series, offers a unique appeal to the younger demographic.

Moreover, the platform’s interactive nature, where viewers can engage directly with content creators, might be playing a role in its growing allure. So, as the battle for viewers’ attention intensifies, platforms will need to continuously innovate and adapt to the ever-changing tastes of their audience.

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Return to the Office: Trends and Tips to Make You a Success Wed, 04 Oct 2023 18:55:54 +0000 Return to the Office

While it should come as no surprise, people are returning to the workplace in droves, many of which through corporate […]

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Return to the Office

While it should come as no surprise, people are returning to the workplace in droves, many of which through corporate mandates. Many news pieces have already covered this trend.  In this piece, let’s take a closer look at the impact of returning to work on women and their specific challenges in returning to the office.

Women are finally returning to work in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. During the pandemic, women left the workplace in massive numbers. Now, three years later, the number of women in the workforce has exceeded the pre-pandemic, February 2020 number of 77.6 million. The Labor force participation has also almost made it back to the pre-pandemic level. This is due primarily to businesses and industries reopening, improved public health conditions and outlook, and more reliable schooling options.

Not all Return to the Office Situations are Created Equal

Many employers are quickly coming to terms that once Pandora’s box of remote work has been opened, many workers are not willing to return to the office all of the time.  That is why many companies are allowing employees to work from home.  While hybrid work schedules may vary, it has been observed in the marketplace that this typically equates to two to three days a week.  This flexibility is beneficial to a better work-life balance for workers, not to mention more flexibility to get errands done.

Not everyone has the discipline or room at home to work remotely properly.  The office allows some structure and discipline to keep people on task.  It is great to see people in person and get to know them in a different way that Zoom and email typically do not foster effectively.

At the end of the day, it comes down to the individual workers as to what style and function of work that they are most productive at. Wise employers will recognize this and allow workers to choose.  It shouldn’t be surprising that some will move on to new jobs if this isn’t the case.

That said, it appears that employees no longer have the upper hand regarding bargaining chips. With a down economy, many layoffs, and rising inflation, many employers may view such requests with hesitation. We will have to see how the economy either improves or gets worse in order to see how the remote and hybrid work trends end up playing out.

What are Some of the Barriers to Returning to the Office for Workers?

While women are making their way back into the workforce, it is not without some significant barriers to their return to the office. Several factors contribute to the potential success many have when facing the returning-to-work mandates of their employers.  Let’s explore several of these work trends below in greater detail.

The Ageism Problem: By the Numbers

Let’s explore several quantifiable data-based trends.  Studies show that 61% of workers in the United States over the age of 45 report witnessing or experiencing ageism. Older women are far more likely to be fired or let go by their employers. They receive more employment rejections, have less than half the callback rate of younger women, and report facing ageism a minimum of five years earlier than men.

Many Women are the Primary Caregivers of the Family

Women also have to do caregiving work at far higher rates than men, with extreme economic costs attached. 32% of women feel they must be home sometimes to care for family, and the number of childcare workers have, has dropped significantly since the pandemic.

Women are Under an Uneven Amount of Pressure to Look Their Best

In addition to some already considerable hurdles, as we have already discussed, there is major pressure in most industries for women to put significant time, money, and resources into maintaining a beauty standard. This is often unreasonable set by society and maybe a standard they have aged out of. This affects women’s self-confidence greatly and can even create a deterrent to returning to the office. Women are twice as likely as men to feel pressure about dying their hair for work, and 44% of women report feeling negatively when not wearing makeup.

Procedures to Help With Physical Appearance

Women are increasingly getting plastic surgery, such as the mommy makeover to combat some beauty standards. One in four women are reportedly considering cosmetic procedures of some sort. For postpartum women, they may even be aiming to change their postpartum bodies quickly. Some of the most common procedures women are typically considering are liposuction, breast augmentation, and tummy tucks.

Hybrid Work Provides More Flexibility

Another way that women support their return to the office is by finding hybrid and flexible roles that allow more women to find employment and decrease the bias women experience. This also enables women who do caregiving work to find employment that works with that. In some situations, this can also help avoid some beauty standards altogether.

Finding a Mentor for Your Professional Development

Lastly, one of the best ways women can help themselves as they return to work is by finding professional mentorship. Talent development programs help place employees into positions of success for them and the company. This is done by identifying the employees aptitude and coaching them through developing their skills to reach their goals as well as the goals of the company. These programs have been shown to dramatically improve self-esteem, promote livelihood, and increase confidence.

Bringing it all together

In conclusion, it will take some practice for people to get used to their old routines when it comes to returning to the physical workplace. Little by little, they will regain their confidence. What trends in the return to work movement have you noticed, and what can be done to improve conditions for all employees? Let us know in the comments below.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Andrea Piacquadio; Pexels; Thank you!

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A Successful Digital Transformation Starts (and Ends) With People Thu, 28 Sep 2023 15:00:54 +0000

Since the onset of the pandemic, organizations across the world have drastically accelerated their digital transformation timetables to remain relevant and […]

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Since the onset of the pandemic, organizations across the world have drastically accelerated their digital transformation timetables to remain relevant and keep employees engaged amid changing market dynamics. However, many have failed to fully achieve the business outcomes enabled by successful digital transformation.

At a time when competition in every industry is stronger than ever, that’s a major missed opportunity.

The Reason Behind Transformation Failures

In order to reap the full benefits of digital transformation, it is important to align skills, operations, knowledge, and culture to leverage digitalized work habits and new technologies. Research shows that a lack of this alignment, or digital maturity, is one of the most critical factors in determining why so many organizations fail to meet their digital transformation goals.

The good news? Achieving digital maturity is well within reach for organizations that are willing to put in the work.

What Is Digital Maturity?

Digital maturity is the ability to adapt people, experiences, and businesses to new platforms and tools in order to maximize the value that is created through successful digital transformation. As your transformation ramps up, it’s vital to get a realistic temperature of the digital maturity within your organization so you can avoid common pitfalls.

The more mature your organization’s digital culture is, the more likely it is to succeed in full-scale transformation. Attaining digital maturity means your company can adjust to changes quickly, avoid costly technical delays, and see improved operations alongside heightened efficiency.

Putting People First — Always

So what’s the secret to attaining this optimal level of maturity? First and foremost, establishing a digitally mature culture requires a shift in mindset and the implementation of practical strategies. Organizations must prioritize people over technology and create an environment that enables both employees and the business to thrive.

The benefits of establishing a digitally mature culture include enhancing employee satisfaction and engagement, improving retention rates, and reducing attrition. A people-first approach also attracts top talent, particularly among younger generations who expect organizations to have digital maturity.

The Far-Reaching Effects of People-Centricity

By fostering an environment that values employees and leverages technology effectively, organizations become more attractive to prospective employees. And those that don’t prioritize this type of people-first approach? They will lose out on top talent.

Beyond the obvious employee satisfaction metrics, a people-centric culture promotes growth and encourages continuous learning, all while enabling employees to adapt to change more effectively. This agility drives innovation, productivity, and competitiveness in the digital landscape.

Evaluating the Characteristics of a Digitally Mature Culture

Let’s look at the ingredients that bring a successful digital transformation to life. It’s helpful to evaluate these four characteristics to see where your organization’s digital maturity stands:

Innovation: You should take into consideration how easy it is for your current employees to generate and implement creative ideas. It is critically important to foster a culture that truly encourages and rewards innovations. Make sure that you have the platforms and the resources needed for employees to contribute their ideas. And remember to “decriminalize” so-called failures. Great ideas require plenty of trial and error.

Flexibility: You will need to evaluate the flexibility of your organization and how well it adapts to change so you can determine if there is room for adjustments and if you have the ability to request additional time. It’s important to promote an environment that strives for successful digital transformation and an advanced digital culture — one that encourages employees to adapt to new processes and technologies.

Collaboration: Assess if you’ve created an atmosphere that is conducive to collaboration among all team members. Your organization should encourage open communication and knowledge sharing to keep everyone moving in the same direction. This extends to leadership as well; leaders should be transparent about the company’s digital transform strategy and be open to answering questions and considering new ideas from employees.

Continuous learning: Encouraging ongoing education and training in the digital transformation journey is crucial. Evaluate if you have the proper resources and processes in place to do so. You want your employees to regularly engage in various types of learning to ensure they have a clear understanding of the digital culture, processes, and technologies used within your organization. Fostering this type of culture also shows employees that you are invested in their growth, increasing satisfaction and the ability to attract new talent.

How Organizations Can Ensure Successful Digital Transformation

There are several strategies you can implement in order to make your digital transformation successful while prioritizing your people. The most effective strategies include the following:

1. Take a Bottom-Up Approach.

Your employees play an integral part when it comes to implementing a successful digital transformation. For this reason, it is in your best interest to implement a bottom-up approach and allow all employees to play an active role in the process right from the beginning. When everyone is onboard and rowing in the same direction, the destination becomes a lot easier to reach.

2. Recognize Your Current State of Digital Maturity.

It is important for you to assess how digitally mature your organization is. There’s no need to sugarcoat the findings. Be realistic. Determining the current maturity level among your employees can help you hone in on the organization’s acceptance and willingness to make the necessary changes. A great way to do this is to survey your employees: What do they want from your digital transformation? How are they engaging with new processes? Taking the pulse of the organization provides valuable feedback needed to make future adjustments.

3. Overcome Resistance to Change.

One of the biggest challenges to successful digital transformation is gaining buy-in from those who are wary of the transition. However, overcoming this resistance to change is key to ensuring you are able to make the transformation work. One of the best things that you can do to help overcome such resistance is to create a support system for staff and leadership. Create an environment of open communication where you can discuss how digital maturity can be viewed as an opportunity instead of a threat. Emphasize the end goal if necessary; the company’s vision is X, and improving digital maturity is the way to achieve that.

Make no mistake, implementing these strategies does take dedicated time and effort. But doing so can help to ensure your organization is prepared to prioritize and support employee engagement amid constant change. Following the above steps will do wonders for enhancing your digital maturity and, ultimately, make your digital transformation more successful. There’s no better time to act than now.

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Countering The Risk of Daily Work-Life Through Safety Culture Commitment Tue, 05 Sep 2023 18:43:30 +0000 men climbing a ladder; safety culture

If we take a look at statistics, the number of occupational injuries has reduced over the past 50 years. Although […]

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men climbing a ladder; safety culture

If we take a look at statistics, the number of occupational injuries has reduced over the past 50 years. Although this may sound encouraging, there are still 6000 deaths every day due to workplace accidents. This is because there are still many business owners for whom safety is an afterthought.  It’s only when an employee gets injured that they become aware of the significant implications of neglecting safety.  Unfortunately, it is difficult to regain employee trust and restore your reputation once such an incident happens. Not to mention that there are also financial implications; according to , employees can claim compensation for work-related accidents that will help cover their medical bills.

Employees are the most valuable resource in your company, and they should come to work without being worried they may get injured or lose their lives in an accident that most of the time can be prevented. But this requires responsibility from the part of the employers, who must evaluate potential hazards in the workplace and do what it takes to protect employees from getting harmed.

If you want to learn more about the importance of building a safety culture in your business, keep reading.

men climbing a ladder; safety culture

Evaluating your organization’s culture: important areas of focus

You can’t commit to safety within your organization until you get clear on your current attitude towards it and what you have done until now in this regard. So, the first thing you want to do is assess the safety culture in your company by focusing on nine main areas:

Views on health and safety.

How is health and safety perceived at your company? Is it recognized as something crucial, or do people treat it in a superficial way? What about employees? Do they understand their roles regarding health and safety and the policies in place? Asking these questions is an essential step in evaluating safety culture.

Management and leadership involvement.

Executives and managers of a company should commit to the best health and safety practices, so consider whether they truly prioritize it and how involved they are in safety decisions.

Employee involvement.

Creating a powerful safety culture isn’t just management’s job – employees should also contribute to it. This is not a one-way street: everyone at the company should prioritize this aspect. So, you want to consider whether they are encouraged to participate in safety initiatives and develop policies and procedures.

Education and training.

You can’t expect employees to carry out their work tasks adequately if you don’t provide health and safety training. This is a critical step in driving your safety culture, ensuring everyone understands the risks associated with their job and how to mitigate them.


Effective communication plays a major role in building a safety culture and improving workflow within the organization. So, consider whether team members simply get a generic message or if it is tailored based on their roles.


Employees will get more involved in safe behaviors if they understand they are also responsible for protecting their co-workers. So, determine if they are held accountable for following the procedures in place and what are the consequences for not doing so. It’s worth noting that blaming or punishing employees is never the right thing to do. It will only have negative effects, leading to an unhealthy workplace. Instead, you should take this as an opportunity to understand the root cause of their behavior.

Investigation and incident reporting.

Incidents should be investigated rapidly to take corrective actions as soon as possible. But this can only happen if employees report an unfortunate situation. So, make sure to check whether this is currently a practice within your company.

On-going improvement.

You can’t build a solid safety culture unless you focus on continuously enhancing your health and safety program. This involves assessing safety performance frequently by using the right metrics, measuring progress, and identifying strengths and weaknesses in the current program related to health and safety.


Technology can be very effective in creating a strong safety culture at your company. If you use a tech tool, you should evaluate whether it is working properly and if employees can use it with ease.

A positive safety culture is a vital ingredient of the recipe for business success

The purpose of investing in a safety culture is to reduce workplace accidents. And while this may initially seem like a benefit for employees, it also has a positive impact on the bottom line of your business. Committing to safety translates into lowered costs, at the same time reducing the loss of employees and boosting loyalty and trust in the management of the company. Moreover, it increases employee morale and productivity. This means they will complete more tasks in less time, thus contributing to the growth of your organization.

