Cloud - ReadWrite IoT and Technology News Fri, 20 Oct 2023 22:38:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cloud - ReadWrite 32 32 How Tech Sprawl Actually Slows Digital Transformation Fri, 20 Oct 2023 21:00:31 +0000 Tech Sprawl Slows you down

Think about the last software program you purchased for your employees. You may have needed only one or two of […]

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Tech Sprawl Slows you down

Think about the last software program you purchased for your employees. You may have needed only one or two of its features, so you kept the previous program that your employees used before as well. After that was implemented, you noticed that a few essential features of your business’s analytics software don’t work with the new software. As a result, you purchased a data and analytics add-on specifically for the latest software. To complicate matters even more, your BI team must keep using the previous data tool since it offers features the new one does not.

If that situation sounds chaotic, that’s because it is. Tech sprawl is a real problem. Tech sprawl can be defined as the process where companies overload different, overlapping software programs, cloud applications, or technology products in order to fill a gap. Companies end up having one, two, or three of every type of software imaginable, using each one only for one or two features.

The negative impact of tech sprawl

Eighty percent of IT leaders believe that tech sprawl is one of companies’ biggest problems. ( The following adverse effects stemming from the phenomenon are examples of how it slows down digital transformation. Learn what they are and how to avoid falling victim to tech sprawl.

  1. Tech sprawl is expensive. Purchasing numerous programs or products to use one or two features from each one isn’t only impractical but also costs money. The licensing fees can quickly add up, and new tech tools are generally pretty pricey. Many times, the software a company purchases becomes buried under newer programs and is easily forgotten. An estimated 40 billion dollars a year is spent on unused software. When businesses seek to cut costs, they inadvertently inundate themselves with more debt by purchasing too many technology-related products.
  2. Tech sprawl is risky. When companies use too many programs in their workflow processes, they leave private data vulnerable to cyber-attacks. It can be impossible to track and secure every single program employees use. As employees incorporate new cloud-based programs into their workflows, their IT department must learn new security measures for those applications. As tech sprawl grows, the average IT department simply cannot handle the high demand. This leaves many unprotected files at risk for data breaches.
  3. Tech sprawl leads to siloed data. Siloed data is a major problem in companies that use various programs in their operations. Since not all software programs “speak” to each other, employees must learn how to use different applications and save login details for each one. When this problem arises in a contact center, agents could find themselves trying to access a program they accidentally uninstalled or forgot the password. This can lead to very unhappy customers if this type of scenario occurs while on the phone with an agent.
  4. Tech sprawl hinders good communication within the company. Many software applications allow users to easily communicate with one another by simply tagging them within the app and relaying the message they wish to send. Problems could arise when the recipient does not use that program and fails to get a notification. Sometimes, they haven’t learned how to use it. In other instances, employees may send each other files that can only be opened with a program that the recipients do not have. This can become a more significant problem if several employees use different programs and run into the aforementioned scenarios daily. Messages get lost, employees become confused, and frustration builds up as simple projects take too long to execute.


One platform changes everything

Now that so many companies offer work-from-home options or have converted to 100% remote, tech sprawl is a problem that they definitely want to avoid. Transforming your contact center into a fully digital one is much easier when all agents need is one program to work.

Implementing a unified and customizable omnichannel cloud platform ( is a cloud based) in your contact center’s workflows is exactly how companies avoid falling into the tech sprawl trap. An omnichannel platform brings all the central components of a contact center’s operations under one roof. The RoI numbers speak for themselves: companies saw a 229% return on their investments after eliminating wasteful programs and using the platform.

Unlike other hosted programs, a cloud-based platform employs top cybersecurity talent to ensure customer data is safe and secure from cyberattacks. They also boast several certifications, such as PCI DSS and (AICPA) SOC 2.

Since the platform houses all the tools an agent needs to do their job, the extra software programs or cloud applications aren’t necessary anymore. Those additional cybersecurity risks are eliminated because all your operations stem from one highly secured platform.

Siloed data is no longer a problem once companies switch over to an omnichannel platform. The platform provides everything a contact center needs, from analytics to quality management and sales support to agent performance tools. Agents do not have to worry about navigating different programs; everything will be easily accessible in one place.

Watch your company’s productivity increase as communication improves. A cloud-based platform offers personalized notifications for users. All communication can be done through the platform that everybody has access to. Since it provides major departments of a contact center with all they need to do their jobs, the concern over communicating through various different programs is eliminated.

Tech sprawl is undoubtedly a problem now that most companies have moved to cloud-based solutions. With some due diligence and the use of one omnichannel platform, wasteful programs and overspending are much better controlled. Your contact center will benefit as your agents provide a positive experience for your customers with the help of a cloud-based omnichannel platform.

Featured Image Credit: Aleksandar Pasaric; Pexels; Thank you!

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Why Your Business Needs Cloud Cost Management and 5 Tips for Success Thu, 19 Oct 2023 23:33:07 +0000 Cloud Cost Management

Here’s a question for you. What Is Cloud Cost Management? Cloud cost management is the process of controlling and optimizing […]

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Cloud Cost Management

Here’s a question for you. What Is Cloud Cost Management?

Cloud cost management is the process of controlling and optimizing the costs associated with cloud computing. It’s about understanding your cloud spend, identifying inefficiencies, and implementing strategies to reduce unnecessary expenditure. This process requires a keen understanding of the cloud environment, its pricing models, and the ability to monitor usage and costs continually.

The first step in cloud cost management is gaining visibility into your cloud usage and spend. This involves collecting data on all your cloud resources, understanding your spending on each, and scrutinizing any anomalies or unexpected costs (see scitechdaily dot com slash using artificial intelligence to find anomalies). This visibility is crucial for identifying inefficiencies and areas where costs can be reduced.

The second step is optimization. This involves analyzing the data collected in the first step, identifying inefficiencies, and implementing strategies to address them. Optimization might involve rightsizing (adjusting your resource use to match your actual needs), identifying and eliminating idle resources, or other techniques.

Cloud cost management is a continuous process (see spot dot io, 9 free cloud cost management tools)  that should be part of your regular operations and can result in substantial cost savings and operational efficiencies. Read on to understand the significance of cloud computing in modern businesses and get five tips that can help you improve cost management in a cloud environment.

The Growing Importance of Cloud Computing in Modern Businesses

Cloud computing has become ubiquitous in modern businesses, revolutionizing how we store, process, and share data. The benefits are numerous: scalability, flexibility, and the ability to access resources from anywhere, just to name a few.

Several factors have driven the adoption of cloud computing in businesses. First, the flexibility and scalability offered by the cloud allow businesses to scale their IT resources up or down as needed, making it an ideal solution for businesses with fluctuating demand.

Secondly, the cloud has opened up new possibilities for remote work. With cloud-based applications and data storage, employees can access the resources they need from anywhere, enabling businesses to tap into a global talent pool and allowing employees to work from wherever suits them best.

However, alongside these benefits, the rise of cloud computing has brought new challenges. One of the most significant is managing the costs associated with cloud computing. This is where effective cloud cost management comes in.

The Importance of Cloud Cost Management

Financial Implications

cloud cost management has significant financial implications for businesses. Without effective management, cloud costs can quickly spiral out of control. This is particularly true in a pay-as-you-go model, where costs are based on usage. Without careful oversight, businesses can find themselves paying for resources they don’t need or aren’t using.

Furthermore, cloud cost management can lead to significant savings. By identifying inefficiencies and reducing unnecessary expenditure, businesses can significantly reduce their cloud spend. These savings can then be reinvested in other business areas, driving further growth and innovation.

Business Agility

Effective cloud cost management also contributes to business agility. By understanding your cloud spend and having a strategy in place to control and optimize it, you can respond more quickly to changes in business demand.

For example, if your business experiences a sudden increase in demand, you need to be able to scale up your cloud resources quickly. But if your cloud costs are already high, this could be a financial strain. Effective cloud cost management helps ensure you have the financial flexibility to respond to these changes quickly.

Avoiding Wastage

Cloud cost management is also crucial for avoiding wastage. In a cloud environment, it’s easy for resources to be left idle or underused, leading to unnecessary expenditure.

For instance, you might be paying for storage space that you’re not using or for computing power that’s far beyond your actual needs. With effective cloud cost management, you can identify these areas of wastage and reduce or eliminate them.

Governance and Compliance

Finally, cloud cost management plays a vital role in governance and compliance. By monitoring your cloud usage and spend, you can ensure you’re complying with any relevant regulations and policies.

For instance, you might need to demonstrate that you’re using your resources efficiently or that you’re not overspending on IT. Cloud cost management gives you the data you need to demonstrate this compliance.

5 Tips for Successful Cloud Cost Management

Here are a few ways your business can manage cloud costs more effectively.

1. Regular Monitoring and Analysis

The first tip for successful cloud cost management is regular monitoring and analysis. This process ensures you have a real-time understanding of your cloud usage and costs, enabling you to make data-driven decisions.

Monitoring and analysis should be an ongoing activity, not something you do only at the end of the billing cycle. Regular monitoring allows you to spot trends, identify issues, and take remedial actions before costs spiral out of control. You can use cloud-native tools like Amazon CloudWatch or third-party tools such as for this purpose.

Additionally, analyzing your cloud usage data can provide invaluable insights. For instance, you can identify underutilized resources, detect anomalies that indicate potential security threats, and better understand how your cloud costs are distributed across different services and regions. By making data-driven decisions, you can optimize your cloud spending effectively.

2. Rightsize Cloud Resources

The second tip for successful cloud cost management is to rightsize your cloud resources. Rightsizing involves adjusting your cloud resources to match the demand, ensuring you are not overprovisioning or underprovisioning.

Overprovisioning leads to wasted resources and inflated costs, while underprovisioning can result in poor performance and customer dissatisfaction. Therefore, it’s crucial to strike the right balance. You need to continuously monitor your resource utilization and adjust your resource allocation based on your business needs.

Rightsizing is not a one-time activity. As your business evolves, so do your cloud needs. Therefore, you must periodically review your resource allocation to ensure it aligns with your current requirements. Automation can be a great ally in this task, with tools like AWS Auto Scaling enabling you to adjust your resource allocation dynamically based on real-time demand.

3. Implement Budgets and Spending Alerts

Implementing budgets and spending alerts is the third tip for successful cloud cost management. A budget gives you a clear picture of how much you intend to spend on cloud services while spending alerts notify you when your spending exceeds a predefined threshold.

By implementing budgets, you can control your cloud costs proactively rather than reacting to cost overruns after they occur. It’s also a good practice to allocate budgets for different departments or projects so you can track and control costs at a granular level.

Spending alerts, on the other hand, provide a safety net. They alert you in real-time when your spending exceeds a certain limit, allowing you to take immediate action. You can configure spending alerts for different services, regions, or tags, providing you with detailed visibility into your cloud spending.

4. Optimize Storage and Data Transfer Costs

Optimizing your storage and data transfer costs is the fourth tip for successful cloud cost management. These costs can significantly add up if not managed properly, especially as your cloud usage grows.

You need to choose the right storage class for your data. For instance, if you have infrequently accessed data, you can use a lower-cost storage class like Amazon S3 Glacier. Additionally, you should delete unused or outdated data to free up storage space.

For data transfer, you need to be mindful of the costs associated with transferring data in and out of the cloud. For instance, you can reduce data transfer costs by minimizing the amount of data transferred across regions or out of the cloud. You can also leverage content delivery networks (CDNs) to cache data closer to your users, reducing data transfer costs and improving user experience.

5. Providing Training on Cost-Saving Practices and Tools

The fifth and final tip for successful cloud cost management is to provide training on cost-saving practices and tools. While the previous tips focus on what you as an organization can do, this tip emphasizes the importance of individual actions.

Everyone in your organization who uses the cloud should be aware of the cost implications of their actions. They need to understand how their usage affects the overall cloud costs and what they can do to minimize these costs. This can be achieved through regular training and awareness sessions.

Additionally, they should be familiar with the tools available for cloud cost management. This includes cloud-native and third-party tools that can help them monitor, analyze, control, and optimize cloud costs. By equipping your team with the right knowledge and tools, you can foster a cost-conscious culture in your organization.

Cloud cost management can be complex, but it can be done effectively with the right approach and tools. By regularly monitoring and analyzing your cloud usage, rightsizing your resources, implementing budgets and spending alerts, optimizing storage and data transfer costs, and providing training on cost-saving practices and tools, you can gain control over your cloud costs and maximize the value of your cloud investments.

Featured Image Credit: Google; Thank you!

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Nvidia raises prices for GeForce Now cloud gaming service Sat, 14 Oct 2023 15:49:02 +0000 Highly Effective Teams

Nvidia’s GeForce Now, a popular cloud gaming service, will undergo a price increase, according to a report by 9to5Google. This move […]

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Highly Effective Teams

Nvidia’s GeForce Now, a popular cloud gaming service, will undergo a price increase, according to a report by 9to5Google. This move comes amid the growing demand for cloud gaming platforms and the continuous evolution of the gaming industry.

Understanding the price change

Starting Nov. 1, Nvidia will modify the pricing for its GeForce Now Priority membership, especially for customers transacting with CAD, GBP, EUR, SEK, NOK, DKK, CZK, and PLN. In Canada, the monthly subscription for this service, which was formerly $9.99, will escalate to $13.99. Those selecting the six-month package will see a hike from $49.99 to $69.99. The Ultimate tier isn’t exempt from this change either: one-month subscriptions will rise from $19.99 to $25.99, and six-month plans will leap from $99.99 to $139.99.

It’s worth noting that these changes won’t impact the “Founders for Life” members. Moreover, as of now, these price adjustments won’t affect subscribers in the U.S. or U.K.

Implications for gamers and the industry

The decision to adjust the pricing comes at a time when cloud gaming is witnessing a surge in popularity. Services like GeForce Now allow gamers to play high-end titles without the need for powerful hardware, making gaming more accessible to a broader audience. However, with increased server demands and the continuous push for better performance, companies are facing rising operational costs.

While some users might be taken aback by the sudden price increase, it’s essential to note that Nvidia has been consistently expanding its game library, enhancing server capacities, and improving the overall user experience. These enhancements, while beneficial to gamers, come at a cost, which could be a driving factor behind the revised pricing.

In the ever-adapting domain of cloud gaming, firms like Nvidia persistently aim to harmonize exceptional service delivery with sustainable profitability. Even if price modifications are integral to this evolution, the ultimate goal remains clear: to offer an unmatched gaming journey to a global audience.

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A Beginner’s Guide to QuickBooks Working When Hosted On the Cloud Thu, 12 Oct 2023 21:00:40 +0000 Guide to QuickBooks on the Cloud

Accounting and bookkeeping are crucial parts of any business. They require the right tools in place to make our lives […]

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Guide to QuickBooks on the Cloud

Accounting and bookkeeping are crucial parts of any business. They require the right tools in place to make our lives a whole lot easier. If you had previously handled accounting tasks by manually inputting numbers on paper sheets, you might already feel good about how technology has revolutionized the way we handle our finances.

A significant advancement in the world of accounting software has been the evolution of hosting methods. Traditionally, software like QuickBooks was installed or hosted on local servers, which meant managing financial data on-site, maintaining the infrastructure, and keeping a check on data security. However, with the rise of cloud computing, a new contender – cloud hosting, has entered the ring to offer a whole different ball game.

This blog post will explore the key differences between hosting QuickBooks on a local server and hosting QuickBooks in the cloud. If you haven’t yet introduced cloud technology to your business on a large scale, the information here is highly relevant for you. Let’s start with the basics.

What is QuickBooks Hosting?

QuickBooks hosting refers to the practice of hosting your licensed QuickBooks software on remote third-party cloud servers. Instead of installing QuickBooks on your local server or computer, you host it externally and access it through a secure Internet connection. Here, the hosting service provider does all the heavy lifting related to the infrastructure setup, while you enjoy the benefits of using QuickBooks remotely.

Now, let’s compare it with traditional local hosting –

In the past, when we talked about hosting software, it meant installing the software directly on your own servers or computers. All the data, files, and software were stored and managed on-site. This setup required you to have the necessary infrastructure, including servers, storage, and networking equipment, to handle the software and its associated data.

The key difference between QuickBooks hosting and traditional local hosting lies in where the software and data are stored and managed. With QuickBooks in the cloud, the responsibility of maintaining servers, ensuring security, and managing backups rests with the cloud providers. They take care of the technical aspects while you focus on using the software. On the other hand, traditional local hosting puts the onus on you to handle all these tasks internally.

In a nutshell, QuickBooks hosting offers flexibility, scalability, and the peace of mind that comes with professional server management. Now, let’s find out how QuickBooks cloud accounting is beneficial in the long run in terms of the commonly asked questions.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of QuickBooks Hosting: What is QuickBooks Hosting?

3 Questions You Might Have in Mind About QuickBooks Hosting

Here are three things you might want to know before switching to cloud-hosted QuickBooks:

Is QuickBooks Online Cloud-Based?

QuickBooks Online is indeed a cloud-based accounting solution. It is designed to be accessed and used entirely through a web browser, eliminating the need for local software installation. However, there are differences between QuickBooks Online and QuickBooks hosting, including:

  • Accessibility

QuickBooks Online is entirely web-based, which means you can access your accounting data from anywhere, at any time, using any preferred device. It offers the flexibility to work remotely or collaborate with team members without any geographical limitations. On the other hand, while still cloud-based, QuickBooks hosting requires connecting to a third-party server managed by a cloud provider to access the software and your data.

  • Infrastructure and maintenance

With QuickBooks Online, you don’t need to worry about managing servers or any technical aspects. Intuit, the company behind QuickBooks, handles all the infrastructure, server maintenance, backups, and software updates. In contrast, QuickBooks hosting involves relying on a third-party hosting service to manage your servers, security, backups, and updates.

  • Customizability

QuickBooks Online offers a standardized set of features and functionality that are accessible to all users. While it provides a great range of capabilities for most SMBs, it may have limitations specific to industries or business requirements. QuickBooks hosting, on the other hand, allows more customization and flexibility. Since you have direct access to the server and software, you can install additional plugins and integrate them with QuickBooks.

 How secure is QuickBooks cloud accounting application?

When it comes to maintaining the security of QuickBooks data and software files, QuickBooks in the cloud offers several advantages over traditional hosting methods. Here’s how:

  • Enhanced data protection

QuickBooks data hosted on the cloud is typically stored in highly secure Tier 4+ and Tier 5 data centers that employ advanced security measures. These data centers have robust physical security protocols, including surveillance systems, access controls, and 24/7 monitoring. This provides a higher level of protection compared to traditional hosting, where the responsibility for physical security rests on you.

  • Data encryption

Cloud hosting providers prioritize data encryption to protect your QuickBooks data. This involves encrypting data both during transit (when it’s being transmitted) and at rest (when it’s stored on the servers). Encryption ensures that the data remains unreadable and unusable even if unauthorized individuals gain access.

  • Advanced security measures

Cloud hosting providers like Ace Cloud invest in robust security measures to protect against cyber threats. This includes implementing firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus software to prevent unauthorized access, malware, and other malicious activities. These security measures are often more comprehensive and regularly updated compared to what a small or medium-sized business might be capable of implementing with traditional hosting.

Is QuickBooks hosting a cost-effective solution?

Assume you run a small accounting firm with four-five accountants who need access to QuickBooks software and data. In a traditional hosting setup, you must invest in your own server infrastructure. This includes servers, networking equipment, storage devices, and backup systems. You would also need to hire IT staff or consultants to set up and manage the infrastructure, handle software installations, security configurations, backups, and maintenance.

The costs associated with traditional hosting can quickly add up. Besides this, you have to consider the initial capital expenditure for buying hardware and software licenses, ongoing maintenance and upgrade costs, energy expenses, and the salaries of IT personnel. Moreover, if your business grows and you need to scale up your infrastructure to accommodate more users or data, you’ll have to incur additional costs.

With QuickBooks hosting, you can eliminate the need for a substantial upfront investment in the IT infrastructure. Instead, you can choose a hosting provider specializing in hosting QuickBooks and pay a monthly or annual fee based on the users or resources you require. The hosting provider takes care of managing the servers, hardware maintenance, security, backups, and software updates.

Overall, QuickBooks in the cloud can work much better than in a local-hosted environment. You will only get to know the difference by making the required transition.

Featured Image Credit: Cottonbro Studio; Pexels; Thank you!

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Revolutionizing Cloud Consulting: The Power of AI-Based Services Thu, 12 Oct 2023 16:00:17 +0000 Cloud Consulting

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the synergy of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cloud consulting services is ushering in a […]

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Cloud Consulting

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the synergy of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cloud consulting services is ushering in a transformative era. This article embarks on a comprehensive exploration of this dynamic intersection, delving deep into the far-reaching impact of AI on traditional cloud consulting. We will unravel the multifaceted ways in which Revolutionizing Cloud Consulting, from optimizing efficiency and cost-effectiveness to enhancing security and redefining the trajectory of cloud adoption.

Section 1: The AI Revolution in Cloud Consulting

The integration of AI and cloud consulting represents a monumental shift in how businesses approach cloud technology. AI-powered algorithms and predictive analytics have injected new life into the realm of cloud consulting. This section explores the profound implications of AI in reshaping the field, allowing for data-driven decision-making that yields precise recommendations and elevates performance optimization to unprecedented levels.

Section 2: AI-Enhanced Cost Optimization

Among the most compelling advantages of AI in cloud consulting is its capacity for cost optimization. Machine learning algorithms meticulously scrutinize cloud usage patterns, unveiling opportunities for cost savings with unparalleled accuracy. In this section, we unveil how AI is rewriting the economics of cloud resources, offering actionable insights that enable businesses to achieve economical and sustainable cloud operations.

Section 3: Security Reinvented with AI

Security remains a paramount concern in cloud environments. Here, we delve into how AI is fundamentally reshaping cloud security. AI-driven solutions provide real-time threat detection, anomaly identification, and automated responses, fortifying cloud environments and ensuring robust protection for sensitive data and critical applications.

Section 4: Personalized Cloud Strategies

AI’s remarkable prowess in analyzing extensive datasets drives the development of highly personalized cloud strategies. This section delves into how AI-driven insights empower cloud consultants to tailor recommendations to meet the unique needs of each business. The outcome is the optimization of cloud operations and resource allocation, delivering efficiency gains previously deemed unattainable.

Section 5: Scalability and Performance Boost

AI-powered auto-scaling and performance optimization tools are transforming the scalability and performance of cloud applications. Discover how AI-driven solutions seamlessly adapt to varying workloads, guaranteeing optimal application performance even in the most dynamic of cloud environments.

Section 6: Challenges and Considerations

As with any transformative technology, there are challenges and considerations to navigate. In this section, we delve into potential hurdles when implementing AI-based cloud consulting services. Topics of discussion include data privacy concerns, integration complexities, and the critical importance of aligning AI strategies with overarching business objectives.

Section 7: Future Prospects and Trends

The evolution of AI-based cloud consulting (cloud dot folio3 dot com) is far from reaching its zenith. In this section, we cast our gaze into the future, exploring the prospects and emerging trends in this ever-evolving field. Topics encompass the growing role of AI in multi-cloud management, the integration of AI-powered chatbots in cloud support, and the advent of AI-driven compliance monitoring.


AI-based cloud consulting services epitomize the cutting edge of cloud technology. Embracing AI signifies unearthing a world of possibilities, from unparalleled cost savings to impregnable security. In an era where technological prowess serves as a decisive competitive differentiator, harnessing AI within your cloud strategy becomes tantamount to future-proofing your operations. The Revolutionizing Cloud Consulting is upon us, and it unlocks the gateway to unleash your business’s full potential. Embrace it, and get ready to embark on a transformative journey towards a smarter, more efficient, and more secure cloud future.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Pexels; Thank you!

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Dropbox’s web overhaul: Bridging AI and cloud storage with Dash AI Studio Wed, 11 Oct 2023 21:00:56 +0000 Cloud computing technology. Data information on cloud to backup

Dropbox is making moves in the cloud storage and AI sectors with its latest updates and Dash AI Studio integration. […]

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Cloud computing technology. Data information on cloud to backup

Dropbox is making moves in the cloud storage and AI sectors with its latest updates and Dash AI Studio integration. The company recently announced an overhaul of its web interface to improve user experience and workflows.

Dropbox’s new era of digital workspaces

According to the company’s press release, Dropbox’s vision is to “power the next generation of knowledge work.” The company’s stated goal is to create workspaces where work feels effortless. The integration of Dash AI Studio into the web interface is a significant move toward this goal. This AI-driven feature helps users in managing tasks with greater efficiency, prioritizing user-friendliness, productivity, and team collaboration.

In addition to the Dash AI integration, Dropbox has introduced improvements to existing tools like Dropbox AI and Dropbox Studio. These updates are tailored to offer users a more intuitive experience.

Addressing the challenges of the modern digital workspace, Drew Houston, Dropbox’s co-founder and CEO, said, “People are grappling with information overload and fragmented workflows like never before, resulting in unnecessary ‘work about work.'” He sees AI as a solution to these challenges, automating routine tasks and enhancing overall productivity.

In the competitive realm of cloud storage and collaboration, innovation is key. Industry leaders like Google, Microsoft, and Apple are consistently introducing new features and tools — recently with an AI focus.

Dropbox’s decision to revamp its web interface with Dash AI Studio’s capabilities is indicative of the broader shift toward AI integration in the tech industry. As investments in cloud and AI services continue to pour in, users will watch how companies cater to their needs in order to maintain a competitive edge.

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Continuous Delivery in 2024: 7 Trends to Watch Mon, 25 Sep 2023 14:00:10 +0000 Continuous Delivery

Continuous delivery (CD) is an essential software development practice involving frequent, automated deployment of software changes to production environments. It […]

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Continuous Delivery

Continuous delivery (CD) is an essential software development practice involving frequent, automated deployment of software changes to production environments. It is a methodology that extensively uses test automation, seeking to make the release of new features and bug fixes a routine activity and reducing the risk and time involved in software delivery. The goal of CD is to enable a constant flow of changes into production via an automated software production line.