Obviously, one of the greatest benefits of committing to health and safety is that it will create an excellent impression on customers. This positive reputation also has the potential to attract investors who do not put their money into a company without evaluating the work environment and employee conditions. Attracting more customers and investors brings more income to your organization, which is the ultimate goal. It is pretty straightforward: as long as you take care of your employees, your business will flourish. On the contrary, if you fail to protect them, your reputation will fall. This makes it difficult to retain and recruit top talent.

Final thoughts

It is easy to identify companies with a positive safety culture, as they share essential characteristics, including powerful accountability, continuous improvement of safety procedures, effective communication, risk mitigation, and empowered employees. When you stand out as an organization that prioritizes employees’ health and well-being, you increase the odds of attracting the best people at your company who share similar values and are motivated to use their skills to help your business thrive. Yes – investing in a safety culture takes a lot of commitment and effort. But it is really worth it, given its major impact on your organization’s bottom line.

So, will you consider the tips above and become a safety culture leader?

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Keep Risks at Bay and Enjoy an Accident-Free Summer Season Wed, 23 Aug 2023 18:32:29 +0000 two people in card looking at sunset; summer season

For most people, summer rather than the winter holidays, is the most wonderful time of the year. With its warm […]

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two people in card looking at sunset; summer season

For most people, summer rather than the winter holidays, is the most wonderful time of the year. With its warm weather and long sun-drenched days, summer provides the opportunity to relax, enjoy outdoor activities, and plan fun-filled escapes that allow one to fully disconnect from work and everyday stressors. That’s why most people schedule their annual vacations during these always too short but incredibly exciting months.

Unfortunately, the summer season also brings an increased risk of traffic accidents with it. A study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) over a 24-year period revealed that the number of casualties from fatal car crashes increases by 29% in summer compared to figures reported during winter months. More road collisions also translate into a higher number of car accident claims that you can read more about at This should serve as a warning sign for all the merry holidaymakers and road users who get behind the wheel in the summer season.

Car accident risk factors during the summer

While car accidents can occur any time of the year, and drivers should take the necessary precautions to reduce the likelihood of these events regardless of season, the figures clearly indicate that the risk of getting into a traffic collision increases significantly in the warmer months. This begs the question: What makes car accidents more prevalent in summertime?

Various factors at play can explain this unfortunate phenomenon, as follows:

  • The roads tend to be busier in summer with students out of school and more people traveling to and from their holiday destinations.
  • The warm weather, as lovely as it may be, makes people more prone to experiencing heat-related health issues like dehydration, heat stroke, heat exhaustion, or sunburn, which can affect their ability to drive safely.
  • People are usually more relaxed and carefree during the summer holidays. This means they pay less attention to potential risks and hazards and are more inclined to engage in dangerous behavior such as driving under the influence, speeding, or neglecting traffic regulations.
  • Holidaymakers want to make the most of their vacation time and are eager to get to their destination as soon as possible. This prompts them to drive faster and be more aggressive on the road.
  • Summer is a busy season for everyone, which means driving distractions are a lot more common during this time of the year.

Summer driving tips to stay safe on the road

Being aware of the road risks and hazards out there allows one to prepare properly for summer driving and enjoy accident-free vacations. So, here are a few key aspects to keep in mind before you hit the road this summer season.

Plan your route ahead of time

Don’t let the holiday excitement distract you from practical aspects such as planning your route in advance. When you’re getting ready to drive on unknown roads, it pays off to do a bit of research so you can remove the unknown from the equation.

Things like studying your itinerary, checking out road conditions, and staying up to date with the latest traffic reports allow you to focus on your driving and be less stressed about unforeseen circumstances, thus reducing the likelihood of road accidents.

Avoid driving during peak travel time

While you’re planning your route, you might want to schedule your trip outside of peak travel hours. It’s recommended to start your journey earlier in the morning, usually before 6 am, when fewer cars are on the road, so you can avoid heavy traffic and speeding drivers rushing to and from work. If possible, you should also avoid driving during bank holidays when the roads are more crowded and chaotic.

Never drive while tired

All the summer fun can take a toll on your energy levels. It also makes it more difficult for you to pay attention to your surroundings. It goes without saying that you should never get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol, taking painkillers, or sleep-inducing medication, but it’s just as important to make sure you’re well-rested before you hit the road. Fatigue and driving are never a fortunate combination. So, if you’re feeling tired you should pull over, take a nap, and plan for regular stops to get some shut-eye.

Keep your focus on the road

A million things can distract your attention while you’re behind the wheel. But distractions tend to increase when you’re on holiday. It’s easy to lose focus when constantly checking your GPS and listening to music. Or, you’re admiring the scenery or talking to other passengers in the car. A moment of inattention can result in a terrible car crash. So, you should do your best to block distractions and focus on your driving.

Avoid aggressive driving

It’s always best to be defensive rather than aggressive behind the wheel, and summer holiday travel is no exception. In fact, you have all the more reasons to be extra careful when driving on busy summer roads. Why? You know that the risk of accidents is higher than usual. You should strive to stay calm, keep your emotions in check, and always adhere to traffic regulations.

Prioritise vehicle maintenance

It’s not just your behavior behind the wheel that impacts your safety, but also the condition of your vehicle. If you want to enjoy smooth and safe rides and avoid getting stuck on the side of the road due to a technical malfunction, you have to make sure your car is road-ready. This means you should have your vehicle inspected by a qualified mechanic and complete essential maintenance tasks regularly. It’s also advisable to do a safety check before you start your journey to ensure everything works properly.

Wrapping up

Summer trips can be extremely fun. But the risk of accidents can ruin the experience, especially for young and reckless drivers. That’s why it’s important to be cautious and take all the necessary measures. This way, you can enjoy peaceful and eventless summer rides.

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Remote Work May Never Die, But It’s Losing Momentum. Here’s Why. Mon, 24 Jul 2023 20:16:18 +0000 remote work

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work and hybrid work have encroached their way into normalcy. Now that many people […]

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remote work

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work and hybrid work have encroached their way into normalcy. Now that many people have gotten used to this arrangement, with some of those people thriving in it, it’s unlikely that remote or hybrid work will ever go away.

But remote work is starting to lose momentum.

Why is this the case?

The End of the Pandemic

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies worked fervently to develop new policies and transition to a fully remote environment to maintain public health and comply with regulations and recommendations from authorities.

There were certainly people working from home long before the pandemic, and working from home was on an upward trajectory before this virus began to spread. The dawn of the pandemic was a flashpoint that sparked millions of businesses and individuals to adopt a policy they may not have been ready for. It’s no surprise that the end of the pandemic would inspire them to revert to old ways.

There are a couple of complicating factors here. First, what day did the pandemic end? Most of us witnessed a slow and ambiguous transition from borderline apocalyptic conditions to a return to everyday life – and this unfolded over the course of a couple of years. With no official end date and lingering pandemic uncertainty, many organizations are only now feeling comfortable reverting back to office work.

Second, many companies handled the transition to working remotely in a sloppy and improvised fashion. They pretty much had to. Some tech startups were able to plan a fully functional, remote business from the ground up, but most businesses simply took work in the office and tried to shoehorn it into a work-from-home model. Unfortunately, this sloppy and improvised approach probably led to inferior remote work results, prompting leaders to assume that remote work was the root cause of the problem. Accordingly, sentiments toward working from home have shifted.

The Complicated Question of Productivity

Does working from home make you more productive?

It’s a complicated question. In the mid-2010s, we saw a slew of new scientific studies that suggested working from home increased productivity, but even those were questioned; was it working from home that made people more productive, or were people trying extra hard to prove that working from home was a benefit worth retaining?

In reality, the simple answer is that working from home makes some people more productive and some people less productive. There are too many variables, including contradictory ones, to come up with a concise and universal explanation.

For example:


The nature of your workspace can make a big impact on your productivity and mindset. Some people even chose to work outside, sprucing up the outdoor setup with a full outdoor kitchen and a set of comfy patio furniture. Some people upgraded a room in their house to serve as a fully functional and isolated office. These spaces facilitate higher productivity. But other people simply chose to work on the couch, or at the dining room table, and some people barely had enough living space to work comfortably. These options aren’t conducive to long-term productivity.

Personal autonomy.

Typically, working from home means having more personal autonomy. You may have more scheduling flexibility, and you’ll certainly have more leniency with how you work. For some people, this is a godsend, enabling them to tap into their true potential. For others, freedom is a double-edged sword; they may find it harder to focus or stay on task when left to their own decisions.

Isolation from distraction.

Are there more or fewer distractions when you work from home? It depends. Some remote workers were able to create an environment where they were completely free from distraction, isolated from both coworkers and family members. But for others, working from home increased the number of distractions preventing them from working productively. Loud children playing, access to the TV, and noisy traffic are just a few examples. It’s also worth noting that some distractions can be valuable; having access to a break room or participating in conversations with coworkers can be a meaningful opportunity to destress and decompress.

Access to resources.

It’s hard to make the argument that an average person has access to more resources in a remote work environment than they do in a traditional office environment. With access to coworkers, better technology, and more support, most people thrive in a traditional environment over a remote one. But some remote workers were able to afford (or were granted) an environment that could at least come close to what they had previously.

Digital collaboration tools.

Do digital collaboration tools make us more productive or less productive? Again, it all depends. Some people take to these tools better than others, and some tools are strictly better than others. Project management platforms, shared document editors, and similar tools enhance our capabilities – but they’re rarely a complete substitute for traditional forms of collaboration.

Virtual Meeting Fatigue

Remote work motivated the development of novel technological innovations, including sophisticated video chatting tools that turned virtual meetings into the “new normal.” Virtual meetings are often better than not meeting at all, but they pale in comparison to in-person meetings. Between technological hiccups, awkward interruptions, audio issues, and lessened effects of body language and tone, millions of people are now suffering from virtual meeting fatigue.

Stagnated Development

Some corporate leaders, managers, and other authorities are beginning to grow concerned about stagnated development. Junior and inexperienced employees tend to thrive more in environments where they’re constantly interacting and engaging with peers and mentors. After witnessing stagnated skill development, remote work is looking less attractive.

Loneliness and Isolation

Remote work doesn’t have to be lonely, but it often is. Despite the fact that most people celebrated the opportunity to get away from bosses and coworkers, the reality is, human beings are social creatures that thrive in groups. The novelty of alone time at work quickly wore off for millions of people. Additionally, it was replaced by loneliness, and sometimes, depression. It’s true that people can find substitute forms of social interaction, spending more time with friends and family members or engaging in public groups, but for many, interacting in a traditional work environment feels like a practical necessity.

Incentives and Demands

There are many possible motivations for corporate decision makers to reestablish a traditional office environment. Some might flatly desire the old way of doing things, for no other reason than personal preference. Whatever the motivations are, these leaders are prepared to make demands and/or offer incentives. This way they get people back into the office by any means necessary.

The Future Is Hybrid?

If remote work is no longer the universal future we thought it was, then what about hybrid work? In this flexible arrangement, companies can have some of their employees working traditionally, with others working from home; they can also allow working from home only during certain days or certain periods.

We’d argue that the hybrid model has the potential to grant companies and employees the best of both worlds, maintaining some of the advantages of remote work without completely abandoning the traditional office model. But it remains to be seen whether the hybrid model is going to be the most popular adoption.

Regardless of whether you prefer traditional office work or remote work, there’s no ambiguity in the fact that many companies are starting to transition away from the remote work model. If you’re a remote worker who would like to keep those benefits, you’d better start preparing a good pitch. And if you’re dying to get back into the office, rejoice – your ideal transition may be just around the corner.

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Maximize These Human Traits to Work in Harmony With AI Mon, 17 Jul 2023 22:40:25 +0000 Maximize Human Traits

Well before ChatGPT gained widespread recognition and became a well-known entity, I shared the stage with Nicholas Thompson, then editor-in-chief of Wired. During […]

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Maximize Human Traits

Well before ChatGPT gained widespread recognition and became a well-known entity, I shared the stage with Nicholas Thompson, then editor-in-chief of Wired. During his presentation, Thompson stated that he believes AI will replace 20% of all occupations by 2030.

At the time, this declaration seemed outlandish. How could a robot replace 1 in 5 workers? But today, this outcome is far from fiction. Just look at IBM, which recently announced that it expects 30% of its noncustomer-facing workforce to be displaced by AI over the next five years.

Don’t Fear AI

The future is here, and for the first time in history, it’s highly skilled labor at risk of losing jobs to robots. But even with the uncertainty it brings, I do not believe AI should be treated as our enemy. In fact, just the opposite.

Workers should embrace AI because it’ll take over the tedious, repetitive parts of our jobs, freeing us up to leverage the skills that make us uniquely human: creativity, intuition, empathy, and imagination.

Here’s why capitalizing on these human traits is essential to work in harmony with AI:


Thanks to Amazon Prime, a constant stream of cardboard boxes clogs up my recycling bin. But what is a nuisance today once was an outlet for endless creativity.

To a 6-year-old, a box can be anything: a castle, a rocket ship, a fort, a kitchen. At this age, our creativity knows no bounds. But then we go to school and work, and most of us are told, “You’re not creative,” or “Leave those ideas to the creative team.” And over time, we end up believing we’re not creative.

But creativity is more than the ability to paint or play music. It’s the ability to solve problems in unique ways.

To connect seemingly unconnected ideas. A skill that AI will struggle to master with its linear thinking, no matter how advanced it gets.


Have you ever experienced the sensation of someone’s eyes fixed on you from across a coffee shop, only to look up and meet their gaze? How did you know they were looking? Intuition: A survival engine hardwired into our inner “reptilian” brain that drives our subconscious. Think about the decisions you make every day. The dress you wear, the restaurant you visit, the music you listen to. These are not rational decisions made by your outer, conscious brain but by your inner, subconscious brain.