Essentially, the CD is about automation and monitoring. It’s about removing manual bottlenecks in the software delivery process and making sure that if something goes wrong, the team knows about it immediately. The aim is to make software releases boring and non-eventful, allowing software teams to focus on what really matters: delivering value to the customer.

Why Is It Important to Stay Updated With CD Trends?

In the rapidly changing world of software development, staying up-to-date with the latest advancements in Continuous Delivery is critical. Here are a few reasons why you should learn about and adopt the latest Continuous Delivery technology and practices.

Make Software Release Cycles Even Faster

The core purpose of Continuous Delivery is to speed up software release cycles, making them more efficient and reliable. As new tools and practices emerge, these cycles can be completed even quicker, delivering features and bug fixes to customers more rapidly. Staying updated with the latest trends ensures your organization can leverage new techniques and technologies to keep this cycle as streamlined as possible.

Achieve Competitive Advantage

A slow release cycle can be a critical disadvantage in today’s fast-paced software development environment. Companies that are agile and can quickly respond to customer needs are often the ones that succeed. Adopting the latest Continuous Delivery practices and technologies can give you a substantial edge over competitors who are slower to adapt.

Adapt to Technological Shifts

Technological advancements can introduce both new opportunities and challenges. Being informed about trends in Continuous Delivery can prepare you for changes in associated technologies, such as containerization, serverless computing, or advancements in AI and machine learning. This helps your organization adapt more smoothly to the changing technological landscape, mitigating risks and leveraging new opportunities.

Continuous Delivery Trends to Watch For in 2024

The world of software development is perpetually evolving, and Continuous Delivery is no exception. In the next few years, we’re likely to see several significant trends emerge that will reshape the landscape of Continuous Delivery. Let’s delve into these trends.

1. AI-Driven CD Pipelines

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to permeate various sectors, it is also set to overhaul the CD pipeline. AI-driven CD pipelines can predict potential issues, identify bottlenecks, and suggest solutions even before developers become aware of them. This proactivity will drastically reduce the time spent on troubleshooting and debugging, accelerating the deployment process.

Furthermore, AI can automate many routine tasks in the CD pipeline, such as code reviews, testing, and environment setup. This will free developers to focus on more complex tasks, fostering innovation and efficiency. AI is poised to play a pivotal role in the evolution of Continuous Delivery in 2024.

2. Shift to “Everything as Code”

Another key trend to observe is the shift towards “Everything as Code.” This concept pertains to managing all aspects of the software delivery process, including infrastructure, configuration, security, and even data, in a codified manner. This transition is expected to streamline the software development process and foster better collaboration among development, operations, and security teams.

By treating everything as code, teams can leverage version control systems to manage changes, audit trails, and rollback capabilities. This approach will also facilitate automation and ensure consistency across different environments.

3. Comprehensive Security Integration

Security can no longer be an afterthought in the software delivery process. With the increasing prevalence of cyber threats, there is a growing emphasis on integrating security measures within the CD pipeline. This practice, often called DevSecOps, ensures that security is considered at every software development and deployment stage.

In the coming years, we can expect to see more sophisticated and comprehensive security integration in CD pipelines. This will entail automated security checks, vulnerability scanning, and threat modeling as part of the deployment process. Such measures will bolster applications’ security and foster a culture of security within development teams.

4. Enhanced Monitoring and Observability

Monitoring and observability are essential facets of Continuous Delivery. They provide insights into the performance of applications and the health of the CD pipeline. As we move towards 2024, we can anticipate significant enhancements in this area.

Advanced monitoring tools will offer real-time visibility into the CD pipeline, enabling teams to identify and rectify issues promptly. Moreover, these tools will provide granular insights into application performance, user behavior, and system health. On the other hand, improved observability will facilitate a better understanding of the system’s internal state based on its external outputs.

5. Sustainability and Green CI/CD Practices

Growing environmental concerns have led to a shift towards sustainability in various sectors and software development is no exception. Green CI/CD practices, which aim to reduce the environmental impact of software delivery processes, are likely to gain traction in the coming years.

These practices may include energy-efficient coding, carbon-neutral hosting, and using renewable energy in data centers. By adopting such practices, organizations can reduce their carbon footprint and enhance their reputation as responsible corporate citizens.

6. Seamless Multi-Cloud Deployment

In 2024, we can expect to see more robust and versatile CD tools that facilitate seamless deployment across various cloud providers. These tools will offer features such as multi-cloud compatibility, automated environment provisioning, and configuration management. This will enable organizations to leverage the best features of different cloud providers and ensure optimal performance of their applications.

7. CD in Edge Computing

Edge computing, which entails processing data near its source, is another area where we can anticipate significant advancements in Continuous Delivery. As more devices connect to the internet, the need for rapid, localized data processing and analysis is becoming more important.

CD in edge computing will involve deploying updates and new features to edge devices swiftly and efficiently. This will entail unique challenges such as managing many devices, ensuring security, and handling intermittent connectivity. However, with the advent of sophisticated CD tools and practices, we will likely see effective solutions to these challenges in 2024.


In conclusion, the landscape of Continuous Delivery in 2024 will be markedly different from what it is today. With advancements in AI, the shift to “Everything as Code,” comprehensive security integration, enhanced monitoring and observability, green CI/CD practices, multi-cloud deployment, and CD in edge computing, the future of CD promises to be exciting and transformative. As we navigate these changes, it’s imperative to stay abreast of the latest trends and continually adapt our practices to stay ahead of the curve.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; freepik; Thank you!

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Amazon bets big on OpenAI competitor Anthropic Mon, 25 Sep 2023 10:22:19 +0000 Save Thousands on Amazon HC2 Hosting

In an effort to remain competitive with Microsoft and Google in the artificial intelligence space and capitalize on generative AI, […]

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Save Thousands on Amazon HC2 Hosting

In an effort to remain competitive with Microsoft and Google in the artificial intelligence space and capitalize on generative AI, Amazon will invest up to $4 billion in Anthropic and take a minority ownership position in the AI firm.

Anthropic, which recently released a new AI chatbot called Claude 2, is an OpenAI competitor founded by former research executives from the ChatGPT creator. It is backed by Google and Salesforce Ventures, among others.

Amazon and Anthropic shared that they are forming a strategic collaboration in the generative AI space, with the startup unsurprisingly tapping Amazon Web Services as its primary cloud provider. AWS customers will receive early access to special features for customizing models — such as the ability to build via Amazon Bedrock.

“The agreement is part of a broader collaboration to develop the most reliable and high-performing foundation models in the industry,” the companies said in an official announcement.

AWS will design custom-made semiconductors to train the foundational models — large AI models developed using massive amounts of data — of Anthropic’s AI applications. The semiconductors may compete with Nvidia’s flagship AI-focused graphics processing units.

Amazon’s investment in the Anthropic follows Microsoft’s multi-billion dollar investment in OpenAI in January.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Karolina Grabowska; Pexels; Thank you!

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File Systems in the Cloud: AWS EFS vs. Azure File Storage Thu, 14 Sep 2023 15:00:45 +0000 File Systems in the Cloud

The advent of cloud computing has significantly changed the landscape of how we store, manage, and interact with our data. […]

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File Systems in the Cloud

The advent of cloud computing has significantly changed the landscape of how we store, manage, and interact with our data. Introducing file systems fully hosted in the cloud has only enhanced this shift, providing a reliable and scalable way for users to manage their digital assets.

Among the options available, Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) Elastic File System (EFS) and Microsoft’s Azure File Storage have emerged as two leading services, each providing unique features tailored to different needs. This article aims to explore these two systems, giving an in-depth comparison to help you understand their characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages and ultimately assist you in deciding which service best fits your organization’s needs.

What Are File Systems in the Cloud?

File Systems in the Cloud are data management structures that allow users to store, organize, and retrieve data in a cloud-based environment. They play a crucial role in ensuring the seamless operation of cloud services, facilitating everything from data security to scalability.

These systems have become increasingly popular due to the rapid growth of cloud computing. They offer a variety of benefits including high availability, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Moreover, they allow users to access data from anywhere at any time, which is essential in today’s highly mobile and interconnected world.

5 Reasons Cloud-Based File Systems Are Critical for Modern Organizations


One of the primary benefits that cloud file systems lend to organizations is their scalability and flexibility. Traditional, on-premise file systems have a limit to their capacity. In contrast, cloud file systems can be easily scaled up or down depending on the needs of the business. This scalability is particularly beneficial for businesses that experience peaks and troughs in demand, allowing them to use resources more efficiently.

Accessibility and Collaboration

The second reason why cloud-based file systems are critical for modern organizations is their ability to facilitate accessibility and collaboration. With a cloud file system, users can access their files from anywhere, at any time, and on any device with an internet connection. This feature enhances the convenience and productivity of employees, as they can work on their tasks regardless of their physical location.

Enhanced Data Security and Compliance

Data security is a top concern for any business, and cloud file systems address this concern. Cloud providers typically have robust security measures in place, including encryption, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits. These measures ensure that the data stored in the cloud is secure from internal and external threats.

In addition to security, cloud file systems also offer enhanced compliance. Major cloud providers are compliant with various industry regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS. This compliance is particularly beneficial for businesses operating in regulated industries, as it saves them the time and effort to ensure compliance themselves.

Economic Efficiency

Traditional, on-premise file systems require a significant upfront investment in hardware and software. On the other hand, cloud databases operate on a pay-as-you-go model, where businesses only pay for the resources they use.

This pricing model reduces the upfront investment and allows businesses to predict their costs more accurately. As the usage of resources can be monitored in real-time, businesses can adjust their usage to match their budget. Furthermore, as the provider handles the maintenance and updates of the cloud database, businesses can save on the costs associated with these tasks.

Environmentally Friendly

Traditional file systems deployed on-premises require a physical location for storage, resulting in a significant carbon footprint. However, cloud file systems are virtual and therefore have a much smaller environmental impact. Cloud providers often use energy-efficient technologies in their data centers, further reducing their carbon footprint. Some providers even use renewable energy sources, making their operations even more sustainable.

Understanding AWS EFS and its Features

AWS EFS is a scalable and elastic NFS file system for Linux-based workloads. It is designed to provide massively parallel shared access to thousands of Amazon EC2 instances, enabling your applications to achieve high aggregate throughput and IOPS levels with consistent low latencies.

One of the key features of AWS EFS is its automatic scaling. This means it can instantly grow and shrink as files are added and removed, so you don’t need to provision storage in advance. Additionally, EFS is designed to be highly durable and available. It automatically replicates your files across multiple Availability Zones for superior redundancy.

On the security front, AWS EFS offers multiple layers of protection for your data, including encryption at rest and in transit, IAM roles, security groups, VPC security zones, and the AWS Key Management Service. This ensures that your data is well protected against potential threats.

Understanding Azure File Storage and its Features

On the other hand, Azure File Storage is a Microsoft cloud service that provides robust and secure file shares in the cloud. It’s designed for Windows Server use and is accessible via the industry standard Server Message Block (SMB) protocol.

One of the standout features of Azure File Storage is its seamless integration with on-premises deployments. This makes it an ideal choice for hybrid cloud environments, where you want to leverage the benefits of both local and cloud storage.

Like AWS EFS, Azure File Storage also provides strong data protection features, including rest and transit encryption, and integration with Azure role-based access control (RBAC). Additionally, it offers point-in-time restore capability, enabling you to easily recover files or entire shares to a previous state.

AWS EFS vs. Azure File Storage: Head to Head [SQ]

1. Performance

When it comes to performance, AWS EFS and Azure File Storage each present unique advantages. AWS EFS leverages the high I/O performance of SSDs, offering fast, consistent file operations. It also provides automatic bursting capabilities, which means the system can handle sudden surges in traffic without compromising performance.

On the other hand, Azure File Storage boasts a robust caching system that accelerates file access. It also offers a premium tier that utilizes SSDs for superior performance. However, unlike AWS EFS, Azure File Storage doesn’t provide automatic bursting capabilities.

2. Scalability

Scalability is another critical factor to consider when comparing AWS EFS and Azure File Storage. Here, both systems shine in their ways. AWS EFS is designed to scale automatically, adapting to growing or shrinking workloads without any intervention. This means you can easily handle large volumes of data without worrying about storage capacity.

Azure File Storage also offers excellent scalability, with the ability to scale up to 100 TB per share. However, unlike AWS EFS, it requires manual scaling, which can be a bit more complex and time-consuming.

3. Security

In terms of security, both AWS EFS and Azure File Storage offer robust security measures. AWS EFS provides automatic encryption at rest and in transit, offering layered security for your data. It also supports IAM roles and security groups, allowing for granular access control.

On the other hand, Azure File Storage also provides encryption at rest and in transit. It supports Azure Active Directory integration, enabling more refined access control. Additionally, it offers advanced threat protection, which helps identify and mitigate potential risks.

4. Pricing

Finally, let’s talk about pricing. AWS EFS charges based on the amount of data stored, with no additional data transfer or request costs. It also offers a lifecycle management feature that automatically moves infrequently accessed files to a lower-cost storage class, helping to optimize costs.

Azure File Storage, in contrast, charges based on the total amount of data stored and the number of operations performed. It also offers a cool storage tier for infrequently accessed files, which comes at a lower cost. However, data retrieval from the cool storage tier incurs additional charges.