While our outer brain allows us to synthesize all the big quantitative data in front of us to find core insights, our inner, intuitive brain enables us to take all that data, match it up with our qualitative findings, and take the leap toward action. And it’s this symbiotic relationship between our inner and outer brains that makes humans uniquely capable of uncovering massive innovation. Though AI will undoubtedly be able to help us parse through data, it will struggle to have those “gut feelings” that connect data and insights in unique ways that unlock hidden potential.


Empathy is one of the most important emotions to create buy-in for your ideas. The writers at Pixar are excellent at using empathy to connect with their audience. In “WALL-E,” audiences worldwide empathized with a voiceless robot. Why? Because at the beginning of the film, there’s a scene where WALL-E watches a clip from “Hello, Dolly!” In his eyes, the audience sees that WALL-E wants to be loved more than anything. And that’s a feeling we all can empathize with, even if it’s coming from an animated robot.

Empathy empowers you to look past the data and deeply engage with others’ experiences, enabling you to speak about what truly matters to them.

The shared human experience drives it — something AI will struggle to understand.


When President John F. Kennedy said, “We choose to go to the moon in this decade,” he didn’t have any idea about how it would be achieved. Had he possessed a robust knowledge of space travel, he might not have given this iconic speech, choosing instead to believe that a moon landing was impossible. But he led with his imagination and believed the U.S. had the people, resources, and willpower to achieve this audacious goal. And he was right. His declaration was so profound that it gave birth to the phrase “moonshot thinking.

Humans are engineered to dream. AI, on the other hand, educates itself on reality, things that have already happened in the past. It lacks the human imagination, which is precisely what’s needed to push humanity forward.

Working With AI in Harmony

As AI becomes more intelligent, we must become more creative, intuitive, empathetic, and imaginative.

Instead of taking your entire job, proactively find ways to let AI take over the mundane, repetitive, and time-consuming tasks, so you can redirect your energy on delivering a human touch to your role.

While AI might one day replicate these core human traits, I don’t believe that day is coming anytime soon. The coming decade belongs to those of us who can leverage these uniquely human skills to disrupt and innovate the next wave of incredible discoveries. The good news is that you don’t have to learn anything new. These traits have been with you all along. You just need to find them.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Toa Heftiba; Unsplash; Thank you!

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Gen Z’s Reaction to Negative Brand Experiences: The Confluence of Customer Service and Technology Tue, 04 Jul 2023 14:00:13 +0000 Brand Experiences Gen Z

The reactions and preferences of Generation Z (Gen Z) consumers are playing an increasingly pivotal role in shaping brand strategies. […]

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Brand Experiences Gen Z

The reactions and preferences of Generation Z (Gen Z) consumers are playing an increasingly pivotal role in shaping brand strategies. With the advent of digital technology and social media, Gen Z’s response to negative brand experiences is remarkably different from previous generations, often leading to brand abandonment after just one poor experience and a pervasive online discussion about the experience.

Research carried out by TCN, Inc, highlights that almost three-quarters of consumers would forsake a brand following a single unsatisfactory customer service encounter. The research further discovered that, for the third consecutive year, the most favored method of interaction with a company’s customer service team is through a live agent. This inclination towards human connection underscores the continued significance of a personal touch in customer service, even in this digital era.

For Gen Z consumers, the intensity of these reactions is even more pronounced. 75% of Gen Z individuals (aged 18-26) have shared an online review following an unfavorable experience, significantly exceeding the average of 44%. This act of sharing experiences online underscores Gen Z’s tendency to publicly broadcast their experiences, both positive and negative, thus shaping the perceptions of prospective customers.

Why Does Gen Z React So Negatively to Bad Customer Service?

Gen Z, the first generation to grow up with the internet and smartphones from a young age, are digital natives. This constant connectivity has led them to become accustomed to instant gratification and quick solutions. They expect brands to be just a click away, providing immediate, efficient, high-quality service. When a company fails to meet these expectations, Gen Z consumers can quickly become frustrated, leading to a negative reaction.

Desire for Personalization

Being digital natives, Gen Z consumers have grown up with personalized online experiences. From social media feeds to online shopping recommendations, they are used to being treated as individuals with unique needs and preferences. As such, they expect the same level of personalization from customer service interactions. When customer service fails to recognize them as individuals and instead treats them as just another ticket number, it can lead to dissatisfaction and negative responses.

The Social Media Effect

For Gen Z, social media is not just a platform for connecting with friends—it’s a platform for expressing their opinions, sharing experiences, and seeking advice. When they encounter poor customer service, they are likely to share their experience on social media. This public airing can amplify the negative reaction, as it brings it to the attention of a wider audience and may elicit supportive responses from their peers. The viral nature of social media can quickly escalate a single negative customer service incident into a significant brand crisis.

Influencing Purchase Decisions

Research has shown that Gen Z consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. When they experience poor customer service, they are not just likely to switch brands; they are also likely to leave negative reviews. These reviews can impact other Gen Z consumers’ purchase decisions, leading to a ripple effect of negativity and potential loss of customers for the brand.

Value Authenticity and Transparency

Gen Z values authenticity and transparency from brands. They expect companies to own up to their mistakes, apologize sincerely, and take swift corrective action. When customer service is poor, and companies fail to respond appropriately, it can be seen as a breach of authenticity and transparency. This can trigger a strong negative response, as it goes against the values that Gen Z holds in high regard.

Impact of Poor Customer Service on Brand Loyalty

While Gen Z is known for its brand loyalty, this loyalty is hard-earned and easily lost. Gen Z consumers are willing to reward brands that provide excellent customer service with their loyalty. However, they can quickly abandon a brand if their customer service experience is poor. Given the abundance of options available to them, they have no qualms about switching to a competitor that promises a better experience.

In the quest to cater to the demanding expectations of Gen Z, brands are leveraging advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Augmented Reality (AR). These technologies have gained significant ground in enhancing the customer experience.

AI’s huge array of tools can help recognize consumer buying patterns and deliver hyper-personalized shopping experiences. This is particularly relevant in today’s retail scenario, where Gen Z consumers expect a seamless, personalized experience whether they’re shopping online or in-store.

Here’s how AI can help recognize consumer buying patterns:

  1. Analyzing Data: AI systems can analyze crazy amounts of data, such as past purchases, browsing history, and social media interactions. This data is used to identify patterns in consumer behavior, enabling businesses to predict future purchasing decisions.
  2. Predictive Analytics: AI uses predictive analytics to forecast future consumer behavior based on historical data. These predictions help businesses anticipate customer needs and tailor their offerings accordingly.
  3. Personalization: AI can use consumer buying patterns to personalize advertising or marketing campaigns. This might involve recommending products based on past purchases or suggesting items related to a customer’s search history.
  4. Customer Segmentation: AI can group customers based on shared characteristics or behaviors, known as segmentation. This can help businesses understand the different buying patterns within their customer base and tailor their marketing efforts to each segment.
  5. Sentiment Analysis: By analyzing customer reviews, social media posts, and other online content, AI can understand how consumers feel about certain products or brands. This can reveal trends in customer satisfaction and highlight areas for improvement.
  6. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can interact with customers, answer questions, and make recommendations. They can learn from these interactions, improving their ability to recognize individual customer preferences and buying patterns.
  7. Real-time Data: AI can provide real-time analysis and insights into consumer behavior, allowing businesses to adapt quickly to changes in buying patterns. This could involve adjusting pricing or promotional strategies in response to shifts in demand.

AR, on the other hand, merges the digital and physical realms, providing an interactive shopping experience. By using AR, brands can guide consumers through a physical store as if it were an online platform, offering unique customer experiences that can turn an ordinary shopping trip into an engaging exploration.

The cornerstone of winning Gen Z’s loyalty lies in providing exceptional customer service, both in-person and digitally, while continuously innovating and personalizing the shopping experience. Brands that prioritize and effectively execute these aspects will be better positioned to weather the storm of a negative review and turn it into an opportunity for improvement and growth.

In conclusion, the response of Gen Z consumers to negative brand experiences underscores the urgent need for brands to recalibrate their customer service strategies. Brands need to understand that Gen Z is not a silent consumer generation; they are outspoken and will not hesitate to share their experiences online, influencing the decisions of potential customers. Furthermore, Gen Z’s affinity for brands offering personalized experiences and quality customer service signifies that businesses investing in AI and AR technologies will likely gain a competitive edge.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Polina Tankilevitch; Pexels; Thank you!

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The Future of Hybrid Work: Unlocking the Potential of Remote Work Thu, 22 Jun 2023 20:00:26 +0000 future of work

There has been a dramatic transition toward remote and hybrid work arrangements as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. […]

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future of work

There has been a dramatic transition toward remote and hybrid work arrangements as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. People all across the world have discovered the benefits of working remotely, including a better work-life balance and higher output from their jobs. Adapting to the changing requirements and expectations of employees is essential for businesses in 2023, and it’s evident that remote and hybrid work are here to stay.

Okta and Statista performed a study to determine whether or not employees would prefer flexible work arrangements. This move toward more adaptable working conditions is indicative of a larger workforce trend. Employees appreciate having the freedom to work when and where it best suits them, since this helps them achieve a better work-life balance without sacrificing productivity.

However, there is a huge chasm between what workers would like and what they actually have in terms of their working conditions. Only 43 percent of workers are given the option to work remotely. The “preference gap” of 28 points shows how difficult it is for workers and companies to agree on what constitutes remote and hybrid work. The benefits of having a happy, hardworking staff are at danger for businesses that don’t embrace and facilitate flexibility.

There are several benefits to hybrid work arrangements for employers and workers alike. It helps workers save time and money on commuting, lessens the toll on their health and well-being, and gives them more freedom to manage their personal and professional lives as they see fit. Ivanti found that 71% of business leaders feel that allowing employees to work remotely has a good effect on morale.

However, there are several difficulties associated with making the shift to hybrid work. According to Ivanti’s analysis, this alarming trend is especially problematic among younger workers and knowledge workers. More than a quarter of office workers under the age of 40 are considering leaving their jobs within the next six months, and one-third of those who have “quiet quit” have done so. Workload-related burnout and subsequent declines in mental health are often mentioned as the primary causes of this outlook.

Organizations must invest in critical areas to support their employees and create a more inclusive and productive work environment in order to handle these difficulties and fully embrace the potential of hybrid work.

Hybrid work can only be done efficiently if companies invest in tools that facilitate communication and coordination among employees. It’s important to go beyond traditional methods of communication and think of process-oriented solutions that enable workers to do their jobs effectively from anywhere. Distributed teams can benefit greatly from a streamlined service management solution that is implemented across the firm.

New security risks have emerged as a result of the rise of remote and hybrid work. The Ivanti report stresses the importance of a risk-based remediation plan to lessen the negative effects of remote employment. Businesses should implement company-wide security measures to safeguard confidential information and guarantee legal adherence. By questioning the status quo of security and taking a more proactive stance, businesses can protect their assets while giving their workers the freedom to work securely from anywhere in the world.

It is critical for businesses to put the health and happiness of their employees first in order to reduce IT burnout as they deal with the challenges of hybrid work. By streamlining processes and reducing the number of tools needed, IT departments can function more smoothly and for longer. In order to avoid burnout and foster a positive work environment, business leaders must understand the significance of reducing complexity and provide the necessary assistance to IT staff.

Organizations can close the trust gap between employees and management by actively seeking out employee input and implementing new technology to increase employee agency. Remote and hybrid workplaces can benefit from the use of dynamic collaboration technologies, automated workflows, and AI-powered bots to increase productivity and efficiency. By utilizing these resources and encouraging employee feedback, businesses may foster a more welcoming, enthusiastic, and fruitful workplace for everybody.

As we go into a future of hybrid work, it will be crucial for companies to embrace these changes in order to build a strong and stable workforce. The full potential of remote and hybrid work models can be realized when companies prioritize employee wellness, invest in technology, and develop a culture of cooperation and inclusiveness.

First reported on: CloudTech

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11 Biggest Mistakes Job Candidates Make On Social Media Wed, 07 Jun 2023 18:08:41 +0000 job candidate mistakes on social

While social media can help you land a dream job, many mistakes can lead to a failed job interview, but […]

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job candidate mistakes on social

While social media can help you land a dream job, many mistakes can lead to a failed job interview, but there’s one mistake that employers see all the time: you. Of course, you may think it doesn’t matter what you post on social media. Still, research shows that 70% of hiring managers will Google potential candidates and check their profiles before scheduling an interview.

Even if they don’t find anything incriminating, your posts might give them enough reason not to hire or promote you. No wonder they’re looking — remote recruitment is getting more and more popular.

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Mistakes Job Candidates Make On Social Media

Avoiding mistakes job candidates make on social media sounds like common sense. For example, never post anything personal about yourself on the internet, especially when it comes to drinking alcohol or using drugs. But we’re living in a world where people often break these rules without thinking twice because they’re feeling invincible behind their keyboards and phones.

The problem is that many job seekers are making these same mistakes, and it’s becoming harder to find a new job when employers know everything about you.

1. Posting too much personal information on social media

Among the 10 biggest mistakes job candidates make, posting too much personal information is one of the biggest. People who apply for jobs nowadays might be required to provide their social media accounts upon application or even during interviews.

That way, employers can evaluate how effective the person may be in dealing with other people while working in their company. Aside from this, Facebook photos can also give false impressions about your personality. Online search histories could demonstrate careless behavior while using other devices.

Employers are indeed scrutinizing potential employees’ social feeds more closely these days — but take heart. Having some levity and a sense of humor can go a long way toward making you seem like an energetic, fun-loving person. Try posing as your own fictitious character or having some non-work friends pose as you — that way, you can share out-of-context sound bites and silly photos.