How to Choose Between AWS EFS and Azure File Storage

Choosing between AWS EFS and Azure File Storage ultimately depends on your specific needs and environment. If you’re working with Linux-based workloads and need high levels of aggregate throughput, AWS EFS may be the better choice. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a solution that integrates seamlessly with Windows Server and on-premises deployments, Azure File Storage could be more suitable.

Moreover, it’s also important to consider factors like security requirements, scalability needs, and budget constraints. Be sure to thoroughly evaluate each service’s features and pricing to make an informed decision.

What Does the Future Hold for Cloud-Based File Systems?

As we continue to move towards a more digitized world, the demand for cloud-based file systems is expected to grow exponentially. This growth is fueled by the increasing need for reliable, scalable, and cost-effective data management solutions that can handle the massive volumes of data generated every day.

One trend to watch is the increasing integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) capabilities into cloud-based file systems. These technologies can help automate data management tasks, improve data analytics, and provide predictive insights, making it easier for organizations to extract value from their data.

Further advancements in security measures are also anticipated in response to the growing cybersecurity threats. These enhancements will likely involve more sophisticated encryption techniques and tighter access control mechanisms, providing even stronger protection for sensitive data.

Another promising development is the continued evolution of hybrid and multi-cloud strategies. As organizations look to leverage the strengths of different cloud providers, file systems that can seamlessly integrate with multiple cloud environments will become increasingly important.

Lastly, we might witness the rise of more file systems tailored for specific applications or industries. These specialized file systems could offer unique features or optimizations designed to meet the specific needs of different fields, such as healthcare, finance, or entertainment.

In conclusion, the future of cloud-based file systems appears to be full of exciting possibilities. As technology advances, AWS EFS, Azure File Storage, and other similar services are poised to offer even more powerful and flexible cloud data management solutions.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Thank you!

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5 Cloud Cost Optimization Mistakes and How to Avoid Them Mon, 11 Sep 2023 19:00:39 +0000 Cloud Cost Optimization

Cloud cost optimization refers to the process of minimizing an organization’s overall cloud spend by identifying mismanaged resources, eliminating waste, […]

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Cloud Cost Optimization

Cloud cost optimization refers to the process of minimizing an organization’s overall cloud spend by identifying mismanaged resources, eliminating waste, reserving capacity for higher discounts, and maximizing the efficiency of cloud usage. It’s not just about cutting costs; it’s about spending smarter and deriving maximum value from your cloud investments.

The process involves a thorough understanding of where your spending is going, analyzing your usage patterns, and making informed decisions about what changes need to be made. This could be anything from shutting down unused instances, right-sizing instances to match the workload, or identifying cheaper regions or instances to use. It’s a continuous process, requiring regular reviews and adjustments as your business needs and the cloud environment evolve.

Cloud cost optimization is a key component of effective cloud management. Because it’s so crucial — mistakes made when estimating or managing cloud costs can be catastrophic for a business. In this article, we’ll explain the importance of cloud cost optimization and review five errors that can cause problems and how to avoid them.

Importance of Cloud Cost Optimization

Financial Efficiency and Cost Savings

The most obvious benefit of cloud cost optimization is cost savings. By identifying and eliminating waste, businesses can reduce their cloud spend considerably. However, the benefits go beyond just reducing costs. The aim is to achieve financial efficiency, where every dollar spent on the cloud is driving as much value as possible for the business.

Financial efficiency also involves understanding the cost implications of different cloud deployments and making informed decisions that balance cost and performance. This can lead to significant savings in the long run, as well as better resource allocation and improved business performance.

Enhanced Business Agility

Cloud cost optimization also enhances business agility. By understanding your cloud usage and costs, you can make quicker, more informed decisions about your cloud strategy. This agility allows you to respond more effectively to changes in the business environment and make the most of new opportunities.

Furthermore, with the cost savings achieved through optimization, businesses can reinvest in areas that drive growth and innovation. This could be anything from launching new products, entering new markets, or investing in research and development. This enhanced agility is a significant competitive advantage in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Improved Resource Utilization

Another key benefit of cloud cost optimization is improved resource utilization. By identifying underused resources, you can ensure that you’re getting the most out of your cloud investments.

Improved resource utilization can lead to better performance, as resources are not wasted on underused or unnecessary instances. It also helps in capacity planning, as you better understand your usage patterns and can make more accurate forecasts and allocations.

Governance and Compliance

Lastly, cloud cost optimization plays a crucial role in governance and compliance. With cloud services, it’s easy for costs to spiral out of control if not properly managed. This can lead to issues with budget compliance and even financial reporting.

By implementing effective cloud cost optimization strategies, businesses can ensure that they stay within budget and comply with financial regulations. This reduces the risk of financial penalties and improves the organization’s transparency and accountability.

5 Cloud Cost Optimization Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Here are a few mistakes that can have disastrous consequences for businesses that invest significant resources in the cloud and what you can do to avoid them.

Not Monitoring and Analyzing Cloud Spending

One of the biggest mistakes in cloud cost optimization is the lack of consistent monitoring and analysis of cloud spending. Without a clear understanding of where your money is going, making informed decisions about optimizing costs is impossible.

To avoid this mistake, create a comprehensive inventory of all your cloud resources. This should include details such as instance types, storage volumes, data transfer costs, and any other services you use. Next, implement a system for tracking these costs over time. Many cloud providers offer built-in tools for this, but third-party solutions are also available.

Remember, the goal of monitoring and analyzing your cloud spending isn’t just to get a snapshot of your current costs. It’s about identifying trends, understanding the factors driving your expenses, and making proactive decisions to optimize your spending.

Overprovisioning Resources

In an on-premises environment, providing resources based on peak demand is common to avoid performance issues. However, in the cloud, this approach can lead to significant waste.

The beauty of cloud computing is its elasticity – you can scale resources up and down as needed. To take advantage of this, you need to understand your workloads and their requirements well. This involves monitoring usage patterns and adjusting your provisioned resources accordingly.

Again, many cloud providers offer tools to help with this. For example, AWS’s Trusted Advisor recommends optimizing resources based on your usage patterns. By following these recommendations, you can avoid overprovisioning and save significantly on your cloud costs.

Neglecting Unused or Orphaned Resources

Just like a physical workspace can accumulate clutter over time, so can your cloud environment. Unused or orphaned resources, such as unattached storage volumes or idle virtual machines, can add up to substantial costs over time.

The solution to this is regular housekeeping. Make it a habit to review your cloud environment regularly and clean up any resources that are no longer needed. This not only reduces costs but also helps to keep your environment organized and efficient.

Keep in mind that this isn’t just about deleting resources. In some cases, resources may be underutilized rather than completely unused. In such cases, downsizing or consolidating these resources can lead to cost savings.

Ignoring Reserved Instances or Savings Plans

One of the most effective ways to optimize cloud costs is to take advantage of reserved instances or savings plans. These are offerings from cloud providers that allow you to commit to a certain level of usage in exchange for discounted rates.

Yet, many businesses shy away from these offerings due to a lack of understanding or fear of being locked into a long-term commitment. While it’s true that these commitments require careful planning, the cost savings can be substantial.

To make the most of reserved instances or savings plans, start by identifying steady-state workloads that are likely to run continuously for a long period. Then, compare the costs of running these workloads on demand versus under a reserved instance or savings plan. In most cases, you’ll find that the latter option offers significant savings.

Ignoring Regional Pricing Differences

The last mistake we’ll highlight is the lack of awareness of regional pricing differences. Cloud providers often have different pricing for their services in other regions. By strategically choosing where to deploy your resources, you can take advantage of these price differences and achieve significant savings.

While this may sound daunting, it’s easier than you might think. Many cloud providers offer pricing calculators that can help you compare costs across regions. By using these tools and taking the time to understand the pricing structure, you can make informed decisions that optimize your cloud costs.


Cloud cost optimization isn’t just about cutting costs. It’s about maximizing your cloud investment and unlocking its full potential. By avoiding the common mistakes outlined above, you can ensure your cloud journey is cost-effective, strategic, and value-driven.

Remember, cloud cost optimization is a continuous process. It requires regular monitoring, analysis, and adjustment. But the effort is well worth it. With careful planning and proactive management, you can transform cloud cost optimization from a challenge into an opportunity for growth and innovation.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author;; Thank you!

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Automated Threat Hunting: How AI Can Help Businesses Spot Shady Network Activity Thu, 31 Aug 2023 17:34:51 +0000 woman on two computers; network activity AI solutions

The global artificial intelligence market is growing by leaps and bounds. It is expected to increase twentyfold by the end […]

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woman on two computers; network activity AI solutions

The global artificial intelligence market is growing by leaps and bounds. It is expected to increase twentyfold by the end of this decade, valuing it at just under two trillion U.S. dollars, up from its current valuation of almost 100 billion U.S. dollars. It is revolutionizing how businesses approach cybersecurity strategies, empowering them to identify, stop, and combat threats faster than ever. The continuous development of the technological landscape brings with it security concerns and hazards in network activity – a high cost of evolution that businesses must pay.

Organizations managing large amounts of data and those lacking a solid cybersecurity profile are most susceptible to malicious attacks and bad actors entering their gates. However, as the world takes steps towards AI cybersecurity solutions that help them manage attacks and threats in network activity, negative system participants must keep up with the rapid progress. The better-prepared businesses are to welcome AI into their everyday operations, the lower their vulnerability to the wide range of cyber threats and attacks. Data breaches, which saw a 1% decrease in number in 2022 compared to 2021, may continue following this downward trend. An IBM report reveals that companies taking advantage of AI and automation contributed to a decline in worldwide data breach costs of almost $1.8 million.

AI is no longer a buzzword or something to wrap your head around. Prevention is better than cure, and AI solutions help businesses address cybersecurity challenges by assisting them in identifying network anomalies before they escalate into full-blown security breaches. But how is this possible?

woman on two computers; network activity AI solutions

Tackling cloud misconfigurations

Misconfigurations in the cloud represent anything that counts as a failure, error, gap, or glitch during cloud-product usage. Examples include but are not limited to hacks, security breaches, insider threats, ransomware, and other entry points into a network. This is a sector where AI is massively necessitated because these types of vulnerabilities were found to take a significant chunk out of organizations’ profits, accounting for 82% of data breaches and costing businesses an average of $4.45 million yearly.

Cloud security breaches are common even among giant corporations, demonstrating that data management and security must be proactively approached. Facebook, for instance, went through a cloud security breach in 2019 that wasn’t exposed until 2021, when the company made the incident public. The details involved ranged from user names and phone numbers to email addresses, and the platform’s reputation was severely tainted.

Detecting a data breach can take a long time, and victims may not be notified right away or even never find out about the incident. In other situations, victims may be made aware their identity was stolen and potentially suffer wide-ranging repercussions. While this is by no means an easy thought to confront, victims can find comfort in claiming compensation from the party that mismanaged their data. More information about how victims can make data breach claims against a company can be learned at

Needless to say, AI’s capacity to continuously learn and recall can improve the cloud environment by finding patterns and conducting analysis based on collected data. Another way it can address vulnerabilities is by making corrective suggestions, exposing threats, and acting as a barrier to their intrusion. Dubious activity can be spotted and stopped in its tracks, as you’ll further discover.

Machine learning models designed to identify suspicious activity

Machine learning models are among the most effective solutions for identifying fraud in network activity through various algorithms. There are two approaches involved: the supervised and unsupervised models. The former can help spot anomalies in the network through three techniques: Random Forest, Logistic Regression, and Decision Tree.

The former algorithm from the enumeration improves scalability, robustness, and accuracy in data interpretation. Logistic Regression is another helpful tool. It has predictive capacities and examines the relationship between different variables to assess the parameters of logistic models. The latter is helpful for both regression and classification models. Plus, it is used to make projections depending on how other questions were previously answered.

On the other hand, the unsupervised model refers to trends and patterns in raw datasets. Additionally, it is used when there are vast amounts of data to process. As the name suggests, solution developers are spared from the need to monitor the model because it can function independently and track unidentified data and patterns.

AI makes use of historical data to understand patterns

The capacity of AI tools to grasp context helps pinpoint trends and patterns in previous fraudulent transactions. AI assists administrators in finding solutions by exposing how different malicious activities have emerged and solutions in the past. By assessing recorded historical data it boosts the prevention process in the future.

Here’s an example of a company that uses AI for its potential to identify patterns. The giant GPU producer NVIDIA utilizes deep learning and pattern recognition to design and create products. These can include robotics and cars with high task efficiency. Deep learning, a subsector of machine learning, is recognized as one of the groundbreaking technological discoveries of the decade. It has at its core artificial neural networks to complete extensive equations. Many sectors use this machine learning model, from agriculture to healthcare to financial services. Take the former category, for instance. Deep learning monitors satellite images and weather conditions, discovers soil diseases, enhances resource management strategies, and ultimately improves crop quality.

All in all, AI is reshaping the cybersecurity landscape with its anomaly-spotting powers.

As the technological landscape expands, more and more AI solutions are expected to emerge. We are, for instance, already living in a cloudy world driven by cloud computing, which facilitates business data storage and access. This accessibility expedites businesses’ switch to automation. And it opens the door to more malicious actors hunting companies’ and people’s data to compromise it. Therefore, this area is anticipated to be improved by AI capabilities.