2. Photos with alcohol or drug use in them

Photos with alcohol or drug use in them can have a negative impact on a job interview. Employers will most likely think that the candidate is participating in illegal activities, and the lifestyle of the company you work for might not be a good fit for you.

If an employer has offered a position to the candidate, they may not accept it because of these pictures. In addition, once an employer hires someone, they have to go through background checks and screenings before they hire the person.

If there are photos online of you doing drugs or drinking alcohol, it will be hard to get a job. Even if there aren’t any pictures of you doing such things on social media, an employer might be able to search your name and find what they view as “questionable” material.

It is best to avoid having pictures of yourself with alcohol or drug use because it will make you look bad to prospective employers. It can also make an employer think you are a heavy user of substances, even if you’re not.

3. Anything that could be interviewers can take negatively like profanity or uncensored nudity

Posting anything that interviewers take negatively, like profanity or uncensored nudity, can hurt your job interview because the company might not approve it. Sometimes this might happen because the company doesn’t want to bring that kind of attention to themselves. So if you are currently looking for a job, keep these things in mind before posting any content on social media.

It’s important to realize that employers are looking for any negative content when looking at your social media page. A company might not want something like profanity or uncensored nudity on its own site. If you post it on your social media page, it might cause the company to reject you before they even interview you. It’s always best to avoid anything that can hurt your chances of securing a job interview.

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4. Not posting anything at all on social media during the job search process

Posting things on social media during the process of looking for a job is generally seen as an excellent way to demonstrate your online presence. However, it’s important to realize that employers are looking for any negative content when looking at your profile and messages.

This means anything you post can actually hurt your chances of getting interviewed. Even if not posting anything at all might seem like the safer choice. You need to find the middle ground to avoid one of the most popular mistakes job candidates make.

Simple: Put nothing but safe replies or likes on Facebook and LinkedIn messages, just in case.

Pretty soon, you start thinking twice before sending another message. There’s always a chance that potential bosses who may be watching out for information could be taken negatively. Whether it’s about themselves, their company, or their personal beliefs doesn’t really matter. It becomes an even bigger challenge for Twitter, where every post is a direct statement. It’s tough to not put your personality into what you are Tweeting about. Following the rules becomes a lot harder than just signing off for good.

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5. Over-posting about your new job once you get it

It’s important not to post too much about your new job after you get it. This can hurt your chances of keeping the job if the employer reviews what they find on your social media page. One way to avoid this is by waiting for at least six months before posting about your new job. Posting too many times in a short amount of time may make you seem to brag or don’t care about the position.

The worst thing you can do, though, is posting about the job even before the company has guaranteed you a spot.

They can see it as unprofessional, and you never know what will happen once they do the background check. Plus, if other group members also applied for the position, they might not feel too happy about their chances of getting it when they see your constant postings on social media sites.

It’s important to realize that no matter how much you enjoy your new job, it’s not worth risking if you aren’t 100% sure that you can keep it.

Your social media profile should be treated with the same sort of professionalism as a resume. You want to give off a certain impression. Sharing too much detail could do the opposite-so; make sure you’re always careful when posting about work.

6. Hiding behind a professional profile picture while still using an alias online

Many people choose to use a fake social media profile picture when they are on social media for their job search. The reason is simple — they want to avoid mistakes job candidates make. The problem is that this can hurt your career by giving off the impression that you are hiding.

Employers will often Google an applicant’s name, including their alias, before considering them for the position.

Your online persona must remain consistent with who you are in the professional realm. For example, an employer might check up on you to see how well you represent their company. Choosing a profile picture for your social media sites that is professional, typically smiling, and preferably contains no one else in the shot can help avoid unnecessary questions. It’s also best not to use an alias or nickname when posting comments or writing posts.

7. Uploading photos of your children to Facebook without considering how they might affect future employers

Being a parent is a special experience, and children absolutely deserve to be shown off to their family and friends. However, an employer who sees those photos might not see you as someone they want on staff because those images may seem like you’re unable to focus on your job.

The last thing a company needs is a distracted employee during work hours with responsibilities for the safety of others.

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8. Oversharing about your personal life

It’s one thing to schedule an interview with someone you already know. But there’s no reason to overshare on social media with strangers before the interview. And if your connections know what you’re up to without even meeting them, why not make a stronger first impression instead of seeming like a braggart?

For example, maybe you want them to understand that you’re looking for a new position in your industry. So you upload some pictures of yourself doing things related to your desired career field. And then keep adding more images as the years go by. That way, when they finally see your face for the first time at that job interview, it’ll feel like they already know you because they’ve seen the evolution of who you are as a professional.

9. Making jokes about current events

One of the biggest mistakes job candidates make is to show disdain for the company and its industry. Making jokes about current events and throwing shade at other people in your industry can hurt your chances of getting a job offer.

This mistake is a little different from the others because it has a lot of components, but here are a few tips:

– Don’t make jokes about anything topical

– Avoid criticizing anyone on social media who is an important influencer for your desired company

-Never make fun of anything that could be perceived as a stereotype.

10. Complaining constantly on social media about work, bosses, and co-workers

Complaining about work on social media can be a huge mistake. If you’re constantly rambling about how much work sucks, then bosses and co-workers are going to take note of that attitude. They could then decide that they don’t want someone working for them who has an unhappy disposition.

Some people are also more sensitive to seeing negative comments about their work environment than others. By being negative about your work or workplace on social media. You might run the risk of other employees getting offended or feeling bad for pointing out flaws in their own company.

11. Liking too many questionable political sites on Facebook

If you like too many questionable political sites or pages on Facebook, then this could hurt your chances of getting the job interview. The employer may think that you’re not conservative (or liberal) enough for their company. This can also lead to some applicants feeling like they will have to censor themselves to get the job.

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The 10 biggest mistakes job candidates make on social media can vary, but there are a few things that an employer will never let slide. Posting too much personal information or anything that could be taken negatively, like profanity or uncensored nudity, is sure to lose you the opportunity for a company’s position.

It’s important to consider how your posts affect others and any consequences they may have before posting them online. Hiding behind a professional profile picture and using an alias is also not advised. Employers will want to know who they are hiring, which could make the process more difficult than necessary.

Another example is complaining about work or bosses on social media. Employers will notice and may not want to hire you because they don’t think you’ll match their company culture.

You also have to consider how posting anything could affect other employees. This includes political views that might offend someone else’s personal beliefs. It can sometimes feel like a chore to refrain from self-promotion when looking for a new position, but it can distract from the interview process.  It might, indeed, be best not to post at all while searching for jobs, especially for the corporate ones.

Image Credit: anna tarazevich; pexels; thank you!

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Seven Company BBQ Ideas for Work in 2023 Wed, 07 Jun 2023 15:00:49 +0000

Company BBQs are a great way to bring your staff together to enjoy themselves outside of a work environment. As […]

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Company BBQs are a great way to bring your staff together to enjoy themselves outside of a work environment. As summer approaches, outdoor events like BBQs are fun and family-friendly. By incorporating these ideas into your company BBQ, your event is sure to be a success!

Pick a Theme

Assigning a theme to your company BBQ allows everyone to get in the spirit of things. Decorations, the food that is served, and the dress code can be based on the theme. Some fun BBQ themes include:

  • Red, white, and blue
  • Hawaiian luau
  • Western
  • Summer camp

Don’t let these options limit you! The sky’s the limit when it comes to event planning creativity. Just make sure it’s family-friendly and easy for everyone to adhere to. Consider choosing your theme based on where your company is located and the age range of employees.

BBQ Sauce Taste Test

Did you know that barbecue sauces from different regions taste different? Many of them have sweet notes from fruits that are incorporated into the recipe. A taste test competition is a great way to tie the theme into a fun game. The major regional  BBQ sauces are Kansas City style, Alabama white sauce, Eastern Carolina style, St. Louis style, Lexington dip, Carolina Gold sauce, and Texas style. Provide information on which notes are present in each sauce, then have volunteers conduct a blind taste test to guess which one is which. The winner can take home a flight of BBQ sauce bottles as a prize.

Host Games

Games are fun for kids and grown-ups alike. They can bring everyone together as an icebreaker, or provide entertainment for the kids as the adults socialize. Here are some suggestions for family-friendly games:

  • Three-legged race
  • Water balloon toss
  • Horseshoes
  • Cornhole

Games are also a great opportunity to tie in the theme of the BBQ. For example, if your theme is Western, horseshoes would be a fitting game to play. If you choose Hawaiian luau, you can tie players’ feet together with a lei to stay on theme. The possibilities are endless!

Swap Recipes

Swapping BBQ recipes creates a sense of sharing and community amongst coworkers. Food often carries memories, and as people share how they made their food, they can also share what they remember about it. A recipe swap is a great way to incorporate a potluck into the BBQ as well, that way everyone is pitching in for food. Catering can be expensive and overwhelming to plan. A potluck ensures that there will be enough food and everyone will have something they love to eat.

Teach Techniques

Allowing employees to learn unique BBQ techniques from one another is a great way to make the event more engaging. Find a local chef who is willing to come and teach grilling techniques to your group. If there is a BBQ aficionado in the group, they can also help lead the tutorial. This helps maintain BBQ as the focal point of the event and helps everyone learn a thing or two. Event organizers can coordinate with the chef and keep pieces of meat or other foods on hand for the class in a portable fridge.

Hold a Cook-Off

A cook-off is another fun way to integrate friendly competition into the BBQ event. If you have some self-proclaimed chefs in your group, have them prepare their best dish during the BBQ. Event organizers can provide outdoor grills to cook on. Then, have the rest of the group vote to decide which one is the best. As they are cooking, the chefs can provide insight into how they came across the recipe and what their special techniques are. Other members of the group can follow along and maybe learn something along the way!

Rent Food Trucks

If not many people are showing enthusiasm about cooking, or if it is just too overwhelming to plan, rent food trucks! This is a great way to support local businesses and provide a variety of food options for everyone. You can invite multiple BBQ food trucks from the area, or choose different foods that relate to your event’s theme. Renting food trucks can also help you save time and effort on setting up before and cleaning up after the event. Also, no one will be stuck cooking the entire time, and everyone can instead focus on enjoying the event. If food trucks are not feasible for your event location, you can also cater food from a local restaurant.


Company BBQs provide a casual environment for coworkers to come together outside of the office. Picking a theme, hosting games, and providing lessons on BBQ techniques are just a few ways to engage everyone. Though planning one can be overwhelming, there are several tips you can implement to make your event a success.

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Will the Internet of Behavior Improve Everywhere You Go? Fri, 02 Jun 2023 19:22:57 +0000 iob internet of behavior

What, you ask, is the Internet of Behavior, also known as IoB? Good question. This term is suddenly becoming more […]

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iob internet of behavior

What, you ask, is the Internet of Behavior, also known as IoB? Good question. This term is suddenly becoming more common after the pandemic, and it’s a concept with important implications for the future. IoB refers to internet-connected technologies that collect, integrate, and analyze data related to people’s behavior within a space.

Will the Internet of Behavior Improve Everywhere You Go?

How people interact with space has become extremely relevant in the wake of the pandemic. When a deadly virus can spread through minimal contact, it’s vital to manage public health and maintain social distancing by whatever means necessary. That’s where IoB comes in.

Better Understanding the IoB Space

Many workplaces welcoming employees back on site for the first time in over a year now have IoB technologies installed. So, for example, there could be RFID tags tracking hand-washing or sensors detecting mask-wearing, coupled with automated alerts if someone isn’t following protocols. These are some of the most common applications for IoB technologies right now, but they’re hardly the only ones.

Combining data from multiple technologies (cameras, scanners, sensors) and multiple sources (private sector, public sector, social media) helps distill the dynamism of spaces filled with human beings into a format ripe for analysis.

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Understanding how and why people occupy spaces helps those spaces become safer, cleaner, more convenient, and more attractive — better in every way.

IoB allows us to know what we couldn’t know before — which means that we can improve and innovate upon spaces in ways that used to be impossible.

How We Live

There are plenty of reasons to be excited about IoB — and to be alarmed about a world that tracks our every move. But, unfortunately, both sides of the coin require debate because it looks all but assured that IoB technologies would one day be everywhere.

Rapid expansion looks likely, given how many different things IoB can do.

Consider that there are already billions of connected devices collecting data about where people go and what they do on a very granular level. Those devices are in offices, stores, and restaurants — not to mention in our cars, phones, and wearable devices, all collecting troves of data about the details of modern life.

There will be more than 42 billion connected devices in use by 2025, generating more than 1 billion GB of data daily.

Previously, we used this data only for specialized purposes like tracking our health, and we made minimal effort to integrate disconnected data sources. IoB, at its core, is about using more of this data to understand more about how we live.

Fixing Complicated Problems with IoB

The implications are huge, yet the applications are hyper-specific. For instance, a company could use IoB to track when people join and leave Zoom meetings over time and then use that data to set a better schedule.

Another use would be deploying facial recognition technology during the meeting to track the participant’s facial cues and identify employees who may feel overworked or under-engaged, thereby allowing for early intervention instead of inevitable burnout.

IoB applications aren’t limited to the workplace, either.

Traffic data could be used to prevent slowdowns and accidents and design future roadways for maximum safety and efficiency. Crowd data could be used to keep protests or large celebrations from erupting into riots, just as it could help more people pass through airport security in less time. Schools could even use IoB data to help prevent or stop school shootings and fights.

Any place where people interact could literally leverage IoB to identify and eliminate pain points for all involved.

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Where IoB Could Go Wrong

It’s not at all an overstatement to say that IoB can solve some of the most common, consequential, and complex problems affecting humanity. But, unfortunately, these outcomes are far from guaranteed.

IoB may be promising — but it’s also problematic for many reasons.