With the ability to self-train, adjust, and identify risks in real-time, AI-backed tools can reduce exposure to ever-sophisticating cybersecurity threats in network activity.

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6 Steps to Implementing Cloud Security Automation Fri, 25 Aug 2023 18:00:29 +0000 Implement cloud security automation

Cloud security automation is crucial for protecting your team’s cloud environment from today’s ever-changing threat landscape. Automating security protocols can […]

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Implement cloud security automation

Cloud security automation is crucial for protecting your team’s cloud environment from today’s ever-changing threat landscape. Automating security protocols can be overwhelming — especially if your team is new to cybersecurity. Luckily, a straightforward six-step process can take you from default security protocols to a customized, automated cloud security framework.

1. Evaluation and Risk Assessment

The first step to automate cloud security is a thorough evaluation and risk assessment. Before automating anything, you need to understand how your cloud environment is running. This first stage will identify key automation opportunities, highlighting vulnerabilities and risk factors. That data will be the foundation of your cloud security automation strategy.

Suppose you or your organization have not run a cybersecurity risk assessment before. In that case, a basic five-step approach can prevent confusion. While the risk assessment should include all the organization’s systems, prioritize cloud-related data and infrastructure. Keep in mind an app can be highly secure and still be high risk.

A risk assessment should highlight the threats facing your organization’s most important data, apps, systems, and infrastructure. Cybersecurity risk rankings indicate what could occur in the case of compromise. Ideally, all high-risk systems and data are highly protected. Take note whenever the risk assessment reveals something is both high risk and highly vulnerable.

At this stage, it’s also important to establish your organization’s goals for cloud security. After thoroughly reviewing the risk assessment results, pinpoint a few measurable areas for improvement. For example, you may want to automate some system updates using scripting or implement an automated API security scanner.

These targets will be the foundation of your cloud security automation strategy. It may even be helpful to rank a few goals from highest to lowest priority. This will provide a starting point for your team to focus on as you begin implementing automated cloud security solutions.

2. Expand Cloud Visibility

A crucial part of effective cybersecurity is visibility, but it can be easy to miss things in a cloud environment due to its dispersed nature. Securing the cloud effectively requires expanding your visibility of your cloud resources.

During the risk assessment stage, you may have even stumbled on risks or opportunities you didn’t realize you had. Those are signs you need to improve your visibility of your cloud environment. Building out a cloud asset management platform can pool all your cloud resources into one hub where you can keep an eye on things.

A cloud asset management platform acts as a control center for your cloud environment. It includes all the devices, apps, services, servers, and systems running in your cloud environment — and any critical data, such as usage statistics.

Remember to include physical devices in your management platform. It’s easy to concentrate on software when working with the cloud, but an increasing number of cloud systems rely on input from physical technologies. Those same devices may depend on the cloud to operate correctly.

A great example of this is IoT appliances. These devices are great for automating data collection from sensors, but they are also highly vulnerable to DDoS attacks and often suffer from poor visibility. IoT devices have notoriously weak default security parameters, as well. As a result, it is crucial to have high visibility of IoT devices’ activity and connections to ensure tight security.

Many pre-built cloud asset management platforms are available today, although building your own is possible. However, check with your cloud provider before purchasing or building a management platform. Some may offer one with your subscription, or have a partnership or discount available for 3rd party management platforms.

3. Automated Cloud Security Basics

Once you have a clear understanding of the principal risks and priorities in your cloud environment and a way of monitoring all of it, you can begin implementing automation. It is often a good idea to start with basic automated cloud security measures. This includes automation that covers high-risk gaps and establishes a minimum security level for the whole cloud environment.

For example, every cloud environment should utilize encryption, which most of today’s leading cloud providers offer some level of. You should encrypt your cloud data in three stages (  — transit, rest, and in-use. This protects your data from unauthorized use, even if it is somehow intercepted or compromised at any stage.

The encryption does not automate any processes but ensures data is safe as it moves through your cloud environment. This allows you to implement automated strategies with less anxiety about potentially putting your data at risk.

Automated cloud data backups are another crucial security measure to implement. Data backups to the cloud are becoming more common today, but you can also back up data already in the cloud. Automating regular backups is a crucial part of any disaster recovery plan, including natural disasters and cyber-attacks.

The cloud is more resilient to natural disasters than on-prem servers, but accidents can still happen. Whether it’s the result of a cyber-attack or an unfortunate accident, losing crucial data causes about 60% of small businesses to go under within six months of the loss. So, ensure your cloud data is backed up in a different server location than the data center your cloud resources usually run from. You could even store backups in on-premises data storage. The important part is to make sure backups are happening autonomously at scheduled intervals.

Access control is the third must-have protocol to implement before automating security on a larger scale. It is all too easy for unauthorized users to move through cloud environments since they are dispersed and untethered to physical devices. Effective access control automates the process of denying access to unauthorized users and accounts.

4. Implement Case-Specific Cloud Security Automation

Now that some basic cloud security measures are in place, you can automate more complex processes. At this stage, refer to the goals you established in the first step of the cloud security automation process. Use those aims to identify what you want to automate first, and focus on one or two new integrations at a time.

In this stage, your team will automate higher-risk, more complex security protocols beyond the basics. Each organization’s cloud security automation strategy will differ significantly depending on your unique risk factors and cloud environment.

For example, your team might use a lot of APIs in your workflows. APIs are great for getting different apps and services to work well together but can also be big security risks. Luckily, you can automate API security scans to verify that the tools your team is using are trustworthy. Workload security scans can also be automated.

Similarly, you can use MFA and 2FA to automate identity verification and strengthen your access control. Scripting is another excellent cloud security automation tool to try out. Scripting can automate repetitive security processes like configuration or server updates.

Certain circumstances may also warrant unique cloud security automation tactics. For example, if some of your team members work remotely, you face unique cloud security risks. Muli-factor authentication and automated security updates using scripting will be especially helpful in this situation.

What if you want to automate specific processes on some cloud applications but not others? In this case, you can separate your cloud environment into isolated segments. You don’t need a private cloud to do this, either. You can use a hypervisor to create a remote server in any cloud environment, even shared public clouds.

A virtual private server allows you to customize the security protocols of different chunks of your cloud environment. In fact, segmenting your cloud resources can even improve cybersecurity. It prevents bad actors from gaining complete access to your cloud resources and limits the potential blast radius of a cyber attack.

5. Integrate Automated Threat Monitoring

Threat monitoring is a critical component of any cloud security automation strategy. Automating this is a high-risk process, so it is best to implement automated threat monitoring without any distractions. When trusting an AI to key an eye on your cloud environment, you must dedicate time and effort to ensuring you use a trustworthy algorithm.

Many organizations are diving into AI tools today, including cybersecurity algorithms. Running AI in the cloud allows you to use those tools without intensive on-prem computing resources. AI can be helpful for employees, customers, maintenance, security, and more, but it does come with some risks.

For example, poorly trained AI models can suffer from outdated data, compromised data, or even data bias. Researching an AI model and its developer carefully is crucial before investing in any AI security tools. Look for an algorithm trained on a large data set that gets updates regularly. Timely updates are vital for preventing zero-day attacks.

Schedule a pilot program once you identify an AI threat monitoring program that fits your cloud environment well. There are many ways to go about this. For instance, you could automate threat monitoring in one segment of your cloud environment and continue manual monitoring in others. Closely track and analyze the algorithm’s performance during this testing stage.

You can integrate AI into your cloud environment if it is more effective than manual monitoring. If the algorithm’s performance is disappointing, don’t be afraid to try out other AI threat monitoring tools. Take your time to find the model that gives your cloud resources the best protection possible.

6. Track, Evaluate, and Adjust

Each time you integrate a new automated cloud security measure, carefully track and evaluate its performance. Ideally, automated tools will save time and catch more suspicious activity. If something is hurting the network or simply not practical, take time to adjust it or replace it with a different automated security tool.

Automating security in the cloud is an ongoing process. It requires regular check-up sessions to evaluate success and identify what needs updating. Remember — the cloud threat landscape is always changing. Some automation solutions may eventually go out of date or become obsolete. Carefully monitor security news and emerging threats, and analyze your automation strategy for ways to stay ahead of hackers.

Automating Security in the Cloud

As more and more operations, businesses, tools, and computing environments move to the cloud, building resilient cloud security is increasingly important. You can use these six steps to go from zero cloud security to a robust and flexible automated cloud security system. Continuous improvement is critical to adapting to emerging threats, so repeat this process periodically and closely monitor automated security performance.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Ola Dapo; Pexels; Thank you!

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KPMG to Invest $2 Billion in Cloud and AI Services Fri, 14 Jul 2023 18:37:47 +0000 KPMG Building

KPMG, a worldwide leader in professional services, has formed a multi-year alliance with Microsoft to modernize its workforce practices, strengthen […]

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KPMG Building

KPMG, a worldwide leader in professional services, has formed a multi-year alliance with Microsoft to modernize its workforce practices, strengthen its development, and incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) solutions into its offerings. KPMG will invest $2 billion in Microsoft Cloud and AI services over the next five years as part of this partnership.

KPMG and Microsoft have joined forces to streamline client engagement across the audit, tax, and advisory industries by putting the power of the Microsoft Cloud and the Azure OpenAI Service to use. The 265,000 professionals who make up KPMG’s global workforce will have more freedom to innovate, move more quickly through analysis, and focus on providing strategic guidance.

Through workforce transformation, secure development practices, and the incorporation of AI solutions, the partnership aims to modernize KPMG’s professional services. Both companies are dedicated to ethically deploying cutting-edge AI and cloud services.

KPMG’s global lead partner for Microsoft, Cherie Gartner, recently spoke about how the Microsoft Cloud and Azure OpenAI Service capabilities will allow their teams to assist clients in navigating the rapidly developing AI landscape and resolving their most pressing problems. KPMG stands to gain an incremental growth opportunity of over $12 billion through this partnership.

With the KPMG Clara smart audit platform, KPMG intends to incorporate data analytics, AI, and Azure Cognitive Services into its audit procedure. KPMG’s 85,000 audit professionals will be better able to concentrate on high-risk areas and industry-specific risks and challenges as a result of this merger.

To better serve its clients in the tax services sector, KPMG has decided to incorporate Azure OpenAI Service and Microsoft Fabric into the KPMG Digital Gateway. This will allow for a more holistic approach to tax function management and increase openness.

KPMG and Microsoft have worked together to create an AI solution using the Azure OpenAI Service. This service provides an effective method for analyzing ESG data, discovering trends, and generating ESG tax transparency reports.

KPMG will create new models for servicing clients and increasing output with the help of an AI-powered virtual assistant. The use of generative AI tools will greatly enhance the efficiency and timeliness with which tax professionals and their clients can analyze data.

In addition, KPMG intends to use Microsoft Azure to launch an AI-powered application development and knowledge platform. To increase clients’ competitive advantage and profitability in the advisory domain, this platform will facilitate the rapid development of customized solutions without compromising on ethics or security.

KPMG is very concerned with the security of its network and the privacy of its internal and external data and information. Safeguards have been set up to guarantee the ethical application of open-source AI models like ChatGPT.

KymChat is a proof-of-concept (POC) that was recently introduced by the company in Australia. KymChat gives its customers access to industry-standard practices and methods, allowing them to maximize performance in a variety of areas, such as marketing, product development, innovation, and education.

In conclusion, the partnership between KPMG and Microsoft has the potential to transform the professional services sector through the adoption of AI and cloud computing. KPMG is making a sizable investment in Microsoft Cloud and Azure OpenAI Service so that its worldwide staff can better encourage innovation and provide strategic direction.

KPMG plans to improve its auditing process by incorporating data analytics, AI, and Azure Cognitive Services in order to better equip its professionals to deal with high-risk areas and industry-specific challenges. Faster delivery of individualized solutions for clients in the advisory space is made possible by the company’s cutting-edge platforms and AI-enabled application development on Microsoft Azure.

KPMG places a premium on network security, data privacy, and client confidentiality as part of its commitment to ethical and responsible AI development. KPMG’s KymChat is an artificial intelligence (AI) accelerator that provides access to industry best practices and methodologies to back up optimization efforts across businesses.

KPMG and Microsoft’s partnership exemplifies a responsible and ethical approach to AI and cloud services, and it establishes a new benchmark for innovation and excellence in the professional services sector.

First reported on VentureBeat

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the purpose of the alliance between KPMG and Microsoft?

The alliance aims to modernize KPMG’s workforce practices, strengthen its development, and incorporate AI solutions into its offerings.

2. How much will KPMG invest in Microsoft Cloud and AI services?

KPMG has committed to investing $2 billion in Microsoft Cloud and AI services over the next five years.

3. How will the alliance streamline client engagement across industries?

By utilizing the Microsoft Cloud and Azure OpenAI Service, the alliance will empower KPMG’s workforce of 265,000 professionals to innovate, expedite analysis, and focus on providing strategic guidance to clients.

4. What areas of KPMG’s professional services will be enhanced through the alliance?

The alliance will enhance audit, tax, and advisory services by incorporating data analytics, AI, and Azure Cognitive Services into KPMG’s processes.

5. What is the incremental growth opportunity projected for KPMG through this partnership?

The alliance has the potential to unlock an incremental growth opportunity of over $12 billion for KPMG.

6. How will KPMG improve its auditing process through the alliance?

KPMG plans to integrate data analytics, AI, and Azure Cognitive Services into its audit process using the KPMG Clara smart audit platform. This will allow audit professionals to focus on high-risk areas and sector-specific risks and challenges.

7. How will KPMG enhance its tax services?

KPMG will integrate Azure OpenAI Service and Microsoft Fabric into the KPMG Digital Gateway, providing clients with comprehensive access to KPMG Tax and Legal technologies. This will enable a holistic approach to managing tax functions and increase transparency.

8. What AI solution has been co-developed by KPMG and Microsoft?

The alliance has resulted in an AI solution that utilizes the Azure OpenAI Service to analyze ESG data, identify patterns, and generate ESG tax transparency reports.

9. How will KPMG utilize generative AI tools?

KPMG plans to employ a generative AI-powered virtual assistant to develop new client service models and increase efficiency in data analysis for tax professionals and clients.

10. What platform will be developed on Microsoft Azure?

KPMG intends to create an AI-enabled application development and knowledge platform on Microsoft Azure to accelerate the development of tailored solutions for clients in the advisory domain.

11. How does KPMG prioritize network security and data privacy?

KPMG has implemented safeguards to ensure the ethical use of open-source AI models and prioritizes the security of its network and the privacy of internal and external data and information.

Featured Image Credit: Unsplash

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Windows in the Cloud? Microsoft’s Strategy Sends Shockwaves Through the Industry Sun, 02 Jul 2023 19:26:39 +0000 Windows key on a laptop

Microsoft, the tech giant known for its innovative software solutions, has set its sights on a groundbreaking goal: moving Windows […]

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Windows key on a laptop

Microsoft, the tech giant known for its innovative software solutions, has set its sights on a groundbreaking goal: moving Windows entirely to the cloud. This audacious plan aims to revolutionize how users access and interact with the popular operating system, allowing for seamless integration across a wide range of devices. In a recent internal presentation, Microsoft unveiled its long-term vision of a cloud-based Windows, signaling its commitment to delivering new OS innovations and increasing the popularity of its flagship product.

Currently, Microsoft offers Windows 365, an enterprise service that enables users to stream the full version of Windows to their devices. This cutting-edge service, previously limited to commercial customers, is set to expand its reach to regular users as well. By leveraging the power of cloud technology, Windows 365 provides a flexible and scalable solution for accessing a full-fledged operating system from anywhere, on any device.

The move towards a cloud-based Windows holds immense promise for both individual users and businesses alike. With a cloud-powered operating system, users can enjoy the full functionality of Windows without the constraints of local hardware requirements. This means that even lower-end devices can tap into the power of Windows, opening up a world of possibilities for individuals and organizations with diverse computing needs.

One of the exciting developments on the horizon is the introduction of Windows 365 Boot, a feature that will give users the option to boot into a cloud-based Windows instance instead of relying solely on a local installation. This groundbreaking feature will further enhance the flexibility and accessibility of Windows, providing users with seamless access to their personalized computing environment regardless of the device they are using.

In addition to its cloud migration strategy, Microsoft is also investing in custom silicon partnerships. The company recognizes the importance of designing its own ARM-based processors for servers and potentially even for its popular Surface devices. Following in the footsteps of Apple, which has already made the switch to ARM with the M1 Silicon, Microsoft aims to unlock significant improvements in performance and battery life, further enhancing the user experience.

Microsoft’s long-term opportunities extend beyond the cloud migration and custom silicon partnerships. The company is actively working to increase the adoption of cloud PCs powered by Windows 365 in the commercial sector. By leveraging the advantages of cloud computing, organizations can streamline their IT infrastructure, enhance security, and improve productivity. This strategic move also serves to counter the rising threat posed by Chromebooks, which have gained traction in the education and business sectors.

Cloud PCs, enabled by Windows 365, offer a myriad of advantages for businesses. By shifting their computing resources to the cloud, companies can reduce hardware costs, simplify management and updates, and provide their employees with a consistent and secure computing experience across devices. This shift towards cloud-based productivity represents a significant opportunity for Microsoft to solidify Windows’ commercial value and maintain its dominance in the business market.

Microsoft recognizes the growing popularity of Chromebooks, particularly in education and enterprise settings. To counter this threat, the company aims to leverage its extensive ecosystem of software and services, such as Microsoft 365 and Azure, to offer a compelling alternative to Chrome OS. By focusing on enhancing the compatibility, performance, and security of Windows, Microsoft is poised to maintain its position as the go-to choice for organizations seeking a robust and versatile operating system.

First reported on The Indian Express

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G+D with Sateliot Introduce the First ever iSIM with Cellular and Satellite Connectivity Fri, 23 Jun 2023 19:15:09 +0000 iSIM

With the help of Sateliot, a 5G satellite operator based in San Diego, Giesecke+Devrient (G+D) and its subsidiary Pod Group […]

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With the help of Sateliot, a 5G satellite operator based in San Diego, Giesecke+Devrient (G+D) and its subsidiary Pod Group are about to change the face of the Internet of Things (IoT). Using the capabilities of iSIM technology, the partnership aims to provide an innovative solution that provides smooth global coverage for customers of IoT services.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is an enormous network that spans the globe and connects countless objects. However, cellular IoT connection has yet to fully roll out in some areas. This could refer to places that are difficult for traditional mobile networks to reach, such as outlying rural areas or large bodies of water. To fill this void, G+D and Sateliot have formed a strategic alliance to provide next-generation 5G satellite connection for the Internet of Things (IoT).

Sateliot is the first company to successfully operate a LEO network, which uses the same technology as cellular networks to link users to the internet via satellite. With this innovative method, widespread use of satellite Internet is now within reach. It seeks to integrate standard roaming into the operations of MNOs and MVNOs in order to increase the coverage area available to their customers. Non-terrestrial network (NTN) nanosatellites will provide 5G service for NB-IoT (Narrowband IoT). On April 15, 2023, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carried into orbit the first of five nanosatellites. Sateliot has an ambitious plan to grow from its current 32 nanosatellites to 250 by the year 2025.

The iSIM (Integrated SIM) technology is the backbone of this innovative service. When it comes to NB-IoT applications, iSIMs are quickly becoming the standard for reliable and secure IoT communication. Their small footprint, efficient use of energy, and affordable design are their defining features. Since iSIMs don’t require any SIM slots, extra housings, or plastic, they also have a high sustainability quotient.

G+D’s IoT service offering is globally available thanks to the iSIM and its partnership with Sateliot, a satellite-based IoT connectivity provider, and G+D Pod, a cellular mobile network for IoT devices. G+D’s SIM technology enables IoT devices to seamlessly transition from cellular to satellite connectivity, without requiring the user to take any action.

The Pod IoT Suite allows users to manage SIM cards and take command of all IoT operations. Data analysis, locating areas for cost savings, and other such features are all part of this suite’s offerings.

The novel approach has a wide range of possible uses. It can be utilized in asset tracking, metering, smart farming, and other large-scale Internet of Things applications, and it will be commercially accessible in early 2024.

G+D’s Connectivity and Internet of Things Head Philipp Schulte is optimistic about the future of this approach. What he said was:

We’re already providing global connectivity and effective lifecycle management for IoT applications with our industry-leading IoT solutions, and the IoT market is expanding rapidly. Our partnership with Sateliot has allowed us to begin a new era on this platform. The usage of satellite communication in parallel will eliminate issues of spotty coverage and dead zones.

Meanwhile, Gianluca Redolfi, CCO of Sateliot, brought up the cost and availability issues with satellite operators’ proprietary technologies. He spoke highly of the new technology being developed by Sateliot, saying:

When in need of service, consumers can quickly and affordably connect to the satellite network using the latest technology from Teliot. As a result, any NB-IoT device with NTN compatibility can easily connect to cellular or satellite networks. As a result, we anticipate that even the most rural locations will experience a dramatic increase in IoT usage.

The partnership between G+D, Pod Group, and Sateliot is clearly destined to revolutionize the way in which the Internet of Things is connected, providing consumers with unprecedented coverage and seamless connectivity via the first iSIM in the world to utilize both mobile and LEO-based satellite networks.

First reported on IoT Business News

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4 Reasons Your Organization Can’t Afford to Ignore FinOps Mon, 15 May 2023 18:00:51 +0000 FinOps

What Is FinOps? FinOps (short for Financial Operations) is a set of practices and principles that aim to optimize cloud […]

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What Is FinOps?

FinOps (short for Financial Operations) is a set of practices and principles that aim to optimize cloud cost management and financial accountability. It’s a relatively new concept that emerged with the rise of cloud computing as organizations realized the need for more efficient cloud cost management strategies.

FinOps involves collaboration between various stakeholders, including developers, operations teams, finance departments, and business leaders, to improve cost efficiency and optimize the use of cloud resources. The main goal of FinOps is to help organizations achieve the right balance between cost optimization, innovation, and speed of delivery.

Some of the key principles of FinOps include:

  • Cost awareness: Everyone involved in cloud infrastructure and services must understand the cost implications of their actions.
  • Cost optimization: Continuously monitoring and optimizing cloud costs to ensure that the cloud services are used efficiently.
  • Collaborative approach: Encouraging cross-functional team collaboration to manage and optimize cloud costs.
  • Accountability and governance: Establishing policies and governance frameworks to ensure financial accountability and regulatory compliance.
  • Continuous improvement: Continuously improving cloud cost management practices through data analysis and process optimization.

Why FinOps Is Critical to Your Organization

Cloud Cost Optimization

Cloud cost optimization is the process of managing and reducing cloud computing costs. It involves analyzing an organization’s cloud usage and identifying areas where costs can be reduced without affecting performance or functionality. Cloud cost optimization is important for organizations because cloud computing can be a significant expense, and without proper management, costs can quickly spiral out of control.

To optimize cloud costs, FinOps provides a framework for monitoring and analyzing cloud usage, identifying areas of inefficiency, and optimizing cloud resources accordingly. Some common strategies for cloud cost optimization include:

  • Right-sizing: Adjusting the size of cloud resources to meet the actual workload demand. For example, scaling down or turning off resources during off-peak hours or using reserved instances.
  • Auto-scaling: Automatically scaling resources up or down based on demand to ensure efficient resource utilization.
  • Cloud-native tools: Utilizing cloud-native tools, such as AWS Cost Explorer or Azure Cost Management, to analyze cloud usage and identify opportunities for cost savings.

Cost Allocation

Cost allocation is the process of assigning cloud computing costs to the different teams, departments, or projects that are using those resources. Cost allocation is important because it helps organizations to understand who is using cloud resources and how much each team or project is spending. This information is critical for budgeting, forecasting, and financial planning purposes.

Some common strategies for implementing cost allocation in FinOps include:

  • Cost allocation tags: Implementing cost allocation tags that enable the identification and tracking of cloud usage and costs, ensuring that costs are allocated accurately and fairly.
  • Shared services: Identifying shared services or resources that are used by multiple departments and allocating costs based on usage.

Accurate Forecasting

Accurate forecasting is the practice of predicting future cloud usage and costs based on historical data and other factors. Accurate forecasting is important because it helps organizations to plan and budget for their cloud costs and to avoid unexpected expenses.

FinOps provides a framework for accurate forecasting that includes the following:

  • Data analysis: FinOps analyzes historical cloud usage data to identify usage patterns and trends. By analyzing usage data, organizations can understand their cloud usage better and predict future cloud spending more accurately.
  • Resource allocation: FinOps involves allocating resources based on actual usage patterns and trends. By allocating resources based on actual usage, organizations can optimize resource utilization and avoid unnecessary cloud spending.
  • Cost modeling: FinOps involves developing cost models that enable organizations to predict future cloud spending based on various scenarios. By developing cost models, organizations can predict future cloud spending and plan for various scenarios, enabling effective budgeting and strategic planning.

A Unified Ecosystem

Creating a unified ecosystem is an essential aspect of FinOps that fosters collaboration, accountability, and transparency among different teams and stakeholders within an organization. A unified ecosystem enables organizations to optimize cloud costs effectively and efficiently, ensuring that everyone is aligned on cost optimization goals and working towards the same objectives.

FinOps provides a framework for creating a unified ecosystem that brings together various stakeholders, including finance, operations, and development teams. Some common strategies include:

  • Transparent communication: FinOps encourages transparent communication among different teams and stakeholders, enabling better cost transparency, financial accountability, and decision-making. By fostering transparent communication, organizations can ensure that everyone is aligned on cost optimization goals and working towards the same objectives.
  • Governance: FinOps provides a framework for establishing policies and governance frameworks to ensure financial accountability and regulatory compliance. By establishing governance frameworks, organizations can ensure that cloud costs are managed effectively and efficiently and everyone is held accountable for their actions.

Best Practices for Implementing FinOps

Plan for FinOps Before You Migrate to Cloud

FinOps should be considered from the very beginning of a cloud migration project. This includes developing a cloud cost management plan, identifying cost drivers and cost allocation strategies, and building a cloud cost optimization framework.