Because internet-connected devices are currently subject to relatively few regulations, it’s often up to whoever collects data to decide how to use it. Harnessing the power of IoB will require sharing that data early, frequently, and completely. But sharing it will also require a firm commitment to ethics and a clear understanding of how things could go wrong.

Good Versus Evil

Here’s a hypothetical that illustrates the fine line that IoB must walk: Let’s say a surveillance company has data showing everywhere someone went for the past month. The company may agree to share that data with a partner as long as the person’s identity is obscured or to supply it to a judge who issues a warrant. However, they could also decide to sell that data to the highest bidder or give it to government officials who use it to quell dissent.

For every piece of IoB data, there are ways to use it ethically or exploitatively.

Another potential drawback is that people’s movements aren’t great indicators of their motives. For instance, if a fitness tracker registers that someone heads for the bedroom every night at 3 a.m., are they staying up so long because they’re working late, partying hard, or struggling with insomnia?

Enough IoB data can usually answer that question. When it can’t, however, it leaves companies with lots of data and very few actual insights.

How We Make IoB Work

Companies involved with IoB, whether with developing or implementing the technology, need to seriously take legal and ethical issues. The question remains, will the companies do the ethical thing? And then think of the costs. Who bears the costs of keeping the internet safe? You? The government? The company?

They must be transparent about what data they’re collecting and why.

More importantly, however, companies and individuals need to use IoB as a force of good: something that improves people’s experience rather than punishing, rejecting, or stalking them.

In a nightclub, for example, IoB could help monitor the sentiment of the crowd and then adjust the ambiance accordingly by playing different music. Armed with this information, the nightclub could be admitting more or fewer people, switch drink specials, or tweaking the lighting.

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Over time, this data could help a club owner fine-tune a space that makes everyone feel like a VIP when they step inside. But potentially more important, the club owner will increase his business by catering to his customers’ special needs and wants.

Endless IoB Possibilities

Another area where IoB could have tremendous impacts without raising ethical concerns is inside the home, where people control what technology sees and tracks. For example, the right mix of technologies could detect when someone is running late for work and then automatically turn up the bedroom lights, start the coffee maker, and get the car warmed up.

As long as we get creative and stay conscientious, there’s little that IoB can’t transform for the better.

Image Credit: jacek dylag; unsplash; thank you!

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Integrating Cross-Functional Teams into Your Growth Marketing Strategy Sat, 27 May 2023 15:00:54 +0000 Cross-Functional Teams

A one-size fits all approach is, to say the least, outdated, and so are teams that follow this approach. To […]

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Cross-Functional Teams

A one-size fits all approach is, to say the least, outdated, and so are teams that follow this approach. To create efficient, growth-oriented teams, you need a diverse set of skills, and cross-functional collaborations provide you with just that opportunity. Being one of the growing teamwork trends that impact businesses, such teams bring new ideas, varying perspectives, and a broader skill set to the table, leading to greater adaptability and fostering innovation.

With how fast technology is developing, so are consumer expectations, and no functional team can respond to these changes quickly. Cross-functional teams are a great way to deliver what consumers are asking for in a short amount of time. A Deloitte survey reported that 83% of digitally maturing companies in their survey use cross-functional teams, compared with 71% of developing companies on the digital maturity spectrum and 55% of early-stage organizations.

Suppose you’re looking for effective marketing strategies to drive sustainable and scalable growth. In that case, integrating cross-functional teams into your business model can be a great starting point to ensure a seamless customer experience. In this guide, I’ll give you a breakdown of how you can elevate your growth marketing strategy with the help of cross-functional teams. Let’s get into it!

1. Outline your goals

Cross-functional teams are usually best for solving complex problems that a single-function team can’t handle or achieving ambitious, long-term goals. Projects that require a diverse set of skills and expertise are usually where cross-functional teams can shine the most.

One of the biggest companies in the world, Apple, has been using a functional organizational structure since 1997 – the year co-founder Steve Jobs returned and took over as CEO. The structure enabled the whole organization to work in close collaboration with one another. Apple’s signature piece of tech, which revolutionized smartphones as we know them today – the iPhone, was also developed using cross-functional collaboration. And Apple is nearly 40 times larger than it was then, but it still utilizes the same structure.

If your business has long-term projects and goals, then developing cross-functional teams to leverage different skills is your best bet. Some projects that are well-suited for cross-functional teams include:

  1. Product development: By bringing together people from product management, engineering, design, and data analytics teams, you can help ensure that a new product is developed with a thorough understanding of market needs, technical feasibility, and user experience.
  2. Marketing campaigns: Have teams from marketing, design, and data analytics work together to plan, execute, and measure the success of marketing campaigns.
  3. Customer experience improvement: You can Identify opportunities for improving customer experience and implement changes by having customer service, product management, and design teams work together.

2. Focus on diversity

When creating a cross-functional team, the most important thing is that you want the team to be as diverse as possible. Start by determining which teams and individuals will play key roles in helping you achieve your goals. Put them in a single team together to work on a project.

Apart from focusing on diversity within teams, it is also a good idea to incorporate diverse individuals. This may include diversity in age, race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and more. Diversity is overall, extremely beneficial for the workplace, with a McKinsey study proving that companies with a diverse workforce experience 35% greater financial gains than their counterparts.

By having diverse individuals together in a team, it will be open to varying perspectives stemming from different experiences and new ideas. It can also bring potential concerns to light that certain team members may not think about.  This will help create a more inclusive user experience for the product.

Diverse teams are also better at decision-making. A study of approximately 600 business decisions made by 200 different business teams in a variety of companies over two years, showed that inclusive teams make better decisions up to 87% of the time, with decisions being executed by such teams delivering 60% better results. With a diverse, cross-functional team consisting of subject matter experts from various areas, the chances of success go up significantly.

3. Build a team identity

Just creating a cross-functional team isn’t enough. You also need to ensure that it’s operating smoothly and members are getting along so it maximizes efficiency. A Harvard Business Review study of 95 teams in 25 leading corporations showed that nearly 75% of cross-functional teams were dysfunctional. So, the big question is, what can you do to prevent this from happening?

The optimal answer is to foster collaboration among team members, which you can achieve by building a separate team identity. Team members should be comfortable with each other, just like they would feel back on their respective teams. A good way to do this is by hosting an ice-breaker to introduce the members to each other. This can help build trust and connections before the work starts.

Regular team-building activities, joint project planning sessions, and open communication channels are also great for encouraging collaboration. With a team identity, members will feel belonging and loyalty to the team they work with.

4. Develop a project timeline and ways of working

Once the team is established, it’s time to focus on the project at hand. The first thing that you have to do is establish a project timeline. This is great for establishing clear expectations, effective resource allocation, facilitating communication, and increasing accountability. A project timeline can help the team manage and execute the project well.

To develop a timeline, visualize the project from start to finish, and give everyone a clear idea of what is a must. Project management tools are a great way to simplify the entire process and streamline reporting, making life easier for everyone on your team.

Using the Scrum framework allows you to establish a way of working, including agile practices, that keeps everyone in the loop. It also helps you be up to date with everything that is going on with the project. You can use Scrum board to keep individual tasks organized in various lists and display the workflow into separate stages. Regular Scrum meetings should also be a norm to go over challenges and address concerns that the team may have.

5. Be ready for conflict and difficult situations

A Myers-Briggs study found that 85% of employees face conflict to some degree in the workplace. It’s inevitable for conflicts to arise, especially in a team full of diverse individuals from different teams and backgrounds.

Often, creating cross-functional teams means that you will be bringing together teams that are traditionally at odds with one another, like sales and marketing, for example. While aligning members of the two teams may prove beneficial for both, the dynamics between their members may be such that they spend a lot of time competing with one another over power, recognition, and resources.

When you’re putting together a team for your growth marketing strategy, you have to face such conflicts and difficult situations. However, it’s also crucial to resolve conflicts in cross-functional teams to maintain a positive and productive working environment.

This can be done by emphasizing the shared goal of the team and seeking common ground. Remind team members that everyone is working towards the same goal and that resolving the conflict is in everyone’s best interest. Focus on finding a solution that meets the needs of all parties involved.

What cross-functional teams can do for your growth marketing strategy

Cross-functional teams can bring a wealth of benefits to your growth marketing strategy. This includes improved goal alignment, increased creativity, and more efficient decision-making, among others. By leveraging the strengths and perspectives of individuals from different departments, cross-functional teams can drive more effective growth marketing efforts and achieve better results.

Cross-functional teams are chaotic and may be difficult to manage. But if done right, they can be a game changer for your business. By incorporating them into your growth marketing strategy, you can maximize the resources available to complete difficult projects and achieve ambitious, long-term goals.

 Featured Image Credit: Photo by Fauxels; Pexels; Thank you!

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Welcome to the E-Commerce Era of Home Services Tue, 09 May 2023 18:00:03 +0000 E-Commerce Home Services

The home services industry, a $700 billion market in the U.S. alone, encompasses a wide array of trades such as […]

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E-Commerce Home Services

The home services industry, a $700 billion market in the U.S. alone, encompasses a wide array of trades such as plumbing, lawn care, house cleaning, HVAC, and electrical work that serve as the backbone of modern life. All of the beloved apps and entertainment we use in our homes are irrelevant if the electricity goes out.

Tradespeople and their businesses see ever-increasing demand because they make our homes safe, comfortable, and efficient by providing essential services that enhance our daily lives. Moreover, a successful career in these trades offers a stable and rewarding lifestyle, as evidenced by the growing pride and popularity among younger people.

And, according to the latest studies, we’ll need them.

An upswing in demand for tradespeople and their particular brand of genius

We see a significant upswing in demand for these services, with a 10% increase since 2021 — and as a result, 77% of tradespeople now view labor shortages as a pressing issue. This has paved the way for income growth in the sector, with 83% of individuals in these trades expressing satisfaction or extreme satisfaction with their chosen line of work.

Technology boosts efficiency in any sector of work

Due to labor shortages, trade businesses are turning to technology to boost efficiency and productivity, allowing them to accomplish more with fewer resources. At the same time, consumers increasingly expect tradespeople to offer their services through digital platforms.

This creates an urgent need for industry innovation, including user-friendly tools for website building, digital payments, quotes, and planning. In addition, homeowners increasingly expect to find, book, and pay for services online. But fewer than half of home services businesses even have a website – and for most of those that do, their website is usually just some pictures and a phone number to call. As a result, trades businesses in the market need to adapt swiftly to meet this consumer demand.

Let’s explore the factors contributing to the digital transformation of the home services industry and how this shift benefits both tradespeople and consumers alike.

Demand for online, on-demand home services

We can thank (yes, thank) the COVID-19 pandemic for shifting not just how we work but the way we live, especially when spending on on-demand services. For the last three years, consumers have forced the entire economy to prioritize meeting them where they are.

At first, the pandemic was a health and safety matter, but operating predominantly online has expanded businesses’ opportunities to save money and generate revenue simultaneously. And importantly, consumers enjoy — and have come to expect — all of the options that are available now.

We witnessed expansive innovation within the U.S. home services industry when it grew by more than 3 percent in 2020, despite the country’s economy shrinking by 3.5 percent in the same year. And the trend continues. The home services industry saw a growth rate double that of the rest of the U.S. economy between 2021 and 2022.

As we look to the future, the industry shows no signs of slowing down. For instance, house cleaning services are expected to grow by 17% in the coming years. Lawn and landscaping, another critical sector, generates $176 billion annually in the U.S., employing over 1.3 million people across 650,000 businesses. This sector has enjoyed a consistent 8% growth rate annually over the past five years.

With much of the world returned to pre-pandemic activity, the evolution of the home services market will rely on expanding its reach by continuing to learn about its omnichannel presence. That involves reaching customers how they prefer, including booking appointments online, communicating via text message, and offering contactless payments.

The career outlook for home services professionals

So who are we talking about when we say “home services?” It’s any profession that helps make the quality of life at home better. These professions include plumbers, landscapers, cleaners, pest control experts, handypersons, electricians, painters, floorers, roofers, pavers, tilers, locksmiths, contractors – you know, the people who make things work.

People are increasingly choosing to go into these trades instead of pursuing traditional college degrees for many reasons, which I’ll spell out.


Starting your life with a mountain of debt is not an attractive outlook for many people. So if young adults can help it, they avoid it. In contrast, trade schools or apprenticeships typically cost less. As a result, they take less time to complete, making them a more affordable education and skill development option.

Demand and stability

There’s a constant demand for skilled tradespeople. These jobs are essential to maintaining and improving infrastructure, homes, and commercial properties. This demand often translates to increased job stability and opportunities for long-term careers. You’ll always need plumbers, contractors, and other professionals to literally keep your house in order.

When homeowners compare how much they spend on home services contractors each year — from roofing to HVAC, to appliance repair, to lawn care — they usually find the total is much more than almost any other category in their annual budget. The upswing bodes well for the stability and demand in the trades.

Matter of preference and faster entry into the workforce

Many individuals want the hands-on learning approach provided by trade schools and apprenticeships — as opposed to traditional colleges’ more theoretical and lecture-based style. In addition, trade programs usually take considerably less time to complete than a traditional four-year college degree, allowing people to enter the workforce more quickly and start earning a living sooner.

Earning potential and entrepreneurship opportunities

Skilled tradespeople can often earn competitive salaries, especially as they gain experience and establish a reputation for quality work. In some cases, trades’ income potential can surpass jobs requiring a traditional college degree.

These careers also offer a pathway to becoming self-employed or starting a small business, giving people more control over their work, income, and lifestyle. It isn’t uncommon to see a business owner in the trades making the sort of high income and lifestyle that would command respect – even outright awe – from someone with advanced college degrees.

Tools for home services entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs must embrace various tools and technologies to run a successful and efficient trade business. One essential element is a professional website featuring an integrated booking system, allowing clients to schedule appointments and access important information about the company quickly. Equally important is implementing customer relationship management (CRM) software, which helps manage and nurture customer relationships, leading to better retention and increased sales.

These businesses also need job management tools like software solutions that help assign tasks, monitor progress, and facilitate communication among team members to streamline the overall operation. And integrating invoicing and payment processing systems not only saves time but also ensures prompt payments from clients.

AI has opened the door to virtual assistants and utilities that can answer the phones and book new jobs, take payments, and answer questions while the tradesperson is out on the work site. Lastly, digital marketing tools, including social media management and email marketing, effectively promote the business and attract new clients.

Key takeaway

The digital transformation of the home services industry promises significant economic growth, job creation, and technological innovation in a new e-commerce era. As businesses adopt innovative tools and strategies, they can improve efficiency and customer satisfaction and secure a competitive edge in this rapidly changing landscape.

This shift will redefine how tradespeople conduct business, opening up new opportunities for those seeking financial independence and a rewarding career beyond traditional office roles.

As a founder in this thriving industry, I am excited to witness our tradespeople and businesses’ remarkable progress and resilience. Together, we will continue to innovate and adapt, embracing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead to forge a prosperous future for the home services industry.

Brig Graff is co-founder of Trady, a free, AI-powered website builder, CRM, job management, and pricing tool for trades businesses and home services contractors.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by ThisIsEngineering; Pexels; Thank you!

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How Chief Product Officers Drive Revenue Acceleration Tue, 09 May 2023 12:00:02 +0000 Chief Product Officers

In today’s fast-paced business environment, where having the right product is critical to success, Chief Product Officers (CPOs) have become […]

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Chief Product Officers

In today’s fast-paced business environment, where having the right product is critical to success, Chief Product Officers (CPOs) have become increasingly essential. They play a crucial role in driving revenue growth and ensuring that a company’s product strategy is aligned with its overall business objectives. But how does that translate into revenue acceleration? In this blog post, we’ll explore who a CPO is and why they have become in such high demand, what to focus on to drive revenue, and how to take your organization to the next level and accelerate revenue growth like a CPO.

What is a Chief Product Officer?

Before we can talk about how CPOs drive revenue acceleration, let’s paint a picture of what a CPO is.

CPO, short for Chief Product Officer, is a senior executive in a company responsible for managing and developing the company’s product strategy and roadmap.

The CPO’s main responsibility is to oversee the entire product development process, from ideation and design to launch and post-launch maintenance. They work closely with other stakeholders, including engineering, marketing, and sales, customer success, and finance teams, to ensure that the product roadmap aligns with the company’s overall business goals.

Why Chief Product Officers are essential to driving revenue acceleration

As we mentioned, CPOs are responsible for developing and executing a company’s product strategy. This makes them crucial for revenue acceleration because they are the ones defining the product vision, prioritizing features, and ensuring that the product delivers value to customers. But beyond the roles and responsibilities, there are two overarching key areas that CPOs focus on to help drive revenue growth. These areas are achieving alignment and autonomy, and building company-wide visibility.

Enable Strategic Alignment and Team Autonomy

Why is this so crucial to driving revenue? To put it simply, a row boat cannot maximize its speed if one of the rowers is pushing their oar in even a slightly different direction. It’s the same with your company. If not everyone in the company is aligned on what to do, how can they push towards those goals effectively? Furthermore, if they aren’t given the freedom to push towards these goals, the metaphorical rowboat will remain stagnant.

That’s why a key part of a Chief Product Officer’s role is to create a strategy that ensures everyone on the product team understands the company’s overall business outcomes and OKRs and moreover, how their work contributes to those goals.

At the same time, they need to provide the team members with the autonomy to make decisions and take ownership of their work. As the people on the ground, they are most suited for day-to-day decisions so long as they have the context. Additionally, when teams are given autonomy, they are more likely to come up with creative solutions to problems which lead to innovation and growth. That brings us to visibility.

Enable Context and Visibility for Effective Company-wide Decisions

To truly provide alignment and autonomy, everybody needs clarity and visibility. Chief Product Officers need to establish a process that establishes clear goals, metrics, and reporting. This gives everyone a window into how other departments are working and how their own work fits into the bigger picture.

Additionally, when teams have visibility into other areas of the organization, they can identify opportunities for collaboration and can work more effectively with other teams to drive revenue.

Alignment, autonomy, and visibility are the foundational blocks to increasing efficiency, innovation, and collaboration within an organization. These elements will ultimately lead to increased growth and success for organizations.

6 Steps to Driving Revenue

Now we know the who (CPO) and the what (alignment, autonomy, and visibility) of driving revenue. Let’s finally dive into the how of it all.

We’ve broken it down into these 6 steps that CPOs follow to create visibility. Which ultimately builds a high-performing product machine to drive revenue.

1. Set OKRs (the right way)

To build a high-performing product team, you need to have goals for them to hit. CPOs typically use OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) as the goal-setting framework to do-so.

There are a few tips and tricks to setting OKRs. When done right, good OKRs will be specific, measurable, and aligned with company business objectives. When done wrong, improperly set OKRs or too many or too few OKRs can lead to confusion, siloes, and lack of focus.

When using this framework, here are some simple tips to keep in mind:

  • Align them with company objectives so everyone is working towards the same goal
  • Focus on your outcomes over outputs
  • Set challenging (but achievable) goals to push your team
  • Create a feedback loop and review your OKRs

2. Build an Effective Operations process

CPOs rely on their operating process to ensure that their team is aligned, efficient, and delivering high-quality products. Here are some steps you can take to build an effective operating process:

  • Define your product development process for how your team will develop and launch products. This process should be documented and shared, so everyone is clear on their roles and responsibilities.
  • Establish clear communication channels between team members, including regular check-ins, progress reports, and team meetings. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.
  • Set up regular reviews and retrospectives to evaluate your team’s progress and identify areas for improvement. This will help you refine your operating process and ensure that your team is continuously improving.
  • Create a culture of experimentation and learning. Encouraging your team to experiment and take risks, while also providing them with the support they need to learn from their mistakes will help your team stay innovative and responsive to changing customer needs.
  • Implement a framework for decision-making that outlines how decisions will be made, who will make them, and what factors will be considered. That way, your team can make better decisions, faster.
  • Ensure visibility into the product development process with a system and tooling for tracking progress and providing visibility into the product development process. This will help you identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies, and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.

3. Adopt a Platform to Enable Source of Truth Data and Framework for Decision Making

Adopting a tool that is purpose-built for outcomes cuts out a lot of manual work in your operating system, enhancing your team’s productivity and allowing them to focus on what’s important.

A great CPO entrusts a great tool to keep organizations on track by helping teams manage product backlog, prioritize features, and track their progress up to OKRs.

In many ways, a tool shapes the way a company runs. Look for tools that:

  • Connects strategy and delivery. This is a crucial feature that allows you to be outcome-focused.
  • Provides flexibility so that your teams don’t need to change how they work to fit the tool (the tool should fit you!).
  • Create visibility. The right tool will give you insights into how your whole company performs so you have a full picture.
  • Empower teams with best practices and pre-set workflows so your team is working at its highest capacity.

Nothing is more expensive than “free” tools like spreadsheets for operations. While these tools can be useful for certain tasks, they are not a scalable solution as your company becomes more complex and will ultimately be more costly.

4. Upskill Your Teams

Your team plays a critical role in the success of your product. That’s why it is crucial to invest in both your customers and employees. By investing in your employees, you can increase productivity, stay up-to-date with industry trends, promote employee satisfaction, encourage innovation, and build a strong team culture. Providing your team with autonomy is a key component of this investment.

To maximize the potential of your team, consider allocating a research and development budget, providing access to relevant slack channels and communities for continuous learning, and offering training on methodologies, best practices, and other relevant skills. This will equip your team with the tools they need to work at their best and drive success for your product. By prioritizing employee development, you can create a work environment that fosters creativity, collaboration, and growth.

5. Measure Your Outcomes After Work is Done

Analyzing results is a crucial yet often overlooked step that drives companies to stay competitive. After setting up great OKRs and tracking the progress of deliverables, it’s important to perform a periodic look-back to identify areas for improvement, ensure accountability, demonstrate returns, and ultimately drive continuous improvement. This is especially critical for Chief Product Officers who play a key role in decision-making.

By analyzing results, you can ensure that decisions are always data-driven, enabling you to make informed choices that drive revenue. This step not only helps you identify areas for improvement but also allows you to celebrate successes and learn from mistakes. It’s important to prioritize accountability and transparency in this process to ensure that all team members are aligned toward the same goals.

Continuous improvement is key to maintaining a competitive edge, and it starts with analyzing results and making data-driven decisions. By leveraging data, you can identify trends, anticipate customer needs, and make adjustments that lead to improved performance and customer satisfaction.

6. Prioritization Guide Team Prioritization with Strategic Allocation

Sometimes, allocation can be more important than prioritization in running a business. Companies need to ensure that they are allocating resources to the most important areas rather than just focusing on prioritization. Doing so communicates:

  • Where the company is headed
  • The highest priorities
  • What decisions need to be made based on the priorities

Prioritization alone does not ensure success. Allocation is what will help you optimize your resource utilization and ultimately balance your short and long-term goals. This is key to managing risk because you have the resources to address any unexpected challenges or opportunities.

In Summary

Chief Product Officers play a vital role in today’s business world as they are responsible for overseeing the entire product development process. The most successful CPOs prioritize creating alignment and autonomy while building company-wide visibility to drive success.

To achieve this, CPOs can leverage proven strategies such as setting clear product vision and strategy, establishing effective communication channels, and fostering a culture of transparency and collaboration. These steps not only promote alignment and autonomy but also enhance company-wide visibility, enabling stakeholders to stay informed and engaged.

The success of a CPO in executing these strategies can significantly contribute to a company’s revenue acceleration and ensure that its product strategy aligns with overall business objectives. By creating a shared vision and fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement, CPOs can drive the development of products that meet customer needs, exceed expectations, and drive business growth.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Roman Ska; Pexels; Thank you!

The post How Chief Product Officers Drive Revenue Acceleration appeared first on ReadWrite.

Surviving to Thriving: Unbreakable Helps Leaders Build Resilient Teams Mon, 08 May 2023 20:30:30 +0000 Unbreakable

Convergent technological disruption, rapidly changing (and often destabilizing) economic conditions, and increasingly active and demanding stakeholders. These are just some […]

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Convergent technological disruption, rapidly changing (and often destabilizing) economic conditions, and increasingly active and demanding stakeholders.

These are just some of the challenges facing organizations and their leaders today. These challenges demand ever closer coordination within and between teams — and from their leaders.

But even the most effective teams face setbacks from time to time. What distinguishes truly successful teams from the rest is their resilience: the ability to bounce back when things don’t go their way.

In Unbreakable: Building and Leading Resilient Teams, Drs. Bradley Kirkman and Adam Stoverink offer a detailed roadmap for organizations and teams eager to increase their resilience and better overcome adversity. Unbreakable highlights insights and lessons on the subject of “team resilience,” an area that has lacked properly-dedicated research in the past. So, drawing upon decades of research into thousands of teams across dozens of sectors and industries, Unbreakable holds actionable lessons for team leaders and rank-and-file employees alike.

What Does It Mean to Build a Truly Resilient Team?

Every organization today operates in what the authors call volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) business environments. Teams that deal well with adversity — and even thrive in the face of it — tend to have four crucial resources in reserve: confidence, teamwork roadmaps, an ability to improvise, and psychological safety.

Each resource contributes to “a team’s capacity to bounce back from a setback that results in a loss of valuable team processes,” write Kirkman and Stoverink. They enable teams and team leaders to continue three essential action processes:

  1. Coordination, which in this context means sequencing and timing team activities over variable timescales
  2. Monitoring, where team members hold one another accountable, communicate progress toward shared goals, and adjust those goals or strategies as needed.
  3. Backing up behavior is a critical leadership activity that involves “coaching, assisting, and helping (perhaps even replacing) teammates, as necessary.”

The unifying theme in each of these processes is teamwork itself. Resilient teams work well together, maximizing individual members’ strengths and overcoming weaknesses to create something greater than the sum of its parts.

“While it doesn’t hurt to have individually resilient people on a team, there are a totally separate set of factors that predict whether a team will be able to exhibit resiliency,” says Kirkman.

Teams tend to experience setbacks when these three processes break down, either in response to acute external challenges or a more gradual loss of internal capacity. This means it’s not enough for leaders to set a time-limited goal to establish team confidence, teamwork roadmaps, improvisational ability, and psychological safety at a particular point in time. Truly resilient teams maintain — and strengthen — these four resources over time.

The Benefits of Resilience for Leaders and Teams

In the introduction to Unbreakable, the authors tell the harrowing tale of the 1949 Mann Gulch inferno, which took the lives of more than a dozen smokejumpers in one of the 20th century’s worst wildland firefighting disasters.

Hellishly hot, deafeningly loud, and obscured by thick smoke, the Mann Gulch fire was the very definition of a VUCA scenario. Unbeknownst to the team, which had far more primitive monitoring technology than today’s firefighters, the fire dramatically expanded as the team approached the drop site. Still, forensic reconstruction of the disaster suggests that most, if not all, the day’s deaths could have been prevented had the team’s action processes not broken down once the firefighters hit the ground.

To his credit, team leader R. Wagner “Wag” Dodge had the confidence and improvisational ability to create an escape fire that saved him (and two teammates also escaped by being the first ones to realize the danger). But the team lacked a clear roadmap for what to do if they became separated and unable to communicate in a life-threatening situation. They lacked a survival plan. The root cause of this could have been limited psychological safety within the team, without which rank-and-file members might have felt uncomfortable pointing out a potential safety threat.