By planning for FinOps before migrating to the cloud, organizations can optimize cloud costs from the start, avoid unnecessary cloud spending, and ensure that the cloud infrastructure is aligned with business goals and objectives.

Don’t Sacrifice Value for Savings

While cost optimization is a critical aspect of FinOps, it should not come at the expense of value. Organizations should strive to balance cost optimization with innovation and speed of delivery, ensuring that cloud services are used efficiently and effectively. By prioritizing value alongside cost optimization, organizations can achieve both cost efficiency and business growth.

Build FinOps Into Your Organization as an Ongoing Practice

FinOps should be an ongoing practice that is integrated into the culture and processes of an organization. This includes providing training and education to stakeholders, implementing continuous monitoring and optimization practices, and fostering cross-functional collaboration between teams.

By building FinOps into the organization as an ongoing practice, organizations can achieve continuous improvement in cloud cost management practices and maintain financial accountability and compliance with regulations.

Set Clear Responsibilities

FinOps requires setting clear responsibilities to ensure that everyone involved in cloud infrastructure and services is held accountable for their actions. This includes identifying clear roles and responsibilities for each stakeholder, establishing policies and governance frameworks, and implementing cost allocation strategies.


In today’s cloud-centric world, organizations increasingly rely on cloud infrastructure and services to power their operations. While cloud services offer numerous benefits, including scalability, flexibility, and cost efficiency, they can also be a significant source of cost and financial complexity if not managed effectively.

By implementing FinOps principles and practices, organizations can achieve cost savings, reinvest those savings in innovation and growth, and maintain financial accountability and compliance with regulations. FinOps enables organizations to achieve the right balance between cost optimization, innovation, and speed of delivery, ensuring that cloud services are used efficiently, and costs are optimized.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Source; Thank you!

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Here’s How the Cloud is Revolutionizing Health Tech and FinTech Tue, 25 Apr 2023 21:00:23 +0000 Cloud in Health Teach and FinTech

During the first phase of the pandemic, many companies were forced to drastically rethink the way they worked. Rapid digital […]

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Cloud in Health Teach and FinTech

During the first phase of the pandemic, many companies were forced to drastically rethink the way they worked. Rapid digital transformation became necessary to survive financially, support evolving consumer needs, and help keep workers connected.

Overcoming the Model of Office and Lab Work With Cloud Computing

Cloud computing systems have allowed enterprises, schools, and government organizations to overcome pandemic-induced challenges and meaningfully accelerate innovation and agility toward the market.

The cloud-computing industry is expected to grow to nearly $500bn in 2022 (from $243bn in 2019). Amazon’s Web Services alone is growing 33% per year. This accounts for 75% of the company’s operating income in the last year.

Rather than returning to the way things once were, business leaders must continue disrupting industry stagnation with emerging technology. Here’s how the cloud is revolutionizing health tech and fintech industries.

Cloud-Based Services are Ripe for Disruption

In healthcare and dental services, business leaders have historically faced issues with “on-premise” storage — in-house systems that can limit scalability and storage. As diagnostic systems become more sophisticated, on-premise servers and aging infrastructure severely limit the ability of providers to implement new tools and leverage the data they already have.

The limitations also create patient-side challenges. These challenges include difficulty accessing health records, scheduling online appointments, and connecting different healthcare providers for multi-system health needs.

While these issues have existed for years, pandemic-induced healthcare overwhelms exacerbated problems, making it even more difficult for many patients to access necessary care.

Upgrading EHR to Better Cloud Systems

Solving these problems means upgrading to better systems that can work more quickly, save costs, and evolve with consumers’ and patients’ needs. In a recent case study, MIT Sloan examined how Intermountain Medical Center in Utah modernized its aging in-house EHR system to address common challenges.

Intermountain substantially improved patient outcomes by upgrading the technology powering its 22 hospitals and 185 clinics while saving millions in procurement and internal IT costs. The MIT analysis confirms what we know to be true: Streamlining patient management with cloud-based systems can reduce attrition rates, recapture lost revenue, and build stronger, lasting relationships with patients.

How Does Updated EHR Work for the Dental Industry?

In the dental industry alone, the average practice loses 20% of its patients, one of the highest attrition rates in healthcare. Even a minor 3% reduction in attrition could result in $72,000 of additional production per year. Cloud-based services streamline communications, replace archaic booking systems and help patients remember appointments. When outmoded systems are replaced, it prevents long wait times that are already helping dental providers see tangible improvements in their retention rates.

Finance & the Cloud

In the financial sector, banks scaling through cloud-based technologies are doing better at tracking fraud activity, expediting loan applications, and responding to flurries of customer activity based on market fluctuations. Cloud-based tools also allow banks to implement new mobile banking features, detect money laundering patterns, and automate analyses of underwriting decisions with AI.

Unfortunately, many banks lag behind in cloud adoption, relying on internal servers with inherent limitations. Currently, only 12% of North American bank tasks are handled in the cloud. Ninety percent of U.S. banks have digital transformation initiatives in place but haven’t converted to them. While titans like Wells Fargo and Capital One are either currently using cloud technologies or in the middle of migrating over — Bank of America built its own cloud. The updated and improved cloud-based technology has saved Bank of America billions of dollars.

Highly Regulated Systems are Slow to Adapt

Organizations in highly regulated industries are often slow-moving sectors and are historically hesitant to move data out of on-premise servers and data centers.

The pandemic revealed just how impactful such a move can be. Migration to cloud-based software allows for better service for constituents. The benefits of cloud reveal a reduction in costs and IT issues and high flexibility to respond to unexpected challenges.

Updating and retiring legacy systems also provides the foundation needed to support long-term growth and scalability. Cloud-based solutions are set to alter how these previously stagnant industries addressed their long-standing challenges at a fundamental level.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Unsplash; Thank you!

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Best Cloud Deployment Models and its Definition Fri, 21 Apr 2023 18:00:27 +0000 Cloud Deployment Model and Definition

What is Cloud Deployment Model? In simple terms, “Cloud” indicates the internet, and ‘computing’ includes the systems and infrastructure that […]

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Cloud Deployment Model and Definition

What is Cloud Deployment Model?

In simple terms, “Cloud” indicates the internet, and ‘computing’ includes the systems and infrastructure that allow computers to run, build, deploy, or interact with the information.

Instead of hosting systems, infrastructure, applications on your hard drive, or a site server, you can host on virtual or online servers that connect your computer directly through fully secured networks.

Cloud Deployment Models
Choose the best cloud deployment models for your Business

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers a variety of cloud deployment models to meet the needs of different organizations. Before choosing the suitable cloud deployment model for your Business, you must understand all deployment models.

Public Cloud

The third-party provider makes various resources and services available in the public Cloud. The provider manages and maintains the infrastructure and resources for users on demand.

Users access the resources and services through a web-based interface or API and typically pay for only the resources and services they use on a pay-as-you-go basis. Businesses can utilize the public Cloud for tasks that require a large scale of computing resources or need to be scaled up or down quickly and easily.

They offer several benefits, including cost savings, flexibility, and scalability. Similarly, they also come with risks and challenges, such as security and compliance concerns.

Benefits of Public Cloud

Cost Savings: Public clouds are based upon a pay-as-you-go pricing model so that users only pay for the resources and services they consume.

Flexibility: This allows organizations to easily adjust their Cloud computing resources to meet changing demands (scaled up and down) without investing in additional hardware or software.

Scalability: Public clouds offer a vast pool of resources that organizations can access on demand, allowing them to quickly and easily scale their business operations faster than other cloud deployment models.

Reliability: Public cloud providers typically have robust infrastructure and disaster recovery processes to ensure their services’ availability.

Innovation: Public cloud providers are constantly updating and adding new features and services to their platforms, which can help organizations stay on the cutting edge of technology and innovation.

Public Cloud is best for what types of Business?

Public clouds are well-suited for a wide range of business use cases, including:

  1. Web and mobile applications: Organizations use public clouds to host and run web and mobile applications. They provide the scalability and flexibility needed to support large numbers of users and handle sudden spikes in traffic.
  2. Data analytics: Public clouds offer a range of tools and services for storing, processing, and analyzing large volumes of data, making them well-suited for data-intensive tasks, such as big data analytics and machine learning.
  3. Software as a Service (SaaS): Many organizations use public clouds to deliver software applications, allowing them to quickly scale their operations to meet changing demand and reduce the cost of managing and maintaining on-premises infrastructure.
  4. Disaster recovery: Public clouds can be used as part of an organization’s disaster recovery strategy. They can quickly spin up resources and applications in an outage or disaster.
  5. Testing and development: Public clouds can be used for testing and development purposes. They provide access to a wide range of resources and tools. Those tools can be used to build and test applications and services.

Organizations that need to scale their operations quickly and easily find private clouds to be a good fit. They are also well-suited for organizations that want to take advantage of the latest technology and innovation without investing in their infrastructure.

Private Cloud

It’s a cloud computing deployment model in which the infrastructure and resources are owned and managed by a particular organization and are not made available to the public.

The organizations have complete control over the infrastructure and resources and can customize them according to their business needs.

Private clouds are used by those organizations that want strict security and compliance requirements.

Benefits of Private Cloud deployment model

Security: Private clouds provide a higher-level of protection than any other cloud deployment model.

Control: Organizations have complete control over their infrastructure and resources, including their ability to customize them to meet their specific needs.

Compliance: organizations meet regulatory and compliance requirements, as they can configure the infrastructure and resources to meet specific needs.

Performance: Private clouds dedicate resources to single organizations and do not share them with users, resulting in improved performance.

Scalability: Like public clouds, Private clouds can scale up or down to meet changing needs.

Private Cloud is best for what types of Business?

Private clouds are well-suited for a wide range of business use cases, including:

  1. Organizations with strict security and compliance requirements.
  2. Large enterprises: Good fit for large enterprises with a large and stable computing workload and want to ensure a high level of control over their computing environment.
  3. Organizations with on-premises data centers: Organizations with a significant investment in their infrastructure can deploy private clouds in their own data center, making them a good fit.
  4. Organizations with specific hardware or software requirements: Organizations with strict security and compliance requirements or a need for a high level of control over their computing environment generally find private clouds to be a good fit.

Additionally, organizations with large and stable computing needs and willing to invest in and maintain their infrastructure also benefit from using private clouds.

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid clouds combine public and private clouds and allow organizations to use both types of clouds to meet their different needs.

It enables organizations to leverage the public Cloud for tasks that demand a significant number of computing resources or need to scale up or down quickly and simultaneously use the private Cloud for functions that necessitate a higher level of security and control.

However, they also come with challenges, such as managing and maintaining multiple cloud environments and integrating the public and private clouds.

Benefits of Hybrid Cloud

Scalability: Easy to scale your resources and services per your business requirements.

Cost savings: Organizations can take advantage of the cost savings offered by the public Cloud while still using the private Cloud for tasks that require higher security.

Flexibility: Hybrid clouds offer a high level of flexibility, allowing organizations to choose the best Cloud for each task or workload.

Security: As this type of Cloud deployment combines private Cloud, it also provides a higher level of protection.

Integration: Integrate their on-premises infrastructure and applications with the public Cloud, which can help to streamline processes and improve efficiency.

Hybrid Cloud is best for what types of Business?

Hybrid clouds are best for a wide range of business use cases, including:

  1. Organizations with a mix of computing needs: Hybrid clouds meet the needs of organizations with a combination of tasks that require a large number of computing resources or need to be scaled up or down quickly and functions that require a higher level of security and control.
  2. Organizations with on-premises infrastructure and applications: Hybrid clouds allow organizations to integrate their on-premises infrastructure and applications with the public Cloud. That can help to streamline processes and improve efficiency.
  3. Organizations with fluctuating computing needs: Hybrid clouds allow organizations to scale their resources and services quickly and easily, making them well-suited for organizations that experience sudden spikes in demand or fluctuating computing needs.
  4. Organizations with strict security and compliance requirements: Hybrid clouds offer a higher level of security than public clouds. Tasks requiring higher protection and control can be accomplished by utilizing the private Cloud.
  5. Organizations that want to take advantage of the latest technology and innovation: Hybrid clouds allow organizations to take advantage of the newest technology and innovation. Organizations can access a vast pool of resources on demand, making it easy to scale business operations quickly and faster than other cloud deployment models while maintaining a high level of control over their infrastructure and resources.

Organizations with fluctuating computing needs or strict security and compliance requirements find public clouds well-suited for their needs.

Community Cloud

It is a deployment model in which organizations with shared interests come together to use a shared infrastructure and resources.

A third-party provider or one or more participating organizations own and manage the infrastructure and resources in a multi-cloud environment, delivering the community’s specific needs.

Benefits of Community Cloud

Cost savings: Surprisingly, community clouds share the cost of infrastructure and resources to be more cost-effective.

Scalability: Allows organizations to scale resources and services quickly and easily per their requirements.

Flexibility: High level of flexibility to meet business needs and requirements.

Shared expertise and resources: Share resources and expertise with other organizations, which can help to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Community Cloud is best for what types of Business?

Community clouds are best for a wide range of business use cases, including:

  1. Organizations shared interests or challenges.
  2. Government agencies.
  3. Healthcare Organizations.
  4. Educational Institute.
  5. Non-profit Organizations.