Most teams don’t regularly operate in life-or-death scenarios like an out-of-control wildfire, of course. But Unbreakable shows that team resilience has clear benefits even in lower-stakes situations. They involve improved team performance, greater adaptability, and increased innovation.

According to Stoverink and Kirkman, resilient teams perform at a high level in good times and bad — not just when things are going well. They’re quicker to adapt to challenges and more capable of doing so. And they’re more likely to develop solutions that not only help them overcome the immediate setback but to avoid similar setbacks in the future. Most importantly, they build resilience together, taking cues from team and C suite-level leaders.

Challenges to Building Resilient Teams

Unbreakable describes in great detail what leaders must do to build resilient teams while acknowledging that the work is anything but easy.

Indeed, team and C suite-level leaders face a number of challenges in building resilient teams: rank-and-file resistance to change, lack of resources to effect such change, lack of buy-in from organizational leadership, and rank-and-file suspicion of leadership’s motives, among others.

Many of these challenges are rooted in longstanding cultural or behavioral dynamics that leaders have limited power to affect directly. For example, expressing emotion or even strong opinions was taboo for a long time in American workplaces. And it still is in many cases, even if it’s often to the team’s detriment.

“Most people feel uncomfortable being vulnerable in a team. In the past, showing emotion in the workplace was a sign of weakness,” says Kirkman. “In more recent years, we’ve learned there is a lot of courage that comes from showing vulnerability, which leads to greater bonding among team members and, therefore, greater team resilience.”

It’s natural for efficiency-minded leaders to try to overcome these challenges with well-meaning shortcuts. Seeking to reduce the “human element” of strategy shifts, they might implement overly aggressive process automations that actually hinder performance. Or, aiming for faster uptake, they might cultivate a false sense of urgency (or outright fear) that hits morale and increases attrition.

Any benefit from these “easy” fixes is outweighed by long-term damage to the organization. Plus, they are easily avoided by doing the more effective work of building and maintaining resilient teams.

How Unbreakable Can Help Leaders Build Resilient Teams

Every team is different, yes. But in researching thousands of teams across dozens of industries, Kirkman and Stoverink learned that they’re surprisingly alike in how they respond to adversity — and how resilience improves that response.

Unbreakable’s blueprint for building resilient teams advises leaders to focus on three specific capabilities:

  • Sensemaking: This is the sort of intentional approach to decision-making and problem-solving that comes naturally to individuals. But it can easily break down within “brittle” teams. When confronted with a chaotic, confusing situation, the Mann Gulch firefighters lost their sensemaking capacity — with disastrous results.
  • Coalescing: This is a fancy word for “cohesiveness,” or even more basically, “teamwork.” It’s the foundation of high-functioning teams. It depends on trust-based relationships among team members. And it’s a capability with long-term benefits. “At the end of our careers, if there is any value, it’s in our relationships,” says Stoverink.
  • Persisting: Truly resilient teams dig deep in the face of adversity. And they keep going long after common sense tells them to quit.

Critically, these insights apply across a variety of industries, organizational structures, and business scenarios.

They work for teams whose work is inherently stressful and crisis-driven. These include emergency medical technicians, emergency department staff, firefighters and police, and business crisis response teams.

They apply to “ordinary” white-collar settings, like application development, legal services, and human resources. These settings require teams capable of running marathons — again and again.

They even make sense for teams where progress is measured in years rather than weeks. Those could include pharmaceutical development or large-scale infrastructure projects, for example, where setbacks can take months to overcome.

Unbreakable Teams Persist in the Face of Adversity

Recent history is filled with examples of once-powerful organizations that failed to innovate and suffered greatly.

Would they have been saved by the sort of broad-based resilience outlined in Unbreakable? Not all — nothing is a magic bullet, not even resilience. But things might have turned out differently for some. Because in a world where VUCA is the norm rather than the exception, resilient teams outperform brittle ones.

Resilient teams have four core resources: confidence, teamwork roadmaps, improvisational ability, and psychological safety. They continuously engage in three key team processes: coordination, monitoring, and backing up behavior (a vital leadership function). As a result, they make sense of their environments. They also coalesce around toward shared goals and persist in the face of adversity.

There’s a lot more to know about building resilient teams. This is why Unbreakable is an indispensable resource for leaders across industries. Perhaps it’s just what your team needs to gain an edge.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Thank you!

The post Surviving to Thriving: Unbreakable Helps Leaders Build Resilient Teams appeared first on ReadWrite.

The 7 Essential Elements of a Thriving Remote Company Culture Wed, 26 Apr 2023 15:00:32 +0000 Remote Company Culture

Does your company value and encourage remote work? As a response to the coronavirus, this issue is at the forefront […]

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Remote Company Culture

Does your company value and encourage remote work? As a response to the coronavirus, this issue is at the forefront of many leaders’ minds right now. Is it just a fad that will disappear when things get “back to normal?”

Not in my opinion. As the founder of a fully remote digital PR subscription service, I believe it is likely that certain companies will continue to use a distributed workforce in the future. It’s crucial to foster a positive remote company culture that results in happy employees, whether your staff will work remotely temporarily or permanently.

But you can’t make other people happy for you. Leaders can establish expectations for how workers should behave and interact, but they cannot dictate how those workers perform or behave. Culture instead dictates this role.

It’s not simple to establish a remarkable culture of remote work.

My own company, which has always been a remote-first model, has had to step up its game in light of the current climate to make its remote workers feel safe and valued. I can only imagine how much more challenging this is if you are making a fresh start. You may worry that your new startup’s culture is built on unstable ground if no solid groundwork has been laid first.

However, it is possible to construct a rapid and robust base. What I’ve learned over the years of leading distributed teams is this:

There is no such thing as a remote company culture fluke.

Creating a productive culture for remote workers requires some planning. Share your thoughts and values about remote work with your colleagues. Let them know how you would like them to interact with one another.

Find and hire people who already exhibit these qualities. Once those parameters are established, it will be much simpler to provide your team the freedom and support it needs to reach its full potential.

Then contemplate what else you might do to foster an optimistic atmosphere. In my own workplace, for instance, we have a salaried position called “Chief of Cheer,” whose job is to maintain and cultivate a positive business culture.

Get your ego out of the way first.

To quote the famous fifth habit of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.” I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not the best listener when I have something to say. But doing so prevents you from listening attentively and so from learning anything from the person standing before you.

Concentrate on hearing the other person out. To get more information out of them, you should ask clarifying questions. Don’t discount their emotions just because you find them difficult to hear or because you disagree with them. Think of the other person as a potential source of information, and take an interest in them. In this context, consider Socrates’ famous paradox: “I know that I know nothing.” Adopting a humble demeanor involves admitting one has shortcomings and can always improve.

Be a role model.

Members of your team will do what they are told. When leaders set high standards for their teams but fail to meet them themselves, they undermine morale and productivity. This is the consensus opinion of all the remote specialists I’ve consulted. For instance, I picked up the idea that a leader’s beliefs can affect a company’s culture, whether or not your staff is physically present in an office, from Help Scout’s Director of Talent Acquisition Leah Knobler.

Because of this, it’s crucial to serve as a role model for your staff. My organization places a premium on work-life balance and employee trust by granting flexible work hours. We utilize a chat program for speedy contact, but we made it clear from the start that nobody was expected to respond immediately. We have made it abundantly apparent that we are not keeping tabs on their Internet use. For instance, I try not to respond to my instant messages right away if I’m not online or if I’m in the middle of something else, even if I really want to.

Similarly, generosity is one of our most important principles. I try to be considerate no matter what’s going on, and I make it clear to the rest of the executive team that they should as well.

Make time for enjoyment.

Having a good time together at work is a key component of a successful team. Some people have the misconception that people who work from home are slacking off in their jammies and unsupervised.

Remote workers often don’t have clear boundaries between their professional and personal lives, in contrast to those in more conventional workplaces. They spend their time at home working. And it’s not always easy to relax a highly motivated person.

Incorporate some lightheartedness, then. Make it a point to celebrate your successes and start some new customs with the team. Invent unique ways to honor special occasions. You can’t make someone join in, but you can clarify that everyone on your team is free to relax and enjoy themselves.

Permit your group to make an impact.

People wish to have a positive impact and contribute to society. Insisting on a robotic approach to work while telling your colleagues to “think outside the box” is a contradiction. Predetermined expectations, in my opinion, might make people feel that their actions are meaningless. Make them feel like they have the freedom to try something new. Raise them above their daily routine.

In a free setting, great cultures can flourish. Only when individuals feel safe with one another and have faith that their opinions and ideas will be taken seriously can there be an open atmosphere.

See what a thriving remote company culture looks like.

Could you distinguish between a culture that gets the job done but is sick and one that thrives? Recognizing a positive (or negative) cultural trend is crucial for influencing positive change. A CEO who has built a culture that people want to participate in is essential to a company’s success, as I learned from Buffer’s Hailley Griffis (the company produces an annual report on remote work).

Consider the reaction of your own remote staff to get a sense of the company’s remote culture. Do they express gratitude to you and each other? Is there an overflow of good vibes into personal lines of contact? Do you feel like you’re beginning to understand who they are? Do you and they openly support one another? These are characteristics of a team that is starting to gel.

Great cultures tend to reproduce themselves.

An effective remote work culture serves as an unconscious call to unity. It’s the result of individual actions and the beliefs of those who take part in those actions. It results when people recognize their role in the whole. And it spreads to the rest of the team.

If the atmosphere at your remote office is positive and supportive, it will continue to thrive despite the inevitable transitions that occur when a team expands. Great company culture benefits the business and its clients — but it takes work to maintain.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Andrea Piacquadio; Pexels; Thank you!

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5 Top DEI Speakers to Book at Your Next Event Wed, 22 Mar 2023 15:00:15 +0000 DEI Speakers

When it comes to big corporate goals, small businesses are uniformly getting behind their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. […]

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DEI Speakers

When it comes to big corporate goals, small businesses are uniformly getting behind their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. According to reporting published in Harvard Business Review, a full six out of 10 companies report having DEI strategies. Yet it can be hard to sustain DEI initiatives for the long term.

What makes it so challenging to keep DEI afloat? For one, changing the culture of any organization can be tough. People are naturally resistant to change — including change that benefits them. As Gallup points out, cultures don’t transform in a day. They transform over time and with constant effort and championing. That can be exhausting and difficult, especially for leaders new to taking up the DEI cause.

Another challenge inherent in embracing widespread DEI efforts is a misunderstanding of what DEI means. Many people assume that DEI involves demonizing one group to favor another. True DEI acknowledges past errors but avoids judgment in favor of improved, sustainable modeling and approaches. In other words, no one has to “lose” for everyone to gain.

Both these challenges are substantive. However, they’re not impossible to overcome. One method that works for many organizations is to bring in well-respected DEI speakers. DEI thought leaders with proven track records can break down barriers and open doors. They can motivate audiences through education and understanding, making it much easier to transform cultures and mindsets.

If you’ve never considered hiring a DEI presenter to help cement or kickoff your DEI strategy, now is a good time to start. Plenty of top-notch DEI-focused keynote speakers have hit the in-person and virtual event scene. Below is a smattering of DEI stars to book for your next annual meeting, conference, or employee appreciation gala.

1. Marissa Andrada

Billing herself as a “culture master and kindness catalyst”, Marissa Andrada brings a fresh perspective to the corporate DEI discussion. After helping more than five large businesses build cultures their employees loved including Chipotle, Andrada has now moved into the speaking and C-suite consulting space.

Andrada focuses heavily on the people aspects of all cultural movements. Her goal is to teach others how to support each other emotionally, socially, and professionally. As a speaker, she reminds attendees of their shared humanity as well as the asset of treating others with respect.

To get a taste of Andrada’s style, listen to her CultureCast podcast. Recent episodes include a variety of intriguing guests who echo her sentiments. You’ll learn quite a bit about Andrada and her positive viewpoint toward gender pay gaps, sustainability, equality, and more.

2. Becky Curran Kekula

DEI isn’t just an acronym for Becky Curran Kekula. It’s something that comes naturally to her, especially after being overlooked and dismissed as a little person. Now a vocal advocate for disability inclusion and equality, she opens audience members’ eyes to their biases toward the physically disabled. Often, those biases are unconscious. Bringing them into the light negates their influence.

Most recently, Kekula worked in the Equity & Inclusion department at the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA). Leveraging her background in entertainment industry marketing, she decided to found DisABILITY In Media. The company concentrates on providing authentic and uplifting social media portrayals and stories of differently-abled people.

Remember: DEI isn’t just about race or gender. DEI spans across all underrepresented and underserved populations, including people with visible and hidden disabilities. If you feel that many of your employees or other stakeholders aren’t comprehending DEI fully, invite Kekula to your next event.

3. Tarika Barrett

Want a heavy hitter as your next DEI speaker? Get on the calendar of Tarika Barrett. She’s the much-heralded founder of Girls Who Code and is well-known on the keynote circuit. Given her entrepreneurial endeavors, she’s a perfect match to enlighten your crowd about all things gender-inclusive.

Barrett is well-versed at highlighting paths to bring more women and minorities into STEM and other fields. However, your company doesn’t need to be underrepresented in STEM departments to benefit from her visionary ideas. Barrett is just as competent to talk about ways to redesign cultural and workflow frameworks to attract, onboard, and retain underrepresented performers.

It’s worth noting that Barrett is especially beloved by nonprofits. After all, Girls Who Code is a successful nonprofit. Consequently, if you’re looking for inspiration to start a corporate fund program or you’re running a nonprofit, Barrett could be a good fit.

4. Omar Johnson

Your marketing department will likely play a huge role in making your DEI expectations come to life. In fact, the content and messaging created by marketing can influence not just the way you’re seen by insiders but by outsiders. To help you grow your brand reputation toward becoming a known, genuine DEI powerhouse, bring in Omar Johnson.

Formerly the Beats by Dr. Dre CMO, Johnson can speak to DEI from a marketing perspective. He’s spoken about the need to understand individuals “where they are” before embarking on DEI campaigns. Johnson’s ability to explain diversity based on his past diversity successes might just be the motivator your executives and directors need.

If you’re just feeling stuck in your DEI journey, Johnson is available to get you unstuck. Be prepared to start moving forward after inviting him to be the motivational, memorable keynote at your 2023 or 2024 event.

5. Charlie Martin

Round out your preferred DEI speakers list with LGBTQ+ advocate and first transgender racing professional Charlie Martin. Born in the United Kingdom, Martin has taken the motorsports world by storm. Not only has Martin broken records, but she’s made her personal struggle with gender identity a platform for a DEI revolution.

Martin weaves both trans and LGBTQ+ issues into her guest appearances. Her talks are known for leaving audiences inspired as well as more understanding of gender-related barriers, difficulties, and biases.

Though Martin is popular during June, which is Pride Month, she’s available year-round. She’ll assist your DEI team in getting your whole workforce to take a new look at LGBTQ+ allyship and advocacy.

Don’t give up hope just because your DEI program isn’t where you think it should be. Improving your DEI momentum is possible, particularly with a jumpstart from one of the many riveting DEI speakers.

Featured Image Credit: by Luis Quintero; Pexels; Thanks!

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Celebrating Love: A Guide to Valentine’s Day in Dubai Tue, 14 Feb 2023 19:17:21 +0000 Celebrating Love in Dubai

Any special day that you want to make romantic for your partner will be better in Dubai. Celebrate love in […]

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Celebrating Love in Dubai
Any special day that you want to make romantic for your partner will be better in Dubai.

Celebrate love in luxury with our guide to Valentine’s Day in Dubai

Valentine’s Day is a special day for all couples around the world. And Dubai is no exception. with luxury hotels, famous restaurants, and many tourist attractions, Dubai is the perfect place to enjoy romantic nightlife. Note that Dubai is an Arab city, and there may be rules to respect their culture.

Everyone knows Dubai is a city of dreams and luxury; Everyone knows Dubai is a city of dreams and luxury; you can’t say there’s nothing to do and see. So, what about celebrating the most romantic holiday of the year Dubai? If you’re planning to spend Valentine’s Day in Dubai, you’re in for a treat! we’ll explore the unique experiences that Dubai has to offer couples looking to celebrate Valentine’s Day in style. Get ready to light up the night with a spark of love as we take you through the most romantic ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day in the city of the future.

Romantic Dining Experiences in Dubai

Dubai is famous for its delicious food, and what could be more romantic than sharing a delicious meal with your important person on Valentine’s Day? From beachside brunches to fancy five-star dinners, Dubai has something to offer for every taste and budget. Here are some of the most romantic dining experiences to consider in Dubai:

  1. A Private Dinner under the Stars: For a truly intimate and romantic evening, why not dine under the stars in a private desert oasis? With nothing but the twinkling stars overhead and the sound of the desert winds, this is the perfect way to spend Valentine’s Day with your loved one.
  2. A Dinner Cruise along the Creek: Take in the stunning sights of Dubai as you sail along the creek while enjoying a delicious dinner onboard. With live entertainment, music, and breathtaking views, this is the perfect way to spend a romantic evening in Dubai.
  3. A Beachside Brunch: Enjoy a romantic brunch with your loved one on the beautiful beaches of Dubai. With an array of delicious food and drinks, live music and plenty of activities, you’ll never forget this unforgettable experience.
  4. Rooftop Restaurants: Enjoy a romantic dinner with a view at one of Dubai’s many rooftop restaurants. From al fresco dining to luxurious indoor spaces, there’s a rooftop restaurant for every taste and budget. It will give couples a lot of happiness and love.
  5. Themed Dining Experiences: For a truly unique dining experience, consider booking a themed dinner in Dubai. From exotic Moroccan nights to immersive pirate adventures, there’s something for everyone in this city.

Unforgettable Experiences in Dubai

If thinking about full, exciting experiences city, you should think about Dubai, and what could be more romantic than creating new memories with your loved one on Valentine’s Day? From exciting adventures to relaxed spa treatments, there’s no shortage of things to see and do in Dubai. Let’s see some unforgettable experiences in Dubai:

A Hot Air Balloon Ride: Take the skies for a romantic hot air balloon ride over the desert, with incredible views of the Dubai desert and the city skyline. This is the perfect way to experience the beauty of Dubai from a bird’s eye view.

A Couple’s Spa Day: Relax and unwind with your loved one on a couple’s spa day. With various pampering treatments on offer, it makes a perfect way to spend a relaxing and romantic day in Dubai.

A Dune Bash Adventure: Get your adrenaline pumping with a thrilling dune bash adventure in the Dubai desert. With stunning views and the opportunity to drive a powerful 4×4, this is the perfect way to spend a fun and romantic day in Dubai.

Celebrate love in luxury with our guide to Valentine's Day in Dubai. Make your Valentine's Day unforgettable by celebrating with your loved one!
Valentine’s Day is a special day for all couples worldwide –and Dubai is no exception.

Technology and Romance in Dubai

Dubai is a city that is constantly pushing the boundaries of technology and high technology. It’s no different when it comes to celebrating Valentine’s Day. From cutting-edge virtual experiences to stunning light shows, there are so many technological wonders experiences in Dubai. Here are some most innovative ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day in Dubai:

The Internet of Things: Celebrate Valentine’s Day in the future with a visit to the Internet of Things (IoT) show. With the latest cutting-edge technology on display, this is the perfect way to experience the future of romance — because love is like technology to develop and move on continuously and steadily.

Virtual Reality Experiences: Step into the world of love with this virtual experience. From exploring exotic destinations to exciting experiences of adventure, there are many virtual Reality experiences to choose from in Dubai.

Light Shows and Fireworks: Dubai is famous for spectacular light and sound shows and spectacular fireworks displays, and could it be more romantic than watching the fascinating light show with your loved one on Valentine’s Day? From the Burj Khalifa to the Dubai Fountain, there are various light shows to choose from in Dubai.

Celebrating Valentine’s Day during Ramadan in Dubai

Celebrating Valentine’s Day during Ramadan in Dubai is a unique blend of love and spirituality. As Dubai is a hub for various cultures, it’s no surprise that the city sees a mix of festivities even during the holy month of Ramadan. Are you looking for a lifestyle change this Valentine’s Day? Why not try celebrating it in Dubai? Let’s come to Dubai.

Ramadan is a time of fasting, reflection, and devotion, but that doesn’t mean the festivities come to a halt. In fact, the city lights up even more with prayers, charity, and good deeds. During this time, Muslims break their fast at sunset and indulge in lavish Iftar spreads. This makes it the best time for couples to bond over food and enjoy each other’s company.

For a romantic and spiritual experience, head to the mosque for Taraweeh prayers after Iftar. It’s a beautiful sight to see thousands of people come together to pray and seek blessings from Allah. The ambiance is serene, and the devotion in the air is palpable. After the prayers, indulge in some dates, traditional Iftar food, and sweet Arabic tea, and take a stroll around the city.

To increase some excitement to your Valentine’s Day, head to Global Village, a cultural extravaganza that showcases pavilions from different countries. Take a walk down memory lane and visit the pavilions that hold special memories for you and your significant other. Indulge in street food, shop for souvenirs, and enjoy live entertainment.

As Ramadan is a time of giving, you can also consider volunteering at a local charity organization. Spend time with the less fortunate, and make a difference in someone’s life. This act of kindness will not only bring you closer as a couple but will also give you a sense of fulfillment.


Celebrating Valentine’s Day during Ramadan in Dubai is a unique experience that combines love, spirituality, and lifestyle. Whether a romantic candlelight dinner, going through Global Village, or volunteering at a charity, something awaits everyone. Make Valentine’s Day a memorable one and enjoy the perfect blend of love and spirit in Dubai.

So, Are you planning a celebration of Valentines’s day with your beloved in Dubai?, Wow, Amazing. Get to be ready and light up your night with sparks of love as we take you to celebrate Valentine’s Day in a superb place. Why are you waiting? Start planning your perfect Valentine’s Day celebration in Dubai today — or on any special day!

Featured Image Credit Provided by the Author; Brown Modern Real Estate; Thank you!

The post Celebrating Love: A Guide to Valentine’s Day in Dubai appeared first on ReadWrite.

4 Ways Leaders Can Better Support Women in Tech Fri, 13 Jan 2023 16:00:21 +0000 Support Women in Tech

The operational, cultural, and fiscal benefits of having women on any team have been well-documented. So, why is the tech world […]

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Support Women in Tech

The operational, cultural, and fiscal benefits of having women on any team have been well-documented. So, why is the tech world still lacking women along so many rungs of the corporate ladder? The answer: Most tech leaders simply aren’t doing as much as they should to make attracting, hiring, and retaining women employees (and leaders) a top priority.

The lack of a welcoming culture in tech industries has been a problem for women for a long time. DataProt investigated the phenomenon and noted that women comprise only 19% of STEM graduates and hold just 24% of computer-related roles. This doesn’t bode well for tech industries in the long run, especially given all the advantages that come with a gender-diverse workforce.

The Benefits of Women in Tech

McKinsey & Company research has shown that women bring unique perspectives to their occupational lives — and that those perspectives are good for business. Women are often better able to build relational alliances and show great empathy with colleagues and direct reports, for example. When in leadership positions, women statistically provide more emotional support and are more likely to take action to prevent burnout in their teams than their male counterparts.

What most people miss is that women aren’t just good at the “softer” side of business. They also excel in technical roles at work, bringing unique perspectives and abilities to everything from coding to web development.

Because women are still vastly underrepresented in the tech world, their uniqueness pays off — particularly when they move up the ladder. One study found that Fortune 500 companies with at least three women in leadership roles had a 66% higher ROI over those that didn’t.

How to Open the Door for More Women in Tech

If it hasn’t been proven by now, you can read it here: The presence of women in the boardroom, the C-suite, and the supervisor line is good for tech and good for business. Leaders just need to open the door to women more deliberately, starting with these critical steps:

1. Remove Gender Bias From the Pay Scale.

It’s embarrassing that we still have to talk about gender pay equity in the 2020s, but unfortunately, it’s still a problem. In the United States, women’s and men’s earnings aren’t even, and it’s worse for women with marginalized identities.

Women still only make 82 cents for every dollar that men make, per a report by Payscale. Ask yourself: Would you rather make $60,000 a year or $49,200? No one would choose the latter. Why expect that of women?

Companies that are serious about paying equally across the board can start by adopting more transparent pay structures throughout their organizations.

Transparency assures potential and current employees that they’re being judged and paid fairly based on their experience and education, as well as the responsibilities of the job.

When candidates accept employment offers at tech firms that pay equally and transparently, they feel more engaged with their work and more invested in staying and growing with the company.

That’s important because an unfortunate number of women leave tech because they don’t find the culture or pay rewarding, literally or figuratively. To keep women in tech moving upward, organizations have to make it clear that they’re being paid competitively and fairly.

2. Promote Equally Across All Internal Candidates.

Inside every company exists a pool of employees who want to advance in their careers; the tech industry is no different. Women in tech roles want to grow professionally to expand their skills, make more money, and become the change leaders that the industry needs.

Your employees, no matter their gender identity, can’t succeed if they’re not provided with the opportunities to apply and be considered for promotions when positions open.

One way to show women in tech workspaces that they can advance is by helping them create clear road maps to move up within the company and grow their careers.

These road maps serve as motivational visualizations of what’s possible and provide necessary steps and markers to achieving their career goals. Women who can clearly see growth opportunities within their organizations will stay to achieve and do more for the company.

Because this means less employee turnover and more retention of legacy knowledge, everyone wins.

3. Encourage a Safe and Supportive Culture.

By and large, tech has been a male-dominated world where women have commonly reported feeling like unwanted outsiders. It’s time for so-called “brogrammer” attitudes to be laid to rest once and for all.

Women can’t feel like they belong — which is one of the primary reasons people leave jobs in general — if they can’t be fully themselves. Women shouldn’t have to deal with sexism, exclusivity, or microaggressions in the workplace.

Overt sexism is often easier to stamp out because it pops up more obviously within workers’ language, jokes, and attitudes. Microaggressions, such as experience or authority being questioned, looks or perspectives being judged, or the classic “being mistaken for an entry-level employee,” are harder to pinpoint.

Nevertheless, tech companies that want more women to invest in them long term should work to stamp out sexism and microaggressions across the organization — especially companies with any history of losing talented women to culture concerns.

This might require training and a true culture shift, but these tasks are important signals to your employees that your workplace is safe.

4. Get Serious About Work-Life Balance.

During the pandemic, domestic gender role expectations went under a microscope, and for a good reason. Even during the shift to remote work in 2020, many women were still forced to leave the workplace to care for children and loved ones. The result? Almost two million women are still absent from the U.S. labor force.

At the same time, the tech industry is struggling to fill open roles. Tech companies owe it to their workers to make work-life balance possible and accessible. It’s not just women who put a high price on this priority in employers: More people of all genders value this factor than ever before.

Work-Life balance requires a significant change in the “hustle-at-all-costs” culture that permeates the tech field and strains workers who have outside lives — which is everyone.

Women won’t sign onto or stay in a role if they don’t feel that their health and satisfaction are taken seriously. As you become known as an employer who cares and respects people as human beings, employees of all kinds — women especially — will be excited to stay and invest themselves in your organization.

Women are ready to help disrupt the world with new and emerging technology. But they need to know they’ll be met with the culture and opportunities they deserve when they walk through the door. It’s up to you and other leaders in the industry to make it happen.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by thisisengineering; Pexels; Thank you!

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