Organizations with shared interests or challenges can benefit from using public clouds. Organizations want to use Cloud’s cost savings and scalability while maintaining control over their infrastructure and resources.

Furthermore, organizations can use multi-cloud environments to meet specific compliance and security requirements.


Organizations can use multiple cloud computing platforms from different providers to meet their requirements.

Importantly, Deploy multi-cloud environments in various ways, such as using a combination of public, private, and hybrid clouds or a combination of on-premises and cloud-based infrastructure.

Multi-clouds offer to tailor infrastructure and resources to specific needs and choose the best provider for each task or workload.

Benefits of Multi-Cloud Deployment Model

  1. Scalability.
  2. Flexibility.
  3. Cost Savings.
  4. Performance boosting.
  5. Improved resilience.

Multi-Cloud is Best for what types of Business?

  1. Organizations with a variety of computing needs.
  2. Organizations that want to take advantage of the strengths and capabilities of different providers.
  3. Organizations that want to reduce the risk of an outage or disaster affecting all of the computing requirements.
  4. Organizations with fluctuating computing needs.
  5. Organizations with strict security and compliance requirements.

Organizations generally use multi-cloud deployment models, which are best for organizations with significant computing needs and cost savings.

The best cloud deployment model for those organizations that want to take advantage of the strengths and capabilities.

Which is the most common cloud deployment model?

The most common cloud deployment model is the public Cloud. A third-party provider owns and operates public clouds to deliver various services. Computing, storage, and networking over the internet are the best examples.

Furthermore, they offer several benefits, including scalability, flexibility, and cost savings. Organizations only pay for the resources and services they use.

Regarding the cloud deployment model, you can choose the best deployment model among many deployment models.

Which cloud deployment model is best for the bank?

However, it depends on the use cases and requirements of the bank. Private clouds, with their high security and complete control access, are best for banks and financial institutions.

BFIs(Banks and other financial institutions) have strict security and compliance. Moreover, Online stores can utilize public clouds for their scalability and cost-effectiveness while protecting sensitive customer data. The Private Cloud helps to fulfill all these requirements.

The best cloud deployment model for an Online Store.

An online store’s specific needs and requirements will determine the most suitable cloud deployment model. Online stores can use public clouds for their scalability and cost-effectiveness.

In other words, A hybrid cloud is also the best deployment model for an Online Store. Additionally, this model combines both a public and private Cloud, allowing for the flexibility and scalability of a public cloud. Additionally, it maintains the security and control of a private cloud. Store sensitive customer data on a private cloud and non-sensitive data on a public cloud for cost efficiency.

Featured Image Credit: Provided by the Author; Thank you!

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Like Their Customers, Tech Startups Will Weather the Storm Fri, 14 Apr 2023 22:00:59 +0000 Tech Startups

Markets are always in flux, randomly walking between gains and losses, but sometimes macro factors conspire to create sustained volatility. […]

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Tech Startups

Markets are always in flux, randomly walking between gains and losses, but sometimes macro factors conspire to create sustained volatility. In 2022, we saw unusual supply constraints — lingering post-coronavirus supply chain issues, a persistently tight labor market, and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine — converge with high demand — partly fueled by heavy government stimulus during the first two years of the pandemic. Yet, we know tech startups will weather the storm.

In March 2022, right after Russia invaded Ukraine, the Fed started raising interest rates to battle inflation (the first hike in over three years), the inevitable result of too many dollars chasing too few goods and services. Ultimately, the sheer complexity of overlapping risks contributed to volatility, as investors were forced to constantly adjust their assumptions.

The Macro Factors Driving Volatility

For tech startups, this new environment is obviously challenging: Business customers are cutting costs and hunkering down as the Fed enacts aggressive measures to combat inflation, and consumers are simultaneously feeling the pinch from both inflation and high borrowing costs. Likewise, this is a season of economic pain for businesses: High borrowing costs and reduced demand are compressing margins, and some industries face persistent labor shortages.

For startups that sell to businesses, however, this pain creates new opportunities as forward-thinking companies look for permanent, technical solutions to these cyclical problems.

The Calm Within the Storm for Startups

Productivity gains from software, which have been hard to discern in the last decade, will become blindingly evident as new AI, such as ChatGPT, abolishes all manner of drudgery. Every employee will now command a small army of AI assistants that understand complex natural language — no code required.

To pick just one example, consider that employees can directly query data lakes using natural language, enjoying a level of access previously reserved for data scientists with specialized skills. Any startup will be able to incorporate the latest large language models into their products using tools provided by Microsoft and Google. (Microsoft is reportedly investing $10 billion in OpenAI, which launched ChatGPT late last year and grew to 1 million users in only a week.)

A downturn can also catalyze “home improvement” projects that businesses have been putting off.

For example, now is a great time for a cybersecurity upgrade, especially in light of recent high-profile hacks and ongoing ransomware attacks. (LastPass, a cloud-based software company for storing passwords, suffered a major intrusion via an unsecured employee laptop.) This type of internal project is less disruptive during a lull in customer demand, plus organizations know they will get a good deal in today’s market.

The Importance of Technology in a Persistently Tight Labor Market

For companies to retain talent — especially younger workers — technology that enables remote work is crucial. An odd feature of the current downturn is the persistently tight labor market. Even after aggressive hikes from the Fed, overall unemployment in the U.S. remains at a historic low, while some industries face acute labor shortages.

The pandemic was a giant (and mostly successful) experiment in working from home, with the result that workers now expect such flexibility. For tech startups, the good news is that a broad array of technology is necessary for remote work, not only communication tools, but also anything that helps people collaborate asynchronously and anything that makes cloud-based software safer and easier to use.

A Shift in Investor Preferences

Looking ahead, robotic automation shows huge promise. I recently caught up with the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, who shared how the pandemic had accelerated his plans to automate several factories. His original plan had been to upgrade by 2030, but labor shortages and the risk of quarantines dramatically improved the economics of a large, upfront investment in robotics.

This CEO explained that a side effect of robotic automation is better visibility into the manufacturing process. The visibility will streamline both operations and supply chain management — things he needs to do anyway in this new, less-forgiving environment.

As robots get smarter, lighter, and cheaper, I expect them to continue moving beyond factories and into skilled trades, healthcare, and even consumer applications. (Someday, we’ll look back at the original Roomba and laugh!)

The Implications for Tech Startups

For tech startups, there is no question that investor preferences have shifted, and a historical overemphasis on top-line growth has been replaced by a more disciplined focus on (a path to) profitability. Part of this shift is due to the impact of tighter monetary policy on tech stocks. In 2022, the Nasdaq composite fell more than 30%, while the yield on short-term treasuries increased to 4.5%. At some point, the Fed will finally loosen up, but it is unlikely that short-term rates will return to zero anytime soon.

In Closing

The days of relying solely on fundraising to survive are over. For startups solving real-customer problems, this will be a welcome development as overfunded competitors exit the marketplace. Founders will also find that by growing into sustainable businesses sooner, they are less dependent on the whims of investors and more in control of their destinies.

My parting advice to founders is this: Embrace these choppy waters because they create new problems to solve for your customers. The old equilibrium of easy money and inflated asset values has passed — and that’s ultimately good for everyone.

Featured Image Credit: Annie Spratt; Unsplash; Thank you!

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5 Essential Benefits of Choosing an Efficient ERP System Wed, 29 Mar 2023 18:00:04 +0000 Choosing an ERP System

The corporate world is changing at a fast pace, and advanced technologies such as ERP system is at the epicenter […]

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Choosing an ERP System

The corporate world is changing at a fast pace, and advanced technologies such as ERP system is at the epicenter of the ongoing digital revolution. Businesses are more dependent on technological tools and enterprise software than ever before. In fact, these tools and software are enabling businesses to drive greater success by enhancing business processes. Are you ensuring that you have the right software and tools to help your business advance swiftly?

There is a plethora of software and solutions to choose from, and each of them comes with its own merits. But what is making a real difference is the integration of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems that can streamline processes across various verticals in an enterprise.

The use of ERP systems defines a new trend altogether in the modern workplace.

Gone are the days when only multinational companies subscribed to ERP solutions for managing processes at the entire enterprise level. Nowadays even small businesses are bridging ERP systems onboard to facilitate business advancement. To validate, as per statistics, the global market size for ERP software is expected to reach USD 96.7 billion by 2024. Finances Online further explains that more than 52 percent of organizations are highly satisfied with the decision of integrating ERP systems.

Probing further, vertical ERP, small business ERP, generalist ERP, and Open Source ERP is among the most common types of ERP software that businesses are integrating. Moreover, it is also notable that most organizations are showing a keen interest in Cloud-Based SasS ERP systems, given the edge they have over traditional ERP.

All in all, the integration of ERP systems has become one of the most sought-after change management activities in the corporate world. The question is, what are the advantages of ERP software that businesses are subscribing to ERP solutions? Let us find out in this blog.

Key benefits of ERP Systems for businesses

1. Massive optimization of productivity

The ultimate objective of every enterprise is to drive the highest productivity across every vertical. However, when your employees work on recurring and repetitive tasks, not only their individual productivity takes a hit, but the efficiency of the entire organization takes a setback. This explains why businesses increasingly spend on automation tools to streamline repetitive tasks like invoicing. Even marketing automation is one of the thriving corporate trends.

All in all, the greater the automation in an enterprise the higher will be the productivity. Having said that, this is where we must look at one of the greatest benefits of integrating ERP systems. To substantiate, ERP systems come with incredible and reliable automation capabilities that can help your organization achieve its business objectives at a greater pace.

Moreover, with AI integrations as per the latest developments, the automation capabilities of ERP systems are much higher than ever before. To substantiate, as per Netsuite, employers are now happily investing in advanced ERP solutions that come with intelligent AI or machine learning capabilities.

Needless to say, artificial intelligence is the way forward for enterprises, and the blend of ERP and AI is worth embracing. This combination will certainly give your business an unparalleled competitive advantage.

2. Real-time analytics

Having timely access to analytics that can help you constantly enhance processes is nothing short of having a competitive advantage. In fact, everything in the modern enterprise world revolves around analytics. From analytics on customer engagement to analytics on inventory management gaps, you need analytics at almost every step.

This is where ERP comes up with another great feature that you should definitely not ignore. An efficient ERP system can generate real-time quantitative analytics that can lead to better planning, execution, and monitoring. Besides, the best part is that with an ERP, you can create data analytics capabilities in your businesses without even having to hire a dedicated team for data analytics.

Moreover, real-time analytics will also ensure that there is a smoother workflow management and will also aid in effective collaboration between teams. Especially if your project teams work remotely, it is essential that there is real-time sharing of data analytics for project success. ERP does not only automate data generation but also data reporting in a presentable and lucid form. However, in the ultimate sense, the positive impact of ERP is subject to the efficiency of your change management process.

3. Greater cost-efficiency in operations

Irrespective of whether you are a budding startup or an established business, operational costs will always be a top concern for you. The correlation is quite simple, the lower the operational costs the higher will be the profitability. Now, the question is, can ERP help you in bringing down operational costs? Well, the answer is a big yes and it is time you acknowledge that.

To validate, as per Datix, ERP solutions can help organizations reduce operational costs by 23 percent. This clearly indicates that you can save a major chunk of operational costs by investing in the best-in-class ERP solution. The sooner you bring ERP onboard, the greater the savings.

4. Magnification of data security

It is a well-known fact that the contemporary corporate world has a massive dependence on big data. Every business process in the modern corporate world has data engineering and analytics at the forefront of things. Data security has become a top concern, especially when cyber-attacks and data breaches are more advanced than ever before.

One of the most compelling reasons why your business needs ERP is the set of advanced data security features. When an ERP is integrated into business processes, you can set controls for accessibility to confidential data. To explain, you can control who can access sensitive information and who cannot.

Otherwise, in the absence of an ERP system, you will have to spend fortunes on cyber security and data security solutions. ERP gives you multidimensional benefits of optimized business processes along with credible data security measures.

5. Enhanced flexibility

Does your organization have a traditional on-site working style or a hybrid working style? Are you planning to move your employees to permanent work from home? ERP gives you great flexibility irrespective of your organization’s working style. Simply put, ERP can be easily integrated even in remote working cultures or hybrid cultures and will also help you to avoid employee burnout (seodiggerz dotcom “help employees avoid burnout). You can implement an ERP system with great ease and put it to work from the word go.

Besides, ERP systems also offer great flexibility in terms of future scalability. If your business is expanding and you want to add more users in the future, ERP systems offer the room to do so. Room to expand has to be the most important feature you should be looking for when you choose an ERP system. Not every ERP system may come with an effective scope of future scalability. Still, you will find a lot of ERP systems that do offer scalability features and you must choose from them.


ERP systems are changing the way businesses approach their operations and key objectives. Besides, ERP is much more than a planning resource and offers immense value in terms of optimizing business processes.

Integrating ERP for your business can be a real game changer.  The sooner you subscribe to it, the more advantageous it will prove to be for your business. Make sure you choose an ERP software that is best suited for your enterprise.

Featured Image Credit: Photo by Erik Mclean; Pexels; Thank you!

The post 5 Essential Benefits of Choosing an Efficient ERP System appeared first on ReadWrite.
